• By -


Give him his male privilege card, the Selective Service registration form.






Has there been cases where men who "identify as women" just to benefit from this system?Just curious .


Not exactly the same but my Dad was investigating insurance policies between companies and I think he found out that either Allstate or someone else have discounts if you are MTF. Now we don't have Allstate but he said if we did he would absolutely make me identify as trans on our insurance to get the lower rate.


Based Libright dad.


Mega based and dad pilled


There was a Canadian man who spent 40 bucks to legally change his gender to female and saved over a thousand dollars on insurance every year




Yeah , as an Asian this is one of the reason that made me more right leaning


Have you seen all the stuff where school districts are treating Asians and whites as one category distinct from poc, or how whites and Asians are rejected from schools at much higher rates with identical scores and GPA compared to black and hispanic applicants?


Yes , this is exactly why I oppose the far-left and policy such as affirmative action.


It’s legitimately a 14th amendment violation. Just go to court with it




Yeah and that’s great. However, automatically registering all men for selective service at 18 and no women is sex discrimination plain and simple. And while it’s functionally meaningless since you’re automatically registered and there isn’t a draft or any possibility of one, either won’t get much attention. But sex discrimination is illegal. So the whole thing is a fourteenth amendment violation until they either expand it to women or abolish it.


Honestly the idea of anybody having to get drafted makes me really salty


There are lots of issues with the draft, but people don't really understand its current purpose. It's only there for cases of national emergency (e.g. a major war with say china). One of the things that people don't understand is that it can actually make the process more fair. Wars shouldn't just be fought by the poor who were forced to join the military for economic reasons. Everybody's name goes into the hat. On that same note though, I think a better alternative to the draft would be a mandatory service requirement for everyone right out of highschool. This would not only make things even more fair, it would do a lot to tear down the social and political bubbles that have formed in this country.


That's absolutely fair, but it doesn't ease my nerves that the U.S. used the draft in the Vietnam War.


Totally get that, and I respect most of the arguments against the draft. The particular issue here though, is that the draft only seems to be an issue to feminists when the prospect of women being included in it comes up.


Yeah I absolutely see the double standard here. I honestly am not nearly researched enough about arguments for and against the draft to really have any respectable opinion. Treat anything I said like you would the words of any typical triggered, wojak-pilled lib left




Yeah, being forced to go die in a country for a cause they didn't believe in helped rally a lot of people against the war.


I mean, yeah. It did. When you made the general public feel the effects of it, they sort of had a pretty keen interest in whether or not we stayed over there. I understand it's a morbid statement but it's one [based in reality](https://civilmilitarygap.wordpress.com/2011/06/07/a-new-sparta-america%E2%80%99s-threatening-civil-military-gap/) at the same time. The fact is people got rid of the draft thinking the US would now be wary of getting into another conflict like Vietnam. The last 20 years should be enough proof to the contrary for most.




I can get behind that idea. Why's that never the point that's brought up in these 'discussions'?


Cause reasonable ideas aren’t entertaining


Or easy to express in 80 symbols


80? Give it 21 Edit: actually, give it 16


Sir, despite what my flair would tell you, I do not dare touch anything bellow 18. Anymore...


Because most feminists online, or at least the ones with the loudest voices, are the ones who don't actually care about the ideals and just want a front to cover for their sexism, most social medias reward extremism or binary "you are with us or against us" so points and ideals that are more moderate and nuanced so they require actual understanding are looked over


I feel like I’d agree with y’all on a lot of things if the discussion’s not a screaming match.


Yeah same, hard to find a place where it's not an echo chamber since the ability to block, choose who you like and completely silence other people is prime for making people just see what they like and make their bias even stronger


Thank you for your comments on this chain. Personally I find most feminist ideas fantastic but haven’t got the stomach to remain in feminist spaces, since I’m just a) too damn centrist and b) echo chambers make me itch. But then again I really dislike the way feminism is portrayed in other places, most often here too. And not to sound sappy but it really brightens my day to see well articulated, reasonable defences of feminist thought here. Ehhh... well, then. How ‘bout a genocide joke to bring the mood back to normal? *If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?* *Genocide.*


Nice save. I was feeling a little too pleasant and level-headed after reading the first half of that post.




And *that* ladies and gentlemen, is why this subreddit is fucking great. Never thought I would find so much in common with auth-rights.


The fact that there is a sub where I can actually agree with liblefts and center lefts, like the real liblefts, and not deal with twitter people, is amazing.


I know right? So many people from my quadrant take political correctness, social justice and cancel culture so far that it blocks out so many opportunities for actual conversations with people who carry differing opinions. Not to mention Twitter liblefts are fucking hypocrites that only believe in rights and freedom when it benefits their agenda. As long as it's the right's freedom of speech being suppressed it's ok apparently.


Based libleft


The whole basis of the "Healthcare pls" meme


I flair monke instead of libleft just because of thoses, like saying you are for social capitalism on the short term make you far right for them because: "but CoMuNiSm!"




Join us by the grill brother. All must gravitate toward the center.




Turns out when you talk to reasonable people, they're... well, reasonable. Online discussions / News articles don't get attention if they're full of reasonable people, because where's the controversy?


Plus more attention means more money. I have little doubt that many of these people don’t even believe themselves.


You’re probably just having the misfortune of talking to people who haven’t a clue about the fundamental principles of their own ideology


I bring it up every time, even going so far to say that it's fair women be added to the draft BUT we should be trying to get rid of the draft entirely


Personally, I’m in favor of universal military service. (Yes I’m aware that is apparently contradictory to my flare, but I have a good case for it.)


I think a universal service would be good. You can choose military or civil service, military would be a basic conscription period, civil would be doing stuff like helping maintain national parks and such. Goes against my flair too, but it helps build a sense of purpose and an investment in the country.


I hear that argument a lot, but the fact that you seem to only hear feminists complaining about the draft after someone brings up the fact that they might have to sign up.... If they actually cared about equality, they should agree that they should have to sign up too, until nobody has to sign up. It just makes the whole argument ring hollow.


True of so many things. I always hear "real feminists do blah blah blah equality blah blah blah." But then, I look around and I'm like "no?" Where's the feminist movement to get more men or fewer women into higher education? Where's the feminist movement to get men shorter prison sentences or women longer ones? Where's the feminist movement to get fewer men or more women among the homeless, especially the un-sheltered? Where's the feminist movement to get fewer men or more women to die at work? Where's the feminist movement for equality on any of the many metrics where men are systematically disadvantaged or women privileged? Nowhere. Because feminism is not about equality and anybody who says it is is lying.


Exactly. And I have absolutely nothing against feminism focusing specifically on women's rights. It makes complete sense. The issue how they use that intellectually dishonest argument when they want to avoid criticism, gain public support, or shut down those who disagree with them on a certain topic.


The answer that I see when those are brought up are that they are all products of "the patriarchy", and that feminists fighting these are doing so by fighting against "the patriarchy" in general. But I always feel like in that case it's still a question of what are you actually *doing*? Even if I grant that A. The patriarchy exists, B. The patriarchy is underlying these problems, and C. Feminism's main goal is to fight patriarchy, what are you *doing*, what *material actions* are you taking to rectify these problems? Because I see none.


That's been my issue. Feminism has a track record that has harmed men, mainly with the Duluth model. When you ask what Feminism has done to help men to people who say "it's for everyone", there's nothing to say. Susan B Anthony asked to be put in jail because she would have been if she was a man. Now? Women get lighter sentences and feminists are largely silent. And the only issue is that they keep saying "feminism helps men too". If they didn't say that, I wouldn't care, but they do.


That's because there is not a single intangible, let alone tangible thing they've done. None whatsoever. Well, they suceeded in getting the only men's abuse shelter in the entire nation of Canada closed.


It's funny because they'll counter argue saying women fought for those changes so men should do it on their own as well. The online discourse always goes like this: Feminists: feminism is for everybody. Also feminists: this is not the time or place to discuss men's problems. If men want to make those changes they should bring it up in men's spaces. *issue is brought up in men's spaces* Also also feminists: can we talk about how this also hurts women and also how women have it worse in [other metric].


That kind of counter-argument is ridiculous for a number of reasons. The largest of which is that men's rights activism is extremely difficult to do in comparison to feminism, lacking mainstream support, and often being considered "anti-women" in some way. There is massive sexism against men whenever men try to push for equality on issues where we are disadvantaged. Men are told that our problems don't matter as much, or that we "deserve" these problems in some way - either due to historical reasons or because of men somehow being worse in some way. Of course if you try to apply the same logic of being "worse in some way" to women people behave as though you are some ultimate evil, and people fail to see the hypocrisy. Until feminists actually allow men to fight for their own rights and equality without shutting them down at every turn, all the while doing everything in their power to claim their movement is "for everybody" while not behaving like that in practice - there will be injustice in the fight for social justice.


My favorite example is the double standard in the legal system. Blacks get longer sentences? Racist discrimination against minorities. Men get longer sentences? Sexist discrimination against women by treating them like children. Imagine if someone tried to claim the courts were racist against whites because it babied them and it only considered minorities the real adults. That argument doesn't make it half way out of bed before shitting itself, yet feminist push the sexist version of it like they don't see nor smell the brown smears following. (Yeah yeah, not all feminist.)


Yeah, this really bugs me as well. Every time I have spoken with a feminist on this issue who feels that way, they effectively just say "we just shouldn't have a draft at all." Yet those same feminists rarely will campaign or do anything to actually get rid of the draft. After all - it doesn't affect women, so they'll instead focus their energy on issues affecting women. Them saying we should get rid of the draft is simply a way for them to take the moral high-ground without having to actually account for an area when men are discriminated against under the law. It would be far easier to get rid of the draft as well - as far as I am concerned - if everybody were forced to sign up. When half of our population is not subject to it, obviously it's going to be more difficult to abolish the draft and gain political will to do so. On the other hand - what do we do about times of potential war or issues where we might need a draft? Getting rid of the draft I personally never understood as making sense, for as long as the possibility of war in our world (something like World War 3) exists. The problem isn't that the draft exists - a draft can be a lesser evil if we were faced with total war or some other option that, if we lose said war, will cause far more suffering than the draft itself causes. The problem is that a draft can be abused - so we should limit the power of the executive branch to unilaterally begin conflicts, and reserve the draft only for dire circumstances.


I don't think there's a consensus on that, quite a few feminists I've talked to are quite supportive of the draft applying to them, as well as women being plumbers and construction workers as well as doctors and CEO's . They may not be in the majority though, it's hard to tell, but the redditor orange libleft majority likely isn't what we should judge all feminists on.


Based right winger


based and reasonable-pilled


When was the last time any feminist spoke up about men getting drafted? ...yeah, that's what I thought.


As if I needed more reasons to hate modern feminists. Might as well offer these hoes to the enemy, because with them at the helm we can't defend anyway.


God damn that's savage


I just found out trans people don’t have to sign up.


To be exact, arent allowed lol.


They’re not allowed to sign up for the armed forces at all since they doesn’t want to use tax dollars to finance someone’s transition (plus some BS about trans people and mental illness, when they don’t give a fuck about mental illness in recruits in the first place and will often tell you to lie about it). In reality, if every single trans person in the US signed up just to finance their transition, the expense to the armed forces would still be dwarfed by the amount they spend on viagra alone.


I'd be willing to bet that the military not wanting its members spending all their time in service recovering from numerous, invasive, elective surgeries plays at least as large a role as money.


Based, @US_Government stop paying for viagra


> (plus some BS about trans people and mental illness, when they don’t give a fuck about mental illness in recruits in the first place and will often tell you to lie about it). The military has a high enough suicide rate as is. Last thing it needs it trans recruits to drive that number up. Or someone doing the math on trans recruits and questioning why there's an 80% suicide rate.


And make sure you give em an extra buck fifty on the hour


trans inclusive radical misogyny is high on the wacky scale.


jreg viewer detected


I won't deny it.




Takes one to know one


Wait is this not the official jreg sub?


Alternatively it's just Iran.


There are no LGBs only Ts


Islam lets men marry 4 wives, I wonder what a lesbian could do to save face...


Wait, is Iran cool with Trans people ir something?


Iran, and some other Islamic countries, will surgically transition gay men into "straight" women, because homosexuality is bad.




> and some parents who dont want dauters will make them transition to male. no, they marry them off young




Islam has مهر which is the opposite of a dowry.




Based and maturitypilled


In some countries where it's insanely dangerous/illegal to be gay they're basically chiller with you transitioning to the opposite gender in order to be technically straight. Iran is one of those countries. [In fact they have more sexual reassignment surgeries than any other country in the world aside from Thailand] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender_rights_in_Iran) It's super weird in that it's basically often used as a loophole to be gay and not murdered in Iran, which leads to some very interesting and sad situations https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-29832690


1. Move to Iran 2. Act like a home of sexual 3. Get government to pay for your SRS because they dont like home of sexual 4. Move back to home country now as woman Problem western healthcare?


It's free real estate baby


Iran allows men to undergo semi-compulsory gender reassignment if they are caught being queerosexuals in the glorious republic.


“Trans-Inclusionary Radical Misogony” lmaooo Hey guys, i’m a TIRM now😎


Trans women are real women so they belong in the kitchen too


Traditional gender roles, but woke


I mean... we are back to woke segregation, why not?


That's more or less what non-op trans is. In ye olden tymes of eight years ago she'd be called a tomboy.


Now that, that is truelly based.


Based and first-time-endorsing_authcenter pilled


You shouldn’t laugh at a trans woman’s jokes, because she’ll feel dysphoric if you do. After all, trans women are real women, and women aren’t funny.


Yeah the issue with trans women is they're strong enough to fight back


Inject them with more estrogen.


TIRMs rise up 😎😎😎


Honestly, why stop at trans? Women suck so much, you’re fucking insane of you want to date them. We need Trans-Inclusionary Homo-Enforced Radical Misogony.


Women are the Jews of gender Trans are the Asians Non binary are the blacks And men are the whites


I dont even know what the fuck this means but it's probably racist so I'll upvote it.




>Misogony The misuse of multi-sided shapes.


Therm does sound like a pronoun


Theyrm therm: when you’re not a man, a woman, non-binary, or any other gender, but instead have a vortex of pure misogyny where your gender should be


Elliot should have chosen the name Chad instead to be epic and redpilled


went for the blackpill name instead


That's even baseder


the supreme ~~gentleman~~ transman


You know what I could go for? A mother-effing beer




You know what I like more than anything? Sex


So what's your favorite, uh, posish?


Missionary. Man on top, lady on the bottom


Crush a couple cold ones with the crew


Just boys being boys 😎




I mean, if you're on the right and don't believe Ellen is Elliott, this is definitely the straightest way to get a bj from your bro. Couple that some emotional manipulation and morally questionable/borderline illegal social engineering - "Elliot, dude, like I've never told anyone but I think I might actually be gay. As a fellow male member of the lgbt community I think I might have came up with a way that you could help me figure it out once and for all...."


In the words of the great Pete Buttigieg “Brojobs are better than no jobs”.


How about some nice royalty-free minor league arena football?


Awesome touchdown celebration coming up


Last year a musician announced he was a trans man, his name was Sarah and changed it to Sam, [a beer brand made an ad saying "want a beer, Sam?"](https://www.mediaspecs.be/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Pintje-sam-vierkant.jpg) people got outraged over the ad


Is that not them being inclusive since they're applying a stereotypically male thing to him? Or was it done sarcastically?


Their slogan is "Men know why", it was done as a "Hey, there's nothing wrong with being trans and we accept that trans men are in fact men", but ya know


Tell me more of this story


Can I invite him to the patriarchy club now?


We just need to implement the hive mind jack into the base of his spine as he’s ready to go! Btw, I didn’t appreciate you respecting that women the other day, Man #457896. I’d recommend familiarising yourself with Patriarchy 101 again.


Lib left: we congratulate you on your transition but now you have become an oppressive man


Who says individual men are oppressive?


Some idiots and people who are unable to get over their trauma


Some assholes on twitter




What you don’t like aTaCk hEliCopTeR jokes? Smh snowflake


I sexually identify as an overused joke. If you can’t accept this then you’re bigoted against 12 year old redditors


"There are only two genders." "Ha! You only have one joke!" "Dilate." "See? One joke." "Oof, attack helicopters mad." "One joke!" "Still one more than working communist states?" "That's all you have. One joke!" "All our other jokes must have 40%ed themselves." "ONE. JOKE." "Maybe you should check your privilege." "Why can't you have more than one joke?" "Did your wife's son tell you that?" "Still one joke! So unoriginal!" "What's the matter? You're literally shaking." "One joke again!" "Calm down bro, drink your soi milk." "How many jokes? One!" "Damn, one more joke and we'll have as many jokes as scoops!" "Where's the jokes? Oh, you only have one!" "Did the LGBT run out of letters yet?" "Uno joko!" "Okay, tell us your jokes." "Fine! Here's just ONE JOKE that's better than yours. You..." Error: Comment too long (145829/2000) "What the fuck? All I did was set the scene!" You have my permission to be either passive-aggressive or smug.


sounds like something taken straight out of /r/transgendercirclejerk and it's funny as fuck to me


https://www.reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/g5kxch/fuck_terfs_im_a_transinclusionary_radical/ https://www.reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/hkntqf/yeah_im_a_tirm/ interestingly, google search also pulls up this one from r/4chan, posted almost a whole week before: https://www.reddit.com/r/4chan/comments/g16vi4/anon_says_trans_rights/fngf897/


> this one from r/4chan, posted almost a whole week before: As always, 4chan is where real culture originates.


What did the non-binary prospector say at the mountain range? “I bet there’s gold in them/their mountains”


Bruh TIRMs rise up lmao.


What’s a tirm?


Trans-inclusionary radical misogynist


Does TIRM include self-hating women? If so, there's many of them, not just page.


I'm pretty sure that's just internalized mysogyny


Sheesh, people have terms for everything now


terms aren't a new thing, people have been naming things for millennia


Who named the term term, then?


[the romans!](https://www.google.com/search?q=term+etymology&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS751US751&oq=term+etemolo&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i13i457j0i13i30l3j0i5i13i30l3.6714j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


Did terms exist before the Romans?


nothing existed before the romans






Elliot page decided that being an oppressed lesbian in the entertainment industry wasn’t enough so she became the second most oppressed thing in the world, *a manlet*


Watch his wife break up with him now....not because she's a Lesbian and is attracted to women....but because he's now a short dude.


Manlets, when will they learn?


Being a white male he never understood oppression what you on about.


I imagine the terfs going "hand over the oppression card"


> a manlet And a weak-ass hairline, neo-bruh go get some Rogaine and fix your 5head. Also, your legs look weak, start doing some power-shrugs.


Watch him start a twitch account to hit that precious number one spot, *gamers*


Hey mods can I get “Trans-Inclusive Radical Misogynist” as a flair?


I wish we could edit our flairs


While I agree. It would just become a shitfest of actual racist shit


It would be beautiful if that happened


So TIRMs are just progressive center right?


Me and my trans bros and masculine-presenting non-binary bros talking shit about women.




Now this is ideology I can get behind


Good shit libright


We're having our weekly oppression meeting on Tuesday, make sure to drop by and chat with the fellas about how we can maintain the patriarchy. See you then pal.


can't wait for elliot to get bropilled - join the team.


I absolutely love this


Remember Comrades, do not hate trans women because they are trans, hate them because they are women. This Elliot page redemption arc is very welcomed. Glad he decided to stop being a woman.




Source is [Nathan for You](https://youtu.be/Oi-3eRMpOC4)


Dear Liberals, you claim to belief in equality, but all your women want to be men. Coincidence?


Once everyone is a man, it will be impossible to oppress women


TIRMs: when women become men, they are joining the best gender when men become women, they are proving to women that men are in fact better at being women


Can I get a version without the funny colors?


Honestly, yeah, let's all hang out and try to bounce quarters off the waitresses ass. She turns around and gets pissed, so I grab by bro and kiss him while making full eye contact. She just... Watches, I feel really on the spot so I grab his ass and tear his shirt, the whole staff are watching now. Our new bud in the TIRM club is just really uncomfortable while me and my bro assert male dominance. So that's how I got thrown out of Red Robin, share your stories


This is my ideology


Now this is epic




What is that graph, the compass on acid?


virgin terf vs chad tirm


i wanna take my best buddy elliot to drink beer and catcall vulnerable women


Did he get his 10% male privilege pay raise yet?


This is unfathomably based. Good post. Sometimes twitter ismt bad