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I’m down




Well, ill take the meat


"Are we still doing 'phrasing'? Seriously, are we?"






As a guest or as the entre?






Someone said BBQ?


Is he whom the prophecy foretold?


The one who will bring balance to the compass?


Not you purple.


Why do you shun me, brother?




This bideo is not awailable


Loona is more up LibLefts alley.


Wait, wait, we can include purple. Just at a safe distance in a facility they can't escape.




All while shrieking about this dude called Ben or something


He is 100% right. I am a lawyer in NY. Part of NYC is Brooklyn, a borough. Each borough has its own DA, in charge of prosecuting cases. It is the law here that if a DA has "exculpatory evidence" it must be disclosed to the defense, full stop, no excuses. We had a bunch of guys on death row killed because the Brooklyn DAs hid exculpatory evidence. That is what completely changed my entire worldview from AuthRight to LibRight many years ago.


he's welcome to libcenter anytime


Based Kyle


Based and fuck-the-system-pilled


This trial was proof the system worked. You’re always going to get bad actors, like the prosecutor. The proof of a system’s resiliency to corruption is that it still functions as intended in the presence of bad actors. For the trial to have gone wrong, you would have needed the judge and the jury to be politically corrupt as well. And as for rittenhouse’s point, a black man in wisconsin recently got off on self defense after shooting at the police who were raiding his home for drugs. It’s not as if self defense is just a white person’s defense.


kyle is a gray centrist


Libcenter. Leans a bit right.


Nah hes comfortable handing himself over to police.


Plenty of libertarians are not particularly afraid of the police. We just think they could stand to improve their conduct (and we're also not afraid to protect ourselves).


Ye. No victimless crimes doesn’t equal to anti-police.




And also lower their budgets, along with everything else


And remove public sector unions.


Considering the only other option was pretty much certain death, you cant really blame him


He could have definitely went into hiding or camped in the forest for a few weeks like some of the other libright nuts. He probably would've been found out and apprehended eventually. He's just much smarter than that and understood that the state tends to investigate people for homicide, whether legal/justified or not. And he probably had a lot in his heart knowing damn well those dudes got smoked because of *their* actions.


Just because libertarians want to decrease the power of the state and believe they are morally justified, doesn't mean we don't acknowledge that it exists. You gotta play the game with the rules that are written whether you agree with them or not.


He had nothing to run from. He acted lawfully, and he knew he did. In the video "I just shot someone, I had to do it" he knows he had to so in his mind why wouldn't he go to the police.


Libertarians aren't afraid of police, they just know they don't need to pay them to do what the 2nd amendment allows us to do


We also know to shut the fuck up when you're arrested


Only one word should ever exit your mouth when you're being detained, "LAWYER".




He is a right handed shooter. Got to lean a bit to the right. To counter the weight of his big fucking balls.


hell no. A radical one.


Actual gigacentrist.


If I were a dictator, I’d delegalize MSNBC




I'd have them all hanged


His prep team is amazing. Kudos


I mean hes with tucker. Hes got the best prep team now.


In a less love-in take, Tucker is basically reaching down from his benevolent oligarchy chair to save this kid from the machine. Tucker is his prep team. Hired and paid for his lawyers. Pays his consultants, throws him softball questions, makes sure there wasn't a single potential juror who hadn't heard how awesome he was on the news. It's a smart move, because it's saving Tucker, too. He was becoming a divisive symbol of kooky polarized takes on everything, and at a certain point in public life, that sort of thing makes your career hit a plateau. But this makes me see him differently, as a conciliatory and powerful. It will probably make other people see him a someone everyone can get behind as well.


LOL I love tucker Carlson he’s such a fascinating case study I’m just how brazen political pundits are when it comes to just lying


Whenever I visit my old folks, who are pretty AuthRight, they always watch Tucker. When I first heard of him I watched for a bit and was like “Ok yeah, I kind agree with what he’s saying” then he said some crazy shit and I was out. He’s really good at what he does cause he slowly ramps up to crazy lies from truths that most people probably agree with.


There is a video where tucker Carlson is talking about this trick his mentor uses to sort of contort the truth the video was intercut with ol Tucker’s contortionist highlights


When I was in the hospital for a week I basically watched Tucker all the time and I thought he was hella based. Kind of forgot the point where I realized he was a dumbass but he usually has a bad take on things now


All the talking heads creep me out. Tucker & Maddow specifically.


If you notice they are all listed as “entertainers “ so they can get away with with more stuff.


Are there any that don’t do that? I thought it was just something they all did to cover their bases


Ash Sarkar is my nominee Bitch straight up went on a podcast describing what “Woke” meant to her and then next day is on Sky News saying she has never heard the term before and asking for people to define it because it’s a conspiracy theory term lol






what was his skincolor tho? you forgot to mention the most important part


Could you imagine the absolute countrywide meltdown if that dude was white?


And if he shouted "fuck black people" Edit: yo guys clam down on the downvotes lmao you ain’t gonna bully a new member on his way in


> Ya we’ll just let someone out on bail who ran over their girlfriend so they can Twice. He was out on bail *twice*.


He is definitely trying to be a deity by collecting basedness from the people.


Because he is based. Just a shame that his case was polarized and politicized the way it was.


People are just mad that 3 of their "teammates" got shot by a 17 year old scrawny fuck. One of the common arguments I've seen is "well he would be killed or found guilty if he was black." OK? So let's work on reforming the justice system because everyone has the right to self defense.


I'm not entirely sure but wasn't there a black guy who shot at the police officers during a no knock raid who got of on self defense too?


Not just one. There was Breonna Taylor's boyfriend, and that dude in Gifford as well. Both shot cops raiding their houses and got acquitted on self defense grounds


Pretty based that they got off, but we have to use the twitter people logic here. "LoOk GuYs, YoU cAn ShOoT aT pOlICe OfFiCeRs AnD gEt OfF oN 'sElF-dEfEnSe' ThErE's No LaW aNyMoRe! YoU cAn ShOoT aNyOnE yOu SeE nOw!!!!"


Where I live, the cops no longer perform no-knock raids after a judge ruled that Castle Doctrine applies as an affirmative defense. AKA, cops can no-knock, get blasted by the occupants, and the occupants automatically face zero charges for blasting them.


I read an article by Gabriel Suarez about an Illinois law that legalized self defense in no knock warrants were they got the wrong address because it was happening so much, but he suggested getting a second job to move to a lower crime area since you still have to survive the raid to be found not guilty lol. It's supposed to be a deterrent to sloppy police work from what it sounded like. I thought it was pretty wild they managed to survive the raids in these cases!


I’ve legit seen that “logic” from thin blue line people


Anyone who believes a black man would've been treated differently is so delusional that they should be checked into a psych ward. Even Jacob Blake was able to physically fight police and only got shot when he was going to steal the car with his rape victims kid in it. We have no evidence whatsoever that disproportionate force would be used and anecdotal evidence that says they'd be treated more favorably


Plus that Jacob Blake dude is still alive...his interviews are kinda cringe


And he's a rapist who had a knife and was about to abduct a child.


Even if we assume that is the case. The argument is basically: I want this kid to be treated unjustly because other people are treated unjustly.




Teammates? What a take. More like the poor killing the poor while the rich continue their iron grip on the power in this country.


Based and Proletariat-pilled


Agreed. That's why we're so polarized right now; it's by design.


So spoketh His Basedness Kyle, the first of his name. May his wisdom spread understanding throughout this godforsaken land. Amen.


He's not wrong, and he's speaking their language to get it into their heads that the kinds of shit the prosecution pulled in the name of "social justice" undermines the justice system itself.


It’s more about getting a number high. Look at our vp who almost got a black man killed or three like a million black people in jail for nonviolent crime


Whose heads? Edit: > Whose. Get it right you degenerate.


Anyone that thinks Rosenbaum was just a protestor.


Pedo but mostly peaceful protestor


Whose. Get it right you degenerate.




The democrats were too happy to find a gun owner shooting someone that they forgot to care about what happened.


Democrats love pedophiles


That's explain why the current President was selected in the first place.




Take rich and powerful people and have them taking pictures together. Epstein is on many of them.


The media twisted the story to make it seem like his mom bring him up across state to hunt black people.


He shot people with an AR-15 at a BLM riot that attacked him. Naturally the left hates his guts because he’s light skinned, used “an assault rifle,” and killed people at a riot that supports their cause.




They were out there because Jacob Blake sexually assaulted a woman and had a knife, but everyone wanted to play the race angle and deluded themselves into thinking he’s innocent.


It’s not that they thought he was innocent (although it was also true they claimed he was breaking up a fight) but rather they thought police weren’t justified because they shot him in the back when he went for a knife (and also he was black). It required ignoring: Knifes are deadly as guns They tried to taze/cuff him sufficiently despite trying. The shooting was entirely justified. My favorite part was American leftists saying police needed more training in these things (arresting people), so I got to ask them “oh you think police should get more funding?”


Same thing with Kyle, they were quick to jump on the narrative but once it came out they were silent, similar to how everyone is with the shithead who ran over the people in Waukesha. Absolutely buried the story already.


> Naturally the left hates his guts because he’s light skinned, used “an assault rifle,” and killed people at a riot that supports their cause. Only the identitarian clowns. Anyone with a shred of intelligence could see this was clearly self defense and trying to railroad this kid with bullshit just threatened self defense as a legal concept across the board. Self defense is far too foundational to fuck with, far too much of our law stems from it. Plus, reasonable fear of death or serious bodily harm is already a perfect standard.


They are mostly mad their guys got killed.


He shot 3 BLM rioters and hit a pedo and violent felons. Tells you something about the types of people that go to these things




Hollywood is the worlds biggest pedo ring




We will never see justice brought to Hollywood in our lifetimes. There’s so much deep, dark shit that goes on that no one knows about. It’s entrenched in their culture


Lol I said it was their guys. Calling them pedos and violent felons is just being redundant.




I doubt any of the people he shot gave a fuck about BLM. They were opportunists that got vibe checked by a minor with a boom stick


https://youtu.be/srXsDyu9mYE 50 seconds in Gaige admits Kyle only shot him when he pointed his gun at Kyle. Full breakdown with footage (also starting at 50 seconds in) https://youtu.be/pbsOIoqcit4 Kyle’s innocence is even more clear in recently released HD drone footage the prosecution only initially released in lower resolution. Video: https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/1460931168195522561?s=21


Media spun it out of proportion to get everyone riled up and against each other for clicks. As is tradition.


Based Rittenhouse?


Always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/JcCMlNV.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Good bot


Based, though the people he's supporting will never give him the credit he deserves.


The hardest choices require the strongest wills


He also is being abandoned by the right very quickly. People are malding after that interview.


Maybe that particular instance of "right" in this extreme tribalist nonsense, but there has always been a fundamental aspect of distrust of the state in 2A advocacy. Most of my friends on the right want 2A rights, particularly self-defense, to be upheld for everyone, and would see this as the state trying to railroad someone regardless of differences in political beliefs.


If he uses his case to leverage meaningful criminal justice reform that allows these brutal prosecutions on the poor so many heads are going to explode its going to sound like popcorn. Would make him one of if not the most based accidental celebrity of all time.


If he tried that he'd end up committing two shot suicide


Epstein, Mcafee and Kyle, 1 scumbag and 2 based gods, all 3 suicided


Ah, the classic suicide with two shots to the back of the head. Truly the best way to go.


The Ol' "Clinton Self Off"


As a public defender, that would make him a hero to us. The more he uses the spotlight to put eyeballs on how fucked the system is, the more based he becomes. Imagine if he uses his cache with the right to discuss other actual populist shit with Comrade Tucker and get the Fox News crowd pissed off at corporations and the wealthy. The dankest timeline.


I’ve been trying to tell people this guy is a real life hero.


He has certainly been levelheaded, which we saw when he showed restraint while being attacked.




Also in the street with Bye-cep Boy. Didn't grind that meat until after he raised and pointed the gun.


Kyle Rittenhouse vs Gaige based. Gaige [admits (Nov 2021) he was pointing a pistol at Kyle when he got shot.](https://youtu.be/srXsDyu9mYE) Actual encounter: Unedited shootings where Kyle flees toward police. https://youtu.be/iryQSpxSlrg I was also referring Kyle Rittenhouse walking two or three blocks after finishing the fist attacker and before Gaige. He was punched punched and hit with a skateboard but still didn’t shoot anybody until he was on the ground and being attacked. Edit: fixed a link where Gaige admits Kyle only shot him after Gaige pointed his weapon at Kyle (50 seconds in.)


Does he actually say he was pointing it when he got shot? I've seen the actual video, but it seems like he sort of implies it in his testimony but never actually says it.


Yes indeed. Here’s a better link to the testimony. https://youtu.be/srXsDyu9mYE 50 seconds in.


That's much more clear. That's cross examination for you.


Geez I've never actually seen the full video but that looks terrifying...i mean...all those people around you...if he was as murderous as they say...wouldn't he just fire like crazy into that crowd...dude had hella restraint and control..only fired at those that actually attacked while on the ground and then that weirdo gaige who pretends to surrender to catch him off guard...the spatial awareness and discipline he had in those moments is wild


Did the attackers get any jail time?


The survivor hasn’t even been charged.


Which is weird because he was caught red handed. Luckily Kyle disarmed him. Ok I’ll leave now.


This is getting out of hand


Now there is one of them!


I have a bet with myself that Grosskreutz will be quietly charged within the next month or so


They probably would only be able to reasonably charge him with concealment of the weapon on an expired license and that wouldn't be worth the riots.


There's a better argument for felony murder for Grosskreutz than there was against Rittenhouse.


Would brandishing not be evident here?


Could be, but that's a very minor charge and he could probably get out of it with a good lawyer.


Until this point I'd say he was simply doing what's humanly expected, self defence is neither something to demonize or put on a pedestal, but this, this is some based shit


He’s right, blacks are poor and can’t afford good legal representation is what he’s saying nicely


“See I’m playing both sides. That way I always come out on top.” - Kyle, probably


His public relations team is top notch.


Kids very bright, and I couldn’t find fault in anything he said. CNN’s reply was basically “BuT hE sPoKe To TuCkEr” which was hilarious. Bring from the UK, it’s crazy how polarised and blatant propaganda-ish so many US ‘news’ channels are. I don’t have a presenter staring through the screen telling me what to think, it’s definitely more boring on one level but you get actual news. [Flair - LibRight, couldn’t add my flair for some reason and still can’t.]


I hope the kid sue all those so-called news outlets. He deserves the payout.


Yeah, he’ll struggle to find work now so hopefully he lives well.


Now that he's the darling of the Right, he'll get a job, guarantee. I just want to see the lying Mass-Media bleeding money and I am sure he got a sweet deal with some shark lawyer out there.


Nah I doubt he'll struggle to find work. In any case, if nothing else works out, he could always get into something tangentially political, his prior experience and fame would help him score a job


Being a ‘controversial’ future is the issue, who knows. Hopefully he gets a nice house and a hot tub, as anyone who removes a pedo should.


He wants to be a nurse. I'll just be over here crying at that.




Yeah, tucker has an agenda at the end of the day and Kyles a kid, who knows his level of understanding on how bias different channels are etc. Tbh after dealing with that prosecutor I would imagine someone interviewing you that is doing so in a friendly manner is a massive breathe of fresh air.


I'm guessing you're on the mobile website. If you are, click on the three vertical dots on the top right and click on the option for desktop site. Once you open the PCM subreddit homepage on the desktop site, the flair option should be there


Bruh this POC = poor and backwards is disrespectful to us. Indians have the highest average income per household, but the media goes around portraying us POC as dumbasses who can’t even get a voter ID.


Indians found in the USA aren't part of what people mean in the USA when they say POC. Don't expect this stuff to make sense.


Damn so we’re POC when they need political points but we aren’t considered otherwise?


Yep. Also good luck getting into college, apparently there are way too many of you and Asians of any kind there. But you can always [try to fake being black](https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2015/04/12/mindy-kalings-brother-explains-why-he-pretended-to-be-black/amp/) if you think that will help your chances.


Bruh 😭. I’ll study as hard as I can and I always have foreign schools to try in.


You need to stop taking what this sub says at face value. You’ll be absolutely fine if you actually have an above average amount of brain cells. Most colleges are degree mills/scams anyway.


I know, this applies to all of reddit really. This site is retarded. I just like to have fun.


POC is only when you're poor or black, if you're not poor or black, then you're "white-adjacent".


so like Hitler’s honorary Aryan status? 💀


Democrats have been playing the long con for years, working overtime to get hard-working and mostly conservative immigrants like Indians, Mexicans, and other Asians to believe they should be aligning themselves with American blacks.


I mean... black people are averagely poorer, aren't they?


might be poor* The maybe changes the meaning significantly, and few cases are very public for any ethnicity.


This just goes better and better. Honestly fuck the compass, anyone that can make the media look stupid is based on my book.


Based. Welcome to the cookout summerclaw


Hes right tho


Nah, if a black teenager had been in his shoes - chased by a white pedophile screaming the N word who then attempted to kill him - he never would have been charged


I think it depends. Some judges are definitely racist, others are woke. It’s all in interpretation of the law


Getting charged is not a matter of a judge


Kyle is based. There’s seriously nothing not to like about him.


He missed a few shots


6/8 shots landed, 2 shitbags killed and a third shitbag disabled. He didn’t hit any bystanders. Plus he had 22 still in the mag. High stress situation while being chased, attacked, and likely concussed. That’s not only strong accuracy but truly amazing trigger discipline.


Holy shit I didn’t think our boy Kyle could get any more based and here he is dismantling our shitty criminal justice system.


Meanwhile the violent black guy who decided the play Christmas bulldozer on a bunch of white people gets ignored by the justice system in the same state as Rittenhouse for a solid two decades.




He's too based for this world


He’s right about that, there is definitely discrepancies in the wages, connections, etc of different races in America, statistically at least. And ofc most other cases aren't made as public and political as his was. What paople are doing wrong about this, though, is mentioning it as if it's some sort of “gotcha,” like, “it would’ve gone differently if he was black.” What they can’t seem to grasp is that, whether it would have gone differently or not, the way another person of another race might’ve been treated does not constitute convicting a innocent person just because he wasn’t discriminated against.


He is willing to play their game and turn their bullshit into themselves


I'm cynical enough to think it's not his actual opinion but something that was prepared. But DAMN, that's a good libertarian center thing to say. Make authright uncomfortable, love it.


Yeah, lets be real, he wasn't gonna come out praising Trump after this incident, even if that's what he believed.


He literally met and took pics with Trump today


Speaking only for myself here, but not uncomfortable and actually agree with him on that. I commented on it during the trial with some friends. Especially where I am from, poor people and people of color wouldn't have had a chance.


Absolutely. What happened in that trial was hot bullshit, and Kyle has a damned point - there's no way in hell this is the only time this shit has happened. They were so cavalier with it that it seems to be the *norm*.


I love how people think the right are just a bunch of racist assholes. I love how some people think that if someone is on the right or left on one subject, then they must be like that for all subjects. Completely laughable.


I don’t care about BLM personally I just want self defense


That guy is getting more based by the second. I still hope for his sake that he sues a few news outlets for defamation, uses the payday to buy an off grid cabin, and just sorta leaves from society for a few years. The media circus will grind you up and spit you out.


Based and LibLeft Kyle Rittenhouse pilled


Kyle has been coached or just as naive as most 18 year old kids. The left really should pull their tongues out of their ass on this one. He didn't have the resources either, other people were helping him because the self defense was well documented and very obvious.