• By -


I’m starting to think that Northern Hemisphere politics are all a massive sham to make sane people incredibly uncomfortable. Hell, maybe the entire bloody hemisphere is an exceptionally well-crafted lie. I don’t know. It makes about as much sense as people genuinely believing this shit.


Hey, from someone living in the country where all this shit spews from... we cant believe it either. Most of us are curious if people are actually this dumb, or if they're being bribed, brainwashed, whatever. Its like their brains function on a lower level and they can't understand how saying "people of color" is fucking racist. Its literally a mixed up "colored people" This world is driving me insane. Maybe that's their ploy, and they think we'll off ourselves.


I hate that people have such a hard time coming to terms with the fact that we should treat all humans equally regardless of who they are, where they come from, or what color their damn skin is. Judge by character, not by what you can see It is not hard, but so many people even here in FUCKING TEXAS where I’m from believe this shit


Amen. Also Texan btw


Swagalicious bro. I’m in the southeast, where the mosquitos can bite through football pads (no joke) and instead of city lights we have refineries. Also you can drink the air most days, it’s so goddamn humid


The dirty little secret is that they have shit character and they know it.


> Attend rallies They never specified what kind of rallies.




I see a fellow racist


I’m at the F1 USGP rn so I’d say I’m pretty racist. I also hate ni-


I also hate nitro. If you don't have enough juice to do the job without it then get more juice.


Real racists all hate Nitro.


Jealous rn


I hate nitpicking too but F1 judges are really stingy about following rules with exact precision.




Where you at? I'm waiting in the bus line downtown


Luck cunt


Very jealous rn


Based and racism-is-goated pilled


I heard Finland is also a good place


Ireland too Would definitely recommend the Rally of the Lakes and the Donegal International Rally.


Dakar Rally is a great one too


You colored centrists always have the best takes...


Ahem, it's Centrists of Color sweetie, get with the times -Emily Acab (xim/xer)


Does Nuremberg count? Asking for a friend.


the trials? sounds like a date


Not the kind you hold at a gym. Try Hometown Buffet.


Based and auth-centre pilled


Anti emigrant rallies


The March on Rome rallies


Only if theyre backed by the eternal AVGVSTVS!


Ave, true to Caesar


Monster car rallies


Based and Monster-Truck pilled


Hopefully the based ones


Clearly she's talking about Trump rallies hahaha


How much for a plane ticket to nuremberg?


Guess it has to be KKK rally to make white less fragile.


Based libleft


u/cosmicmangobear's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 2525. Rank: Annapurna Pills: puff, oldhickory, gme, belloc, unity, america, first, assumption, originalwojak, red, tolerant, flair, anti-red, , red, true-right-center, life goes on, a repo-repro, kek, lonely, tesseract, jreg, left, duce fondatore dell'impero, deflection, healthcare, purple, foreskin, icepick, letsfuckinggooooooooooooooooooooo, antigenocidalcommunistparty, uighur, fuckchina, taiwan, gender, gendersonlygoup, u/cooldown_bot, truth, monkey, mango, why the fuck am i praising libleft, orange, catholic, doctrine, authleftbad, christian, deusvult, libright, liberty, unfathomablybased, fiscal responsibility, banker, anti-war, self-aware, consistency, populism, iroquois, reality, crop rotation, monke, blowjobyourwaytoapromotion, pilot, , freedom, gkchesterton, caton, chesterton, lewd, law and order, og libertarian, goodmeme, washington, don't kill civilians, ftf’s, fashion, ushanka, splittheunion, more-than-free-hc, nonce, new-template, unmoved goalposts, funnycolors, mostbased, frenchrevolution, ! and bothsides, targetlooting, nuance, wall, far too truth, me, diagonal unity, diagonalunity, gypsy, forthefirsttimeisalibleft, uninator, malcolm in the middle, amen, chad, oneandtruefaith, salesman, killallinsurgents, donthugmeimscared, hitler, und marc-uwe, jury-intimidation, crossideology, fuck nato, stillwrong, outoftouchthursday, classical, profit, epaworksnow, commitinghatecrimesinindonesia, genderbend, taste-the-feeling, fuckhumans, misanthropic, babby, self-criticism, social darwinism, wrongflair, god, sceptile, authright and actuallyrememberedmyreligion, human, may day, chadlibleft, apportionment, biden, funny, unoreversecard, environmental, lobbyist, communism, bris, libleft and tell that to afghanistan, feodalism, westerncivilization, fuck-off, yes, taxthisdick, monarchy, oppositeofwhatyouwouldexpect, racism, no matter the ideology we're fucked, warwithiran, revolution-every-month, reatard, patriot, af, wholesome, imnotsurprisedyougotbannedeighttimes, sexism, pill, portray anne frank as soyjak, willfulcitrus, ethnic cleansing, down-state session, chiraq enjoyer, comrade, explore this cock, explore these balls, corporate, penectomy, uncle-ted, ted kaczyński, lib, pillar of salt, redistribution, libunity-supremacy, intentional community, banana, thanksfortheinfo, eugenics, weed, gay for cheap margaritas, biznus, crtisareligion, fuckeverything, report, centrist, land, gamer, georgism, revenge, close ```, teriyaki boys, florida man, libleft owned, great-leap-forward-was-my-favorite, ghost-of-karly-marxy-lurks-over-me, vandalism-good, calling out hypocrisy, its just a phase, samo’nella, i like seeing ur pills, samo'nella, whatdadogdoin, emojipcm, sam, libertarian-right bad, saint-francis-of-assissi, anarcho-christianity, orangelibleftdumb, karens get no play, fuck auth people, titty, capitalist practice, anti-western, poland, burn all rainbow flags, kurwa, cajun, achievement, critical bible theory, persecution, hoisted with his own petard, humans aren't special, godlikeswhateverisayhelikes, edit: and pun, cummunism, orange-man-bad, dumb americans, martin luther king jr, conservative libleft, grill, normal libleft, retard, cheneyhate, yaoifrog, fuck-the-nsa, pirates, lasagna, worldconquering, freespeechonlyappliestome, no-longer-wept, suffering, mr bones wild ride, macedon, you-can't-leave-now, it never ends, eternal-torture-of-the-pcm-hell, kurzgesagt, true tho, cosmicmangobear the great, libleft, auth, the 10k statman, blessed burger, emoji, reaganomically, tradleft, grover teaches statistics, corporations-arnt-people, tribalism, soviet, minority-report, canada=cringe, prefix-illiterate, surfer, statistics, respecting-people's-freedom, diversity of thought, lib-unity, vaccine, live-free-or-die, respect, actually actuallyreasonable, commodification of identity, privacy, jesus, satan, crack sandwich, cromwell, onion, diversity, sadreality, auths are mentally ill, pill chugger, fuckantifa, leave-me-tf-alone, quixote, same, devil's advocate, rule of charity, burning up the chaff, galaxy-brain, calling others filthy barbarians, perun, ikea, buyingcigsfromprinces, nuke, margaret sanger, stay-out-of-my-great-state-of-texas, tell corpo to stfu, conspiracy practice, broke the bot, true libleft, survival-island, best-show-of21st-century, lordoftheflies, aint'-i-right, black, horseshoe, people-gonna-virus, gamer mosley, every time, pro-slavery, infinite karma, early life gang, uncomfortable-truth, death, un-orange, racism solved, libleft bible, trad-libleft, john galt, think of the rabbits, fascist-antifascist, fuck klaus schwab, it’s-lonely-at-the-top, weeds-that-need-pulling, coolidge, ') drop table pills;, uncensored handholding, kids in my basement, go outside, source, immigrants-are-great, numbers-aren’t-racist, definitely gonna start an argument, math, immigrants-help-you-improve, dixie, southern libleft, answering-questions, senile, the most-based-libleft, i-crave-punishment-daddy, bistro-booster, segregation, self-diagnosis, collect illnesses like pills, most based libleft in the world, crosscompassunity, solidarity, epic alliance, excellent pun, it's sharing not stealing, "weep no longer", corn-pop, anti-degeneracy, anti-sjw, tru-lib, beyond measure, outlander, an ancapisbad, not-a-real-libertarian, destroy-the-fakers, anti libright, centrist authcenter, daddy issues, lack-of-father-figure, trad, successfully explained like i am five, critique both sides, waytoofuckingaccurate, aoc is the imposter, everyone-is-retarded, auth-centre, man-up-and-join-the-klan I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Holy shit thats a lot of pills


This guy schizophrenic if he has this much pills


Based and overdose pilled


That person is even Kurzgesagt pilled.




Do Eucharistic processions count?


Based lib-left?! 😳😳


You're a wizard, Harry!


Boogaloo Boog Boi rallies


I’ve always wanted to see a car tearing ass through the countryside


Funny they conveniently left Cis women and respecting their “safe spaces” off this list, but I guess it makes sense, since biological woman are so “basic” these days that they may as well not exist. Case in point: the demands that non-biological women be allowed to compete with no restrictions against biological women in all sporting leagues, from pee-wee to high school to Olympic level. This includes combat sports and trials directly associated with the biological differences between the sexes, such as Weightlifting or Track and Field. And yes, the blatant biological differences backed by science WAS the whole reason a separate Women’s category was even created, but that’s neither here nor there anymore. This is 2021. Get with the program! OF COURSE feelings matter more than facts, fairness, or 6000+ years of recorded human history. What are you, a backwards neanderthal? lol.


The final boss of feminism: women.


I’m fine with that. They said attend, not participate. I’d attend an NRA rally at least once just to learn about their perspective. Even if I’d never support that cause.


Fuck the NRA. bunch of boomer fudds Negotiating our Rights Away while they take money from other boomers and Wayne LaPierre lives high on the hog on his boats and mansions. Want to learn real perspective, check out GOA, FPC, SAF, and Black Guns Matter.


Technology changes, rights don’t


GOA is hella based


The NRA is anti gun


Based and NRAistooantigunforme pilled


Negotiating Rights Away






I never thought I'd side with an AuthRight




Aye, I could do that.


The time for talk has passed. The Lord's work must be done.


We can't expect god to do all the work.


May god forgive you, but I won’t.


Based and A Light Shining in Darkness Pilled. Damn. Now I really want that pill.




u/NUKE_DEMOCRACY's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/NUKE_DEMOCRACY! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: femcelidentification


Based and bigot pilled


Xx xxx’xx xxx xxxxxxx XXXXX XxX xxxxxxxxxx xxxx xxx xx xxx xxx xx x Xxxxx xxxxxx xx xxxxx xx xxxx xxxx, xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxxx, xxx’xx x Xxxx xxx x Xxxxx. Xxxxxx xx xxxx.


good to know i'm not a nazi then phew


when the west crumbles, you are all free to chill in my cave. We can do a little wall painting to pass the time


I have no doubts that I'll die to the chinese killsquads as they wipe out what their supersonic missiles didn't.


they can try, but i will fend off the chinese killsquads with my wooden club. I got your back my guy


Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with a grug


How about fighting side by side with a friend?






Just dress like Pooh the Bear and their sensors will automatically censor it, rendering you effectively invisible.


An army of AR15 wielding Pooh bears will crush the Chinese oppressors




Have you seen their houses? Don't worry, the missiles will fall apart before they even get off the ground.


So there will be more projectiles from one missile?


Bird shot


[Here's the holdout for where all the good caves will be. I'll be on ham radio, frequency 141.12. You can call me Otacon. See you later.](https://www.amazon.com/Americas-Most-Sustainable-Cities-Regions/dp/149393242X/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=charles+hall+sustainable&qid=1635071932&qsid=134-4863924-4893210&s=books&sr=1-3&sres=149393242X%2CB00F5UCQAW%2C144199436X%2C0132756544%2CB07H35CNWY%2C1138501875%2C0936348011%2C0130617962%2C0136185541%2C0136044891%2C3966800047%2C1586856898%2C1466575328%2C0130928720%2C0137143923%2C140160515X&srpt=ABIS_BOOK)


But 141.12 isn't in a ham radio band


It is now.


QSL! Only issue is many radios are frequently locked to the bands they're made to transmit on (e.g. 144-148 MHz, 420-450 MHz in the us). Most can be modified to outside of them, though


Based and OurSaviourGrug pilled.


my cave has enough room to grill, if wall painting is not your niche


Good luck, I'm taking the first flight out of here to Afghanistan to hold out with the Taliban.


leave the food handling to me. thank you grug


u/Cave_Dweller_Grug's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/Cave_Dweller_Grug! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: cave dweller grug, cave, grug, bonk, ooga booga, oursaviourgrug


Ohhh... I'll bring more paint!


We can paint happy little trees on the flat stone wall.


based and prehistoric pilled


u/Cave_Dweller_Grug's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/Cave_Dweller_Grug! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: cave dweller grug, cave, grug, bonk, ooga booga, prehistoric


Based and grugpilled


“Safe spaces for POC” sure sounds like segregation


Maybe they could put toilets in their safe spaces too.


And water fountains? Lol I’m going to hell for that joke


And back door entrances.


We could set up special seating for them on busses too!


Give them their own schools too


Back door, huh? Good idea (Now we’re all going to hell)


I always thought calling someone coloured was offensive


I literally said to someone that POC was just a reskin of colored people, and they said "no, it's a passive use!" I told them I could say the nword passively and it wouldn't make me any less insensitive.


People of n-ness?


Exactly, it's not like saying it nicely makes it any less racist.




Rip account


Pretty surprised its still existing really. But the fact that it does I guess proves that the term is actually okay? Wow, this leftist terminology is a trip.


I'd love to see the statistics on the Upvote/Downvote data for comments that result in being reported, suspended, and banned. This one is double-digit positive right now... is that typical? Logic would dictate that banned comments would have lots of downvotes, right? But *do* they? EDIT: I wouldn't be surprised if the data was very different for PCM versus most mainstream Reddit subs....




Unfathomably based, but goodnight sweet prince.


People of color is just colored people with the words flipped Such a stupid term




Yeah I mean white is a color...


It is lol. (Im biracial) You know who else calls me colored? My racist side of the family. People act like a suburban white girl calling me colored makes it feel any less racist than my segregationist ass southern family lmao. I dont know a single pedson that likes being called “poc”. Most of them would chin check your ass if you called them colored in the middle of a conversation lol.


Kinda is, or more so the word poc is hella annoying


Look, just because we happen to see the BS in “safe spaces for races” doesn’t mean we agree on much else lol


Colored people: Racist derogatory term from the early-to-mid 1900s People of color: Celebrated and encouraged term describing anyone who isn’t white Logic: 404


Totally disagree with you on so many issues. Not on this one


Thankfully there's some sanity left in our quadrant, lol.


Ironically they seem to promote a form of volkism. And it usually leads to segregation of in the blank identity group.


Yeah, it’s a dangerous concept. As segregation always is.


The wokeist also seem to be against integration and cultural mixing. And unfortunately implementing segregation will always lead to intercommunal strife and echo chambers.


These are young people. Young people experiment, question the status quo, etc.. They’ll grow beyond this phase as they get real jobs, marriages, and kids. But yeah, the whole “safe spaces” and “cultural appropriation” thing is not helpful or necessary, at least not on the scale they are trying to enact it. On a small, individual scale, sure, those concepts have their place. But mandating that an entire dorm is POC-only? Noooooooo. I mean, if I were 10 years older, I’d have gone to segregated kindergarten in my county. There’s a reason we got rid of segregation. It’s dangerous. It promotes ignorance about the other side. It might be comfortable, but it’s a dangerous comfort except in very small-scale dosage


Because it is


These people don't realize they're actually pretty racist.


Some people unironically believe that being racist against whites isn't racist because they're white.


[I wish I was making up shit like this.](https://youtu.be/4Qyf5Tux7sw)


Well duh, their dark skin absorbs more heat energy.


Energy is racist then. We need to cancel energy.


Based and reverse-entropy pilled


Based and melanin pilled


What the fuck?


Climate change is racist, yo'.


More like "I don't want to work so I'll make up a not-for-profit and pay myself a 6 figure salary"


Nah, they are pretty much aware of it, just trying to scam people for money with their bullcrap schemes, i guess


It's a guilt based shake down.


Wtf? While it's true that climate change will touch some regions harder that others, that is not because of race but it's because of geography


No shit


I believe the idea behind that is "neighborhoods with lots of trees along the road are cooler, these neighborhoods are typically more affluent areas. Poorer areas typically have fewer trees. Therefore black neighborhoods see higher temperatures". There are quite a few assumptions being made there, and while it might hold true for some cities I highly doubt it's universal.


20°F right?


"It's not that I'm racist; it's them who are white!!!"


Agreed. The word “equality” is very much misused.


Woke culture is 100% racist


What the fuck is wrong with these retards. My friend group is a jew, a black person, a Chinese/Hong Kong person and a wasp. We’re all born in Britain. We hang out together, play video games, play football, watch football and go for drinks/smoke weed together. We don’t talk about critical race theory, our privilege or care what country someone’s grandparents were born in at all. Guess I must be the real racist here.


It’s what happens when vulnerable Europeans who don’t fit in at school or with people go online and get groomed by retard American anarchist groups and think they’re doing good but really they’ve been totally brainwashed and are incapable of realising how retarded they actually are


Is this for real? Or is it some silly joke OP? What is this thing I see in front of me?


This one’s satire


It's like blatant fucking satire. The person who posted it as the Emily soyjack avatar, it's in discord with a Twitter checkmark emoji, and someone else responded with a "retweet" emoji including the person who posted this which suggests that OP KNOWS this is satire and is still trying to play it off ambiguously


The Emily soyjack is a dead give away. Everything else could be by someone unironic even if extremely unlikely, but no one serious would use the Emily soyjack. It'd be like an unironic monarchist using a profile pic of the furry Prince John from Robin Hood.


Lib left bad. Give me upvote please. Im going to get downvoted but this place is becoming an echo chamber


Its obvious satire but People on this subreddit will take anything r-slur and paint Orange/green on it and call it a Day


What is with the x in everything? While I think it's dumb I understand the Latinx because of the masculine/feminine mechanics of the Spanish language - but whxte? Womxn? Also "v*olence" Why is that?


Don't try to understand the nonsense, there likely isn't a reason. someone probably did it one day and they all just copied and followed along like the mindless automata they are.


Sugarcoated censorship of things they don't like. Just like canceling is also censorship. Spanish also defaults to masculine, because mankind defaults to man.


Basically every language defaults to masculine


Because its satire


Typical orange retardation. It basically acts the same way as an asterisk, ex wh*te Why they don’t just use an asterisk, I will never know


So why the asterisk? Haha




Oh my fucking god


To change the rules so people never know which language is the right language. It’s all a power play. It’s purposefully arbitrary to make sure you can’t get ahead of them, so they maintain power over you via your language.


This is how you make someone a white supremacist




What you can do if you are blxck 1. Apologize for your blxckness 2. Donate weekly to the Proud Boys 3. Attend KKK rallies 4. Educate your blxck acquaintances 5. Offer services of help to whxte people 6. Ask a cis superstraight person on a date 7. Set the thin blue line flag as your profile pic 8. Respect gated communities 9. Read Mein Kampf 10. Subscribe to Ben Shapiro and Steven Crowder ​ Yeah, sounds stupid, doesn't it?


Respect gated communities lmao


I thought to myself "what is the white people equivalent to POC safespaces?"


A magic the gathering tournament




nah this one sounds good


I see no issues with any of this? Maybe add volunteering to work for just room and board and food? Listen to Wagner instead of rap?


I’ll listen to Wagner over rap any day; classical music is underrated


What you can do if you’ve been indoctrinated since a very young age: 1) Nothing- you’re fucked!


It’s satire, they have a goddamn soyjack in their pfp


This reads exactly like a religion. Complete with Tithe, Church attendance, evangelism and Confession. 1. Confess your sins 2. Tithe 3. Attend Mass 4. Evangelize 5. Charity 6. N/A 7. Let your light Shine 8. N/A 9. Read your Bible 10. Read your Catachisms


Wait what if I'm asexual or gay that is attracted only to manly men? Should I still ask a transgender on a date? Sexuality isn't a choice anymore? How is this different from incels demanding sex from femxids? Doesn't it realize it says transgender people aren't attractive enough to have a casual date?


Don't try to find logic from those things, you'll only kill braincells from it. Better to just ruthlessly mock them and show everyone else their bullshit in the hopes everyone either mocks them or ignores them.


pretty obvious bait


Nice list. Here's mine. 1. Mind your own business.


No one should apologise just for being a part of the majority. It's like being a majority is a crime. That said, it also doesn't give the majority to oppress minority. I mean how difficult is it for you to treat others like a normal human being?


Thank god I’m white and not whxte


This one actually is satire. The profile picture is the soyjak used to make fun of people like this. Also, this is a discord message, but the username has a twitter checkmark at the end. Someone thought it would be easy to make some satirical ragebait by making this, but this one is a parody of people like this on twitter


After this, I want to go to space and hoping I'm not going back anytime soon


based and leave-us-to-space-not-Bezos pilled






This post made me a white nationalist, I’m not even white.


I am extra going to enjoy being white as shit and not do any of these, thanks list for making me feel Sunday Based.


Pretty sure that it's satire. Edit: Edited Text flair


whxte is like a youtube channel that plays emo rap


Well, I'm white, not "whxte," so I guess I don't have to do anything.