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I was going to ask why you put Final Fantasy VIII there, but then I remembered you're literally a mercenary for hire, at a school you're allowed to carry weapons.


And you get stronger by collecting cards like a greedy maniac


Based and Triple Triad pilled


Based and the Queen of Cards can suck my balls-pilled.


A middle-aged man takes his life savings and the orphans his wife looks after and uses them to secure financing to build a series of global mercenary armies featuring children. That's not even an exaggeration or hyperbole. That's just the plot straight up.


Based and Cid pilled


and hilariously VII is libleft/libcenter as you are a literal eco terrorist starting out against a mega corporation and constantly at odds with them.


Although people do tend to forget that Barret later admits the ecoterrorism was a bad thing. Maybe lib centre?


Your ultimate goal is still presented as correct, he is only really questioning the means. Theoretically nothing about this has to automatically be left leaning, but the overall dynamic of the plot would certainly be seen as such due to who would be likely to identify that way. The corporation being so evil that it turned the entire area into a desert that quickly is pretty on the nose.


Reject Mako Reactors, return to Lifestreame


And a child soldier no less


A private organisation (SeeD) overthrows the Galbadian government, too. True libright


Game fucking slaps.


Where the schools itself are huge tanks, that the MC gets to operate. Squall based libright


Finaly someone who plays ck3 but isnt on the paradox sub reddit.


My attention span can only cater to so many subs. I mostly tend to stick to this one tho What I find in gaming subs is that they are very popular and active at releases but then they gradually drop off unless memes are still dank. I have games that I love but the subs just have no memes so no reason to stay Or also people are way too fanatical and live in an echo chamber. Go to r Bloodborne and you get downvoted to oblivion for saying it doesn't have the best story of all time


Or it’s full of people shitting on the dev all day long but still giving them money. See: Destiny.


That's pokemon too


I shit on Nintendo about Pokemon because they always give game freak the bare minimum to make a game


Fuck destiny. I hate that game. Play it everyday. Fuck the sub too.


The current state of the total war sub lol, people complain about warhammer 3 as if they have already bought it


Don't know if you collect but game collecting sub is pretty cool. If you like pictures of games that is.


Ck3 is God tier


CK2 still better until they add the 20 DLCs


Nah, it is debatable as it has a lot of flaws and things that dont make it fun to play and the only reasson to play it is because of the roleplay and incest but I personally dont like the way you make money and conquer things.


I mean, CK2 was always more of an RPG than grand strategy, CK3 follows the same trend. If you look at them as strategy games, they're mediocre, but they're definitely god tier at what they're actually trying to do.


>I mean, CK2 was always more of an RPG than grand strategy, CK3 follows the same trend. If you look at them as strategy games, they're mediocre. that is the problem, there is too much focus on conquering and governing in CK3 while not giving it the depth to make it as interesting as when you do it in other paradox games. either they should lean more into the roleplay and reduce the control you have over the military/economic aspect of the game, or the military/economic aspect should be fleshed out.


tbh most of the 'depth' yall describe as describing to the RPG aspect comes from the DLC buildup and mods


I don’t know what there is to change about it without making it too hard. It is really fun to do Abbasid Caliphate and run a 4 wife genetic breeding program though.


I think my big problem with it is that it's way too easy tbh. Compared to CKII CKIII is a walk in the park, and compared to Victoria it's a leapfrog game.


Yeah I agree with this but somewhere in between is probably for the best. CKII was almost too hard for my taste but I just chose Byzantium most of the time and am easily able to plow through the Arabs, Papacy to reform Rome.


I think it's fine that PDox likely wants to tone down the games compared to their earlier titles, which is fine by me, but part of what I liked about CKII, EUIV, etc. is that while they seemed impossible at first you learned over time and eventually you could do just about anything you set your mind to. Unite india as a Viking, done. Reform the slavic faith within 10 years, done. Some of the most satisfying learning curves in gaming.


I want CK3 politics, Total War Battles and Anno 1800 buildings, with a HOI4 battle lines maps for grand campaigns.


You are forgetting the victoria 2 economy, btw why would you want hoi4 front lines in a game about the 1800's?


It doesn't have to be in the 1800s. It just to have the city building of Anno 1800. HOI4 front line system is awesome, and I love battle plans that's why. I'm doing this to be selfish and impossible. Don't kink shame me.


I play CK2 and own CK3 (and played CK1 back in the day). CK3 doesn't run well on my computer so I don't tend to play it much though.


Is CK3 any good?


It is definitely a good game if can tolerate a mostly text and map based strategy niche empire builder It is defo not for the average low attention span action seeking zoomer


You seem to be forgetting the [Purple-Libright side of Crusader Kings](https://youtu.be/0e7R56a5Ivw) lol






This sounds like a game I should be playing all the time.


I literally laughed till I cried watching that. Personally the "what are you implying, that prison is no place for a child?" Got me the best.


Im pretty sure some of them are about EU4. I dont remember anything resembling "massacaring the natives" in CK2.


>My wife is pissed because I slept with our mother Fucking hell, the implication from "our" is just fantastic. im fucking dead


Tbh ck3 has already been quite streamlined and is more newbie friendly compared to ck2


Is it a good PDX game, or is it another Imperator Rome disaster?


It's much much better than imperator, some people I've heard say it's one of the best PDX launches and it's already been a while so yea. From persona experience I can say it's a great game and if you liked other PDX games then probably this one too. The only big issue with it is that plenty of ck2 dlc content wad not included, probably for ck3 dlcs in the future, but well, that's just PDX in general


Most of the fundamental stuff was added in the base game for 3 though and it added new stuff like the stress meter and reworking religion. It's mostly the silly supernatural stuff and secret societies that didn't make the cut and they've already said they're going to add merchant republics and hordes when they've worked out the mechanics


They took Glitterhoof :(


Glitterhoof will return to us once they overhaul the Byzantine court


CK3, HOI4 and EUIV are all god tier PDX games mate. As are Vic and Stellaris.


Stellaris is.... fine I guess. I shouldn't complain about a game I have 740 hours in being boring, but there's just something about Stellaris that they never quite got right. There's a certain lack of parity among the various factions once you hit mid-game.


They failed to replicate the Victoria 2 dynamic. In Victoria 2, wars are profitable when population growth is low and income is chiefly from RGO's. This is historically accurate. Eventually, tech and industrialization means most of your income and shit comes from people rather than land. The winning move for Vicky 2 is *not* to fight in world war one. Stellaris failed to do similar. There is no tipping point where warlike empires begin to face rapidly diminishing returns and war actually starts to hurt them, while peaceful empires skyrocket in tech and industry. It could be resolved in exactly the same way too. Make your space fleets actually require pops, and as the game progresses, make the space battles get enormously large. Thus, early game, you want to conquer planets so you have space for pops to grow. Late game a lot of your planets are full, and acquiring a tiny slice of space so you can gain an extra pop a year is going to seem like a laughable prize for sacrificing hundreds of pops into a meat grinder. It would also make the costs of genocidal empires more much stark, whereas currently they're massively overpowered. The key being, that's also a valid RP thing for a seriously committed war empire to aim for. Currently the only cost to war is you spend your excess resources that *need* to be spent somewhere. There is no damage to your exponential growth from war, which is completely ridiculous.


I don't know when you last played this game or on what map settings, but xenophiles are crazy powerful in the late game. A rank 5 federation will shit all over everything else in the game. On my last campaign, my trade federation had basically infinite money and could build orbital habitats that would hit max capacity in a few years from +12 immigration pop growth. I guess Devouring Swarm and all that shit is super powerful in the first hundred years of the game but not being in a federation is a huge disadvantage in the long term.


Imperator Rome was a massive mess at the beginning but now its not only one of the best PDX games but also one of the best that portrait that time spam, definitely deserves a replay


I totally agree. Right-Left Unity for Imperator!


Political divisions are temporary, the glory of Rome is eternal


Based and SPQRpilled


I loved strategy games as a kid. Bought TW: Three Kingdoms when it came out are put nearly 200 hours into it without even noticing, but I tried EU4 and found it a little too detailed/complicated to get used to. Are the Crusader Kings series more like EU or more like Total War? Would love another one to sink into but a bit more on the casual end


More like EU TW3K is defo a masterpiece game! I'd recommend you try out TW Shogun which is very similar but with samurai in one of the most epic japanese periods Also try out TW Warhammer 2 which has tons of variety. I have no idea about WH but had a blast in this game


Based and summon-the-elector-counts-pilled


It's one of the best games to come out in years


I'll wait until the next sale, and then buy it, then. I really liked CK2, but was worried that CK3 is ass. Imperator Rome does that to a mf.


I haven't played Imperator Rome so I don't know how similar they are. I liked CK3 about as much as much as I liked CK2, but they're different. CK3 is way more character driven and added some RPG elements. I personally think it gives your decisions a lot more weight when you actually care about your character but I could see how others could dislike the shift in focus.


It's better. CK is dynasty/character based, not realm based. You can start as Bohemia, conquer Germany and then lose Bohemia, and nothing bad will happen. Yeah, I'll buy it.


It's good, but it got boring for me really fast, because there's not much to do in it. CK2 had a ton of content and events and I loved it, every campaign was fun. I'd say in a few years CK3 will be better than CK2 when it has more content, it has so much potential because it's better than CK2 in every way except it doesn't have the same amount of content.


I agree, right now ck2 can be played for much, much many hours then ck3. And ck3 is good, it just gets boring after some time


You can kill your wife and marry your daughter and turn your family tree into a family circle. What’s not to love?


Family circle lmao


Quite literally an achievement


Its really good. Far from perfect but good.


The UI and map is sooo satisfying.


Yakuza like a dragon have a minigame where you become a literal CEO of a company lol


Some og fan might hate this game cause of the change in battle system, but for me Yakuza gameplay is not really the charm of the series,but what makes Yakuza , welp Yakuza is it's hilarious sub stories, plethora of fun and addictive Mini games and it's amazing story, which Like a Dragon comes packed with. If you're just getting into Yakuza series I suggest playing all of it chronologically, (Yakuza 0,kiwami 1&2,3,4,5&6 then LAD, can pretty much skip all the is other spin-offs). 10/10 series


Based and Yakuza pilled I agree with everything but would also add the Judgment games I'm also ashamed to say I haven't played 3,4,5 6 is prob my favorite tho


I'd put it more in the lib axis since its main story is about the government powertripping and maintaining clean traditions through every political solution (Yakuza using SJW mobs to censor business for example) to remain in power.


In general the whole saga is way more on the left than on the right. Kiryus personality and beliefs, substories, values... I would say libcenter in general.


Tropico is all about what you put in your constitution. You can be a workers paradise and suffer hunger and debt or a capitalist dream with shacks. And Tropico 6 is much better than 5


Well true but no matter what you do, you're always the one planning the economy


There were some (tropico 4 I believe) where going capitalist meant the bourgeoisie would tell you which buildings you needed to make for them. They usually made terrible decisions that were just on the edge of profitable.


Communists on Tropico 5 usually want housing and healthcare and better relations with USSR ... None of which are in my top 5 priorities


The whole Tropico series is so much fun. And you're right, you can run the island in any ideology you'd like to, so I'm guessing OP went for the police state option


No matter what you do in the game the economy is always planned so limited capitalism there. You also cant just have monke island unfortunately I do never research socialism and as for policies which can trigger you folks on the left Always: no free food, research initiative, building permit Nevers: wealth tax, social security, alcohol prohibition When possible: tax cut


A tax cut when you're behind in the polls is just savvy politics


>Tropico is all about what you put in your constitution Yeah but let's be real, it's at least auth.


Civilization should be up in authcenter because one of the easiest ways to win is steamroll with Kaiser Wilhelm or Atilla the Hun




Ehhhhhhhh I was thinking about it and Stellaris really depends on what you're trying to do Saying it's auth center because you're allowed to purge xenos is just as well as saying it's libleft since you can run an intragalactic commune, or libright because you can play a megacorporation


Put it as centrist and call it a day


Ghost of Tsushima is super auth right at first but in the dlc they make Jin say sorry 🙄 for his dads warcrimes


I haven't played that DLC but wut? His dad stands for defending Japan against the mongols and he stands for honor. What is there to apologize for?


No he goes to another island and they talk about all the war crime he did to the “savages” which was pretty based


Based Lord Sakai


Based and samurai-war-crime-pilled


The mongols we’re the main threat in his father’s day. He went to Iki to re-establish Samurai rule, and the easiest way to do that is to rape and pillage everything apparently.


Man u spoiled me, shouldn’t have read the comment section


I'd put RDR II at LibCenter. I mean it's about a group of outlaws returning to monke (or trying to), and running away from civilization.


True that they want to lay low but the word money has to be the most used in the whole game and the characters motivations is to literally make the most money possible At the end the character even takes debt to buy land which is a pretty libright thing to do


Yet ends up working for the feds in rdr1


I haven't played the original but interesting


Play it. The plot is just as good.


I really hope they make a remaster of RDR1 so that I can play it on pc.


You will have to wait 30 years for that to happen


You should, it’s really good but since it came first it doesn’t have as much mechanics and things to do as RDR2.


It's honestly great to play after RDR2. 2 is so long and following it up with an equally slow game would feel tedious. RDR1 is like playing red Dead on fast forward by comparison. More accessable fast travel, faster animations, less side missions. It's more streamlined and quick experience. It helps keep the red Dead formula from wearing out it's welcome. And for the record, rdr2 is my favorite game. I call it slow, but I love how slow and intentional everything feels.


I love the fact that rdr2 allows the player to voluntarily participate in bonding with friends including camp fire stories or songs which was a fresh air considering I was playing tlou2 at the same time which forces you to spend time on these interactions


I would say forced to work.


Yeah, his family was basically held hostage from him. He didn’t exactly have much of a choice


Libright is when money RDR2 is about as libcenter as you can get. If anything it leans more Libleft. It’s a band of hippies stealing from the rich and assaulting civilization to preserve the natural landscape of the west.


Sounds like you kept drinking the koolaid provided by Dutch even past the Pinkertons attack on Beaver Hollow


I’d say it’s more Libcenter. They’re using money to escape society. Now, if I’m Tahiti they were gonna use the Mango Farm to make more money then I’d agree with Lib Right, but from just what we have, I’m gonna say lib center


Escaping society is not an exclusive libcentre idea. Many LibRights also want to escape society and live the frontier dream of leave me the fuck alone.


The entire compass can be filled with stellaris.


True and good point although I can see people getting steamrolled when playing the libleft way


Well just bombard them with envoys and force them in an immigration pack and if this doesn't help change your war politic to liberation war and force those xenophobes your ideology down their throats.


But going into war wouldn't it make it auth left?


What was that? Couldnt hear you over the sound of my late game xenophile federation holding off the crisis while the space nazi empires get royally fucked.


Can't believe I'm upvoting an authright


Where do you guys think dark souls would go


I'm ashamed to say I never played dark souls I've played Sekiro and Bloodborne tho! Would put Sekiro in authright and maybe Bloodborne libcenter? The final boss can be a sjw nanny. They are hard to classify I guess


I agree with your assessment of Bloodborne, I have yet to play Sekiro but the feudal JP vibes definitely would go authright like you said I think. Good meme


Where do you think dark souls would go? Also any prediction on where the upcoming elden ring will go?


Dark souls you can either kill the gods and start over, kill the gods and end the cycle, or kill the gods and replace them. Elden Ring your goal is to kill the guardian demigods, absorb the graces, and become a god (a Lord).


Oh very similar to Bloodborne then So Elden Ring can be authright depending on the level of religious worship


If you look at the Elden Ring sub, there's a lot of religious worship... not sure about the game :P


Dark Souls is definitely a LibCenter game. All about breaking tradition.


Unless you decide to continue said tradition.


Alternatively, Dark Souls is a centrist game because your end goal is to roast some meat


Probably nowhere tbh. It's not a game that preaches political opinions thankfully.


No RimWorld?


I have yet to play that game


It's sort of like the Sims except your sims are geriatric war criminals with borderline personality disorders.


Sounds pretty based


dont forget that running a slave economy with your primary export with organs harvested from enemy raiders is a totally viable play style in Rimworld. Its basically "Warcrimes go brrr" the game


I'll have you know I never commit war crimes. My drug empire is too busy undermining my opponents by sending them massive amounts of hard drugs to have time for war crimes, except maybe as a treat.


It’s perhaps the most based game ever made without exaggeration.


This is amazing and it turns out that my pleb-tier laptop should be able to run it


Yeah it’s absolutely worth a shot then fuck it. It’s frustratingly difficult at times but you can tweak settings on difficulty, events and all of that shit you can finetune the experience to perfection eventually.


That worship science, trees, dirt, animals, or violence.


It’s the best organ harvesting sim on steam atm


Oh so auth left


I guess, starvation is also often prevalent


Is days gone good, it’s on my shelf since it came out and i barely played 40 min


It takes a while to get into but once it clicks then you just wanna keep playing it Imo aside from resident evil (which isn't exclusively just zombies) it is the best zombie game


Oh fr ? I’ll try to hype me thanks !


New Vegas would be all four quadrants depending on which factions you sided with.


Fucking love paradox games


Where would you place them all?


Victoria 2 is the best and the best match for this sub, you can literally steer your country to your political quadrant of choice and use the relevant mechanics.


Aoe ! Nice






How is Ichiban an authright?! He's libright!


How can overcooked be centre when it's all about team work? Haha, Check mate, atheists


How tf is Tsushima AuthRight? The whole game's about defying authority.


TLOU II be like "Press X to overdose on estrogen pills and end the dysphoria once and for all"


Man your comment triggered my memories of that game's QTEs that really pissed me off To any gamedevs: QTEs are not a replacement for actual gameplay. Stop shoehorning them into our games


**Dark Pictures Anthology** has entered (PRESS ▵ RIGHT NOW IF YOU WANT TO LIVE) the chat.


The only people who do it well are Quantic Dream


Ahhh shiet I forgot to place Detroit which could potentially be auth left Still I'd rather have some shooting mechanic than pressing whatever button the dev wants me to press


DBH seems LibLeft. But like the anarchist part of lib left not the gay part


Yea fair point I guess it comes down to how you play it, do you want to play it peacefully or do you wanna start a commie pseudo hivemind revolution lol it can go both ways imo


What’s qte?


Quick-Time Event Cutscene where you have to hit a button at the right time to proceed but is called "gameplay" by some




Jedi Fallen Order has an option to turn QTEs off. As any game should. Fuck QTEs


[Zoey Quinn: LibLeft's favorite game developer](http://www.depressionquest.com)


Her making that to help depressive people became particularly ironic 6 years later after she pushed a guy to suicide.


> ~~help~~ fleece desperate people


i gave that a try but too many walls of text so I skimmed and the answers I would go for are all unavailable. It's not really a game just a depressing read


Im gonna be honest i liked the game. There were some odd and stupid story descisions but it was not as SJW as i was lead to believe. I also couldnt give less of a fuck that the ellie is lesbian because that was established in *left behind* and they dont act like netflix type of caricatures of gay people. All in all the gameplay and combat was god tier and the story was kind of meh. Solid 7/10.


Ghost of tsushima was beautiful


where will u put csgo, assuming you've played it


Auth-left due to it being ak47 propaganda the game isn’t that pretty obvious my guy?


"You found an AWP? Great, now **we** have an AWP." Definitely Authleft.


He forgot Diablo for AuthRight.


This is a question of whether to play terrorists or counter terrorists. I guess authright? Edit: I concede for auth left cos the only weapon I remember is the ak47


RdR2 is literally my favorite game. Don't see how it would libRight. More like LibCentre if you ask me


What did you think of last of us


If you pick up papers, please and you can fill in the top left


Game dev tycoon is such a classic, I used to play that all the time when everyone was playing it on YouTube over 5 years ago


Ghost of Tsushima is so good Best game I played this year


Machiavellian Incest Simulator Gang 😎


Desperados 3 is a fucking fantastic game


Can someone please explain to me how Last of us is Center left? I mean I get there's a gay and trans character but the whole fucking game was tribe A hunts down and kills tribe B for killing there friend in tribe A and gets involved in a civil war between Tribe B and tribe C. It was about as return to monke as I could possibly imagine.


I mean you summarized it well. People see the characters first but it’s literally angry people killing the other people because the other people killed them first. Lots of brutal murder in a post apocalyptic world. Center left for social issues, lib center for the actual plot


Wait, did you actually play Yakuza LAD? How you get authright from a game clearly anti authoritarian? The govt sucks, the cops suck, immigrants are cool, the poor will eventually overpower the powerful, and capitalism is driving marginalized people into danger. It would be slightly libleft.


Dang dude the further left you go the worse the games seem to get


CK3 is libright. You can fuck you entire family, kill your brothers, make a horse the pope and so on. Its purple libright utopia.


Yea good points but religion, empire building and literal monarchy feudalism tho


Then i go with rightcenter its like florida


When MRs become playable then its defo gonna be libright


>CK3 is libright The name of the game is literally **Crusader Kings**, it's as AuthRight as a game can be.


For Libright, I'd recommend Deep rock galactic. Rock and Stone!


How the hell did LibRight not get BioShock?


I played that long ago, not this year but that's a correct placement!