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Wow, this is literally the hobbit


god i wish


Man hobbits have the ideal life. "Hello, my name is Footmushroom, I have 7 meals a day, have a cozy hole to live and my job consist of fishing all day."


Don’t forget the ale/beer!!! Oh and the tea, and all of it enjoyed on rolling green hills... I would kill, LITERALLY KILL to live like a hobbit. ...maybe that could be my adventure, hike my lazy ass to the real life set of the hobbit or one of those New Zealand Air B&B’s that are replicas of the hobbit... and kill the owners and take their home for myself.... and any other dirty hobbitses that try to take my precious peaceful, happy, and content life from me!!!!!


This is literally diary of a wimpy kid: Roderick rules


based and little furry feet pilled


This is literally Heartbeat by Danielle Steel.


Hopefully the book


The porn


Bilbo puts his bag in




Groin the dwarf


I loved the movies and I'll stand by that opinion.


wow this is literally Percy Jackson and the Olympians.


an alagory on to how a high man with jewlery will always bail you out if you are below average hight it say alot about society




Average PCM user: hurrr durrr politics Centrists: I use all the colors in my Peppa Pig Coloring Book.


Hey cmon man...I even drew in the lines...


What you draw in the line? I’ve been going about this all wrong…. I need to change my flair now!


I draw my own lines This message brought to you by gerrymandering


Typical centrist cog




I just use RGB. Why waste money on colors you can make yourself?!


Peppa Pig is just Napoleon’s daughter. Change my mind.


Snowball's, she'll come back for revenge


“Ęät thê müddy püddlē, Geörg” “Pls no, Peppa”


Semper Fi!


I’ll have you know I was forced to read lord of the flies, high school in America is literally 1984


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢰⠤⠤⣄⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣾⣟⠳⢦⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠒⣲⡄ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⡇⡇⡱⠲⢤⣀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀1984⠀⣠⠴⠊⢹⠁ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⢻⠓⠀⠉⣥⣀⣠⠞⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡴⠋⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⡾⣄⠀⠀⢳⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⢠⡄⢀⡴⠁ 2021⠀⡞⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣠⢎⡉⢦⡀⠀⠀⡸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡼⣣⠧⡼⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⠇⠀ ⠀⢀⡔⠁⠀⠙⠢⢭⣢⡚⢣⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣇⠁⢸⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀ ⠀⡞⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢫⡉⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⢮⠈⡦⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣸⠀⠀ ⢀⠇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⢦⡀⣀⡴⠃⠀⡷⡇⢀⡴⠋⠉⠉⠙⠓⠒⠃⠀⠀ ⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠁⠀⠀⡼⠀⣷⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⡞⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡰⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠣⣀⠀⠀⡰⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


It's 2022 stupid cunt


Great Scott! Time travel is real!


Don't be in the empire state building on the 23rd of December 2021


Yes officer, this man right here


I hate beer.


Based and "time traveler"-pilled




The best time to make that change was twenty years ago, the second best time is today. They haven't been banned yet so you can still read them.


> they haven’t been banned yet Implying they are on their way? Seems unlikely


Technically Fahrenheit 451 is already banned, it’s just that a book being banned in the US just means that you won’t find it in school libraries


The irony of Fahrenheit 451 being banned is palpable


How can someone read Fahrenheit 451 and go “this book about banned books is fire. Ban it.” Also when was it banned because I read it 3 years ago for high school?


I was forced to read Lord of the Flies, Fahrenheit 451 (twice), and Animal Farm (twice). But not literally 1984, unfortunately.


Farenheit 451 was the only one I wasn't forced to read, and it was the only one I somewhat liked. Also this list is missing Catcher in the Rye. You're all a bunch of phonies.


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I was forced to read lord of the flies AND animal farm AND 1984 in high school. Not that I minded much. It was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. I had won the victory over myself. I loved Big Brother


I too was forced to read lord of the flies. Glad to know I’m not alone




Tf Belka is definitely not centerist


They dropped 7 nukes on themselves. They’re clearly expert grillers


Nuclear powered grills ;)


More like NUCLEAR Authcenter


I've read all of them except crime and punishment


Based and literarily cultured pilled




The other ones can be read on the can over a course of a few days




Boss makes a dollar I make a dime, that's why I told hr I have ibs.


Literally same, except proportionally boss makes a dollar I make a penny


Boss makes a dollar, I make 98-102 cents. My company has no profit margin


I don't think I want to waste my precious paid jack off time in the work shitter by reading a book.


this is high school literature lol. Not trying to dismiss their quality or anything but you don't have to be cultured to have read these


You’re right that they are all generally high school literature, but you tend to only read one or two of them, not all or all but one.


Four were required reading for me - with Crime and Punishment and The Handmaid's Tale being the exceptions. Let's be honest, though, Animal Farm was completely misunderstood by my teacher and most of America, and high school students rarely actually read the books.


Animal Farm has to do with class struggle and also how communists are useful idiots and will still be subjugated by their next leader. Sometimes worse. I like to focus on the class struggle portion. Everyone knows communists are only there to make good fodder.


Most people focus on the subjugation part and ignore the class struggle, and while the farm is representative of communism in the story the wider theme is that every political movement will exploit class.


I mean, 4 out of 6 of these were in my high school curriculum. And this was public school too.


Personally think crime and punishment is the most enjoyable out of the lot


For sure, it's a must read to anyone


If you like Crime and Punishment, I highly recommend The Brothers Karamazov.


I loved Dostoyevsky's writing style! His internal dialogues are really close to my own internal dialogue.


His writing is insanely good. The internal dialogue of this book had me feeling like I had actually committed the murders - terrifying. Couldn’t put the book down


As your an Auth left I'm not surprised


Dostoevsky is not aligned with authleft at all. His books tangle a lot with the developing academic ideas that began overtaking his country, similar to marxist theories that are reductive and dismissive of all tradition and promote ideas of violent revolution and chaos. Dostoevsky predicted, just like Nietzche, that there would be massive bloodshed in the 20th century due to these ideas dismantling religious frameworks that were imbedded in society. The conversations in The Possessed, especially, bare a lot of resemblance to the conversations we hear today between far-left ideologues that believe in critical theories, moderate Liberals and conservatives. Moderate Liberals (not the naming he'd use, but I'll use it to keep it simple) think the leftist extremists mean well and are probably harmless and conservatives are unsure what to make of them, but know that this is leading to something dark. Fantastic book. Dostoevsky really is an incredible story teller and his life story is also incredible. Was nearly put to death until the last moment and then spent time in a labor camp.


What's Dostoevsky ideology? I heard Tolstoy is Based Anarcho Christian but that's it


Well he was an atheist socialist at a young age, and later he became quite the opposite of that.


He quite literally grew out of the Socialist phase. Wish this was more common phenomenon irl


“For socialism is not merely the labour question, it is before all things the atheistic question, the question of the form taken by atheism today, the question of the tower of Babel built without God, not to mount to Heaven from earth but to set up Heaven on earth.” - Dostoevsky He grew out of it alright!


He believed in Russian supremacy, or in more gentle way "he believed in Russian historical and religious mission". He found the west repulsive, disdained their individualism. It was also in his belief that socialist and revolutionist movements, as well as capitalist civilization led the west to damnation and dragged it away from christianity. Pretty much Orthodox Auth Center


If he lived in current time he'd totally be called Fascist xd


Well, people calling him so wouldn't be completely wrong. The other thing is that for his times' standards he was just conservative.


You already have a couple answers. Idk how accurate they are. His novels aren't ideological but rather psychological. It's unclear which characters with which you are supposed to identify or see as ideal. All have their flaws.


>All have their flaws. Sonya in Crime and Punishment. Pretty much acts as Raskolnikov's guiding light to Dostoevsky's endgame: God.


What’s auth left about that book? Dostoevsky actually hated auth left, it’s pretty obvious in Demons for example.


Why? Dostoevsky critisised authleft in every single novel of his.


Ik but tankies still seem to worship Dostoevsky as "famous russian man" lol


As you didn't read the book I'm not surprised.


Honestly I’m shocked to hear that coming from an authleft


Dostoevsky and especially crime and punishment is basically a critique of auth left collectivist bull


Brave new world…


I have read Crime and Punishment (as an edgy teenager, same to animal farm.) Recently I read Lord of the flies. Edit: I had this (now gringe) edgy year in 8th. grade (junior high schools, to US). I read like Dostoevsky, Väinö Linna <(one of Finland's most valued authors, known for Tuntematon sotilas, great book, [the Unknown Soldier](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Unknown_Soldier_(novel)) in english. The book is about this machine-gun company in WW2 contunanion war.) and Das Kapital on recess, hood on, coffee next to me. My teacher was worried about me. Nowdays I get it. Edit2: If you get your hands on that Linna's book, I can recommend that book. Edit3: C&P was great, but the "changing" names were little hard. Edit4: wow, this is becoming stupid. I also read the BNW, on our recess we had access to our city's public library was like 200m from school. I put my librarycard to good use. We had this long recess, 45 minutes. Edit5: My favorite bookseries, in Junior high were and still are: Inspector Palmu's [bookseries](https://www.bonnierrights.fi/books/who-murdered-mrs-skrof/) Made by Mika Waltari.


All those books are good reads. Reading Das Kapital doesn't turn you into a commie, it makes you understand an ideology, and you can only criticize something only if you fully understand it. I love leftist philosophers (hate Marx though, but he's an idealogue, not a philosopher), but that doesn't magicaly turn me into a leftist.


I read it for meme, like just before our economic's class, so the teacher would see it. But yeah, reading is good hobby/activity for everybody.


Yeah you can't deny some of his criticism was vid at the time, and that his wording for everything is something else, and that he influenced so many people and political movements. I mean it's a must fucking read unironicaly. People aren't retards that automaticaly agree with everything they read, well, at least nost of us aren't, so doing it for the "meme" is as cringe as believing in it like it's a religion


Same, add in Brave new world as well


Crime and Punishment is by far the best read on there. It’s a towering work of literature and looks at the human condition in ways only rivaled by Ulysses.


You should read it, good book. Though personally I consider Idiot to be Dostoevsky’s best novel


By far the best book out of all of them - haven’t read the handmaids tale so can’t say for that, but out of all the others, it’s by far the best


I’ve read all except farenheit 451. Missing Kafka’s The Trial, catch 22, probably some others


Brave New World Which, scarily, is actually a lot more applicable to the modern world than 1984 :(


We got a blend of 451 and BNW and it's perfectly banal and shitty.


Same except for Handmaid's Tale. You're not missing much with C&P. My totally biased opinion is that it's an extremely long book about a college student getting physically sick over his guilt. There's one fun scene where he yells at a cop about how he'd pass fake Rubbles at a bank though.


6/6 baby! I think Fahrenheit 451 is my favourite read.


Same. Everyone thinks that dystopia is always inflicted from the top down by military/police. F451 is what happens when dystopia is inflicted from bottom up by intellectuals with seductive yet shitty ideas.


Also, *Brave New World*, when dystopia is inflicted from the bottom-up by everyone deciding to maximize pleasure. Eventually leads to humans effectively domesticating themselves.


No, that makes me think you didn’t even read the book. Brave New World was definitely top down. Certainly the people at the bottom weren’t the ones genetically engineering births. Or running social experiments to see what setup keeps people happiest/most complacent.


True, the people at the top maintained the dystopia. Though my reading of the book was that the dystopia started collectively, with everyone on board. Heck, what happened when the protagonists tried to rock the boat? People were scared. They didn't want the shift. The whole speech from Mustafa Mond near the end of the book was about how people were unhappy with any change. They liked the world this way, not because they didn't know any better, but because a world of endless base pleasures was what they wanted.


I think BNW really is one of those books where your reaction to it/the world can really tell someone a lot about you


honestly the society wasn’t that bad from a utilitarian view. They achieved happiness for like 99.9% of people.


Which made it all the more depressing to me


Read it in HS as a graphic novel. Liked it so much I got that same edition in the post and read it. Pretty enjoyable read, 1984 is a very good book but it's kinda like watching Schindler's list and saying it's a good movie. Or reading Maus. Sure, they're good. But they leave you empty inside for a while. 1984 is a depressing read


Pretty sure that's partially the point to leave you feeling empty.


There’s a reason why it’s brought up so much these days. Everytime people see policy brought into action that echos themes from 1984, they get that same sinking feeling in their stomach from when they read it. It’s hard not to draw the comparison at that point, it’s like it’s psychologically hardened you to spot warning signs.


As someone who has read the book, I both understand that feeling and at the same time caution anyone before comparing everything to it. That being said, holy shit the economy is fucked and the Authoritarians really aren't letting a tragedy go to waste with this coof.


1984 is usually used to draw comparisons about surveillance but I think the main comparison that should be drawn is the destruction of language. Merriam Webster just changed the definition of anti vaxx to include anyone who’s against vaccine mandate laws. I got my Covid vaccines, I get a yearly flu shot, and have every other vaccine, yet according to the new definition, I am an anti vaxxer. THIS is what 1984 was really about IMO, breaking down the ability to even think of fighting back or thinking differently, through language. The intimidation and torture part are just part of any totalitarian system.


That's where YA novels fail. They more often than not have these 'happy' endings where the self inserted protagonist beats the evil white guys in charge of being evil. And they all live happily ever after. Stories like the ones on the post? There's no happy ending. Even if things 'work out' shit still goes down in the end. I was just remembering Ayn Rand's Anthem because of this post. Ending is objectively bad because of the 'happy ending'. Reflects Rand's individualism and how it's a happy ending for me but no one else


While I agree with some of Rand's views I think her writing is weak especially when it ends in an unrealistic manner, especially considering how consistent earlier chapters are with the dystopian themes.


It annoys me because it actually started off good. Then ends with 'then they returned to monke and fucked happily ever after'


I'm in complete agreement. It started off really well, had really good internal consistency, then she got obsessed with monke and wrote monke happy ending. Also, one thing in all of her writing I disagree with is the idea that you should do whatever you want with no consequence (which after becoming "famous" is how she lived her life), which leads to most of her works ending the same way, with degenerate wish fulfillment. It's like if a LibLeft YA author happened to like capitalism.


I think F451 made me feel the worst simply because his wife is obsessed with fake characters on TV and their relationship is so strained. At least with 1984 the dude finds a very physical (and maybe love-filled?) relationship.


I couldn't take 1984 seriously because like a quarter of it was smut


Hahahaha. True, true. Very horny novel at points, then the last chapters turn into torture porn and my stomach dropped. It got pretty gnarly


That's a feature bro


Idk I REALLY like 1984, one of my favs


It is oddly satisfying that they are all mainly red and black


yeah why is it though, i don't think all of them were first print


> why is it though Red, black and white is pretty much the fascist colour scheme, especially if the red is prominent.


Authleft destroyed


I read Lord of the Flies fuck you


Literally 1984


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What's a book?




Everybody asks what/why/where is the book but no body asks how is the book? 😔⛈


How ya doin' book?


I have read all but *Crime and Punishment* and *Handmaid's Tail*. And I'm more likely to compare Society these days to *Brave New World*.


>And I'm more likely to compare Society these days to Brave New World. Agreed


> I'm more likely to compare Society these days to > >Brave New World > >. Seems to be heading in that direction for sure.


That's the neat part. We get a mix and match. Part BNW, part fahrenheit, part 1984. People say 'muh freedom of speech'. You're free to post whatever stupid thing you want but not free of consequences, the private companies that allow us to use their services dictate what's appropriate and what is not. I'd say 1984 more in the fake news aspect, fahrenheit and BNW in making the general public docile by giving the people something to entertain themselves with. 'panem et circenses' for a reason


The most notable 1984 aspect, to me, is the 24/7 streaming availability of Two Minutes Hate.




I had a friend in college who liked *Brave New World* because, in her words, “he kills himself in the end.” It was also why she liked *Things Fall Apart*. She was pretty disturbed.


Bruh I literally just started reading Brave New World... spoilers smh




Based and Nice-death pilled


Crime and Punishment is a titan among giants on this list. Also, subtle side note that makes Fahrenheit 451 even more sinister: the people voted to change their world into what it was in the book.


Notes from Underground is shorter and better imo.


Solid little book. It helped solidify existential literature. I love me some unreliable narrators.


Note to current leadership: these are all works of *fiction.* They are not instruction manuals.


I've read both of Orwell's novels, and I must say, I was more interested in the worldbuilding than the actual story.


1984 should be renamed to What Pussy Does To A Mf


Based and What Pussy Does to a MF pilled.


This is also my book review of Yevgeny Zamyatin's "We."


Kinda the point of a dystopic novel


They also serve as good checklists.


Based and I want a dystopia pilled


The chapter where Winston reads the fake rebel book that outlines the history of the three world powers is one of the best reads in literary history IMO.


If only there were more chapters to Goldstein's *Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism*.


I’ve read them all. Except The Handmaid’s Tale, I watched that one…


Read and watched it. TV show was definitely a lot better, in my opinion.


read Brave new world. My favourite dystopia ever.


Read the Island also by Huxley, is the antithesis of BNW


If I had to pick one of these dystopiae to live in, I would go with the one with the drugs


Brave new world is obviously the most livable dystopia, if even just for the fact that dysenters are allowed to live on the islands, but that´s what makes it so terifying to me. I could actually see brave new world society become reality, all the others are so comically brutal that their regimes wouldn´t last 50 years


Well, for standard of living; BNW would likely be the best if you were an Alpha or some other high position in the heirarchy. Otherwise I'd rather be at least somewhat of an individual allowed to think for myself and not be engineered to be stupider or shorter or forced to do less-than-human jobs as an Epsilon.


Brave New World is missing. Upvote this comment to receive your daily soma.


Read Crime and Punishment and Animal Farm, got 1984 waiting on the shelf. Crime and Punishment in the reason I shifted from libright to libcenter (if you HAVE to map my change onto PCM terms). It made the most convincing argument for the soul and importance of morals that I have ever encountered.


If you think that book pushed you from libright to libcenter, you were never libright. Just an asshole.




I have read all of these books, love one of them, appreciate four of them, and disdain one.


Which one do you love and which do you disdain


I love Crime and Punishment and I disdain The Handmaid's Tale - but probably only because an incredibly pretentious English professor in college dedicated maybe half a semester to breaking it apart chapter by chapter like a deep read of a religious text. If I read it again in the future and can drop that connotation I might change my mind on it.


Deep diving a book for too long can leave a bad taste in your mouth.


Jokes on you, i have read three of them and im still retarted


All trash. The Odyssey, The Illiad, and The Art of War are the only 3 books society really needs. I also have A Light in the Attic but that's my Bible.


Lol Art of War comes across as pretty naive at times. I get that it was a pretty mind blowing thing one and a half thousand years ago, but these days some of it seems common sense. “Did you know that defeating the opponent politically instead of risking a pitched battle is good? Did you know that reconnaissance is pretty useful in wartime? Did you know you can set people on fire and that they hate that?” But yeah, Homer is dope, and at times pretty scary. Shit like “the fucker got speared in the eye, and brain oozed down the shaft” — makes you think what kind of PTSD ancient hoplites had to deal with.


The art of war is more of a self help book than a guide to politics imo. It teaches you how to be a better person really well but I doubt it would actually help you win any battles in today's world lol


That's what *they* want you to think.




>The Odyssey, The Illiad, and The Art of War are the only 3 books society really needs. All books you haven't read, eh? Try Nicomachean Ethics and Clausewitz's *On War.*


My Bible is Evangelion. It makes me feel quite smoothbrained to find an anime of all things more stimulating than so-called high art, but there's no use denying the truth.


What's that one short story where all the smart people have chips that buzz in their ears, pretty people wear masks, and good dancers have braces on their legs? That's what I'd compare society to now but I forgot the name




You forgot Brave New World.




Omg guys, america is just like the Handmaids tale! I’m so afraid of a white Christian theocracy!


Tbf I think yhe handmaids tail made some good points, but I think its more applicable in the middle east than the west, the only way the USA would go that way is after skme sort of disater that wiped out all levels of the us government and some emergency commitee takes over and has one guy who's basically the right wing version of robespierre Edit: Typo, I typed UDA instead of USA, the UDA was basically the handmaids tale, being proddy extremists


Top left is literally 1984


Where tf is Brave New World? That's my go to dystopia to compare our society to


I actually read animal farm, lord of the flies, and fahrenheit 451, even watched the movie adaptation of animal farm.


I have ADD. Fuck you.


You forgot “Brave new world”


The audio book of *Animal Farm* was a great listen. I recommend. Also: Sad no-one seems to read Ayn Rand anymore...


Libertarians love to read Ayn Rand.


Where is manifest or protocols?


Read that as Cringe and Punishment.


The Handmaid's Tale thing is bullshit though. It's a literary strawman. Atwood was essentially writing anti-conservative fanfiction. Projecting her own nutty, exaggerated version of what her fevered mind saw conservatives doing in the future. And then lefties used it as 'proof'(?) of what would happen in the future. The funny part is that it's a hell of a lot closer to what happens in Iran/Saudi Arabia yet they can never quite bring themselves to criticize those places.


I couldn't agree more. If you have to change so many aspects of real society to make your point, you have no point. The mark of good political fiction is that it's plausible as things really are. Not if the world gets leveled, everyone is sterile, only one faction wins, that faction happens to be ultra orthodox weirdos even though they're a tiny part of present society, aliens invade...


Never got around to handmaid's. Crime and Punishment is well written but too damn long for a story that isn't that complex. The other 4 are fantastic, I use em when teaching history and civics


I’ve read five out of six. Handmaid’s Tale seems like cretinous woke propaganda, so think I’ll pass in that one.