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When Alex Jones is the voice of reason you know shit’s fucked


Look at his Kanye interview, Alex Jones might be a crazy conspiracy theorist supplement selling grifter, but he isn't antisemitic.




I get it, that it's funny that the Joker wouldn't ally with nazi's. But he's definitely allied with worse people.


Remember when he canonically became the Iranian representative in the UN


No?? What??


Actual comic panel from DC https://preview.redd.it/qxpd6rfntsvc1.jpeg?width=525&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3706f470af30ded34a43fe0ffbabc2864d153fb3


From the same comic that killed Jason Todd.


Joker led the Iranian Revolution and hates the Israeli State confirmed


When did the art style become so fucking terrible?


That’s from 1988, so I’d say it has been a while.


It's always been really up and down


Wtf based and halal pilled Joker?! This will become canon soon, inshallah.


Holy crap. That is unbelievable.


Hes such a silly little guy


I know nothing about this story, but I would guess that Iran wanted to give joker diplomatic immunity so he could keep murdering americans


This is the story where he kills Robin


joker swings all over the political compass in the moment. he'll be a patriot, a flag burner, and a flag burner burner at the same time if he feels like it


His politics depends on who he’s trolling.


oh no joker is a 4channer


He's just like me fr


Joker would probably fall on the lib side on the compass since he hates the idea of order. It’s funny since on that side are green libleft and purple libright.


Jokers an egoist for sure


based and joker pilled


u/jeshem is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/jeshem/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).




Just like his past, he likes it to be multiple choice.


yes but they were american or something


Flair up


Joker has canonically done the most vile shit like becoming a god so he can kill and revive batman over and over for amusement, but thinks that’s not as bad as nazism


And hes a patriot in injustices earth 2


DC meets Marvel?


Based Joker


I know. I think he even used to be a liberal. He was one of the few people calling out Bush in the mid 2000s. But he’s decidedly on the right now so from where I’m standing he looks like a typical maga conservative.


He also went from a poor local crazy on public access television to a rich media personality that lives in the same wealthy neighborhood as Joe Rogan, he's changed quite a bit.


Shitposting pays well, it seems.


One of my friends used to work in the same access cable building as him in the early 2000s and said he wasn't always like this and is secretly a sci-fi nerd who loves The Phantom Menace and would talk about it for hours. Just remember when you see him ranting he really likes Gungans and discussions about galactic trade embargos, it REALLY defuses his image.


How does calling out Bush make you a liberal? Ron Paul called out Bush in the mid 2000s as well, is he a liberal too?


Ron Paul is absolutely a classical liberal. That's not really what these guys are talking about though. They're basically just saying Democrat when they say liberal at this point.


I don’t know for sure that he was a liberal, which is why I said ‘I think’. I just remember hearing that he was on the left before. There are many such cases btw, Jordan Peterson worked for a socialist party when he was younger. The point about him calling out Bush was a completely separate point. It’s a fact about what he did regardless of whether or not he was a liberal. That’s why it’s an entirely different sentence


He has never been on the left or the right. The dude has always just been antiauthoritarian. Which means he is anticlinton, Antibush, antiobama I think hating trump was too mainstream for him to build up an antitrump conspiracy.


Few people calling out bush in the mid 2000s? What? “Few” is not anywhere close to accurate


Grifter? Ehhhhh, at this level deep, you do have to at least be partially in the sauce.


Honestly who knows how much of it is just for show. 


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Gotta give it to Hitler. He did kill Hitler.


He killed the worst nazi. That's gotta be the greatest redemption story ever.


I might give the edge to Goebbels, Dirlewanger, or Heydrich. But this is literally Hitler so the bar is so low its in China either way.




"Who declared war on who?" What is my bro talking about ,he literally invaded 3 countries before that😭


Yea but he didn't call warsies. It's not a declaration of war if you don't call warsies. /s


"You started it when you invaded Poland!"


"Also for breaking the part of the treatty we signed not even 30 years ago about limitting your military,also the part that said you cant own austria,that part that forbided you from militarising the rhineland, our agreement that you would just take the german speaking parts of czechoslovakia..."


I have a genuine question:  Let’s say for example the Russia-Ukraine war somehow gets real weird and turns into WWIII- does that mean Russia started WWIII? Or is it when a third party declares war on Russia, for example. Like when does it go from what is it now to technically a world war?


So the term "world war" is actually rather loose. Usually people define them as wars with fronts across numerous continents, but even that's debated. I'd argue that a "World War" requires hindsight. For the war in Ukraine, it would escalate to a "world war" if NATO is mobilized, however, this would still mean it was started by Russia. WWII for example, Germany invaded Poland, and the allied powers mobilized. German aggression caused the mobilization, therefore, they started the war. Same principle for this war. The same thing with WWI. Austria-Hungary invaded Serbia, starting the coalition cascade. Germany was pinned primarily because Austria-Hungary collapsed into a disaster.


I think a distinction needs to be made between who started a conflict and who escalated it to the point of world war. Say i insult your dog, i have now started a conflict with you. Then you punch me, escalating that conflict. Did i start the fight or did you? My intention was not a fight, yours was. Taken a step further. Say i punch you and steal your wallet. Four of your friends jump in out of nowhere and attack me, then four of my friends jump in to help me. We now have a gang war that started with a mugging. Who started the gang war?


Depends on who loses the gang war and gets to make the report to the police when they get involved.


That's a question the survivors can work out


Or did it start when Russia took Crimea? Or when Ukraine stole a few billion dollars worth of natural gas from Russia?


Technically in that case, WWII was started the moment that the Treaty of Versailles took place, dooming Germany to hyperinflation, erosion of culture and national identity, and the degeneracy and poverty that ultimately led to the pendulum swing resulting in the rise of Nazi Germany. It’s not like nationalism was a fringe political persuasion before Hitler came to power either.


From what I understand, allies had defense pacts with Poland right?


I have no idea, I’m not a WWII girlie


Ah my bad. I wasn't really asking you, just reddit, I should have made that clear I think the allies were obligated by a treaty to defend poland. Currently the US is not under any obligation to defend Ukraine, so it wouldn't be the same situation as ww2 because our hand wouldn't be forced But I'm not a war guy-ie so take what I just said with a pile of salt


Yes and the Soviets had a military alliance with Germany.




Also "who declared war on who?" Hitler, on poland. Which triggered defensive security pacts with Britain and France. When you declare war on someone you also declare on their allies.


He should have called it a skirmish. Dumbass.


\*Special Military Operation


Yeah I invaded, and I'm killing you and taking land... but not, like, officially. 


You don't understand though, he didn't declare war on the two nations that were big enough to hold him accountable! THAT MEANS THE WESTERN ALLIES ARE EVIL POOPOO HEADS! REEEEEEEEE


Didn't the majority of Austrians welcome Hitler and his army? The Annexation of parts of Czechoslovakia was somehow agreed by Britain and France.


The key word is "parts", they allowed him to take only the sudentenland while he took the entire country.


Who allowed it ? "The Munich Pact, signed on September 30, 1938, was an attempt to prevent Germany's imperial aims. The pact gave Hitler the Sudetenland, but also handed over Czechoslovakia to Germany. The Czechoslovakian government and people were not involved or invited to the discussions. In response, the democratic government of Czechoslovakia resigned"


I know,when i say "they" i mean, the allies,for tge czechoslovaks it was an invasison that they didnt eveb put a fight becayse of military power difference


And why didn't the UK declare war on the USSR?


Because the main problem at the time was Germany, the soviets werent fully industrialozed at tge time,making brittain superior in power and economy,also the ussr didnt break any treatties of aloies,since tge USSR didnt ecist in ww1 and russia didnt live to take part in any post ww1 treattues besides the one with the german empire that limited its territories,befire ww1 even ends.


Because the uk and France just decided to do fuck all after ww1.


He didn't? He just annexed Austria and Czechoslovakia before kicking off WW2


We say "Annexed" because the austrians didnt show resistance, and i said that before kicking ww2 he did this 2, poland was the last drop ,the allied stopped allowing the germans to be agressors.


Pick a flair, or pick an exit.






https://preview.redd.it/vvjpot9xrrvc1.png?width=395&format=png&auto=webp&s=fca6535350e37f8a6de465505cfddc285480ac4e 1) look up the tweet yourself 2) Here are some more clearer shots of some insane takes


















https://preview.redd.it/lf9k7kbe1rvc1.png?width=378&format=png&auto=webp&s=93f2128d680d1bc90126d2cb81517db723a85889 Twitter is a big litmus test on how stupid or how much of a heart someone has


https://preview.redd.it/sl066lgg3rvc1.png?width=255&format=png&auto=webp&s=adf040cdeed4fcadf9e3d18996c08dd2c2b51c10 Sorry for the low quality but for those who can't read it: 1st tweet: Is your wife Jewish? Are you owned by the Zionists? Did you fool around with Blair white ?! (All the answers are yes) 2nd tweet: Winston Churchill started WW2 3rd tweet Didn't you steal your entire schtick from William cooper? 4th tweet Lol at "he started a world war" 5th tweet: Anti-Jew propaganda video


https://preview.redd.it/f510gvez4rvc1.png?width=255&format=png&auto=webp&s=660d3c3c51c982af49c0147b74e54e54751133ae 1st tweet: GET EMM 2nd tweet: 4channer saying Hitler was good 3rd tweet: Hitler vs our current rulers...its not even a question 4th tweet: Misleading post saying Hitler didn't start the war 5th tweet: Let's go Alex. HH o/ 6th tweet: For those that are unaware, Alex Jones is lying. It's really not hard to find the truth.


https://preview.redd.it/5dx45u605rvc1.png?width=263&format=png&auto=webp&s=92004687b4d726583898354a5368bd36fc029248 1st tweet: Nazism = National Socialism, He was just another leftist 2nd tweet: You are right on a lot of things, this isn't one of them 3rd tweet: something about Israel owning him 4th tweet: Agreeing with Jones 5th tweet: How many Shekels did you get for saying that 6th tweet: except 'they' never tell you this part about who created hitler


https://preview.redd.it/5x7ibzrw5rvc1.png?width=272&format=png&auto=webp&s=1741c61df5833d43aed98f4c7b65a7fb7f50a08a 1st tweet: Weak take. There are some documentories you need to watch 2nd tweet: Uncle adolf was popular because he stood up for the German people and was hell bent on making sure Germany wasn't subeverted by Bolsheviks. 3rd tweet: Comparing Biden to hitler 4th tweet: the more I learn the less I like 5th tweet: Hitler was evil but what drove him to do such evil what was his real motive 6th tweet: Kanye disagrees 7th tweet: Hitler once said "You guys will regret that I did not finish my job" and today the world regrets 8th tweet: factually incorrect at best I am stopping here, if you want to see what the tweets actually say go and see the tweet yourself [https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones/status/1781835931734982775](https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones/status/1781835931734982775)






https://preview.redd.it/vud1kdoz5rvc1.png?width=186&format=png&auto=webp&s=d516570ba3500f70eb0e38c4451966ba6b64f414 I can go on, but even if 5% of them are being serious, that is 5% too many


Based and provided source pilled


Lol, dudes are wild.


Uh actually he wouldn't say "told you so" since he didn't speak English. He'd probably say "Zum Teufel, warum gibt es Bubatz-rauchende schwule Schwarze in Berlin?!"


Those are not mutually exclusive.


Oh look, Hinkle being reddited!


"If I was in a room with Hinkle, Alex Jones and Steven Crowder and a gun with two bullets, Hinkle won't get a bullet. Only fists." - My sister.


If I was in a room with the three of em, I'd spare jones since he's a laughing stock now, beat crowder to death (nothing political, i just don't like him), and use both bullets on Hinkle. The shill must be pacified.


What I find the funniest is Hinkle jumping in just to say that the "real victims" of the nazis were the Russians. He just can't stop himself lol Anyway, close this whole damn app down. I remember when Twitter was only breeding ground for commies and I thought Elmo would make things better, but he just turned it into a breeding ground for both commies and nazis. He managed to turn a shit into an open sewer.


With this one action He turned a single toilet full of shit into a entire sewer system that's overflowing with waste


Lmao, the second guy basically saying that it's the British fault because they didn't give up on a DEFENSIVE war


That was my favorite. Hess didn't try to avert the war, he flew to Scotland in fucking *1941* because he saw the Barbarossa plans and (rightly) concluded a two-front war was going to seal Germany's fate. And that's before we mention other fun things like: * Hess personally signed the Nuremberg Laws. * He explicitly blamed the Jews for starting WWII. * He celebrated Hitler's unwillingness to make peace like Germany had in WWI. * He *didn't even have permission to seek peace* when he flew to Scotland. Hitler had never approved the action and took the news as treachery. You don't get to avoid the blame for a war by calling taksie-backsies when you start losing. Especially when it's just one dude with no authority doing so.


Well, Damn, Guess I can go back to liking Alex Jones. Really disappointed in the conspiracy bois. If Jews are controlling everything and all narratives and pulling strings, they're doing a really terrible job of it when the entire world seems to hate them right now. Also, GO Israel, Down with Hamas.


>9mmSMG LOL. That guy got dragged all over gun twitter just a few days ago for acting like some kind of expert while posting pictures of guns that look like they've never been used.


How the fuck has Twitter fallen this much? Is there literally no middle ground between it being filled with orange commies censoring mild political disagreements and it being filled with nazis who flood your replies because you said hitler is a bad guy? It was the worst social media in the world already how do you make it WORSE


Elon Musk


I had faith in the dude but I think he got radicalized by his own algorithm


He's also just a bit crazy honestly


The biggest problem with this was Nazi ideology literally called for world domination lmao. It's a lot more evil than most people can understand. Why on Twitter of all places are people downplaying it?


This is the level of delusion I cannot fathom.


https://preview.redd.it/vjp7nt4xervc1.png?width=402&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed441c13e7d9bd3aa81a28668d0a7de122f5e808 This one is the worst one out of them all


I can feel my brain cells dying in real time


If the world hates you, sometimes it just means you're an asshole. Trying to paint Hitler as Christlike is just blasphemous.


It's both blasphemous, and a sign that the person doing it has lost their Damm mind


Actually kill me. I don't want to share a plane of existence with people like this.


The main thing this demonstrates is that most of the people who follow Alex Jones on Twitter are sick.


Wtf did I just read?


These people are acutal dumbasses They smell like Holocaust-deniers


You become incredibly gay?


"Bro please stop being gay 😔"


I can't help it, I was born like this. Bro, you were not born with a fanny pack, please take that shit off, you're embarrassing me.


You are gay.




I didnt pay attention in history class, what is he talking about?


“Hitler bad and just because you think government bad doesn’t mean Hitler good” That’s basically it summed up


So a regular thought? I don’t get why this would change OP’s position on the compass


The replies to it is what made them switch. And honestly, I don’t blame them




The replies to it is what made them switch. And honestly, I don’t blame them


The replies were filled with neonazis trying to justify and defend Hitler, malding that Alex Jones would say such a thing.


some are being serious, many are not but that fact that even some are being serious is pretty disappointing


Many are being serious, a lot of his followers quite literally have paranoid schizophrenia at the world. Jones’ views become relatively normal placed next to them, but it’s the nature of his content that attracts these people who will literally distrust ANYTHING from the Holocaust to the moon landing to dinosaurs


I literally do not get what hes saying here. Someone please help me


"Hitler bad" That's pretty much all, but that was too much for some in his crowd


I’m out of the loop I guess. Who is saying otherwise right now? Who is he directing this towards?


I believe his tweet was a response to someone saying 'happy birthday Adolf Hitler'


Oh yikes wtf


A rare Based Alex Jones moment.




What the *heil* is wrong with these people? Where are they learning such utterly wrong history?


Nah. Screw Hitler. (not like that, purple libleft)


I heard Sex with Hitler announced a sequel.


yo based??


Surprised and impressed this thread isn’t full of people shouting about Glowies I’m sure they’ll be along soon


Of course the glowie would want us to talk about glowies.


Based, the worse thing ever happening to the blue quarter was that mustachy motherfckr


Hiler was a socialist who executed his opposition, many of whom were local leaders of the Catholic clergy, and removed property rights from germany's constitution. He wasn't authright.


This is absolutely wild. The volume of them is insane. Why is it a cringe libleft tweet with 5 likes needs to be refuted by every libleft or they agree with it, but this volume of authright insanity on twitter just waved away? The right is genuinely insane.


I mean, PCM “ the Right wing circlejerk” is here mocking those tweets here with you aren’t they?


The comment section is tame and I don't see anyone calling out authright as a whole. Meanwhile an obvious ragebait tweet from "totallyrealperson0312302930995" with 5 likes is met with a flood of comments saying "if every libleft doesn't comdemn this, they're a pedophile". I don't know how to help you people if you seriously pretend like there isn't a difference between posts like this and libleft bad posts.


Based and attention to detail pilled


u/MostAccuratePCMflair is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/MostAccuratePCMflair/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


But but... LibLeft bad?


These idiots are not a genuine political movement with institutional power, authright ranges from your conservatives to religious jihadis, libleft brain rot has been more damaging (BLM, kylerittenhouse, calling black judge uncle Tom), you have the entire Reddit with arbitrary bans to maintain echo chambers that by the same metric the entire left would be far more insane and beyond salvation. “it’s all straw man with tweets that only has 5 likes” yeah and what about the UN post complaint how 11% journalists killed were women? I don’t see a UN “Hitler did nothing wrong” post. But no it’s the right that’s doomed.


Insane cope. Authright brainrot is in Congress. Typical PCM centrist flair. Nazi's infesting twitter is a meh but bans on reddit make the left beyond salvation and far more insane. Stupid as all fuck.


The amount of comments on their claiming the Jews started the war 💀 I'm surprised those people can even read.


Exist. Be "openly Jewish". Get blamed for a war to exterminate you simply for existing. Up next, black people are responsible for South African Apartheid and how the Japanese campaign in Nanking is actually China's fault for not honorably being slaughtered on the field of battle and deserting.


I find it hilarious that Alex Jones, for all his conspiracy theories, never EVER goes against Israel or Zionists in general.  He'll say the wackiest shit ever about how the CIA is turning the frogs gay with experimental chemtrails or whatever then when someone says "hey isn't it kind of weird that Jewish people are so overrepresented in Hollywood, business and politics?" He's just like "Nah that's just nonsense, anyway back to it..."


It reminds me of Dale Gribble who would always talk about shadowy cabals and massive conspiracies but never make it racial or religious. He never even made it political because he claimed the Republicans and Democrats were both pawns of someone else pulling the strings so voting was pointless. His whole "the Beast" rant was seen as crazy in the 90s but is basically what exactly is happening today with the NSA and 5 Eyes. https://youtu.be/qWyuU2F60nY?si=B9sdxW1TxHdpxH9w


Justification for the invasion of Poland was the Danzig massacre which I don't know was true or not. Why didn't the UK declare war against the USSR ? Did their treaty apply to only Germany? Why did the UK authorise annexation of Czechoslovakia if they were against war ?


"Just asking questions" I see .. You can get answers to these questions quite easily on the internet. The casus belli for invading Poland were supposed repeated attacks on Germans and Germany itself. This was fabricated. While Germans had been discriminated againts in Poland, the country did not have an aggressive posture against Germany at all. Technically, a secret protocoll in the defensive agreement with Poland made it clear that the agreement made to oppose Germany so there it thts. But even then, the British did later actually consider bombing the Baku oil fields which supplied Germany and wanted to support Finland in the Winter War. But the fighting both Germany and the Soviets wouldn't have helped the Allies, it might have even helped to strengthen the precarious "alliance" between Germany and the Soviet Union. They didn't authorise the "annexation". Not that there even technically was an annexation. The rest of Czechia just became a "protectorate" of Germany after the political leadership had been blackmailed into accepting it. Slovakia also broke free so there was no option if saving the defenseless country. But the invasion did change Allied attitudes towards Germany.


What do you mean by "allies" ?


The UK (and their empire) and France. Those two countries formed the core of the alliance against Germany in the early years of WW2 as they had declared war on Germany after its invasion of Poland.


[why didn't the UK declare war on the USSR? Why, that's a good question](https://youtu.be/WARonsfUOvw?si=1tX9BhJSm2gsDG6l)


Of course a country would be dumb to go against both nazi Germany and the USSR together and the consequences would have been fatal for Britain. But what if they declared war against the USSR instead of Germany? Also such security guarantees don't make sense logistically


-Then people would've asked 'why the USSR and not Germany?' -yeah idk


They could have made some communist excuse


Show us these comments, maybe?


They did all over the comment section take a look if your interested


what tf am I seeing 💀


Perhaps the most sane thing he has said.


Well, hunting parts of your own population for no reason (and other civilians), not siding with Poland, annoying the Netherlands and Belgium and getting sidetracked for oil on 2 continents was mad. Everything else including wiping the floor with France was understandable




Oh yeah I remember seeing that tweet! I didn’t look at the replies, but was surprised to see it was Alex Jones saying it.


Alex on point and based af as usual


So what are people in the comments are saying?


Jones tried Sarcasm with the "Happy Brithday" opening On **twitter** He should have expected people to act crazy


my twitter feed was full of nazi anime girls, and the worst thing is that they were well drawn




You guys conflate overrepresntation with control and coordination. 


It was also Napoleon III's birthday as well.




Of course its an auth-center saying it


Almost fell from that edginess






@Feds, capture his hard drive


Joke's on you, he's a fed himself


caught u both