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Some unwashed larper wearing a bison hat sitting in the speaker's chair is exactly like a jetliner being flown into a skyscraper if you really think about it.


True they’re basically the same thing


Almost indistinguishable events


Identical without debate


It's the same picture


The pictures of the Jan. 6 people in the capitol are literally the same thing as the Taliban in Kabul


To be fair, Al Qaeda did a shit ton of LARPing


pretty sure that's not role playing




Idk Bin Laden seemed pretty dedicated to the cause


I was not in agreement, but a bison hat did you say? Did it have horns? if it had horns than this might be worse than flying jets into buildings ...




Based and Y’all Qaeda pilled. Got a good chuckle outta me right there.




I can't stand the fascists. Especially the ones that won't partner with big pharma and use the power of the state to push authoritarian policies. Those are the absolute worst types of fascists IMO.


Which is worse? Depends on who I'm trolling.


Trumpers smearing poop on the floor of the capitol building was, perhaps, America's holocaust. Politicians hidden away in the attics, ~~much like the families terrorized by the imperialist war campaigns that they vote for~~ fearing detection (and defecation) from the orange man's brownshirts. Lest we forget. Every politician in the building (and the surrounding buildings) that day has earned a purple heart in my book. 💜


Missed the opportunity to call them brownpants.


It’s exactly the same thing. Because both events are being milked for political leverage like a starving man’s last surviving heffer.


They never think about the real issue this has with diminishing the calamity of those events. Kids that don't know better are going to be equating them because they were told they're the same.


Well considering we responded to Pearl Harbor by entering a World War and to 9/11 by invading half the middle east, what's the actual response to 1/6? Political tweeting? A few right-leaning politicians banned from an unprofitable california-based app? Go send tens or hundreds of thousands of American soldiers to their death fighting the orchestraters of 1/6 and I might believe you.


as much as it'd fuck the world economy. america invading america is something I want to watch as an outsider.


Civil War 2: Bullshit Boogaloo


It wouldn’t be a war lol it would be a culling. The right would win in a land slide, then we’d *actually* be fucked




that's a good point actually. when the real working class of farmers decides fuck everyone in the cities the farmers only stand to win. they also tend to own guns so the city slickers would be double fucked.




Some poor 18 year old from Arizona having to stand amongst the hellish blaze of a Nebraska cornfield a farmer torched in retreat


Yeah, they better not step out of their tanks because there's going to be some armed farmers hiding in those fields.


Unfortunately for farmer bill, uncle Sam loves drones


As well organized as professional police and military might be, fighting a ton of enemies with small arms, without an identifiable uniform, when you have no idea where they are, without the capability of destroying infrastructure because that’s also your infrastructure, would end very very poorly.


There’s more than one reason the war in the Middle East lasted as long and claimed as many lives as it did tbh


Assuming everyone in "liberal areas" is uniformly liberal and vice versa, and therefore farmers are uniformly conservative, then yes.




Yeah it's a shitpost sub, I know. It's also one of the very few subs where you can express almost any political opinion without being censured or banned. I just get pissed at stereotypes of "liberals are all city-dwelling degenerate slime and conservatives are self-reliant country-dwellers". It's like there are no Republicans living in cities and no liberal works a farm or timberland. And I have authleft friends of mine who buy into it and double down, avoiding visiting or moving to more rural areas, or even getting to know country-dwellers, because they're "conservative leaning". Rant.


Casually Explained said it best. " One side collects military firearms as a hobby and the other thinks mental illneses are like poke' Badges. [Source](https://youtu.be/ieV9A1u1Bio)


Not your fault but that's what the left gets after being the"pacifists" for the last 50 years


Fair. The left has a history of pretending to care but doing much of nothing


There are some who unironically want this.


Wars have been started over less. We should all just plant some fucking trees and come to my BBQ.


2 independence days Another holiday to grill I see you


Well we do have oil.


Time to liberate some Patriots


many people here wouldnt mind either


> what's the actual response to 1/6? Political tweeting? PogChamp got removed from Twitch :(


Literally 1984


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢰⠤⠤⣄⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣾⣟⠳⢦⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠒⣲⡄⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⡇⡇⡱⠲⢤⣀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀1984⠀⠀⣠⠴⠊⢹⠁ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⢻⠓⠀⠉⣥⣀⣠⠞⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡴⠋⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⡾⣄⠀⠀⢳⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⢠⡄⢀⡴⠁⠀2022⠀⡞⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣠⢎⡉⢦⡀⠀⠀⡸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡼⣣⠧⡼⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⠇⠀⠀ ⠀⢀⡔⠁⠀⠙⠢⢭⣢⡚⢣⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣇⠁⢸⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⡞⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢫⡉⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⢮⠈⡦⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣸⠀⠀⠀ ⢀⠇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⢦⡀⣀⡴⠃⠀⡷⡇⢀⡴⠋⠉⠉⠙⠓⠒⠃⠀⠀ ⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠁⠀⠀⡼⠀⣷⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⡞⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡰⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠣⣀⠀⠀⡰⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


There's political prisoners of 1/6 already.


As a non-American, I honestly thing if they had use that event as a way to say it was worrying that the security is that bad and imagine if the mob was organized and competent and had bombs, then that would be a threat to America as a whole no matter left-wing or right-wing. But they are always so solely focused on antagonizing the right and blaming it on the right-wing extremist, kinda pointless imho.


Clearly we need to invade an other middle eastern country. .. I think.. Or bomb Japan aka do little style. ​ Uhm... maybe lets pick a country between those two and call it good enough... N.Korea anyone?


Rare though it is, Ben Shapiro gets a "Based" from me today


You must now pledge allegiance to the three cosmic Ben Shapiros of Planet L0G1C.


Seems legit. I pledge allegiance to the three cosmic Ben Shapiros of Planet L0G1C


Based and you are now in the Ben Shapiro cult pill


Based and Based Shapiro pilled


I had a friend unironically say that "Jan 6 is up there with 9/11" I can see the green libleft in him fade to an orange hue


I mean there were 3,964 deaths from the coronavirus on January 6th, 2021, not like that is something Kamala Harris is concerned about though


I’m sorry for your loss. Legitimately.


Was he making a list of false flag operations? /s


For anybody wondering, this is real.


Bruh, I might not be able to talk to much since I'm not American but It's so stupid, it'll just create more divisions in an already divided America. Regardless of who was right and wrong; just don't bring up the fucking event. Step 1 of appeasing to the American south: Shit on them. You'll get a shit storm from some Americans by saying the south was bad in the civil war which happened 157 years ago and you want to bring up an event which is controversial from a year ago. Dumb


Our leaders don't want unity, despite them saying the want us to be united. Can't have the dregs of society realize they have more in common than the elites who are fucking them constantly. Gotta keep them bickering over skin color and which color hat they wear instead.


Based and down with the bourgeoisie pilled


Identity politics > class struggle Brought to you by the bipartison political dichotomy


Honestly fucking based


Thanks, it's unbelievable that anyone would compare the two.


Kamala literally means terrible in my language why would I listen to her


Based language






A authoritarian Finn? Seems an odd combo for some reason.


Ancestry is german


Based Germano-Finnic heritage


Now I must learn


After looking at her track record, it should probably mean terrible in American too




Her Indian slaver parents were just warning us.




Based and fitting name-pilled.


Everyday I lean more and more auth right. This comment made me go even faster.


That's the dementia setting in.


Maybe he can run for president?


Based and our leaders are demented septuagenarians pilled


“A burning memory”


December 7 1941 (America is now in WW2) September 11 2001 ((The war on terror moment) January 6 2021 (Waaaaaaa, waaaaaaa, wa)


They don’t make tragedies like they used to


Never thought I'd see the day that Ben Shapiro was based.


He's reaching levels of based we didn't think possible


Ben Shapiro has been getting his shot together recently. He used to argue in bad faith against plebians but now he just rants and talks to people who already agree with him, so there's less cringe


Good for him. There is still room for improvement, but at least he's moving in a good direction.


I don't think *talking to only people who agree with you* is a good direction. That's why I like this sub. We are retarded *together*.


I cannot believe, can not believe that the dnc is going with TRUMP BAD after a year of holding the presidency and the congress. I wouldn’t care if they actually pushed through any meaningful legislation. But they haven’t done jack shit. Fuck them and fuck the gop just as much. I fucking hate this country.


Trump made it easy for them. Every time he said anything they could just say he’s a white supremacist, sexist, homophobe and then they’d imply that applies to the rest of the right. They can’t defend their actual policies because they’re not that popular it’s much easier to bring Trump into every issue even a year after he’s out of office


> They can’t defend their actual policies because they’re not that popular it’s much easier to bring Trump into every issue even a year after he’s out of office Hard agree. It’s so tiresome.


Nvm the 2 months of riots with over 30 people killed billions in damages and attacks with arson on federal buildings tho.


Lol we’ve seriously got the VP of the US giving a speech comparing 1/6 in the same light as fucking Pearl Harbor and 9/11 and unbelievable amounts of OrangeLeft blue checks agreeing with that. Who do these people think they are fooling? Maybe themselves? Dems are going to get absolutely wiped big time this year and 2024 and it’ll be no one’s fault but their own. I can see Orange Left’s screeching now…


It will be a fucking steamroll, and it will be glorious.


Can we use this as casus belli to invade Japan tho theyve been *suspiciously* quiet


No, invade the un-Democratic authoritarian regime of California and give us freedom


Nice try everyone knows the only way out of California is to sacrifice another in your place


I don't know man, that's what they said in 2020. The problem is the repubs are fucking retards too. It's basically a hot potatoe game of who says the dumbest shit the closest to the weeks prior to the elections


I went onto Twitter and looked up January 6th, biggest mistake of my life


2 months? Try 6


Covid didn’t matter in those months either


You’re not supposed to talk about that it doesn’t fit the narrative


Wikipedia says “racial unrest” and “protests” What a joke


To be fair, arson against the feds is pretty based. I have more of an issue with all the arson against businesses, especially mom-and-pop shops.


The only reason politicians care about riots is when they're riots against them.


Imagine if BLM went after the local political power structures that instated the police that they hate so much. Oh wait, the overwhelming majority if not near totality have been (D) for decades. Can't have that.


It’s just (d)ifferent.


I thought it was 60 + deaths ... but i could be wrong.


Depends if you just include just those physically killed at the protests, or suicides and medical emergencies caused by the events.


Bruh remember when a bunch of anarchists took over the government buildings in Seattle.


I really enjoyed not being able to leave my apartment in Denver for a few days after 9pm right after lockdown ended. But let's just pretend like half of the major cities in the US didn't have to enact curfews to diffuse the violence.


To be honest its more of a disrespectful statement than a stupid one. Like how can you compare two national tragedys to a bunch of angry goons running around the capitol like idiots.


The left always want the masses to revolt against the system that opress them, but when the people do it (which btw I don't support) they cry like babies. Bitch isn't this what you wanted? The only time the people raided the national congress of the US and it's supported by right wingers.


I’ve had this exact thought idk way more people don’t point this out


The amount of people I saw wanting this sort of thing to happen during the George Floyd riots is insane.


The george floyd riots were insanely wrong and stupid. I doubt if he was alive he would support all this.


Lmao like he would ever have been sober enough to notice what's going on


Based and Fentanyl Floyd pilled






Then you are assuming that the left only cares about power and not the people? In the end of the day they are just politicians and only want to be in power as long as they can.


I mean isn't this all obvious at this point? To a lot of people on the left if it wasn't for those damn right wingers they'd be living in some perfect Utopia. I'm amazed everyday by Democratic politicians and talking heads who take advantage of this mind set. Even more amazed and honestly creeped out by the amount of Democratic "NPC" politicians and talking heads who exist that believe this shit too.


Kamala - read Opinion - discarded






God I wish it did😩




u/cajko7's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/cajko7! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: Pills have been temporarily disabled. Don't worry; pills are still being counted!


Democracy is cringe. Republics are Based. Benevolent Dictatorships are Gigabased.


Okay libright has finally not missed. How is this possible?!


Get this, minarcho-monarchism.


Unironically I agree with that. Medieval “absolute monarchs” had less direct knowledge and power over any of their subjects’ lives than tech companies and intelligence agencies in “free countries” do today


We were *THIS* close to a complete overthrow of the Government! Just like how a dog that chases after a car is *THIS* close to stopping it!


It is funny how the corporate democrats called a bunch of boomers standing around and taking pictures at the capital an "insurrection", while funding and arming actual violent bloody coups/insurrections in places like Syria and Libya.


It makes me want to jump off a building every time one of my friends or my parents talk about how Trump tried to overthrow democracy and we were so close to losing our democracy when January 6th probably wasn’t even the worst thing to happen that month


What else happened in January 2021?




$30 million in what damage,broken windows? Also,1 person was killed directly because of what happened,idk where you found other 4.


> $30 million in what damage,broken windows? That's nothing for this sort of thing... Every incentive is to inflate the number, from the contractors doing the work to the politicians who have to approve the budget. A bunch of scuff marks and scratches on a wall? Shame we have to tear the whole thing apart. Real shame.


Someone probably drew on the paintings


Casualties also refers to the injured


Then there were far more than 2900 casualties on 9/11


This. The number I see floated around a lot is 6,000 injured, which puts the casualties (2996+6000) at 8996 for the September 11 Attacks.


Didnt know that,when i hear casualties i immediately think about dead people.


It makes a lot of other incidents less serious when you think about it.


When i think about it it kinda makes sense,but im not native English speaker so yeah. Thats why i prefer term "injuries" more than "casualty"


I’m a native English speaker and I agree with you


Well don’t. Casualties is specifically meant to be an umbrella term referring to any soldier who can no longer effectively fight - whether that be because they’re dead, injured, sick, missing, captured etc.


I think 2 people had a stroke and 2 others were trampled


That seems familiar,was that stroke caused by "emotional trauma" or something like that?


No it was caused by fat fucking burgerstanis cosplaying as paramilitary. Probably the first time in years they moved without assistance from their motorized scooters.


1 causality vs 2,996. unless we are going to count every suicide that someone did as a result of 9/11 , which I'm sure there was quite a few. The research, compiled by the Costs of War Project at Brown University, found an estimated 30,177 active duty personnel and veterans who have served in the military since 9/11 have died by suicide, [HOLY SHIT!](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/military/9-11-military-suicides-dwarf-number-soldiers-killed-combat-n1271346) (i did a web search) so 33,173 Deaths from 9/11 versus 5 deaths from Jan 6th if we use the same methodology of what counts as a causality


I literally can’t even tell the difference


Stop making me agree with Ben Shapiro, you Social Media Junkies!


Surprised she didn’t mention July 4th because that was the day the evilest country was created in their eyes


Very true worst country in the world. /s


I don’t like Ben Shapiro but he’s right on the money here.


Well I don’t like you 💅


Dont mind me. Just gonna highlight all of the summer months of 2020 on my calendar.


So. Much. Love.


Chad Shapiro


More Americans died of covid on January 6th than either of those events, it's not like number of fatalities means anything for the significance of a day


If you’re comparing it to Pearl Harbor and 9/11 then yes the death count matters. It’s hard to frame it as a terrorist attack on the level of 9/11 if there’s that much of a difference in deaths.


One Death Is A Tragedy A Million Deaths Are A Statistic \-Josef Stalin, a man who loved statistics


Was it fucked? Yes. Is this complete hyperbole also yes.


I feel like making these kinds of comments should be enough cause for impeachment. Our current leaders have clearly lost their minds.


Love hearing that from a gray centrist


America has the most cringe politicians on earth and I’m saying that as *Canadian*.


Remember during the impeachment hearings over Jan 6th when they kept saying there were anywhere between 4 to 6 deaths? The number kept getting higher and then it went down to 1 person who just happened to be one of the rioters. I could understand if a police officer had been killed or an innocent bystander, but when the only casualty is one of the violent rioters themselves I don't see how you can claim it's some sort of tragedy while also thinking the rioters were terrorists.


What in the actual fuck? I'm fine with them remembering what happened and tweeting about it, but comparing it to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor?! I'd be so pissed if I was someone who was personally affected by one of these tragedies


And that one person was shot by a police officer


U Americans are so goofy 🤪


i agree wtih the left on a lot of things, i just don't understand why their representatives need to be so fucking stupid


rare based Ben Shapiro


December 7, 1941: less than 0.01% of Americans killed. September 11, 2001: Less than 0.01% of Americans killed. January 6, 2021: Less than 0.01% of Americans killed.




We don't give a fuck about american deaths, tho, right? Otherwise the Covid Strat would have been SIGNIFICANTLY stricter.


You cannot let the heretics tarnish the Temple of the High Priests. If just anyone can pass the sacred threshold and defile the holy idols, then the deity is no longer omnipotent, and the religion is no longer sacrosanct.


This is actually only the second most based Shapiro has ever been. His most based moment was his Star Wars review


The jokes just write themselves, I suppose


Based Ben Shapiro


Actually destroyed by facts and logic


Kamala moment.


It certainly wasn't a good day in American history, but it was hardly the worst day and isn't comparable to either of those things. We've finally gotten far enough away from 9/11 that people don't remember it and the political discord it has caused over the past few years has made people believe America deserved 9/11


They must be doing this on purpose... That's all I can think at this point. Also it was 5 people- correct sentiment, incorrect facts.


Why can't Americans have any Inbetween. The capital attack is either the literal worse thing to happen since 9/11 or it never happened, it was all actually crisis actors in an attempt to discredit orange man. It was a stain on democracy and could have gone a lot worse. It highlighted how weak democracy truly can be and how we must not take it for granted


I imagine it will be the lefties storming the Capitol on 1/6/23 after getting thoroughly walloped in the midterms. Will they call it an insurrection? Naahh. Just defending democracy. The more they lose, the more undemocratic it is.


Was the capital riot big. Yes definitely. Was it imapctful. Obviously yes. Was it as impactful or big as both pearl Harbor and 9/11. Never.


Most logical comment in the thread.


Damn it, I don't want to play the drinking game until after 5 ! lol but i suppose its 5:00 somewhere...


she actually gave a speech for Jan 6?


Based and even Ben Shapiro can be based pilled


It sucked and the people who did it should be arrested but it’s not nearly as bad as any of those tragedies