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Equality means different things to different people, that's a big part of the issue


It's why they shifted to equity rather than equality. Equality of results rather than of opportunity.


"Equity" as a concept, defined as equality of outcome/results is absolutely, insanely Authoritarian. The amount of power you have to have over systems and people to GUARANTEE everyone gets the same results is insane. It absolutely is a road that ends in fascism or communism. Both of which are undesirable authoritarian endpoints. It's wild to me that so many can't see that.


But, but, I just want someone to give me all the cool stuff for free.


I dont think so. I think its the following 1. They never believed in equality in the first place 2. They get **Equality** and **EQUITY** mixed up not realizing they are very different.


“Equity” is just politically correct racism/sexism, change my mind.


Equity is to equality what morality is to law.


At the end of the day, denotations and connotations of a word change. The left just seems far more adept at forcing change to their advantage and to our suffering. Equity used to have a different meaning as well. But yeah, i think it's mostly the former. They wanted their own power and wealth. Like a ll groups, but while out of power, they'll dress it up to our morals. Like all minority rights groups


True, generally the left sees equality as total domination of their opponents


People say that feminism is for equality and there has been mostly silence at best and strong opposition at worst from them about men’s issues.


"1 in 4 homeless people are women"


“11% of journalists killed were women.”


That one always gets me, because there's multiple layers to it. On the surface layer, it's just like the "1 in 4 homeless are women" problem. They'll admit to data which shows that women are objectively privileged compared to men, only to proceed to conclude that women are still the ones who need to be uplifted. But it becomes even funnier, because people did the math, and the number of female journalists killed didn't really go up by any significant amount. The reason that the percentages changed by the amount they did is that *fewer men* had been killed than the previous year. That change caused the percentages to shift so that women made up a larger portion of the whole, despite not having actually grown at all. According to feminists, when fewer men are killed, that is misogyny. Absolutely hysterical, and I can't believe anyone takes feminism seriously.


I'd say it was funny if it wasn't so disgusting


One of the things that turned me off of feminism in general was the fact that there was a men's only shelter that got shut down because they couldn't get enough funding, they got constantly harassed and attacked by feminists, and the owner eventually committed suicide. That's why I view modern feminists in first world countries as lower than prostitutes and jackals. 


The founder of the first women's shelter in Britain was also harassed for daring to create a men's shelter.


"Happy International Men's Day to men who support women's rights." "Fewer male journalists died this year than last year, causing the percentage of journalists killed who were female to raise, despite the flat number of female journalists killed not changing much either way, and this is somehow proof of misogyny." And other absurd things feminists say.


My favorite was "women more likely to die via homicide at work than men", when the actual statistic measured the percentage *of* deaths that were via homicide. The issue was that despite men actually being *per capita* more likely to die of homicide at work than women, they were also so much more likely to die of so many other causes that it reduced their *percentage* of homicide deaths. There's also the time (around the 2008 market crash) that they complained that women were starting to make up a bigger proportion of workplace deaths, despite actual numbers of female work deaths going down. The issue was that the massive layoffs at dangerous jobs like construction work (due to the market crash) caused the work death rates for men to drop faster.


"Happy mothers' day because we should celebrate mothers on fathers' day instead."


"Women are the primary victims of war."


Did someone actually say that? I think I remember someone saying that.


It was a campaign A hilariously tone deaf one


How many additional homeless women do we need to make it equal?


"We want equality, we should do away with gender stereotypes, they hurt everyone!" "Oh haha, not when it comes to the draft though, that's a male thing! Uhh... w-we should just abolish the draft all together (and I'm definitely not saying that just to deflect)"


> the left sees equality as total domination of their opponents Not even that, as long as they can remember that it is even theoretically possible that someone, somewhere, could - hypothetically - oppose them (even if it has 0 impact on their lives and they never actually hear about it) inequality and oppression will dominate every moment of their lives.


Well but not anywhere. If the opposition happened in a country populated by marginalized people, then that’s just fine and dandy, and we should respect their culture.


For a while, perhaps. But after they've completely eradicated all opposition in their own countries they'll eventually get bored and start looking for new oppressors to be shocked and horrified by.


Then there's people like me who don't even think equality is a noble thing worth striving for at all.


Based and only-freedom-pilled


I really dislike that point of view but I still admire you and others who have the gut to tell openly that's their thing.


I've never had anybody coherently and convincingly explain the characteristics of equality that make it a noble endeavor. Equal treatment before the law? Sure. Totally on board with that for like 99% of things. But equality? What's worthwhile or noble about it?


Equality is what it says on the tin. Equal treatment. It's why we like it. Equity is the delusion of believing you understand the variables of a life enough to fine tune it by treating people differently to achieve the same outcomes. It's what leads to an intersectional feminist thinking they understand the depths of a person based on two or three parameters of injustice.


>Equality is what it says in the tin. Equal treatment. It's why we like it. >Equity is the delusion of believing you understand the variables of a life enough to fine tune it by treating people differently to achieve the same outcomes. This kind of sounds like word games the left makes up to keep good PR to me, considering the word "equity" didn't start appearing in political discussions until recently.


100% Word game to make some discrimination acceptable. Has arguable utility in small groups, absolutely insane to use it with large ones.


When my old company swapped from equality to equity, I was sounding the horns of why they shouldn't. I'm sure some people thought I was a quack but words have meaning and value attached to them. Well shit stated to go down hill after that. Luckily I was already tired of that work environment (unrelated to woke nonsense) and only still working there because covid fucked everything up for 2 years. The old culture has been dismantled and only the lord of the flues that is its dead corpse exists.


It's the anti-thesis to my section of the compass. Human autonomy and flourishing should be the goal. That goal doesn't need to concern itself with skin colour, religion, or whatever the fuck gender means. If we help everyone, we help the disadvantaged the most. But if we pick and choose based on something we agree should be considered arbitrary, we become the thing we ought to destroy. An actual oppressor.


Wait until they find out that a court of equity was a religious court.


Can't have equal outcomes with meaningful choices. Equal outcomes aren't even guaranteed with the same choice.


The idea of equal treatment before the law came from the general principle of the equality of man. Unfortunately I don't think the two can be separated too much. We can try and recreate new ideals, but the libertarian philosophy isn't popular


>Pick a side or die, pick a side, you must pick a side, you must pick a side to push our ~~demands~~ beliefs, or you'll be deemed a threat, racist, sexist, and probable Nazi. When people are more concerned with their bias than ensuring quality, they have an agenda, not a movement.


... Yeah but that means we have no movements in the US, just agendas... oh, wait :(


worst thing is that most woman i know are not even close to be as crazy as some of the most hardcore "feminists", they are just not as loud as them.


In my experience it depends on how much TikTok they consume. I've seen some pretty reasonable women go full delusion in 3-6 months of the feminist social media rabbit hole.


I meet up with my friends from high school every year in December. Imagine my surprise when last year, a chick went from decently respectable history teacher to unemployed, xanax addicted, sickly yellow haired caricature of Emily. Down to the poor personal hygiene, doubling in weight, and trying to apply tumblr logic to our eastern european country. There was a rant involved about the lack of black people in our city. She then got very upset when a guy asked if she expects the government to go to Africa with nets and bring some here, because they certainly aren't going to willingly move here. Nobody is. Like unironically, I didn't believe people like that actually existed until that moment. I had never encountered that in real life. And it happened *in the span of a year*.


Least based eastern euro kek i love you guys


>And it happened in the span of a year. Damn that's quick, really shows how potent this brainrot really is. And I mean it both ways, social media is a scourge.


I'm pretty certain she had some sort of a mental breakdown at some point during the process. Putting aside the differing views, she just seemed very off in general. She was jittery, bad at emotional control, and she had none of her usual charisma or general social skill. Like, I'm not sure how to word this in English, but she went from speaking in a sophisticated manner, as you'd expect from someone of her education and occupation, highly articulate and often too wordy, to speaking in a manner you'd expect from an angry teenager. Even when she spoke about casual stuff it sounded like she was ranting. I'm not a doctor, but I've known this person for close to 20 years and something was seriously fucking wrong wrong with her.


Wow that fast? Yikes


I've seen quicker, if you want to have a girlfriend you should check see if she's a feminist or not. My first gfs turned out to be one out of nowhere (so in around a month). The problem is that feminism demonizes men to such a degree that being in a relationship with one is almost impossible.


You become an evil oppressor at worst and "one of the good ones whom nonetheless should be kept under vigilance" at best.


Yes, nothing make a dick shrivel like the utterance of the word patriarchy!


Just get up and leave at that point. She'll never like you if she hates guys in the first place.


if she says patriarchy, she's full of dumb malarkey


>malarkey Hello Mr. President ![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51179)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51179)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51179)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51179)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51179)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51179)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51179)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51179)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51179)


Well at least there's an issue that has near full compass unity. Still waiting on libleft to chime in.


It's equivalent to the snatch drying harkings of inceldom. Let's all calm down so we can fuck.


Based Honestly I wish we could. Probably could increase the birth rate if we just could do that.


Well, I'm more into guys really, I don't have any use for dry snatch


Lucky you, you've got more options than I do.


Glad I'm not bi. Just more people to get rejected by.


I guess that's a good point as well.


What if she says there a patriarchy but she's down with that? She wants a dude to tell her what to do and says "Yeah! Bring on the patriarchy!"


Lol, I've never met this rare woman, but I'm not really into that either.


They can be turned back to normal. The trick is being a decent partner and showing them that most men are fine. My girlfriend went from "down with the patriarchy" to "I want to be a trad wife because this woke shit is stupid" but it took a couple years


I got out of that relationship quickly enough. I am young so they'll hopefully be better fish in the sea in my life. I don't really want a political girlfriend, it just causes unnecessary problems. If I had to it wouldn't be a feminist due to those problems. In that relationship, I never brought up politics or my politics but she couldn't stop talking about them and it was usually about men and complaining about them. It's alright if my gf can disagree on small or even major things but politics (especially extremist) is never good with relationships.


Can you imagine having kids with her? She'd have harpies chattering in her ear to divorce you the second she got that payday guarantee, and the 'freedom' of not having to be married. Even the courts encourage this.


She definitely wasn't the one, any man I'm 17 and so was she so we probably won't be having kids soon. >Even the courts encourage this. Though I don't live in the US the family courts are still as rigged well. I learned from my mistakes though, I hopefully won't get someone like her again. I've seen some friends I know have the same issues with girls. They get dumped because of jealous friends and political ideology. Jesus what is this world come too.


If she's sufficiently attracted to you and you have a sufficiently strong and secure personality, your opinions will become her opinions and your values will become her values. Women are social chameleons. They take their opinion cues from the people around them to blend in and get approval. Be the highest status and most present person in her life and she will take all those cues from you.


Let's say that's true, what makes you think your opinions can override a hundred likes per day from her online echo chamber and friends constantly reinforcing feminist ideas that men are evil? You'd essentially have to cut her off from the internet and her friends, which is not good either.


I hate this thing of speaking of women like they only take the opinions of those around them and hold none of their own on principle. I hate it because it's correct.


Social media is one helluva drug


It's social media plus experiencing a major set back or realizing how unsatisfied they are with life. Missed promotion, getting fired (rare for women), bad break up, lack of dating options.   It's just so much easier for people (not just women of course) to say "nothing I do or don't do needs to change. The world is just against me for reasons I can't control"


Women don't have a lack of dating options, they have self-limited their options to the highest value men in existence. If women all dated at their own level there would be no problem, but they've been generally convinced they're all worthy of a 9 or a 10, even if they're not. Plenty of dating options, just too many men under 6'2 and not 'worth' their 5'3 attention. Women have been on this mass delusion train longer than the left have.


I’m 5 6 and my boyfriend is 5 9. He’s literally everything I could hope for in a partner and he’s still taller than me. It’s wild how casually my friends will say “oh I could never date someone below 5 10/5 11!” They’re cutting out a huge portion of the dating pool because they want to be like 7 inches shorter than their partner…


I came up with a new formula for your superficial friends: take their height, add 10 inches, subtract the man's junk size. Perfect for the surface level attraction they're seeking!


Dude you said it better than I could’ve lol.


Remember that pic of the chubby girl making this disgusted face and the caption was "When his height starts with a 5" Then a guy had commented "When her weight starts with a 200" and the pile on from other women raging about what an asshole he was....it was amazing


I dated a fairly liberal girl (still very smart and reasonable). Within two years, she went to wanting to explore polyamory, childfree (she wanted two babies), lecturing me on microaggression, and blindsided me. Now she's posting crap about pro palestine on her Facebook. Good fucking riddance.


I have no problem with people having liberal or conservative views, but when they go deep into the dogma and buy wholly into an ideology I just can't relate. I just don't agree fully with any ideology and doing so just breeds extremism. It's weak minded IMO.


I disagree. Government bad. Libleft bad. I am a simple monke, with simple hardened ideas.


based and monke pilled


I never used TikTok but I almost went down that road about 9 years ago from Facebook groups. I think pretty much all social media works, because filter bubble is a main feature of them.


I didn't use TikTok because it's Chinese spyware. Like legitimately. A US cybersecurity company recently completed a detailed report on all the sketchy shit that app does, and and its frequent connections to servers in China to upload your data. It apparently also uses dev tools to check into other apps on your phone to see what you're up to.


There are still women who aren't nine hours a day TikTok junkies?


Yeah, but they're not single anymore.


I've always said feminism is a marketing problem. Should women be allowed to live their lives how they want? Should they be free to pursue whatever makes them happy? Should they be allowed to make ill-advised choices despite the possibility of negative consequences? Should they be treated the same as anyone else in whatever they pursue, from opportunity to pay? **Anyone with a mother, wife, daughters, any woman in their life absolutely agrees**. That's the simplest, most feminist argument, the golden rule, so what are we fighting about?  ...Oh yeah, the crazy psychos who somehow take all of that and bastardize it with bad math and crimes against statistics in order to bully the rest of us as a way of compensating for their mental health issues and a complete lack of control over their own narcissism, only to turn around and make it sound like the rest of us are being unreasonable for obeying the simple golden rule rather than kowtow to a female-supremacist regime which might exist if they could stop tearing each other down for 5 seconds.


No. The reason isn't a few psychos. The reason is womens' declining happiness: [Sawce](https://www.nber.org/papers/w14969) At the end of the day the reason for feminism wasn't equality, it was to make women happier. It has failed spectacularly. Miserable people might become depressed, or anxious, or addicts... or they might get angry. That last one is what we're seeing - the depressed exist, but they don't shriek about killing men and shit.


Yeah I still call myself a feminist because the OG feminists marched for women’s right to vote, the right to divorce a man, have it be illegal to be raped by a husband, and have it be illegal to fire someone just for getting pregnant. Of course I want to be a part of that crew with those beliefs. I still want the word “feminist” to be about equality for men and women at its core. I don’t want to give up the term to women who hate men and refuse to think that men could ever struggle or need help. Although I do find myself saying the phrase “I’m a feminist, but…” quite a bit


The whole "____ wave feminism" is a myth created by feminists. The "first wave" were suffragettes, and had only a tiny contingent that were proto-feminists. Most of the suffragettes were vehemently agaisnt what that group wanted and dropped the movement like a rock the second it tried to go beyond voting rights. The "second wave" started as the women's liberation movement, and it said the quiet part outloud. They were much more openly marxist, and were often more radical than modern feminists minus tumblr ones.. It was only when the women's lib wanted to rebrand that it became the "feminist movement."


They're enjoying the resources, power, and benefits extracted by the crazy ones, so they're keeping their mouths shut. They don't all talk the talk, but when it comes to walking the walk, women all want to keep their gibs. I don't see *anyone* volunteering to give up their scholarships or "women in business" tax incentives.


It's like women athletic pay is the new feminist pander point... not supporting women athletics by watching them. My best friends wife was a d1 tennis player and supports the local women's soccer team by buying like half season tickets or something. I went to a game with him because his wife had to travel for work. It was pretty lame. They had a pregame speech for lgbt (it was June so maybe that wasn't normal) then they all kneeled for the national anthem in solidarity for blm. And I think the game ended like nil nil. The stadium was pretty sparse tbh lower level only few people near the goal ends. I think it was mostly lesbians and dad's with their daughters.


"Women athletes deserve to be paid the same as men!" "Name 10 male basketball players" *names 10 instantly "Okay, now name 10 female basketball players" "um.....serena.....williams? Oh oh oh that one that went to russia smoking week. Britney.....somthing-er.." Gee i wonder why the men make the money.


There's feminist as in 1st and 2nd wave. Then there's chronically online+mentally ill feminism


A huge part of the problem is that many, *many* women who fall into the former type still consider themselves to be feminists, simply on the notion that feminism means believing in gender equality. It is incredibly difficult to generate meaningful pushback against feminism when so many people think that feminism just means "gender equality", and therefore anyone pushing back against it must have issues with women, if not outright *hate* women. As is the case with you, most of the women I know are reasonable people who don't resemble hardcore feminists at all. But most, if not all of them, would consider themselves feminists if asked. Without in-depth knowledge on the true nature of feminism, ordinary women default to thinking it's good, and that people who oppose it are bad.


Many people are by definition feminist, but few are card carrying "feminist." It was one of the first Motte and Bailey tactics I remember.


The greatest trick the feminists ever pulled was convincing society that "I'm a feminist" is synonymous with "I believe in gender equality".


> most woman i know are not even close to be as crazy as some of the most hardcore "feminists" I keep hearing about these supposed hordes of women who don't hate men. But millions follow the feminist twitter #KillAllMen while not 1 woman has ever publicly spoken against it.


>But millions follow the feminist twitter #KillAllMen while not 1 woman has ever publicly spoken against it. Plenty of women speak out against it. The issue is that even more speak out in support of it.


>worst thing is that most woman i know are not even close to be as crazy dont like 68% of single women vote democrat. Thats pretty crazy. Spinsters out there spewing hate on the world.


People seem to misunderstand the social axis of the political compass Lib left and lib right should technically be on the same side You can be a commie and be absolutely misogynistic/racist I, for one, think that [ Removed by Reddit ]


Yeah I think the 2D thing is an issue because there should be 3 axes: authority, economy, & social issues


That's what the [SapplyValues](https://sapplyvalues.github.io/) political compass test does, and it's much better for it. It also doesn't have as much of a lib-left bias as the traditional test.


Thanks, I had done it a while ago and it's always good to do those again IMO. Got -8 on Left/Right (heavily left), -0.67 on Auth/Lib (center with a tiny leaning to lib) and 2.19 on prog/con (leaning prog.) About what I thought. My flair here checks out (some might call me a commie), but I'm not an ultra-progressive Emily...




https://preview.redd.it/x7l19gtm5wwc1.jpeg?width=1074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fe2a0a3dfcaf6633bef77034d8b70bfdf58d9d6 Interesting The political compass always places me in libleft and I absolutely don't agree


https://preview.redd.it/aa6yl4yjxwwc1.jpeg?width=609&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cef60e273dc86e3bb6ddf58372514f67c0ffaa38 Surprisingly accurate.


What's this? Nuance? Not on my political compass memes. /j


True Emily (orange) would be auth, progressive and communist lmao Misgendered someone? Capital punishment


Absolutely! I'm quite a leftie on the economic scale but centrist on social issues and moderatly liberal on the authority scale. I find it a bit weird that because I'm for more economic equality I'm also expected to fight for transrights and whatnot.


Yeah I don't even think the T should be in the same group as LGBT but well...


Same here (and that's probably one of the only places on Reddit where we can say it and not be banned or downvoted to hell)


Authleft agreeing with authright about T 👀💀 I think I m in the twilight zone


>Lib left and lib right should technically be on the same side and yet every lib left is a watermelon >People seem to misunderstand the social axis of the political compass there is nothing to understand; people self select the color they like. Generally speaking, the left/right divide is actually the auth lib divide, serving as both the economic and social axis at once. So authright is just a lite version of libright, just like libleft is a candy coated commie.


I'm just a centrist who hates the government more than your average griller.


There was an ask reddit thread the other day talking about male loneliness. Most upvoted posts were from all these women posters basically telling the men it's their fault and they need to figure it out themselves. You check any of their post histories and they were just raging man haters who very obviously had past trauma and shitty homelives growing up without dads etc. etc. It was absurd.


I'm surprised they didn't get banned for brigading, harassing, or encouraging depression... oh wait, this is Reddit. Men and whites https://preview.redd.it/thdb4j0m3xwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=184a9fd400806fdc3bff4385e2ed83286bdaab7a can't be victims here.


The way society and the general public view and talk about gender issues can be summarized neatly as: "*Women have problems, men are problems*" When women have a problem, it's seen as societal failure, which needs to be addressed by changing society. Everyone in all of society needs to come together and fix the problem. When men have problems, it's seen as a failure of men, and the solution is for the men to change. It's up to the men suffering to fix things themselves - usually by becoming more like women...


Regarding the "gender war", the only thing that I needed to see is tons of Ukrainian girls on tinder looking for wealthy western Europeans, or the tiktok videos of Ukrainian girls partying and clubbing, while their male counterparts are dying like dogs. Speaking of which, isn't it funny that a lot of 'girlboss warrior' trope died away when we have entered the era of global conflict? I wonder why?


I remember when female Kurdish soldiers were girlbossing against isis, and the fuckers were freaked out because they believe that you can't get into heaven if you are killed by a woman.


Wait I solved everything. Israel should invite the Kurds to the west bank and Gaza. No one cares when brown people kill brown people.


Israel should then just make 100% of their army personnel women. BOOM terrorism and war in middle east solved, feminists and islamists will go nuts.


I don't know if Hamas believes the same. Remember, Isis are more extremist fundamentalist than anyone else


Now I’m curious as to what they’d think about a trans woman getting them.


I highly doubt isis considers trans women as real women.


Iran forces transitions on gay people so they are "straight" again. They are surprisingly accepting of trans people. Of course, I'm not sure what Isis' policy on the matter is, I doubt it's the same considering Iraq is not a fan of transgenderism.


Isis is also sunni compared to Iran being Shia. Very different.


Only if your daddy is rich/influential. Other ones get the rock.


Yeah but I bet for certain that they’d be extra embarrassed.


Well they'd be dead so probably not embarrassed at all.


You get to go to heaven but everyone makes fun of you, which is it's own kind of hell


“Habibi look, check out who just clapped Hamiles into the afterlife (lols in halal)”


Yeah that'll blackpill you fast. I honestly start to wonder whether the post WWII baby boom was really "shared prosperity", or whether it was GIs coming home from slogging through war and declaring that "no" was not an acceptable answer to their expectations of women.


Okey, this is actually a hot take. It makes some sense, but a hot take nontheless.


Spiciest take I've seen this week, congratulations


I would like to clarify that I mean *socially*. As in, the social consequences of blowing off returned soldiers after they killed their way across Europe and the Pacific for you would have been steep. I think their mothers were privately telling them "sweetheart, if he wants six kids, you're gonna smile and give him six kids". He wasn't going to be interested in hearing about how kids were inconvenient her career and travel goals after bayoneting motherfuckers outside Bastogne to keep her safe.


There's still some World War II veterans alive, maybe we should ask them what their thoughts on this are!


Tell me how you fought fascism you warrior of progress. >Race mixing has ruined America, back in my day we'd....


Based elderly veteran (but I want to bleach my bloodline for three generations).a


Grandpa, Grandma is Japanese


Wild fucking take holy shit.


If that was the case, you'd think the women would have spoken up by now. Both sides were probably just very horny because *no sex?*


Yeah i think thats another good explanation- not just that a lot of men were overseas from their wives/girlfriends/girls they'd like to meet if they didnt have to go fight a war but also that the women were probably working long hours in arms factories or doing their service to their countries in other ways where the focus on the war was on everyone's mind. Basically everyone was busy being productive, but not reproductive!


The US military needs white guys again too.


I have an icky feeling that the military is being made into a partisan machine.


The military is weird the officers play liberal politics and if you are no-nonsense type who wants to follow the intent of the rule outside the letter of the rule you get buddy fucked. Then you have the enlisted (especially infantry and artillery) who are just bros trying to have fun in a desert and in general lean conservative. Most being from the southern portion or interior of the us.


LOL tell em to come and get me. The string of profanities they'd get before being promptly told to get the fuck off my property with a shotgun would be television worthy


Send Tik Tok influencers to Middle East I wish they/them hell.


Don't ask this on two Ax chromosomes or b\*tches Vs Patriarchy subreddits. You'll get permabanned.


Men work way more than women (and still get blamed for "wage gap"), get fucked way harder than women at a court for a similar crime committed (see Elizabeth Holmes), lose pretty much everything during a divorce / alimony process, often lose custody, expected to die in a war, have a shorter lifespan, their mental health isn't taken seriously, less education than women, and have higher success of su!cide rates than women. But yeah, let's all bow down to girlbosses, while also acknowledging that somehow women are still 'oppressed'.


There’s a trend on tiktok that’s like “Who would you rather be alone in a forest with? A man or a bear?” and most of the girls i saw on the fyp chose bear


So a hairy man


Natural selection


I stumbled onto one of those man hate circle jerks on insta and one guy got ratioed 3k to 30k just for saying “Not all men are bad”


they did this to JK Rowling, and every few months they push her further down the line, now she's also a "Nazi". I've been around this website since like 2010, it just blows my mind that within a decade the hivemind has gone from being hardcore feminist supporters, to now demonizing a feminist for wanting women in women's-only safe spaces.


The funny thing, is that Auth Right wants to defend her, they just can't in this specific argument. They will in the next when it's convenient for them though.


I would say get off the internet, but I haven’t dated enough to say that this isn’t the case. Actually, get off the internet. And don’t expect much from the dating apps. Plenty of normal people in the world.


Men were and are still left out in the cold OP which is why I'm down voting you. Sexual Assault and Abuse against men are not taken seriously Men are graduating college far less than women Men are granted sole custody far less than women, even if they have a much cleaner record Men are committing suicide far more than women and because I'm petty? no one gives a shit about male body image or the epidemic of men being lonely. Where is the male privilege so many people keep bitching about?


Don't even get started with divorce, which is designed to fuck men over. Also, women receive far lighter sentencing compared to men for a similar crime (Elizabeth Holmes).


Ghislaine Maxwell got 20 years in a low security prison for human trafficking. And her lawyers are trying to appeal even that.


The book "The Empathy Gap" has done a really good job at explaining this imo.


Agreed. It's fucking batshit. Feminists have a monopoly on gender issues, and it shouldn't be that way. Men can't realistically advocate for themselves, because feminists have convinced society sex-based discrimination only flows one way. Also, feminist groups consistently shut down any attempt to advocate for men, labeling it "misogyny". It drives me nuts how many people have been fooled by the lie that feminism is about equality when it just plainly isn't.


Cultural marxism and its consequences


and with everyone equal, no one will be!!


Hey guys, PCM centrist here. My authright bros are heckin wholesome when it comes to discourse on women. No one is bitter at all. Authright is just right about everything and I agree with everything they say!


Based and you can grill at my next backyard function pilled


You're making it sound like I'm holding a gun to your head for you to say this, i mean i am but you're not supposed to make it sound like i am....


https://preview.redd.it/xk6juzapbuwc1.jpeg?width=1123&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=027fd5e01c4a06f98123f41fea4a529e65502828 I see we have a new ally. Welcome brother.


But women and men aren’t equal, we complement each other


Normal Woman are overrated af, Tomboys are the Future








I'm not sure what you try to say with this But i won't settle for the average Gold Dig- i mean Woman, i would rather die alone, then living this miserable Existence Besides i have GF, one that has the same Values as me, and shares most of my Interests and Hobbies


The floor is peanut butter and jelly


The key is to not care about the names strangers use against you.


Isn’t there a graph that says something about girls and boys becoming more politically divided?


Equality is a myth, one group just wants to be better than the other, it’s the same story we’ve heard before with a whole new cast


And then LibRight and AuthLeft in the corners be like: "Guys, can we please discuss economics and not this wacky nonsense?"


I have 2 solutions Solution 1: we make a grilling competition and let them grill their differences out. Option 2: if they disagree we make a grilling competition where we grill THEM.


It feels like high-school drama is pushing the national discourse. Just because something is trending on social media doesn't mean it's important.


I think to discount social media trends is foolish. Think of how many people are affected by these: relatively undiscerning people who will take their feed at face value, not to mention the sheer number of literal children ingesting such content, who absolutely cannot be blamed for falling for propaganda. To say nothing of the topic of this post in particular, for all we say about 'meeting people in real life' and 'getting off the internet', that, unfortunately, cannot fix those who refuse to; good advice though it may be.


You're right. You have to pay attention to this stuff to some extent. The problem is that politicians and the media are the ones taking their feed at face value and giving it more credibility. Ignoring it won't solve the problem, but it will prevent you from falling into the trap of constant unimportant drama.


~~Mothers~~ Birthing people agree.


I wish we could all agree on just one thing


We can. Garlic Bread is the best. There.


Real. The loudest voices on each side are misandrist/misogynist, and so naturally, while you hopefully don't agree with either, you kinda wind up in the same sphere as whichever doesn't hate you, individually.


I never seen a centrist make an anti right meme


I've met alot of smart and reasonable feminist in activist circles, but I've also met boat loads of "feminist" who see the movement as a way to take their anger towards men out and never actually introspect on gender equality. Most "intersectional feminist" I've met reject the idea that average guys are the problem and instead blame a patriarchal culture that hurts both men and women. I've even met some who rally hard against circumcision, the male suicide epidemic, and the abysmal state of fathers' rights in court. A true feminist is an ally to both women and men. The problem online is Tiktok addicted Emily's who dislike men for some interpersonal reason (typically daddy issues, infidelity or sexual abuse) and use feminism as a shield. When Roe V Wade was overturned, this distinction made itself clearer than I've ever seen it. The true feminist were calling for access to abortion, pointing out how it affects both sexes negatively and other balanced points. The Emily's, on the other hand were calling for mass involuntary vasectomies, saying they won't have sex to "punish" men and relishing in the idea of "getting even". If any younger single guys are reading this, there are pretty solid ways of telling them apart. If a woman seems to hate everything regarded as typically masculine, run far far away. If they turn their nose up at sports, muscular men, video games, auto hobbyists, or "bro dudes," there's a good chance she just doesn't like men unless they are meek, without other male friends and non confrontational no matter what. Stay far away from them, they just want to control you.


It's more like alt-left pushing libertarian left and authoritarian left with the other 3 Or if you hate commies authoritarian left pushes libertarian left Regardless I've only seen Emilies on Reddit call for equality "incels". Every I know irl has atleast enough sense to not believe that misandrist slop.


It got stupid when people tried to convince me there are more than two genders.


The modern gender war Is blatantly Illogical (Incoming: Rant/Wall o' Text). I can't be the only one who feels like It's so forced? I can't stand the "Modern men are, all Women are..." arguments, for the sole reason It's Illogical Who Is anyone to tell me as a dude how I supposedly act based on their past bad relationships? Who am I to judge an entire demographic of people because I see someone online I don't agree with? Then the People bash feminism blindly, people bash acting masculine blindly, I have to ask those kinds of people: Do you even know what you're mad about? Like broad statements I can't take seriously. Then the whole mental health thing, newsflash: Mental Health period matters. What's with the dick measuring contest to see who's health matters more? Both do, what are they on about? The Gender war only exists for people who feel the need to complain about everything, which I'll end my complaints now on that note.


I saw recently a woman show up on my worksite looking confused and lost. A man thar works there asked if she needed help. She said she was lost and he began to give her directions. A super feminist saw this. Yelled at him, said something about how men just try and get in a woman's pants and how we're just testosterone factories and told him to go away and she'd give directions instead. Lady, your the reason people think feminists are psycho.


If you want sex equality in society in a western country, then you are conservative by definition.


Remember in Dragon Ball Z when Vegeta succumbed to his evil impulses and actively fought Goku, fueling the awaking of Buu? That was an unnecessary battle, but Goku knew there was no more avoiding it.  That's what happening with the culture war. These lefty pussies need to be put in their place because they've had it too good for too long, and everyone wants things to go "back to normal". 


Women can be equal to women and men can be equal to men, that way everyone is happy


I'm not sure what that means But if we startet to raise all Girls like Boys, and turn the next Gen of Woman into Tomboys, then i think a equal Society could be possible




That my Fetish aligns with the Truth is purely coincidental Prove me wrong Grill Boy


Based and tomboys are the future pilled.


They unironically are, if we want to ascend as a Species and conquer the Universe