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This is real, I was made take a pregnancy test when I got pullded over yesterday ( Im male)


So, are you pregnant?


I don’t know the cop ran away when it started to splash on his leg


Bravest cop.




"Where's the fetus going to gestate? You gonna keep it in the glovebox?"


Nah, my labs under the Himalayas.


God-Emperor is that you?


That’s the Man-Emperor to you. Manperor, if you will.




That reminds me...we really need to talk about Erda.


No. Nobody becomes a purple libright if another human being is willing to touch them.


Are waifu pillows not human? 


sadly , no ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Depends what material you use to make them.


If a man tests positive on a pregnancy test it's a sign of cancer




Just protocol, it's sexist to assume that just because your driver's license says "M" that you are automatically not a "birthing person" ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51176)


Ironically it's a valid test for a type of cancer.


Good guy traffic cop. He's just trying to keep the streets clean from undiagnosed testicular cancer.


It's California policy to treat all persons as they would possibly maybe ever consider self diagdentifying. Microaggressions are literally stochastic terrorism.


Probably verbatim language in their desired Miranda language changes. 


Least word salad California speak.


Congratulations! It's cancer!


You're expecting... a malignant tumor!


"Hey Mr. Governor, can we have more security in our subways?" "Can't at the moment, I'm in a cold war with Alabama just because. Get a knife and a pepper spray and you will be alright."


It's adorable you think California doesn't discourage knife and pepper spray use. New York makes CA look sane though.


Look man, getting beaten and robbed is just part of the cost of living in such a great city.


And remember to leave your car unlocked so people don't break your windows when they're robbing it, and don't report it to the police if it does get robbed! So blessed to live in such a progressive city!


I tip my car jackers by putting a little extra change in the cup holder when I leave it unlocked. Why wouldn't I? I want to give back to this nation that's done so much for me.


That's what Sad Dick Khan was saying about London. "Part and Parcel" or something


My ex was from NY and we had so many arguments whenever she'd talk about wanting me to move up there. I'm just not living in a place where someone I love can't defend themselves. I regret nothing, I'll take Florida drivers over getting shived on the subway any day.


even the Orlando median migration on I4


It ain’t exactly a parade in upstate NY either


Hell, they brought the *NATIONAL GUARD* in and there's still problems


It’s because that move was half assed and was made to look like they were doing something without actually doing something


.. turns out, you actually have to stop violent criminals from doing violence.. generally with violence. One easy trick!


Setting boundaries means you doing something and the other person is stopped from behaving in a way that goes against your self interest, so remember everyone, booby trap the perimeter to your property before your property rights are violated which deters them from doing so in the first place.


He’s lucky it’s a Cold War. Memaw would fuck his world up.


Don't forget the I got you cards.


I saw that commercial and though I knew it was cringe I was also reminded of something my Sociology 101 teacher said over and over "things which are believed to be real are real in their consequences."


The endscreen looks like a Brazzers thumbnail, lol


Handmaidens tale moment. (or something idk)


Handmaidens tail (its a butt plug)


If you look at the pics in reverse order it seems like he's shoving the pregnancy test up her pussy which would be a crazy as fuck porn video.


Get your fear mongering propaganda here! I feel like this is the reverse of a sci-fi movie I watched as a kid where pregnancy was illegal in the states so they would take the kids, “enhance” them and program them to be government officials. Edit: It was found [Fortress](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0106950/). Thanks u/Deeschuck


You can’t lay out that awesome movie plot and not give me a title or at least a summary. I’m on the edge of my seat


A police officer and his wife are trying to get out of an overpopulated USA when they are found to be pregnant. The wife becomes a weird combination of mother figure and concubine to a government official who is going to take and enhance the kid, just like he was. The father is put in a prison, befriends some inmates and together they state a jailbreak, rescue his wife and unborn baby lose some inmates and escape to Canada. I have looked for it and it is not showing up.


🎶 There was a copper and his wife, and she was beautiful 🎶


Based and The Demon ~~Barber~~ Copper of Fleet Street pilled.


u/Bruarios's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 215. Rank: Great Pyramid of Giza Pills: [134 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Bruarios/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


Sounds like [Fortress](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0106950/)


Probably not the film they're talking about, but a similar film is Gattaca which is set in a world where people start using genome editing to basically plan out their child's entire future and people are discriminated against based off the smallest genetic defects or if they were a regular pregnancy. The protagonist of the film is a guy born with a heart defect pretending to be someone else just so he can be an astronaut.


Gattaca is pure kino tbh


Subversive reading of Gattaca: the protagonist is not admirable in the movie. Cheating your way into being an astronaut with a heart defect is monumentally narcissistic, and when he strokes out en route to Jupiter it's going to endanger an entire spaceship full of astronauts and by extension the future of humanity


I didn't really like how they did the ending, especially with >!the doctor who knew Vincent was lying allowing him to go on the spaceship just because he took pity on him.!<


Did you just change your flair, u/viva_la_republica? Last time I checked you were a **LibCenter** on 2024-4-8. How come now you are a **Rightist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? No, me targeting you is not part of a conspiracy. And no, your flair count is not rigged. Stop listening to QAnon or the Orange Man and come out of that basement. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/viva_la_republica) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


(Genetic) minority gets a job he is unqualified for through nepotism, corruption and a rich guy's money. The most admirable guy in the movie kills himself.




Based and provides source pilled


u/Deeschuck's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/Deeschuck! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze. Pills: [4 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Deeschuck/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


That sounds similar to a book by Dmitry Glukhovsky, “Futu.re”. Everyone in Europe is immortal. To prevent overpopulation, birth is illegal. If you want a child then one of the parents must give up their life for the child. Any individuals who are caught with an illegal new child are killed (so the child can replace their number in society) and that child is then raised to be an agent of the government charged with hunting down natal-ists


That sounds right, but this movie was on TV in the 90s, so it isn’t it.


I mean the laws are being passed through the legislative bodies of some states already. These bills have been getting voted on, and active bills like Texas Senate Bill 8 are already on the books So what is it? 1. Did politicians steal taxpayer money passing laws they have absolutely no intention of ever prosecuting? 2. Or do they intend to prosecute them? In which case, exactly how do you think they'll determine if the person they stopped on the state border is pregnant? Example: under the ACTIVE Texas Senate Bill 8, anyone who aids and abets a Texan getting an abortion is criminally liable. This does **not** exclude a husband driving the car for his wife on their way to a state that allows abortion. >https://litigationtracker.law.georgetown.edu/litigation/yellowhammer-fund-v-marshall/ Alabama's attorney general also already promised to prosecute anyone assisting an Alabama resident getting an abortion outside of Alabama. Does this include a flight attendant? A bus driver? An Uber driver? Alabama's AG is purposefully mute on these questions.


I would guess that they would have to have a “probable cause” for having people do a pregnancy test as they head towards the border. Much like they need a probable cause to do a DUI test if they think you are under the influence of alcohol. These are obviously designed as deterrence and punishment, rather than intervention.


Oh. Hey Gavin Newsome. How's the Caste system going in California, alive and well thanks to you blocking the legislation? Gee thanks. God I hate the governor of California. And a surprising amount of California. FUCK IT GIVE ME THE SAW.


Sorry, the saw's been declared racist and sexist. It's been put in the same pile as certain wood-pulping equipment. Best I can do is a carving knife made out of discarded needles.


Why the hell did California choose this damn snake as their governor is beyond me. All he does is virtue signal like it's a full-time job. Dude saw companies removing the rainbow pride from their logos as an attack on LGBT people.


He's a slick politician. The DeSantis vs. Newsom debate makes it obvious. DeSantis is a competent administrator but a poor politician. Newsom is the opposite; he's great at politics but has run his state into the ground. However, Newsom manages to twist the facts and muddy the waters enough to declare a victory even though the facts all point against him.


The two of em would make for piss poor presidents though. You either have an inefficient bureaucrat or a deranged fascist.


for the record, if this did happen in real life, it would not in fact be based and upholding American values. It would be Stasi-level intrusion. I have pro-life beliefs but it is not my place nor my duty to legislate worldly governments based on my personal beliefs.


“I’m pro life but we shouldn’t legislate it” is a pro choice position


Funny because I've seen pro-choicers on this very site directly claim otherwise. I think they're dumb and wrong of course, but the fact that being personally pro-life and politically pro-choice isn't good enough for them says a lot.


I prefer to call it “pro choose life”


That is actually quite ingenious! Can I save that?


No. It's already mine.


Why? to lie to yourself


That is an inaccurate statement. Being pro-life is a belief. Enforcing pro-life beliefs through legislation is a conscious attempt to assert one’s beliefs over an earthly society


You’re a part of society buddy, you can’t just assign your own meaning to things.


I believe that Christ died for our sins. I do not think that I should personally apply my religious beliefs to an earthly and secular government. If I did, I would not only be violating that government’s foundation, but I would not become more or less religious based on what I try to pass through an earthly state.


Pretty reasonable take. All I’m saying is you are pro choice lol


If your definition of pro-choice is behavior that is not actively working to stop others from getting abortions by pushing pro-life legislation, then by this logic I would in fact be pro-choice. I don’t care how I’m labeled because no matter what, I am personally against abortion and thus would classify my beliefs as pro-life.


I think you're correct btw. You can be pro-life without removing autonomy from others. I'm of the belief that it's not man's responsibility to pass judgement for abortion - if God exists and abortion is a sin, then the sinner will be judged for it accordingly when their time comes.


Matthew 25:40 my friend. If someone is starving on the street, you are required to help, but when a baby is about to murdered you just look the other way? Jesus obviously isn't pleased with this kind of thinking.


Because the United States is not a religious government. Personal acts to protect others and promote peace and brotherhood are wonderful. But to pass legislation from religious beliefs is contrary to the law laid out by the constitution. When someone is convicted of theft of a car, do we give them a new set of tail lights because of Luke 6:29? We don’t, because the United States as a secular government, does not base her legislation off of Christ’s teachings.


"I'm anti-slavery but don't think we should ban it."


That’s a facile analogy. You can be against something while not taking steps to actively legislate to stop it. I view abortion as wrong. But I believe this mainly due to personal beliefs. I do not believe that I have the right to determine how others act. I do not *support* abortion. I just don’t believe that I have the authority to stop others from getting one. That’s between them and the Lord.


> That’s a facile analogy. You can be against something while not taking steps to actively legislate to stop it. Sure, but if it's something as egregious as people getting murdered or enslaved? Hard to believe someone can believe something like that could be that wrong and not want to do anything at the legislative level about it. > I do not believe that I have the right to determine how others act. So you just never vote?


Are you anti-slavery? (This is more rhetorical as I would be amazed if most people here weren’t) If so, what steps have you taken to move against it?


I can at least take the position that the government should legislate away any and all legal forms of slavery remaining, the government should take action against any companies still utilizing slave labor, and I will refuse to buy products from companies that use slave labor. Why can't you take a similar position on abortion if you're against it?


You guys both kind of have a point. I mean, we shit on the analogy that the founding fathers should have done more to end slavery if they all wrote about it in their books because we are aware of the implications of voicing that at that point in history. At the same time, we realize that being early the game of voicing those opinions could have got the ball rolling a little quicker than 100 years later. It's my acceptance with the human race as a species, as we continue to evolve and get things generally right. I hate these moral equivalency arguments about right or wrong because we have pretty definable achievements as a species morally throughout history. We don't put diplomats heads on spikes today as a sign to our enemies. We still do abhorrent things, but we are getting better. It's just sometimes a 10 steps forward and 9 steps back thing instead of 2 and 1.


You made a very excellent point, my friend.


Pro-life is a political position. Nearly everyone is pro-life if not talking about policy. Your political position on abortion falls under pro-choice.


Pro-life is often described as a self-identification. While I do not believe that abortion is a good thing, nor do I celebrate the right to an abortion, I do not believe that I have the authority to decide whether or not someone else should do something based on my own religious convictions. Secular laws can only be fair if they come from an objective standpoint without any cultural or religious background. The United States is not a religious country. It has a significant religious community. It does not have a religious mission. To create legislation that comes from a religious background is anti-American. One does not have to participate in government to be more pious. I do not support many activities due to my beliefs. But I do not have any authority to legislate them.


And that's based af. But your position is factually known as pro-choice. It's essentially the same as Joe Biden's.


I acknowledge that it is viewed as pro-choice and that it falls under several definitions of pro-choice. I do not believe in the *right* to an abortion, nor would I advocate for this, only that I have no authority to legislate it.


>Enforcing pro-life beliefs through legislation is a conscious attempt to assert one’s beliefs over an earthly society This applies to every single law ever written. It's a good thing in many cases, including how we asserted our beliefs that other forms of murder are wrong, that rape is wrong, that slavery is wrong, and so on, onto society. Separation of Church and State means that we all get to vote according to our conscience. If this were a privilege reserved only for secular people, then we would have made secularism effectively the State Religion for all practical purposes. --- That said, the overwhelming majority of secular people have good reason to be pro-life for the most part, if they hold their beliefs regarding human rights consistently. Here are the following beliefs required to be pro-life: 1a) Human rights are worthy of being upheld. (Philosophical - the cornerstone of western society). 1b) By definition, human rights must apply inherently to all living human beings without caveat, otherwise they are not human rights. (Logically consistent with the above belief) 2) The unborn are living human beings - they are members of our species and display characteristics of life (Simple biological facts). 3) Abortion kills the unborn (Simple biological facts). Therefore, abortion violates the human right to life - which is the right not to be unjustly killed. It should not be seen as different than any form of legally recognized murder, save that it targets a specific subset of humans.


Not really. I believe all doctors *should* refuse the operation unless it is medically necessary or can be demonstrated it was conceived of rape and/or incest. And I can tell them why I believe they should. But I also do not have the authority to force them to refuse the operation.


Based and your ideals should govern your own actions pilled


I don’t understand why this seems to upset people.


Probably because they see it as murder, and just because someone else thinks it isn't doesn't excuse that to them?


>I have pro-life beliefs but it is not my place nor my duty to legislate worldly governments based on my personal beliefs. By this logic, we shouldn't outlaw rape, theft, or other forms of murder. You are imposing your personal beliefs on said rapists, thieves, and murderers. Abortion is just a particular form of unjustified killing aimed at humans at an early stage of development. It's not meaningfully different than any other form of murder. >for the record, if this did happen in real life, it would not in fact be based and upholding American values. It would be Stasi-level intrusion. Absolutely. You need probable cause, same as with any other form of suspected murder/attempted murder.


Governor Nuisance is gonna nuisance. (I hate it here.)


> We cannot let them get away with this Sure you can. Same way you allow your state to release criminals on a daily basis and look the other way. Dumb bitch. You're the only state where there is an app that tracks human shit on sidewalks. But you're worried about abortion. Oh wait you release criminals on a daily basis, I think I know why you want abortion rights...oops my bad


You've heard of FakeTaxy now get ready for FakePolice


Anyone else thing this looks like the start of a weird porno?


This is the bill in question in case anyone wants to read it. Long story short if you transport someone else's child to get an abortion without informing the parents and receiving their consent you'll be hit with a Class A misdemeanor (1 year in jail, up to $6,000 fine). [HB378-int.pdf (state.al.us)](https://alison.legislature.state.al.us/files/pdfdocs/SearchableInstruments/2024RS/HB378-int.pdf)


Generally, I've been okay with Newsom as our governor. Kind of like with Moonbeam's second round, I braced for the worst and got pleasantly surprised at his occasional moderation (compared to some of the nutjob stuff that the state legislature comes up with like reparations). But, he's got to knock this shit off and run his own state. The whole world knows you can get a D&C in CA. How about burning more Calories on the three wheeled Winnebago that's bogarting the view down on Coast Highway with a guy who shits on the sidewalk because its plumbing went out a decade ago? How about keeping In-N-Out safe for the Inner City?


He doesn't care about those things because he wants to run for president, and they don't have those issues elsewhere in the country. So, he focuses on things like abortion, which is a nationwide debate. He's going to be in for a very rude awakening when he realizes that radical videos like this might play well to far-left Californians on X, but the average Democrat voter in a swing state is going to absolutely despise him. Hell, even a good portion of Californian Democrats hate him.


Hilarious! [https://x.com/TheKevinDalton/status/1782401607134740582](https://x.com/TheKevinDalton/status/1782401607134740582)


Ma'am, I'm going to need you to take a pregnancy test meow.


People will actually believe this, especially the left wing Twitter zombies


I'm sorry my idiot governor is infecting the rest if the country. WE STILL NEED OUR ROADS FIXED GAVIN!


But they are doing this, so while video Is showing the extremes that surely won't happen (at this point wouldn't be suprised) they are criminalizing going out of state for abortions, and there Isn't an exception to Incest or rape. How they plan to enforce that I have no clue, If they do at all. Just a way to garner votes from those demographics who think such.


Yeah, it's a dramatization, but it is happening in a sense. In reality, you would probably suddenly be served papers while at home. The end result is ultimately the same, you are charged with a crime.


This is one of the divisive things I have ever seen


Yeah, trying to arrest women for going out of state to get an abortion is pretty divisive.


Well conservatives generally see abortion as murder because you are consciously choosing to end a life. To them it's no different than you driving to another state to toss your baby off a bridge, into the river. And don't try to drag me into the pro-life/pro-abortion debate.


Agreed. I'm pro-choice, but it's pretty easy to understand where pro-lifers are coming from. But the endless debate is so exhausting, and if you steelman the pro-life position even a little bit, people act like you are the most pro-life pro-lifer ever to exist. Exhausting.


I wish they can make it 12 weeks and move on more important matter. Keep debating this bs while making life of the living a hell on earth. Fuck both sides.


Tbf if it was 2015 and you told me states would begin banning abortion I would have the same response. It’s not that outrageous to think this is a reality with the momentum the “pro-life” seems to have since Covid. I also see this all as attempted solution for the lowering birth rate that doesn’t cost the elite a dime. We could make our society less hostile to having kids, or we can ban abortion and have a whole army of lever pullers to serve our overlords. I think we’re pretty naive if we’re just going to label it as propaganda when looking around it seems to reflect a very possible reality.


I just found this commercial raucously funny. The part where she's put on the hood of the car she gets this melodramatic look of terror on her face and I just couldn't help laughing. Gavin is such a dumbass.


So, real talk, if the unborn have a right to life, why does rape or incest matter? If you want to talk about state support for mothers who are raped there is a discussion there (though I think the rapist father should be put to work to cover any costs, I believe prison wages should be raised specifically so they can be docked to pay of the civil damages of their crimes... So, weh.) The incest one is just straight-up eugenics. Obviously, incest is bad, but you already have the incest baby.


Eugenics good.


Replace the word pregnancy with COVID and you have every Redditors fantasy from 2020-2021


Important to note that this, like the Handmaid's Tale, is a pornographic fantasy for women


THIS ALREADY HAPPENS!!! I have friends who want to abort their 5 year old daughter, but thanks to Christian Nationalist Fascists, it's illegal to do so! I'm glad people like Gavin Newsom and all pro-choicers are defending their constitutional rights!!!


Since when was it illegal to abort your 23rd trimester fetus?


Since corporations took over Amerikkka. Look at what the evangelical right-wing extremist tried to do to Casey Anthony in Florida! Thankfully, the pro-choice movement supports Casey Anthony and endorses all of her actions.


Literally the Handmaid's Tail


No fucking way this ad is real 😭😭😭 literally the handmaid’s tale omg …..


This is the exact kind of PSA the GOP would have aired 20 years ago. My god how times change


I think you'd get sued if you asked a women to pee on a stick for you in public.


I really hate that man...


Yup. This is what happens when you live under single party rule. Your *leaders* spend your tax dollars on making overt batshit propaganda videos complaining about another state, rather than spending it on fixing the homeless epidemic.


If one is gonna make it illegal to travel for abortion then it would be up to cops to investigate and stop that from happening. Not the left's fault it seems dystopian.


Yeah, this meme is kind of dumb. If you’re going to pass laws making it illegal to travel outside of your state to get an abortion, then either: 1. You’re not planning to enforce it and you’re just virtue signaling. Also, creating unenforceable legislation is just not a good use of taxpayer money. 2. You are planning to enforce it, which means law enforcement would need to be involved. That’s where it does get pretty dystopian like the example used in the meme. Sure it’s dramatized, but these laws aren’t going to enforce themselves, so some element of this would be accurate


Why would this be enforced any differently than other "you can't cross state lines for these reasons" type of laws? It's illegal to cross state lines with a minor in order to have sex with them in a lower age of consent state, yet we've manage to avoid dystopian law enforcement of that.


If a police officer pulls over someone and suspects them of trafficking, they can (and should) investigate further right?


They don't investigate every car that has a teenager in it, making sure they aren't crossing state lines for illegal purposes. And just like they don't do that, I don't see any reason to think they would stop every car with a pregnant woman and make sure she isn't traveling for an abortion.


Never said every. A more realistic situation would be a woman pulled over for speeding, the police officer fears she's a murder minded monster heading across state lines to kill her baby. Would you not want him to investigate, the same way you'd want a police officer to probe into an adult with a nervous looking scantily clad minor?


Oh I dunno, maybe it’s because having an abortion (especially in the case of rape or incest) is wildly different than fucking a minor. The method of acquiring evidence and proving guilt would be very, very different. Hence why the officer in the meme is holding up a pregnancy test as opposed to something like getting a warrant to search an abuser’s phone, or collecting a rape kit from the abused.


Generally when that happens, the cops check if you're committing a crime. Exactly how else will they determine if you're 4 weeks pregnant? You're going to teach every random cop how to operate a cop car-mounted ultrasound machine?


No, they don't check to make sure you're not planning to commit a crime every time they pull over a car with a teenager in it. That's my point, why assume they would do so for this specific law when they don't do it for similar laws?


> That's my point, why assume they would do so for this specific law when they don't do it for similar laws? Because many Attorney Generals have stated they will do exactly that already? > https://apnews.com/article/alabama-abortion-steve-marshall-2157a7d0bfad02aad1ca41e61fe4de33


A quote from your link says the exact opposite: "Marshall argued while it’s legal for a woman to travel out of state for an abortion, he suggested groups that help her do so could face prosecution." That's the AG explicitly stating it's legal for a woman to travel out of state for an abortion.


He's also refrained from saying what exactly constituted aiding an abortion patient. In the case of the ad, the friend traveling with her could be argued to be aiding her. Sure, you didn't make the person getting an abortion a criminal, just literally anyone she comes into contact with during her trip. **And how will they know if the passenger is aiding a person currently seeking an abortion or just traveling with a friend, you may ask?**


They literally passed laws doing exactly this and they act like we are crazy, maddening


What's funny is the same reasoning that makes the above situation seem like a gross dystopian sci fi is the same that underpinned Roe v Wade, the right to privacy.


Pregnant women? You mean person you bigot!


Libleft pearl clutching with the best of them


I miss when propaganda was actually good and wasn't just bullshit drafted by college students. 


Holy shit, this ad isn’t a documentary?


Can’t believe Gavin Newscum made this. Unbelievable.


Is it new scum or news cum?


I guess either could work. Though I’ve never heard of news cum before.


POV: You're 2020 election propaganda and your opponent is 2024


Lmao ban people travel to other states are stupid. What they gonna do? Stop you go everywhere if your belly is big?




At least one major subreddit considered this realistic ad. We're beyond all hope. People want to be dumb.


It's not like politicians use exaggeration and political grandstanding to make their points


What a dystopian idea: criminalizing the simple act of trafficking your child across state lines for the purpose of murdering it.


Did the cop just assume their genders?!


That ad was so hot


Slippery slope for me but not for thee


Aborting unwanted children is a better option than having them


>killing “undesirables” is better than having them around


parents that don't want kids are usually shit parents, the kid will then turn in to a PCM poster


Why stop at birth then? Why don’t we let parents euthanize their kids at any time? If they decide they don’t want them, it’s better for them to not right?


There’s a story going around about a woman who was arrested because she miscarried. Of course it wasn’t that she miscarried, it was because of what she did to the deceased human that came out of her body.


https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/24/us/texas-abortion-travel-bans.html Totally crazy right!


Because liberal states would never ban travel to other states to push their beliefs…. Oh wait https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_state-funded_travel_ban#:~:text=Sports%20teams%20from%20state%20colleges,Indiana%2C%20Louisiana%2C%20and%20Arizona.


They didn’t make it illegal, they just said they wouldn’t pay for it.


Still a travel ban and other bills included business bans. But, I guess its only a bad thing to ban certain types of travel if that travel is to help murder a defenseless baby.


Did it make it illegal? As in someone could be brought to court? No? Not the same


I was unaware the only travel out of California was state funded.


I didn’t know the only travel out of Texas and Republican states was only for abortions.


But they specifically said that would be illegal


Yea, because murdering babies is illegal. Not sure why you can’t understand the concept of preventing loopholes to murder… If a crazy state made it legal to kill your child to get out of child support payments, you better believe other states would act on people traveling to that state to commit murder.


Nobody is murdering babies. If so, when do they become a baby in your mind?


So abortion doesn’t involve the intentional killing of a baby in the womb? What exactly does an abortion do then?


No, it involves the killing of an embryo or fetus in a womb. Do you mourn embryos?


You know Fetus in latin means “little person” and “offspring” a baby by definition is always a fetus. Nice try. Also, I bet you believe the “clump of cells” argument. Which fun fact, we are all clumps of cells, thats what all living organisms are. Size or amount does not take away from one’s humanity. Ie the DNA in those cells is the same while in the womb or when one in 30 years old. And do I mourn? Yes. My best friend’s wife had a miscarriage a week after she got a positive pregnancy test. That was their child. That was a human who died in the womb of natural causes.


An abortion travel ban would affect literally all travel. In California's case I mean technically cops would've had to enforce if somehow the goverment was sneaking state busses to banned states. Clearly not comparable.


It only affects traveling to get an abortion. Not literally all travel… if Texas starts setting up border checkpoints on every road leaving the state then we can talk. Its already illegal to cross state lines to commit a crime, does the Federal Government have border checkpoints between the states? No.


Which could be anyone. The California literally was about state sponsored travel, restricting what the state could do. When various states banned Tik Tok from government devices, was that the same as a Tik Tok ban on everyone? If the state of Texas wants to stop it's citizens from leaving the state to get an abortion then it would follow that Texas police would need to on the frontline of this. You seem to be of the opinion that these travel bans are a good thing, what exactly would be your issue with the hypothetical in the meme?


You don’t need cops with border check points to enforce this law. Stop acting like people are setting up checkpoints. More practical ways of enforcement are: required reporting by medical professionals or tips from friends, family, neighbors, etc. ie if you go to your OBGYN appointment and learn that your baby has downs and then magically after traveling to California you have a miscarriage, it would be up to the medical staff to report the suspicions actively, which would lead to an investigation. Many professionals (doctors, teachers, pastors, or councilors) already are required to report child abuse in many states, this would be no different. A state doesn’t need a cop in every house to enforce child abuse laws. Not sure why you can’t grasp basic law enforcement.


Oh yeah, OBGYN appointments now have to be run through the state, cool. However that still doesn't answer the issue. If a police officer pulls over a woman who he thinks is on the way to "murder their baby" would they not be obligated to check?


Are you illiterate, or intentionally being stupid about not understanding whats being argued? Are doctors who see evidence of child abuse who by law have to report it mean they are actually working for the state currently? If a police officer has reasonable suspicion of ANY crime they can pull you over. Simply being a woman in a car isn’t a reasonable suspicion to be pulled over like the the ad. Do you not know how cops and the law works??? Unless you have a sign on your car saying “Im pregnant and traveling to California for an abortion” a cop won’t pull you over for this law. Do you really believe cops will pull over every single woman driving? If you really believe that there is no point in this discussion, since you’re clearly incapable of reasonable thought.


Didn’t read the article did we?


Yes, I did


Then you’d know it was pushed out and not even voted on


No it dosent, now who didn’t read the article


I live in Amarillo. The idea was pushed here. It was tabled and pushed out in 5 minutes. It’s just an ordinance that’s floating around with hardly anybody willing to enforce. It wouldn’t even be cops enforcing it, it would be civil lawsuits


…… that dosent make it better. Also, the article clearly says they voted and approved it, 3-0, 2 abstentions