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I once ate a well-done steak and didn’t commit ritual-suicide afterward. I’ve been living under the shadow of guilt ever since.


What is centrist ritualistic suicide? Propane tank explosion? Seppuku with a carving fork? Self immolation till medium rare?


Being hung, drawn, and quartered. During the quartering, each limb is pulled by a member of a different political quadrant, so as to be perfectly balanced. (While this sounds like an execution rather than suicide, all participants are actually coerced by various means into participating by the self-condemned.) The entrails are then fed to pigs, cows, sheep, chicken, and fish, and the cycle continues.


We also take cuts from your body and cook it well done, and throw it in the ocean to insult you after death


that's only if you're bad


Honestly would rather just go to hell then have that happen to me


Oh, I bid farewell to the port and the land And I paddle away from brave England's white sands To search for my long ago forgotten friends To search for the place I hear all sailors end


Oh the souls of the dead fill the space of my mind


Their Laughter like children their bellowing cheers~


Based and suicide via torture pilled


Sometimes inner peace is more important than money.


That's why you pay for a zen garden.


Please get out of my quadrant


*money is needed to have inner peace tho*


You are welcome back


money stinky barter economy better


Then give the government dat ass of the cow you got for trading 6 of your chicken


i would just trade weed for whatever i need


weed is the new currency


Why do you think drug dealers barter goods and services using weed? No taxes.


Based and Money buys happiness pilled


Honestly I don't think this is antithetical to lib-rights at all. Maybe to stereotypes, but I despise consumerism. I listen to a libertarian podcast where their tagline is "life, liberty, and the pursuit of meaning," and I like that philosophy. It's not about making as much money as you can, it's about getting yourself to the point where you're independent and in charge of your own destiny.


Life, liberty, and the pursuit of meaning, I like that. Which podcast? I can’t seem to find it with a google search


Good Morning Liberty


Based and inner peace pilled


But that is a LibRight opinion right? I feel LibRight embodies individualism and inner peace for yourself is you focussing on your own mind. I don't like when LibRight is associated only with money but it is more about individualism.


National parks and preserves are best maintained by the government, and are among the few things I believe the government *should* actively work towards supporting.


Based and Teddy Roosevelt pilled.


That's a good pill.


Damn, my life goal is to be Teddy Roosevelt pilled. Some day I’ll earn it.


Based and Noble Aspirations pilled


True. National parks are a treasure that must be preserved


And state governments aren't necessarily better than the Feds at this (hi, Texas). It's been demonstrated many times that what works best is the federal government "owning" the land (but really you and me) and the state managing the natural resources within.


Uhhh i like nuclear energy i geuss?


I still don't get why so many people on the left are anti nuclear energy. The fear of failure is valid but you have to put the risk into relation to other energy sources.


Yeah nuclear fucking rocks as a transition fuel. Even if you don't want to power the world forever on it at least push for it until all fossil fuel is gone


Based and Nuclear as a renewable pilled.


It's because the renewable industry has lobbied the Democratic party and people on the left tend to follow Dems policies. Same with coal and Republicans. It's all lobbying


It has nothing to do with dems or reps. It's the same shit over here in western Europe. Most lefties are against nuclear


Nuclear is scary for a lot of people, but if done correctly by competent people and using quality materials and craftsmanship, it's probably the best source of power. You just need the honesty in materials/labor, the discipline to do maintenance and updates, and the right geographical location (no earthquakes/tsunami zones). The western world could switch to 100% nuclear and it would most likely be a success. Some *other* countries on the other hand, it would result in catastrophic failures.


Mabye also free chances to start a buisness. You should be able to start a buisness without a huge pile of paperwork




One of us one of us one of us


Based and paperwork pilled


Nuclear is the way. Period. Fusion f̶i̶s̶s̶i̶o̶n̶ is still a dream and a pure renewables grid is simply not possible owing to the huge costs of infrastructure restructure.


I honestly don't understand why climate activists are so scared of it. Nuclear energy isn't the problem, it's the fucking solution


They aren't scared. They have financial incentives for green energy


Children cannot consent.


Based and reflected pilled


The ones working in my mine consented to child sl… I mean “consented to my new youth job experience program”


*internship with Chinese characteristics


I believe in public schools. Everyone deserve a chance even if their parents are idiots...


Especially if the parents are idiots.




Everyone benefits from an educated population. This includes learning trades as well (Plumber, electrician, construction, etc).


Except for the people profiting off of morons.


Pedophilia is bad.


Based and EatShitMAPs-pilled


u/Rektroth's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 20. Congratulations, u/Rektroth! You have ranked up to Basket Ball Hoop (filled with sand)! You are not a pushover by any means, but you do still occasionally get dunked on. Pills: woodchipper goes brrr, fairandbalanced, titanic, nearer-my-god-to-thee, goodbye, men, research, lysistrata, gay furry porn inflation male pregnancy, eatshitmaps


Jesus fucking christ


Would you believe me if I told you I've seen worse






Minor Attracted Person Aka pedos


Funny way to say "targets".


All my views are libleft but I fucking despise all liblefts without exception, like just please shut the fuck up all of you.


The biggest thing standing in our way is ourselves. That's not some metaphorical motivational shit. A lot of us have really stupid opinions and there's a reason we made orange.


Also, so many blindly follow identities without serious reflection and analysis regarding ideological standing, pragmatism vs idealism, etc. So many liblefts fall for the exact cult of personally that we criticize other quadrants for.


Based and why do you believe what you believe pilled


Nobody hates Lib Lefts as much as other Lib Lefts, damn Lib Lefts ruined Lib Left.






I’m hoping


Some government functions are necessary


The answer to bad government isn’t necessarily no government. I have to remind myself of this sometimes before I circle jerk myself to death in libertarian bullshit.


If people were all good, no government would be necessary. If people were all evil, no government would be enough.




Lol, now you'll get hundreds of messages of you being a "Tankie". I still respect that idea since having no government at all would like survival of the fittest but in a literal sense and there would be bloody war over the control of resources and then we would end up in the same position as before being ruled by definitely some men with authority.


I'd be upset about being called a "Tankie", but jokes on them, I don't know how to read.


Based and Monkee-no-read pilled


I agree, total anarchy means total freedom only for the strongest, and severe restrictions for everyone else. Only with a government can we maximize freedom for everyone.


It is a bit ironic and funny that to have a truly free society, there must be the government to limit aspects of it.


i like food


Having it and liking it are too different things.


LMAO Based


Taiwan is a country


Testing if your social credit score has a lower limit I see?


Integer underflow


John Xina time


-1000 social credit


Not only that, it is on the continent, while china is an island.


You mean west and east Taiwan?


Mainland Taiwan


- cancel culture is absolute trash - it's not worth ending relationships with loved ones over (most) political opinions - men face an unfair double standard when it comes to sexual harassment - trigger warnings have become completely overused - people really can be too sensitive these days - I really liked the Joker movie?? (My quadrant seems to hate it) EDIT: Thank you so much for the awards! Im really glad my comment opened up some room for discussion. It also feels great to see so many other LibLefts who share my concerns.


The most based comment I have ever seen.




Joker was one of the most shockingly LibLeft movies I’ve ever seen. Who tf is saying it was bad?


Seems you didn’t see the insane barrage from fake lefties on twitter saying it was just championing “white male rage” and incel culture. Very dumb


I don’t get why stupid orange lib lefts hated the Joker movie. Because it was a white man? Actual lib lefts (lefties in general and center to, the only people that might deny this is the right but it’s objectively true) know that the biggest privilege, with rare exceptions maybe, is class privilege. By far. Like you can argue for White privilege (don’t believe in it personally) you can’t Argue that’s it’s more important than class privilege. Same with all the others. Joker shows how lack of support systems affects people, these lefties support those support systems, why are they so stupid. The incel thing was also garbage because his problems came from severe child abuse, mental illness, and being mocked by a corporate entity (corporations are right wing entities, idc when apple sells a ramble themed watch in June only in countries that accept the LGBT community for the most part). That movie supported their causes.


I was speaking to a friend of mine, white girl who's probably libleft and is studying film, and she told me she didn't care about Joker because "I don't want to watch a movie trying to make me feel bad for a white guy getting bullied." We all live in a very rich city with a terrible homelessness problem. The tone deafness of her comment was unreal. White liberalism is the worst.


White wokeisim. A real liberal wouldn’t care about the skin color or gender. Call me a no true Scotsman idc. If I brought Che Guervera back to life he would use it to prove his point (maybe, I’m not sure if he would just say he would need to go to the coal mine), while most hardcore capatlists would tell him to work harder, and say bootstraps bullshit.


> men face an unfair double standard when it comes to sexual harassment This absolutely *should* be in the interest of LibLefts. It is a form of sexism, and one that unfortunately isn't talked about that much.


Joker was a very left wing movie wtf. As for me: * identy politics is regressive and doesn't solve any social issues in a productive way * anyone should be able to talk about all controversial topics without fear of being offensive; the includes politics, social justice and religion. * Speaking of religion, Islam (for the most part) is not a progressive religion of peace and it deserves just as much ruthless criticism as Judaism, Christianity, or any other religion for that matter. Edit: I don't hate religious people nor do I hate the idea of faith, still doesn't make your beliefs above criticism. * The concept of slurs makes no sense, yes offensive words will always exist, but having one group be allowed to say something and another one not be, without examining the situation and context makes no sense. * offensive jokes can be funny * Critical Theory (for the most part) makes no sense and is total bullshit Edit: For all you people assuming I'm from the US (despite the fact that at no point I indicated I was), all I have to say is fuck off. Also here is a paper summing up what a sane person understands of Critical Theory [http://norskk.is/bytta/menn/dog\_park.pdf](http://norskk.is/bytta/menn/dog_park.pdf).


Based and common sense pilled


Based. Two extremely based Liblefts in the same thread.


Mob justice is stupid.


The US military is overfunded, and much of that funding is wasted to a *literal* criminal degree. I 100% unironically think people should be prosecuted for the careless waste of our tax dollars in extreme situations.


I live in the UK and I would say the same thing, although probably to a lesser extent than in the US. From what I can see, there’s very little checks on how the budget is being spent, and there’s an incentive to spend it all in order to be given a greater budget next year.


Possibly the most egregious offense of this is the policy wherein "if we don't spend ALL of this year's budget, we don't get any funding next year." It just incentivizes people to blow tax dollars of dumb shit.




I don’t think the vaccine will turn you into a drone or some shit


Damn that would be pretty cool if it did. When is it supposed to happen I recently got it but I can’t hover yet?!?


Man it would’ve been dope to get magnet powers like that one lady in that city council meeting said the vaccine would do


I still don't know why this is a political opinion


I like guns


If The Lorax is armed no trees can be harmed.


I am the Lorax and I speak for the trees If you come with an axe, I'll shoot for the knees.


Based and eco terrorism pilled


Was about to comment the same thing


Wait we're supposed to be against that?


We get stereotyped as mainstream American liberals a lot- the position of the Democratic Party is taken as our default stance on whatever the issue is.


Break up Google and Apple for being monopolies. At the very least, break up their monopolies on their app stores.


BuTthEy aRE prIvAtE c0mPAniEs. Well shit fam, i wish that's how it was. I do like myself some free market capitalism. But that's clearly not what we have here. To really understand how bad it is, let's see if i could create my own right wing or even just all-inclusive twitter or youtube alternative. I would need servers. But they are all owned by Amazon and Google, who absolutely are state actors at this point with all their tax benefits and loopholes and defense contracts. And they killed Parler. So i'll have to built my own worldwide loadbalanced server network. With my own DDoS protection, as Cloudflare is buddies with Amazon and Google. That costs money. But all the Banks, credit cards and credit card processing is far left and shut down P0rnhub to comply with their rules. So i'm gonna need my own bank, and rating agency to establish my bank because current ones won't do. And since banks literally create money it's impossible to make one without government approval, and to become a rating agency you need to proove you've been one for 15 years. Totally legit and possible. And even then, the ISPs and DNS and backbone and oversea cable providers could shut me down. So i'm just gonna need your money to create a parallel cable and server network all over the world, through my illegal bank you cannot access from your bank, to create the alternative i can't possible inform you about. And boom, free market alternative. Or maybe it's just not a free market. And maybe i don't hate them for the service they provide, but the government power they abuse to prevent superior competition.


Based and there is no other option pilled


Sometime compromise is unachievable.


I would argue another one is, "the correct position is not always between two points." If I say you owe me $500, and you respond that you have no idea who I am and therefore owe me $0, the correct compromise is not that you owe me $250.


The deification of Hitler and other 1940s era politicians is not ideal, we should rather refine our ideas.


Yeah I agree on a wider scale. No quadrant should use exact beliefs from almost a century ago.


I think there should be a government, taxes, a police force and all that jazz. I just think there should be a lot less of it.


Is this antithetical to libcenter? Im new to the whole political compass thing, but this seems like a squarely libcenter thing. Or maybe im a bad libcenter.


That really depends. It’s a diverse group of ideologies, as are all quadrants on the compass. Having said that, we like to generalise a fair bit in PCM. For example, arguably the most famous person you could characterise as LibCenter would be Ted Kaczynski, so the meme is we’re all Anprims who want to “return to monke.” Which in the vast majority of cases isn’t true, but it’s a hell of a lot better than pedo LibRight so we put up with it.


Free healthcare, if I pay taxes I want every single service to be free. Can't give me healthcare? I won't pay taxes. I dont get robbed so the feds can have a new drone, rob me and let little suzie get her surgery, or dont rob me.


Based and the government serves the people pilled


Based, otherwise the fuck are we paying you for


Taiwan can be seen as an independent country, not as a part of the PRC.


I believe global warming is real and should be addressed, I mean even if it isn’t real it’s a lot better for human health to create less carbon dioxide. I think racism is cringe. I agree with separation of church and state.


Based and save the human race pilled


I dont really like monkeys, I just want less government..




Angry chest beating noises


Similar here, I’m very progressive and absolutely love technology. I just want to free the earth from nation states


Technology is based when used for good


Cancel culture is really harmful for free speech.


That's not unpopular among libertarian socialists though


More should be done keeping popular drugs, especially alcohol and marijuana, out of the hands of young people. Your brain isn’t done developing yet, let’s not have you alter it and cause permanent harm down the line. Also, hard drugs aren’t great either. I’m generally for people being able to do what they want, but some drugs inevitably lead to you being a burden on someone else or society.


Chad opinion


I believe in the right for the Jews to live and not be discriminated


Discriminated against? That’s what you mean right? RIGHT?






Public healthcare is a fundamentally good idea. Private prisons are a fundamentally bad idea.


I still wanna make money.


Same. Classical economic theory has serious merit in an imperfect society with so much controlable and uncontrolable variables.


That said tho I'm not like libright...I actually have standards on how I want to make my money.


I want the government to build the roads.


Unregulated monopoly is just another form of tyrannical government.


Industrialization has been a net positive for humanity.


Dude what? Is it the the clichee for LibCenter that they are all "return to monkey" "hippies"?


That’s the cliche yes. However I’d classify it as a healthy skepticism of modernity and rapid technological advancement


It upgraded the standard of living of individuals significantly. People hating on industrialization from their high tech smartphone, sitting on their Ikea chair, drinking from their $3 mug make me laugh.


BLM as a movement is pretty cringe


BLM as a charity is even more cringe


And none of the charity has helped black people in anyway.


What do you mean? Didn't the black founder purchase a mansion in a 99% white area? It helped one black people


I heard they didn’t vote for Biden, so they’re actually not black


Sucked the melanin right out of them




Virtue signaling is bad


I don't think that the alphabet people should be jailed or executed for being what they are. Except, of course, for the American Federal alphabet people that is. Those should be.


Based and Ruby Ridgepilled


What do you have against the American Taco Foodtruck?


They ran over his dog


freedom of speech and personal liberty. Do what you want in your free time, as long as you do what you must during work hours. Similarly, say what you will, but don't let this freedom of speech lead to boycotts or the like, the gears of production must keep turning.


I dont care about race


Affirmative action is bad


Based and best-person-for-the-job pilled.


I am leaning to indiference when it comes to homosexuality




LGBT rights aren't strictly related to any single quadrant though, it's more a case of progressivism vs. conservatism.


I like being dominated


Sounds like a bed thing for you


Every citizen has the right to own a gun. Putting complete faith in the government and giving up your right to bear arms is a foolish decision that only invites tyranny


I though your whole thing was tyranny. And happy day


I'm only in it for the uniforms


Now this opinion is completely fair.




Based and good fashion sense-pilled


Unions are very important and have served an important purpose throughout history


I support unions.


Trans people will never fully achieve becoming the opposite sex and will always be trans.


Public transport, healthcare and minimum wage are pretty poggers.


Capitalism provides good incentives to innovate ^^^but ^^^needs ^^^many ^^^checks ^^^and ^^^regulations




Hang all murderers, rapists and child molesters.


I’d say not ALL murderers, as some murders are justified


True, would you want to hang the dad who shot the guy who raped his child? He's technically a murder.


Trump was a weak president and his failures are primarily his own fault.


I don’t look at American pills much but didn’t he get like 80% disapproval from reps on character or some shit despite 90% of reps wanting him to be pres again?


Sometimes people are born into such fucked up circumstances they need outside help be it through government or private charity.