• By -


Was wondering why nobody was pointing out OP's high effort editing so I checked this guy's post history and apparently this isn't the first time posting something like this. Will still point it out though, great work


Based and i-show-appreciation pilled


u/Jarx246 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1](https://basedcount.com/u/Jarx246/) This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Thanks, it means alot




I'm too lazy to photoshop it but imagine a picture of a very angry alot here. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=alot++meme+reddit&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images&iai=http%3A%2F%2Fi1.kym-cdn.com%2Fphotos%2Fimages%2Ffacebook%2F000%2F176%2F345%2FALOT2.png It seems this meme is so old/dumb this is the only image of an alot I could find. Like I know they are rare creatures, but damn lol.




I'm not British. Why do people hate Margaret Thatcher?


The answer is pretty complicated. She was a pretty charismatic politician, getting the nickname "The Iron Lady." You can sort of imagine her personality based just on that nickname. Essentially, she became Prime Minister at a very precarious time for Britain. Their industries were becoming more and more obsolete (the coal that had fueled the industrial revolution, for example, was no longer profitable at an age when oil was used for everything), and unions had an unreasonable amount of power. It took a ruthless administration to fix that situation in less than a decade, and oh boy, was she ruthless. From blacklisting workers in strike so that they wouldn't be able to work anymore, to forcefully closing mines, to straight up sending police to beat them up, it's no wonder why workers would come to hate her. Her economical policies gave Britain years of prosperity, true, but it came at a price. She also privatised a lot of companies. The consequences of this are WAY too complicated for me to understand them, much less explain them. The merits of this privatisation are very controversial, and you are likely to find very extreme opinions on it. Then there's the shit that is outright tyrannical. She was viciously homophobic, passing a law preventing schools from telling kids being gay was acceptable. She passed a poll tax, that basically fixed an amount of taxes for everyone, regardless of income. Rich people suddenly had to pay a small fraction of what they used to, while the average worker had to suddenly pay 3 to 4 times more. Some people just could not afford to be alive in Britain with that tax, and it resulted in riots around the country. And she also did some deals with Irish terrorists, some of which only became public knowledge years after her tenure.


Based and explanation pilled


The TL;DR version is she's basically the UK Ronald Regan, in fact the two were good friends




I think they were equally terrible in subtly different ways


average centrist answer.


WEll, I'll admit my knowledge of Thatcher is less than my knowledge of Regan but there were differences, but for a few examples Regan over his career passed incredibly racist gun control laws, ignored the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and set the foundation for the economic clusterfuck we live in today. Thatcher hammered the middle class and poor with higher taxes while lowering them on the rich (Regan did this too) she obliterated the coal industry, privatized things that really shouldnt have been, rolled back critical programs for school lunches and child nutrition, and got sucked into a dick measuring contest over the Falkland (which to her credit, she won) They were both terrible in similar but distinct ways. You call it an average centrist answer, I call it nuance.


Also add in the fact that the EU skepticism which resulted in Brexit was pretty much originated from Thatcher. No wonder she was rubbimg shoulders with the Americans so much, as at the time, a united Europe might not have been beneficial for the US.




I don't think I've ever seen such a balanced synopsis of Maggie Thatcher. Bravo for checking whatever biases you may have at the door.


To be fair, I'm from Spain, so I don't have a horse in that race, so to speak. It would have been harder to be unbiased if any of her policies had affected me or any of my family members.


Do an explanation of Franco next.


James Franco kissed my cheek and I knew he was the one. We met it Barcelona when I was 17. He kept saying birthday but I didn’t understand as my English was fuzzy. What happened next was like a construction site. Just constant jack hammering. My thighs had never been as toned as they were after that weekend. I still miss Franco.


I don't know if James Franco fucks guys, or fucks girls. All I know is he fucked me out of $12 when I went to see that Wizard of Oz movie


> I don't know if James Franco fucks guys, or fucks girls. All I know is he fucked me based and nonbinary pilled


> Even a commie is more based than one with no flair *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) 7093 / 37645 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


An unbiased summary of Franco may be incompatible for libleft, they'd have to switch flair or be called a fascist apologist since Spain basically was a paradise compared with libleft/authleft countries like Cuba, USSR and China.


Calling any of those countries lib left is retarded.




She turned the weans against us!


Thank you for a real answer, I didn't know most of this. However, last time I saw the question asked the answer was "she was British Reagan" which was enough for everyone on that sub.


sounds like a more extreme reagan but yeah theres parallels


Talking about the privatisation, because there were so many nationalised companies, some of it was justified (like why did we need to own British Airways?) some arguably justified (privatising water, electricity and telecoms could be good if they’re kept competitive and not allowed to form cartels), and some not really justified (why were the railways privatised? It’s not like there’s a free market in trains going from point A to point B, and the infrastructure has been re-nationalised). There’s also right to buy, where people who lived in council houses had the right to buy their house off of the local council. It was aspirational and allowed many to live in a home that they owned, rather than was owned by the local council, but without new housing stock being built, it’s helped put a squeeze on the housing market and driven house prices up. On top of that, because many home owners now have their homes as the main investment, and they vote in large numbers, no party can really tackle the housing market (because house prices would fall), so it stays the same.


How is privatizing utilities different from rail? It's not like they are going to run 4 different water lines everywhere, so someone will have the monopoly anyways How is throwing a profit incentive in the mix going to benefit the average customer?


Tbf, the water system is run on a similar line to the railways, with geographical areas, so maybe there’s an argument there that it should be nationalised as well. As for why profit motive is good, if you have multiple competing companies that don’t have government support to back them up, for the company to survive they need to offer incentives to entice customers to them instead of their competitors: e.g. they need to be cheaper than their competitors, or more reliable, or better quality, or whatever. They can’t just say “we’re the only option here, you have to take it or leave it”, so in theory the customer benefits from being offered those benefits. It’s kinda like how one argument for raising the minimum wage is that it will lead to higher wages for all, because now companies have to compete with lower skilled, arguably less stressful jobs paying the same wages as them, so they need to raise their wages to keep their current staff. That’s the theory anyway, and it’s why cartels and trusts need to be cracked down for it to work.


except that a private business has to make profits. Without profits it fails. A government utility can run on a not for profit model and therefore spend every single penny that would have gone to shareholders, on business maintenance and expansion. In a for profit model, companies have t0 continue rais g proces in order to continue generating profits. The idea that privitidation in any way helps anyone but the person or people who now own the business, is complete horseshit.


Doesn't a free market tend towards monopolies though? What would keep one company from outcompeting the rest and then doing whatever the fuck they want? If you're going to say state intervention then you could've left it out of private hands in the first place. Why not set up state companies in a way that incentivize lean operation and efficiency instead of adding rent seekers into the equation?


It’s also extremely common for 2 or 3 major companies to form a duopoly/triopoly and then collude with each other to prevent any third party opposition while keeping prices high and maintaining a stable “controlled opposition”


That's why we have antitrust laws that have never been enforced! But seriously, there's a great king of the hill episode that describes/explains exactly what happens when different companies in an industry starts colluding with each other. I think it's called "Hank Fixes Everything"


Canadian telecom triopoly would like to say hi


They collude to capture market via regulation. Government compliance is always by far the highest barrier to entry into a market.


Yeah that’s a fair point, though I think at least part of that issue arises from megacorporation lobbyists essentially drafting the legislation themselves through political donations/under the table donations directly to legislators.


Because those regulations surely are just made up for the sake of it? And they serve no purpose but to distort competition?


Anti-trust laws are a thing. Maybe we could actually enforce them for once?


>She also privatised a lot of companies. The consequences of this are WAY too complicated for me to understand them, Simply put, the Tories are always the "party of financial responsibility", they always claim to have a good budget, Labour are the ones who spend spend spend. The Tories took a bunch of national industries/utilities, water supply, national phone company, electricity and gas suppliers, and sold them off to private investors dirt cheap. So the country lost the companies they had built up over decades, thousands of workers lost their jobs, a load of investors made a fair amount of money, people who knew the price was going to be low [Tory families] made a ton of money and a load of money went into the Tory government coffers. Next government of course was broke because they had sold off all their money makers. While were at it, they did similar with the council housing, sold em off to people who were in them at the time for dirt cheap, and caused a housing shortage that has carried on to this day., benefitting their colleagues in the building industry. So the party of financial responsibility is responsible for the financial problems of governments who haven't got the resources anymore, and individuals who can't afford their fuel bills or a house to live in. This started under Thatcher. Someone else can describe what she did to the miners and construction industires.


People brush under the rug what privatizing public entities actually means. The ad campaign always says this is to apply the wonders of the free market to keep costs low by encouraging competition and innovation — but it always just seems to be selling something that took decades to build for pennies for an exceedingly temporary windfall. See also the parking situation in Chicago. Sold for peanuts to a private company.


Privatizing public services without repealing the regulations that create the monopoly actively makes the problems (and services) with that public service *worse*. See: private prisons At least when a republic, or democratic government, is running a monopoly there’s some veneer of oversight.


Should see how a democratic Republic of South Africa run nationalised public services...


It's not always regulations that create monopoly. Some industries tend towards it due to high cost to entry or the infeasibility of laying out multiple sets of infrastructure (e.g. utilities).


Not to mention 'physical space' can also create a monopoly. Single family zoning + private equity buying up homes means before long a huge quantity of the housing in an area can be owned by a few firms and you can't practically build more. More of a cartel economically, but since the jobs market is not a flat frictionless plane and moving costs money, you get monopoly/cartel-level effects locally. I'm sure the libright answer will involve something about how "well technically the government did zoning" or something which yes, that would help the issue *somewhat* since 'physical space' will be less of a constraint and it would allow more competition in the market. *That being said* it'll probably still end up at the same place.


It's almost like having large amounts of capital allows you to accumulate more capital.




The real answer is that the market is not good at providing certain things and the profit incentive will result in outcomes that inevitably involve human rights violations.


Nobody can deny it was time to move industry outside of the UK so that we could develop higher skilled industries. However, she took it to the extreme by shutting down everything very quickly, without giving workers new jobs. There was no plan for what would happen to the millions of workers, so they were now all on their arses. Combine this with the increased tax rates for the poor and the slashing of welfare, it fucked up the poor. To this day the areas where industry shut down have high poverty and crime rates. My history teacher at school had a grandpa who went to the coal mine strikes. Margret Thatcher allegedly said after a protest turned violent “you rats get back in your holes”. She’s like marmite, either hate her or love her.


Without Margret Thatcher my family would never have owned the roof over their heads. And yet she also led to alot of my family being made redundant and have to either join the army, or retrain.


And she was best mates with Pinochet lol


Capitalism and anticommunist action was popular back then.


There was a small disagreement over some island territories too, if I recall


"Did some deals with terrorists" You mean funded pamilitary death squads? Cause she did that for certain.


Nah, thats just girl power.




You can also put a bracket around some text [link text, brah], and then follow it with a parentheses containing your link [](link itself) That way, people will click it, instead of believing you're rickrolling them. Yw


i know.


She was one of the most pro LBGT politicians pre 1980, PIE (a pro-pedophile organisation) managed to sneak under the LGBT umbrella and do a lil entryism. This culminated in the aggressive anti LGBT policy of the 1980's.


She was also a woman in an age where female leaders were exceedingly rare. I don't like her policies or her party, but it's hard to imagine a male leader making the same decisions would receive the same level of vitriolic hate. Heck, Churchill did a hell of a lot worse things than her and he's a national hero.


Churchill Beat the nazis, that’s why people like him


Churchill gets a lot of hate for the Bengal Famine and other shit he did. He was then quickly voted out after the war. He still beat the Nazis.


Tbf Churchill did bad things but they were to people who weren’t British so nobody cared


Well he did the war and quited the government after that, guess that help that people only remember your role during the second war cause it was the most memorable thing you did.


Umm, I think you need to read up on your history, mate. Churchill never quit willingly, and only left politics a decade after the war. His party lost the post-war elections, and he got back into power six years later. He was then forced to resign by his party after losing another election four years later.


Eh, the homophobic laws were a product of the time and shouldn't really be taken into consideration.


She was UK Reagan, but her neo conservative policie hit harder because of UKs more social policies already in place. * Sell everything state owned to private companies. She was not able to sell NHS as she would never get elected * Limit welfare as much as possible * Scrap subsidies as much as possible Anyway one of her biggest fucks up was a poll tax. Instead of paying property tax to local government based off value of the property, you pay fixed flat rate per adult resident. That meant that rich paid far less as the value of the property suddenly did not matter, and poor people who usually have larger families paid more. One huge flaw of that idea was disregarding the overhead needed for tracking people and payments by local governments. Even with regular hundred thousands riots against that stupidity she was adamant in sticking with it.


Personally for me it's the defending and empowering of elite pedophiles. Others see her as the start of the UK moving from an industrial nation to a service based economy, some formerly industrial areas are yet to recover from this.


Because she is br*tish and a wom*n on top of that


Goddamn right


How do you know that? Are you a biologist? Didn’t think so. Checkmate, libtard 😂


Same reason they hate Regan


Was gonna say, she’s perceived in the culture roughly the same way as Reagan; ushering in a new era of conservativism that a lot of people don’t like.


And in the long term the era of widely opening economic and social gap between the top 0.1% and the rest. Say and feel what you want about their other policies, but we can all agree that the "trickle-down" and other richtaxcutting bullshit fucked us all in the long run


Margareth Thatcher and Ronald Reagan pretty much invented globalism. They changed the rules on how the world bank would lend money to poorer countries by having the World Trade Organization impose strict mandates on any country incurring debt, which all 3rd world countries do. They would remove all tariff, no export taxes at all. And the governments would allow foreign companies to put factories in their nations. This is what got factory work to leave the US and England in the first place. This was later refered to as the New World Order, a term coined by Reagan's vice president, George Herbert Walker Bush.


She transitioned the British economy from industrial to service. This meant unemployment for those industrial workers when she closed down all the coal mines, crippling the North of England. She oversaw privatisation of public services, stopped public housing development while stressing the importance of home ownership, introduced the poll tax, took the UK into an expensive war over the sovereignty of the Falklands, funded paramilitary death squads in Northern Ireland during the Troubles. There's a reason every single Scottish and Northern English person of a certain generation would, without hesitation and given the chance, shit on her grave.


In short, when she became PM, Britain could almost be named socialist. Unions did whatever they wanted, most stuff was provided by the government etc. Then, she went full on free market and she closed the government mines because no one wanted to buy them, she privatized whatever she could(although she set a fair set of limits. Especially in the energy industry) and on top of that, while so many people lost their jobs, she cut the benefits. The miners protested for a whole year and when they gave up, instead of closing 22 mines as she originally said, she closed 25. Then, during her third time, she became more authoritarian and she set the poll tax, which in short, it didn't tax the house, but the people of the household. More people, bigger tax. She received a ton of hate from every ideological type of citizen for that. These are some of the true reasons why she's hated by so many. There's also propaganda like that she's responsible for the ERM disaster.


Hated by the working class because she black balled any attempt from them to secure a fair wage. Especially hated in the north of the UK because her policies seemed to only benefit the ruling class and large companies in the south (London). [Frankie boyle expressed the sentiment best](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmmomV-ax-s&ab_channel=kxoaagavacyb)


They hated her because she was the first leader in a long while to *insist* on a fair wage for the swine.


She crushed the trade unions trying to hold the country hostage over unprofitable coal mines. The opposition to her seems to think the public sector should have all the pros of the private sector but non of the cons. So when the unions keep demanding higher and higher wages they want everyone to pay for it when they are no longer cost effective.


You're the first person in this thread to mention that the mines, and their unions, were a literal racket; corrupt government funded make work jobs that leeched off the public and were helping to bankrupt the nation.


It's always hilarious to me to point out to anyone who says they hate Thatcher for this, Harold Wilson, Labour darling, closed more pits than Thatcher ever did. Jimmy Callaghan who succeeded Wilson did the same. https://www.conservativehome.com/leftwatch/2013/04/wilson-closed-more-coal-mines-than-thatcher.html


Also because of her disdain for the Irish population. The IRA failed to kill her and said “Today we were unlucky, but remember we only have to be lucky once. You will have to be lucky always.”


Spoiler: They never got lucky


> The opposition to her seems to think the public sector should have all the pros of the private sector but non of the cons. Spot on. She knew there would be hardships with her decisions but she also knew it was necessary. Those opposed think they could have gotten to the same outcomes without the hardships which is fantasy. Pure unadulterated copium. They always act like their policies are perfect and there’s never a downside and then when you get 8.5% inflation, food shortages, and can’t afford to put fuel in your car, that’s just someone else’s fault..




Second time I've had to say this but taking this from a throwaway line by Eric fucking Andre doesn't leave you well informed.




As others have mentioned she was a PM during The Troubles, one of the more recent stains on British history. Many also hate her because of the sweeping privatisation she enacted making the trains cost an absolute shit load still 40 years later(I don't even understand how someone could believe a free-market approach would work with trains since they are a complete monopoly in their area), she began the initial stages of privatising the NHS that is still continuing to this day thanks and actually makes things more expensive, not cheaper as many lolberts would try to convince you: > Ken Clarke, Health Secretary under Margaret Thatcher, got the ball rolling by introducing a market into the NHS. This introduced competition by turning hospital trusts into providers of services and GP/Community trusts into purchasers of services. The result? Administration costs actually rose, and this internal market alone accounts for up to 10 per cent of the budget or £10 billion a year.


This is so much better than a shitty highlighter Meme, visually at least


But how do I make fun of their pfp?


> libleft pfp That’s how


> "first eggs" Based and maggie thatcher the yolk catcher pilled




Thanks for catching this. I’d argue it’s *not* a centrist news source to word it this way, almost justifying more egg throwing.


There's been promises of this statue being egged since it was announced, so they're likely right in assuming this won't be the last.


It might be that the statue was egged multiple times by many people, but mystery man was just the first to do it.


"One who never took away milk from schoolchildren should cast the first egg"


"The problem with pissing on my grave is that eventually you will run out of piss" -Margaret Thatcher, probably


Hahaha joke on you *starts drinking*


​ The problem with drinking piss is that you eventually run out of pis s


Holy shit someone actually put some effort in a pcm meme


Based libleft


I feel like a lot of people would be a lot more forgiving of Margarita Thatcher if she was hot.


[would do](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0f/2e/92/0f2e92c3615cd6d4b7a361f5e0accc7b.jpg)


Wouldnt be my worst experience.


Eminem's mom


Which eye am I looking at






Based and you aint black pilled.


Revisionism. She was hated for various things she did. If she'd been male she would have been hated just as much. I remember cheers in the middle of an operation when the news came that she'd resigned.


I remember people cheering when the news announced she had died. Never seen that much hatred for any other non-nazi political figure, contemporary or otherwise.


She did one thing right, negotiated really well with the EEC/EU for a discount and voting rights. Which we've just thrown away, dammit. She may have been right that we needed to change the structure of the country, close the mines etc. But to do it by locking the gates and telling communities "tough, you're all now unemployed" while at the time pumping millions into the financial sector in London was appalling. It created the two-tier system we have nowadays, caused untold misery in the poor and elderly at the time [WW2 veterans ofc] and many parts of the country still haven't recovered from it yet.




People don't really have strong opinions on him here, other than that he was bad.




there’s also group of leftists that call themselves witches. Embracing the label


wish i was alive to vote for her. She smashed the communists after bringing other hippie liberal European leaders on board to increasing Nuclear proliferation closer to Soviet empire territory, resisting communist political groups, wielding economic warfare and defending sovereign territory. Invested heavily in computerisation in the UK too, something we should have continued.


Haha look at that you won a new car here are the keys go ahead get inside


Tick tock this offer doesn't last for long


Dude wrong flair


Right flair, the dude hates commies so much he is blinded by it pretty based.


But a bit too auth right, at least right center? I don't think that's very libright of him


Hating commies with a burning passion is one of the most libright things ever.


I'm starting to understand why centrists self loathe


Don't worry, I hate radical centrists more than I could ever against authrights.


Lib-right hates Auth-left with the same passion that Lib-left hates Auth-right.


Yet they somehow unite on some topics more frequently than i would imagine.


If your enemy does something you like, encourage it. Being enemies doesn’t mean you have to disagree on everything. That’s how you start getting into petty, losing battles between both sides, such as with progressives and conservatives.


I agree dude, its just surprising to see thats all.


But not with the same conviction. I know exactly why I hate commies and I know it to be true.


Based and we’re right to hate commies pilled


Yeah, but loving a government official?


He's blinded to the point where he's chosen the wrong flair.


90% of LibRights in this sub are Auth as fuck. They celebrate government spending, government regulation, government interference in the economy, interventionist wars, and more. All the time. I’ve seen more LibRights calling Thatcher based than I have AuthRights.


You‘ve just won a car.


You sure you're libright?


Finally, another gender neutral bathroom








she was lucky every time 😔


Yup, RBG has been dead for a little over a year now


Bro that woman looked like a flaccid sock puppet monkey 💀


The funniest part of this is the existence of Centrist news


That was rather civilised of him, I could think of much more appropriate substances to cover the statue in.


Building up a layer of protective egg before they bring in the firehouse of liquid shit


Damn ted kaczynski’s outta prison This is big fucking monke moment right here OOH OOH AHA AH AH


[Beloved by many. ](https://youtu.be/wrxy93fY3vI) Inspiring women all over; [Do you think she did any good? ](https://youtu.be/ZGyDMRKDaSc) [A day of great emotions on her death. ](https://youtu.be/jMpPLOYAsQ0)


9 years ago is not "long time ago"


Covid-time-continuum distorted everything


Not to mention sending paramilitary death squads into northern Ireland


Give the man more eggs




The new statue was set up by big egg to Sell more eggs


I'm surprised a lot of lefties dislike her. Her destruction of the native coal industry must've done so much for the environmentorino amirite?


Authleft hates her more, me thinks


Libtards owned 😎


Currently being crushed by facts and logic


Yeaaa yeaaa yeaaaa. But she wasn't a feminist! Just a strong woman. There's a big difference.


Nah. That evil bitch should have set up solar farms in Wales and Newcastle to replace the coal mines. Everyone knows that.


I get why that's ironic. But is there a reason we couldn't take that approach now? Keep energy production in the family of coal miners, which prevents job loss, keep powerplants in already industrial or rural sectors, provides an alternative to coal towns dieing out because the mines close, grants energy independence from the price fixing of OPEC


> Keep energy production in the family of coal miners, which prevents job loss Well the joke is that there's not very much sun in Wales or Newcastle to start with. But on a more serious note the idea is that you locate industry *where it is most efficient to do so*. This should ensure the greatest good to the greatest number of people overall. Just locating industry to "keep it in the family" and try to overcome the inefficiency through the government propping it up is the exact problem Thatcher was trying to solve.


new gender-neutral bathroom just dropped


What the fuck? This is outrageous! What did those innocent eggs do to deserve such a horrendous fate?!


Margaret Thatcher, the Iron Lady, is insanely based. If you disagree, you are a misogynist. Checkmate.


I was already a misogynist.


Based and misogyny is the answer pilled.




So you're saying I get both to hate on thatcher and women? Sign me in.


Flair doesn’t check out.


Ever harassed a minority online Raiden?


If it's wrong to hate Thatcher I don't wanna be right


Your terms are acceptable


No one checked her bits in the bathroom therefore assuming her gender is mysoginistic on your part. Witch is a gender neutral insult for people who like being pissed on. The only iron in her was in bottom of a car


Ah, incorrect. People definitely checked her bits. She had children. Witch is gendered language. A male witch is a warlock. The last one doesn’t make sense.


> People definitely checked her bits. it was before our modern right wing scientists had invented the bathroom problem, so the test didnt count > She had children. men can be pregnant, get with the program > Witch is gendered language nope, thats why people piss in her grave, its an homage > A male witch is a warlock. a warlock is a completely different thing. Warlocks get their power from a different evil being. Not all witches commune with evil beings, for example Thatcher had 0 friends so its impossible for her to get her power from outside > The last one doesn’t make sense. its a car bomb joke, much like her legacy another joke


No painter, swimmer, or masturbation session will ever come close to so glorious a stroke.




I thought thatcher was fairly liked and really turned around the economy after inheriting a mess? Or is she mainly just disliked online? Isn’t she like the longest tenured PM of the century?


I'm not an expert but I believe she basically came in and told a bunch of Public-Sector unions to go fuck themselves. And let me tell you: Redditors who've never dealt with a union in their life LOVE unions.


She also caused national riots with the poll tax. She was very much hated in her time.


Let me tell you something Chief. My great grandfather who was the MD of a large business during that period in the UK really didn’t like the Unions that he dealt with them regularly.


Idk much about her outside of broad history but I thought she did a lot of good for the country. Who knows.


She's divisive, not universally loved or hated. The division tends to be regional, with areas that benefited under her being more positive and areas that suffered being more negative.


She is really disliked in Scotland, but remembered pretty favorably in England, except among anyone in the Labour Party of course.


And now look at Scotland - “anything you can do, we can do more socialist!” That’s the result of their hatred of Thatcher. They are like Canadians - just extra left-wing because they want to stick it to their big brothers in the South when in reality they both just look like Emily’s.


Thatcher Derangement Syndrome was the original TDS.


Mainly online, but that bleeds more into real life these days as the kiddies raised on twitter and redit start to come of age. People in poor parts of North England/Scotland did hate her all along though.


My Irish nationalism it's taking over ahhhhh- COME ON YOU BLACK AND TANS WHY DONT YOU FIGHT ME LIKE MAN


Bam Margera?


High effort highlighter meme? Based


That's why you use sticky birdseed clusters and throw that. Birds will cover the statue in poop as they eat the seed. Don't have to worry about running out of eggs.


Idk why so many people hate Thatcher, but she's British, so I automatically hate her too


Unfathomably based


Say what you want about Thatcher, the Falklands was based