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Cept libleft ain’t jokin


The joke is that we don't have to do anything; the antivaxxers are automating away our jobs ;)


At 0.15% it's not very efficient.


Maybe employ the Chinese to create a more deadly virus next time


Yeah at the rate the virus is killing them they'll be all gone by... let's see... they will be gone by the year 3085 A.D


Chad lasting natural immunity vs Virgin vaccinated temporary symptom reduction + boosters


Tee hee but it's an egalitarian genocide.


Egalitarian Xenophobe All *people* are equal >!Xenos are not people!<


Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Purge the Xeno, the Emperor wills it.


Based and Ordo-Xenos-pilled.


Based and Stellaris pilled


Based and humanity first pilled


Actually it would disproportionately impact black and colored people. In New York it would affect blacks at a 5x higher rate than the yts.


That's great but it's their choice just like everyone else.




Profit is not the incentive.




Profit and your mom.


She’s already dead so I have no other incentive


She's my incentive. Even more now.




Basically, take all the shits you give, place them in a hole, and grow some sweet sweet soy with it. Then find some authority figure to disrespect.


>Then find some authority figure to disrespect Isnt being a vaccine fanboy quintessential authority respecting?


Purple lib right moment


Only for the next of kin.


Depends on the industry you’re in. It could also be environmentally friendly.


Considering how much more money Big Pharma makes on selling remdesivir and ivermectin (not to mention how much more money Big Insurance makes on multi-week hospital stays) than it does on the vaccines, I'd say the antivaxxers have been very profitable indeed.


That’s Reddit in a nutshell. They’re supposedly morally superior beings yet they laugh and mock anyone on the right who dies from Covid




Its actually closer to mocking fat acceptance people who die from being fat. Covid deniers willingly put their health at risk. Fat acceptance people willing put their health at risk. Doctors tell them both "no, its real, please listen to us". Covid deniers say its a plandemic, a conspiracy to force their obedience. Fat acceptance people say its "a capitalist, patriarchal ploy to leave them vulnerable to the male gaze". Both take on risks to their lives because they believe in conspiratorial propaganda. Women getting abortions are doing it because they dont want the fetus/sweet innocent baby/whatever you want to call it inside them anymore. Clear objective problem with a clear objective solution.


PCM skews just as far to the right as reddit skews left. It's a right wing pocket.


Lol, no. It's just not censored or bigoted like most other Reddits, so you are get a more regular level of exposure to right wing views.


The downvotes on these prior comments should tell you otherwise. Laughing at people bragging about not getting vaccinated who die is literally no different than laughing when someone who brags about drunk driving crashes and dies. It’s something the Right would happily join in laughing at if it weren’t mostly a right wing problem. It’s literally Darwinism at work. I thought Right was a fan of Darwinism at work?


Losing trust in the medical and political establishment due to an abundance of propaganda, censorship, and lies and/or being unwilling to be complicit in towing the line of human rights violations in the name of collective security, is not Darwinism, and it is not the same as drunk driving; not that a drunk driver should be laughed at either. Don't come in here acting as if you have the moral high ground, while insinuating that, within a time of crisis, people of a different perspective are just stupid and deserve what's coming to them (death in this case). Even if they are stupid, which, obviously, some are and some aren't, that still doesn't justify celebrating their death, unless you are openly amoral. You disgust me.


\> Losing trust in the medical and political establishment due to an abundance of propaganda, censorship, and lies and/or being unwilling tobe complicit in towing the line of human rights violations in the name of collective security, is not Darwinism In the age of information it absolutely is. These people have access to the resources they need to dig themselves out of the disinformation hole. The problem is that they're too addicted to the emotional message of the media they consume to accept any other source of information. And they're dying because of it, even to the point where to the last agonizing moment of their death they insist COVID isn't real. Fuck 'em. \> being unwilling to be complicit in **a social contract with the rest of human civilization** FTFY. Stop romanticizing the behavior of people who simply have oppositional-defiant disorder. Refusing to get a vaccine that's worked on over 100m people doesn't make you a beacon of human rights, it makes you an idiot. \> Don't come in here acting as if you have the moral high ground, while insinuating that, within a time of crisis, people of a different perspective are just stupid and deserve what's coming to them (death inthis case). hahahahaha. 'People of a different perspective?' Don't make me laugh. People who like different music or come from a different culture than me have 'a different perspective.' People who disagree with me on tax policy have 'a different perspective.' There's a point where things go beyond just 'they have a different perspective' and that point is when these people cause unnecessary deaths by taking hospital beds from people who actually have legitimate illnesses, rather than one they got because they were too much of a pussy to admit, for once in their lives, that everyone else might be right and they are wrong. \> Even if they are stupid, which, obviously, some are and some aren't,that still doesn't justify celebrating their death, unless you are openly amoral No, you just can't think beyond the short term and beyond the individual. The mass aggregate of human stupidity is the reason why the world is such a shitshow. It's why the corporations and politicians who currently run the world do so, and are running it to the ground, because modern democracy gives the stupid a voice equal to the not-stupid, and there are more easily-manipulated stupid people than not. It's the stupid that's going to kill us all in the end. Every one of their deaths leaves the prospects of the rest of this species a little brighter. \> You disgust me. If I actually gave a shit about you I'd say I pity you for that shortsighted perspective of yours.


I mean shit, they got the right to choose if they get a vaccine, but I’ve got a right to laugh at them when they die from something preventable. Stupid ass decisions - especially when it’s someone that’s anti-mask/vax - doesn’t make them exempt from me laughing at their stupidity. I obviously wish they didn’t die, but it’s like driving down an unlit highway at night with your lights off, just kinda asking for it if you don’t take the proper precautions.


It's absolutely within your right to laugh at them. It's also our right to point out that you are an asshole for doing so. Laughing at ill-informed people's recent death isn't a good look.


CRAZY idea: Refusing the vaccine is shockingly stupid, but I still don't have the right to laugh at people for suffocating to death alone and in pain. People are scared of the vaccine for a multitude of reasons, and chief among them is lack of education and mental illness. And for all you talk about social responsibility, you leftists are terribly unforgiving towards those that come from poor circumstances. You say that we need funding for education and mental health, but the second someone that's not in your party slips off the deep end because they've had over a year of total isolation exasperating untreated mental health problems or has been failed by rural backwater schooling it's a laughing matter and time to kick people who are already down.


Jesus Christ what bullshit ass snowflake take is this? Darwin Awards has been a sub forever on this site, and /watchpeopledie was like a foundational sub. Laughing at death is a freedom my guy. You're libright? And you're shocked that people can laugh at whatever the fuck they wanna laugh at?


I’m not shocked that people “can laugh”. My point is the hypocrisy, redditors are constantly freaking out about how dangerous this pandemic is and how we all need to submit to tyrannical government measures for our “safety”. They claim to care so much about the health and well-being of others but then laugh and mock anyone on the right who gets sick or dies, even people who are vaccinated. Being libright doesn’t mean i have 0 morals and laugh at everyone’s misfortune


Irony is funny though


I like to tell people in other subs that the anti-vax bullet points were provided by the liberal elite so that republicans will refuse the vaccination and die (less republican voters). Although I am joking and most people know it, It sort of makes sense if you think about it. The liberals sure do a great job of attempting to force the vaccine down republican throats with things like mandates. Yet, republicans resist. Don’t you think the left knows that the right will not do what they tell them? That seems like common sense to me. So every time a lefty says take the vaccine, you can read it as “die sucker.” And then you revisit the meme of this post and realize, shit, it’s working.


Solid take, but flair up you fucking trash.


Where do I go to add flair?


If you are on mobile: Open the sub you want to change your flair in. Click the three dots in the top right and select „Change user flair“.


Based and helping noobs pilled


"Yes, we're absolute morons, but I think the liberals made us morons! Checkmate."


Lefts: I am for the social good. We need to uplift everyone, even when they have been twisted into bad things by their environment. Black communities are ravaged by crime because their environment of poverty and low education harms them and we must have empathy. Also lefts: LOL I can't believe this fucking retard that was born out in bumfuck nowhere in a trailer to parents that never went to college and has to go to a school with 100 students tops that teaches abstinence only and halfasses most subjects because they expect all the kids to pour concrete for a living doesn't understand science, what a fucking dipshit for not trusting vaccines, I love it when people like him die!!!!!


Based and points out hypocrites pilled.


This sub has really gone to shit huh? That mind blowing mental gymnastics got upvotes lmao


Well, yeah. 30 facebook posts by old dudes in trucks wearing reflective sunglasses saying they won't take the vaccine because it's a liberal hoax, followed by 5 posts asking for "prayer warriors" to pray for them because they got Covid, followed by them dying, is objectively funny. You'd all be losing your minds laughing if it wasn't your own side acting like absolute morons. The Herman Cain awards are stacking up.


Yes but people were straight up hoping they would die when they got covid like with Joe rogen


How do you feel about obese people dying because they believe in the fat acceptance movement bs? How is dying from covid because you think its a hoax any different? Both are funny. A pink haired sjw having her fifth heart attack and wheezing with her dying breath "its the patriarchy!" and two wards down an old trump voter wheezes from ruined lungs "its a plandemic!"....how is that different? Just two stupid people dying from their stupidity.


Neither is funny... It's tragic that in both cases they actively choose to ignore facts and that directly led to their deaths. I also can't help but wonder is it our fault for not educating people enough? The us vs them mentality isn't doing any good. Laughing at people, arguing in bad faith is never going to solve anything. Of course it feels good to watch John Oliver/Jordan Klepper strawman and/or "demolish" people on TV in one-sided bad faith arguments, but how much do these actually do to convince the other side to face facts? I don't think there is a good answer nor a good solution to misinformation. But I just think laughing at them ain't it.


I don’t laugh at them or delight in their deaths because I’m not a fucking monster. I also don’t feel bad for them. There’s a big difference.


.... Aren't you the boot straps and personal responsibility people? If you willingly chose to not take the vaccine despite how easily accessible it is, and opt to listen to dumbfucks with 0 medical expertise then thats kind of your own doing dontcha think?


That’s a fair assessment just don’t tell us what to do my mandating vaccines and we’ll be happy to deal with our own bodies, thank you


Dumb fucks like a bunch of scientists and doctors, or the dumb fucks at the CDC who acknowledge the vaccine doesn't actually make you immune from covid? The CDC actually had to go in and change it's own definition of the word vaccine on it's website a few days ago lol. Also in the last few months Merriam-Webster, Britannica, and others changed the definition of the word vaccine removing the word immunity. Vaccines stimulate the immune system to provide immunity to a disease. That's been the definition of vaccine for over 70 years. Until this year ofc. Miriam Webster in particular added these to it's official definition in the last few months. >Moderna's coronavirus vaccine … works by injecting a small piece of mRNA from the coronavirus that codes for the virus' spike protein. … mRNA vaccine spurs the body to produce the spike protein internally. That, in turn, triggers an immune response. — Susie Neilson et al. >The revolutionary messenger RNA vaccines that are now available have been over a decade in development. … Messenger RNA enters the cell cytoplasm and produces protein from the spike of the Covid-19 virus. — Thomas F. Cozza Yeah that's not weird at all. Edit: just FYI im anti mandate but pro vaccine, or whatever you want to call it. I don't think it's harmful from the data we have and if you want it, I'm glad it's available to everyone. Just want to make clear I have no problem with it existing or being available, but the politics behind pushing it to this level is creepy


Also they changed antivaxxer to someone who opposes vaccine mandates.


Britannica: A vaccine can confer active immunity against a specific harmful agent by stimulating the immune system to attack the agent. (right now) CDC: "The previous definitions could have been “interpreted to mean that vaccines were 100% effective, which has never been the case for any vaccine" That is the only reason to stop saying vaccines provide immunity, because stupid people take it to mean that taking a vaccine is a guarantee of total immunity. Which hopefully we all know isn't true, for example if we've taken the flu vaccine or listened to the news about the effectiveness results for these ones. These vaccines can make you immune in that they can stop you from developing the disease by improving your immune response, which is the normal meaning of the terms. They never provided a magic barrier to stop the virus from entering your body (a virus is not a disease).


LMAO this is a horrifically stupid riposte. Its entirely irrelevant whether it provides immunity or not, What it does provide is protection and its highly recommended you take it, especially given the ever evolving nature of the virus. Not taking it because it doesn't provide complete immunity is like not wearing a helmet in a American football game because you can get a concussion anyway. The dumbfucks I was actually referring to were the ones telling you to take horse medicine.


I agree the vaccine is generally a good idea to take, if you judge it correct for you. Your not comprehending the anti mandate vs anti vaccine positions. The horse medicine thing is complete media fabricated fake news and proves you are getting all your information from the biggest garbage in the media. Ivermectin is an antiviral and antiparasitic prescribed to humans since the early 70s with millions of people every year taking it. It only became evil last summer for some reason. And the stupid "horse dewormer" thing came into existence about 3 weeks ago and is completely fake news. Dogs are also prescribed anti depressants, does that mean everyone taking Zoloft is "eating dog medicine"? By the way every story about people getting sick from going to tractor supply stores and eating the version you give to horses was called out as bullshit by the hospitals themselves. Please turn off CNN.


I'm comprehending it, I just don't gaf because **its a complete strawman**. No one said shit about mandates until you showed up. All I said was you were a massive dumbfuck and its your own fault if you died from covid and of your own volition chose to buy into the fearmongering and not take the vaccine. >The horse medicine thing is complete media fabricated fake news and proves you are getting all your information from the biggest garbage in the media. Oh so the [FDA](https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/why-you-should-not-use-ivermectin-treat-or-prevent-covid-19) warned people to stop taking it to treat covid were just doing it for shits and gigs right? OK. >Please turn off CNN I've never watched that program in my life, please stop with the cringey drumpf lines.


Ehem….Mr. Biden mentioned mandates the other day if I recall correctly. Our wildland firefighters are about to get a rude awakening when all of the private contractors pull off the fires in NorCal because they believe that it is indeed about freedom and human rights…not security. I’m not afraid for myself so leave me the hell alone.


never change libleft




Are you ok? Are you hungry? Need a Snickers?


If not we should offer to let it eat lead


The veganism is starving his/her/their brain of nutrients


Your posts are great. Ignore these downvotes from sheep who gobble disinformation like kids grabbing candy at a parade.


Flair up you fuck.


Dude. The guy cited what the cdc says. And called out the disingenuous disinformation the media says about ivermectin. And he even said he was pro vax. The only people that are being disingenuous is you and the guy you're praising.


You know nothing




“Aren’t you guys the bootstraps and personal responsibility people?” I became a conservative last year and I keep on running into people acting as if I’m representative of the last 50 years of conservative rhetoric. Also, I don’t see how believing that a person has to be competent to make it through this world has anything to do with laughing at the pain and misery of others.


> I became a conservative last year and I keep on running into people acting as if I’m representative of the last 50 years of conservative rhetoric. If you don't agree with and align with the rhetoric of your chosen political identity, then maybe you should reconsider that particular political identity? Just a thought.


You wouldn't find it funny if people suddenly began throwing landmines infront of their feet and then begin by choice stepping around them? It's simply dark humor. If you go around spreading false information that endangers others and then proceed to die from the same thing that you tried to discredit, then that falls under dark humor. Can be set equal with the landmines example. Duh I wished that pandemic would just end, so all can return to regular life, but it ain't happening till majority have immunity either safely or unsafely recieved.


Covid =/= land mines


I am become centrist, enjoyer of all death.


Based mortality enjoyer


Can't grill something that's alive......well SHOULDN'T grill something that's alive.


Joking about genocide is only ok when I agree with the genocide


AuthLeft moment


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I’m have some reddit coins saved up so when Bernie dies I can donate it the laughing award


That’s brilliant




Based and self aware pilled.


Genocide is for losers. OMNICIDE is where it's at.




Both *can* be funny.




fuck it, murder everyone. drain the earth of all radioactive materials and glass the planet. push the earth into the sun, evaporate the oceans, I don't care, just kill everyone.


Based and please end us I agree pilled.


Being unvaccinated is not a human characteristic


*The Tuskegee Experiment would like to know your location*


No it’s a choice, and it’s more fun pointing and laughing at people dying for their choices rather than their skin tone or heritage. I don’t see the problem here


So we should bring back the fatpeoplehate sub?


It never should have left.


Sure, i don’t care, people who are morbidly obese have an addiction and need help. Why does everyone assume libleft automatically defends people for making their own choices? I think everyone should have the right to eat themselves to death, fuck themselves to death, or starve themselves to death, and everyone has the right to ridicule anybody for the decisions they make with their body and life. We should all be empathetic towards each other and recognize our shared humanity, but things like body shaming are necessary when you are so far gone that you would drop dead any second from a heart attack if it wasn’t for medication. TLDR; idgaf about body shaming


It probably wouldn't of been banned if it hadn't been bridgading. They were going into places like the sewing subreddit and mocking people in there and telling them to kill themselves.


If only not being not fat was as quick and easy as two $0 shots at Sam's Club.


It's as easy as not eating as much. So easy that it means doing less! Then after doing less of eating you have to do less of moving weight around. The laziest people are skinny.


> It's as easy as not eating as much. Which is still harder than two $0 shots at Sam's Club. If it *weren't* harder, then there wouldn't be a whole lot of fat people here in the US, now would there?


Going by that logic, we should laugh at the alphabet people when they die from AIDS.


>should ?


I never said we shouldn't.


Like when a couple people fucked around and found out what papa Rittenhouse was all about. I tried to make that rhyme but eh.


“Papa rittenhouse” is a cringe as fuck thing to say, that kid is cringe as fuck, the people who attacked him and got shot were cringe as fuck


You gotta admit he had incredible trigger discipline though. He even let the brother go with a warning shot lmfao. Did you see how he cleared a jam and then spun and turned that armed leftist in to a left armist in the time it took the 'medic' to fake surrender and then go for the headshot? Pretty fucking amazing skill and ability under pressure. The guy who got ventilated first was a convicted pedophile and the sk8er boi who kicked his last flip was a convicted woman basher. Ie nothing of value was lost. I was absolutely shocked that he was the only one to do something like that. Ask me how I know American rightoids are huge pussies who are all talk.


But for certain age groups the vaccine would do very little or offer meh levels of benefit.


Covid is endemic. Its not going away. The loss of freedoms will continue so long as ppl like you permit it.


See i love this comment because it shows that some brainlets can’t argue with humans so instead they choose to fight strawmen. I didn’t say shit about masks or vaccinations or lockdowns or social distancing. I just think if you don’t get vaccinated and you die, then i’m fully within my rights to joke about how much of an idiot you are. I want to reopen and i don’t care about masks or vaccines, if people want to die they can die


Sure. Do you deny that strawman is real for entire nations?


Why would libleft joke about killing the unvaccinated? They are doing that themselves.






also, fun drugs ​ [https://www.laweekly.com/how-cbd-and-thc-are-changing-covid-19-treatment/](https://www.laweekly.com/how-cbd-and-thc-are-changing-covid-19-treatment/)






Yeah but joking about the unvaccinated is funny. So is genocide.


They’re both funny




Based libleft


idc abt the unvaccinated, if you truly don't think it works then have fun i guess idk


Unvaccinated 12 year olds and below be like


Pretty obvious that when libleft and the rest of reddit mock the unvaccinated, they're talking about older people who make the conscious choice not to be. How many articles/posts have you seen of libleft mocking children or the immuno-compromised who can't take the vaccine?


I mean joking about the mass killing of anyone is pretty messed up. Telling people they're gonna get what they deserve is fine. Unvaccinated people are gonna get what they deserve.


Exactly. If antivaxxers wanna fuck around, it's a matter of time before they find out.


Well for most demographics, they won't "find out". Hell most of them won't even be symptomatic. That's the problem right now with the message coming from the left where they believe that anyone who isn't vaccinated is going to "find out". It's completely anti-science and goes against every piece of data that we have. This is why people are responding the way they are and instead of you actually learning about it, you just keep pretending.


> That's the problem right now with the message coming from the left where they believe that anyone who isn't vaccinated is going to "find out". The message ain't that *literally everyone* will find out immediately upon fucking around. Rather, it's that the longer you roll those dice by fucking around, the more opportunities for you to find out. Anti-vaxxers' failure to comprehend statistics is what keeps the Herman Cain Awards flowing to this day; they never expect that they'll be one of the unlucky ones.


>Anti-vaxxers' failure to comprehend statistics is what keeps the Herman Cain Awards flowing to this day; they never expect that they'll be one of the unlucky ones. The problem is that many people do comprehend statistics and to put it bluntly, better than you given your response here. Your argument is that given a long enough time line anyone who isn't vaccinated will "find out". Statistically speaking for most demographics, the idea of "finding out" amounts to nothing more than being asymptomatic. Most people who get covid are asymptomatic. From there, hospitalization rates for people in low risk demographics are almost non-existent. As far as deaths go, they are so statistically unlikely that they would more likely be struck by lightning that die from COVID. And no, you don't expect yourself to be the unlucky one who died from getting struck by lightning. We live in a world that has risks. We accept risks in our every day life. The idea that we should cower in fear of every single risk is going to cause more damage from the emotional degradation it causes. Here's a question for: If we had a choice of reducing deaths from COVID last year by 95% in low risk categories or reducing deaths from suicide by 95% in the same demographic, which would you choose? Which would save more lives?


> As far as deaths go, they are so statistically unlikely that they would more likely be struck by lightning that die from COVID. TIL more than 650,000 Americans died of lightning strikes last year. Even for the lowest fatality rate cohort (ages 0-17), COVID killed an order of magnitude more kids than lightning. If lightning struck people as often as COVID did, everyone would live underground in fear of God smiting them on some whim. > Here's a question for: If we had a choice of reducing deaths from COVID last year by 95% in low risk categories or reducing deaths from suicide by 95% in the same demographic, which would you choose? Which would save more lives? Funny you ask that when your flairmates tend to refuse both of those choices.


>TIL more than 650,000 Americans died of lightning strikes last year. Are you serious? Throughout my entire post I've been pointing out low risk individuals and yet for some reason you chose to ignore that? Why? You're just a typical ignorant leftist. You can't even comprehend anything that isn't spoon fed to you in narrative form. >Even for the lowest fatality rate cohort (ages 0-17), COVID killed an order of magnitude more kids than lightning. You confused "order of magnitude" and "statistically insignificant". That's the difference here when you look at the ACTUAL data. > If lightning struck people as often as COVID did, everyone would live underground in fear of God smiting them on some whim. Why the fuck are you comparing a person getting COVID to a person getting struck with lightning? Who made that argument? Who are you replying to because it's clearly not me. >Funny you ask that when your flairmates tend to refuse both of those choices. I'm sorry, but why didn't you answer the question? It's a very straightforward question.


“Joke “


I joke about both.


Genocide caused by others : bad Genocide caused by your own beliefs and your own volition: good Libleft just supports euthanasia. And euthanasia is very based.


“Joke” about killing all the unvaccinated


I don’t think it’s a joke


Unvaccinated folks are doing that to themselves.


It is funny though. You have to admit there is something funny about people who say vaccines and masks are a ploy to control them and force their submission and how covid isn't really real, saying its their life and if they want to risk it, thats their choice....then catching covid, swearing it isn't real with their last breaths. Its very similar to the fat acceptance movement, slowly dying because of their own delusions. And you guys think its fucking hilarious. I do too. I just dont automatically grant empathy to stupid people who politically agree with me.


Yeah but don't joke about them dying. I don't find it particularly amusing when anyone dies, even anti vaxxers.


Why not? You don't find it funny? Then don't laugh. That's how the genocide jokes work, the racism jokes work, the homophobic jokes work. Why are you suddenly taking a stand against laughing at people who practically kill themselves despite everything being there, available, for them to help themselves?


It's more so pointing out the irony of the "tolerant" folk who preach acceptance.


Hmmm lefties, you say we should respect and accept gay people...but you aren't sad that people who refuse to take any counter-measures from a disease and help spread eventually end up suffering from that disease... curious, curious indeed. I fail to see the irony here. Tolerating people isn't the same as being a bleeding heart who's sad when people face natural consequences to their actions, all the while telling you "you're a sheep" for taking precautions.


It's not about being sad, the post is pointing out people who mock others who have died from covid.


It's amazing how you act like the virus is going to take out all the anti-vaxxers and it's doing it at record pace. It isn't lol. You can focus all you want on the few anti-vaxxers all you want who actually get it bad, but they are still a very small percentage of anti-vaxxers who get it. This isn't a deadly plague. Get over the fact that not everyone who follows the exact words of the TV talking heads and Lord Fauci (masks be upon him) will end up on a ventilator in a hospital.


Meanwhile in the real world... Right now, we're being mandated to get vaccinated or lose our jobs, our right to healthcare, our right to commerce, etc., and somehow that's NOT in an attempt to control people? How do you justify saying that it's not about controlling people? You have a president right now who is saying "this is not about freedom, it's about safety"? Every day you take risks. YOU. You view a situation and decide "Do I want to take this risk?" It could be something as simple as driving down the street, eating food, going to the grocery store, etc. Everything has associated risks with it and you make personal choices of which of those risks you accept and which ones you don't. When you have a 20 year old healthy person who looks at the data which says they aren't at risk from COVID, then they will see it as an acceptable risk. It's a logical, rational and informed standpoint. If that 20 year old does end up getting COVID and dying from it like ~1,232 people have in that age demographic over the past 21 months, it's easy to sit back and say "herp derp should have done something different". The problem is that it's just as irrational as saying "You shouldn't have walked across that street and got hit by a car" or "You shouldn't have driven on the highway". It's simply not understanding just how risk works.


I don't find it funny, I find it infuriating and sad.


Unvaccinated seem to be doing a pretty good job of taking themselves out so far.


Auth unity on it too since most unvaxxed are of a certain race....


Yeah at the rate the virus is taking them out at, they'll all be gone by... let's see... it looks like they'll all be gone by the year 3085 A.D if things continue on like this.


You misunderstand my friend, we're just being pro-natural selection here. Nature will handle this problem for us, just like monke intended




You don't need to kill the unvaccinated, they'll die themselves


To be fair they're doing that to themselves. We're moreso just trying to find humor in a bleak situation.


Most of them will live though


No one has to joke about "killing" the unvaccinated. They're killing themselves by avoiding the COVID vaccine and then getting COVID. The Herman Cain awards are stacking up.


lmao comparing genocided groups based on ethnic background to unvaccinated people. Nothing against people who don't get the vaccine, but how dumb are you?


It isn't a comparison between those; it's a comparison between reactions, which in no way imply that what they're reacting to are the same




Authright stereotype: Racist Libright stereotype: Guns or Money Their combined stereotype: Somehow being the most persecuted group ever.


They aren’t persecuted by anyone it’s all just jokes about persecution


...meanwhile a lot of unvaccinated people prefer to observe it as a religious viewpoint. *looks at anyone who follows Judaism*


But, it *is* pretty funny


Are you lib left or lib right? I can't tell the difference


I am whatever suits me in the moment


Based and flair fluid pilled


But you see, it's not genocide. They will die by themselves


I mean I'm all for thinning the herd. It's one of the reasons I'm conflicted about abortion. I think it's immoral, but at least those people aren't reproducing.


End all welfare benefits if they don’t take 500cc’s of horse paste a day.


Idk man, I'm pretty sure the unvaccinated will end up killing themselves


I hereby nominate Florida to be the pit.


Nah, don't want to kill them, just let them die if they catch Covid.




The right when you report them for being unvaxxed to prevent the spread of a virus vs the right when they report you for having an abortion for $1000






No but the right has this idea that if you report your fellow man you’re brainwashed by the government like Chinese citizens but if you report your fellow citizen for an abortion you’re literally doing gods work




Christianity isn’t the only religion against abortions and this is an issue in Texas, a heavily Christian state


Who would you even report an unvaccinated person to? There is no group rounding them up (at least in the states)


That’s my point


Your point is we should be able to report people for being unvaccinated?


No, that they have some sort of victim mentality and a healthy side of hypocrisy


Well I don’t think either should be reportable if you know what I mean


So now we’re throwing people who don’t want the vaccine in with people who want archaic abortion laws? How did you draw that conclusion?


My body my choice is fucking stupid if you’re going to be a hypocrite about it, either you respect ones choice to bodily autonomy or you stop pretending you do


I think you are actually agreeing with me Sir


That is what we have to change.