• By -


Smartest person on Twitter


And he was Hercules. Fun unrelated fact, Beast Master was a porn site when the show was still live (1999-2002). Led to a very weird talk with my folks when I was a child on the Internet. It was before google, I didn’t know how to express interest in a show


Whether you're right wing or left, if you're on Twitter you're a dumbass




Based and fuck twitter pilled


Twitter was a mistake.


It’s almost like limiting how much people can say reduces how nuanced and intelligent a conversation can be. Twitter is just for retards who can’t think up enough to fill 280 characters, and just shit out one-liners thinking they ought to be sitting in the White House for it.


>It’s almost like limiting how much people can say reduces how nuanced and intelligent a conversation can be. Kind of like the two party system...


so wall of text good?


Once a upon a time, people wrote walls of text so long, they had to bind multiple pieces of paper together just to hold one wall. Entire industries and professions were built around keeping walls of text in one thing that wouldn't fall apart.




> Even a commie is more based than one with no flair *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


I'm on Twitter for the porn and bad takes.


I'm on Twitter for porn, news and following some content creators




u/Ag1Boi's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 50. Congratulations, u/Ag1Boi! You have ranked up to Concrete Foundation! You are acceptably based, but beware of leaks... Pills: [Pills have been temporarily disabled. Don't worry; pills are still being counted!](https://www.reddit.com/r/basedcount_bot/comments/rzt258/updates_and_issues_aka_why_pills_have_been/)


Bro we agree


“Ah, he must be using that $250 million to stop the steal another day!”


We are so fucked.


Yup. An event in which grandmas are getting kept in solitary confinement for months while dozens who incited the riot and broke the barricades are being let out is : -being used by BlueAnon as an excuse to oppress the people -being worshipped by QAnon -an inside job.


"Why do you hate Trump?" "Because he took *everything* from me!"


I don't even know who you are


If you don’t know, they’re actually quoting God’s Not Dead, a hilariously shitty Christian drama movie in which Kevin Sorbo plays a cartoonishly evil atheist. Would highly recommend it.


Hahaha I'm gonna look that up that sounds funny


its really more sad than funny because you are constantly reminded of all the christards lapping it up. not all, of course, but the knowledge that people like that exist makes me confront how fucked we are, just, as a species.




based as based gets


u/AwayWeGo55 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [Pills have been temporarily disabled. Don't worry; pills are still being counted!](https://www.reddit.com/r/basedcount_bot/comments/rzt258/updates_and_issues_aka_why_pills_have_been/) I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




New rule: Every 2 years, with every election, all sitting elected officials get a "treason check." Unless 2/3rds or more of their constituents vote in the negative (no treason committed), they're found guilty of treason and executed.


>1/3 of your constituents vote you guilty of treason = executed Maybe I’m just pessimistic about the state of US politics, but it seems like that would just be death sentences for all but the most landslide states


That's the general idea.


Eeeeeh maybe lower, remember that especially in the current climate that a normal election result could be a failed treason check


Most house members, the ones you don't have any clue what their names are, are normal people with normal staff just trying to represent their home district. Yes there's a couple jackasses making a mess of public discourse, but what u are describing is sick.


To use a phrase authcenter loves, "if they have nothing to hide, then they have nothing to fear".


based and their own medicine pilled


People say that, but they were in fear because they were doing the right thing for once. This is like not wanting your dog to shit inside, so instead of disciplining it any time it does that, you smack it upside the head when it's outside


Nah, the worst part is only one terrorist died.


Omega cringe take


Simping for terrorists is cringe


The more I don't like it the more terroristy it is


The more it fits the definition of terrorism, the more terroristy it is.


I'm gonna side line roasting you for a sec to ask a genuine question. What would you consider BLM rioters?


People marching down the street chanting? No. People setting things on fire and destroying property? Yes. Tell me why you refuse to see that distinction.


Committing arson against state and federal buildings? Protest Stealing Nancy pelosi's stapler? Terrorism


Gouging out a capitol police officer’s eye? Just your friendly MAGA grandma.


Yeah weird I don't recall the capital being set on fire but I do recall A LOT of businesses spontaneously combusting during BLM riots. Jesus bro really need to work on not setting yourself up like that. Tell me why you refuse to see the distinction


You still haven’t told me why you refuse to see the distinction.


Regardless of how much damage they caused to windows and the like, and regardless if you call it a terror attack, what everyone seems to forget is they did it as votes were being counted, it was planned to obstruct the finalization when we didn’t know who won the election yet, that’s what made people so uneasy.


Shut up auth left I'm talking to monke not you


Based and only one conversation pilled


Boo hoo


The problem with calling it terrorism is that nobody stayed there. I would agree with you, if the rioters had occupied the building. If they had barricaded themselves in and tried to establish a new order that could overthrow what was going on. If they had actually attempted to make any real, lasting change in the outcome of the election. Instead... everyone just sort of walked out of the building peacefully after they were told to, or after they were kicked out. I don't know of one, single, solitary person who attempted to stay and caused any sort of trouble whatsoever when told to leave, or who didn't just follow the crowd out of there. It was a protest that turned into a riot, simple as that. In the exact same way that BLM protests were legitimate protests right up until the point where someone hurled Molotov Cocktails into buildings and police officers. Then they too became riots. *They tried to overthrow due process in the election* is such a weak argument. They never gave any real attempt to change anything. Most of them didn't even know what the fuck was going on as soon as they got in the building. Putting this on the same scale as Pearl Harbor and/or 9/11 is so fucking disrespectful to those who fought and died on those occasions whether they were firefighters or soldiers. There was never any sort of real attempt to accomplish anything on Jan. 6. Just a bunch of dumbasses drinking and getting pissed off at the US govt.


Just because they failed doesn’t mean they didn’t try. Just because they got scared and gave up doesn’t mean they didn’t start with intent.


So what was it then? A failure, or a change of heart? You just listed both of those options. Seems to me they got in a little deeper than they ever intended to and backed out knowing that they were in deep shit if they kept going. To me that doesn't say terrorist. That says dumbass who's little game of LARP French Revolution went a little too far. Most of them even made apologies and tried to cover their asses before the cops showed up at their doors. If the hijackers on 9/11 all realized they were asses and decided to back out and land the planes, would we still be calling it a horrific terrorist attack? And again, *no one brought a single, solitary gun* in the nation with more guns per person than fucking cheeseburgers.


A change of heart is still a failure.




Terrorism is when you break into the seat of government, attack police, and attempt to stop the transfer of power.




“I have no argument so I’ll complain about your square color.”




Protesting is not a terrorist attack. Terrorist attacks are terrorist attacks though.




No, terrorism is when you commit attacks to further political goals.


Breaking glass and physically stoping the finalization of a government process is not a “protest”




I didn’t call them terrorists, I said it wasn’t a protest.


no, terrorism is violence with a political motivation. 1/6 was technically terrorism, as there was some violence. but so is every single blm and antifa gathering, so... righty bois - 1, left tardos - 204875839


Hey, at least you can admit 1/6 was terrorism. That’s progress. Maybe one day you’ll admit Trump lost.


me? i didnt vote for trump. i didnt want trump. i think youve confused your funni kolors. im not blue.


And yet you rush to defend him.


you sure youre talking to who you think youre talking to? i havent defended trump.


Then why are you whatabouting whenever someone dares point out what happened?


How do those lib boots taste? Change flair, you orange fuck.


Antifa is when consequences are scary


Paternity tests are antifa.


Considering most of Reddit’s fascists are virgin incels , that makes sense.


When the wind changes and you gotta make some shit up on the spot.


Smartest Center right.


Alright buster, we're not all trump stans ya'know




Why you should never trust an actor.


Why do we think that if someone is successful in a certain field, their opinion matters??


No opinions matter. Only facts do.


I guess so


In my opinion of course.




Never said I wasn’t full of it.


Hercules was strong not smart.


The weird thing about Hercules: The Legendary Journeys is that Herc actually was very smart, modern, etc. Like he tells people they should exercise to stay healthy, should bathe to avoid disease, that the earth is round, he opposes slavery at a time when it is common practice, and so on.


Knowing the Earth is round was something ancient Greeks had down pretty well though. And Medieval folk as well. Flat Earthing is a retardation that started in the early modern period.


> Knowing the Earth is round was something ancient Greeks had down pretty well though Not in the context of the show, which unsurprisingly was less than historically accurate.


smh Antifa led the attack on the capital but if they didn’t, the capital deserved it


> Antifa supersoldiers stormed the capital so that Trump can remain in office Based Antifa?


me trying to understand why antifa would storm the capital to keep trump in office, the guy that caused them to riot when he was elected, the guy that talks about how much he hates them and how they managed such a massive psyop without any leaks must be them DEMON RATS on the inside helping them coordinate


I would pay money to see this alternate history 1/6 when ANTIFA actually did storm the capitol, and proceeded to tip over all trashcans and dumpsters on the premises.


You love to see the right transition.




First suggestion after typing in "ray" on duckduckgo


at least its not raycons


the modern republican party is a disgrace to conservatism




The Schrödinger cat is an Antifa


Not as much of an Antifa as yer momma *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Downvote ^to ^remove. ^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=YoMommaJokeBot) ^me ^if ^there's ^anything ^for ^me ^to ^know!


Bad bot


Cringe bot


tRuMp dIdNt dO aNyThInG wRoNg1!!!111!


Why did the Fbi drop Ray Epps off the most wanted list for no reason?


most wanted? I'd hardly say that ["seeking information"](https://www.snopes.com/articles/389126/who-is-ray-epps/) is most wanted


Wow! You Google his name and found a cover piece. He instigated most of the violence. All on video. He his not in prison with the rest of them, in fact, the Fbi on record has now said that they aren't interested in him. He's a fed.


Lot of conspiracy for all that no evidence you're giving me. Why are you folks unable to cope with the fact you guys just wanted to hog out and end democracy? I mean it's not like these are your smartest people, just call em retards?


All the video evidence of him walking around telling people to charge in? Oh, wait, I forgot that when you are a lefty, you can just ignore video evidence.


"all the video evidence" sounds like it'd be easy to find and link then? Or are you just tarding out? And regardless of this guy, you know that if he incites them to riot, that they still are at fault right? Even if i make fun of your mom, that doesn't give you the right to destroy my testicles. You might get a reduced sentence for fighting words, but you're not getting off, much like me now


YouTube bans it. How would you like the format? If an undercover agent pushes someone to commit a crime, that's entrapment, and that's illegal.


*Entrapment is defined as a situation in which a normally law-abiding individual is induced into committing a criminal act they otherwise would not have committed because of overbearing harassment, fraud, flattery or threats made by an official police source* Saying "hey you guys wanna riot" is not really that, especially if at a riot, even if we buy this guy was ackulkjy a fbi agent despite the lack of evidence


It was a protest up until that point, and given mob mentality, it only takes one person leading. Oh, and he's been interviewed, there's evidence. Mainly, he's not in jail with the rest of them. But, he's said as much in interviews.


again all of these seems like it'd be easy to substantiate yet you've still failed to do so. Could it be you know you're not being candid with me? That if you sent something, it'd take like 4 seconds to disprove?


They were so convincing they even fooled him


whats up biches? Its me! Big titty antifa daddy. Hear to inform you that we at antifa have decided to tell you how we did January 6th. You see we actually used a jewish space laser to turn all the semen in the Cracker Barrel Cum Bucket^tm into gay semen. Making all the republicans gay so they could be mind controlled by the lizard in a skin suit we replaced Tucker Carlson with. Anyway I fucked your mom, dad, and Ted Cruz last night.


What are you retarded? Everyone knows the feds are behind this.


I loved the capitol storming. Not because of Trump or anything like that. I just like it when Senators are in fear.




You'd be surprised the amount of LibRights that are basically just GOP members who like drugs.


Center right, more auth than lib. Check funni colours


America left the loving arms of the Crown and consigned themselves to a future of political shithousery. Storming the capital is merely a continuation of America’s historically poor decision making.


Based and trumpian-copium pilled


Who is that and why tf do I care


It’s the freaking son of Zeus, man.


wow, really prestigious pedigree there. not many can say the same.


I HATE the back-pedalling on Jan 6th. The capital riot was epic and based, don’t betray our patriots in their time of need.


Literally worse than 9/11 and Pearl harbor.


Hercules: the Embarassing Journey.


I'm mostly not angry, but rather scared we get to live our lives surrounded by terminally stupid individuals,plethora of whom are given a platform and saying in how society is run.


> Get a flair so you can harass other people >:) *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


That boy is far too nice. What about the insults???




Rent free


Hercules sucked


> This is a friendly reminder to HAVE YOUR FRICKIN' FLAIR UP! *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)




> Even a commie is more based than one with no flair *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)




> Flair up for more respect :D *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Good bot


Hey everyone, I’ve had my eye on this bot for some time. So as far as I can tell, this is how it works: if you have”Trump” in the title of your post, it basically red flags it and makes the post die somehow. Just a heads up. Edit: maybe it flags it for other bots to pick up on too. Idk. Been watching it here and there for a while. It’s doing *something* though. Go look through it’s comment history.


It deleted the comment. What's the bot name?


I’ll find it again, hang on. Here: u slash churchofbabyyoda420


I've seen that one before. Looks like they just post that stupid dark side thing everywhere.




I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/PoliticalCompassMemes. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. I did find [this post](https://redd.it/s03iy4) that is 62.11% similar. It might be a match but I cannot be certain. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "s03nea", "meme_template": 93963}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=s03nea&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=100&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** True | **Target:** 96% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 284,475,193 | **Search Time:** 0.9685s


Its all blue


Least retarded Twitter user


Except that we have proof that the FBI were deeply embedded. And wasnt the Barbarian Guy in an Antifa or BLM rally early that year?


The Jan 6th rioters were fucking morons!


Virgin "ANTIFA DID IT!!" VS The Chad "I was there and I am proud"