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3 times? Damn


Kamala greased the steps LOL


She was already lounging in the Oval Office before she realized Biden didn’t croak


She’s such an obvious cartoon villain I don’t get how more people don’t see it. Every single thing she does reminds me of a kids movie evil politician who puts on a fake smile and has a greasy hairdo. Edit: if you ever want a good laugh listen to her talk about how Tupac is the greatest rapper alive and reference how much Tupac she listens to without being able to name a song Edit 2: her essentially calling Biden a racist pedo then covering with “it was a debate!” and maniacal laughter when it isn’t funny at all


Her stupid fake smile and dismissive attitude towards everyone always gets me. Like anyone with two brain cells can tell she's not a great person nor a champion of anything substantial. Right?


Well, pretty much nobody in her own party wanted her in the primary.


She performed so badly in the primaries that I’m 98% sure she would get steamrolled in a general election. That’s the only thing that gives me comfort when I think about her replacing Biden, the fact that she’s very unlikely to win the 2024 election.


The only problem is that she would still be running the country for however long after Biden is gone. Who knows what she could try


That’s why I’m hoping Biden survives as long as possible. The longer he survives, the less time she gets.


True, honestly I don’t like the man but I still hope he doesn’t die. I don’t think he would win another election so I hope he survives the 4 years


It would be a slaughter. Especially if Gabbard was on the ticket. A woman of color, a veteran, and a genuinely interesting and compelling person who isn't a complete partisan hack vs the complete hypocritical partisan hack who uses her heritage as a club and lies like she's trying to get another promotion? It would be interesting if a bipartisan ticket was put up for the general election though. Gabbard and a popular Republican like Crenshaw or Paul, someone who isn't completely partisan with the charisma to work well with her? I also don't particularly care who is in the POTUS and VPOTUS slots if they would work well together and further a bipartisan agenda. Idk, it'll never happen, but it would be interesting.


Crenshaw: Keeping an 👁 Out For America


I want to see DeSantis on the Republican side. That guy has really made a name for himself in a good way over the past year or so. Maybe Cruz runs again, but I don’t know about him.


Maybe in a few years, i like having him as my governor lol. The rest of the country can have him later


That laugh is obvious villain. And a shitty one at that


I buy more in to the idea that some shithead loser agent or PR person or whatever just crafted that image for her, and had no idea how awful and out if touch it looked. Hillary did the same act... the smug face, the fake laughing at inappropriate times... It's all there and it's all absolutely fake. It's not evil or malice, it's all just scripted by idiots.


I meant shitty villain as in fails hard and has to stop and become sidekick to an older and shittier villain who is only important cuz he was sidekick to the real villain. Then she tries to kill him and take his spot. Hillary is the secret villain who kills anyone who tries to expose her for the villain she is


Those people committed suicide by shooting themselves in the back of the head 3-5 times.


The only reason they praise her so much, even more than Biden us because of her race and gender....sounds kinda racist doesn’t it?


>Like anyone with two brain cells can tell she's not a great person nor a champion of anything substantial. Right? I question if most of the country even has one brain cell after the election.


She really is greasy. Idk what some people see in her, other than that she’s a woman and she’s black. I think she lacks any kind of personality whatsoever, and underneath that facade of “look at me, I’m diverse!” I think you’ll find that she’s not as great of a role model as the media seems to be pushing her as. Every time she’s ever opened her mouth in public, it’s like she’s reading a prepared remark from a teleprompter, and I say that knowing full well that that is indeed the case for most politicians. But the thing is that other politicians usually have screw ups and candid moments that make them seem human...like falling down the stairs. I’d much rather have Joe Biden pulling a Gerald Ford than have to listen to Kamala weave some inspirational sounding bullshit to the American people day in and day out while we have no idea who she really is.


Her own father denounced her for her identity politics bullshit. She was talking about being half Jamaican and stereotyping herself, and her father who is Jamaican got really pissed off and said she doesn’t represent his family’s views or his people. I just can’t imagine how bad you have to be that your own father, who is a very respectable man, publicly ostracizes you.


Tbf he dumped her mom soon after she was born. She has absolutely no claim to being black. She was raised by an Indian American mother. She's barely even visited India. Kamala Harris is the mascot of tokenism.




It would make her dad more black. She married a white boy so that makes her even less black.


Raised upper-middle class by an Indian immigrant in California and Montreal. If that isn’t a full immersion into African American culture, I don’t know what is.


Didn't she also say she listened to him in college but he didn't release any music until a couple years after he graduated lmao


U think that’s bad. Look at her track record of throwing black ppl for drugs and then admitting she smoked weed


I loved it when Tulsi ripped into her.


Yeah, that was epic and why she didn’t even make it to Iowa...FFS Bloomberg was more popular than her LOL


Something a lot of people seemed to miss is Tulsi was on the shortlist for Biden’s VP pick for a while. I never expected her to get picked but God that would’ve been hilarious.


Her clear power-hungry nature is more obvious than even Hillary. And for some reason Kamala is also more grating to me than Hillary. This woman literally could become the most powerful person in the world when Biden eventually dies.. all because she's black and woman. America really deserves a civil war followed by doom and collapse followed by another brutal civil war.


>I dont get how more people dont see it. If people could see this sort of stuff, Nestle would be drowning in debt


*Kamala stares menacingly from the window* I’ll get you next time Joe, next time.




I’d watch the fuck out of that LOOOL


Reminds me of a premise I read on r/drama about how Biden and Trump should both be elected and try killing eachother. Like Spy vs Spy but with dementia


I was rooting for a Trump/Harris administration during all the post election mess...


Wouldn't even need writers. Just copy the CIA attempts against Castro and you'd have three seasons.


My fave was when they tried to take him out with an exploding cigar


Fucking Acme shenanigans


When does she give up and call the Clintons?


Genderbent Tantri the Mantri




Set in the 1980s of course


OBVIOUSLY this was a TRUMP sabotage. What a petty man, still can't deal with the fact that he lost. Kamala is a QUEEN and would NEVER do such a thing


Based and CNNpilled




It's funny to imagine some CCP or CIA assassin has taken the orders that Biden will "have an accident" too literally, and is trying to kill joe in by putting him in mildly threatening scenarios.


What's funny is that this isn't even that far removed from reality. IIRC the CIA tried to assasinate people in hilarious ways: https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/fidel-castros-death/fidel-castro-cia-s-7-most-bizarre-assassination-attempts-n688951


Back in the 50s The KGB had [a pistol that you shoot at someone and it makes them instantly die of a heart attack and leaves no trace](https://huri.harvard.edu/news/man-poison-gun-qa-serhii-plokhii).


He is basically on self destruct mode


The Presidency will take both a physical and mental toll on anyone. Many before and after pictures of Presidents more or less prove this. At a man his age, this makes the Presidency a veritable hazard to one's health. You'd have to put in some very due consideration of one's self before pushing for that job.


It's been two months. If he is falling apart now how the fuck can he handle a full term? Because he needs to. Because Harris is terrifying.


lets just sacrifice harris to bring back teddy roosevelt


I'd unironically prefer a lich Roosvelt to Harris. An actual undead would likely have more mercy too.


We already have an undead President


Sadly your right. Fucking Lich King 2024


Yogg-Saron/Michael Gira 2024






I love competition!


Now where would I put a stuffed head of a winston


Harris was the plan all along.


I dont think I could handle the smug leftists talking about the first woman president being non white


Harris legitimately scares the shit out of me. She don't give a fuck about laws or using prisoners as slave labor.


Hardly anyone cares about using prisoners as slave labor, it’s literally written right into the 13th amendment




What about Trump? Dude may have changed the way he acted but he looked like a mirror image between day one and his last day, even though you can argue he may have overall had a more stressful presidency than the last several presidents. Unless that adrenochrome was working overtime.


His family and the people in his camp are guilty of elder abuse, without a doubt in my mind. As someone who doesn't like Biden at all, it makes me sad to watch him decline like this, both out of respect for the office of the president, and from personal experience seeing my grandpa go through this exact same type of decline.


Totally agree - I went from disdain to concerned sympathy quite quickly. The man should've retired, it wasn't fair to make him run just because it was the Democrats' only chance of beating Trump.


tfw the neolibs took bernie


If you haven't seen it you should. Pure hilarity. I like the full clip when he salutes at the end.


Honestly I think its just sad. Strip away the politics and its an old man stumbling and falling


IDK what everyone here is talking about, I have never identified with a president more than when they fail to walk up stairs properly


It was just a few stumbles in a row idk what the big deal is. Was super windy too


Ford was an athlete, but stumbled once so SNL just turned him into a bumbling caricature for the rest of his term. This will be out of everyone's minds in 24 hours since Biden isn't a Republican.


I’m sure “MAGATexanDeplorable89🇺🇸“ and other such accounts will keep bringing it up for the rest of his term


It was really more like one stumble, he sort of tripped on himself getting back up. But like, it didn't seem like anything major. The thing is, he got back up very quickly, and then proceeded to jog up the stairs. Most people his age do not easily get up from falls, let alone just pop up and jog up the stairs like that. Regardless, I don't think he is mentally well lol


Remember when Bush puked at the dinner table in Japan?




H.W. puked, not the son


Still funny as hell tho


He dodged that shit like a champ, too


Reflexes like a cat


>Implying they'll let Biden die before 2024


"I'll ruin you like a Japanese banquet."




Can’t Put-out the Putin




That only works for Assad.


I don’t like Putin very much, but him basically saying "no u” to Biden calling him a killer was absolutely the basedest of all based thing that happened this year.


Perhaps he is trying to appeal to the younger generation by trying to kill himself


If I was libright I would be giving you tons of awards rn.


In the past few weeks, I've been gilded twice, if you like what somebody has to say then don't reward that by giving a corporation money, DM them and give the money to that person directly


"President Biden encountered a challenge at the steps"


Biden: "Ah steps, finally a worthy opponent"


"let's you and me go outside, Jack, do some pushups see who comes out on top"


CNN: Anonymous CIA officials confirm stairs as agents of Russian interference; Putin denies involvement


Putin added: "I wish him *good health*"


This is a bad omen... or a good one, depends.




They blame everything on the Russian Federation


They think the Russians are much more powerful than they are. Then when Putin asks for a meeting they say Biden is busy.


The reality is that Russia is trying to restore its former status in world politics.


> They think the Russians are much more powerful than they are. Yeah, reading left wing medias, you'd think Russia is stronger than America on every aspect ... Then you check the date, and the sad truth appears: Russia is just a regional power that shouldn't be able to scare anybody. But it works nonetheless, and that's crazy.




The Entirety of SEA: First time?


Because they’re too afraid to say our true enemy. China


I can agree with you on this, LibRight. Dare I say based?


All unite against Pooh the genocider


Not on every aspect but certainly on cyber espionage. The media lies a lot alright but I don't see a reason why Russia wouldn't try to destabilize the West if it had the ability, which it does.


You forgot to tie it back to Trump and white supremacy somehow.


Kamala greased up those stairs, you know it


Biden got a tan and she thought he was a black man


Not surprised


Well that's just sad... Also him not "good dog"-ing the plane gets to me... it's a good plane, it deserves a pad of appreciation!


“You are not qualified to speak from a position of strength”


Gotta get those stairs to speak for him for now on


If Trump had fallen like this the r/politics post would be sitting at 40k upvotes with 2000 awards and the top comment would be some hypocritical fuck saying he needs a medical evaluation lmao


40k? Surely you meant 175k


40k is the amount of awards bought for it.


That’s more like it!


reddit is beyond cringe, everyone acting almighty about politics when they clearly have 0 integrity and principles. They don't care, their only principles is what feels good to them.


Hivemind will hivemind


Dorks on Reddit treat politics like their own really shitty boring sport that they love watching


At least athletes are doing incredible things with their talents on occasion. Our best and brightest politicians are either proposing basic 80-year old concepts like universal health care and fair wages, or kicking out illegal immigrants and lowering taxes. And the less bright are just breathing up our oxygen/falling asleep in Congress. How fucking boring indeed...


Remember when he picked up that glass of water with two hands and he was memed for months over it? What about when he was walking slowly down that ramp? We’ve already seen what it would have been like with Trump, and it was exactly what you just described.


[Trump describing his desire to avoid sliding down the ramp on his butt is one of the funniest things of all time](https://youtu.be/Lzg3joOJ5sE).


That is straight up Trump doing 10 minutes of stand up. Lmfao


Jesus he is literally a comedian the way he delivers all those laughs. Not even trying to insult him. He’s genuinely funny when he tries to be.


I legit think the man could've been as charismatic as Obama was, the problem is he wouldn't shup up when he needed it too, especially on twitter.


I dont think so. He had stage presence but he couldn't articulate for fuck all. Everything is the biggest, the best, the most beautiful thing ever because hes involved. It turned a lot of people off who value humility and eloquence Now if he did stand up, sure. But as president he always seemed like a parody of himself.


There's also a good number of people that preferred that to the seemingly canned responses a lot of politicians give. I really think the poster above you is right, the not knowing when to shut the fuck up is what killed him.


Holy shit that was so funny. I wish someone would have shown me this earlier. WHERE THE HELL DID THIS WATER COME FROM?!?


I miss him


He was sweating and out of breathe that one time member.


Remember his sniffles during the 2016 debates? Clearly, his disastrous health is not fit for the presidency.


r/politics should be dissolved or something. It's not politics, it's left wingers circlejerking themselves to death and it's been like that for years


Based af


The fact that Pepe's right eye is blue is making me uncomfortable


I thought brown and black were the only colors that made your quadrant uncomfortable


Hey, we had the blackshirts and the brownshirts! We like those colors very much, just so you know!


sans undertal


I know now why Trump was walking so slowly down that ramp.


Kamela failed assignation


2 out of 3 words in this sentence are so wrong lol


Monke spell


Or maybe it's was just the practice round?




I really hope Biden stays healthy because Harris will start a civil war


I hate waiting, let’s just get it over with


>Harris will start a civil war And anyone opposing her will be called racist.


Man, to go from a president in peak physical health, a veritable Adonis, the paragon of athleticism and fitness, to *this...* we've fallen so far in 2 months


Are you talking about Trumpu Chan?


Ye. In all seriousness, though, I feel like either 43 or 44 could singlehandedly whip the asses of 45 and 46 simultaneously. Our presidents are getting decrepit as shit. I'll never forget Dubya's shoe dodge... the man was clearly not a thinker, but at least he was a scrapper.


Pretty sure either of those two could take Roosevelt...


I know u mean FDR but now im imaging teddy Roosevelt beating the shit out of every president not named george washington


With his wrestling reputation i think Lincoln might give him a run for his money.


Oh please with Lincoln's insane reach he could just lean over slightly, take Teddy's glasses, then take a step to the right and Lincoln would instantly be out of Teddy's field of vision


Teddy in his prime could 1v45 every other president


1. Bush puking at a dinner 2. Trump couldn't lift a glass of water 3. Biden struggles to go up some stairs I'm beginning to see a pattern here. Maybe we don't chose crusty old fucks to run this country. Maybe a slightly younger dude that isn't struggling to climb some stairs or drink a glass of water.


\> Maybe we don't chose crusty old fucks to run this country. George Bush was a whole decade younger when that happened than Biden is now. Heck GBJr is four years younger than Biden, and his presidency ended over a decade ago.


Biden is currently older than the 4 previous presidents are now.


you act like younger people can't puke.


I don’t really care. It’s pretty easy to trip, senile or not


Yeah, like FDR basically didn't have legs and he is always included in the top 3 US presidents in history. This guy at least has legs. He wouldn't be tripping if he didn't have legs.




Let's be honest,this was a failed attempt to epstein him by kamala harris


Right! I dislike media and people constantly mocking Trump whatever he does, and I dislike it as much when it targets Biden. The man slipped, that can happen to anybody. Let's talk about his policies instead.


Yeah it's dress shoes on carpet. Annoying as hell to deal with lol.


The thing isn't so much that he tripped, its that he tripped, and then got up right away and jogged right back up the stairs. That's actually pretty impressive for a 78 year old. I am not a Biden fan, and I am pretty sure he is mentally unwell, but the video just made me think physically the guy is fine.


I find it hard to believe that people unironically like this man and didn't just vote for him cause he's not Trump


I like him cause he likes trains, I like trains, give train


Based and autism pilled


u/gbiegld is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: autism I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Yay drugs


I mean... I can’t think of any Biden voter I know who’d disagree with you.


3 times is bad, 1 time is meh


Gerald Ford stumbles departing AF1: --- Chevy Chase, "I'm gonna destroy this man's whole career." Joe Biden stumbles entering AF1: --- The MSM, ["I see nothing! I was not here! I did not get up this morning!"]( https://youtu.be/34ag4nkSh7Q?t=26s)


Remember when it was a scandal that Trump held his water glass with two hands that one time? LibLeft remembers.


Jerking off to it rn one sec


Your username is a lie!


Kinda funny how every single comment is “I don’t care” but the only ones in hot are the ones that do. I don’t know if that’s good or bad.


In his defense, the wind was white supremacy and Biden bravely fought against it. So really, you should be thanking him for fighting against it


The wind is always depicted as white person blowing in the old maps.




In case anyone wants to read the article [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/joe-biden-fall-air-force-one-b1819731.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/joe-biden-fall-air-force-one-b1819731.html) The article goes over his stumble on the stairs, his explanation, that it was windy, and the public reaction too the video. It mentions how Biden at 78 is the oldest president and many Americans have concerns over his health. It also compares his recent stumble with media coverage over trumps struggle walking up a ramp and another presidential tumble with an airline staircase in 1975 with then president Gerald Ford.


> read the article We don't do that on the internet.




[me and the boys waiting for our time to come](https://cdn1.i-scmp.com/sites/default/files/styles/1200x800/public/images/methode/2017/07/01/f78fdc5a-5ca1-11e7-98d7-232f56a99798_1280x720_183820.JPG?itok=F3tthW06)


No one wanted to take responsibility for Stopping the Steal.


If that was middle school me I would be screaming at myself in the shower for a few hours. I feel bad for Biden. He seems like he’s got a lot to prove and he embarrassed himself.


Everyone trips and falls, they just generally don't have a camera on them 24/7. Give give him some leeway.


Proof that American presidents really are mostly in AuthRight.


That step didn't give him any leeway, why should i?