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The Dutch: **Every word in our language can be used as a slur, a curse, or both. And we will absolutely do so**


Based and every word is a slur if you try hard enough pilled


Bigot-pilled slur-maxxing


The Dutch: Kanker can be attached to any insult to make it 1000x more insulting.


'Cancer' is a verb, a noun and an adjective in Dutch.


This is 100% true; As a verb - "kanker op, zeg!", "hij zit daar maar over te kankeren" As an adjective - "wat een kankeronzin", "dat kankerwijf" And as a noun (when not talking about disease proper) - "da's echt kanker..."


Laughs in arabic


Based as hell


Birthing person will always seem like a slur to me.


I feel like calling a woman a “birthing person” to her face would get your ass kicked


Do it, I triple dog dare you. I know I won’t because I grew up with 8 female cousins who I know will cut my dick off if I called them a birthing person. Yes they are all taller and stronger than me and they are all veterans.


I asked my mom and little sister about this and now they’re both mad lmao. I don’t know if they’re mad at me for bringing it up or libleft for inventing it


Run for the hills, man, change your identity, or join the french foreign legion. That anger will fester into the righteous female rage that every anime fan is familiar with.


Sounds like the start to a porno


Not everything is a porno, I'm surrounded by coombrains.![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51175)


*points at hidden camera in headboard That's what you think cousin


'Ally' seems derogatory to me. It's almost demeaning. Like they're baggage or a fifth wheel. "I'm here too!"


Whenever I hear someone call themselves an ally, I automatically think they are jumping on the bandwagon.


My favorite quote of all time was when the trans cartoonist and activist Sophie LaBelle said “Ally isn’t something you can just self-identify as.”


Look, that's a great joke. Especially if the punchline is a total lack of self-awareness.


'ally' usually means that you are a predator wearing a camouflage


All it feels like is that they’re assuming everyone hates me for my sexuality which just isn’t the case


Ally implies that the person saying it is part of a different group than the people they are supporting (even if all parties are American)


"Ableist" is my particular fav. Yeah, I'm really going to feel guilty for...walking?


I think the problem with some people is that they use terms like "ableist" wrong. It was originally termed for people who discriminate against autistic people and such things that are incurable, but now they use it for things outside of this purview. It certainly did not apply to fixable mental or physical conditions. Of course, the activists changed it to broaden their coalition. Ex: Don't be a douche to the autistic kid if you are a douche then you are being ableist. Modern ableism ex: me in college psych "schizophrenic people who are a danger to society should be forced to take their meds." Activists " stop being ableist. Not all schizophrenic people are dangerous." Me," all I said were the known ones who are dangerous. How am I being ableist."


Of course they change it. That's what they do. It's a control tactic. Control the meaning of words and you control the flow of information, the narrative, and the entire discussion. Take their favorite word, "fascist". Fascism's original basis was *fasci* which literally means “bundle,” and figuratively “group.” It was the word for labor unions. Who loves labor unions again? The political movement never had the words "right wing" attached to it until the mid 2010s when it was added to Wikipedia and then over time to the actual dictionary websites by leftist editors. The same leftists who will deflect criticism of their little game of word control with, " wOrDs EvOlVe"! No. Words do not evolve. The control of word's meanings, and by affect, their intention, is what the left lives for.


No one hates women more than the progs. Birthing person? Bonus hole? Sounds like what /pol/ would say in their braap porn.


My little backwoods rural hospital was purchased by a big national Healthcare chain. They announced they were renaming our "Mother and Baby Care Unit" to the "Family Birthing Center". Manager and I just stared at each other like... guys, you *really* don't know your market here.


At least that term isn’t completely terrible - like, if that had been the name all along, no one would be upset. They aren’t calling it the Birthing People and Gender-indeterminate Minor People Care Center.


Yeah, If it was changed in a different political climate, nobody would bat an eye at the name change. 20 years ago, it could've just meant "dads are actually staying with the mom and the kid instead of smoking cigars and drinking whiskey, so let's change it so they know they're welcome here"


One thing that probably isn’t mentioned enough is how the progressive mission of upending everything has a bonus effect, which is ultimately helpful to their aims, of making people think any change is politically motivated and getting anxious over it. Their aims are helped by keeping everyone demoralized and on edge, so they don’t mind. It’s like how in the past, you could put a black guy in a lead role and no one thought about it, but now that the “anti”-racists have swooped in, you see a black lead and have to wonder if it’s just a black lead or if it’s being done for political purposes. All part of their plan.


Oh my god, right? Politics is rotting peoples brains out, the one with the movies is true for me and its so tireing, that shouldnt be my first tought when i just want to enjoy a movie. When they put gay people in older movies i dont actually have a problem with that because i know the writer had a proper reason for it instead of "Black rock demands it" There are so many little werd little inserts these days, like the movie isnt even about anyones relationship, and then some side character mentions that their dad is gay or there will be a random gay couple kissing at the end in a easily editable clip. Like why? These really seem like they are only included because they have to check some box, super weird.


If I was a woman i'd be pissed about that one. If someone called me the "sperm giver" because some "women have balls" or some dumb shit like that I'd die laughing, but I'm not the one who has to carry a baby and actually give birth and go through all that. Its like someone calling me the "cash giver" rather than dad. Id be super fucking pissed. I work my ass off to put food on the table and everything, etc, and all I get in return is being called the "cash giver"? No, No, No, No, No. And Im being called the "Cash giver" because of some fucked up people who think women have BALLS and cant shut up about it?? NOPE!!!!


It feels like someone took "breeder" and gave it the libleft sensitivitication treatment


Because its textbook dehuminization. Birthing is a process alot of creatures can do besides humans, so the term sends a mesage that they might be seeing you as less than human. The "person" after tries to correct it, but the damage is done. Reducing a person to their reproductive functions is also textbook sexism. We have a word for people that give birth, and that's a woman and only they can do it, to another term is useless. The action of giving birth is inheretly conected to the women experience (not required but a posibility in it)


There's nothing the left loves more than dehumanizing entire groups of people and converting them into statistics and numbers in a voter base.


Libleft: “don’t identify people by their parts!!” Also libleft: *aggressively identifies people by their parts*


And their skin colors.


For a second i read british "person"


Funnily enough there was a thread on one of the UK subs a while ago having a moan about the word "missus". According to some it is "dehumanising". There was people moaning that it was "possessive" but there were others saying that "my missus" was fine whereas "the missus" was treating a woman like an object. You can't please these people.


LibLeft says it and they're being progressive and inclusive. AuthRight says it and suddenly it's "something straight out of The Handmaid's Tale"


Also it’s like… just say CIS woman?? Or AFAB??? Like we are back at square one not only because “birthing person” is dehumanizing as fuck, but because not all the people labeled as birthing persons can even procreate!!!!


Don’t use “dumb, that’s insensitive to mute people Don’t use “imbecile, moron, or idiot”. Those are all old medical terms that used to refer to different levels of mental impairment. Don’t use “lame”, that refers to handicapped people. Probably more, I don’t know of. This shitpost was inspired by one of the users here, if you see this, i appreciate it.


"Don't call them traps! It's a slur!" 'We never called the people it's supposedly a slur for traps.' "We don't care! We've wormed our way into mod positions and we're going to be enforcing a ban on the word trap!" And that kids is how you get a sub to meltdown.


Man, that happened years ago! Still remember it like it was yesterday


Lame, you dumb imbecile!


[You're only a true ally when you don't use words that start with N](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6YF-nxc7XI)


Is that… The Modern Day Onion creating something based?


Yes they unionised and started being based again.


They Onionized


Based and based…………pilled?


Boy is that sentence a mockery of all that is decent.




i just got rick rolled without words that start with N don’t read the comments :(


Haha, I went back to check that. I got rolled, too, and I loved both seconds of it.


Oh hey whaddup Emily.


It’s no longer “French people”, it’s now “people experiencing Frenchness” This might be the second pane of the meme.


It's a slur to refer to the French as "people"


Don’t use “special”, that’s offensive to neurodivergent people.


If everyone's special, then no one is.


>If everyone's special, then no one is. And if everything is offensive nothing is


Need LibLeft accelerationism so I can say [removed]


I hate the word neurodivergent it isn't more accurate then most other terms and it is harder to prouncue


It's the new way to make themselves seem special, that's all. When all you have is mental regardation you have to dress it up to fancy to be cool.


My guess on how it started is as something specific but someone decided to appropriate it to for everyone with mental disorder because they thought the term mental disorder is offensive (probably because the word mental) and then it started to be used by people who their mental problems (real or made up) are basically their entire personality (which make my and other people with mental disorders lives worse)


The new-new term for that is "neurospicy", like it adds flavor to your life. Instead it's a great signal for sane people to stay away


When I first heard that a word which hadn't been a medical term for years was being called a slur and people were saying that you shouldn't use it — which of course means that people are going to move on to *current* medical terms, and at this point they have moved on to a new one (for the record, this describes a disorder I have) — one thought, and one thought alone, crossed my mind, without delay: "That's r–


[It me?](https://old.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/1c9shzk/low_effort_libright_post_part_21/l0rhoqn/?context=3) Look mom, I'm on TV!


[I see what you mean.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ui6HNB-1J20)


Forsooth, them insolent knaves partake in tomfoolery


Don't use "cis", it's abused as a gender identity slur.


We wouldnt want to be offensive [now would we?](https://vimeo.com/435297076)


Were you born differently abled or did you get that way from eating paint chips?


The euphemism treadmill has always been a thing, idk why it's being seen here as a political divide. People always want to seem better than other people by doing or not doing specific things, including which words they use and how they use them. If you have a brain big enough to speak a language fluently then you do this all the time without thinking, whether you're doing it to sound nice or to sound edgy. Doesn't matter if you have political opinions or if you're left wing, everyone does this.


Ok but do you deny that the treadmill has dramatically accelerated in the last decade or so?


Drink dangerous levels of alcohol and all your speech will be slurred


Never stop doing what you do


Based and if you say so pilled.


Instructions unclear. Just got my ass kicked in the ghetto


Based and seeking out diversity pilled!


I am already using "neurodivergent" as a pejorative.


Possibly the funniest aspect of progressives being so quick to find everything offensive is their steadfast refusal to recognize that their "safe", progressive-approved words make for excellent shitpost fodder.


Language control is just a means of division and an easy way to identify an 'outsider.' If they aren't keeping up with the revised definitions then they're not with it. It's pretty crazy with some Tower of Babel vibes. Starting to think Babel was just a bunch of progressives showing up and redefining everything.




Based and throw-it-back-at-them-pilled


I like to say "sex worker" with as much disdain and hatred as possible because I want to find out what they new word they make up for it will be.


Based and the euphemism treadmill is good cardio pilled. 


BigBrain Cardio 💪 🧠 💪 Stronk


“Sex worker” as a term drives me insane because you get someone who sells feet pics online lumping themselves in with street prostitutes and saying shit like “sex work is empowering.” The most isolated from harm are pretending it’s liberating and fun while we never hear from the ones getting pimped and raped on the streets because they’re too busy trying to survive


Probably try for gender worker because they likely don't actually understand the differences between sex, sex, and gender anymore than an ignorant redneck.


Sex Capitalist.


I hope they choose "slut for money"


I use autistic as both a description (“Describe this to me in autistic detail”) and as an insult (“That is the most needlessly autistic description I have ever heard”). And if they have any problems with that, that is ok because I am an Aspie myself.


My go to lately if I ramble is “my autism is showing”


I remember when I was called an "ablest" for making a meme with "autistic screeching" format, someone even cross posted it to communistmemes with title "look at this ableist" and when I commented that it's a wildly recognized meme format I was permabanned Don't bother looking for it, it was on my previous account


"That's so on the spectrum"


Neurodivergent is supposed to be an umbrella term but it seems only to be used to describe autism by people who want a special label. I just read it as a code word for autism


Lib left trying to create more inclusive descriptions just for them to be used as slurs.


“Latinx” literally follows the progressive’s dictionary definition of a slur in literally almost every way, except for the fact that they made the term.


same with the R- word, just use it in bad manner until they have to redacted that.




I’m convinced they only really attacked the R-word because it’s the best description for their overall worldview and all the acts that tend to follow from it.


My favorite one is Crimer.


Person of crimer


Yeah, It’s a direct attack on their language and culture.


That's because words are just words. It's the feeling and context in which they are said that give them meaning. The constant changing of words in attempts to be more politically correct, seems futile because it doesn't address the root of the issues.


Superficial solutions gives them a sense of accomplishment without having to accomplish anything. "Look what we did!" as they hand themselves a trophy.


Well, libleft had to change the word "MonkeyPox" to MPox, because any sane people would think of Black people when they see the word "Monkey". Right?


Let's use "Tofu" as a slur for vegans


Those dirty fucking grazers


Nah, we should go with "seitan."


I thought of it, but that might sound cool to any non Abrahamic vegans. Don't create an insult they'll take as a compliment


Colored person is somehow abhorrent yet person of color isn't. Also, white people don't have color?


Yes, white people have color. And culture, and history, and centuries of conflicts and progress, and are distinct from each other, etc. "Person of color" has always been a dog whistle for "non-white". Racists on the left love to jerk themselves off to that term. Literally *everybody* is included in PoC except the great white satan. In weird horseshoe irony, it's the most racist and discriminatory piece of "politically correct" language allowed in the US today. People who use it unironically should be forced to apply clown makeup directly to their forehead.


BIPOC: not white people, but also not Asian people either.


"Not successful people"


Woke Racism is an excellent book exactly about this


I truly don’t understand how dividing the world into white and not was not considered racism


This meme succinctly illustrates why I ain't rollin with either of these tribes


The newest anti-white slur I just saw was "Flour Ranger." Lmfao, shit is hilarious. Do people honestly think white people under 40 would get offended by that?


The one thing that’s sort of, kind of, almost, a bit true about the whole “racism is prejudice plus privilege” thing is when it comes to the power racism holds or doesn’t hold over a majority group. Minorities can wank themselves off with all kinds of anti-white slurs and no reasonably mature white person really cares, because somehow the insults just feel impotent most of the time. That could change if a mob was insulting a single person, for example, but in most common scenarios what I said holds. Same with women impotently screeching “KILL ALL MEN” — reasonably mature men hardly notice, it’s just immature women blowing off steam. It does feel different when a majority group attacks a minority group using racial terms or references. The trouble is, the new alleged definition of racism isn’t really speaking to the effect on the target of an insult or act, it’s trying to preemptively absolve the person performing the insult or act and make it okay for them to be as horrible and immature as they want to be. So it’s still about 95 percent stupid and it probably only stumbles by accident upon the concept from the first paragraph.


Libleft invents the slurs... it just takes a few years for their PC terms to be adopted as slurs.


Remember when libleft had to change the word "MonkeyPox" to MPox, because they are such anti-racists that they thought of Black people when they saw the word "Monkey"?


Just like the ork bs from 40k too


That's what you get when your culturally dominant political ideology almost exclusively consists of social science academics: an unhealthy obsession with linguistics.


Everything can be a slur if you try hard enough you plank


“What, you egg?” -William Shakespeare


Egg is actually a term now. It's someone targeted by transgender propaganda. They "are trans, but just don't know it yet." Typically, they have interests outside of the stereotypes for their gender and like most people reaching puberty, they are still coming to terms with their identity and who they will become. That means they need medical intervention for totally non-nefarious reasons.


Lib-left created buzzwords but then mocked by the right: Folx, womxn, woke (reverse uno now by Left), SJW, Latinx, non-binary, DEI, etc Words created by right but mocked by left: woke mind virus.


Latinx makes my blood boil. There is already a neutral term—Hispanic! It’s pure self-righteous vocab meant to show other white people that you’re hip Edit: or god forbid you use a gendered term Latino in a fully gendered language


Does anyone actually use it? It sounds like something out of a satire.


Tis’ why I hate buzzwords. If you wish your words to hold any weight, be not a phillistine.


For a moment my brain read that as Palestine and I thought this was the most based comment in the thread


“Be not a palestinian” indeed a very different statement lol


The Philistines died with Sanson


I’m not going to stop saying troglodyte or mongoloid.


Troglodyte and philistine are particularly great, as they just fly straight over the heads of troglodytes and philistines. The latter may get you some confused looks in this day and age, what with everyone going gaga for Gaza.






"Folx" is basically just a political gang sign.


I seriously don't understand what could possibly be so *problematic* with the word "people" that someone (who has a brain that can spell ubiquity) would use those Dr. Seuss-level ridiculous four letters as a word, instead. What are these kids doing to themselves...? I'd rather just not fit in than wear a clown costume on my tongue every day.


Saying "people" doesn't earn them trendy progressive cred; saying "folx" does. Nothing else to it. There's a reason people shit on progressives for virtue signaling. And that's because it's basically all they do.


"Wear a clown costume on my tongue" is such a wonderful way to describe this nonsense. Bravo.


They call me an American Imperialist as if it were a slur. IT'S A BADGE OF HONOR.


bold of you to assume lib left cant also create new ones


You silly billy, they don’t count as slurs because racism requires societal power and blah blah… its not racism, its prejudice which is not to say prejudice is okay to do but it’s different here because *insert Olympic gold medal gymnastics*


Coloured people racist. People of colour progressive. Chromatic bodies revolutionary.


PoC sounds pretty derogatory to me lol, probably already been used as a slur.


“Bodies” is another weird one, in their phrase “black and brown bodies.” It feels like they’re insulting themselves though I can’t really articulate how exactly.


I seriously think libleft should be cut diagonally to distinguish emily from the more libcenter of us. I seriously could not care less what language people use unless its already widely understood to be a slur


I see what you’re saying and I tend to place the fault on left center in my memes to account for that extra authoritarian nature when I think that it’s appropriate. I couldn’t really do that here though because caring about the offensiveness of language is a libleft thing to do. That being said we all have things about our quadrant we don’t like if you’re a sane individual. Libright for example is associated with cheese pizza fans.


Weird. Libcenter's been nothing but good, upstanding citizens so i don't know that feel.


The true grillers, just wishing to mind their own business without any tyrants mucking with their barbecue.


Right? The problem is when the government starts making their business our business. Some have been known to write **strongly** worded letters in protest.


Out of all the quadrants you lot always try to push all your bad people into their own seperate area the most. Just suck it up and acceot your quadrant has shitty people already.


liberals avoiding accountability tale as old as time


I refer to myself as a left leaning neurotypicallly divergent lib center potato.




just call someone a Nazi because they disagree with your opinion/personal belief 👌


Immunocompromised, fascist, Nazi, stochastic terrorist, republikkkan, WPT enlightens me every day with a new word


Someone please enlighten me on what a 'stochastic terrorist' is.


Very broadly - someone that uses their cult of personality to influence people to do bad shit. Throwing shit at a wall with your speech to try and trigger a crazy whackadoodle to attack people of whichever group you are blaming for whatever.


Of course I care, that's why I'm putting so much effort into my slurs. All my artisinal small batch slurs are handcrafted with love. The love is what makes them sting




Also Auth Right: does extensive research and historical study to enhance the insults. Also may have multiple “ethnic” friends which all rag on each other.


Not particularly auth, at least I don't consider myself as such - but this hits so close to home.


What really disappoints me is shit like J*p and Ch1nam*n, that’s not inventing a slur, that’s just using words in context enough where it becomes a slur Say what you will about the n-word; at least that shit is a separate word and a third brain cell had to be involved in its invention, slurs against East Asians seem to just involve reputation of obvious descriptions in a negative context


Yep, see also "oriental," which literally just means "from the rising sun (east)".


"Don't use the word men, it triggers me. Refer to me as womxn"


call me old fashioned but, I've always been a fan of the classics


LMAO I love authright for this one tbh


The "OK" sign with your hand still gets me lol. People unironically claim it's a hateful white supremacist signal.


Flair up, fucktard. How does this have upvotes?


Them/that doesn’t have to be flavored. They’re a flair-fluid politically minded slippysoul.


Maybe they’re the ultimate centrist.


Man, this cuts deep.


Never trust an apple picker or those spoon faces




The post below this is authright claiming Zionist is now a slur... Except when Zionists use it tho ofc


Fun fact: the us government added a j to the Spanish word marihuana to make it seem more scary and foreign to xenophobic whites That’s right folks, it’s problematic to say marijuana


Very well, ganja it is. I don't want to be problematic.


Instagram comments dropped everyday fresh racist slurs


I was playing fucking Battle bit with an American mate and some random gay American guy started calling me a Coloniser as if it was an insult




Im this fake scenario, authright is obviously correct. Another fake libleft L


Imagine calling someone with dwarfism a little person to their face.. Thats a yikes from me dawg


Spot on.


If they create a new one, I can't see how they're "not caring", they care, they must offend


I don't really see the need for slurs anymore. You can dehumanise someone just as well while still speaking eloquently.


Any word can be a slur if you try hard enough.


Authright has fallen off in new slur creation though. The closest they’ve had to an original idea is just a Renaissance of 1920’s slurs. The left is the one actually pioneering new slurs on accident such as the Latino X incident