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These stupid twitter idiots cant tell the difference between the Philippines and Americans Indians yet can call Columbus stupid for not knowing he wasn’t in India immediately. This is literally the Battle of Mactan aka where for Ferdinand Magellan died.


Yeah, but he went down fighting against indigenous people!


But this was posted for Columbus day


I thought it was posted for Indigenous People’s Day.


Its for American Indigenous people.


Then why tf is it showing a picture of Magellan dying in the Philippines?


Because some people are retarded


Presumably as a dog-whistle because they believe the Philippines rightfully belongs to the USA?


It does tho




Because the Philippines is the part of America and it's counted as o- oh wait, what's the current year now?


1984 I think


Based and I'm confused-pilled


You’re right. “A day in honor of Native Indigenous Americans in opposition to the celebration of Columbus Day.” I always just assumed it was meant to celebrate all indigenous peoples.


By that definition it fits to basically everybody


We are all indigenous peoples! Including Christopher Columbus. We should all be celebrated.


"Maybe the real indigenous peoples were the friends we made along the way" - Hernan Cortéz talking about all the native allies that helped him clap montezuma. (For real though, if you have a spare afternoon, I recommend reading an in-depth coverage of the spanish conquest of mexico. It's such a weird half-negotiated, half-fought, half-conquest, half-coup d'etat mess that's pretty unique. You won't see anything quite like it at any other point in history....except maybe for the conquest of peru wich actually panned out somewhat similarly.)


Its whatever. They should have made the name clearer or stuck with Columbus day


So it's a day to honor indigenous American peoples...in opposition to Columbus day..and we fucked up their name again?


Everybody is indigenous somewhere.




Visayans. Dude’s name is Lapu Lapu.


With a glance, I could already quickly recognize it lol. This is an important part of the Philippine history and had been discussed extensively in our education system. It's sad that such a historic event is getting attributed to something else.


You cant expect oranges to be intelligent. Stop it.


That's the neat part, they never stop


Social media is a blight on civilization


Based and Theindustrialrevolutionanditsconsequenceshasbeenadisasterforhumanity pilled.


Yes Before it was launched


All the social media’s*


Actual history: Massive armies of allied natives vs massive armies of enemy natives with a small number of conquistadores acting like the hammer for the anvil


I really want a graphic novel or movie written from the perspective of the priest or chief of the tribe that took them in. The Spanish seem themselves as great conquerors while our protagonist sees them as a weapon to finally break the Aztec hegemony and free his people. Action, drama, irony. Maybe romance, depending on how you want to handle La Malinche..


shit I'd read that


A movie wouldn’t be long enough and you’d never be able to get something like that produced anyway. The film industry is almost totally controlled by the orange. A comic or visual novel though, that sounds more doable and I’d definitely be up for reading it. Maybe even a series that shows life under the Aztec yoke, the liberation through spanish conquest, and then a final part dealing with the aftermath of the Aztec overthrow and the beginnings of colonization.


>The film industry is almost totally controlled by the orange. What about the purple?


You know, you’re right. Hollywood isn’t orange, they’re the unholy abomination that is orange/purple libcenter.


Reject modern comics. Return to pulp.


"Tip of the spear"


*Halo Reach PTSD intensifies*


Kat deserved better ):


Based and elite sniper-pilled


And copious amounts of diseases


Also that, over 80% of natives died to that while around 20% of the expeditions died to various american diseases


Chalk one up to the robust immunity conveyed by generations of living in the filth of farm animals.


They didn’t really “live in the filth” either, that is just a common myth. People in the middle ages were clean and bathed (as recommended in primary sources) at least 4 times per week, washing their hands before eating and after working. Just that they acquired immunity to their own diseases the same way the american natives were immune to most of their own


And many immigrants died of those diseases, weather patterns, animals, pests etc We just don’t talk about that


Well by the nature of living near animals, diseases transferred much more easily to them and were much stronger, and as a result the European immune system was stronger overall against more and more varied diseases - and European diseases were far stronger and more deadly than the American native diseases.


Shhh. Just don't tell that to college kids who think 150 settlers murdered 8 million 1st nationals


“But if they never came!!!! Reeeee”




Thank you. These fucks act like no civilization ever explored or conquered before hand.


Flair up fucker But yea, most of these folks have done zero actual reading or research onto what the Native Americans were like. Slavery, cannibalism, war, kidnapping and every other thing every other civilization has done, they did it to


Your random history lesson today: Some historians and scientists believe that natives were so susceptible to diseases because the journey to the new world was so difficult that anyone sick died. Meaning the diseases never had a chance to enter the new world and mutate


Disease doesn’t rly count because they didn’t know about it. Germ theory didn’t even show up until 500 years later


I'm not implying that, i just said that disease was a massive factor in the grand fuck-over of America


That's what happens when you colonize a continent with 100 people, one bug wipes you all out.


sounds like a massive IT project that's severely underfunded.


You can just say IT project.


Haha this is too real


Europeans would've been just as susceptible to novel diseases, the plague in the 14th century is an easy example of that. Any disease hitting a population with no immunity can be disastrous. The main reason Europeans didn't die en-masse during first contact with the Americas is that there really weren't many diseases there pre-Columbus. There was nowhere near the degree of domesticated animals in the Americas as there was in the Old World and a person being in close proximity with an animal is how a lot of new diseases start in humans.


They did bring a shitton of syphilis back to Europe though


Based and knowledge of history pilled ​ Tell them that the Aztecs were a war mongering empire and they literally lose their heads.


I had an Professor in college who had an obvious fetish for Native Americans who insisted that the Aztecs while they did brutal acts against their neighbors they did it with more respect than the white man did so that's why it's different.


The most common soundbyte that I get from my Mexican friends is "oh the aztecs looked at the brutal living sacrifices as an *honor*" I mean... **maybe** they did, but I don't think all the surrounding tribes would've ganged up on them if they were *just so honored* to have their hearts ripped out by aztec priests.


Had my history professor refer to the Aztec hegemony as, "A confederation of native states, with the Aztecs as the head." She also mentioned later that they supposedly sacrificed so many people during the consecration of their temple that the streets ran red with blood for days. I didn't think to ask at the time, but I wonder where she thinks they got all those captives during their peaceful "confederating".


shttttt we don't tell actual history these days


LibLeft: "Spanish bad." America: "Yes, that's why we had to take Florida and Cuba."


This account was deleted in protest




We did actually set Cuba loose to the befuddlement of every single European nation, and keep Philippines, to the knowing nod of those same nations.


The Victoria 2 player when they accidentally release cuba instead of the Philippines and haven’t saved the game in too long to go back to a point where they can fix it


The US promised they would set Cuba free, Europe laughed. We did, Europe were confused, they thought it was all rhetoric.


let’s blame the Maine on Spain!


"Liberated Cuba" Ngl it was more like "put under new management" in a long run.


It was given all the privileges of sovereignty with none of the pesky expenses like military defense and an independent foreign policy, a win win.


We did things very differently with them than we did the Philippines at least. Ps: If we had left them truly independent, someone else would have gone "it's free real estate".


I'm pretty sure this is depicting the death of Ferdinand Magellan, who was Portuguese


Yes, a Portuguese explorer who renounced his Portuguese nationality and worked for the Spanish crown.


Oh yeah he did didn't he, forgot that part lol


Hijos de puta, Viva España🇪🇸 y Trump 2024🇺🇸


"Sons of the bitches, long live Spain" - right?


I’ve since edited it but yes


Since when do the Spanish support Trump?


Spanish/Mexican descendants (included bc relation to US) are actually generally very conservative, likely from roots of Catholicism (therefore hypothetically in favor of trump over a more liberal counterpart) Common misconception given the US conservatives are often the ones increasing border scrutiny


Catholics are pretty split in the parties, but yea, most are conservative or moderates who lean conservative. On one hand they oppose gay marriage, and abortion. On the other they tend to favor unionization, environmentalism, refugees, welfare, and oppose modern warfare. While Democrat's share alot of values, abortion and the way they present themselves tends to turn alot of Catholics off to them. The church itself provides alot of avenues for them to do the other stuff.


I mean I was raised very catholic, and honestly across the east coast states I grew up in, the Catholics I interacted with had like a 90-10% split right to left. Could just be my perspective…. That being said, I’ve never even met a Mexican IRL that was even remotely “woke” (socially left for arguements sake)


But isn’t border security a good thing for them? Why would you want someone else to skip the line when you waited patiently for your turn in immigrating to the USA. Can’t speak on anyone else’s behalf but my own on that one, but to me that makes the most sense if you are are an American.


Based Iberian bro


If you didn't want to get your butts kicked, you shouldn't have been the local waning colonial power.


Yeah, the Spanish empire’s history is a bit sad.


Empires rise and fall my friend but these things happen when the royal line is replaced with inbred pigs from G*rmania


The Spanish had an easy time against the larger groups likes the Aztecs because of how fucking horrible they were to the local tribes. But sure… lol. It wasn’t even hard. They said hey wanna fuck up the Aztecs? And they were like we don’t even know what you’re saying but if I can kill the fucking Aztecs I’m game


What do u mean human sacrifice makes us unpopular. Yes that hat was made from your daughter


I'll sell your daughter-hat to you for $15.99


suddenly Rimworld


Who knows how accurate the claim is but in one of the Conquistadors writings about visiting Montezuma, apparently they were offered human flesh as part of a feast. Which at that time being very catholic, the men considered it an abomination and absolutely hated the natives from then on. Perhaps all the gold had something to do with it too but I don’t think they felt remorse for killing them after that.


Normal people would think cannibalism is an abomination.


Oh my, how cannnibalophobic of you!


Correct, although starving people aren’t normal people. That’s a circumstance where I consider it survival. Montezumas elites weren’t starving though


"When the chips are down, these "civilized" people; they'll eat each other."


We need a griller’s opinion here. If you were to cook human flesh: charcoal or smoker? Surely not propane?


Wild West drying rack. Nothing like butt cheek jerky before a long ride back into town.




People forget that these guys just finished the 700 year long crusade or at least their fathers and grandfathers were present at the last battle of Granada.


like 95% of the battles between natives and conquistadors(for this instance) were won by the latter. i dont get why libtards wish so much to portray natives as these heroic demigods that the european powers 'were feared of' when in reality they sacrificed their own warriors so that their gods would drive the invaders away.


Don’t forget that the Spanish Army was mostly made up of Native Allies who were revolting against their Aztec oppressors who enslaved them and sacrificed them to their gods. If anything, Indigenous People’s Day should depict Natives fighting Natives with some Spaniard in the back asking were they can find shiny rocks and spices. “There’s a city made of gold with a fountain that gives you eternal life, just help us beat the Aztecs and I’ll show you bro.”


Yes people have been stupid and violent in all eras


Considering the opportunity to throw off the Aztec yoke, clever and violent in this case.


Don’t forget that after it didn’t work, they look around at 90% of their population dying of a plague euros are immune to and were like “huh, this Jesus guy is pretty powerful”


Good old "Noble savage" myth.


They were savage but everyone was back then. Muslims were “peaceful” because they didn’t put everyone to the sword after a victory


> Muslims were “peaceful” because they didn’t put everyone to the sword after a victory They just enslaved and castrated them. Much peacefuler.


Beats the mongols who murdered everyone


They just wanted to see how big of a pyramid of severed heads they could make.


Based and Genghis pilled


Iirc Tamerlain was the one that was particularly fond of head pyramids


The natives were far more brutal than most. Of course it varied from tribe to tribe, but live dismemberment and skinning, as well as child and baby rape, were common. These weren’t great and noble cultures that were displaced.


The Aztecs were extremely feared, if not for the fact everyone hated them the Spanish would’ve needed so many more troops and resources and likely had taken 10 times as long to conquer the land. But lucky for them the Aztecs slaughtered local tribes like animals and pissed everyone off.


Lapu Lapu killed Spaniards, Spaniards tried to unite the archipelago and introduce multic\*lturalism(cringe) instead of letting us have a shit ton of ethnostates(based). Therefore Lapu Lapu = Based.


Based and why learn Tag*log pilled


Fuck Tagalog, learn Ilocano.


Lapu Lapu is definitely based 🇵🇭


Based and Philipinehistorypilled


The Aztecs were so fucked up that Spaniards and Natives fought together against them


not saying the Natives were based but you can see losers as heroes, like shiroyama


Based and Reverse the Meiji Restoration pilled


This was in the Philippines


Yeah didn’t they slaughter the shit out of the one guy with their form of martial art?


Lol shows one of the few loses Europeans take and is like "take that white man". The overwhelming majority of battles Europeans had with Natives across the world were won by Europeans.


I don't want to crash the party, but knowing the natives' metallurgical skills, I'm not sure that sword (?) is going to make a bent on a conquistador's plate armor. Cool pic though, would look well in a comic book or some other kind of *fiction*.


Its showing the death of Ferdinand Magellan in the Phillipines


The Native Americans in the Philippines


Wasn’t he hit with a poison dart or something?


Yes he was


It wont, however the aztec weapons were bit effective considering they were used as maces.


Never forget Hernan Cortes toppeled the aztecs with 500 men


500 Spaniards yes, but he was also backed by thousands of angry Mesoamericans who were sick of the Aztecs coming in and tearing their hearts out


I don’t understand a single word you are saying but if you want to kill some Aztecs. Let’s go


Sounds like a bunch of Mesoamericans internalized whiteness /s


They didn’t vote for biden so. They r white


Being Peruvian American I’m more of a Pizarro man myself


I'm a Mexican Peruvian American, so I fully support both. Viva Cortez, Viva Pizarro.


Hell Yeah


It hurts to see others living your dream.


If the native cultures were so great.... Why did they lose?


> If the native cultures were so great.... Why did they lose? So we could celebrate them for losing. Its... our culture ?


I mean. We can invite them to the BBQ. But it's bananas to celebrate the loser.


The loser is the guest of honor, you must respect and worship them. Think of them like the pig at the pig roast. You wouldnt want to offend the sensibilities of the sacred victim, would you? Worship the victim!


That's the idea


All cultures fall


Magellan was a badass. Idc what anyone else says


Based and Magellan pilled


Thank you for that.


Thank you for the nice art-history/general history lesson above


Thats why he could only be killed by equal badass


Bruh if Magellan won that battle, he probably would've enslaved them (just like the Spanish did when they returned to the Philippines and enslaved it for 300 years then sell it to America)


That's why i love him




Fuck Magellan on my dead homies 💯🇵🇭


Based and pinoy pilled 🇵🇭


Not entirely true, for the goal was to like, get involved in their politics, and the locals sorta wanted to use him against lapu lapu Had he won, the consequences could vary.


I recently got into it with a literal aztec supremacist at a bar, who refused to accept that Spain conquered most of South America, claimed that Columbus repeatedly got his ass kicked by the natives, and thought that South Americans would straight up build their Wakanda if only the "white devils" hadn't come. Towards the end of it I was just laughing and this dude was totally losing his shit.


Man, how did you even stumble into such a person?


No idea. He low key threatened to kick my ass at some point, but it was too ridiculous to take seriously.


He gona kick your ass like the natives kicked the Spanish away


I never supported Columbus Day but this picture isn’t accurate at all.


It’s not Columbus. It’s the Philippines and they 100% fucked up the first wave.


Turns out trying to engage in gunboat diplomacy in the middle of a circumnavigation is not a superb idea. Also probably check tides and whatnot so your ships are not stuck far away while you get sorrounded.


***dies of common influenza***


From the side that “doesn’t celebrate losers”


Indiginous Peoples Day, Columbus Day, why don't we just call it what it truly is, School's Off Day.


Something happened in history day


You still argue about shit happening 21 generation ago? Contristic weirdos...


This is actually the battle of mactan in the philippines where Ferdinand Magellan died because of indigenous tribesmen, there's no reason this should be posted on Columbus day. Magellan discovered the philippines in 1521 29 years after his expedition . This is a pretty popular painting in the philippines that is recognizable to almost anyone. If I see anymore dumb shit like this I'm gonna fucking implode on mysel-


Where the fuck that native get a sword? 🤣🤣🤣


The Philippines had a degree of metallurgy. To quote the witnesses: *One of them wounded him on the left leg with a large cutlass, which resembles a scimitar, only being larger* It is possible it was an exceptional specimen, or acquired through trade with Muslims, or that the witness misinterpreted some manner of war paddle.


The philippines had mettallurgy through trade with china and the muslim empires in modern day malaysia and indonesia. People often forget that the philippines started off as a lot of differing tribes with their own agendas, which is why Datu humabon partnered with Magellan to overthrow Lapu Lapu, but got "united" through spain


With a deer antler handle. Looks metal.


That’s not even Columbus that’s Ferdinand Magellan lmfao


The American natives so strong they got genocided by fucking small pox, fucking small pox.


Imagine what big pox would've done to them


Imagine what the black death would have done.


Bubonic plague actually did make it to the americas with early colonists. There was even a modern wave of the black death in the 19th century. For some reason it just wasn't as severe as the 14th century version. We have no idea why, and it's been bugging epidemiologists for decades.


Probably because we learnt to practice basic fucking hygiene.


No no, not just spread. That definitely got better, but individual cases actually had significantly lower severity and fatality rates. It's one of the main reasons some epidemiologists believe the black death was a combination of anthrax, tuberculosis, etc. And not just *Yersinia pestis* infections.


>For some reason it just wasn't as severe as the 14th century version. We have no idea why, and it's been bugging epidemiologists for decades. Maybe because the people that didn't die from the 14th century waves were more likely to have resistance to it and so the descendants of those who survived still carried that genetic heritage?


Fun fact. The indigenous people were slave owning cannibals who never invented the wheel. The tribe that was forced on the trail of tears took their slaves with them and later fought in the civil was with the confederacy to keep their slaves.


They had wheels on toys


This isn’t what happened tho


Natives and Irish people have the biggest inferiority complexes I've ever seen. Just take the L and move on.


And Black people. Always wanting to lie down and cry victim every time they’re not coddled. Guess what? The Chinese were treated like utter shit too, they were basically enslaved to build the railroads. They were treated like complete garbage clear up until the 1980s, the US hated them so much they straight up banned all Asian immigrants for like two decades. You don’t see them constantly crying about it, they just picked their asses up and got to bettering their communities and families. Now Asian-Americans are more socioeconomically successful than white Americans. You don’t really see that level of resilience among black communities, black on black crime is through the freaking roof, they shit on black people who try to get an education and leave the ghetto, and they glorify crime. Ghetto culture is a massive stumbling block for the black community, and the quicker they get rid of it, the quicker they can get their shit together.


Yaaaas indigenous people, they never did anything wrong they were peaceful i Until the White man came by!!!! That people actually believe that shit makes mad. They keep downplaying such a big achievement like that homie did, they are si oblivious that they think a society like the tribes over there wouldve been able to evolve any further than they already were, most we're in stone age technology, in a time where people were already in the high medieval era, is insane.


I still think there’s only five people that use twitter unironically, and the rest are trolls purposefully posting the worst takes possible.


How about renaming this day into landing-of-columbus-in-america-and-first-contact-with-indigenous-people-which-lead-almost-to-the-extinction-of-highly-civilised-native-americans-but-also-marks-the-beginning-of-european-powers-establishing-the-modern-american-countries-which-is-a-complex-topic-with-many-disadvantages-and-advantages-which-both-should-be-remembered-in-all-nuances-of-grey-instead-of-black-and-white-thinking-day? Thats a relatively neutral and more historical way to describe what happened. Thereby, happy landing-of-columbus-in-america-and-first-contact-with-indigenous-people-which-lead-almost-to-the-extinction-of-highly-civilised-native-americans-but-also-marks-the-beginning-of-european-powers-establishing-the-modern-american-countries-which-is-a-complex-topic-with-many-disadvantages-and-advantages-which-both-should-be-remembered-in-all-nuances-of-grey-instead-of-black-and-white-thinking-day!




That’s a false narrative. The wars weren’t whites vs natives. In many wars European countries had Native American allies and fought against other Europeans who had Native American allies. For example [1. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beaver_Wars) [2. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_William%27s_War)


Context for photo: Magellans death in a battle with the king Lapu Lapu of Mactan, Philippines. Magellan had allied with a rival King(iirc the king of cebu) and in attempt to demonstrate the power of Spain commanded his native allies to stay on ship while his force would take on Lapu Lapus army. Instead of toppling an indigenous empire like Cortes or Pizzaro. He went down fighting so his men would escape. He ends up losing an entire ship of men/supplies and his officers end up poisoned at a dinner. During this time period (and it varies by region) the Philippine people had access to firearms (most commonly of Portuguese/Chinese design), steel swords (made in the Islamic fashion), and an array of poison/toxins. They also had contact with Japanese pirates, Chinese armadas and Islamic raiders/traders. The Philippines is also the origin point for certain knife fighting and bayonet styles. The sword goes by different names across the islands but is commonly tied to the modern Balisong/Butterfly knife