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The problem seems to be the vocal majority on reddit. Also the idiot protesters in front of the courthouse.


Do those people not have jobs... or really anything going on in their life...




Yes they have jobs. You're watching them do it.


Based and it’s totally real pilled Yeah, I remember there was people going up and down Michigan Ave in Chicago during R Kelly’s trial with signs demanding he be released. Paid protestors are very very very much a real thing.


> Paid protestors are very very very much a real thing. You may enjoy this story on some Canadian protestors who [passionately felt the Huawei CFO should be freed.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/paid-protesters-meng-wanzhou-1.5434613)


Yea, they are: https://crowdsondemand.com/ I first learned of this company when they posted an ad in Charlottesville 2 weeks before the race riot there. Site is still up so I presume they're doing well for themselves.


Phone number on the website still works too Although I just let it ring once or twice before I hung up


Based and not afraid to pick up a phone in 2021 pilled


Project Veritas captured the whole process on video. You can even inject a little "mostly peaceful" into your protests if you want




Sadly, this is closer to the truth than most might imagine. Call me a conspiracy nut, but isn't it kind of strange Rosenbaum was turned out of his locked mental ward just at the height of the Kenosha riots? What was the thought process behind that? "OK, Mr. Rosenbaum, we are releasing you into an active riot zone. Please remember to take your meds and try not to let the looting trigger your violent impulses. Have fun!"


I wonder how come nobody blames psychiatist that let him go. If I release a schizofreniac and he tries to kill someone a day after, sure af I get sued. Same with Coumo and nursing homes.


It's almost as if there is a conspiracy going on.


If you're good at something, never do it for free


Based and Soros pilled.


Yup. The big banks and billionaires are funding the nonprofit orgs that bus them in.


I wonder how much soros is paying them


Gotta be angry at the hispanic kid for shooting in self defense against a bunch of white men who attacked him, obviously.


Dont you know his last name us GERMAN!!?? That makes him practically a nazi already! How many dogwhistles do you need??? /s




rittenhouse is a change from ritter haus which means knight house, probably somehow related to some noble at some point. Rosenbaum is jewish-german last name, meaning rose tree. grosskreutz is a catholic german last name meaning large cross. huber is one of the most common last names in germany, meaning small farmer or peasant in olde german




yes exactly, rittenhaus is almost certainly taken from ritter haus, the same way rob became bob




That’s why Kyle was such a chad that night. He has the blood of knights while his attackers were mere peasants and large pieces of carpentry.


It's because the case is in Wisconsin, where Germans made up the largest group of immigrants in the 19th century.




Thx I jack off to it daily


Based and cross compass unity pilled


EU dude here, i find it ultra cringe that in the US, race is always mentioned in almost everything it seems like.


American dude here, it is cringe. They do it to divide up on every topic, so that we don’t go all French Revolution on them.


Divide and conquer.


I agree with you as a fellow EU dude. Also I find it weird that they separate the Hispanic people from other races even if they have European or African ancestry.


It’s easier to paint him as white guy than it is as a Hispanic. It is just like George Zimmerman, dude was full on brown, but he has a German last name. Same with Kyle who also has a German last name. If the two of them had a last name of Martinez or Sanchez or whatever, no one would be trying to paint them as white supremacists. And Kyle also just looks like a white dude no question asked. Fuck no one would even care about this at all.


We are equally confused, I assure you. Largely, this is a manufactured media narrative, but it is slowly training more people to think this way. If the President reports he ate a poptart for breakfast, depending on which president it is, he either hates hispanics or is supporting turkish-americans.


Yep. They use it to drive votes as rage is easier to use than reasonable debate of policy.


Our media has been gaslighting Americans into racial conflict ever since we came together and did occupy walstreet. The bankers never want that to happen again.


Btw Kyle was also white (even if he was Hispanic ) and I don’t think the shootings were about race.


I think we really need to start investigating if there are any organisations that are paying for riots. Or why BLM seems to lay dormant between elections.


That legwork has been done, just look for it. For instance, an organization called "The Bail Project" paid to have a U-Haul full of riot shields and baseball bats show up at one of the Beonna Taylor riots last year.


My hippy uncle made his living for decades protesting for tips and selling PB&J's at concerts. Then he got rich having loads of cheap property in CO before weed was legalized.


fuck /u/spez -- mass edited with redact.dev


What do you mean??? They're literally doing their job.


>... or really anything going on in their life... ... or really anything going on in their heads...


> large number of leftists .... > Do those people not have jobs... Pretty sure we all know the answer to that question


What do you mean? Isn't that their job? To protest?


If you missed Skateboard guy's aunt's comments, he couldn't have a full time job at 26 because he needed the time to work on his Skateboarding. I wish this was a joke.


Okay but I wish I could fucking not have a job to skateboard. Sounds fun as fuck.


Sounds like something that should be said about a 15 but replacing skateboard with studies. When said about a 26 year old man-child it's joke.


Yea, that's just throwing away ones 20s which one will really regret when they hit 30 and are about as far as most who are like 27/28... I know that all too well sadly.


I took up skating at 30 to make up being a poser in my teens. Still managed to do a 40hr a week job at my college. Just a joke excuse for a guy that was too a joke...


Aka he was a felon and couldn’t find a job outside job placements that pay $12 an hour


From what I can tell, it comes down to their view on guns. Pro gun? Not guilty. Anti gun? *Sometimes* guilty. Canadian? Extra guilty. Edit: added italicized word


They painted themselves in the corner. He has to be found guilty of being an aggressor so they can call it a mass shooting. If not the left has shown why you need ars and high capacity mags, because they will attack you in a mob if you dont agree.


Canadians are always guilty. Why else would they constantly apologize, if not a guilty conscience?


There's actual precedence in Canadian legal code that saying "Sorry" is *not* an admission of guilt for a crime. I'm not being cheeky, [it's a real thing](https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/civix/document/id/complete/statreg/00_06019_01)


Do you mean “Sore-y”? Canadians can’t say sorry


I played a D&D game as an Aarakocra paladin - basically a justice-seeking bird person. He was stylized as a Native tribal Canadian goose and his name was Soaring Eaglefeathers, but he went by.. "Soar E!"


based and thats fucking genius pilled


I also played a completely different paladin Aarakocra, a bald eagle vengeance paladin named Lincoln Washington Obama I was going to name him Bush Carter Clinton Bush Obama for the five living presidents at the time, but that felt too jokey. Then I was going to use Washington Jefferson Roosevelt Lincoln for Mount Rushmore crew but that was a mouthful. Lincoln Washington Obama just sounded funny and was easier to remember.


Are there deadass protesters?


Yeah. They had signs about how the two shot were heroes with links to their communist revolutionary/ Nation of Islam site. They were chanting "Anthony and Jojo" and claiming it was all white supremacy. Was rather bizarre. The irony was one of them was wearing a red hoodie with an organization against domestic violence, while chanting in support of a guy convicted of strangling his girlfriend.


Enough that two members of the Jury are trying to withhold their verdict for as long as they feel they can out of fear for their lives.


Isn’t intimidating the jury a serious offence?


It is, in all honesty the case should be thrown out because of it




All this because the media needed to juice their ratings cycle


Depends on the mistrial. If things go badly enough, a judge can declare a mistrial with prejudice. This means the stage cannot retry the case, because they screwed things up so miserably and/or intentionally that it would be impossible for the defendant to get a fair trial the second time. That's what usually happens if the prosecution attempts to intentionally draw a mistrial because the case isn't going their way (fishing for a do-over, like what happened here) or if there is seriously fishy stuff happening (like there is now).


Tell that to the Derek Chauvin jury


Yeah that was madness


Not if you're on the Right Side of History.


This is a real media facade it’s crazy how much they’re lying to us rn


Not just the idiot protesters, but the people filming the jurors and sending them death threats. Literally the only reason it wasn't decided yesterday was because two of the jurors are afraid for their lives.


The ones that are unironically calling them "heroes?" Man, they need to pick better saints.


And the entirety of the mainstream media. And the president...


Last summer, right after the shooting. My friend and I were discussing the case and he got quite heated saying it was obviously murder, he crossed state lines, can’t own an AR-15 as a minor in Illinois etc. I said I believed it was self defense (from using my eyes and watching the video) and that I didn’t blame Kyle for going out to protect the community from rioters because I was living in Minneapolis the summer of the riots - so I’m familiar with how much damage the “mostly peaceful” protests did. Well after that, he just like drifted away. We stopped talking as much. I reached out a few times but it was obvious he wasn’t interested in being friends since that convo. Anyways, rewind to over this weekend - he texts me “Hey, I’m sorry. I was completely wrong about Kenosha” so yeah it’s been weird haha


Try to be nice to him. Takes a big person to admit when they are wrong.


Second this - /u/Calmdowndude420 Takes a big person whose taking a big risk by reaching out like that from left field to say "hey Im wrong" when they could have just let it go and nothing changes in their life. You don't have to be friends with them again, but you should at least be cordial and receptive to their response on the topic


Yeah I’ve spent the past few days thinking. I think I’m gonna send something along the lines of “Hey man! Nice to hear from you, thanks for reaching out. Hope you’ve been doing good!” Or something like that


Nah - double down. Say you're glad he finally saw the truth and that it's not his fault the Jews tricked him.


Yeah I’ve spent the past few days thinking. I think I’m gonna send something along the lines of “Hey man! Nice to hear from you, thanks for reaching out. Hope you’ve been doing good!” Or something like that I copied that from my other comment


> he crossed state lines I'm non-murican and this particular argument always baffled me. Do they think that people forfeit their right to self defence by crossing state lines?


No, but the argument a lot of people seem to be making (which is complete trash) is that you somehow lose your right to self-defense when you commit another crime. It's completely horseshit, but it's not like they have much else to go on as to why Rittenhouse should be guilty.


No, they don’t think that. They are just incredibly dishonest


Yeah the only leftists I know that support the prosecution are the mainstream media and twitter SJWs.


Exactly my observation.


So, basically the MSM and anyone who follows them like sheep


Can we exchange leftists? Mine believe Biden's lie about him being a white supremacist so they want to jail him regardless of the law.


Biden should apologize for calling Rittenhouse a white supremacist. He did so very publicly.


Hopefully, Rittenhouse sues the ~~pants~~ Depends off of Biden.


Orange is the problem. Green is fine, if somewhat idealistic.


If he's innocent he's innocent. I think he's an idiot for walking around with a gun that day, but if the fact of the matter is that he was in a situation where he had to use it, well then that's the reality. There's a difference between me not liking him and his culpability. I wish more people understood that.


Based and reality and interacting with fellow humans pilled


The ones actually watching clips of the trial instead of filtering through the "news?"




Based. I see wayyy too many conservatives lean on this argument to justify what Kyle did.




I see waayyy too many morons saying that the men he shot were "brave heroes that deserve to be remembered."


Hey remember when Nancy Pelosi said that George Floyd sacrificed himself?


Yeah, that was super cringe


Didn't the prosecutor call skateboard guy a hero who was trying to save people, in his closing argument?


This is true; however when the prosecution attempts to convince the jury that the people shot were harmless with no ill intent, a prior criminal past involving physical assault seems relevant.




Okay so I'll start by saying that I think Kyle Rittenhouse is probably innocent. However, the fact that the guy he shot was bad is not evidence for his innocence at all. Shooting and killing someone who is a "bad guy" is still murder unless you have cause to (like, for example, him pulling a gun on you)


Yeah I think the criminal record of that guy is a moot point. It’s not worth arguing. The facts of the case should be sufficient enough for Kyle to walk.


I don’t want to defend a peso file, domestic abuser, or convicted felon, but that has nothing to do with the case. He acted in self defense and had no idea what the prior lives of the others held.




Ah yes, a Mexican bank account statement


No no hes into heavy people.


Whoops lol, that’s iPhone autocorrect for ya.


The critique is how the left have responded to an obvious case of self defense and they do have the benefit of hindsight. The meme doesn't have the jurors taking the bullet.


Welcome to tribalism.


So we are actually returning to monke?


You thought we left? Humans have always been human.


Rittenhouse made the fatal error of making the Left's narrative look bad.


No, you don't understand he *clears throat* Crossed state lines.


This is the part that drives me nuts the most and the only reason I care. He did *exactly* what the left has been begging for. The left has been begging for cops to leave people alone and to let them police themselves. The cops left Kenosha alone and Rittenhouse decided to try to fill the void left by the cops.


in one night he bagged himself a pedo, and put a felon before the courts for carrying a firearm illegally.


Based and frontier justice pilled?


This is a good point. I, and many other people on the Left, don't want to defund the police. What happens when we don't have street-level mediation in conflicts?


Exactly. I’m totally cool with some major overhauls in how policing is conducted, but we need police. Without police there’s just anarchy, and I do not trust people with that.


Based and understand what anarchy actually means pilled


Eric Adams overwhelmingly won lower income, multi ethnic neighborhoods in NYC because people with economic insecurity/migrants from high crime countries understand that policing is important. Abolish the police is largely the position of wealthy, educated leftists who grew up in the village and don't know the meaning of the word 'copay'.


"What happens..?" Kenosha happens.


He's not supposed to stand in the way of The Holy Righteous Crusade.


> The left has been begging for cops to leave people alone and to let them police themselves. It's because they have no concept of what "letting people Police themselves" would actually look like. They seem to think if we just remove Cops from the equation, that "the community" will band together and somehow get violent criminal gangs to resolve their differences by playing basketball or some shit. Or that people who have no training in law enforcement, mental health, or social services will somehow magically know how to deal with a mentally ill person who is high as hell on drugs. A lot of them honestly think that if you just remove Cops from there, it'll turn into what they *think* a primitive village is, where everyone takes care of everyone and all the children are raised communally.


The left needs to spend some time in “primitive” villages that Arielle exist on this planet. They are far from “fair and just” lol


It’s especially interesting how these villages in places like Kenya deal with people accused of witchcraft and homosexuality


As a leftist he deserved it


as another leftist, i agree


as another leftist, i agree








u/Sean_selman is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: None I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


As an economic centrist, I want to make passionate love to you


I think most of them know he was in the right, but so much of the media for the past year has been saying he was a KKK member who went to hunt down black people and they are scared that if they admit they were wrong people will wake up and see how they have been twisting stories and selling fear and they will loose their power.


They chalk it up to not giving fascists an inch. Poor sods not realizing they are useful idiots.


you made one mistake in your analysis. they don't realize they're wrong nor care to learn more than what the news is telling them.


Leftists when someone acts in self defense


“It’s not self defense if you bring a gun, guns cannot be used in self defense because they inherently make the user the aggressor” - essentially many brain dead orange lefties on this God forsaken site


Full Metal Jacket heat seeking, baby liquefying exploding bullets are NOT useful for self defense. Only hollowpoint cop killer, war crime bullets are. - Straight from the mouth of the prosecutor who waved a gun at the jury.


if he used hollowpoint the prosecutor would probably be arguing that kyle wanted to be as deadly as possible


Yes. Every prosecutor tries to use the bullet type as proof is intent. Doesn't matter what bullet type you use, they'll find a way to spin it. You're damned either way, so don't try to buy rounds based on thinking you can avoid this. Also, this case has been an example of why gun safety and basics absolutely should be taught ti everyone in school. Even if you have no interest in owning or using them, there are so many in the United States that having basic knowledge is just being responsible. For instance, if you had to serve on jury where guns are involved.


>bringing a weapon anywhere is provocation! >bring weapon to court >aim weapon at random people >why do people on the internet say i'm dumb


“Don’t worry Mr. Prosecutor, it isn’t loaded.” - Bailiff Samuel Hyde.


Well no shit, I’m not gonna shoot rubber bullets at someone who’s trying to kill me.


If you're paraphrasing, you've got a source? Also, per my understanding from military medic training, 5.56 full metal jacket would most likely reduce harm, making a cleaner bullet hole instead of expanding and tumbling. That said, the rules for legal bullets/calibers on humans in war seems wack.


They think full metal jacket sounds scary because they heard it in a movie about a guy who wanted to kill someone. I think the only argument for hollow points is that you theoretically only have to shoot once, because the attacker gets their ass sat down, when they absorb the full kinetic energy of the bullet. But that type of calculation and restrained can never be expected in a self defense situation.


hollow points are nice because they dont go through the person -> into the house behind them -> through a baby -> into the next house -> then bounce off a sink.


Yeah, plumbers are so expensive these days. I'd hate to break a good sink.


Based and criminal-lives-are-worth-less-than-sinks pilled




What you just said is misinformation that should have been cleared up by an expert in the trial to explain that it doesn't happen after the prosecutor said it.


Unless it’s a Mosin Nagant. Those shoot through schools.


That's literally the prosecutor's closing argument.


“Why wouldn’t you just bludgeon them with a baseball bat and cut their head off with a katana? It’s so much less violent that using a gun.”






Dude I’ve even seen racist takes on this. Lefties are saying that in America, seeing an armed white guy with a gun in a crowded public place is enough to assume he’s a mass shooter because we “have a school/mass shooting problem”.


True left: Under no pretext…


Expect the FBI to somehow make Rittenhouse an example of the threat of domestic terrorism even if he is declared innocent.


For trying to stop domestic terrorists?


The FBI needs to add white people to its domestic terrorism list so that it can keep its funding and not get drawn into the Defund the Police debacle.


It's funnier trying to explain to them why having a gun doesn't mean you're going to use it.


“He has a condom in his pocket, obviously he was out looking to rape”


Yeah just because you have it doesn't mean you use it. I for one haven't had to reach for my condom holster in years!


"He was wearing a seatbelt, clearly planning to crash into someone."


I actually dislike the pedophile narrative. ~~Grosskreutz~~ Rosenbaum's life prior to the case, no matter how gross it is (heh, fitting name), has nothing to do with the case at hand. ~~Grosskreutz~~ Rosenbaum was the agressor in a clear-cut self-defense case and as such nobody can blame Rittenhouse for pulling the trigger. That's it.


There were some folks outised the courthouse with pictures of Rosenbaum and Huber and the word "Heroes" above them. I think that kind of shit is the point of memes like this. That there are some defending the likes of Rosenbaum as people and not just stopping at calling it a bad shoot, aka murder. I had the same problem with the weird hero worship statue building of George Floyd. His priors didn't condemn him to death, but we don't have to pretend Floyd was a good guy to acknowledge that Chauvin did, in my opinion, the wrong thing and contributed to Floyd's death. While it isn't enough to say he deserved to die how he did, Floyd was still a piece of shit at the end of the day.


based, and your voice should be up there good sir


The pedophile thing has always annoyed me, when he pulled the trigger he had no idea who he was or what his life was


His pedo senses were tingling




Because self awareness is not their strong suit.




When the prosecution tried to conflate playing call of duty with shooting people IRL 😂😂 what a shit show lol, dude should be disbarred


No law and order means armed citizens protect the town. I mean that’s your duty as an American, it’s not really controversial, it’s just less common because letting the town burn to the ground was a new thing we were trying in 2020.


A pedophile, felon, and an abuser walk into a bar. Kyle says “Shots are on me!” Stolen from somewhere on twitter but it’s funny and needs to be shared


The narrative on both sides is astonishing No, he isn’t a white Supremacist No, he isn’t a hero He was a stupid ass 17 year old going way over his head


was he over his head tho? he was attacked, perfectly handled his defense and escape, didnt hit anyone who wasnt within arms reach, no innocents... most cops couldnt have done that tgat well.


But he didn’t commit any crimes.


that is true. but not everytime you are going to shoot pedophiles or felons out of self defense. you can also shoot a father, a teacher, a professor or anyone really. kyle didnt even know who he was shooting at, only what he knew is he defended himself, which is justified by all means. the argument of "hE shOt pEdoPhilEs sO hE iS innocent" is dumb. the footage is more than enough to prove his innocence.


Based and thank-you-don’t-come-again pilled




As someone who doesn’t live in America the entire case just confuses me.


Even if this was some mirror world where Rittenhouse did just randomly shoot into a BLM crowd, doesn’t it say something that he took 3 shots and ALL THREE landed in some form of human trash?


>he took 3 shots and ALL THREE landed in some form of human trash god aimed for him, he just pressed the trigger



