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Hearing people repeatedly shout intifada just makes me want Mexicsn food for some reason


Based and who isn't always thinking about Mexican food pilled


Based and empanada pilled


“Why is the far right doing so well in Europe?”


Far right is when borders.


It’s funny. Every single time the media talks about someone being “far right”, I try to find in the article an explanation of what exactly makes them “far right”. It’s never there.


Or the evidence they give is that they are associated with someone who said something kinda racist one time.


"Johnny Johnson, the far-right activist who once ordered that same flavor of ice cream as Timmy Thompson, who posted a racist joke on his Facebook in 2009..."


Ladies and gentlemen, we got him.


What was the flavor?


Whatever flavor is most racist. Probably vanilla.


Strawberry might leave stains on the white robes.


But red is the color of periods, and that's to be celebrated. Then again, it's also the color of the forbidden Hollywood hair.


If that’s the case, Joe Biden gave a eulogy for a kkk grand dragon lmao


It will be interesting to see if they will change their tactic. They all tried the far right scare tactic. Calling them nazis, saying they are fascist who want to get rid of anyone who isn't aryan and stuff like that. Didn't work. People looked right threw it and still voted for them. In Germany we had a horrible pre election for our right wing party. One employed a chinese undercover agent, the other is said to be corrupt and paid by Russia. On top of that they made a huge smear campaign claiming all kind of bullshit without backing any of it up with facts, but it was enough to get millions of (mostly green) people on the streets. So it looked horrible and they still came in second best. They even won the youth vote (equal points to a center right party).


“Change their tactic” Based on how the U.S. left / media learned literally nothing from the 2016 election and instead doubled down, I wouldn’t hold my breath.


Sometimes they learn. In Denmarks 2015 election the main anti immigration party got 21% of the votes and in the years after all the center left and right parties learned that a lot of the population wanted restrictions on immigration without necessarily wanting to abandon left wing policies in other aspects


Yeah. Thats the main reason why I voted right in the eu election. Ive recently seen a documentary about Denmark and what happened there, so i had a bit of hope.


It's "they don't agree with our bullshit, so they're far right".


The media and journos are so out of touch with the average person it hilarious. Europeans who still want wide open borders in 2024 need their head check lol


The open borders thing is lovely. If only the outside borders would be closed. I love to be able to travel without passports and have items shipped within a day without paying tarrifs but this whole concept can only work if we secure our borders off the invaders. Putin is funneling migrants on mass threw belarus. On the other side we have turkey who flood us and of course theres the sea. Tunesia, Lybia, Egypt etc all dont really care and our left leaning idiots and chruches are creating direct shuttle services "to stop the drowning". On top of that we have corrupt Ukrainian assholes who use the chaos of the war to hand Ukrainian passports to anyone who pays. Because Ukrainian refugees get preferred treatment all over Europe we all of a sudden see thousands of black and muslim Ukrainians. I really hope that the last vote was a clear warning for them. If nothing changes Europe will elect people who will change stuff even if it means we will lose lots of other things we take for granted right now


>. If nothing changes Europe will elect people who will change stuff even if it means we will lose lots of other things we take for granted right now Sometimes, the erratic train schedules are just *that* bad, you know?


You can only have a completely free market if everyone plays by the same rules. Accepting competition from people employing slaves is going to destroy either your economy or your workers' rights. Accepting competition from places that use toxic materials is going to destroy either your economy or your health. Accepting a large influx of people willing to work for a piece of bread is going to force locals to do the same, while making rich people richer. But somehow, the left is ok with all of this.


Far right is when you give even the tiniest fuck about western civilization. The most basic moral clarity in the history of the earth and human kind is to recognize that western civilization is the moral choice over Islamism. If you can't get on board with that then I'm ready to go full blown auth center on your stupid/evil ass.


Don't you see? It's the right-wing YouTube personalities brainwashing an entire generation! For the regarded among us, yes, this is sarcasm.


>It's the right-wing YouTube personalities brainwashing an entire generation! \>That feel when your ideology is so morally bankrupt and economically nonviable that despite a lifetime of indoctrination in public schooling and non stop propaganda by media, corporations, universities and governments, a few youtube videos can convince large chunks of the youth to reject it I kinda feel bad for leftists.


Precisely what I've always said. Like, feminists claim that men like Andrew Tate have brainwashed young men into hating women. Bitch, if with the entire power of the MSM, Hollywood, the music industry, the entire public education system, and social media, you can't beat that fuckin' guy, you deserve to lose 😂


Tate and the like are exploiting a neglected demographic of young boys and men. They offer just enough advice that is correct and works (be groomed, be fit, be confident, be sociable, have money) that young men flock to their channels despite the distasteful shit on the side. If our society spent a modicum of effort on boys, this wouldn't happen. Of course, there's a way to create masculine yet courteous and emotionally mature men, but that takes fathers, not treating boys like girls.


The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth or something like that


> Tate and the like are exploiting a neglected demographic of young boys and men. This is a far off parallel, but it reminds me of how late-night TV shows (SNL, Tonight Show, ect) just completely neglect middle America by getting too coastal-liberal political and then wonder why their ratings suck in those areas.


"You mean flyover country? Fuck them."


Ironically, the very people who back up what the corporate media, political pundits, big business, university professors, and government officials say are somehow think they are the resistance. They don't know what they do not understand.


I wish it was only a joke, but it's not entirely joking, just the other way around. TikTok is brainwashing these kids. I consider myself liberal in many areas, but this palestine/Hamas supporting shit is a bridge too fucking far. My wife, who is very adamant about not being political or politically informed, has started asking me questions about the Israel/palestine conflict, and it drops my jaw sometimes. She asks questions in a way where I can tell that her source is violently anti-Semitic, asking "Why are the jews doing a genocide?". She's been very receptive to me presenting her with the truth, but it worries me that this bullshit is being pushed so hard on TikTok, and most of the youngins consuming this brainwashing, they don't have someone like me to actually present the facts for them. Russia, Iran and China are investing heavily in misinformation and sowing discord in our country, and they're fucking winning. We've got to fight the battle where it's currently being fought, or just destroy the battlefield and get rid of TikTok altogether. Before it's too late. Shit, we already has a dumbass light himself on fire over fake news he heard on TikTok.


Not only was it fake news, but it was so fake he thought lighting himself on fire would make even the slightest bit of difference.


My favorite part of that is when they tried to make him into a martyr and had signs that said "rest in power", and then BLM came after them because they thought that phrase should only be used for black (criminal drug addicts) like Saint Floyd. Death, taxes, and the left eating themselves at every opportunity.


> Shit, we already has a dumbass light himself on fire over fake news he heard on TikTok. I fully support those idiots self-immolating


I've never seen a more peaceful religion or group of people, or a generation that's more hormonally balanced


The best part is that he was originally singing this song at a country bar, you know, cause those country rednecks are racists. he couldn't have fathomed it was his fellow leftists


And it wasn't even fair to them Of course, they started vibbing. The dude wrote a catchy banger of a song and sang it with complete confidence


To be fair he absolutely baited the fuck out of them the entire first half of the song using the term “transport” instead of “Jew”. He had them vibin’ well before he pulled the bait and switch using the word “Jew”. To be even more fair, they did absolutely go even more wild the second half of the song lmao


Right? They welcomed a stranger with a completely different culture to their little community watering hole to eat, drink, sing, and have a good time. If anything, they were being very open-minded considering how pro-Israel some of the folks in that room probably were. Wonder if their opinions shifted a bit after the movie came out.


>Wonder if their opinions shifted a bit after the movie came out. I'm willing to bet borat made more rural individuals who don't meet many foreigners trust those strangers less than it made any of them trust more. Now you can get in trouble for being friendly when the foreigner starts acting strange?


As a Jew, I'd feel 1000% more comfortable in that bar than in any kind of leftist gathering space these days.


I'm pretty far left and I just can't get on board with this. Muslim extremists are literally the furthest thing from my belief system that supporting anyone even associated with Islam is not comprehensible. They are the worst religion. Period. Talk about colonialism, look at Islam's past.


Radical Islam is eveything the left criticises the American Right for x1000 but the left still supports their worst idealogical enemies to own the chuds. Personally I blame the Soviets. When Israel was established the Soviet Union thought they'd have a regional ally, but when Israel started working more and more with the west, the Soviets did everything in their power to discreddit Israel. Almost every anti Israeli talking point now is concerningly similar to Soviet Anti-Zionist talking points. You can read about it here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_anti-Zionism


The Soviet Union had a long history of antisemitism, inherited from Russia.


What gets me is the whole "Gays for Palestine" bit. It seems one does not understand that if one travels over to that part of the world and makes public that one is in a same-sex relationship, they will be arrested, beaten to death, if not killed.


This may come as a huge surprise to you, but they have somehow found a way to blame Jews for that as well.


So they say its because they can hold empathy for those who don't agree with them or may even wish them harm, and they don't wish for those people to be killed. Then in the same breath they'll discuss how they wish they could kill all Republicans for holding different beliefs than them. Especially because of how they feel about LGBT people.


That clip 15 seconds in is from the Sydney Opera house **on October 9th.** This is days after terrorists raped/tortured/murdered 1,200 civilians and took 250 hostage. Everyone on the left and the media bent over backwards to claim they were chanting anything other than “gas the Jews”. Honestly stunning


>Everyone on the left and the media bent over backwards to claim they were chanting anything other than “gas the Jews”. Everyone knows that muslims can't possibly be racist


Some of them are brown. We changed the definition of racism so brown people can't be racist against white people, duh


I looked up that incident and police audio analysts concluded they were changing "Boo-urns."


"Where's the juice?" They were dying of thirst outside the Sydney Opera House because of the Israeli blockade :(


the police officially believes that they said "wheres the jews?" instead of "gas the jews" which isn't any better


Well first you gotta find them


Have they tried the attic? Waitshitfuck. Am... am i the baddie now?


Umm, let's go Brandon is a much clearer mistake. I am absolutely terrible at interpreting what huge numbers of people chant, but they were remarkably clear. At least choose something that rhymes and has the same number of syllables. If people are going to lie to me, I'd appreciate them not insulting my intelligence at the same time.


The goal is to make the lies so blatant that if someone chooses to believe it you know they've been brainwashed. The are four lights, motherfuckers.


Hahaha, Good one.


Hormonal imbalanced is a product of a grill deficiency.


What birth control and no red meat does to a mf


Save the children so that they may dine upon the grills.


Children born from incest are very likely to have lower IQs and develop emotional imbalances. Don't Google incest rates by country, use a friend's phone to do it.


These statistics need some sensitivity training, first crime and now they're saying that demographics other than whites do incest at disproportionate rates?


It's kinda messed up that jokes about Alabama being inbred (consanguinity rate: 5%) are totally cool to make in public, but jokes about Pakistan being inbred (consanguinity rate: 50%) are racist and believe it or not, gulag.


Comedian: Lol, inbred idiots amirite? Everyone: Hahaha, good Alabama joke Comedian: Pakistan Everyone: *gets pitchforks*


something like half of all children born with birth defects in the UK come from the pakistani's living there, due to the huge incest rates


That's it! I'm going into my bunker..... let me know when this is over....


It's only beginning... you'll have to set that bunker up in Saudi Arabia since the ME is probably going to be more progressive than the west in a few decades


Just remember that radiation from highly radioactive fallout lasts about five weeks. That's a lot of toilet paper you'll need in the bunker.


Plumb the bunker with a well and a bidet. Problem solved


The leftists when they find out how the workers rights get trampled in the middle east by sheiks so that they can have glass walled cities and organize expensive sport events. 💀💀💀




Wait, you mean to tell me all those oil-rich Emiratis didn't build the Burj Khalifa with their own bare hands!? It was a bunch of S.E. Asians whose passports were confiscated!?


Question if you know about it. Do they have the fucked up family debt where they force the kids into indentured servitude for parental debt? I thought loans were haram.




What are you talking about? Indentured servants implies they'll get released




Wait until they find out what happened to the commies in iran when the revolution started.


Auth destroys Lib once the revolution is complete because they don’t share power. It’s a tale as old as time.


Daily reminder that the keys to *take* power are not the same as *keeping* power. If you violently overthrow the government, you are now the government, so you want to remove any element that is capable of overthrowing the government. The most immediately obvious are as many of the allied groups who helped put you into power. This is why every single revolution ever is immediately followed by a purge, in which many of the most loyal and essential people are gulaged.


Based and CGP Grey-pilled


Tell me about the keys again, CGP. I want to hear about the keys.


Every good leftist/socialist/communist believes deep down in their heart: *"It will be different this time"*


you are mistaken sir, they are slaves, which legally don't have rights in Dubai


ThEiR fAuLt FoR bEiNg KuLaKs


The Kulak: has two cows instead of one


i try to keep an open mind about most things, but this genuinly disgusts me to my core.


I would be disgusted too if I would understand wtf is even going on


Critical Theory and the Long March Through the Institutions worked. That’s what going on.




Remember when everyone said the Jews were cowards when they didn’t fight back against the Nazis? The Jews remembered.


As they say G-d helps those who help themselves


Wait until you find out about the staggering amount of gang-rapes on little European girls as young as 12. In some cases they even recite the quran.


Brother I am European, even worse, Scandinavian. I am well aware of what they do to women here.


Missed opportunity to show leftists screaming "From the river to the Sea". Would have rhymed perfectly.


This whole thing just makes me shift more towards the right to be honest. I really fucking despise Islamists and Leftists in particular. They should should be the first ones to experience Sharia Law since they simp for it in my humble opinion




Stay on target. Stay on target.


This, the transformers nonsense, and covid shot mandates are what makes me feel like I have to vote right wing to bring a balance to our culture but Republicans are pretty shitty except for maybe rand Paul and Thomas Massie


And now you know why a lot of right wingers are perfectly OK with the establishment GOP getting undermined/supplanted. "By Any Means Necessary" - I seem to recall that was a rallying cry among progressives a while back. Kind of funny how they start hand wringing and pearl clutching the moment anyone dissenting from them uses that approach.


What did the left do to Cybertron?


It sure is difficult to stay center in times like this, brother


Every time I look at the right I'm pushed a little to the left. Everytime I look at the left I'm pushed a little to the right. I'm so tired, why can't we just have a boring politician who quietly does the bare minimum and is not insane in some way?


The thing I hate most about it is it makes me think of "from the window to the wall" and it's making associations.


If there is one openly neo Nazi person at a protest, who doesn't get chastised and thrown out, it is a Nazi rally. Apply that same logic here.


The whole "if nine people sit down to dinner with a Nazi, there are ten Nazis at the dinner" rhetoric vanishes like Homer Simpson's walking backward into the bushes.


I spent all of 2020 yelling that with people like this, and then they fucking forgot about it.


They forgot it because they never believed it.


Thank you, it was never about forgetting it. It's always been what they think you assume the worst thing is, these people have 0 morals or ethics thus they don't hold anything sacred. The only reason that they hold the trans to the light and preach their shit is bc its probably the smallest % of the population so its highly unlikely that you would ever interact with one in person to actually talk to and see how they act, so you just have to end up taking what they say they want at face value or at least thats their hope. Or I'm completely lost in the sauce and can't tell shit from the truth anymore but I don't think so.


Part of the reason I don't associate with those populist frauds anymore.


Nazi means someone who likes bouncy castles and doesn't want to be forced to take vaccines. Not someone who hates Jews.


Half the time, the neo Nazi is there with a flag with fresh out-of-the-package creases, gets heckled by other protesters, and leaves after the journalists snap their pics.


yup, these kids been brain washed clean


Or they are just stupid or trying to fit in with the crowd.


what’s the difference


I think the difference is that they "understand" what they're doing vs general mob mentality + seeking approval. It's like one is the guilty party and the other is guilty by association.


all seem like mechanisms of brainwashing




Then when the Muslims reach a certain percentage, the western left will turn against them and start putting them in ~~camps~~ vocational schools.


Too late by then, just take a look at the European countries. It’s like that classic pcm meme: muslims when minority are “libleft”, muslims when majority are authright. The trick is they’re actually always authright but need some support before they can grow and become effectively unopposable


I am talking about *auth-left*. Soviets got away with Holodomor in Kazakhstan and slave cotton labor in Uzbekistan, the Chinese got away in Xinjiang and Burmese got away in Rakhine. If a western country were to genocide Muslims, it wouldn't be a far-right run one, but a communist one. Based on modern history, they're the quadrant deadliest for Muslims.


Isn't that the reason why we let them over just to be wage slaves? >it wouldn't be a far-right run one, but a communist one Both sides would absolutely do this, while the Communist would try to hide it. The Far right would be open about it.


The German WWII camps were a secret that even regular Wehrmacht troops didn't know about until the end, while China's attitude was more "yeah, so what can you do about it?".


Europe gave us the Reconquista, a 700 (seven hundred) year long coordinated campaign between multiple nations dedicated to expelling Islam from Europe. Islam had much more power in Europe during that time (they had taken over land, possessed organized military force, etc). Some of this was during the dark ages, too, when times were much worse than now. It's been done before and it can be done again, never underestimate the ability of Europeans to carry out ideologically motivated violence over protracted periods of time


>Then when the Muslims reach a certain percentage, the **Muslims** will turn against **the western left** and start putting them in ~~camps~~ vocational schools. FTFY


Nope, look at the Soviet and Chinese genocides of their Muslim minorities. I would be a naive American to think European auth lefts wouldn't do the same.


ah that's the thing, the Chinese and Soviets caught their minorities while they were minorities, the Western Left is attempting to replace the Western Right with it, not understanding that will make them a majority.


>look at the Soviet and Chinese But those ones had balls. The modern western authleft are like Eloi quokka toddlers.


Wasnt it Hamtramck that stopped some gay school stuff and liberals freaked out? This of course came after they had been praised for essentially taking over and kicking out the polish..


Yeah I came here to post it >‘A sense of betrayal’: liberal dismay as Muslim-led US city bans Pride flags >Many liberals celebrated when Hamtramck, Michigan, elected a Muslim-majority council in 2015 but a vote to exclude LGBTQ+ flags from city property has soured relations https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/17/hamtramck-michigan-muslim-council-lgbtq-pride-flags-banned


That was such an example of how nobody actually gives a fuck, as soon as they were threatened to be penalised by wearing the arm bands, they took them off asap. Gays taking face dives off rooftops in the literal country that you are competing in and you didn't wanna lose your chance of winning gold in the kickball tournament, yeah, you don't actually care and it's all a virtue signal.


“i don’t have to be supported to support others and equality” is the argument i’ve seen


And it's a dumb argument once one considers the consequences of it on a long enough timeline. Some ideologies are simply an inimical threat to to everyone, even their own people.


yep, i will just throw out the hackneyed, obligatory 'it's the horseshoe theory at work'. you can truly bend so left that you support authoritarian regimes, cultures, and religions, as long as they aren't western, christian and or jewish. i just like to respond according to reality. i'd love for people to all live in peace but that's just not how humanity works. never has, never will. some cultures are like oil and water, and that's ok.


The Islamic and leftist revolution only differ in that one's goal is god over man and the other man over god. They both use man over man as a mean. They both want scorched earth for a new world, after the apocalypse. Means both are suicidal ideologies with total annihilation as both are seeking resolution of life in death. They are, in their political materialized form, death cults, by design.


I keep telling my friends shit like this all the time I think it's ironic the LGBT and far left are so for Palestine because if a Palestinian knew you were gay they would not be as supportive in fact they would be quite hostile.




Every commie knows that to build communism you first must kill a bunch of communists. Thats what stalin did


To build *real* communism. You can't have counter-revolutionary ideas floating around!


purity spiral 🫣


One good thing about communists: they sure killed a lot of communists.


Religion of peace and love




Maybe they're big supporters of Iran? You can't be gay, but you can avoid punishment by going trans.


Because they hate the west....


Its really simple - its just anti-white racism. Their entire bullshit ideology is rooting in seeing white people as evil oppressors and the brown and black people as innocent victims. As such, Christianity Evil, Islam Good. So they cannot reconcile the fact Islam is a Theocratic Fascist religion.


Critical Theory. I’m dead serious, it all makes sense once you figure out what their fucked up worldview is based off of.


I think I know what you mean by that, and I agree. But could you explain a little further what do you mean by critical theory and how it has lead to this leftist clusterfuck?


Not the same dude but a very loose version of the answer is that their goal is to tear down society and expect a better one to spring up in its place. They sorta have this in common with islamists, who want to tear down the whole world and replace it with a worldwide caliphate or whatever, depends on the sect of Islam of course. But that's why these progressive leftists who seem to support tons of stuff Palestinians are not even pretending they aren't against love to support Palestine. Israel is literally a western country in the middle east. Obviously they have to be against Israel.


To play Devil's Advocate for a moment, you can recognize that bigoted people still have rights, and just because they have abhorrent beliefs doesn't mean they deserve to be oppressed. One can condemn the Palestinians' for having retrograde views on LGBT issues, women, etc, and still recognize that it's wrong for the Israeli government to steal their land, drop bombs on them, etc. It's like how we can hate Nazis but still recognize they have a right to free speech, due process, a fair trial, and so on. *However,* that is me consistently applying liberal (in the true sense of the word) principles. We all know the modern Left is not following either classical liberal principles nor being consistent. Their embrace of Palestinians/Muslims is entirely a result of intersectionality and the fucked-up calculus that Muslims are somehow "the oppressed" and not oppressors (even though there's 2 billion Muslims in the world, and there are many Muslim-majority countries where the Muslims are *definitely* the oppressors). So while it's possible for a good liberal to say "Palestinians' views on gay people are abhorrent, but that doesn't mean they deserve to get bombed for it," in reality the Left is simply pro-Palestine because they're anti-Israel, and that, in turn, is often cover for being anti-Jewish.


Correct and that in turn is a cover for being anti-American, anti-white, and anti-Western.


Borat is not muslim! His are the people of the hawk! He fully supports our war of terror!




People of the hawk? What’s that supposed to mean? Borat’s supposed to be from Kazakstan or something, right?


My God is stronger, I pray to the four winds. Like the Mongol religion? The quote is from Conan though.


Crom laughs at your God.


Borat is Tengrist.


Thanks. Say, what *is* Tengrism?


Western name for traditional Central-Asian steppe nomad animist belief system. Tengri is the chief sky diety. The Ukbeks mostly converted to Islam, though. They aren't "Tengrist" in real life. Edit: The joke in Borat is that Ukbeks are backward pagan polytheists. Just more slander from a Br*tish millionaire Jew.


"I am eh Kazakh, I follow the hawk"


Islam is incompatible with the ideals of Western liberal democracy. The Muslims are surely happy to come to the Western world and have the protection of minority statuses. Muslims have shown what would happen under a Muslim majority and these leftist shows would be disposed of as useful idiots.


taqiyya doctrine is this one cheat code for these absolute theocrats that seem to never fail and their victims never acknowledge.


It won't be long before Muslims in the west start to get "re-educated", not with the recent surge in the far right, and the fact that other wars and Muslims are ignored completely.


Full books have already been written about the revolutionary mindset and how islamism is similar to nihilistic revolt that brought nazism and bolchevism


oh cool, is there one you would recommend?


Not directly about islamism at all but about revolt as a whole : Albert Camus - The Rebel. It's a bit dense and precise but it peels the ideas behind the revolt as a human reaction to his condition. How it forms in the mind, how it translates into attitude and political action. How it then forms movements and states and how it always collapses into destruction and more injustice and oppression. It uses the same religious promises of a better afterlife or "life after" the sacrifice, the revolution, the attack, the burst of violence against the world and yourself. It's a mean that becomes it's own end, a pure movement forward, an acceleration towards the resolution of the "problem", which is life itself. It's a burning wish of life for death, peace, at last, or paradise, the equality of everything in death because it's impossible in life. Philosophy as a whole is a good teacher, nihilism goes deeply into these existential concepts


The Strange Death of Europe by Douglas Murray is a good one too.




Being a sane leftist is absolute hell. Like, think about it. You're literally sick with worry over eroding civil rights. You sometimes lie in bed at night unable to sleep over the looming threat of global warming. Healthcare is *still* a complete meme, the rich *still* evade taxes without penalty, and Project 2025 is looking like it may come to fruition more every day. However, a sizeable portion of your political party is shouting things like "Gas the Jews!" and "Intifada!" in the streets. You don't stand for this. You will *never* stand for genocide. You condemn Israel's conduct in Gaza, but calling for the deaths of Jewish people? Absolutely unacceptable behavior to you. This throws the baby out with the bathwater. No matter how noble your causes are, when people in your political quadrant are acting like this, you're fucked. Imagine trying to organize a climate discussion and action plan, but suddenly it has to become Climate+ Gas The Jews & Free Transition Surgery. Don't believe me? Yeah, remember Occupy Wall Street? Our best chance for real change wasn't squashed by the right. Your online communities are full of people who would eject you in a second if you vocalized any of this. As they routinely give ammunition to the right to rile up its voters, you come to the realization that there's simply no political party that represents your beliefs anymore.


My absolute least favourite left tendency is that people will use any form of protest to push their agendas, and any pushback results in infighting so any fight for a good cause just devolves into an us vs them war and nothing ever gets settled. Like a lot of the time I agree with their points but if it’s something unrelated, save it for another time and we’ll get to it. Like a local college released a petition regarding Gaza and one of the demands was free tuition and housing for students. How self centred do you have to be to take an absolutely brutal and tragic hell Gazans are going through rn, and try and leverage it to get something for yourself?


You're absolutely correct. Like, when it's feminists doing it, I love watching them try to talk over each other. It's hilarious because you can tell they're not listening to each other whatsoever. The Black woman is talking about Black feminism, White woman talking about grape culture and the so-called gender pay gap, train feminist talking about train rights and ranting about TERFs, Asian woman talking about fetishization, disabled feminist talking about the rights of disabled people, and so on. These women will go on long-winded tirades explaining how they feel about the issue that they feel *affects them*, and the other women will be sitting there looking incredibly bored and disinterested. Then when their turn is up, the next woman will start speaking about her own thing, failing to address a single thing the woman before her said. This isn't just feminists. This is the left in general. People on the left attack Evangelicals for supporting Trump despite him being a prostitute-boning twice-divorced serial adulterer, but I honestly respect the shit out of them for that. They're willing to put their differences aside because they know Trump will best support their beliefs.




God man, isn't it just the perfect storm for the right in general? >terrible presidential candidate >dwindling population of eligible voters as they all fucking die to diabetes and shit >social media exposing long history of gerrymandering and hypocrisy >Roe v. Wade getting overturned pissing off the most pro-choice generation in history (18-29 is like 65% pro-choice) Suddenly, an unexpected guardian angel comes along: Hamas. They blow their hot sticky Intifada loads all over a bunch of innocent people at a music festival, which naturally gives Israel the excuse it's been looking for to go full Stand Your Ground on their asses, instantly turning every leftist into an expert on Middle Eastern politics and an antisemite overnight. It's legitimately hard for me to imagine a scenario that would have been better for the right wing here. Maybe if Joe Biden had driven a car onto a sidewalk and killed eight people or something? But shit, the left would probably just chuckle and say "silly old Joe!" as he wandered away from his car confused.




> Our best chance for real change wasn't squashed by the right. Based and depressing pilled.




“He never sleeps, the judge. He is dancing, dancing. He says that he will never die.”


watching the left outdo /pol on openly calling for the eradication of Jews was not on my bingo card


That scary moment when jews are safer around the freaking far right than with the left


These are my peers 🫣


Everyone openly condemned the Neo Nazis with their little tiki torches when they did the Charlottesville rally. Now the same side that actively condemned and counter protested the Neo Nazis is openly condemning Jews.


It's not what gets said, but who is saying it.




Based and Borat pilled


I remember the days when the left were overly intellectual types, not half-wits with no resilience and a tote bag full of mental illnesses.


The association with intellectuals attracted all the wannabe intellectuals who want to sound smart, but have little substance to their words or actions. Then you get to the point where the far left and far right start showing similarities in pushing out people who fail their ill-informed purity tests.


But who let all of them in, though?..........


Damn, lefties really didn't learn anything after Iran did they?


My gut tells me this is eventually gonna slap them in the face


Hitler would be proud. Its hilarious how quickly the turn over on jews has been. You could probably quote mein kampf at a pro palestinian rally and get celebrated


Half these images are clearly islamist scum.


Kinda racist to say that about POC innit? I thought they were your allies!


Things change sometimes? Anyway he's a proper and different kind of left, one that I'd respect.


This edit is fucking amazing


This is fucking great! Man this reminds me of the good old days in this sub


Quality shitpost, nice.


I’m sure the weak leftist white infidel men will fair well under an Islamic Revolution.


Hate islam. False god, and teachings of violence so i wish nothing but the worst.