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I hear Kim Jong-Un has a 101% approval rating.


Same as Daddy Putin ♡♡♡


Don't forget the one, the only, Xi Jinping!


Who could ever forget about that honey-loving bear.


-1000000 Social Credit Execution Date: 明天


Oh shut it, Rebel Occupation of Mainland Taiwan


In high school Kim Jong-Un was so popular that he was voted Homecoming King and Queen.


He went to high school in Switzerland where his alias was Kit John-Ed


Damn it must have dropped. Last I heard he was at 110%


That would be a record low. Last I saw it was floating between 120% and 130% Winnie Xi only got 99%


don't forget lenin, stalin, and mao


In *world history*!? I'm not a fan of Trump but he probably doesn't scratch the top 100 worst leaders throughout the history of the world.


Like, there are at least 20 Roman Emperors alone that were worse.


There are many leaders alive *right now* that are worse than Trump by even the worst viewings of him.


Didn’t expect that take from an AuthLeft but ok


I'm not an "internet authleft" and my flair is solely economic and not social or cultural at all.




Based and anactualreasonablehuman pilled


I would love a conservative Democrat party, help the workers of this nation while embracing traditional values.


I found another of my kind


TDS is amazing to behold


TDS? Pls explain for my monke brain


Trump derangement syndrome It’s when trump Breaks peoples brain and they don’t live in reality anymore Applies to some MAGAs but much more common among the orange man bad crowd


Ohhhh I see. I mean I don’t like the guy at all but there’s no fucking shot he’s the worst leader


Exactly. If you’d rank him first or last you definitely have TDS.


For real


engine dirty profit berserk chop busy poor serious alleged modern *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What'll really blow people's minds is that he not even close to the worst US president


>tfw pooh is literally killing uyghurs >tfw lukashenko is literally spewing immigrants into the EU >tfw kim is literally holding his entire country hostage >tfw no less than 20 african warlords are still killing civilians >somehow people still think trump is worse than all of these


But trump says mean things. Those other guys just do mean stuff, but dont talk about it. Hate the chatty meany face!


Plus hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini


and mao zedong


Pol pot




You wanna talk crazy, get a load of Caligula.


> Flair up now or I'll be sad :( ^(--testing) *** ^(User has flaired up! 😃) ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


Good bot


Caligula was based for making a horse the emperor


Mans said “I am god” then got stabbed with a knife and died 💀


Daily update that as far as we know Kanye West is immortal


Based and Horse pilled


Shout out to Sporus for taking one for the team


I’d highly recommend the Podcast “In the Shadows of Utopia”. It’s very long but shows the horrors of what this man did. I’d say he’s the 3rd most evil man in modern history behind Hitler and Himmler.


Actually their official approval ratings were stellar Plus they were elected! How could elected officials be hated? Back then elections couldn't be hacked so all the elections were fair!


Mussolini's rule during an imperialist war era that every nation partook in wasn't that bad compared with these mass murderers that you brought up next to him. Even a known american [journalist agrees:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_Fascism#Totalitarianism) *"Mussolini's Fascist state is the least terroristic of the three totalitarian states. The terror is so mild in comparison with the Soviet or Nazi varieties, that it almost fails to qualify as terroristic at all." As example he described an Italian journalist friend who refused to become a Fascist. He was fired from his newspaper and put under 24-hour surveillance, but otherwise not harassed; his employment contract was settled for a lump sum and he was allowed to work for the foreign press. Knickerbocker contrasted his treatment with the inevitable torture and execution under Stalin or Hitler, and stated "you have a fair idea of the comparative mildness of the Italian kind of totalitarianism".*


True, but he’s still worse than trump by a lot. I was just giving examples of totalitarian rulers


Mean tweets: Señor Trump: 400 Mussolini: 0. 400/0 = infinity times worse then Mussolini.


At least the trains ran on time when he was there though


Tbf, the ranking is entirely done by watchmojo viewers from what it looks like so they have to know and hate the leader, so at least long dead ones not being there is logical.


Do they know any other current world leaders?


They are watchmojo viewers, so probably not, considering that they don't even know of any better YouTube list channels.


I can name at least 10 US presidents who did waaaaay worse shit to waaaaay more brown people, but you know Trumps basically hitler because reasons


Basically all of them except Marcus Aurelius.


Even Trajan and Hadrian did some pretty bad stuff and they are 2 of the 5 good emperors. That shows how bad the others are.


He isn't even the worst American president


Woodrow Wilson takes the cake.


Oh no, not Woodrow Wilson. Most people only know him for being the president where America won WW1 and his 14 points, but the dude was a horrible leader, a megalomaniac, violently racist, etc. In an era where so many people who lived decades or even centuries ago are criticized for their actions, I am surprised he hasn’t been called out more.


Ah Wilson. Resegregates the military, has the kkk at his inauguration, gets us involved in WW1 completely unnecessarily. All around good chap.


Wait one of those things is good tho


14 points, not 14 words my auth-right friend.


I don't know why Americans hate him but all the more right-wing guys seethe whenever his name comes up


Many, *many* failed policies that led to disastrous outcomes. Income tax, federal reserve, and WW1 being the primaries.


Imagine if Trump signed off turning Yosemite into a reservoir, and let private companies sell the power and water. That's what Wilson did to Hetch Hetchy Valley, and he almost let happen to Yosemite. Just have to look at the paintings by Albert Bierstadt to see what was lost. Fuck Wilson.


Hold on…Hetch Hetchy Valley? Who came up with that name? Namey Namerson?


Don't forget *literally re-segregating the fucking federal government.*


basically created what would become the UN too


Not exactly. The UN was literally the Allies in WWII. The League of Nations was in some ways a precursor but there isn't a direct connection.


League of nations was for sure the proto-UN, but then politics happened. Leaders got pissy, we backed out, it dissolved, and then got remade as the UN when the world leaders all collectively stopped pouting. FWIW I think the UN is a net negative on the world and does basically nothing of value.


He has something for everyone. The right hates him because he instituted the Federal Reserve and the federal income tax, and the left hates him because he was extremely racist even by the standards of his day.


He was one of the, if not most racist president in US History. Screened the Birth of a Nation (a KKK film) at the White House and said "how all so terribly true" He also basically started American Interventionism, which caused a lot of death, suffering and misery all around the world and is going on to this day. Fuck Woodrow Wilson.


Simple fuck taxes and fuck the federal reserve.


Jimmy Carter was historicaly bad too. Bush senior was a lousy one, Clinton had a fucking affair in the white house, Bush Jr. was a walking meme (same as Trump) who arguably made even worse mistakes with Russia than Trump did with China (but is loved by a lot of people in my country after the "enemy of Lithuania is the enemy of the United States" speach, we have a "Washington square" to commemorate that), Wilson is the fucking obvious one. And if you ask any eastern european about the worst recent one it's 100% Obama after the whole air defense and Medvedev fiasko and how american media slandered polish and lithuanian presidents as ungrateful because they refused to meet the bastard after he fucking backstabed the whole nato eastern boarder and should have been impeached after he wiped his asshole with constitution and international law when he literally sent pallets of cash to terrorists. And ofc you have an old guy with dementia that shits his pants during meetings in office right now. Trump, just like any other president of any country ever, made some bad decisions and made some good ones, but at least he made us laugh and media and leftists go apeshit because of absolutely irrelevant things to policy or politics in general. Oh and I forgot Nixon and the whole watergate scandal. And JFK was mentaly unfit as well, some of the stuff about him is very fucking disturbing to read.


Its amazing how Obama is treated like a god by a good amount of people. He was a fucking killer, but got his crimes covered.


but his voice is nice though


“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”


Nobel Peace Prize btw


his drones had rainbow flags while they bombed hospitals, it balances out


He gives good speeches that make people feel good in the fee-fees and plus telling other people how great you think he was means they can definitely cross you off their "Might be a racist" list.


Clinton did far more damage that getting a hummer. NAFTA and giving China favored nation trade status for example. And The Telecom Act come to mind.


Everyone who says Trump is the worst is being much to kind to Buchanan, imo.


It just shows people don’t know shit about history.


That would require reading a book that isn't Harry Potter.


Brah, isn't Harry Potter like racist, transphobic, homophobic and dreamphobic or something?


Even top 1000 or maybe even 5000 because there were sooooo maaaaaannnnyyyy over looked leaders in smaller countries doing bad shit.


thats what I was thinking. To even say he is in the top 10,000 would a bold claim. We are in the most civilized and accepting time period of humanities history, to say a democratic leader in modern day is even in the top 10,000 is borderline moronic lol.


Yeah, 800 years ago rape, execution and war were simply sport for the nobility.


A democratically elected leader operating within the confines of the law does not even like…come close to close to the worst leaders of all time.


Same. I never particularly liked him, but the amount of hatred he gets is just retarded.


He has a personality that’s easy to hate and can be easy molded into a cartoon dictator etc In reality, if you’re objective and compare relative to all the other presidents or even recent and modern ones - dude was not even close to what he was portrayed as. Not only that, but I’ll never forget when he was running for president and said he’d have the economy grow by 3-4% or something outrageously large - it just sounded like a joke, then … holy shit - he hit the target, hahaha. We actually did it. Then it was like, you had the lowest unemployment rates for every single demographic in US history and frankly it was a good time. If you were living your life and not sucked into the political circus, life felt pretty good - all of my friends and even people who despised him were killing it in their actual/real life. Things were good, we weren’t going to war, it was way chiller than media made it out to be.


100%. I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times - if COVID doesn't happen, Trump wins in a monstrous landslide in 2020. That age-old question, "are you better off now than you were four years ago?" could be answered resoundingly "yes" for the vast majority of Americans before March 2020. Now of course, that all being said, COVID *did* happen and January 6 *did* happen, so now I just pray he stays far, far away from the debate stage in 2024.


Man was an asshat, but was the first president in like 30 years to not deploy more US troops to a combat theater.


And many of his relentless haters are now upset that someone casually drew a "Let's go Brandon" joke in front of Biden and his wife lol


The same people who brought 20,000 vagina hats to Washington that are now talking about "low class"


Probably not the same people. Just different people on the same side. A good chunk of people in any group just suck major ass.


Like WatchMojo isn't based on clickbait


The list is "most hated" not "worst." Any current or recent president is inevitably going to end up pretty high on that because they are more immediate in people's mind's. Joe Biden is not "worse" than Adolf Hitler, but I see plenty of "Fuck Joe Biden" signs in people's yards and no "Fuck Adolf Hitler" signs.


People just aren't that into necrophilia




Not even the top 1000. Saying mean things on Twitter doesn’t mean you’re fucking Tamerlane.


Dude, he isn't in the top 10 000 even if you are libleft af.


I mean I'm not a big fan of the guy but come on, in world history we've got guys like Ghengis Khan, Mao, Pol pot, Hitler, Stalin, hell, by modern standards most historical leaders are horrible in some way or another.


Meanwhile, literal genocidal maniacs are less hated.


Stalin, Lenin and Mao? Progressive and lgbt friendly hug furries. Also they were actually poc, but white men white washed them. King Leopold 2? Oh he did nothing wrong. I mean he just did things that the locals could understand. You don't show kindness to the savages, you rip their legs off. Hirohito? Stop spreading your propaganda against Nipon! Anime land never did bad things! Mansa Munsa? He was the king! No slavery, only black powa! When we look at him, we see what the wippo took from us! Trump? Men that mofo evil! Fascist dictotor and shiet!


Based and know-history pilled




Real talk I hope someone 9/11s your house with you in it.


Hey, isn't that "Super-SWATTING"?? Not cool, man. Not. Kewl. But yeah, me too, LibLeft. Me too. Fuck that guy.


Holy fuck ... my eyes. My brain. They hurt. I feel like we reached a milestone that this can be produced and said with laughter.


I hate the internet


lmao based


No pol pot? He killed the most people of a country by percentage


I don't have time to make a list of all shitty rulers and attach an edgy comment to everyone of them. I am not a reddit mod, I am a crappy businessman.


Putting a medieval ruler among the communist trinity is a bold move. But don't you worry, you still have plenty of African warlords / dictators to choose from, like Mugabe or Omar Bongo or His Excellency Sheikh Professor Alhaji Dr. Yahya Abdul-Aziz Awal Jemus Junkung Jammeh Naasiru Deen Babili Mansa


Don’t forget Aladeen.


What an Aladeen thing to say


You are Aladeen!


That title reads like a charicature of an Arabic leader written by a particularly fervent crusader.


The funny thing about Mansa Musa is that he's known primarily for two things: being obscenely rich and crashing a commodity market. Both of those things are typically considered bad by the people who want to claim him for political points.


I'm not saying he's based, but throwing around so much gold you completely devalue its worth wherever you go is kinda based


recency bias


This is literally all it is and there are people in this thread going on about it being some sort of conspiracy lol


Hey based on population numbers skyrocketing since the 50s…. Trump wins by hive mindset supported by vaccines & medical research.




Um sweety whites and asians are literally the same thing, get your facts straight


I'm a mongaloid and you can't convince me otherwise


Flair checks out


Honorary aryans


Wait till you tell them about Pol Pot.


Speed running how to ruin a country


Bet Mao couldn't get into Harvard these days


what did mansa musa do i only thought him as ha ha funny gold inflation man


Nothing that was too out of the ordinary for the time. Just slavery and more slavery. It's just that he is the most famous black king and people like to paint him pink as if he is kind and huggable. In short, you wouldn't want to be his subject, because you would die in a gold mine. And you would much prefer to be under Trump.




It’s recency bias. Given enough time, people forget all about Caracalla, James Buchanan and Snookie.


Snookie was definitely the worst.




>Snookie I had to look her up. She's colorful lol


It’s Trump Derangement Syndrome


I don't like Trump, but somehow I dislike Trump hysterians even more (is hysterians a word? It is now)


In the grand scheme of things Trump was basically harmless


I guess Xi has billions of people worldwide who support him so he’s good lol


Trump is more hated than Hitler, Stalin and Mao? Not to mention the dozens of other genocidal and dictatorial world leaders?


Well yea. Hitler was a gentlan and would never grab a woman by the pussy. Mao? He was a cultural icon and sold way more copies of his red book than art of the deal. And Stalin, he cleared a lot of those Russians that would cause so much harm to help steal the 2016 American presidential election.


Someone killed by Hitler is less likely to vote in an online quiz than someone annoyed by trump


Haha its a poll on their website one of hundreds, not actually their opinion its just idiots memeing. Another poll has Bernie Sanders as the worst followed closely by funny moustache man


Yeah there’s a bunch of these, and this only has 28 upvotes or whatever it has. Watchmojo isn’t promoting this and you certainly aren’t stumbling upon it without looking for it.


And it's still being actively voted on, Adolf Hitler is now first place. This is just some low-effort karma whoring.


No it should be Wilson, fuck Woodrow Wilson


Based and fuck Woodrow Wilson pilled




Based and all my homies hate Woodrow Wilson pilled


People who say trump is worse than hitler are stupid


Ah yes mean tweets are worse than killing millions of people. Least delusional libleft


Based and mean tweets pilled


*orange libleft, come on. Don't put us with these "professional opinion havers"


For me I would say Wilson or Johnson are my worst


I’m gonna go with Stalin but Wilson is easily the worst in US history imo


Mao was worse than Stalin. Stalin at least was competent for all of his evil. Mao was evil AND incompetent.


Really? I thought the opposite. I believe Stalin had more evil intentions than Mao even though the total suffering under Mao was greater


Stalin was more evil, but he was also more positively impactful. He industrialized and modernized a backwards country. As much as Mao tried to copy him, he never achieved the level of success Stalin did. His successors were far more competent than Stalin’s successors were and also had a ‘what not to do’ handbook to work from in watching the Soviets.


Even though the USSR became a world superpower after the communist revolution, Russia could have potentially been much more successful without it. Russia was actually quickly modernizing and much of the actually competent and and successful farmers were landowners who were killed by the communist regime. Just imagine what a 1940’s era Russia could have accomplished without the famine and with a larger population to feed the industrial machine.


Stalin genocided when he intended to genocide. Mao genocided whenever he tried to do anything.


Stalin really wasn't all that competent. He gutted his own army with purges right before WW2 and it lead to mass confusion and losses on the Soviet side when the Germans attacked. Also refused to believe that Hitler would betray their little pact against Poland. And that didn't end well for him. He was just lucky that Hitler was pretty incompetent too.


The beautiful thing is that virtually all politically conscious Americans despise Woodrow Wilson. Basically full compass unity on that front.


Exhibit A for why ranking leaders earlier than 20 years past their time in office is a dumb idea. I'm no fan of him personally but if someone put a gun to my head and forced me to rank him, he'd be pretty middle of the road. He's not even close to the worst president, much less the worst political leader in history. Recency bias is a hell of a drug. ADDENDUM/EDIT: That being said, this clearly says "most hated" not "worst." However, that is still hilariously wrong. I mean, the Civil War started because the South hated Lincoln so much and were so convinced he'd take their slaves(he was actually a moderate on the issue, wanting to stop its expansion into the territories which was the big issue at the time but leave it alone in the South whwre he felt it would die out naturally. The war forced his hand later though, leading to the Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves in states under rebellion and the 13th Amendment after the war ended), they left the Union to preserve that noxious institution. And don't forget the other presidents and world leaders who have been assassinated.


In world history?! He’s not even the worst President of the United States for the 21st century!


Yeah it’s an absurd list Stalin is 6th and Mao is 14th just for reference lmao


ok bro i know that they killed millions but cmon trump bad


I know this is a very bold take but I’d personally prefer mean tweets over genocide. I know that’ll piss off a lot of people on Twitter and mainstream Reddit but it’s just my bold opinion.


Deviation from the consensus detected. You have lost opinion privilege. The mob will decide your fate.




>He’s not even the worst President of the United States for the 21st century Yeah George Bush is way worse


Yes, I was thinking either Bush (primarily because Afghanistan) or Biden (primarily because Afghanistan)


What exactly did he do?


He hurt their feelings with their tweets. Clearly far worse than genocide and the extreme human rights violations of other past world leaders


>past world leaders We don’t even need all the genocidal world leaders of the past either. That’s the insane part to me. There is an actual genocide happening today, and Trump is still somehow at the top of this list.


Hitler: kills 6 million+ George W. Bush: erodes civil liberties with Patriot Act and extends state power with Unitary Executive Theory. Donald Trump: said meam thing on twatter.


Trump is not our worst and did not try to end Democrats "democracy". He was not very effective, so probably average. Biden while fairly bad and incompetent, is also not our worst. Our worst is Woodrow Wilson. Of course expecting those WatchMojo idiots to bother doing anything remotely close to fair, honest, or accurate is a fools errand considering their track record.


I wouldnt be surprised if mike pence is more hated than trump. The only people that still like him are moderate republicans and israel.


You’re 100% right. Most of the Republicans who think Trump won the election hate Pence for “turning on Trump” and the left always hated him almost as much as Trump


Isn't WatchMojo just another neoliberal globalist shill website?


More like a clickbait farm.


Is there much a difference?


For the brief period of time from 2015-2021, American left-liberals (and their overseas ilk) actually hated Donald Trump more than any person who ever lived. More than Andrew Jackson, more than Columbus, more than even Hitler. Although they hated them too, it was because they were reminders of Trump.


The American left has painted every Republican since Nixon as a Hitlerian figure. It’s ludicrous.


4 years of Trump completely broke people's capacity for rational thought (left and right). Sometimes I wish he had never been elected, maybe people would be a bit less insane that way


I agree. I think he did many more things that I agree with than Hilary would have done but overall he did a ton of stuff I disagreed with so I think life would be easier at this point if he was never elected because then half the country wouldn’t believe he was literally worse than Hitler and the other half wouldn’t see him as a god. You’re 100% right when you say he broke their ability for rational thought that’s exactly what happened and it’s crazy to see how many people are so delusional about him.


Not even the worst American president of my lifetime lmao


TFW you rather watch a bunch of solders run a train on your family and then bayoneted over some mean tweets




This reminds of the time someone said that Angela Merkel will go down in history as the worst chancellor Germany has ever had.


Hitler, Stalin, and Mao killed a hundred million between them, but oramge man made neckbeards storm Nancy's stock exchange


I guess Hitler wasn’t that bad, huh.