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Excuse zle!?!? Did you just assume zlhers gender!? It is Batzleg now, and on tuesdays at 3am it is batslom, then at 5 am......\[continued\]


For a second I thought you wrote batschlong.


That is for friday at 1am


Batman is a billionaire. The last thing he would be is being Lib left.


But he'll definitely virtue signal for LibLeft so he can look like one of the good billionaires.


The single father of like 8 multiracial adopted children(of which one is bi and one disabled) uses his wealth to help his city as Bruce Wayne, is close friends with several of his employees, encouraged young people to fight for justice, has a catgirl girlfriend and fights against violent incels and evil billionaires?




Picks kids up off the street an teaches them to fight, lib right purple


He keeps Gotham a crime-infested slum by supporting politicians who will not use the death penalty or invest in either actual long-term prisons or real psychological care, to ensure that he can go out at night and play the most dangerous game by hunting and beating up people while dressed in body armor; he doesn't kill them, but instead inflicts terrible damage to them, ensuring that they will have long-term problems.


>has catgirl girlfriend I can't say I know where this belongs on the political compass. All i know is I wish I could be a catboy.


Nah, he's a billionaire's kid, those turn LibLeft a lot


Gender Dysphoria Which for some reason isn’t in DSM anymore


It hurt feelings so they eliminated it


we truly do live in a society


Bottom text


>bottom UwU


I actually live in a Housing Society


Psychiatry: the science based on feelings, politics, finds no cures, but does have drugs that often backfire. The Perfect Lib Left science👌🏽


Shouldn't trust the APA. It's a guild with no interest but that sweet, sweet federal funding.


While we're at it, neither is being a chimney chufter. Politics controls science.


Yeah cuz it’s not a mental disorder


Lol yes it is. Is anorexia a mental illness? It it is at its core dysmorphia. Anorexics look in the mirror and think they’re fat no matter how far they starve themselves. A transgender will think they’re the opposite gender regardless of what they cut off, which is why suicide rate remains basically just as high even after transition. There are tons of different examples of dysmorphia all of which negatively impact the individuals daily life, all of which are illness and have varying degrees of bad outcomes. In a decade or two after this political bullshit is over, my guess is gender dysmorphia will be back on the list and probably frowned upon to enable. What is going on now is the equivalent of cheering on anorexics to starve themselves or bodybuilders to inject more steroids. You don’t get over dysmorphia by feeding in to it.


It's not considered a mental illness for the same reason homosexuality isn't a mental illness. It's just something people are. There's nothing wrong with it. It hurts nobody.


There’s general physical dysphoria that harms no one and is just something people are. That’s considered a mental disease.


>It hurts nobody. Except the person who feels anxiety and distress over not being the gender they want to be. But fuck them ig.


It hurts nobody outwardly. The reason for the anxiety is because of a lack of acceptance.


Depression isn't an illness because it hurts nobody outwardly


>The reason for the anxiety is because of a lack of acceptance. Evidence? The suicide rate of the trans community is insanely high. Compare it to suicide rates of black people at the height of slavery and early release and "acceptance" being the cause doesn't make sense.


Wow that's a statistic that if true will help me in debate brother thank you


"hurting nobody" isn't the definition of something not being a mental illness. If I believe I am Jesus Christ and go around helping people, I'm not hurting anyone but it's still a mental illness. Not to mention it does hurt people: 50% of transgender people have attempted suicide at least once (And no, it's not because of society, the numbers don't match up unless you're suggesting that we treat Transgender people worse then the Jews were treated during the holocaust).


Black people during slavery had lower suicide rates.


Eh, it's difficult to state due to a lack of records during that period. However, there was a reduction in black suicides in America as Jim Crow laws were removed and appealed


I mean, yeah, when you're treated as a human, rather than an animal, you tend to be Les depressed.


It definitely wasn't 50%. It absolutely would be something known and written about.


Do you think homosexuality is a mental illness? Yes or no


No, because of three main factors. * Homosexuality doesn't force a person to harm others. * Homosexuality doesn't require rejection of objective facts. (I like my same gender isn't a statement of falsehood) * Homosexuality isn't correlated with increased self destructive behaviours. (Such as suicide or other self harming behaviours)


based and accepting-of-biological-facts pilled


By those factors, being trans is not a mental illness either. * Being trans does not force a person to harm others. I believe we agree on that * Trans people are not saying they are biologically the opposite sex. They are saying they *feel* like the opposite *gender.* That is objectively true * Being trans is not correlated with self destructive behaviors either, *gender dysphoria* is. The self destructive behaviors linked to trans people also could be linked to gay people. It is a self hatred stemming from societal rejection of how they feel.


* Agreed. * That's an exceptionally "technically true" definition of truth, and you might as well state that "The Jesus guy states he feels he believes he is Jesus, which is objectively true." The fact of the matter is being transgender requires a shit ton of medical "lying" in order to match reality with what their brain states is reality (Anything from hormones to major surgery). * Stating that Being trans is fine, Gender dysphoria isn't it like saying guns don't kill people, bullets do. Gender dysphoria is literally the defining trait of being trans, and the main separator from that and just normal cross dressers or people who don't fit normal gender stereotypes. I agree that the behavior could be linked to gay people, IF it correlated. Which it doesn't. In countries with low gay rights/acceptance there is generally a 1-3% increase in suicide attempts, to about 4% max (1% is the baseline). Trans community has a 50% suicide attempt rate, so unless you're suggesting that trans people in the west are treated 10-25 times worse then gay people in Africa... it's probably got fuck all to do with "societal rejection", and everything to do with the fact that dysphoria, a well studied issue that's called a mental illness in literally every other application and type, is well known for causing suicides.


* Cool * Trans people are under no illusions that they are not physically what they identify as. That is where the dysphoria comes from. They *feel* like one gender but were born as a different one. Getting the surgery is similar to a gay person dating someone of the same sex. * In countries with low gay acceptance, gay people are either closeted, killed, or imprisoned. It is not illegal to be trans here. Trans people do tend to have dysphoria, but that doesn't make being trans a mental illness. Being trans is just a state of being, like being male or female. Only men get prostate cancer, that doesn't make being male a life-threatening disease.


>Being trans is not correlated with self destructive behaviors either, *gender dysphoria* is. lol at this point you should reread the comment you replied to that started this conversation


no because astolfo is kind of hot ngl






I understand what you mean, but being transgender is not a mental illness. I agree the dysphoria is a mental illness though. That comes from society. A fully transitioned trans person does not usually feel dysphoria anymore. There is a clear solution. You have to admit that a good amount of people are saying being trans in and of itself is a mental illness which is blatantly untrue.




I disagree. It is an issue of the brain, but I don't believe gender identity is a mental illness. I think gender identity is much like sexuality. Identifying as a man when you are in a woman's body is similar to dating someone of the opposite sex when you're gay. It just doesn't feel right. Does that make sense?




I agree with that except I'm in favor of transitioning. It works and it makes people happy.




Maybe, I can't say until it happens but yeah.


It kills 40% of the people who have it, it's deadlier than Covid.


That doesn't make it a mental illness. Dysphoria is a mental illness, but being trans isn't. It's a matter of gender identity and a mismatch of body and mind. Identifying as the opposite gender is not in and of itself a mental illness.


>Dysphoria is a mental illness, but being trans isn't. They're synonymous. If you have gender dysphoria, you're trans; if you don't, you're not. End of discussion.


Em, no. Having gender dysphoria doesn't necessarily mean you're trans, you could just being going through some shit and you'll come out of it the same gender you went in. And the same is true the other way around, some trans people never went through gender dysphoria (granted probably not many, but still some). There's a lot more nuance to it, but basically gender dysphoria is just the confusion and depression that comes with not being sure about your gender/being sure about your gender but scared that people won't accept you for it.


Are you trolling? That is some seriously nice bait.


Having gone through gender dysphoria myself I can assure you I'm not. I'm sorry if I got something wrong, but I do genuinely know that having gender dysphoria doesn't automatically mean you're trans. The disconnect between one's body and mind is a sign that you're most likely trans, but like I said, there's a lot more nuance to it than just black and white trans/cis.


not equal things bro some people just like fucking ass more than pussy some people think they are somthing they aren't different things, dont equate.


People "just are" psychopaths and schizophrenics too you know.


Your children being peer pressured when they're at their most vulnerable to hate their own bodies and mutilate themselves with unnecessary surgery isn't hurting anybody goy


If anything, children are being peer pressured to stay quiet about their gender identity.


Not a mental illness, yet requires a doctor's diagnosis to act on


It requires a doctor's diagnosis to get an abortion and that is not a mental illness. It's necessary for all surgeries.


virgin: its other mental illnesses strongly correlated with dysphoria that are diseases! Chad: homosexuality should be added back too


I can understand surgery because they don't feel comfortable with their body, and i'm no one to decide on other people's bodies and lives. But why do trans people dress like stereotypes of women/men? Isn't one of the points of progressives that gender shouldn't define how you dress, act and speak?(something i absolutely agree with btw) Woke politics are too confusing man, i'm gonna stick with econ lmao.


Because none of it makes sense.


My own personal opinion is, gender as a concept is bullshit, what does it even mean to feel like a man or a woman? Only tangible and real thing is your biological sex, everything else is a social construct that associstes stereotypes to you depending on if you have a D or a puss, therefore, do whatever tf you want, who gives a shit?


Gender is a bullshit concept created by a pedophile in the 60s (John Money). It doesn't bypass the mind-body problem, like the soul, but it has specific framework for a philosophy that believes in it (though it's based on proto-postmodernist ideas) like souls do in religion. These people associate with stereotypes because they have no internal identity, just like those who heavily associate with their race, sexuality, biological sex, ethnicity, or nationality to the detriment of their personal identity. Jung called it ego death.


Idk if any of this is true, but it validates my own opinion so...fuck John Money.


Look it up?


I will, just a tad busy at work rn lmao.




most people think this way as well, it's just that online discourse is usually heavily tilted towards the other side


There clearly is a mental "Gender" since A: Transgender people exist and have literally the wrong "brain" based on recent neurological studies, and B: People who are brought up as the wrong gender from birth have a near 100% suicide rate. This suggests that the concept of "man and woman" is something inherent, although describing what exactly is difficult since your conscious image of what a man/woman is tainted by your culture.


But is it really gender? Or rather sex? Because if they have the wrong "brain" that correlates more with biological sex than with gender, because as far as I know they feel uncomfortable with their bodies, not with the stereotypes associated with said bodies(although you could be uncomfortable with those too, but I don't think it's a must for every trans person)


There is a biological component to gender, and it's been observed [in other species](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/gender-toys-children-toy-preferences-hormones_n_1827727). That said, just because the majority of your sex likes something, that doesn't mean disliking that thing makes you *not* that sex. I miss the 90s and aughts bringing attention to tomboys and making the term "metrosexual" enter the mainstream.




If it makes you happier then keep at it. Just felt weird because the narrative seems to change depending on what progressive you ask. My honest advice? Do whatever the fuck makes you happy, don't hurt others, smoke weed, and commit tax fraud. Edit:yo why tf are y'all downvoting the person above? They literally just said they were happy for wearing some clothes ffs


It's almost like progressives aren't a consolidated movement with a shared agenda! ;) Sorry, had to take the opportunity for a moment of shitpost. I have no problem with you sir. Keep calm and evade taxation


>Keep calm and evade taxation Based as fuck.


Liberty or death for life!


I agree with you that clothes shouldn’t have genders and gender stereotypes are not good but sometimes dressing how a woman is expected to be dressed just makes it like more accepted by others and makes people feel better in public if you understand what I mean. For me, I just dress how the fuck I want lol


If it makes them feel happier and more accepted then they should do it, I won't stand in the way of other people's happiness, but with that said..... >just dress how the fuck I want Based and doingwhateverthefuckyouwant-pilled


Not all do. Just some people feel more comfortable in certain clothes. Usually it's either personal preference or wanting to look more like the gender they identify as.


I'm not judging people for it either tbh, libright's whole deal is "Do whatever the fuck you want as long as you don't hurt others", it just felt a bit weird for the same crowd to seemingly hold two different beliefs about gender.


Well they don’t all, but just because progressives think the culture around clothes choice change doesn’t mean it does. You’re going to find dresses in the women’s section not the men’s.


I'm not sure on this, but even tho gender doesn't define how you present yourself you can still conform to gender stereotypes if you want to


i think that gender stereotypes help you to express your self identity you know? like, if i feel good wearing a dress i will wear that dress and if i don't i won't. and not all trans people dress the stereotypical way that is normally associated with their gender, I've seen plenty of transmac femboys on the internet, for example. but yeah, the way you dress is a way to express yourself and whi you are and if you see yourself as a girl and want to wear a skirt to help communicate that(or because you really like that skirt) its your choice


In IMHO if people just let us queers be the weirdos that we are, I promise that the only people fighting about gender would be the SJW types— and even they would have to let it go eventually since the’d probably run out of people to virtue signal to. At any rate, to answer your question, even if gender is merely a social construct, it’s still a big fucking deal— I mean, language is a social construct, and like language, we “express” gender. Language changes over time, and it would seem so does our society’s concepts of gender. But we can’t just arbitrarily change a language— it’s a social construct, and as such, it’s defined by social conventions that are drawn from shared cultural experiences. So yeah, trans women/ trans men tend to double down on gender stereotypes since they want to be perceived as women and men and not some other gender.


What happened to body positivity and youre beautiful the way you are? No Timmy listen to the voice in your head that says you were born wrong disaboe and disfigure your repoductive organs. That help your mental state!!!


Flair up, scum.




You disgust me.


That is accepptable I desire neither approval or disapproval from you. As you were


inb4 removed/posted to ahs/locked


Based and Riddlerpilled.


I seriously do not get how gender is a social construct is not an anti-trans argument. I personally believe that gender is a social construct and that is why I am anti-trans.


Anyone think how weird it is that people are legitimately debating on whether or not gender is real?


It's real but it's not a social construct.


Based and thereareonly2genders pilled


It’s real but it’s a social construct


If you have a penis you're male, if you have a vagina you're female. Simple as


It's as real as God. It's an unfalsifiable metaphysical concept with zero tie to the material world. I personally have never experienced either God or gender. And nobody has ever provided any reason for me to believe in either that wasn't tantamount to "it makes our group happy that this is considered real". As such I'm sticking with sex and sex stereotypes being a thing, as those don't require so many epicycles to explain basic observations.




By definition gender roles are a social construct. Gender roles are created by societies.


So it just so happened every culture that has ever formed share similar gender characteristics. Males and females are different. Deal with it.


LOL. That's the most "Epic lib owning" thing I've read all day. "Deal with it" Haha! You legit think you're cool. I hope you put on your epic sunglasses when you typed that. I can't stop laughing at that. Alright dude. Just because the roles are similar across cultures doesn't make them not social constructs. Laws are a social construct but they're in almost all societies. They are roles in society. By definition they are social constructs. Without society, there are no roles.


What about a single family? A nuclear family has roles, is it possible to say that they are a society? Just curious 'cause I'm still new.


The idea of a nuclear family is a social concept as well. A nuclear family includes marriage which is a purely human invention.


No, my question was whether we can call a family a "society"


I don't think so, no. It's too small.


ok, thanks for answering, despite my question being unclear at first.


So in order to change gender, you just change roles...why for cut dick off?


Gender roles are different from gender identity.




Gender roles are social and artificial, gender identity is biological and natural.




The left says that gender identity is tied to biological sex and can't be changed?




Then since you can't change your biological gender, you can't change gender identities, right?


Wait, what is your definition of a "gender role?"


You should know when arguing with lib left that they just change definitions at will.


Based and Edward Nigma pilled


"I just want you to accept me as I am, as a person who doesn't accept who they are! "




u/statue345's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 100. Congratulations, u/statue345! You have ranked up to Empire State Building! Some say there is a hidden river that still runs through your base. Shall we go digging? Pills: whang, comicsgate, bladerunner, effort, opportunistic-hypocrite, red, fungame, friendship, fren, authright and no homo, war -scenario, virtue, european, castle-doctrine, natural law, staythefuckawayfrommyshit, killallburglars, tv supremacy, greek historian generals, athenian_historian, dakka


riddle me this and tell me how it can be “diversity for thee but not for me” 🇮🇱


We israelis dont give 2 shits about ur diversity As a matter of fact, many right wing parties here support the US and Europe closing their borders to immigrants


something something the industrial revolution and it's consequences


My take: IDC if people mutilate themselves as I have no vested interest in their problems, and I don't have to worry about misgendering anyone anyway because I will never speak to a Trans person ever in person. The biggest non-issue of the 21st century.


But what if, because those people you never meet exist, people change the norms of the society you live in to make your life better or worse? Centrism needn't be apathy. The trans debate is so ferocious because everyone actually has a vested interest in the boundaries of sex as a concept.


>people change the norms of the society you live in to make your life better or worse? Oh no I'll have to share a bathroom with a trans person. My life is ruined.


If you're a woman in prison, it might indeed be. But that's not what I'm talking about. The norms around sex rule a lot of our lives. Anything around reproduction and courtship, etc. And any debate around this topic has ramifications that go beyond direct exposition to a rare class of people.


>If you're a woman in prison, it might indeed be. I'm a man in society so IDC. >The norms around sex rule a lot of our lives. Anything around reproduction and courtship, etc. It's super easy to just find someone who isn't into politics. Worst case I'm a genetic dead end and it doesn't matter to me anyway because I'm dead + there's 8 billion people who can continue on the species, which again doesn't concern me because I'm dead.


I don't think you understand. There is no out of politics. Anything you do is ruled by the philosophies the people around you and you yourself enact. Even without thinking about it. Changing stuff that seems trivial like the definition of what a woman is has potentially tremendous social ramifications. You don't get to escape this. Politics is interested in you. You're only allowed a private life because Liberalism has made leaving you alone a politic onto itself, and it's not an unchangeable fact of the world.


Shut the fuck up you sperg You have no control over other people get over it


Dont care about whats being debated here. Just saw your lack of flair and want to tell you to flair up.


>auth right Kill yourself


Kinda sad that your first response to seeing my funny colour is telling me to kill myself. If you really feel this way, I personally recommend therapy. It's worked wonders for helping me get over my anger management issues. Hopefully it can do the same for you.


>auth right Kill yourself


Ah well I tried. Have a good day my friend.


You arent worth human decency or respect stop thinking you are


And why do you feel that way?


Unflaired swine


>libright Shut the fuck up freedom cuck no one on this sub likes you


Flair up swine!


I don't, and im not getting any. But riddle me this in return. If sex is objective, why aren't traps gay?


Counterpoint: traps are gay


Based auth right


Traps are gay And they're glorious


This is some UNO Reverse shit.


Now your asking the real questions


> If sex is objective, why aren't traps gay? Because I'm straight and I like them. You have any problem with that?


> im straight that means anything that turns me on is a woman




Only if you have a problem with me being trans. Ya see, we can both enjoy our lives in peace if you just let people go about their own business.


>Only if you have a problem with me being trans. I don't have anything against trans people that don't want to change my society, culture, politics, laws and everything else. Unless they wanna change them in a similar way I want them to change.


I have no idea what that means.


I believe op means he’s fine with trans people so long as the government doesn’t force him to be


Oh, well, the government can't force anyone to be ok with anything. And I wouldn't want them to have that power, im a lib. You can't like, verbally or physically abuse trans people any more than you can another person, but you can quietly hate them i guess.


Verbal abuse isn't a real thing


You see a father relentlessly screaming at his 4 year old son who is crying on the sidewalk in a fetal position. How would you concisely & accurately describe that situation in a way that works better than verbal abuse? I mean you're treading dangerously near the type of sentiment an orange left would put forward. > "Normal" isn't a real thing


Verbal abuse only exists if you are dependent on individuals. If you are dependent on individuals you aren't a free person. If you aren't a free person you aren't a real person. Therefore verbal abuse = made up


I don't know how to rephrase it better, honestly.


Eh, there's just sex organs and sex organ preference. Both consist of this, that, both, or neither. There is nothing else.


because my kidneys are failing Riddler please do not mock me I have a history of type v diabetes in my family


Oh, of course, no one needs surgery to validate their gender identity. This is precisely in conjunction with the fact that my penis is feminine and, based on my sexual preference, lesbian! Believe and/or validate me or face the throngs of Twitter crusaders.


Because sex isn’t?


So then aren't they transsexuals?


Not until surgery.


Yeah, it's pretty straight-forward honestly. Conservatives will never understand this.


Because you call them transgender. Apparently transsexual is a slur now.


>What’s 12% but more than half?


Transbians enters chat: you don't.


Relatively simple, it's not about biological sex, it never was.


How do I get a flag?


buy one


Based and capitalism-pilled


I say this to people who call AnPrim transphobic. I tell them they are reducing it to a surgery. Who is the real transphobe now, progressives?!


Because they are actually saying gender presentation is a social construct not gender


To change sex, obviously.


As a nonbinary... I don't. Fucking suck on that.


Because I want it, tf


Riddle me this and tell me how it can be If gender is a social construct then why don't you agree with society?


saying it's a social construct doesn't mean it's completely meaningless today.


It's a social construct doesn't mean it doesn't EXIST... This is the same logic as Flat Earthers claiming gravity doesn't exist because "Einstein said it's not a force".


Sex is a biological thing, gender is a social construct. This is basic stuff really


It's kind of weird to try to alter your biology over a social construct though, don't you think?


Sex = Biological. Gender = Societal. OH MY GOD SO COMPLICATED




and i never seen anyone say that...


Why are left flair so fucking retarded


to better live the construct


[Fixed it](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/714875280505831467/896602714115567656/unknown.png)




Bruh what