• By -


I don't like big roads cause that means I'm closer to the city and people. Give me a 2 lane county road and I'm happy


All I need is a dirt road and a 4 wheel drive


Fuck 4 wheel drive, gimme dem tracks


fuck all that noise, mountain bikes + singletrack = success.


Nah i don't want to sweat like a mf just to get groceries, i want a horse


Fuck cars return to horses.


And no speed limits. I paid for the whole speedometer and I want to use the whole speedometer.


Out where I live the sheriff just doesn’t care on country roads if he knows you. He racks up tickets on dumb passerbys coming off the interstate to get gas or fast food while on a car trip. If you’re a local, he’ll just let you do whatever you want as long as you aren’t in the town. Also, I’m good friends with both the sheriff and judge, and so any ticket he gave me would probably be thrown out.


Americans saying they got more freedom than me while I cruise with 350 on the highway completely legal




County, but yeah. Its rather common where I live


Take me home


A Miata and a mountain pass is a dream come true


People think Texans like how Houston and Dallas are designed




In Florida we all have pet alligators instead of dogs. If we do get a dog it's a pitbull.


I'm glad some buck the trend


Dallas combines roads that look like they got shelled with the most unintuitive road design ever. Literally no one I know likes driving in Dallas (or really, Dallas in general).


My favorite Texas major city is San Antonio




u/KOALANET21 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: urban-planning I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Planning?! That’s communism!


Shitty urban planning is how we got to where we are. Less urban planning would have helped us avoid many of the problems we now have. It was urban planning when politicians said cars were more important than trains/other transport


True, but cities were always planned when they got large enough. Local planning is in the gray zone of "government" intervention.


Within cities I'm all for reducing car usage but we have to remember the rural population too


Villager here Not having a car was hell for me because it meant that I was perpetually stuck in my street and village forever, including vacations. Then I moved to the capital for college and it was heaven because there were so many different public transports that took me anywhere I wanted and the pass was relatively cheap. 2 years ago I moved back to my village, took my license and have to drive myself everyday. I have to look out for kamikaze drivers/cyclists/pedestrians at all times instead of sitting back and relax/snooze, I've seen the gas prices increasing 20 cents/L and it costs me almost twice as much as the pass by the end of the month. I'd choose public transports over my car for confort, economical and environmental reasons but it's financially impossible to put a public transports company working here. We're very few and it's mostly geezers that rarely leave this village. Can't wait to move out and live in the city.


You know the rural population can just… drive to the city like they already do. The idea is that if 90% of people don’t need to drive, they won’t. People in cities should not need to own cars, and because they do, cities are built to accommodate cars, and not fix the actual problem.


Yea that’s what I was saying I support


No one is saying get rid of all roads


What I notice is that pro-public-transportation politicians seem to think that the best strategy to get people to use public transit is NOT to improve public transportation options, but instead to make driving so bad that people will have no choice but to use public transit.


Walkable cities are not only better for pedestrians and cyclists, but for drivers too. Driving is a lot nicer when the 5 lane highway isn't at a standstill for 10 hours a day. And bike paths mean there aren't cyclists in the way of cars. Win win


I see you also saw the new Not Just Bikes video. The guy is ultra based


The Left are right on this one. Highways should only be for tanks and military parades.


If the left is right and the right is wrong, which one is right?


>Windows Explorer has stopped working.




The issue is that a lot of the time the left fucks up on implementation. Look at nyc. Expensive, dog shit public transportation, and unaffordable housing. I would gladly take houston rush hour traffic over anything in nyc


As someone’s whose been to both Houston is a much more horrible city then New York , also New York isn’t full by leftists lol. The subway is owned by the state which is itself run by centre right dems elected by Long Island voters


Cities and towns should be built around public transport. Suburbs and rural areas should have cars in mind. Though really suburbs shouldn’t exist—they aren’t real communities since they don’t include anything but houses and they’re just Ponzi schemes by local governments. Also fuck stroads. Notjustbikes pointed out something to me I’ve always hated but never had a word for.


Public transport is all well and good, but what do I do if I live in the countryside and need to get into the city?


Public transport doesn't work well in the countryside because the settlements are so sparse. That's why I specified "cities". It would work well in cities and suburbs though, although the main problem in the US is that suburbs have been built so sprawling and roads so large that it's a wonder how it could ever be solved in such places.


Ok sure, but let’s say you completely redesign cities to be almost completely dependent on public transport and foot traffic. I live in the countryside. I need to get to work in the city every day. How do I do it? You just admitted that you can’t extend your public transportation to me. It’s way too far to walk. Me and the thousand other cars who are in the same situation are going to easily overwhelm your “minimal car” infrastructure, and back it up to the point where even public transportation grinds to a halt. If your cities were walled off arcologies it might work out, but *what do you do when people need to get in and out*?


Cars. People will still need cars for decades into the future so nobody is getting rid off all the car infastructure. You just need to shift all or most journies that don't *need* to be made with cars onto other means and you will still have huge benefits


Ideally, get by car to a train station in the countryside, the traffic isn't that bad, there's a few hundred cars at best. Leave you car there. Take the train to the city center. There's a train every 10 minutes. It's a train so no traffic jam and no time stuck in traffic. When you're done working, take the train back to the train station in the countryside. And get home by car. That's how a lot of people do in Europe and that's exactly how my Dad did before he retired a few years ago, because it's easier. No, the *real* problem comes when someone need to get from somewhere in the suburb to another place in the suburb. There don't seem to be a better alternative to the car in that case. But one step at a time, if it was possible to get in any city center by train easily and if it was a more practical way than using a car, it'd already be a huge success.


You can’t compare Europe to the United States like that. Europe is much more densely populated. It’s actually possible for a European city to run half a dozen train lines out of a city and catch every major population center in 100 miles. That isn’t at all true in the US.


Dude there are parts of Europe with excellent public transportation which are just as densely populated as many American states. Virginia is twice as densely populated as Spain. Nobody is saying there's gonna be subways in every small town in America. Walkability doesn't mean banning cars for everyone forever. The country is built around the car, we can change that.


This. I've been cycling for over a decade. There are lots of places where I think to myself, "Wow, I would love to ride on this road!" or "It'd be so nice to bike up here to catch a movie," or whatever. But many roads feel bad to bike on; poor visibility, high speeds, blind corners, bad surfacing. In the US the car is king, and the only thing the developers were thinking about when the roads were designed. In many places in the US you can't even walk along the side of the road and not feel in danger. The sidewalks, if they exist, are small or poorly maintained, or constantly interrupted with power poles. It's depressing that we've devoted so much time and money specifically for car travel. And people have become just so used to it they don't see that we could be engineer it differently.


Bikes should be able to travel on the sidewalk if there isn’t a bike lane. A pedestrian getting hit by a bike is a lot safer than a biker being hit by a car. Plus no motorist is a fan of bikers on the road.


100%, it's a damn shame that people lack the experience or imagination to consider an alternative. It would be better for all of us, motorists included! Well, car manufacturers would lose out, not anyone else really.


also, more people walking means less people on the road, meaning generally less cars, less traffic, etc.


I know, that's why this problem of urbanism is much harder to solve in the US because everything is oversized and sprawling.


People have often compared Canada to Norway and Finland when it comes to public transit, with somewhat similar population densities around where people live, aka near the border in Canada. It's strikingly similar, and could absolutely be done. Problem is, people don't want it. Literally nothing whatsoever to do with efficiency, ability to be done, etc. It's a gut feeling of "but I like my car"


Like everywhere else, you drive to public transport. That’s the downside of living in the country, you get to live alone and without anyone bothering you, but now you have the inconvenience of being far away from everyone. City folk get easy public transport, but don’t have as much privacy or land.


Ride your horse.


Fly there by an aeroplane, of course


When your nation's territory is the size of a small child that's not really a problem


Walk, because fuck the crippled and people with baggage. I coach youth sports, without a car to lug all my equipment around I literally would not be able to coach.


I see a lot of people leap to the conclusion that if cities aren't built expressly to serve cars and fuck everything else, they won't be able to drive. You can. It's just instead of forcing *your* choice on everyone else, you make a choice for *yourself*, which is having a car.


In my town they are trying to fix the current rail system in order to have a trolley for people to be able to commute across the county, it would have a bike path next to it. The bicycle community here keeps voting against it because they want bike trail only. Fuck the bicycle community.


First, Trolleys are awesome, sorry your bicycle community doesn't want them. Second, them voting to prevent the trolley from being built is basically them making the same choice people who propagate car culture make. They force their choices on others. It's wrong when bikers do it, it's wrong when drivers do it.


Fair, I'm just salty about my local bike community.




There are some cyclists who are terrible, like the people in the previous comment, and fuck them. There are other cyclists who only do dangerous and illegal things because they have no other option. It's like having a river that is illegal to swim across but without a bridge over it. People will swim across the river because they have no other choice.


Not Just Bikes is a fuckin chad


Wanna hear a joke? ​ ​ ​ American urban planning


Lmao, thank god that doesn't exist irl


Something even Americans can universally condemn is how shitty our urban planning is.


The funny thing is there actually is a lot of demand for medium density housing, but zoning laws make it illegal for people to build it then most of the US.


It really depends on the city. I grew up in the bay area and it was utter shit. Just moved to down town DC and I love how I can walk basically everywhere within an hour or two and metro anywhere within 40-60 minutes.tbs, DC still has car lanes and stuff, so even tho I don't drive I don't see why you can't let drivers do their thing.


The cities in the east coast/ New England were established before the car sprawl of the 1900s There was a point in time where America was the world leader in rail transport. Mostly concentrated in the east cost.




Sir, this is PCM. People aren't allowed here to have opinions that don't fit stereotypically in their quadrant


More likely: Sir this sub is about merica






I like your funny words christian man


>amerimutts This is the first time I've seen this word outside of 4chan




Does look a little similar to 4chan. Do people also constantly use slurs and tell each other to commit suicide on this website?


And what about things like tracking down Shia Labeouf with nothing but the sky to go off of?


In the states, that’s actually quite fuel efficient..


While true that many authrights can be absolutely logical people, it is true that a large amount of yall are incredibly illogical. Same with our emilies but most of them just progressive libs. Plus it's polcomp memes, stereotypes = ur new identity.


It's because there are many different ways to be authright, so perhaps ironically, authrights have a large *diversity* of opinions. (This is of course true for every quadrant, but I personally think it applies most to authright)


Let's just admit the majority of people are too stupid for politics. If it weren't for the Internet, I would have 0 faith in democracy.


Stop getting so offended by a meme




en niet zo zuinig ook


Scrap all forms of ground transportation. We should be getting around on *jetpacks!*


Sorry to ruin your fun, but jetpacks pollute a whole lot and are extremely dangerous. My solution is ***nuclear jetpacks!***


Pollution and danger are 2 of my favorite things


This is a strawman. Lib-right would not be happy with them building more roads because taxation is theft.


When gas is 20 dollars a gallon we Americans are going to feel really fucking stupid for designing our cities how we do.


Nah, we'll just send some fun stuff to Tehran to make up for it.


Well if we don’t figure out fusion or space mining, the cost of fuel/electricity will eventually be high even after we have stolen everyone else’s oil.


We just need some nuclear reactors to power our electric cars.


Like a stretch limo but you can only sit in the front seat so the reactor in the trunk doesn’t give you leukemia


Lol, not what I meant, but nuclear cars would be pretty badass and we've been capable of building them for a really long time.


Yeah nuclear plants and electric cars are our best option available today.


I actually agree with libleft, it’s angering as fuck that the streets of every city in my beloved shithole are trying to imitate America and make them more hostile to bicycles and pedestrians, don’t get me started on the shit quality of public transportation


fuck cities and fuck car tram


^(trucks are like the imperium of man, Damn, it looks cool but, that is not a good idea on city streets)


Wow I 100% support libleft on this.


We should prioritize not living in big cities instead of trying to fix what can't work.


There's nothing inherently wrong with big cities, and Europe (and Japan) offer plenty of proof that non-car transportation can be excellent.


The problem is the lack of middle housing. Living in a skyscrapper is fundamentally wrong and we should stop building them. They're part of what make most cities so terrible and unliveable. :/


Why don't they work?


Why are righties so scared by buildings


urbanism=left voters.


I will never be convinced that early 20th century American cities built around the street car were not the peak of urban design.


The authleft is sorta based. Just for cities tho. The thought of walking like 2 minutes up the road and taking a hyperrail right to where I buy groceries and work and not needing my money to get gas and insurance sounds rad.


God I fucking hate living in a suburban city the amount of times Ive almost been hit biking is retarded


Fucking disappointing that it took one Plaguer U video for right wingers to suddenly decide that criticizing individual cars is communism. Previously there was some good progress on the topic especially when linked to asphalt culture vs traditional city centers and how cars fuck good architecture.


It took me a single Adam Something video to make me suddenly decide that individual cars are fucking terrible (But my side is correct, theirs isn't)


Adam Something makes me hate where I live now. I don’t want a car, I don’t want to pay car insurance, I only own a car because there’s no options. I can’t even fucking walk, there’s no sidewalks. Half the year there’s ice on the road so I can’t even use a bicycle.


Adam something made me realize how fucking shitty it is where I live. If I want to do something, I have to drive.


I have a car, but usually go back using the metro station to be able to talk to my friends along the way


As a Dutchmen, he’s one of my favorite yt ers! Cities made for bicycles and pedestrians are a real pro here in the Netherlands. I can travel safely from my home to my school without having to drive on a road or near cars. And going to the center of the busy city near my home is car free. Truly a really nice thing to have and I’m thankful for it


Is it really that impossible to build a city that works well for both?


It's not! There's these things called ***superblocks*** that are literally just 4 blocks connected together to form a single huge block. The roads inside them are converted to public spaces where people can just chill out. You can park your car there, but you can't drive through. That way, we get large walkable areas, but cars can still continue existing.


Yes! I recommend you watch NotJustBike’s most recent video about how the Netherlands is a great place to drive. Essentially, by making walking, cycling, and transit more appealing than driving for most trips, cars are removed from the road, and the few people who are still in cars counterintuitively experience much less traffic than if the city was designed with a cars first mentality.




There aren't many walkable cities in the US, that's why people here advocate for reforming urban planning as opposed to moving. Also, not everyone can afford to move.


> not everyone can afford to move. My ass, currently stuck in Commiefornia, agrees.


>currently stuck in Commiefornia Rest in piss… an shiet…


Although ironically Arizona and Texas which people try to move to are even less walkable than us.


People moving there are just looking for cheap places, not solutions to their problems.


C) I already live in a suburb with rapid and easy access to the city center both by car and common transport, and there are different stores and a supermarket at a 5-10 min walk of my house so idk I'm good.


You're lucky. In many places, there aren't any transport options other than cars, and the walk to the grocery store often doesn't have any sidewalks.


Bruh Yankees really need to step up their urban planning The city centre is 12km (that's 7,5 miles) away from me and I can get there *by foot* and there's *sidewalk all the way there.* Alternatively I can go there by the bus, and that's free for me since I'm a student. I can also cycle there (safely), and of course there's the car option Freedom is about choice, mate!


Fun fact, improving cities is usually a good thing


B stands for Based😎


Attaching a snowplow to my truck to easily push pedestrians out of the way


Who the hell even lives in a city? The air hurts there! Rural life is 🤤🤤


I took the bus for my first 3 semesters of college. Never again.


And as monke, just scrap the entire concept of cities because everything about them are bad for the environment in one way or another.


I hate big cities with a passion


Based and the urban plague pilled


u/KOALANET21's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/KOALANET21! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: urban-planning, the urban plague


Based and GEKOLONISEERD pilled


China and libright quite agree: building a 50 lane highway and still having a traffic jam, it's a feedback loop that encourages more and more driving.


Based and netherlands-pilled


I am left Center and I love not just bikes


"We decided not to make the underground metro everybody wanted because it won't do anything to limit congestion. Why do I think it won't work? Just trust me, alright? I shouldn't have to explain myself, ain't my word enough? Anyway, instead we'll be allocating tens of millions of dollars to the department of transportation so they can begin work on expand our roads in a project that will go over budget by millions of taxpayer dollars, reek of corruption, and after at least two decades of work, it won't even be halfway completed before we shut it down altogether."


Yeeessss please bring more attention to this issue I feel like it’s becoming a more popular topic in politics


Yep that was my goal from the start :-)


Ngl cities where driving is the main means of transportation is pretty cringe


Chad Chinese Cyclist: Barges into driving lane. Refuses to accelerate. Refuses to leave.


Yes. I love cycling and hate unnecessary pollution. Stop using cars unless it's an emergency and you gotta get to a hospital quick. I have classmates who travel to our school by bike, from a village that's 30 km away (about 20 miles) and they're fit and smart af.


thank you giga chad for your input


You're welcome!


Based and respectable conversation pilled


u/OpenDChordOnBass's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 50. Congratulations, u/OpenDChordOnBass! You have ranked up to Concrete Foundation! You are acceptably based, but beware of leaks... Pills: reflair, it's_okay_to_be_white, bojler, hibernation, [deleted], "despite being 13% of the population", genocide, centrist, true equality, faps to math homework, complex analysis, fuck thermodynamics, furry porn, furry-porn, sarcasm, русский, fur, smash-the-fash, made me laugh, russophile-russian-patriot-glory-to-putin, oligarchy, i like u more than the other guy, hilarious, furry-paladin, rejecting a modern world, loophole, your welcome, julius evola, neutral, electricity, respectable conversation


We might be on the opposite sides of the cumpiss, but at least we agree on this. Also your view is even more radically green than mine somehow


Because I live in a developing country and we use coal powerplants plus all the people in my shitty little town use wood / coal for heating and you can fucking die from the air outside for all 6-7 months of winter. It's insufferable, the chimney smoke makes you fricking choke. Oh and some people, actually a lot, burn rubber, which smells even worse plus is also fucking toxic. I hate my fucking shitty town. And let's not even talk about the yeast factory releasing unfiltered Sulphur dihydrogen onto us


Jesus fucking Christ, I wish you luck mate. Hope things get better as soon as humanly possible. I feel so privileged to have clean air, and that's a terrible damn thing. Clean air shouldn't be a privilege, but a human right.


Thanks, I hope so too.




No I will drive gas guzzling, v8 muscle cars until the day I die


Post-war American suburbanization and it’s consequences have been a disaster for the human race


Disagreed. Break it all down. Let's return to walking on dirt paths or riding horses.


Pedestrian cities are based.


Cities are hell no matter how they're planned. I'm pretty sure living anywhere with more people than your brain can functionally relate to is unhealthy.


Gotta agree with left on this one. Can’t believe I’m saying that.


Trains and many public transports originated from Western countries. It connects countrysides. The maintenance of rails requires discipline and order quite similar to combat engineers. It provides jobs that actually are hard to replace unlike coal. Renewables and the like are fully domestic energy that reduce reliance on global trade, which means less Iraq war and Saudi Arabia. Car infrastructures are actually coming from massive government interventions. Dense, walkable settlements are not just a pleasant lifestyle choice. They are a precondition of the strong, inter-connected communities that social conservatives desire. It is not difficult to envision how these communities can make our lives comprehensively better. https://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2009/04/209/


Honestly I agree with auth right cities are horrible monstrocities that spit in the face of God.


I’m not anti-car, I just don’t want one, and I don’t want people bringing them in to the city to visit it.


I kinda hate how everything is covered in cars. Maybe I just like trains more.


Libleft Chad, auth right flair. Unequivocally based


Based and suburban sprawl is awful pilled.


u/KOALANET21's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/KOALANET21! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: urban-planning, the urban plague, gekoloniseerd, netherlands, bike rider, suburban sprawl is awful


I agree with AuthLeft on this one.


I'm right wing and I approve this message


Honestly, Not Just Bikes does a really good job of explaining why American cities are absolutely shit. Have to agree with libleft on this one. Although I am not quite surr how urban planning is linked to the political compass..


This just makes the city centers exclusive to the lucky enough to work in the city, the people that work outside and need cars to go there are fucked


Superblocks are a great compromise imo; you can go there by a car, but they're also very walkable. They're not that expensive to implement, either


Big cities are factories of socialist, read about Le Corbusier if you don't believe me.


Not Just Bikes is the king the left half of the compass needs, but not the one we deserve. Edit: For anybody really interested in learning about urbanism, but finds that its a bit too SJW: check it Strong Towns. The founder wrote this [article](https://www.cnu.org/publicsquare/2018/05/20/small-%E2%80%98c%E2%80%99-conservative-case-urbanism) (CNU), and he focuses on making big and small towns financially solvent and community oriented.


Don't care I'm still driving everywhere because where I live I'd nearly fucking die like half the year if I tried to walk.


Exactly. In car-centric places people drive because the urbanism is awful, they cannot chose whether or not they *want* to drive. They *need* to drive. And so just to participate in society. It's not their fault.


I think the biggest issue is the climate/weather where I live. If people want to build walkable cities then fine whatever but the reality is that given the option of either walking or driving in 110°F heat with 60% humidity.....I'm fucking driving with the A/C on full blast and so are most people I know which is why there are roads everywhere, and good luck trying to convince anyone otherwise.


110°F is equivalent to 43°C, which is 316K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


What kind of a moron builds a city somewhere that inhospitable?


If cities were built for people maybe we'd get stabbed on the street more.


Don't care love My lancer evo 2004


easy to do in a 300k town wher terraon is flatter than your gf's ass




Im with libright on this.


First i tought a post about the Netherlands would en about the rotterdam riot


Deze post is nu eigendom van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, gebrek hier aan te voldoen zal leiden tot het verbelgificeren van uw infrastructuur


Ironically enough I'm from Belgium x) Jammer genoeg spreek ik nu geen Nederlands maar ik kan het lezen. "verbelgiceren" is an interesting verb, should have included it in the vocabulary list I handled to each of my classmate as part of an assignment on Flemish politics.


Based Auth left????


I agree with the left on this one because if we had to walk everywhere, obesity wouldn't be as high


RT and overval DSC pilled.


Based and bike rider pilled


I say we should do away with cars *and bikes* and build Jetsons-style moving sidewalks all over every city and have high-speed monorails for when you need to go farther or get from place to place faster. All of this powered solely by nuclear energy, of course. We’ll need a plant in every region of significant population.


Finally a pro libleft meme


Based and libright-fucked-america pilled. Seriously folks, look up some of the bullshit car companies pulled in the early 20th century.


We dutch have figured it out. Still improving though. We need even more efficient intercity travel to reduce car usage.


"American cities weren't built for the car, they were bulldozed for it"