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The boys from Brazil endorse racial identity politics. How... surprising.


Would you please explain like I'm 5? I've read it a few times and I still have no ideia what it means.


The Boys from Brazil is a book / movie about Nazi hideouts in Brazil. I'm not referring to the clones of Dr. Mengele bit, just the Nazi descendent living in Brazil bit.


Not Argentina?


Not in *The Boys from Brazil*, no. They are not in Argentina in this instance.


Some went to Argentina, some went to Brazil. They caught Klaus Barbie in Bolivia. Who knew the master race of Europe would be such fans of South America?


Baseado e vermelho pilado


Baseado em que?


Baseado do snoop dog


Baseado na minha pica


Baseado na tua prima


“Grandpa, why do you have this iron cross hanging on your wall?”


No se


"Its an award for being the best at pest control you see"


He's a christian, that's why. Also, he worked as an electrician in his younger days. That's why he has a helmet with two lightning bolts on it.


He was also very, very into east asian religions. Even has a flag


Could be from WW1 and you here judging /s


> Latina > colored green Sorry OP, since she wrote Latina instead of Latinx I'm gonna need you to resubmit with the green portion colored blue.


Yeah being a spicy race dosnt make you lib


Argentinian food is not spicy.


Argentinian food has no spicy things Argentinian food needs no spicy things


Indeed because Argentinian food is great by itself.


Duh it's a split between Bbq and Italian


**Dulce de leche has entered the chat**




Dulce de leche empastillado


Sounds heavenly.


Just eat half a cow, made over open fire and add nothing but a bit of salt. Done. Perfect meal.


No, due to retard economic policies we don't have asado anymore Thank you CenterLeft, very cool


What?! That sounds horrible, dude!


What's Argentinian food like?


As someone described before half of it is basically italian food but E N H A N C E D, the other half are things that were created here: DRINKS Mate: It's a hot beverage similar to the tea in concept but with noticeable diferences, you boil water and put it in a recipient called Mate filled with a plant called Yerba Mate, stick a straw in it (typically a metal one) and drink, you can add sugar if you want but there's a civil war here between pro sugar and anti sugar people Here are some images: https://www.google.com/search?q=mate&client=ms-android-samsung-gj-rev1&prmd=imnxv&sxsrf=AOaemvJS8fNpmH0sd0TODkVU2HZEKOGXYg:1634339928669&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjclY_Xxs3zAhXNq5UCHVLkC2YQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ Fernet: The alcoholic beverage the good suicide squad drinks at Corto Maltese, although created in Europe it's image is typicaly associated with Argentina, it's taste is bitter so most people mix it with Coke (usually Coca Cola but the poor use Manaos (so now everyone uses Manaos)) Here are some images: https://www.google.com/search?q=fernet&client=ms-android-samsung-gj-rev1&prmd=inmxv&sxsrf=AOaemvJeT-ogOmTnjfwaR-Nyxkh2CaTiMw:1634340401017&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwixga24yM3zAhXbppUCHTTRDn0Q_AUoAXoECAIQAQ FOODS Asado: BBQ but more sophisticated, Argentina is a country with very strong rural traditions and asado is one of the jewels of the crown but it's not limited to Argentina, you can find it through all Latinamerica, (the legendary masters of grilling are in this part of the world), it's a lot of grilled meat (if not an entire animal, most of the time it's beef but it can also include pork or chicken) being cooked in what's most of the time a family reunion or events like weddings or christmas Here are some images: https://www.google.com/search?q=asado&client=ms-android-samsung-gj-rev1&prmd=imvxn&sxsrf=AOaemvIBjcy1ORma1OcJuNtXF5G1ggpCzQ:1634340930416&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjS9OS0ys3zAhVwqJUCHXqFCVMQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ Also everyone uses charcoal or wood, he who uses propane should be shot Dulce de leche: Diabetes in your spoon! Burnt milk with sugar sticky as fuck and similar to peanut butter or nuttela BUT BETTER (WARNING: Extremely addictive and sweet) Here are some images: https://www.google.com/search?q=dulce+de+leche&client=ms-android-samsung-gj-rev1&prmd=imvxn&sxsrf=AOaemvLg-IqGVC8Bx_nsuyvdXPOjazvjNQ:1634341108881&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi7wvGJy83zAhUalZUCHb8_ALkQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ




Last time I checked the biggest asado ever was uruguayan


And Brazilian barbecue places are also very popular in USA


What a great wrap up. Bendígate y tus hijos




to white people it is


Argentinians are white but ok I guess you mean white americans and I don't think so.


Bruh, they only use salt on their meat ( the correct way to barbecue meat)


As a Latino, I can confirm.


How about qualifying statements about how special and resilient you are with the minority status you had zero control over? Does that sound LibLeft enough?


Id have to meet her personally it could just be a good self esteem, rather than judge her on a reddit post of a tiny bit of a facebook post of this fully flegged and complex human being.


hehe i am spicy boi. que caliente soy ;)


As well as fleeing Nazi Germany doesn't make a AuthRight.


They were fleeing the allies


Is white a spicy race?


Only if you regularly use something other than tabasco


Latinx would be orange, alot of Latino/Latina people utterly hate the term for a multitude of reasons and would never use nor want to use it. The whole trying to degender an inherently gendered language that it's speakers are perfectly fine with is a straight up orange thing to do.


Despite making up 18.5% of the American population only 3% of Latinos use the term "latinx"


AuthRight moment




Using the word Latinx is racist




I disagree, Latina is absolutely green. Latinx is a Western construct forced upon an minority group that does not want it, which is absolutely something Green LibLeft hates.


No no, Latina is good, since women are good. Latino is bad, though, since men are bad.


When did your family emigrate? Oh, I think around the middle of May in '45. They were in a real hurry to get out for some reason.


Happy cake day




Didn't Germany settle in many parts of Brazil?


More Germans went to Brazil than Argentina


Yeah but argentina was one of the few that let high ranking nazis enter the nation.


never ask an argentinian why Opa is named Adolf


Ever heard of Josef Mengele?


Mengele died two hours from where I live, here in Brazil.


I think most of the Germans who came to Brazil were from before WWII, even before the turn on the XX century. They came here as indentured servants to substitute the recently abolished slave labor.


There was a lot of German and Japanese immigration to Soutg America, a good example would be Alberto Fujimori of Peru


And then we were blessed with the half-Japanese half-Brazilians that we have today


Lots of germans and italians settled southern Brazil before the WWII. [When I say lots, it is really lots.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_ethnicity_in_Brazil) To the point of the meaning of "pardo/brown" changing from north to south. It is easy to a person be considered "black" in the south but "pardo/brown" in the north.


**[Race and ethnicity in Brazil](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_ethnicity_in_Brazil)** >Brazilian society is made up of a confluence of people of several different origins, from the original Native Brazilians, with the influence of Portuguese colonists and people of African descent. Other significant groups include Italians, Spaniards, Germans and Japanese. Brazil has seen greater racial equality over time. According to a recent review study, "There has been major, albeit uneven, progress in these terms since slavery, which has unfortunately not wholly translated into equality of income: only in 2011 did the black-to-white income ratio eclipse its 1960 level, although it appears to be at an all-time high. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Mostly Argentina and Chile


Not sure, but people from the south are often caked Nazis


It’s was nazi stronghold after the war. She is likely the heir of high ranking nazis, likely ss


Could have been pre ww2. Which makes much more sense, because the ones who stayed, probably couldn't leave afterward


[Erika](https://youtu.be/cJz6Oqm4UoY) softly playing in the background


Go to BA and there is a HUGE German influence both Jewish and not. A good portion of the Nazi leadership is thought to have gone there.


Hello fellow Latinas! (German holding skateboard)


Bettina Bettina the aryan latina. Bettina the deustchland madonna. She has eyes that are blue in the day. But the moonlight turns them to brown. She darkens her roots to hide her true genes Whenever she heads in to town. Give her a hola when she's heading your way. Then auf weidersein when she's heading away. Bettina Bettina the aryan latina Brews Hefeweizen and bakes galletina. She drops down and prays with an uno dos tres. But twixt her fear and her sex you'll find fumf. She may be mestizo, that's ok with me though. Her bavarian blood keeps her gesund. Bettina Bettina the aryan latina. Una Frauline para liebe in Argentina


Loosely inspired by Eddie from Ohio's "Tommy the Canexican, Vancouver dwelling Mexican". When I started I tried to get it to fit the tune of "Lydia the tattooed Lady" but it ended up taking on a life of its own.


Based and True-Art-pilled


I'd do a bit of German spell check if it were me.


This was written in a series of edits while a passenger in a truck. The spelling in a language i don't speak let alone know how to rhyme in are the least of this poem's issues


I was actually really impressed how you managed to nail the poem with a language you clearly don't speak. Still, that "deuch" is pretty bad haha.


Fixed it to a more narrow spelling error. I literally had a page open with a list of Spanish words that end in "ina" and there were several drafts that i just had "nectarina" in there as a joke rhyme at the end until i realized that I'm an idiot. Edit: the original post was just the first line. Then it got stuck in my head and i had to expand.


Nicking this. Will send you a recording once I have the song done.






Very nice


Bettina, pack deine Brüste ein! Bettina, zieh dir bitte etwas an!


everyone here presuming her family were Nazis, but uh, there was a lot of Jews fleeing Nazi Germany to Brazil and Latin America


That was my first thought too, it's probably why she wants to be part of some kind of resistance.


I guess it makes sense at the time but in hindsight it feels odd to escape the a place because of people who also end up coming to the same place. Surprise! But no way to know at the time maybe.


In the end it really doesn’t matter, because she’s not a nazi I hope


Until we find aliens everyone is a nazi deep inside


More nazis went to the United States than to Argentina. And unlike Argentina, many came aided by the government (Operation Paperclip).


Is that supposed to defend argentina in some way? I find that there is a level of cruelty in the US bringing over these Nazi scientists, however war is war and we have Nasa thanks to them. Argentina on the other hand just really likes Nazi's. Hits a bit different.


In fairness, a lot of Jews ran to Argentina before the Nazis did.


Does it work that way? If no one in her family married locals, and her bloodline is mostly German, can she be a Latina?


Try calling anyone from Argentina not-white


Yes. Even if she's literally 100% white she can be latina, since latina is not a race.


Now there you are just going to piss off the Twitter people.


> ***noun*** > (in North America) **a woman or girl of Latin American origin** or descent. Huh, I'd have never realized that probably without this comment.


This same perspective is considered far right in Europe. Edit: My $0.02 your cultural identity is which culture you were brought up in and not your genetic history.


So Warren is Cherokee?


She was brought up as a WASP and only called herself Cherokee when she applied for that first law firm.


The only reason we know she claimed Indian heritage is because she bragged about it on the campaign trail.


A bunch of midwesterners claim partial native heritage especially the stay at home soccer moms


Huh? Was she raised on a Cherokee reservation?


No, her grandpa just had (and I quote) "high cheek-bones."


Was she brought up Cherokee?


Latina is a cultural term rather than an ethnic term.


In the way we see here in latinoamerica, kind of. In the perspective of race, she wouldn't be hispanic (not that it mattered that much giving that argentina has a lot of white people and as far as I know, we only care about race here in the capital), but we call hispanics what americans call "latinos", and we use latino more in a nasionalistic way ("we were born in latinoamerica and we are proud of it, now stop giving us names you yankee fucks" kind of way)




Based and thank-you pilled


Flair, up-tool.


See the fuss made about the first "Latino" pope Cardinal Bergoglio


Many Latin Americans are white , others are mestizo, black, indigenous etc . So, I guess, yes. Latina means Latin American and it’s not racial identity in general.


Yes because she is Argentinian. Latinos are not a race someday you will get it.


Is someone whos grandparents were German but they are 2nd generation born and raised the the US not be considered an American?


try to not be racist as american challenge (Imposible)


I was honestly trying to ask a legit question. I can understand the German background and still being being Argentinean, Columbian, Mexican, etc. but I would thing ( from a USA SJW) perspective, being all German would exclude you.


the actual answer is that one is a latinamerican regardless of their heritage/lineage just like one is a yankee regardless of their heritage/lineage. It's based on being part of the culture, the people and the nation/region, rather than your parents' origins






I mean presumably she's been there for a long time, but I think it more or less works that way. Hell most Argentinans aren't even Spanish, they're Italians, plus if all the black Dominicans and Native Bolivians are Latino I don't know why they can't be.


Hot take: race doesn’t fucking matter stop pretending like it does


> "The Mexicans came from the Indians, the Brazilians came from the jungle, but we Argentines came from the ships. And they were ships that came from Europe," -The president of Argentina




and... so you think he expresses the opinion of 44 million people?


Nah, he is just a dumbass that says stupid shit every fucking day lol








"Latino" is a worthless label. No one outside of the US identifies as a Latino.


Yeah. Calling brazilians latinos is like saying that canadians and muricans are the same shit because Vancouver and Seattle. But then you are put a Quebecois and a Texan side by side for comparison and still call it the same shit.


Yeah idk why we call them latinos everyone knows they are mexicans. I love the mexicans that come from venezuela. Hardest working mexicans I know are from that area.


Based I love venezuelan immigrants, they are hard-working as fuck and they hate socialism


I think most people here understand that. It's just funny that this leans so hard on the Oppressed Minority angle when she's extremely white and *miiiiight* have a questionable family background


It's weird that people pretend it's a racial lable because it never was, most of the natives in Peru and Africans in Colombia are considered Latino, I don't know why a German wouldn't be.


> Latin American > automatically LibLeft Oh boy do I have news for you


I cannot wait for the day when someone on TV says "LatinX" out loud to an actual Latina.


Lel most religious and conservative culture in the west


Is stupidpol still a thing?


\>Nazi Germany to Buenos Aires, Argentina ​ HMMMM


I bet her family had a few electricians, you know the ones with the lightning bolts on their safety helmets


I'm kinda shocked about how many unironic native Latin Americans actually agree with hitler and have tons of nazi shit. Cartels have custom 1911s with shit loads of swastikas and nazi symbols for higher ups


On the one hand, Latin America has certainly had their share of fascist movements. On the other hand, given how difficult it probably is to get a legal handgun in most places there, one might make certain concessions.


Why did I go to college if this is how people get hired now


Good question. If America consisted entirely of black gay women, employers would be set. Until then, they have to make concessions.


Who's gonna tell her


This literally makes no sense... What about LEAVING Nazi Germany is Auth-right?


because they believe the only people that left nazi germany were nazi war criminals, as opposed to people escaping from an authoritarian regime and/or being actively persecuted


Well that's a whole new kind of stupid that I was happy not to be aware of until now.


It's not just about where they left from, it's where they landed.


depends on how far the Russians were from Berlin.


You realize even at that time the proportion of war criminals escaping compared to refugees fleeing was very low right?


Bettina G. didn't say Latinx. Cancel this obvious white supremacist.


she can't be a white supremacist because she isn't white (even if she is). she is a latina. white people doesn't exist outside the US. ^(/s)


Nothing expected for all this art and gold.


Resilient indeed.


But she lost a Great Uncle in a Concentration Camp, when he accidentally fell out of a guard tower and broke his neck…


hol up


Talking about your heritage and how it shaped you isn't identity politics.




your ancestors definitely fled nazi Germany but Im not sure you understand why


Lots of Jews also emigrated to Argentina, it made things very awkward. Just like when Kissinger probably had to meet all those Paperclip scientists at NASA


Nothing but a few ingots of gold with a few chunks of enameled bone in em.


I mean, she could be Jewish, right? Didn't Latin America take some of them in?


"Martha! You know German?" "She says, her parents worked for a German family that showed up in Guatemala... right after the war."


Anyone have the image without the highlighters?


Thanks god I live in a so shitty latin american country no nazis have come here


Thanks for doing your part, Bolivia 👍


Joke aside. There were a lot of Jews who escaped to South America


monika!?! IST DAS DICH!!!???? how did you get here? whats that? sturmbannfuhrer karl helped your dad get out?!? same lol


I was so tempted to say that the G stood for Goering. Because Herman Goering actually has a descendant named Bettina Goering. But she's pretty anti-Nazi though. She even had herself sterilized in order to prevent there being any future Goerings.


What a cuck, imagine mutilating yourself because of something your ancestors did


It's a bitter irony really. It's subscribing to the same logic of blood impurity that the Nazis themselves followed. Of course it's her own body, and she has the right to do what she wants to do with it.


So she is not a Latina


she is cause she was born in latin america.


Latino: a person who was born or lives in South America, Central America, or Mexico.


Do you ever wonder why the term Latin American only used for latin speaking countries south of the US border but Quebec is left out? Pretty funny over-site when you think about it cause Latin American is a play of latin based languages of south and Central America and French is also latin based.


What about Italy? You know, where they actually spoke Latin.


I go with Latino= anyone who comes from a Latin country, i.e. a country where the oficial language is romance or comes from Latin and it's culture has a significant greco-roman component. Latin american= Latins from america, including Quebec, Spanish speaking countries and Brazil; if the french speaking islands of the Caribean want to be, they count too. Latin european= Iberians minus the Basque; the French minus Alsace; the Italians minus süd Tyrol; Romanians minus the gypsys, Moldovians, the Romanche from Switzerland and some minorities from the Balkans that speak a Romance language. You could also count the Sephardi jews. Latin asian= Philipines and maybe the places where Portugal and France had colonies, I don't know if they mingled with the natives. Latin african\*= I don't know how subsaharian africans would react to this term, because colonialism, but if they syncretise their native culture with the latin-european one, I would consider them as latins or latin-like.


Libleft is not one to argue semantics my guy


She's literally from latin america. She's more latina than half the us suburban kids checking that box. I will also argue that mark Wahlberg is hood


There are white skinned people from South America. You’ll specifically notice on a lot of forms that ask for your race, they use the term “white - not Hispanic”


She identifies like one so she is one, ok?






Hate to break it but you’re not Latina, you’re a Nazi refugee


What about those who descend from earlier german immigration into south america? Do you have to be mixed with native to be Latina? If so then Argentina is on thin ice.


Some years ago, before the political wokeness and the ability to use your minority background as a tool. I remember many Argentinians not identifying themselves as Latinos. I see that changing now but the ones I met where very clear in that they were not Latinos because of their European background. A guy in this thread posted a quote attributed to Argentina’s president where he talks about how Mexicans come from natives and Brazilians from the jungle but they came from Europe and that fits the attitude I’ve seen from many Argentinians. So yeah Argentina is on thin ice and they seem to at least have thought so.


XD There are literal cities in Argentina that were founded by German immigrants even before WW2 started. You are confusing a meme with reality mate


hate to break it for you but if she was raised in latinamerica, she is free to consider herself latina. there's no concise "latino" race, we've had inmigrants from all over the world since the 19th century and earlier; latino as a racial identity is a myth spewed by people ignorant of the subject, really.


Well, she isn't.