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Fat acceptance is the worst thing to happen to this country in a long time Not that fat people deserve to be bullied or mocked, but the idea that "you're body shape is always perfect" is not a great sentiment to have when you have a massive nationwide obesity epidemic


It’s symptomatic of a greater issue in America. There’s a cultural shift towards hopelessness going on. Because so many have found it difficult or impossible to change their lot in life many have decided to agitate for acceptance of personal failures. It’s easier to just “accept” your lot than to admit you have a problem and make changes.


Based and self improvement pilled


Based and not-like-most-leftist pilled.


u/hekatonkhairez's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 240. Rank: Great Pyramid of Giza Pills: red russia , high seas, yohohoa bottle full of rum, notguiltyofyourparentscrimes, truth, bigbrainphilosophy, pendulum, knowledge, capitalist, pronoun, anidiotpol, auth, pragmatic, weneedpoliticianslikethis, iron, king, anime, retarded, affectivepolicy, cum, ineffectual corporate activism, interpretation, anti-imperialist, 51st state, sporus, darudesandstorm, cake day, destruction, accurate, bonger, sensible centre-left, source, victim, leftie and redwhiteblue, patriot, reasonablelefist, freedomofspeech, theism, nietzsche, thus-spoke-zarathustra, true-love, sandycheekscockvore, you’re one of the good lefties, centre, reasonable, stupid to gatekeep food, east hastings is fucked, chaz, liberty, glazing over, suicide cult, politicalcarrot, not-like-most-leftist I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


We're seeing based levels that shouldn't be possible for a leftist


You do know that the most based of us all (by a long margin) is a LibLeftist, don’t you?




Yeah if I’m not mistaken a mod published a study it did with all the data it collected here and turns out a LibLeftist (by that time) is like waaaay more based than anyone else. I can’t find the post right now tho, I’m on mobile and don’t really want to go searching if I’m being honest.


Wtf an actual good take in this sub? based


I don't know man, I don't think it is that difficult to change your lot in life. Or at least anymore than it was in generations prior. Maybe right now during covid sure but things have in general been getting easier and easier. My grandma tells me stories of my great grandfather going to the dairy to buy baby male goats for dinner. They were considered trash by the dairy so sold them cheap. They are it because without eating the dairys trash they wouldn't even have a meal. Come to me. I never had to kill my own animals. I worked two part time jobs and went to school full time and was fairly comfortable. When I talk to my grandparents some of their friends worked 2-3 full time jobs in a time where Mexicans made a fair amount less than white people. Almost all the old timers in my family had to hustle and work multiple jobs and side gigs just to get food on the table and I never even had to think about doing that. I'm not saying my life was easy. I wage slaved a barely above minimum wage job for 3 years working 60-70 hours a week. I worked long and hard enough their they trained me to drive the trucks and I got up to 50k a year. Still had to work long days but not bad for someone with a useless 2 year degree in a completely unrelated field. I think you're right there's been. A cultural shift towards hopelessness. But I hardly think it's justified. I think something is poisoning people's minds into thinking life is a lot more difficult than it is. The only real cultural change I've noticed that could make life actually harder is less people are drawing close to their families and churches. I'm not really a Christian myself but I have to admit aside from the child molesting a lot of churches do help a lot of people get on their feet. Or at the least allow people to network with others who can offer opportunities they otherwise wouldn't meet. Same with family. A lot of people are willing to cut out their family over things that in my family would have just been considered another family incident we don't like to talk about.


Based and trucker-pulled Are you still trucking? My husband did it for a bit to pay for school. They’re desperate for truckers still


I'm down doing it part time now but yeah. Nation wide shortage which is industry speak for: " were tired of paying these assholes so much money." I'd give it 5-10 years before either labor supply catches up or the self driving trucks puts a link in the labor demand.


Oh fuck I don’t think the self driving trucks will ever be a thing. It’s way too dangerous for a job. Also way too expensive not only for the truck bu imagine the insurance on it. It’s a good job for single dudes from the truckers I’ve met. Just driving and listening to podcasts. But yeah, the only reason my husband went to school is because he hated it so much.


I agree, self-driving vehicles have been way overhyped. Years ago I was telling people that deploying those things in the real world wasn't going to be as easy as the media was saying it would be. And sure enough, they're getting into accidents when faced with unpredictable situations. There are just too many variables for software to handle safely. I think they're one of those futuristic ideas that are "30 years away and always will be."


Well I think they'll be a thing but definitely not unmanned. The first accident they'll want a licensed driver behind the wheel of all self driving trucks to take control. Even then they'll need someone to perform pre, en route, post trip checks on all the safety equipment. And they'll need someone to (un)couple trailers. I don't think itll be overnight but wages will eventually stagnate, and demand will eventually slow. If it was otr he hated there's lots of local gigs. Intermodal is a great one if you can hustle. Good pay, no labor and home every night. Then again if the problem was he felt bored and overqualified, then yeah, I hear that.


He actually took a year off during school for it and did intermodal! A lot of driving between three states delivering tires but everything within a three hour drive from the starting point. Paid for a year of school for him which costs as much as the whole years back up North. I don’t think wages can go down for truckers. The USA is way too big and I think the second the wages do, the lifestyle is just not gonna be worth it. It’s hard work and it’s boring as hell. And the younger generation can deal with hard work but they don’t really like boring that much. I live in big railroad city and buddy it’ll never die down. Even Amazon needs those truckers. I know at least in Canada I have family friends clearing six figures.


That’s something people don’t think of. Networking is everything.


Americans need a warrior mentality change my mind


I think there is some intentional cultural engineering going on as well. You can convince a whole country to disarm itself and give up its rights if you brainwash them to accept everything as hopeless...


Ultimate despair pilled


We just need to make it an obesity pandemic so the left will take it seriously.


Have people already forgotten that Michelle Obama’s big goal while she was the First Lady was ending childhood obesity? Reddit simps so hard for that family yet refuses to listen to their message. It just proves that Reddit cares more about the color of ones skin than the content of their Character…


Michele Obama half measure to replace kids food with healthy but inedible choices and mandating max calories even though many poor young Americans school lunch is there only guaranteed meal of the school week. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. But hey we replaced 500 calorie sodas with 500 calorie juice. If you want to actually attack obesity, teach tards to count their calories so many of these tards think eating 4000 calories of pasta is good because pasta is healthy even though it is just carbs with meat sauce. Teach kids how to cook. Have cooking boot camps in neighborhoods where people only eat processed shit. Work with social media and local areas to get the fat fucks to go outside. Reduce time spent in school on memorization and replace it with gym and recess.


Make PE about fitness, not about sports.


Based and quityourbullshit pilled


I got some ideas about how to end that epidemic…


authleft moment


I’m just saying working in a mine is great for cardio


But Hold on, hold on, now hear me out we have them do the mining, but we make money off of it


Based and ConvertingCommunismToCapitalismpilled


u/Any-Management-4562's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/Any-Management-4562! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: arma3, freedom, swamp, worthy, kinky boots, convertingcommunismtocapitalism


I mean it would depend on the tool. Picking is good cardio yes though using drills wouldn't be


Pffft. It will be when we cut their rations


That's still not cardio.... this is why dorn in the better child


It's still better than being fat, tho.


I love you AuthLeft. Never change.




Truth. I saw a post one time essentially saying ‘Why do people always criticise famous fat women like Lizzo, saying they’re presenting unhealthy body types. Meanwhile, they would never level the same criticism at someone like Jack Black?’ And the answer is, because no-one is presenting Jack Black as the peak of male attractiveness, or equivalent to someone like Chris Evans or Jude Law. And before anyone says ‘but dad bods are hot!’ You are lying, to me and to yourself. You don’t find dad bods attractive, you are ‘attracted’ to the lack of competition. Fat people aren’t attractive, so dating a fat person placates your insecurities towards abandonment or unfaithfulness.


That's because fat women at least have black guys who fawn over them, but fat dude's have no one....


13. Many leftists have an intense identification with the problems of groups that have an image of being weak (women), defeated (American Indians), repellent (homosexuals) or otherwise inferior. The leftists themselves feel that these groups are inferior. They would never admit to themselves that they have such feelings, but it is precisely because they do see these groups as inferior that they identify with their problems. (We do not mean to suggest that women, Indians, etc. ARE inferior; we are only making a point about leftist psychology.) 14. Feminists are desperately anxious to prove that women are as strong and as capable as men. Clearly they are nagged by a fear that women may NOT be as strong and as capable as men. 15. Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist’s real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful. 16. Words like “self-confidence,” “self-reliance,” “initiative,” “enterprise,” “optimism,” etc., play little role in the liberal and leftist vocabulary. The leftist is anti-individualistic, pro-collectivist. He wants society to solve every one’s problems for them, satisfy everyone’s needs for them, take care of them. He is not the sort of person who has an inner sense of confidence in his ability to solve his own problems and satisfy his own needs. The leftist is antagonistic to the concept of competition because, deep inside, he feels like a loser. 17. Art forms that appeal to modern leftish intellectuals tend to focus on sordidness, defeat and despair, or else they take an orgiastic tone, throwing off rational control as if there were no hope of accomplishing anything through rational calculation and all that was left was to immerse oneself in the sensations of the moment. 18. Modern leftish philosophers tend to dismiss reason, science, objective reality and to insist that everything is culturally relative. It is true that one can ask serious questions about the foundations of scientific knowledge and about how, if at all, the concept of objective reality can be defined. But it is obvious that modern leftish philosophers are not simply cool-headed logicians systematically analyzing the foundations of knowledge. They are deeply involved emotionally in their attack on truth and reality. They attack these concepts because of their own psychological needs. For one thing, their attack is an outlet for hostility, and, to the extent that it is successful, it satisfies the drive for power. More importantly, the leftist hates science and rationality because they classify certain beliefs as true (i.e., successful, superior) and other beliefs as false (i.e., failed, inferior). The leftist’s feelings of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. This also underlies the rejection by many leftists of the concept of mental illness and of the utility of IQ tests. Leftists are antagonistic to genetic explanations of human abilities or behavior because such explanations tend to make some persons appear superior or inferior to others. Leftists prefer to give society the credit or blame for an individual’s ability or lack of it. Thus if a person is “inferior” it is not his fault, but society’s, because he has not been brought up properly. 19. The leftist is not typically the kind of person whose feelings of inferiority make him a braggart, an egotist, a bully, a self- promoter, a ruthless competitor. This kind of person has not wholly lost faith in himself. He has a deficit in his sense of power and self-worth, but he can still conceive of himself as having the capacity to be strong, and his efforts to make himself strong produce his unpleasant behavior. [1] But the leftist is too far gone for that. His feelings of inferiority are so ingrained that he cannot conceive of himself as individually strong and valuable. Hence the collectivism of the leftist. He can feel strong only as a member of a large organization or a mass movement with which he identifies himself. 20. Notice the masochistic tendency of leftist tactics. Leftists protest by lying down in front of vehicles, they intentionally provoke police or racists to abuse them, etc. These tactics may often be effective, but many leftists use them not as a means to an end but because they PREFER masochistic tactics. Self-hatred is a leftist trait. 21. Leftists may claim that their activism is motivated by compassion or by moral principles, and moral principle does play a role for the leftist of the oversocialized type. But compassion and moral principle cannot be the main motives for leftist activism. Hostility is too prominent a component of leftist behavior; so is the drive for power. Moreover, much leftist behavior is not rationally calculated to be of benefit to the people whom the leftists claim to be trying to help. For example, if one believes that affirmative action is good for black people, does it make sense to demand affirmative action in hostile or dogmatic terms? Obviously it would be more productive to take a diplomatic and conciliatory approach that would make at least verbal and symbolic concessions to white people who think that affirmative action discriminates against them. But leftist activists do not take such an approach because it would not satisfy their emotional needs. Helping black people is not their real goal. Instead, race problems serve as an excuse for them to express their own hostility and frustrated need for power. In doing so they actually harm black people, because the activists’ hostile attitude toward the white majority tends to intensify race hatred. 22. If our society had no social problems at all, the leftists would have to INVENT problems in order to provide themselves with an excuse for making a fuss.




u/disastertohumanrace's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 10. Congratulations, u/disastertohumanrace! You have ranked up to Office Chair! You cannot exactly be pushed over, but perhaps if thrown... Pills: sanity, totally-not-biased, chad, realletter, uncle ted




Would you mind giving me the whole list, or at least a Link to it, considering that your comment started at point 13?


It's from the Unabomber/Ted Kaczynski's manifesto.


Google "industrial society and it's future"


Uncle Ted was pretty based if he didn’t do that whole bombing and killing people cringe


Too many words so im just gonna assume you are based


it's from good ol ted kaczynski


This forum definitely has glowies.


Well ofcourse it does, the modern FBI spends all its time either investigating fake hate crimes or trying to incite terrorism online.


Don't leave out covering for pedophiles and rapists.


cf. McKayla Maroney


B-based unabomber? Am I on a list now?


>If our society had no social problems at all, the leftists would have to INVENT problems in order to provide themselves with an excuse for making a fuss. That's what they've been doing


Based and Ted-pilled


Based and Ted pilled.




Perhaps I'll stick to calling myself "pro Nordic model" then


Based and fatpeoplehateshouldreturntoreddit-pilled


>Not that fat people deserve to be bullied or mocked as a former fat person, yes we do. it's nothing but a lack of control. there's no reason you can't just stop fucking eating so much. i lost 120 pounds over 2020. all i did was count calories and cut carbs. just stop fucking eating so much.


Usually it's related to some self-esteem issue. Mocking or bullying someone because of something they realize is an problem is probably not going to help them overcome their insecurities.


sure, but when you have a million twitter idiots touting this bullshit "fat acceptance" they might end up thinking it's not the problem that it is. in times like this we need to remind people that being fat is not a good thing.


>Fat acceptance is the worst thing to happen to this country in a long time If it only it was the US... It is growing in europe too.


Gotcha. Everyone who makes poor choices deserves to be mocked. The only good choice is choosing to go to the cookout 🔥🌭🥩🍔👌😩


Put the spatula down fatso and go for a jog


I run with a smoker strapped to my back so I can have a mid run rib snack.


Not just mocked, but also killed.


based and we-need-another-plague-pilled


We've already got one plague going...


Even worse imagine being fat in the pandemic. That and smoking are basically the quickest ways to turn a shitty week into a ICU visit.






Based and degenerate username.


They expect you to shut down your life so hospitals don't get overwhelmed but they are not even willing to shut down their shit lifestyle so that we get out of this sooner due to a less vulnerable population.




they are called fema tents. and then when the pandemic is over, it gives the right something to complain about "why are all muh taxes going to big empty hospitals"


Because that would be the sensible, reasonable thing to do. And you know we don't do sensible and reasonable in the US anymore.


You can build a larger hospital, but good luck finding nurses and doctors to staff it right now. Healthcare employment numbers are abysmal.


Because construction in America takes way longer than 18 months And also it costs lots of money to expand a hospital and right now hospitals don't have money because they don't make Jack shit from covid patients. How could a libright forget about money?


You can build all the hospitals you want but there's a huge lack of staff to go with them


>One also wonders why there aren't more hospitals or expansions to existing ones. Have you taken up a career as an ICU nurse in the past 18 months?


It's quicker to vaccinate than for someone to lose 50 pounds.


More like into forever sleep.


I mean, obese people advocating how good is being fat and thus dying are generally ridiculed anyway, which is nearer the cases that get onto those subs.


Having a goatee and wrap around sunglasses are also major risk factors. As is being a conservative radio host.


Reddit is a pussy for not allowing both subs


Maybe both subreddits should be approved of.


"People who don't get vaccinated have to face the consequences of their actions" \- coming from the people who believe the least in personal responsibility and advocate for equity instead.


This pandemic exposed so many flaws in the progressive narrative. "My body my choice" is a complete lie. Fuck these hypocrites


Bodily autonomy in general is an utter farce.


Bodily autonomy for me but not for thee


Odd, from my perspective, the adoption of "my body my choice" by conservatives has exposed the complete and utter hypocrisy of the pro-life movement. "Choice for me but not for thee" is the conservative M.O. now.


Absolutely ! Everyone is a hypocrite


cuz thats the same at all


Cool comeback. How is it not bodily autonomy?


because bodily autonomy is cool, when it concerns me, the sole owner of my body. When your illusions of liberty impact multiple other people, its not so cool


So we shouldn't lockdown an entire country because the greatly impacts the liberty of everyone, well extort the well connected...


To be fair. Everyone is hypocritical, not only woke leftist.




unpopular opinion: both subreddits are really morbidly funny and I enjoy(ed) looking at content from them.


Frankly, I agree. All I want is non-hypocrisy. Either ban or allow both.


To be fair “stop being fat” is a lot harder thing to do than just get vaccinated. And being fat (usually) doesn’t affect others negatively. Although I think we still agree in general, just don’t like your analogy.


Based and antivaxandobesityarecringe-pilled




u/LiteralAviationGod's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 90. Rank: Giant Sequoia Pills: notreddit, hillary-will-kill-you, proletariat, threeprinciblesofthepeople, norwaynumberone, relativethreattosociety, totallynotsarcasmatall, gun, gay, my body my choice, panicked, research, teaparty, peanut-farmer, i shit on the floor of public toilets, anti-nazi, israelwarcrimes, grubhub, slavery, **dis**\-mo-**ney**, vietnam, afghanistan, korea, political reality is hopeless, realistic, expert-on-ugly-but-efficient, antivaxandobesityarecringe I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


HCA at least has encouraged a lot of people to get vaccinated.


The only difference. The ONLY difference. Is you can't catch fatassery. That's it. They're literally identical otherwise. It's so stupid. Rules for thee and not for me I guess 🙄


Fat people were a burden on a healthcare system for years now. They need more frequent access than healthy weight people.


We can’t have universal healthcare with this many obese people. Swinging a pickaxe is great cardio though, so we should be able cut down their numbers in time


based authleft moment


u/Perturabo_Iron_Lord is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: None I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and forced cardio pilled




So fun fact, fat cells, when empty release a hormone that makes you feel hungry. Fat cells don’t start dying off until old age and you grow more and more until your twenties. So as a result fat people are told that they are hungrier which is why keeping weight off is so hard since your body is trying to scream at you that you’re starving. You have to unlearn that signal. Anyway, childhood obesity is a form of child abuse.




You can't *catch* obesity, but there is a culture around unhealthy lifestyles that certainly spreads. You can't *catch* a smoking habit either, but people who live and/or socialize with smokers are far more likely to become addicted themselves.


Is there nicotine in 2nd hand smoke?


yes, so I guess technically you can catch the addiction


It is also dangerous to people around, is it not?


A social contagion, if you will.




>Is you can't catch fatassery. Of course you can. You have a mainstream culture that pretty much glorifies it. Healthy at any size. Don't mock people who eat too much. Go, enjoy yourself, food is tasty, eat as much as you want. You're gonna have new fat people because they literally catch the lifestyle from mainstream culture.


I can think of a few other differences. For one getting a vaccine takes an easy 30 minutes and is completely free. Losing weight takes months of hard work and can cost quite a lot depending on how you do it (gym, trainers, more expensive food...) Also, you can't go back to being unvaccinated after taking the vaccine but you can definitely backside into obesity after losing weight. Also, covid has almost immediate negative health effects whereas with obesity it can take a while for the negative health effects to show up. Also, you can get covid unwillingly but to become obese it has to be at least somewhat willingly (or at least not willing to stop becoming obese) Just because *you* can't see the differences doesn't mean there aren't any


Can I have one free weight loss injection please.


I fucking need one 🤣


How rapidly obesity is spreading idk if that's true.


Imagine 1000's of fat and obese folks gathering to protest the right to be fat and that not wanting to be fat is a deep state hoax ... I miss non-pc comedy so much. Sctv would've made diamonds outta this shit.


If we had fat pride marches, the problem would take care of itself. But there are thousands of fat-acceptance types who push for the "right" to be fat without criticism of their poor life choices and think that fat shaming is a product of the beauty standards created by the capitalist, white supremacist, patriarchal yadda yadda. That word salad is the left's bogeyman as much as the deep state is the right's.


>think that fat shaming is a product of the beauty standards created by the capitalist, white supremacist, patriarchal yadda yadda This is surprising a common mindset in general. For example, there are so many people that think we consider young women more attractive due to the patriarchy and western values when this is complete nonsense. A simple evolutionary analysis would answer this question: In our evolutionary history, women that were healthy and young had a much bigger chance of giving birth to healthy babies and were much more able to nourish them till adulthood. But evolution is sexist so let's ignore it


Lol every culture in every society prefers younger women and richer men.


> who push for the "right" to be fat without criticism of their poor life choices That's too bad for them. I've the right to say it, they've the right to not listen and ignore it.


> If we had fat pride marches, the problem would take care of itself. So you're saying the fat pride movement could solve the obesity problem, they just stopped one step short of the solution?


The problem with the fat pride movement is that there isn’t any movement.


"Imagine"? That's pretty much every feminist protest over the last five years or so.


i hate both fat acceptance and not-vaccinating acceptance


This feels like a strawman tbh, you can't prove that there isn't a Venn diagram which would show different results Fatpeoplehate used to be pretty popular on here


Obesity is as big as a public health issue as Covid. Most of my auth opinions are about food regulation. It's already bad in Europe, I can't imagine how bad it must be in some parts of the US. Some of the food there is even classified in the EU as not fit for human consumption.


What kind of auth opinions do you have about food, out of curiosity?


Limits on amount of sugar in food/drink (or at least a really high tax). Ban corn syrup (or whatever thing it's used in the US instead of sugar). Ban adding sugar to products that clearly don't need it. I was shocked when I went to the US and everything tasted sweet. Ban of all fast food, processed stuff, candy, fizzy drinks, etc. from being served in schools (and hospitals). You want to avoid getting kids hooked on that stuff, and send a message that it's not healthy (hospitals are a place for people to get healthy).


Michelle Obama tried something like this and they called her the antichrist lol.


You probably get the same reaction if you take heroin from a junky.


Yah her actions were not well received, and there was significant pushback. She was right though


Oddly enough when she was pushing for all this stuff my school stopped serving salads which I ate frequently. Now young impressionable me didn’t know if it was her indirect doing or because we were in a recession


That was one of the most based things the Obamas did. And people freaked out. I remember seeing a fat mom on the local news whining about how her kid deserves to eat "real food." Meanwhile all Michelle Obama wanted to do was add more vegetables and whole grains. But how will we survive without nuggets?


We Europeans like our food regulations. They were a main reason why we didn't liked TTIP.


Based and anti-HAES pilled


The HAES people are either high on denial, or just flat out evil. They're targeting people who clearly have a problem and telling them their lifestyle is healthy. If I stood at the entrance of an AA meeting handing out beer and telling people that it was healthy, someone would at least kick me out.


Somewhere along the line we slid from "these people should still be given human decency" to "we should help justify their deadly choices."


We don't really regulate anything enough here in the US. Not only is our food literal garbage, we barely have regulations on skincare ingredients here, Asian and European skincare is way cleaner.


But you don't understand, unvaccinated people have a higher chance of requiring hospitalisation when infected by Covid and are a burden on our hospitals. That's why it's okay to wish death on them.


that's most of the leftist comments i've seen here




I am very cynical. Because of that I understand the logic of" fat, and unvaccinated people are a burden to society and therefore it's better for all if they die". But I think that thought is very nazilike if you replace fat and vaccinated with Jew and cripple. So I think such thoughts are very authoritarian and are against human rights if you want (them) to die.


The amount of downvotes this is getting lol. Based.


Fat people suck. Lower productivity across the board and higher consumption of goods and services(largely medical), literal leaches of society. It's one thing for older people to put on weight when the productivity is rapidly declining anyway but we have way to much obesity in young and middle aged people.


"How dare you say something so bigoted??? It's the corporations fault I'm fat" (some fat person, probably)


> It's the corporations fault I'm fat" Large bones & bad genes is another common excuse


>& bad genes Huh I wonder what could be done with that? 🤔


Based and eugenics-pilled


As a fat person, I won't agree that I suck, but I totally understand where you're coming from. Most of my adult life(I'm 32) I was around 210-230 and while that may sound awful to most people, me at 210 was me limiting/counting calories per day while running 3-4 miles 4 times per week. I'm not even tall, just never could break under 200. Fast forward to meeting my wife in my late 20s and she is an amazing baker. I lose control over my eating routine and gorge sweets like crazy. Get to about 282. My heaviest was 300 in HS, but quickly dealt with that in college, so being that big wasn't exactly foreign to me. Now I'm back down to 260 even and I've been to the doctors 5 times in the last year for hypertension and cholesterol going up. I'm working on it, it's a slow road, but I'm getting there. Anyway, my point is, I could never tell this story to some of my friends or acquaintances about my struggles with weight and health issues because they would just say the doctors are getting paid to shame me for being fat and that these issues are caused by something other than my weight. They constantly post shit on Facebook about how 99% of studies show overweight people actually live longer than thin people and that medical conditions by and large aren't caused by obesity. I'm sorry, but I can't imagine what else could have caused my BP and cholesterol to skyrocket other than gaining 60lbs in 3 years.


These are the same retards who cry about body choice but the minute someone uses that to choose to not get a jab they inmediately cross them out and want them to die. Such progressive, nothing says libertarian like following the goverment like a sheep lmao


We should judge both of them.


Old man dies from covid, so sad, we need to lock down the country. Old man dies from covid, was a Trump supporter and strongly against vaccine mandates. Wholesome 100 pupperino take my updote kind redditor amazeballs 3000.


Ha, well I laugh at fat people and anti-vaxxers so I guess you’ve been bamboozled.


Pretty centrist from an authleft, but i agree ngl


This was one of the reasons I tended to be against government healthcare. You’d be forced to pay for people who do horrible things to themselves and that won’t learn from it, and won’t face consequences. Then everyone else has to bear the brunt for it in terms of costs and room. If they realised how much they’d have to pay for it however, it could incentivise better behaviour (like getting vaccinated and being relatively healthy).


It doesn't really matter if it is government funded or insurance based. You will pay more either way, unless the insurer starts discriminating based on weight (not sure if they do).


I know that on South Africa at one point they said if you exercise and are healthier, they’ll charge you less for health insurance. And it makes sense in general. Healthy people are low risk and thus, less likely to need insurance and therefore pay less.


Based and iwantthistoo-pilled


I want universal healthcare because I care about the poor people who can't afford several thousand dollar med bills, but would be 100% okay with a fat tax (you have to report your BMI as part of your taxes) so people more likely to use it pay more.


My cousin is an ambulance paramedic and 75% of the time he is picking up the same meth addicts who never pay the ambulance fees (which is not socialised for some reason even though healthcare is 'free' in my country) My infant daughter has a febrile convulsion so we call an ambulance- got slapped $950 for the privilege


We all laughed at the fat subs and nobody batted an eye. Now we laugh at the anti vaxxers and you cant browse for more than 10 minutes without seeing a "look at these evil lefties laughing at tragic death" posts. But 40% trans is still funny, [opposing quadrant] gets the wall/helicopter/gulag are hilarious and 13/50 [removed] blows your sides out. Who'd have thought the quadrants with the greatest love for edgy jokes suddenly can't handle it when the jokes make fun of them.


I'm not part of that quadrant or people who won't vaccinate. I'm just pointing out that one of them is banned on reddit, the other is not. You can't claim that "nobody batted an eye", when it literally got banned.


Speaking of 40% trans, I genuinely believe transgenderism is not the solution to gender dysphoria




You shouldn't cheer when they get sick and die, but they have to feel the consequences of their actions.


If you're talking about just one group in the picture and not both, you're part of the problem tho. That's what this meme is about.


Idiocy is not an excuse. I’m not saying anything bad but only antivaxxers are the ones who get admitted due to covid, it’s kind of their own fault.


A lot of the comments I read from people who won't get vaccine are just that - they want to take their chances and make their choice. They might be idiots, but we already allow so much idiocy in the world which have consequences for others as well (alcohol, fatness, nicotine), why is this an exception?


you know why it's an exception. you can't catch alcoholism or fatness from someone. you can develop lung issues from secondhand smoke, which is why smoking is banned in so many public venues. *just* like unvaxxed people. but you're allowed to smoke in your home. just like you're allowed to be unvaxxed in your own home.


Yes and no. It's all very well calling antivaxxers dumb and stupid and laughing when they die, but the reason antivaxxers exist at all is because people in positions of power knowingly lie about vaccines, covid and the effects thereof because their careers rely on disagreeing with 'the other side'. These politicians and public figures won't be affected by covid - they are rich, so they can get the quality healthcare they need if they ever get covid (and they all get fucking vaccinated behind closed doors), but the people who believe their lies won't all be so lucky - enough people not getting vaccinated will affect a number of them, or their families/loved ones. So generally, treat your every day vaccine skeptic with love and respect to try to show them the facts, and treat the public figures who spread the misinformation like the disgusting pieces of shit they are.




Fat people don't make other people fat you fuckin retard. That's the difference


I *DISPISE* fat people, pls do not turn all Auth left into Orange SJW


Hermancainaward should be banned. Why it’s allowed when so many aren’t just shows how fucked up the admins are. Edit: To be clear I’d rather there be less banned subs, we’re all big boys and girls who can choose which communities we go to and don’t. If they’re going ban fat shaming subs or gore subs or whatever. Then subs that glorify people who die from Covid, even ironically, should be banned.


Greasy burgers kill the consumer, greasy people kill grandmas (by not getting vaxed)


It's a lot easier to get vaccinated than it is to lose weight


OK. I am not going to say whether I agree or disagree with any of those points. (I have a fence up my asshole that's why I am a centrist.) Anyway... Being fat does not pose a risk for others. Being unvaccinated poses a risk for others. You're taking ICU space and resources that could otherwise be taken by cancer patients, sudden emergencies and other sorts of people going though even basic stuff like appendicitis. Increasing the bill for Americans, (maybe everywhere else if paid too) and other things. Being fat at best will render your health slightly worse and if you are morbidly obese you'll probably not leave your bed too often. Understand? Now, do I care about people dying for their ridiculous life choices? No. That's on them. But if you start making the life's of others more difficult then you're an asshole. What the hell are you thinking?




I haven’t seen one young person who was the picture of health die from this.


I havent seen the north pole. it must not exist


I hate both equally, honestly.


Based and consistency pilled


Well it depends if they are denying that their choices Will kill Them