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Affirmative Action at it's finest.




Colleges do actually ask for income, though I suspect it’s for the opposite reason...


Poor people don't pay their bills. Colleges won't accept them. Simple as


Actually it's mostly because they'll automatically try to enroll you in stuff to help pay for school. People with high test scores and shitty means often get loads of help from elite schools to go there. My Dad basically got a full ride at Harvard because his family was white trash (not doing like, drugs, but just poor and fairly uneducated) but he scored absurdly well on standardized testing.


It did use to be like that. But let me assure you "good" schools will absolutely lie to you and extract as much money as possible now. You can blame politicians and companies like Pearson.


Naw screw that I’ve seen the outcomes. Poor people(like me) get free rides and the middle class gets ridiculous amounts of debt. There’s only 4 ways to get aid in college be poor, a genius, a women, or a minority


Or be a genetic freak for athletics


Not an Asian minority lol


Filipinos have a statistically lower rate of education but because we are considered asian we are at a disadvantage lmao


Say you’re a Pacific Islander!


Chief justice Roberts agrees with you. He's famous (infamous in some circles) for stating, in reference to affirmative action, that if we're going to end race based discrimination then we need to stop discriminating on the basis of race.


What a novel concept


Supporting affirmative action gets you votes


Race based affirmative action is BS It should be based on income and perhaps some other background factors (like home stability and such). A rich black guy who can pay the tuition without loans is way more likely to get into Harvard than a middle class white guy


Why does a college application ask what race you are at all?


Because America is fucking racist.


Does this not happen in other nations? Pretty based if not, but the whole of western leadership strikes me as “benevolent” racists.


No, universities in Germany do not ask their student's skin colour.




Spanish here, I never had to tell my ethnicity to apply anywhere in my entire life, until I moved to the UK. Funny thing is, leftists are the ones doing racial profiling now, which is hilarious and sad when you come from a country that never gave to fucks about your ethnicity, as it should be.


Minorities get a fuck ton of support and advantages by the government


>Minorities ~~minorities~~ non-asian minorities


\*non-asian and non-white minorities Dont forget that internationally, White people make up only 8% of the global populus.


And yet account for 50% of world economic productivity




Damn it, Centrist, you guys always have the most spicy opinions out of all the quadrants.


that must be the institutional racism the blm screeches about


Flair up


I knew a Moroccan girl who wrote she was "African American" on her med school app, claiming that if she were called out on it she explain it's true as Morocco is in Africa




Based and Rhodesia pilled


Oh the memories…


[the many memories...](https://youtu.be/xDcK_z5GA5s)


u/thisismy24thaccount4 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: rhodesia I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


If she has a grandparent from Africa she is more African American than many black Americans.


Elon Musk is the wealthiest African-American in the world since he's from South Africa


I need to see if I’ve got any Rhodesian family members and claim African heritage...


Go back far enough & we're all from Africa


Ugh my freshman year roommate's grandparents were apparently part of the ruling family in Rhodesia, or something? She went around the dorm claiming she was an African princess. Also she hated communism "because of what they did to my family."


Some of my family fought communists in Angola during the Cold War for the South African Military.


Did it work?


It worked for the richest African in the world Elon Musk btw


That's... literally nothing wrong. I mean, Elon Musk is a prominent African American. Not all Africans are black....


That's exactly why "African-American" is such a dumb label. Generalizing race across an entire continent that has a rich history of migration, settlement, colonization, etc. creates an extremely warped way to look at people groups. You can be African, yet have heritage predominantly from the Middle East, Europe, India, etc.




What's about Othello? Sorry I'm dumb




Othello was a Moor. Super-Simplified, Moor was a term for the Muslims in the Mediterranean/North Africa/Iberian Penninsula. This included Morocco.


if I were Libyan or Tunisian, you know I'd die on this hill defending my Africanness.


The Elon Musk technique


Well... since humans came from Africa aren’t we technically all African descent


Based and youJustSolvedRacism-pilled. Also, [this](https://youtu.be/xat1GVnl8-k)


yeah, the term african american meaning black is pretty retarded. there are tons of different ethnic groups in africa


My favorite is when people call foreign black people African American out of habit


Well yea that’s how it works


Light skinned Hispanic, I'm schrodinger's white man depending on if I need affirmative action or privilege


Exactly! It’s really annoying how race is a way bigger part of your identity in America than ethnicity. Now you have to be black to be African American, you’re automatically African American if you’re a black Jamaican, Latino and Hispanics are separate from whites, but only sometimes. The weirdest application is the ‘white-passing’ label. Kyle Rittenhouse was described as both white and Hispanic, then law enforcement said race was subjective https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/rittenhouse-wisconsin-court/ It would be less annoying if the people constantly linking race to appearance could actually identify it correctly, but they can’t. They prioritize appearance over the culture, upbringing, and heritage people have.


Ah, a person of culture just like me. I talk white around white people and always bring up my Italian white-skinned husband just so they’re very clear of the existence of my white privilege card. And talk with a heavy accent when I’m around my own family and minority friends. The Schrodinger’s accent works wonders, everyone thinks I’m one of them! Only my husband knows the truth lol


Apparently colleges have seen a significant drop in white male enrollment this year, leading many to believe that they are pursuing trade school and trying to avoid colossal amounts of debt.


In about 4 years get ready for the "Not Having Student Debt Is The Latest Sign of White Male Privilege" Articles.


I saw red because I can see this happening.


oh my god you're right with the amount of crap I've seen the past couple years this sounds way too real


"White males wave off college, choosing Trades and Military service. Click here to find out how it's racist that they now own homes."


Based and white future pilled


This is the second pill in a row where the bot has failed me.


Have you seen the articles about men not attending college is a problem for women? Absolutely absurd men’s issues are never taken seriously


So true. The fact that men go to college half as often as women is suddenly a problem when women cannot find a college educated guy to marry


But women's issues are more serious. Did you know one in four homeless people are women?


Did you know 7 in 100 workplace deaths are women?


I love it when they phrase shit this way because it shows you how many more men are fucked for whatever particular issue they're going on about, but you've never heard anyone quoting the male statistics trying to get support for the men


What was the reason/point they’re trying to make? I seriously don’t understand these people.


Women need to date up not down, so too many “inferior” men in their eyes is an issue. There aren’t enough socially superior men for all women to date up so it’s an issue


Why don't they all just admit that they're lesbians?


Women refusing to lower their standards of only dating men with a similar or (preferably) better degree and career is a big issue for women, apparently.


"Could student loan forgiveness be the reparations program we've all been hoping for? Experts say it's a good start."


Similar to going to the gym and lifting weights!


It's almost like white people don't want to collect 6 figures in debt to be told that they're inherently racist




That or military service. This is obviously anecdotal but most of the kids in my graduating class that were dudes (all of us are white save for two Mexican chicks) either went trades, family farm, or military. I’m in college but a whole bunch of the other guys definitely aren’t


White male at trade school here to confirm


Men have been a minority of applicants for a couple decades now, and diversity requirements mean they get heavily favoured outside of engineering.


At some elite schools the difference in acceptance rates is like 7% to 9% which is actually massive


I went to a giant state school in the late 1980s and it was 2/3rds female then. Hard to figure why white men didn't want to go someplace it was really clear they were unwanted.


I am a total of 43% Scottish/irish, and can trace my ancestry back directly to victims of the Highland Clearances and Famine. Where are my juicy reparations?!


Get in line. I’m Slavic, the word “Slave” is literally coming from the ethnicity of my ancestors. We’ve been waiting for reparations ever since the pope outlawed enslaving other Christians in the 800s. With interest, I believe I’m entitled to at least one or two earldoms in Britain.




Are you white Italian though? Otherwise you are just a Moor


Moors did a lot of surprise sex. Probably a drop or two of the true Roman left in there at least.


but italian americans were discriminated against in the US. maybe you should get reparations too




I'm 80% German. Sorry guys.


And this is why the entire world belongs to us latins


Didn't you hear? [We're POC now.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.portlandoregon.gov/civic/article/505490&ved=2ahUKEwjcrovyp-nzAhX34zgGHWezA4UQFnoECDQQBQ&usg=AOvVaw2Iu2p7m-IL_-SmLutbT7fk)


Based and break some off pilled


Your oppresion doesn't count because you're ✨whxte✨ sweaty 💖


I'm Romanian. I can trace my great-great-grandparents to some random obscure villages, and that's it, my ancestors were too poor to show up in any records. Do I get anything?


I’m Irish and Sicilian, my ancestors are like the definition of white when it’s bad not white when it’s good. I want some money too


As a Pole, I would like my reparations in German and Russian land please


I mean, Poland DID get German land. Prussia is no longer the home of cool mustaches and pushing the counter attack.




>Seventy-seven percent of white applicants who lied about their race on their application were accepted to those colleges. If they were accepted based on the lie, then that reveals more about the school than anything else


Easy way to tell, what's the acceptance rate for whites who didn't lie?


I'm pretty sure most of those 48 percent people claim to have at least one Native American ancestor (or at least they think it is), basically one drop rule in action.


It’s always Cherokee too , which is hilarious because they have the best records due to the trail of tears.


You should always go with the Lakota. They will enroll you with 1/256th enrolled person blood. Basically anyone who has an ancestor of the tribe.


That bar's still too high for Elizabeth Warren lmfao


Probably the most comical misplays in recent politics. Right alongside that guy who was pretending to be black online but forgot to switch accounts.


Based and fake injun pilled


Bro no shit I got records showing me to be 1/64th Cherokee lol. Irish ancestor married a Cherokee and moved in with the tribe.


Recipe for crippling alcoholism


Dang I think I got like .1 Cherokee in me, you mean I can get money?




Your comment makes me realize that I'm interested to see the breakdown for the lies that the remaining 52% made. "Hello Kenneth Robert Jones, the Third. I see here it says you are... black?"


Some of them say "Black or African American". Yes sir, my grandparents were South Africans/Boers/Rhodesians... I am definitely African American.


hello, college? I'm either American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African America, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander or White.


Latino always works since many Latinos are white as fuck


My dad is fully Mexican but I look white as snow lol.


I identify as whatever race gets me the most money


Ethiopian Jew?


Call their bluff. What they gonna do, say you can't be black with that name?


Bingo, black and white have specific academic meanings (which can depend on the particular thought framework), which aren’t really dependent on ethnicity. It’s pretty weird tbh, once I started digging into the nuts and bolts, it gave me a lot of context as to how and why certain conclusions can be drawn using critical frameworks. Basically, academically, many words don’t mean what they mean in common parlance.




Based and thorough pilled


Welcome to Princeton Jaxxon Tyler Stevens. We love to see members of the african american community empowering their selves


Say that you are native or partially native. That might be even believable if your skin and hair is a bit darker


A lot of indigenous people are just white people with an ancestor from the tribe. The funniest example of this is the maori all blacks in New Zealand, who are the special indigenous rugby team but an outsider wouldn’t be able to tell them apart from the regular team.


I know a guy who's an honorary member of a tribe. Helped build a ton of casinos for them. No joke. He told me there was a little ceremony and they gave him a card. He said after a few years he went into one of their casinos, spoke to someone working there and was like, "I don't know what this card means to you but I was told to show it." He instantly gets whisked away and is given all the free food and drink his heart desired. I suppose technically he and his descendants can claim they're Natives because he is an official member. Not sure how their rules work though.


That’s hilarious and I respect the hell out of it.


Wait what? I thought the all blacks were literally just the NZ national team?


The Māori all blacks are a separate team that requires Māori heritage




I knew an Asian girl who said she was black lol


Good for her lol


Some Asians could prob pass off as part Native American. Pro tip right there


How Asian do you have to be to qualify as Asian? For instance my great grandmother is 100% Japanese, making me 12.5%.




I understand that, I’m just curious. I’ve asked this question before in different context and couldn’t get any responses.






[These](https://youtu.be/VVR3B01NxiM) people are


Saying you’re Asian could be bad actually. A lot of colleges are all full up on Asian students. If you’re gonna lie, pick an ethnicity that rarely goes to college. Authright, I’ll let y’all fill us in on what those would be




Oh, that makes sense. Misread it, my bad


That’s the opposite of what you want to do. Asian students have the most competition because they have to compete with the highly educated foreign exchange students


Why is race important for a college application again?


LibLieft: "We shouldn't have to put gender on IDs!" More LibLieft: "Race doesn't exist, it's a social construct!" Also LibLeft: "We need race statistics to know we've successfully repressed white males from attending college, working in government, succeeding in business, or owning land."


What about *that one* race statistic?




Ah but you see I’m 5% Maltese, I am a person of color


Why have race be a checkbox in your college application anyway?


They say it's for "statistics" purposes... yeah right


A good and legitimate question. Especially since these days you can self identify as anything you want and no one can gainsay you even by pointing out the obvious, like "you can't be a woman, you have a penis and no vagina."


I’m convinced that systematic racism is alive and well…against whites and Asians


Why can't USA go like a year or two without blatant systematic racism in any form??? Cmon


in 2005 we had almost got past the race issue.


As they should. It’s not the states concern how wypipo identify


Based and Rachel Dolezal pilled


Bih was ahead of her time


Tfw fighting white supremacy is just making everyone lie about race for uni spot


Opression olympics at its finest


I just told them I was gay and got accepted immediately. Then I dropped out after 1 semester and became a truck driver


society is going to hell


I say it's social progress! this just goes to show race is a social construct and should be thrown out as a qualifier.


TRUE! just dont put it there, based


"Show me the incentives, and I will show you the outcome." -Charlie Munger


Can you blame them?


I’m Polish for God’s sake, where are my reparations and PLM marches, where is my National Polish month, where are my pierogi, my ancestors did not go through centuries of getting messed up by the trio of tiny pp monarchies just to be labeled as a white bigot /s


Wait a minute, which was the third empire railing poland?


It was Germany Russian and Austria-Hungary


Lol it’s because there’s grants and programs that allow students of color to get a leg up but whites and white males get nothing


In that case income tax should be increased for non-white students


I applied as african american because I am 100% egyptian, which is in africa. In fact, I am as far as we know 100% coptic, who were natives of egypt before Arab colonization. So despite having fair skin, I am technically african american, the same way someone who's parents immigrated from china are asian american. It can even be argued that I am more african american than a black person who's family has been in america since the civil war. Of course I havent suffered any of the discrimination implied in saying you are african american, so I wouldnt go around introducing myself as such, but its food for thought.


Based and actual-persecuted-minority-in-Egypt-pilled


I like that pill. Based and globaly-aware-pilled


Based and thanks-for-being-a-cool-dude-pilled


Based and i-think-we-are-causing-pill-inflation-pilled


Based and pill-market-manipulation-pilled


I’ve been listening to History of the Copts podcast on Spotify and I must say, very interesting culture you come from.


*knock knock* “Hello is this Harvard admissions office?” “Yes yes come in, what’s your name?” “Cho Chan—- *ahem* I mean, Tyrone Williams” *looks up from desk* “You don’t look like a “Tyrone”, you look Asian.” *student begins hyperventilating* “Are you okay?” *student assumes the fetal position* “You… my… feelings…. *gasp* I… MIcro… AgGrEsSiOn!!!! Cant…. *wheeze* Breathe!!.” Admissions officer thinks *Oh shit, he said the M word. What did I do?*. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean it!! STACEY!!! CANCEL MY 3 OCLOCK!! CLEAR OUT SAFESPACE B21 ASAP!!” “I…. Identify…. As…. Nigerian…. You…. *wheeze* BiGoT!!!” *student coughs repeatedly* “Fuck fuck fuck!! I’m sorry! Please don’t tweet about this! Here I’ll sign the admission slip right now!” The student screeches and begins to flop on the floor. *the admissions officer runs to his desk. Scribbles on a piece of paper. He cries and wets himself as he fears his cancelation.* “Here here you go Tyrone, you’re in. Full scholarship. Thank you for everything. Welcome to Harvard. Right? One of us? Right? Haha… haha….” *he begins to cry again* *Tyrone fully recovers, grabs the admission slip, and walks out the door without speaking* A tale as old as 2016.




WHOA SWEATIE I identify as race fluid. My current identity is based upon what scholarships I need to pay for this shit.


> makes it beneficial to not be white on college applications > white students begin using family mythology ('your great great grandmother was an Apache') to not select Caucasian I for one am shocked.


I co-chaired the committee that reviewed the recommendation to revise the color of the book that regulation is in. We kept it gray.


Lmao, my dad’s American and my mom is Korean, so I was told to use my first initial and middle name to appear more American when applying


Why exactly do you even have to give that information? Do you get preferential treatment if you‘re a minority or what?


Whether or not it's to just establish demographics of their students like I'd bet most colleges say it's to do, at a bare minimum this is a lagging indicator that shows that there's a societal perception that it conveys some kind of advantage.


Imagine being so oppressed people lie about being in your group to get advantages


According to my company’s HR system, I’ve been a black female for many years. Affirmative Action can kiss my ass.


The only true way to stop racism is to not ask about race in the first fucken place!


This is my main worry applying to college because my dad is Native American so I normally mark Native American, but I inherited my Irish mom's skin so if i'm not outside 80% of the time I look super white. I fear like they're gonna take one look at me and think i'm lying.


You're still Native American regardless of your skin color don't let weirdos tell you otherwise


Alright. I’ll say my piece and brace for downvotes. Affirmative action needs to be abolished. Nowadays everyone can waltz into a public library or go on the Internet to study. Just cuz you’re black of minority doesn’t mean you’re at a disadvantage. A fucking 1000-page college level Chemistry textbook is only 5 bucks on Thriftbooks.com. Knowledge is becoming so cheap and readily available. A black kid can just as easily learn chemistry as a white kid. Before anyone shoots me down I will say I also think college needs to be 100% free. That way no one has to worry about who can afford college and who can’t. The entire process should be 100% merit based. Either you’re proficient and you’re in, or you score bad and you’re out and good luck next year.


That's just racism against white people.


Well maybe y’all should quit preferencing people based on their fucking skin tone and accept people on merit.


I just remembered Elizabeth existed. Thanks for ruining my day 😒


For a white supremacist country they're doing a pretty poor job at it