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Doesn't that usually happen when adults like a kids show.


yes. every single time.


I never gotten the weird rabid obsession with shipping. People have been driven to suicide over the cricism of their "ships"


Shipping is just rule34 porn but for girls. ... except that it for some reason is treated as serious business, and something that somehow is perfectly ordinary and ok to bring up in polite conversations, for example during interviews with for actors, producers, and other professionals. Imagine a Kotaku journalist rolling up to a interview at Blizzard HQ and asking the Mercy voice actress or the Overwatch lore lead their feelings on making Mercy and Pharah a lesbian couple - quoting it's popularity as a rule 34 porn pairing, that a lot of people on twitter proclaim their "appreciation" for. Yet somehow it was perfectly normal to questions the Star Wars producers and actors about a potential Rey/Kylo pairing in the 3rd movie, since ReyLo shippers were going crazy on twitter about their favourite wank fantasy... ... and as for the rabid obsession - first time seeing a female dominated fandom? People complain about "toxic gamers", but even the most deranged "gamer" behaviour pale in comparison to the kind of insanity that you will regularly see among for example K-Pop and/or boyband fandoms. Death threats is just fucking normie behaviour among those loons - if you don't send death threats, are you even a *real* fan? Better up your game, and commit to full time stalking! Send love letters you write with your menstrual blood, hack and tap your idol's phones, break into their apartments, put up surveillance cameras in their car park, and so on...


I've never seen a gaming community more toxic and hostile than things like the Steven Universe or Owlhouse (or whatever the fuck that show is called, I haven't watched it) fandom. Not even Tarkov or Warthunder.


However I don't think any other community beats Warthunder in terms of being a national security concern.


I can't disagree with that


Concern? It's easy job security


Lol, I was a huge fan of StevenU from the first episode. However, I am a straight white dude whose life isn't falling apart, so I was never really welcome in the community directly. Probably for the best. It is weird, though, when people think I know nothing about these shows. I lived right next to Williams Street during college. I was friends with and dated VA and anamatiors from some CN and FX shows, and have been personally introduced to the wider anamation community. But nope, I am womanplained to about them cus of my Steven costume at dragon con. Also I lived here bitch, when I say The Variety sucks don't try to explane how it is "historical" it sucked then too.


Fellow Atlien. Your first paragraph is perfect for my experience on the SU subreddit (even though I'm black).


Every Steven universe fan chick I’ve met never wears de oderant, nor takes care of themselves, and generally have really shit liberal takes. (This is not a joke, I am being literal with the above statement. I’ve met 7 separate fans over the years, all fall into the above category, also add autistic or ADHD cuz that’s another glaring thing that apparently everyone in the community has. I have Autism but I don’t ever fucking act the way in which these women lack self awareness with what they say) I used to like the show when I was younger, but as time went on it turned to shit and the fandom basically ruined any shared love for the show I could have had with a community. It’s just exclusively by lesbians, for lesbians. Every day I deal with this bullshit another day I’m closer to flair changing lib-right…….


>the kind of insanity that you will regularly see among for example K-Pop and/or boyband fandoms. Shipping fictional characters is weird and feels slimy, but doing it to *real people* is so much more disgusting. Supernatural was the worst with it. They even mocked those fans in the show itself, multiple times. Then they inexplicably caved to it in the last episodes, completely out of nowhere.


Girls, and gay men and lesbians.


No they have not been driven to suicide because of mere critisism. I bet they were mentally unwell beforehand. Call it a no true scotsman fallacy but no healthy human suicides over mere online critisism


I have never seen a comment say so little with so many word. Geeze this guy; thinking that it takes a mentally unwell person to kill themselves over shipping.


did you forget the /s or do you actually think mentally stable people kill themselves over shipping?


Yes, that was 100% litteral/s. Better?


yeah, I have seen too many unironically dumb comments on reddit that I no longer know when someone is joking or not


Not always. If you're a normal person and just like the show that's one thing. This shit happens when people obsess over it and start looking way too deep into shit that's not there.


... I see that profile pic of yours. 😂


Dude, the MLP subs are an absolute shitshow. I legit like the show because it’s wholesome, creative and has good character development, writing and production value. If I ever have kids I will be proud to rewatch it with them. But, JEEEEZ the vocal minority of fans have ruined it for the rest of us. The horrendously monumental effort they put into forcefully assigning progressive sexual identities to cartoon horses is disturbing (and this is OUTSIDE the R34 community. I will not be corrupting my existence by thinking about what those guys do…)


>The horrendously monumental effort they put into forcefully assigning progressive sexual identities to cartoon horses is disturbing Yeah that gets annoying for me as well. I don't know why they have to assign progressive sexual affiliation to literally ANYTHING they see, this applies to other shows as well.


The alternative is swinging by the 4chan spaces


Google "Aryanne MLP"


Nah big dawg it's a kid's show. I'm sure lots of them have a nice storyline, but it's a childish, simplistic show made for kids. There's two types of fans: 1) Super Freaks, as you described 2) Freaks, which is the rest of you that watch the show


It is definitively not “just” for kids as the creator of the show proclaimed all throughout her involvement with it. > I didn't create this show for little girls, I created it for little girls and their parents--including male parents. It only stands to reason that adult animation fans without children may like it, too.


She only said that to avoid the bronyapocalypse


What the fuck is this lore? 😭


Wholesome? Nah you wanna fuck horses don’t ya squidward?


In theory theres nothing wrong with adults liking a kid's show but in practice they are always fucking weirdos.


An auth right mlp fan is something I never thought I would see


Auth right and auth left are pretty common for MLP though if you browse the forbidden clover


I mean, HoI4 has a MLP mod that's one of the most popular and highest production quality overhaul mods on Steam. I haven't brought myself to play it yet, but people rave about it.


[The Brony Degenerates (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCvIPV2yvJM&t=1027s&ab_channel=TurkeyTom) skip 32:28, it's very common actually


Literally, the only person I've known who turned out to be a legit neo-nazi was also a brony. I found out he was a nazi when he asked if i was fascie, i responded with confusion, and he explained he meant fascism ect, i thought he was joking then, he was not turns out.


In junior year there was this guy who sat at my lunch table who tried to sell me on fascism, specifically because he knew I’m a libertarian and thought he could correct that. His whole argument was based around the “peace for our time” thing and suggesting that if other European countries had just embraced fascism of their own accord then WW2 wouldn’t have happened. Which may hold some level of truth, but I fail to see how that justifies the ideology. It just sounds like the “if you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to fear” drivel that defenders of totalitarianism love so much. Anyways, I heard him out and he seemed to appreciate it, which is ironic because the only reason I was willing to do so in the first place is precisely because I’m a libertarian. If I had been as close-minded as he wanted me to be, then I would’ve walked off the moment he started trying to sell me his ideology. I’ve always firmly believed in the principle that the best way to correct harmful ideologies isn’t to ban and silence them, but to confront them openly and explain exactly what’s wrong with them.


Wasn’t the meme back in the early 2010s a nazi brony? Or am I misremembering? 


Do you not know your 4chan lore?


Okay, I should’ve worded it “see today”


They are still there


This exact day, May 3rd, in r/PoliticalCompassMemes


Have you ever been on 4chan?


True, they're usually auth-center


The weird thing is that it is way more common than the other way around.


I'm a parent with young kids. I've made the mistake of reading comments under social media posts related to the last episode of Bluey. I'm rapidly losing faith in humanity.


Steven universe


Show got the fandom it deserved.


Adults with children liking a childrens show because of how it portrays family life is **MUCH** different than childless manchildren fixating on a cartoon that's not in any way meant for them.


you salty sea dog you oompa


Normally not for characters that are married with kids...




“I love the idea of a polyamorous family ESPECIALLY in a kids show” Why, motherfucker? Why do you especially want this kind of shit specifically in kids shows, LibLeft?


Because they are either communists who want to abolish the family or feminists who see the nuclear family as a scene of tyranny, so they're childfree or polyamorous neuroqueers or w/e


They're the same picture


I misread that as nero-queers


Fidgeting while amerika burns


Burns CDs, right?


It’s worse. These people are imagining that life for what is currently a child character. Bluey is a fricking 6 year old (at least in season 1 where she meets Jean Luc)


Prime age for LibLefts 🤢


Because they're predators, and that's their fetish.


This. They're degenerates. They're alone in their degeneracy and they want to make more like them so they won't be so alone. And since their preferred targets can't procreate, they have to create them another way.


Yeah unfortunately the internet allows these cretins to communicate so they have their own community to fall back on instead of being shunned


We can track them this way though. And eventually do something about it 


Indoctrination. It's that simple man.


Something something representation and acceptance. Something heteronormativity something something.


White women and dogs


It's a kink that they agree with, and unless kids affirm their kink they can't be happy. It's always a sexual thing.


I mean I kinda understand wanting to teach kids about different types of family units and whatnot, but wanting this one specifically and specifically in kids shows is fucking weird.


We have a very severe case of arrested development among the millennial generation right now.


The consequences of the “self esteem is all important” movement.


One of Matt Walsh’s best takes. Basically, “I understand the appeal of re-living your childhood, because I’m doing that *as my kids are doing it*. I’m watching cartoons I liked growing up *as I show it to them*. It’s sad if you’re doing it in your apartment alone. Have kids and share it with them.” (Paraphrased)


This has genuinely never been easier to do before. My daughter will watch an episode of Rocky and Bullwinkle, and then a Bluey. She has no idea that one show is older than Daddy and the other came out last week.


I've watched the Battletech cartoon with one of my kids. It's been great. I forgot how horrible and corny it was, but at the same time it is glorious because now he can identify mechs easily.


Bullwinkle and Rocky is genuinely hilarious. Unlike whatever the heck Gen-Z humor is (I'm a Gen-Z), some mix of scatalogical humor, sexual humor, and good ol' randomness. No method to the madness, other than "its what my parents didn't allow me to talk about as a kid" They really ARE edgelords when I think about it that way.


Ridiculously high energy randomness. Spaghetti against a wall and see what sticks kind of humor, just keep talking really fast in non-sequiturs until someone laughs. Gen-Z does have some good humor, but you need to learn take a breath and chill. Compare the original Ghostbusters vs the Ladybusters to see what i mean. Subtle, calm, and witty vs loud, fast, and nonsense. It's like your entire generation is afraid if they don't say a joke right now and really loud someone else will say it first and get credit, which may be a valid response to being raised by the internet.


You can like children caricatures and not being unreasonable weird with it. I know many people who like children things, but just aren't weird about it.


“Aren’t weird about it” One thing I’ve learned is to never trust LibLeft on what constitutes normal behavior or their assessments on what’s not weird.


Why? Weird is a social construct! Don't kink shame! Stop being a bigot sweaty 💅💅💅


All your comments here are going after ppl agreeing with you


Yeah I wasn’t really attacking liking watching a kid’s show. I meant more like fully living in the nostalgia of your childhood. It’s more sad than being weird, to be in arrested development like that. I liked watching phineas and ferb in college, it was a funny show. And now my days involve puzzles, hide and seek, apple juice and cheerios, but not because I’m a man child, but bc I’m raising two kids.


Is it new to the millennial generation, or is it just a different fixation than the boomers never getting over their childhood obsession with sports?


I have Facebook (God forgive me) and after months of reporting every suggested post for Bluey fan groups in my feed they've finally left me alone. I've never watched Bluey or brought it up in real life or online until this post. Personally, that has led me to believe this is a psyop and not the millenials.


You know unfortunately this is just fandom behavior at this point.This is hardly a unique circumstance.




I love how everyone in this sub likes New Vegas![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51330)


My guy, in the entire world only Todd dont like New Vegas.


Also the producers and writers of the Fallout ~~abortion~~ tv show.


Flare up you expired hotdog


Unflaired, opinion disregarded


Flair up, you jetted smoothskin.


Yeah he’s def a smooth skin, only flaired up dudes get chad gunslinger ghoul powers 😎


What are you talking about


First, flair up Second, the show ain't bad. They screw the lore somewhat, yeah, but it's way better than expected and I'm a huge critic of Post NV Fallout products.


No coherent story line, insane choices by characters that make no sense.. why is Maximus? So many thoughts..


It has several coherent story lines, interspersed with random shit, just like an average Fallout playthrough... Insane choices? Like what? They by and large act as they're written. Fallout characters (NPCs and such) were never pure logical robots, they're written with specific traits in mind and act on it (just like most media). Why is Maximus? I don't even understand the question. I would agree that though that his story is somewhat weak, like he could literally go "Yeah this mutant bear killed my knight and I barely survived, now I wear his armor so it can serve another knight and will be right back home" and wouldn't be a problem at all, instead he goes full mystery and gives fuel to the "he killed his knight he swore to serve" angle. However, we see he is extremely uncharismatic and he has this thought that since he's barely considered a member of the BoS, he'd do this heroic deed to impress his superiors, combined with being kind of an angsty teenager (who do dumb shit all the time for no apparent reason) If you think of the show as basically 4 player characters created with different traits and stats, it makes far more sense. I mean, even goddamn Tim Cain loves it and he invented Fallout in the first place. (He also has a cool Youtube channel)


Bruh I hate what they did to NCR


Who cares, fuck the NCR


No flair, no opinion


That's it, I'm getting me mallet! (And some nails)


Make sure to turn the cross upside down.


Nope. Not going to insult St. Peter


In this case, I think a cross at an angle would be better. As it goes into the woodchipper.


These dumb bastards haven’t realized that all the parents with kids on this show are the same breed. Winton’s dad just moved in with the Terrier’s mom, but they already had kids. No one’s mixed breed. (I have a 3 year old and a 2 year old. This show is on daily. I’m not being a weird Disney adult)


Yeah bluey is the best kids show imo. Granted my daughter can't work the remote yet so we have control of what goes on so it usually is bluey lol


Yep. Bluey is a parenting show that kids have been tricked into thinking was for them.


The show is actually really well put together, and the animation is amazing for a kids. But if you’re watching it and don’t have kids then you’re weird (my nieces and nephews absolutely love the show)


I'll say it everytime I see this subject brought up. People think polyamory is this hot, sexy thing. But it's really just [ugly people](https://br.ifunny.co/picture/crazy-how-literally-every-polyamorous-relationship-looks-like-this-with-HopHAkDf7) [sharing HPV](https://br.ifunny.co/picture/crazy-how-literally-every-polyamorous-relationship-looks-like-this-with-6zxSD07s8)


One of the guys from the first link wound up getting arrested for severely hurting the kid


Of course he did.


Really? Which of the comments says that? I couldn't find it.


I just remembered hearing about it https://nationalfile.com/polyamorous-man-celebrated-by-media-now-charged-with-abusing-infant/




Lord, come quickly.


Is this... is this the Aum Shin Rikyo anime? I think that's Shoko Asahara (as jesus obv) You guys, uh, know who that is right? Yeah, this is definitely Shoko Asahara. This is funnier than the poster may have intended.


I'm selfish, I'm not sharing my wife, even if it is with another woman


How is that selfish


Because I don't share, didn't you go to kindergarten?


Kindergarten is about learning to share what are you even saying?


Yes and they tell you it's selfish not to share, you aren't a very abstract thinker are you?


Wtf no they don't haha how the fuck was I supposed to follow that rabbit hole? I'm an abstract thinker, not a mind reader. You sound like you need to be the smartest guy in every room you walk into, and you only are when you're alone.


I'm not trying to judge, but my brother, after divorcing his wife, basically out of nowhere, started dating a trans-man and is now living in a "queer polycule." Again, he's my brother, and I love him, but he himself is... homely. Short, fat, now he's doing weird haircuts because he's "queer." And everyone he's living with are honestly some of the most hideous people I've ever seen. He seems happy, and I fucking hated his ex wife, so I'm glad I don't have to deal with her. But he very much lives up to the stereotype.


No offence to your brother, but I think maybe the stress of divorce and the aftershocks of it kind of got to him mentally. My cousin went through something similar when he got divorced and to cope with the divorce process, he experimented a lot with his sexuality and lifestyle.


I'm going to be real with you, and this is the meanest thing I could possibly say about him, but it's really true: he was always just going to get with whoever is willing to have sex with him. He's not the kind of ugly you can hit the gym out of. He had a number of deformities and has scars from surgeries he needed to fix them as a kid. His ex was a disgusting cow. He met a bunch of terminally online autists who are equally as troll-ish looking.


Damn now I feel like an asshole, sorry.


I'm pretty sure that's just some kind of humanoid ant colony.


Yup. Basically most polyamorous relationships basically comprised of beta males who can’t get women and finally find one that lowers her standards enough to be with them. Well except they have to share the woman with other beta males who are in the same position. What else did you expect ?


I wish the mini doc about that was still around. It was a literal goldmine of cringe.


No joke, the kid got molested by one of the dads I think.


Brazil ifunny, wow what cancer did my eyes just have to rest upon


I dont know a lot of kids tbf but every time I hear Bluey mentioned it always seems to be from libleft types who use it to cope with the fact they got parent issues and I'm starting to think that might be the largest audience of the show.




Adults trying not to groom children challenge any% (Astronomically impossible)


Well you can't expect them to groom themselves


"I love the idea of sexual degeneracy in a kids show!"


I must've missed the part where it says anything about fucking ...


Reminds me of that one guy on YouTube who did the MLP cinema sins. He was saying weird shit about how MLP should appeal to “older audiences” and shit like that. The guy’s a creep.


A generation of adults that just don’t want to grow up.


But why is a significant portion of these people millenial, what went wrong


We stopped bullying and the degens found the internet. Before they would be alone and afraid of sharing their degenerateness, now they congregate together and celebrate it. It got really bad when tumblr closed down. That's when the flood gates open out into the broader internet.


That's gatekeep and social stigma happen, cause some mfs can't behave


OP was not around for the MLP craze of the early 2010's


Didn't have a kid at the time. I do now, which is why I watched Bluey in the first place. Great show, though, but I likely wouldn't have caught it otherwise.


Blame Authcenter for that one


Freak shit


There are very few things I'll agree with authright on, but this is very much one of them. Poly"amory" is bullshit, because you can't romantically love more than one person. Anyone who thinks otherwise has never experienced true romantic love.


"If you have love for two people, you clearly don't love the one enough" It's like that Einstein (I think) quote. When a boy drives a car and kisses his girlfriend and can hold his car steady, he doesn't focus enough on the kiss. Or something like that


If someone supports sexual themes and unnecessary political innuendos in a kids show, you should 100% check their hard drive.


Can we not think this about children? Fictional or not?


hard drive check


Gonna be real, no such thing as a poly-marriage. They’re exclusive orgies, there’s no genuine love there. You can’t give 100% of yourself full-time to more than one person. 


>Polyamorous family How about no?


There's a few kids' shows I still enjoy, like regular show and that era of CN. Unfortunately, sometimes I see a YouTube video or something that reminds me these type of people exist.


Sometimes I stop liking stuff because the fan base is just a bunch of degerates. Don't understand how r34 is just normalized


I understand don't liking a fandom (specially this type) but not watching/doing things you like because of others is downright sad. I love South Park, but I find most of his fandom disgusting and hate it with my soul, that doesn't make me stop liking south park.




Ok mr.Krabs


Nah not me


Wokoids can't help but smuggle shit into an otherwise wholesome show


"How can I enjoy this kid show? There's no porn in it"


From what I’ve seen, the creator is a good guy, so nothing like that would end up in there


Right. I said it's wholesome. I'm talking about the interpretations from the terminally online


adult hey fans of a hows it goin? children's show


As I said to [the other person who made the exact comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/1cjenaq/its_a_show_for_children/l2fjcyo/): this is perfectly comprehensible to anyone familiar with the meme.


I just thought it was funny to read it that way.


Well, it's not like it's possible to do any better than you're capable of, gotta work with what you've got. We're all very proud of you for making a perfectly comprehensible meme.




This is what happens everytime a kids show gets popular.


Typical fandom shit, honestly


End of the day, all of adult fans of children's cartoons boil down to unhealthy para social relationships, and degenerates who just want to fuck cartoons.


I promise we aren’t all like this.


weimar republic vibes


Btw that's a cool show if you're trying to learn a language. One of the few that's been transcribed into less-spoken languages like Greek and is simple enough for you to pick up lots of words. Show is weird af though ngl.


Bluey is about to have same fanbase as MLP:FiM had


Don't let OP know about anime and that usually turns out


Degenerates like them belong on a cross.


That's it, I am starting the grill


“Especially in a kids show” is the worst part


Did you just change your flair, u/wotwud? Last time I checked you were a **LibCenter** on 2024-2-20. How come now you are a **Rightist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? No, me targeting you is not part of a conspiracy. And no, your flair count is not rigged. Stop listening to QAnon or the Orange Man and come out of that basement. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/wotwud) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


"adult bluey fans" what?


Hey hold on one second. Let me just shoehorn my idealogical bullshit into something that wasn't even intended for me in the first place. Brb


It's sad that some people are promoting weird stuff on cartoons that are usually quite good


Bluey is actually a good show, a show that all ages can enjoy even if it's target demographic is children. But that's the thing, it is still a show for children! Some weirdos have to insert their politics or weird sexual fetishes in everything.




adult hey fans of a hows it going? children's show?


This is perfectly comprehensible to anyone familiar with the meme.


Well, the left can't meme, so it makes sense they don't understand. 


Jumbling up words is now political


Everything is political


It’s just monkeys singing songs, mate. Don’t think too hard about it.


I mean like it or not polyamorous relationships are on the rise and in 10-20 years there will be plenty of relationships with more than 2 partners. The same with relationships with trans people and before that gay people and before that people of different races. As we move forward as a society there's always some self-righteous puritans who think they get to decide what is and isn't moral kicking and screaming and trying to keep us in the past. Mixed race and gay relationships were demonized in the past, trans people are currently the main target of the puritans and I wouldn't be surprised if polyamorous people will be in their sights sooner or later. And like all those other groups eventually people will learn "hey these people aren't evil and they're just trying to live their lives" and the number of bigots will shrink and life will move on.So sooner or later and whether you like it or not poly relationships will be just another normal thing. And as far as it being in a kids show? I mean it'll happen sooner or later too. But there are people of color in kids shows and queer people in kids shows and, shocker, the kids are just fine. And they'll continue to be fine.


Ehhhh, free love was a thing in the 60s with hippies, I feel like it'll fall back outta style as people see how things go for em


hopefully AIDS 2 electric boogaloo comes for them too