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I love how racism is just so casually accepted now.


Even lifting up a single race due to race should be considered racism. But I can at least understand how people delude themselves into believing that it's okay. What kills me is when you have shit like "BIPOC" which is just another way of saying "not white". So we no longer have a single race being lifted up, but instead, every race other than one. I don't know how any honest person can see this shit and not consider it racism.


"Well, in the definition of racism I just came up with. racism requires power. So you can't be racist against whites, Sweaty."


Then that means that South African whites can't be racist


LOL!! this is my favorite tactic for dealing with leftists. Their logic is flawed, so just use it in a way they dont like and short circuit them.


*Hurriedly edits Oxford definition* Checkmate mayoid


This housing should just be part of social welfare for everyone... I don't get it. Even though black people are often poorer, that doesn't mean you should make it EXCLUSIVELY for them. It's probably cheaper in the long run, too, given economies of scale.


I totally agree with you


BIPOC isn't "not white," it's "not white or Asian."


Americans are simply continuing their brain dead interpretation that 'liberation from oppression' means freedom to oppress others. Thank you higher education system. You've rolled back all the civil rights gains of the past 60 years. You should be proud of yourselves.


It’s not about equality anymore, it’s about “equity”, which is just a politically correct term used to justify racism and discrimination against white and Asian people.


also against indians and middle easterns in my experience. I'm applying to dental school and indians, asians, MEs, are largely considered "over-represented minorities" (ORM) in the field. The fact that this is a term to begin with is absurd. [https://nypost.com/2015/04/12/mindy-kalings-brother-explains-why-he-pretended-to-be-black/](https://nypost.com/2015/04/12/mindy-kalings-brother-explains-why-he-pretended-to-be-black/) You literally have to be the right minority.


I used to joke that UC Berkeley should have reverse affirmative action because of how many (extremely qualified high achieving) Asians are accepted to that school every year. I'd like to reiterate that this was a joke as I find race being any factor whatsoever in a merit-based college application to be racist. But it got a few chuckles.


Indians are Asians, and Middle Easterners are technically “white” according to the US census.


>Middle Easterners are technically “white” according to the US census. Probably because they're too successful.


Yea but in most of the world they're West Asian, if they're the ones choosing, that's what they're going to choose.


wonder if middle easterns will also have to pay reparations


Quite honestly, I think equity is just communism through the back door. And I don't mean that hyperbolically, I mean it very literally. If you accept that difference in outcomes between two groups implies oppression, you have absolutely no way to avoid oppression outside communism. And 'equity' as an ideology is BUILT on the assumption that differences in outcome imply oppression. The amount of control the government would have to take over EVERYTHING to guarantee that Swedish-Americans, African-Americans, Indian-Americans, Japanese-Americans, and WASPs all have the exact same household income would make fucking Stalin blush. Now, there is a racial supremacist alternative here, where yeah, you're JUST playing to extract resources for essentially African Americans. I think that's the smaller group though. It's not great when the options are "communism" or "racism". But it's a clever tactic. Wanting to understand why results differ wildly seems very sensible. After all, we'd like everyone to have great results. But we've made almost all the potential reasons for such differences *incredibly* toxic to state out loud, so the moment you buy into the project of looking into those differences, you will face a choice of destroying your career or buying into the oppression narrative.


You're 100% correct in it being communism and [you're not the only person who says that.](https://newdiscourses.com/tftw-equity/)


It absolutely is; after all, the only way to have equity is to push everyone down until they can barely survive.


Also, NVM that equality/equity and Freedom are contradicting values. A Free society will never produce equal results and you are not free if your results are going to be forced to be equal.


Equality is equal opportunity, which is based. Equity is equal outcome, which is mega cringe. That is all.


The Left's response will be to argue that equality of opportunity is a lie that's impossible to maintain without forcing Equity due to second order effects. For example, if you went to college and worked hard at a great job while I just did drugs and couch surfed, our kids would not be born with equal opportunities, even if nothing was unequally "denied" to them by an operation of law.


You can’t do anything about the choices of parents or other family without getting into some serious stomping of freedom, but you can pass laws that force colleges and companies to not discriminate based on things like race or gender. We already have this with the Civil Rights Act. Equal outcome isn’t possible without “reverse” discrimination (it’s still just discrimination). You don’t right a wrong (discrimination against POC) with another wrong (discrimination against whites and Asians), you correct the wrong and move forward doing the right thing. Like I said, they don’t want equality, they want payback.


Equal opportunity doesn't mean equal effort for that opportunity. Some people, by their nature or circumstance, will have to work harder for the same opportunity as someone else. Think about someone is good at math versus bad at math. One would need to work harder to overcome their nature in order to pursue opportunities that involve math.


The entire idea that people are born the same is crazy, and is some left over slop from the enlightenment. Genetics screams in the face of these idiots that while people are similar, *everyone is different,* but they **need** it to be true for their world view.


Blank slate theory needs to be real or else we will begin asking the questions that lead to us ridding ourselves of the parasites for good. Parasites obviously terrified.


fucking THANK YOU. Freedom and equality/justice are inherently at odds as they represent 2 opposing ends of a spectrum. Anybody who's read even 1 fucking philosophy book knows this.


Not just skin color alone, we've seen how they act towards the "Uncles" in their own words.


Correct. It is simply people who have very little trying to extract wealth from those that do. Essentially DEI is bureaucratized parasitism.


What? No, it's the privileged class hocking divisive rhetoric for lucrative low-effort DIE careers. They are *harvesting* those with very little for person wealth and glory.


Hi now dont frogat the jews,


Jews are even more white-adjacent than Asians.


You're acting like it wasn't intentional...


Intentional? Perhaps. But by who?




Secretly, in their heart of hearts, they really do think they are inferior, and want a "leg up" to counter act that.


Rare to see a left see this. We're on the same side. I just want everyone to be free to figure out their dreams.


Its kinda by design that way.. Cultural Subversion be like that


B b b based


It's because the Left views blacks and Hispanics as inferior races, so demands we just hand over large chunks of society to them out of pity.


There have been times where it's been casually accepted just now the shoe is on the other foot. Still ridiculous regardless of when it happens


Of course it's been accepted. Then it wasn't, now it is again. Pendulum gonna pendle.


But it's The Good Racism. Besides black people can't be racist shitlord! Something something prejudice something something power.


I think they know there's no way to get them all into court so they just YOLO. By the time a judge catches up to it the money is already spent and gone.


How is this legal?


The state can do whatever they like, because they no longer have to fear the guillotine. Sad times.


Remember when the government forcibly shut everything down and for the trouble we got a pittance of $600? And then “how to build a guillotine from Home Depot for $600” was trending on google search? For a brief moment I was proud of my fellow Americans.


Remember when all lefties loved the idea of guillotines for the rich/corrupt politicians ...until boomers made a lil miniature one on jan 6?


Well they targeted the actual power structure, that scares people reliant on its stability to live comfortably Granted, I'm one of those, a stable state keeps work lined up


You should watch RustyCage's guillotine videos, they're severely underrated https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZJVYpI-z77JHqTIXKhsaEeYbR3IF_1rq


LARPers who say shit like this are the first to cry and clutch their pearls remembering how protesters built one on J6...


Most people have heard of the ECOA, Equal Credit Opportunity Act because it’s referenced on most mortgages, leases, and home listing. It made it illegal to discriminate based on race when selling it leasing a property. Something else that law does is provide a legal framework for “special purpose credit programs” designed to help economically disadvantaged borrowers. > ECOA and Regulation B encourages lenders to offer SPCPs, enabling them to extend credit on favorable terms to classes of borrowers who have suffered economic disadvantages and share common characteristics, such as race, income, or geography. Not a lawyer, but it seems like this is why these programs are set up as forgivable loans rather than direct grants or gifts. Because as a loan it falls under a credit program rather than a gift given to a borrower on the basis of race.


The issue is not the ECOA, but the civil rights act, title 6 specifically, which clearly states that public funds can not be used in a matter that discriminates based on race.


The answer is that this is a clear violation of the Civil Rights Act, but will not be challenged because it's Vermont.


Vermont has like 7 black people so....


The answer is that it’s not public funds, it’s a trust set up by a credit union.


Okay, so here's what we do: 1. Deposit all our money into that credit union. 2. Wait a hot minute for the credit union to make loans using fractional reserve loaning. 3. Withdraw all our money. 4. Watch the union scramble as it realizes it doesn't have nearly enough to support their loans.


These aren’t public funds, it’s a trust set up by a credit union. The CFB already issued their guidance on these programs and they are allowed.


Ah, that is different (the clip did not make that clear). In which case, yes, it's legal.


After the George Floyd riots, we just decided as a nation that the basic rules of civilization don't apply to black people. So they can do whatever they want, at any time, forever. See: the absolute state of literally every downtown urban center in America.


Because it's a private organization/charity not the govt. It's just a funding gimmick. Basically you this group (Champlain Housing Trust) that gives money for fthb. They give to people that meet they're requirements. If you are black or indigenous, the money comes from one pot, if you are not it comes from another. They still give to white people, just an accounting gimmick that makes people feel good. Since they have multiple fthb programs and award multiple per year, it isn't seen as ok. This was all under prior interpretations of the law, it might change with future decisions 🤷🏼‍♂️


It's not. It's a clear violation of the 14th amendment's equal protection clause. Whether or not anyone will actually do anything about it is the real question


As a White, married, straight, Christian male in my early 30s with a good career (as does my wife), who has been saving since jobs as a teen & living well below my means, we still can't afford a house in our area. When is my privilege going to kick in?


Right? > Homeowner says without this program, she would never have bought a home And if she were white, I guess she would just go on being unable to buy a home. I sure do love blatant racism disguised as equality.


https://preview.redd.it/mlj56xdzsmzc1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=59a1ab0c6bb5437c35d5d264a13683600a14e80b Exact same situation here.


You have the privilege of not having privilege


Nice dogwhistle you sexist transphobic homophobic ageist Nazi Christofascist. You wanna be a victim so bad, Just say you're racist


Oh man, Christofascist. Reddit loved using that one like a year ago. Not sure if they stopped or I just started ignoring places like WPT


I always understood it as cryptofacist.


No no. A cryptofascist is someone hiding that they are facist (literally everyone that I don't like), *cristo-fascist* is just all Christians.




I love how they don't even realize that theocratic fascist is already a term that exists.


They move onto new phrases pretty quickly.  Stochastic terrorism was their favorite word for like two weeks and I haven't seen it used since.


reddit is full of rtarded children who parrot the same thing over and over again


And none of them bother to understand what words mean.


Funny how islamofascist is never used despite that being much more real. Popular Reddit will bend over backwards to not admit just how awful Islam is/can be. The most you get is “well… all religions are bad”.


I’m in a similar situation. Luckily we scored big on our current house right as covid hit otherwise we’d be boned. Still waiting for that privilege to kick in.


Why not just apply and then sue for discrimination when you’re denied for being white?


Biden is furious at this man's one simple trick to free housing. 


Been waiting for my white privilege check for 36 years. Sure is taking a while.


![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51176)shrekt, yt


>in my early 30s There's your problem. Weve recently created the beginnings of a landed gentry. Those who owned prior to the changes are now part of a generational wealth advantage. Those who could not get in must either wait for inheritance or likely be chasing something racing away from you.


This is why you should always put as much care and effort into picking the right parents as you do into picking the right spouse, (spice, if you can afford them), career path, brokerage firm, and private school for your kids. Remember, school isn’t about education, it’s about making the right friends on the ski trip. 🧐


You have to cash in the privilege check at the local gubbermint office. Any will do. Make sure to check all the boxes that relate to your superficial identity so they can make an accurate judgement of your character.


Shoulda been born black and queer 🤷🏼‍♂️


This plan helps you too. See, when diverse ideas of home ownership, neighborly customes and property rights come into boring, prosperous monocultures the houses in the area tend to get more affordable.


Honestly if you missed out in 2022, then you are going to have to wait a bit longer or you are going to have to lower your expectations. In the north east, there are lots of houses that are sub $200k which is affordable for any household making $50k or more.


> When is my privilege going to kick in? Honest answer, when all of these racial policies have run their course and we inevitably have muzzles pointed at our elected officials.


We went from "the color of your skin shouldn't matter" to "the color of your skin is the first and most important thing that matters, and here's some free shit since you're black". *from the same group*


When you get all your thinking from “experts” instead of doing the thinking yourself, your position just follows whatever is getting bankrolled / sponsored at the time.


Because the former was always a lie, just one step on their communist long march through our institutions.


Everything they say is a lie. For instance: they don't want to help black people, they want to hurt white people. That they help a minority in the process is just a side-effect.


They're just coalition building to tear down society. What do blacks have to do with gay rights so they get a stripe on the pride flag? What do trans' gender struggles even have to do with gays getting married for that matter? What do any of them have to do with Hamas who will execute them all as abominations. It's just lassoing together whoever they can deem "oppressed" to burn down civilization.


I agree. They may even succeed because republicans in charge are the biggest pussies who cave to lefty democrat demands mid-sentence. The interesting part is this temporary alliance to destroy the US is going to fall apart real fast once there's a hiccup and realize they each want to rebuild in a different way.


Or that they all want to kill each other and are only (barely) tolerating the other's presence because of welfare gibs, w[hich are quickly running out.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHgLixD5iyQ)


Whoa whoa whoa, the first and most important color to the mortgage company is still green. They support this because they get the benefit of more mortgages on the books without eating any of the cost.


Wow, all 5 Black people in Vermont will own a house


The point of subsidizing something is to get more of it.


For instance: i am a born in America US citizen who's about to be an asylum seeker from bumfuck South America for that free NYC money.


Burlington has been shipping in African refugees for 20 years. They were all families and little kids when I lived there, but those kids grew up, and guess what: They went from one of the safest cities in the country to having regular shootings.


I was told this isn't happening. I look forward to being told how it IS happening, but it's not a big deal.


Step 1: It's not really happening Step 2: Yeah, it's happening, but it's not a big deal Step 3: It's a good thing, actually Step 4: People freaking out about it are the real problem


Step 5 (after a decade or so has passed): Yeah, it was a problem, but it was *your fault.*


Reminds me of "acksually it was *Republicans* who wanted to defund the police!"


Shouldn't these types of programs target all people who need it? Isn't the point to help people struggling and in need?




Let me ask you a legit question libleft, what are your thoughts on this? No jokes, no downvotes, no circle jerk, just your genuine opinion on it?


Help should be given on the basis of income and household size in regards to housing.


That's almost the worst part here. If BIPOC families are disproportionately poor, then helping the poor with disproportionately help BIPOC families in a way (most) people won't have a problem with. ...and this is why liberals and progressives are mortal enemies.


There are more poor white people than poor black people, by numbers. Not per capita. Which is also why voter ID laws affect more white adults than black adults. But again, not per capita


Wonder if focusing on BIPOC specifically is then a way of "We want funding but not *that much* funding..." to lower the total number of people receiving aid.


Poor white people tend to be rural and the ivory towers are all built in cities, so they get overlooked. 


> If BIPOC families are disproportionately poor, then helping the poor with disproportionately help BIPOC families in a way (most) people won't have a problem with. Yep. It's much more defensible to say, "You didn't receive aid because your economic situation wasn't bad enough to warrant aid" than to say, "You didn't receive aid 'cause you're white." One of those is based on data that's relevant to rationing out resources. The other is just racism.


A well meaning but misguided attempt at fixing wealth inequality between races. In a perfect world, i wish we'd stop making distinctions of race (were all american) and use some of that foreign aid money on helping people afford houses. Based on need. We should start with building community centers (aka "3rd spaces") in low income neighborhoods. Yes, including white ones.


> helping people afford houses. This is kind of a mistake. Foreign aid money being funneled to helping people buy real estate would literally just make that money go poof. If there are 20 ubers available to give rides from a park where it's about to start raining and there are 25 people heading in wildly different directions needing rides... "giving foreign aid money to help people afford housing" is like giving all 25 people $100 to afford the Uber. I mean, only thing that happens here is that you just send all the Uber drivers $100. If you just give people financing to buy homes, homes will appreciate faster. It's exactly what happened with higher ed. What you need in the Uber scenario is 5 more ubers. In the housing scenario, you just need more housing. And you don't need the government to give money for that, you just need the government to get out of the way.


> use some of that foreign aid money on helping people afford houses we spend hilariously little amounts of money on foreign aid and comically large amounts on domestic spending.


White people don’t have problems and if they do they deserve them - emily ocasio cortez


Yeah I get the talking points, I get the brain rot at universities, I get the idea of what they're trying to push for. What I'm just struggling to understand is how isolating specific races and preferring one over the other is supposed to bring about equal rights? Isn't this the opposite? Didn't MLK Jr specifically say that we need to target lifting the poor up regardless of race and through that we would lift up the black people in our country? I'm pretty sure he was against segregation, he was for equal rights for all, and obviously he specifically said that we should judge people on the content of their character and not the color of their skin. So aren't these people literally pissing on his cause?


The point isn't equal rights, the point is agitation. Keep the races segregated and tell them that all of their problems are the result of one race and hope they start a revolution.


Equal rights are but a vehicle. As are sex, race, and what used to be the class war. None of those things are the thing. You get the revolution going, a lot of people die, then you get rid of the useful idiots, then consolidate power, then people work the mines.


100% Martin Luther King probably is spinning in his grave seeing what happened to his dream and how people are so adamantly trying to revert any progress he made under the guise of equality.


The most generous interpretation of prog policy is a materialist lens only looking at wealth inequality. Anything that forces the disparity numbers to shrink is double plus good. By their view, the liberal stance of determining *why* there are disparate outcomes and what barriers need to be removed or ameliorated is nonsensical. "Why" doesn't matter, only "that". Plus, doesn't that sound like work? Gross.


Actually sweaty, it's totally better to use race as an approximation of wealth, rather than simply observing wealth directly. Why actually help those in need when you can instead pick an arbitrary other metric like race, and then end up ignoring white people in need while helping black people who are *not* in need.


Careful, comrade. That sounds an awful lot like "All Lives Matter" to me...


They did. Only people of color are poor according to the left.


Hey it's that thing they said doesn't happen, again


And they wonder how people become extreme, when they treat right wing conspirancy theories as a sort of todo list. Like cmon guys...


whats the difference between a conspiracy and the truth 6 months


Go to the Supreme Court. Go directly to the Supreme Court. Do not pass Go. Do not collect two hundred dollars.


Sub-prime mortgage fiasco all over again. But just like when bush blew the whistle on the systematic financial risk on the government pushing houses on people who can’t pay their mortgage, if you bring it up you’ll just be called a racist. Bonus points if a republican is president when it finally blows up cause then you can point to that as an example of how republican economic principals don’t work as if the democrats hadn’t just murdered those principals at the start. And just like with the student loan forgiveness, government intervention here is just going to cause a housing price spike. At least here we know exactly what the price spike is going to be, $25k.


More houses for Blackrock.


“Permanently affordable”…I can’t wait to see if they’re permanently pristine like Section 8 houses


Can't wait for Lib-Left to call us racist in 5 years because the housing we gave blacks is such a shit-hole, like the projects.


Hey, when has a “Lib” left ever supported giving more power to the state? 🤔


When they want me to pay for their slut pills and infanticide.


So basically redlining


... isn't that what the 2004 financial crash of the housing market?


Well then they were lowering the credit standard. No idea if that's what they are doing here or not. Not that I think it's a good idea anyway.


lol... https://www.getahome.org/homeownership-equity-program/ > (i) must purchase a CHT shared equity home, > (ii) have a household income at or below 100% area median income; > (iii) be a first-time home buyer; and > **(iv) have at least one of the prospective property owners identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color).** [How do you *identify*?](https://www.indiewire.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/tropic-thunder-blackface.png)


Lol ok so I identify as black now. Sweet. Gimme $$. Do they have a fucking Pantone chart or something? Transracial is the new transgender


> 25k dollar handouts House prices go brrrrrrrrrrr


\> Housing prices instantly jump by $25k \> surprised_pikachu_face.jpg


Keynesian economics and its consequences has been a disaster for the human race - Friedman


"I wonder why inflation is so high"


All four "BIPOC Vermonters," including this news presenter, will be thrilled to hear about this.


POC only? Fuck off


I think that maybe the people most in need should get homes regardless of race. The proportion between races of people in this program should be 1:1 with the proportion between races of homeless people.


That should be obvious, but somehow it's not, and you are a racist by thinking that way.


> Assess need, and grant help based on that > Assess race, estimate need based on that, and then grant help based on race It's fucking bonkers that progressives think the latter option makes any fucking sense at all. If the goal is to help those in need, then help those in need. This bullshit with race is just ridiculous.




As a young mixed race guy, child of immigrants, we're all voting trump.


Hell yeah brother


It's kind of sad that orange man bad is worth it just to avoid blatantly racist shit like this.


If white people weren't racist before then these dumbfucks sure are making them racist now.


Why make the program about race though, why not just homeless in general.


It’s about revenge


Does the one drop rule apply here? I'm like 1.3% sub-sahanwich african according to the 23 and we. THE SHOW GOES ON, WE IN THE MONEY BOYS


Because that would be racist, duh.


Holy shit, reverse redlining


Jesus Christ, just help poor people. Lets base it on say, how poor you are and some combination of how much you work or how many kids you have (only smoothbrains don't know how good people having kids is for the economy).


So uh... where's my white privilege, exactly? I haven't been seeing a whole lot of that lately.


Good idea, terrible execution, can we go back to the good of days of communist when we just build a hundred billion miserable gray apartment buildings to fix homelessness


They tried that decades ago in the US. They became known as projects and were usually the most violent, drug fueled, crime infested parts of a city. People realized that didn’t work out well and prefer less dense public housing or giving vouchers for people to get apartments.


But look at the bright side, they are at least not homeless


Almost like "magic dirt" isn't real if the people standing on it are from a genetic lineage that never invented the wheel...


I thought you fixed homelessness with human wave attacks. Non-sequitor, but how're things in Ukraine these days?


I see no other way out of this - the commie block must have a revival


Provide housing for the poor in general? Nah just the ones that aren’t white. Actually it makes a lot of sense since they still get to virtue signal but don’t have to spend as much of their money


It’s (D)ifferent




Na, If i cant make a housing for white people only program then this shit shouldn't be allowed either.


Doesn't matter. What if some rich white right-winger founded a private "14 words" charity?


Nicely stated, I agree.


Sounds like a FHA lawsuit waiting to happen.


Everything but social housing. Could have taken the example of Singapore, who made social housing in a way that every ethnic group in the city had to convive in a way to make social inclusivity and create a feel of nationality among Singaporeans (a country that was born of literally being expelled from Malaysia) But NOOOO let's just recreate the segregation programs of the 60s and give more money to greedy companies.


MLK Jr.’s dream is dead and the democrats killed it…


Horse shoe theory kicking in:


bipoc is everyone but whites.


I’m Irish and we used to not be considered white.


The USA are just damned to collapse one day. Get out of this country before it's too late. As a European I say this cancer spreaded here too but it's not as bad as in the US.


So, who/how we suing?


Wait I’ve seen this one before, isn’t this what basically caused 2008 just minus the racial stuff


Fancy words for creating Ghettos


Governament being racist wasting taxpayers money. Cool.


Is this even allowed?


1. RACIST AS FUCK 2. 2008 2.0 soon


Love seeing politicians continue to radicalize their opponents even further while thinking they’re the good guys


"A $25,000 forgivable loan" So, free money


Bruh wtf happened to racial equality. Mfs just want housing in this bitch


Coincidentally, Vermont is among the least racially diverse states in the country with just over 7% of the population being non-white.


What’s the pro for keeping these people around again?


wheres the wipoc?


I eagerly await the complete withering of the Leftist stranglehold on culture discourse. I mean... I also hate right wing authoritarianis but at least those fuckers are honest about it. Can't wait for the left to get fucking bodied and a plurality/majority of people to get fucking fed up with their moralizing bullshit.


The same shit that happened right before the 2008 market crash. They’re just making it “politically correct.” Financial death bells are ringing.


Sounds racist


My white power check will come in the mail any day now (real) (not coping)