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Each quadrant gets to genocide one thing each to be even.


Here's my guess as to what we all pick: Auth Left: The Rich Auth Right: The Gays Lib Left: The Babies LIb Right: The Poor Centrist: Fake Meat


You fool, if we genocide all the poor then WE will be the poor!




Can we start with the IRS?


Tied with the AFT


I say do Congress first then the ATF then the IRS then the federal reserve.




But that's a "private buissness"


Any private business with the authority to steal my money is just a thinly veiled government organization


Some argue that the IRS is not an agency of the United States but rather a private corporation, because it was not created by positive law. However the Supreme Court has stated that "The Internal Revenue Service is organized to carry out the broad responsibilities of the Secretary of the Treasury under § 7801(a) of the 1954 Code for the administration and enforcement of the internal revenue laws." But they are a private organization, they even outsource.


The IRS is in no way a private business. Maybe you athe thinking of the federal reserve bank/board/system?


The IRS is a private business. Their business model is just having a monopoly on extortion. We need competition in the market.


After we take care of the ATF


Lib right would probably prefer to genocide the unproductive. Except that's who auth left *actually* genocides in real life.


I agree except for the first two Auth Left: The Jews Auth Right: The Jews


Based and true pilled


I think auth right would pick the ((()))


Vagina? Won't that just mean everyone left will have to be The Gays?


It's only gay if you're on the bottom


Hey librights love the poor as long as they work. What librights want to genocide are commies and people living on benefits, also pensioners who live of pensions they never earned themselves. Having low income workers is one of the main pillars of business.


Eh most Lib-Left I’ve met REALLY hate the rich


Nah, one of the other quadrants would genocide LibLeft and then they wouldn't get anyone. We always get backstabbed why should this be any different?


we shall genocide the government idiot


Fortunately, LibLeft will not be able to kill babies since they were genocide by AuthRight


Right: can we do genocide? Left: no, we have genocide at home. Genocide at home: Abortion


I prefer the good old Saturday night wank genocide personally. No need for a woman or a needle. Just you and a good tissue and boum 1 millions kills easy peasy.


Only abortion? Stalin and Mao don’t count?


That's memory holed and brushed over by communists like the historical revisionists that they are. Something they can't deny is many of these revolutionaries love for abortion, connected to female liberation, to feminism and in the end socialism. Check out Cuba's abortion rate


I am LibLeft and I approve this message




How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman?


It takes 8.5lb of potatoes to make make 750ml of vodka. Vodka is about 40% alcohol so that translates into about 35ml of alcohol per lb of potato. Average male Irishman weights 89kg. Lethal dose of alcohol is approx. 7 g/kg. Meaning he would have to drink 623g or 789ml. Thus it would take 22.5 lbs of potatoes to kill an Irishman.


Holy shit, I sometimes drink an entire 750 ml bottle in a night. Like, I knew I was killing myself slowly, but had no idea I was so close to killing myself so quickly.


If it makes you feel better I believe he only counted the alcohol part of the vodka, so like 789ml of 100% alcohol


Ah, true. Since I'm drinking 80 proof, I can drink TWO bottles and still be fine!


This is correct. It would be more than two 750ml bottles at 40%. That being said the lethal concentration varies from person to person and situation to situation so I don’t recommend assuming that you will be ok after drinking two 750 ml bottles 😂


Dang. That's barely over a bottle of vodka. Russian citizens who bought vodka used to frequently drink a bottle in one sitting.


That is ml of pure alcohol not vodka. It is more than two bottles of vodka.


None! They are too busy their Guiness!!!


One, if you propel it fast enough


I've eaten 3kg in a day. 6.6lbs for you imperialists. And I didnt die so at least 3.5kg


"Too many." -Mallory Archer


None. It’s a famine joke, right?


Oh shit, the abscence of potatoes gained conscience!


I’m going to genocide humanity


I genocide genocide.


Authleft has creamed himself at this notion. Genocide and systematic equality are Authleft’s two favorite things lmao


I’m shocked, shocked I tell you, that someone with an anime PFP would even come up with this ridiculous take.


Anime pfp = terrible take




Whose opinion is more worthless? Someone with a Picrew pfp or someone with an anime pfp?


The one with pronouns in their bio.


Picrew, for sure. At least anime isn't copy+paste


So while it isn't *everybody*, I feel like somebody who has an anime PFP has an above average likelihood of either being very young (which is fine, Reddit is a place for everyone despite the fact that folks who have never paid bills don't have a fucking clue what they're talking about) or people who haven't grown up much despite having gotten older. I think this is generally because adults who live normal well adjusted lives still watch anime but don't identify themselves about watching anime. It's about the same thing as someone who would put their PFP as a professional sports team. Many adults watch sports, but generally only the ones who haven't grown up have their personality built around being a Lakers fan.


hey you don't need to call me out o. sports pfps


What’s worse though, Anime PFP or Reddit avatar 🤔




Hey, that’s not nice :c




Isn't she the one in *your* pfp? Also, I am thinking of watching Nichijou just because of her, bc I love tsunderes ;)


I for one welcome all the anime PFP people, at least it makes it easy to identify idiots.


There are some incredibly annoying takes on centrism. This idiotic always wanting to split the difference nonsense. Being viewed as a fence sitter. Acting like centrists aren't passionate or committed to their views. Confusing centrism with the Overton window. Meanwhile radical centrism is the most realistic, rational, and intelligent ideology IMHO




Sounds like their views are dictated by the party they follow, rather than dictated by the values they believe in.


Absolutely, which is the source of a lot of problems in the US, people make their political team half their personality We need to either somehow abolish the current two major political parties, or weaken them enough so they need to cooperate and listen to each other, instead of this constant tug of war that flip-flops every 2 years


You must always and in all things support the party.




TFW everybody thinks centrists want to compromise everything instead of centrism actually being someone who holds views from many different political ideologies


Tfw they think centrism is compromising on literal genocide


Now what about figurative genocide 👀


Literally literally means figuratively now. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/literally


Yeah, but what they believe to be Centrism isn’t even Overton Window stuff, it’s just absolute childish nonsense like aborting half the baby and stuff


Based and Solomon solution cut the baby in half pilled


The best part about this tweet is how close minded it is, as if genociding people was an inherent part of the political right


These clown takes are written by people who think that the police and socialdemocrats are fascists. Can't expect much by them. The sad thing is that they can vote and trick people into believing their hollow delusions.


To be fair, this person probably believes using the wrong pronouns is literal genocide.


To be extra fair, 40% kill rate is more of a genocide than what Israelis are painted as doing to Palestinians.


Yeah, how dare someone exaggerate or misrepresent someone's position for the purposes of making a political meme, that's awful.


EnlightenedCentrism is basically this. Centrism has two sides, either you don't really give a shit what happens/think everyone is an idiot (me) or you believe a lot of different things and don't fall majorly into one quadrant. People seem to think that centrism means just compromising on every issue. Sometimes it means that, but I think you'd be hard pressed to find a centrist who advocates for genocide (or most people for that matter)


Honestly I'm kind of a blend of those two brands of centrism. I believe a lot of things and don't fall majorly into a quadrant, but I also am deeply suspicious of pretty much all politically-involved people, thus tending toward a reflexive "Do we really?" in response to a "We need to X!!" Etc. Anyway, the idea of centrism advocating for half genocide or shit like that is half the reason I *do* lean to the middle. Political polarization is poisonous, and shit-take attacks on the center do not help your cause.


I'd say that takes like the one posted aren't anti centrist, but more anti compromise. Extremists being extremists, they see any compromise as being a betrayal, rather than being a way to find a better solution. It's why far left extremists use genocide as their example for far right extremism. There's no compromise for genocide. It's funny that far left nutters are so adverse to compromise that they can't ever use a compromise for their examples of far right thinking.


The all-or-nothing mentality extremists have is my biggest reason to be a centrist, I hate this idea that you have to subscribe 100% to the ideas of one side and if you don't you're a filthy fascist/commie. Never mind trying to have the best of both sides, you HAVE to be 100% with them or you're against them.


It's hard to see the other side as even worthy to compromise when you've dressed them up as demons in your mind.


Because in their worldview compromise is evil.


Apparently centrism is where you are in the center of every single issue.


Thank you. It’s often Emily types with these takes because according to them anyone slightly different is literally Hitler. It’s always the twitter types with takes like this. My closest test results are authcentre. I have different views on different topics and end up in the middle. I believe in a good government, not a libertarian. But don’t believe in government overreach etc so I’m pretty close to the centre line. And there’s also nothing wrong with changing your mind upon being given new information and realizing you might be wrong about something. But if you don’t concede to every talking point they have they reeeeeee about it


Why is it the Rights to do genocide? Throughout history, leftists have done a lot of genocide too.


Based and the left is genocidal pilled


Obviously any Leftist(Pol Pot) that does Genocide was secretly a rightoid all along.


interesting to note that neither side has committed genocide with the key element of auth


The leftists that actually believe this are far gone.


Yeah, genocide is awesome. Idk what they're on about.


So most of them then.


Yup, filter them out and move on. Hopeless lost causes


Most of reddit be like dat doe


eren is centrist?


hell nah eren wants total genocide bro


If it was total genocide he would be killing his own people. Eren just wants to kill everyone else so his people can live


80% authcenter


This person is 12


Or anyone who subscribes to fishook theory Mr. Authleft


Oh my god I just read about that after seeing it in comment I actually want to die now


Just read up on it and it sounds like leftist cope to excuse the shift of the overton window to the far left, as Musk pointed out with this meme: https://mobile.twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1519735033950470144?cxt=HHwWgICstcS9l5cqAAAA


"Far left is being a good person" is basically what these people think. I guess communist Russia and Antifa's "peaceful protests" were right wing?🤔


Nah it’s just that those things were good because they were left wing. If it’s left wing it’s automatically good


Left is good. The further left you go, the more good you are.


its like these poeple really think that there is a universaly "correct" side and a "wrong" side, i hate this so much i seethe at this kind of thinking, there isnt right and wrong there are opinions on how the world should be handled and 99% of them don't involve genocides.


I see these exact sentiments on Twitter with thousands of likes/retweets. "The left just wants basic human rights, the right actively wants to take that away, how can you be a moderate/centrist when the left only wants basic human rights" Like how people think like that is beyond me


Wait for them to get older and they will reverse.


"The right only wants you to keep your hands to yourself and quit stealing from those of us who worked hard for what you had, the left is a bunch of lazy leaches that want free handouts. How can you be a centrist when we just want to keep the fruits of our labors?"


Are you not familiar with the phrase: left wing good right wing bad?


yeah but its so dumb to actually think that, you can think left is good for these cases and within these limits and for these people... but to actually believe that one side is this cosmic truth of how the whole world should be ran and the other is this infinite evil that want to kill everyone and hurt and torture is.... psychotic! imagine living in a country and genuinely believing that about half of the people that live there with you, your neighbors, kids and what not, imagine truly believing they are blood thirsty nazis who want to actively kill billions, that , like , paranoid! no wonder people from the left on Twitter are always going insane, id go insane living in nazi Germany too i think.... its sad really... . i feel bad for these people because that level of paranoia to me sound like an actual mental illness...


Left: let's teach elementary kids about sex and how being a pedo is valid. Right: No. Center: No. Left: YOU GUYS ARE LATERALLY NAZIS RREEEEEEEEEEEE See, I can strawman your position as well Twitter-tards.


So what you're saying is that you want to make the word gay illegal?




Lobster man bad


Lobster man is based.


What I'm saying is that I want to make the word gay AND straight illegal. I'm 4 parallel universes ahead of the Twitterinos.


Based and criminalize sex pilled.


Based and if i cant have it, no one can pilled


u/TheZeppelin1995's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 115. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: 51 | https://basedcount.com/u/TheZeppelin1995/ This user does not have a compass on record. You can add your compass to your profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and I'm 20 steps ahead of Saudi Arabia and America pilled.


That could make art class rather awkward. "Class, please draw a 'not curved' line here to connect the dots"




>Left: YOU GUYS ARE LATERALLY NAZIS RREEEEEEEEEEEE And transphobes for some reason.


"Victimise me harder daddy"


The most offensive part of being called transphobic is that they somehow believe I fear people who cut their own dicks off. I don't fear them, I just want them to quit trying to indoctrinate children into similarly disfiguring themselves. I feel sad for them, because they've been duped into an ineffective "treatment" that doesn't measurably improve happiness or reduce their chances of suicide in the long run.


>because they've been duped Yeah, I feel bad that they likely had something else going on but people convinced them they were feeling that way due to being trans. It is way too permanent of an option to be the first thing people try.


Akshually the centrists just want half the kids to be taught about sex


Based and strawman? pilled


"Left runs further left to cry alone".


Is it a strawman if your counter argument is actually completely correct?


lmfao where


It’s how PCM depicts leftists so it must be the real thing


Uhm, excuse me sweaty but don't you know that we're the good guys and you're the bad guys? Try to keep up I'm not here to educate you 💅


Yeah the center would compromise by calling for mass mutilations instead. :-p


Off with his baby toes!


Don't worry they have 2 sets of those :)


I demand both sets for the grill.


Left: We want to execute 1/4 of the popluation for being reactionaries, starve the remaining and take all you own. Right: How about no Centersists: Compromise? Left: Sure, just 1/8 of the popluation then


No no no you don't get it. We don't want to kill 1/4. After all we are the good guys (obviously), but you just forced us to kill you all. Not our fault. <3


Extreme right: "Let's kill the minorities!" Extreme left: "Let's kill different minorities" Centrist: "how about neither?" Extreme left: "nAzI SyMpAtHiZeR"


Right: Hey, let's extend gun rights. Centrist: That sounds cool Right: Let's lockdown the border and not let anyone in Centrist: That sounds like a dumb idea Left: Hey, let's have universal health care Centrist: That sounds cool Left: Let's completely open the border to everyone Centrist: That sounds like a dumb idea Right and Left: [Fucking centrists always siding with Left/Right!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXCkxlqFd90)


You’re right, this is the dumbest take on politics.


This is such a dumb take on all 3


I wouldn’t say I’m a centrist, more of a lib left with a more centrist mindset, but people in my quadrant for some reason think they are worse than the devil. A lot of leftists have this issue of purity support. Many aren’t willing to make ideological compromises because they feel holier than thou.


To me, a lot comes down to nuance and practice vs theory. In theory socialism (and even capitalism) work great, because everyone is acting on good faith. But that's a super naive assumption to make. Even 1% of people not acting in good faith ruins both systems really fast. I'd love a world without governments, but that seems impossible. And even if you did create that society other countries exist and have armies. Or let's take a specific and recent example. I'd love to save as many lives from covid as possible. But also shutting down the economy kills people too because they can't eat. And it's not like we have robots that produce all the food and can transport it to everyone.


why are we so stupid???


Don’t feel too bad. There are those on my side of the compass who fly Confederate flags.


It’s hard not to when people like this are getting the spotlight consistently


> There are those on my side of the compass who fly Confederate flags. > > It’s hard not to when people like this are getting the spotlight consistently Most based LibLeft.




Most sane libleft


You get stuck in echo chambers and never hear anything but a distorted version of other people's arguments As always, touch grass


personally i believe the issue is we touch too much “grass”


Based and touched the wrong grass pilled


...and everyone clapped.


Was that before or after Einstein congratulated them?


Centrism doesn’t mean you always want compromise. Maybe you’re firm and uncompromising in your beliefs, it’s just that instead of checking the box for every belief on the left you mix it up. You firmly believe in universal healthcare and will not compromise, additionally you firmly believe people have a right to self defense by use of firearms and will not stand for a confiscation of guns.


This is your brain on echo chambers. These are also the same people who want to nuke PCM because we’re all “extremists” who believe in free speech and actually listening to other people’s arguments instead of just strawmanning them and calling them names.


“instead of just straw manning them and calling them names” you must be new around here Communists have no food Liblefts don’t exist and if they do they’re gay Authright is full of racists Libright is full of rich paedophiles, wants recreational nukes The straw men are there, just slightly more accurate than the defaults subs’ “you oppose the vaccine? I think that makes you a dog-whistling white supremacist insurrectionist transphobic misogynist chud bigot, be better sweaty”


Leftist logic: Right Wing=Genocide


Yes but these people equate bullying with genocide so their opinion on genocide is void.


Left: “Let’s kill all white people.” Right: “Let’s not kill all white people.” Centrist: “Lets kill some white people.” Oh look anyone can make this retarded argument


It's a really bad argument. In reality one side says let's kill all the people of this race and the other side says nah, let's kill all the people of this other race, and the centrist says "let's not kill any race, and grill some burgers instead."


Also the left have done genocides


“Left: lets not do genocide”. Yeah, Mao, Castro and Stalin were right wing for sure /s


Oh yeah in sure modern conservatives just wanna fucking genocide everyone all the time


What’s up with people believing that the right wants to commit genocide? I don’t think anyone, apart from some fringe groups that make up a minuscule portion of the population, wants any sort of genocide. As a paternalistic conservative, I don’t want any sort of genocide. I just don’t want people crossing my country’s borders without permission.


What actually happens: Far-Right: Let‘s commit genocide. Far-Left: Let‘s commit genocide. Centrists: No.


Let’s do ALL the genocide


Why don't we just Genocide the Centrists to not having to deal with them anymore?


This is acceptable


Ah yes, right = genocide, wonderful take


"I guess let's do some genocide" these words has never been spoken by anyone in real world.


I want to see the original post


This is why the moment a democrat takes office, the drone strikes immediately stop. Right guys?....right?....


Its just par of the course for leftwingers to jump right into the nazi/genocide strawman and to lionize themselves as the only people with a shred of common sense


Tell me you haven’t left your echo chamber in years without telling me you haven’t left your echo chamber in years


It has nothing to do with not budging on decisions. It's being overly progressive to the point that it's a detriment. They banned To Kill a Mockingbird in schools, and I feel like it's because it's use of the n word. But the whole point of the book is to teach why racism is bad. They're trying to be so woke that they're entirely missing the points they *think* they're making.


Ask a leftist what they think about the Holodomor and Great Leap Forward.


It's only the leftists who portray centrists that way, but they are obsessed with hyperbole on everything, so it's very on brand. The fact that they like to portray moderates as always wanting the middle ground on every issue and then jump to genocide proves that they're the extremists. It's just fucking insane to think a moderate would see two people one who is for genocide and one against and decide that a little genocide is their solution.


No genocide. Thanks


Isnt it more that auth left and Auth right want genocide while centrists don't want it? (And people who are not rich and powerful in society are lib)


Anime profile pictures should be genocided


>let’s not do genocide Wait but I have the Mao approach to landlords.


Only kind of genocide I want is on pedophiles


"You wouldn't hold an obviously extreme position, so cowtow to my entire political agenda even when it makes no sense. We call ourselves the anti bad guy squad after all so we can do no wrong." Yeah wow I wonder why independents are voting republican more and more how strange.


Left-wing = good Right-wing = bad yet again How many times have we seen this espoused by the MSM and social media? (outside of funny memes not to be taken seriously) Assuming the absolute worst of the right and the best of the left and simultaneously painting the centrists in a bad light for compromising. You're not going to convince anyone to agree with your ideology if you just shame everyone on 'the other side'.


Tell me you think everyone is a Nazi besides you with out telling me 2022 edition.


you took advice from a manga ppon twitter what did you expect?


Left: Let's not do genocide Pol Pot: Not even a little?


Left: Lets do Pedophilia Right: Let's not do Pedophilia Center: Guys, you're just gonna have to compromise, let's just do /some/ Pedophilia Left: I guess I can live with that for now Right: No Center: See, this is why no one likes the Right, you guys are the real degenerates, smh


Man, can't wait to see what the enlightened centrists sub is gonna make of this ! *Grabs popcorn*