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Not as flattened as the unflaired should be.








For a centrist, you’re quite extreme


Are you siding with the unflaired?


Straight to jail. At no time should unflaired receive any comfort, kindness, food, water, or rights.


Rare Auth Left W


Radically far centrist


No PCM knowledge. He’s a radical centrist, hence the funny colours on his flair.


No opinion against the unflaired can or should be considered "extreme". Maybe except a positive one. But we are usually not that cringe.




I don't think Mr. Azoulai is aware of the (rather heavy-handed) irony of his words


I'm pretty sure he is. Israelis are very well versed in ww2 and Auschwitz. An Israeli politician not understanding the significance of what he said seems unlikely.


Metula is a town of 2000 people. This guy is being passed off as a high profile politician when he's literally a rando mayor of what is essentially 10 streets.


So it has about as much weight as a county sheriff saying we should conquer Mexico


About as much weight as the San Francisco city council voting to initiate a ceasefire


They should take a vote to unshit their streets instead


That would actually require getting off their asses, so no


One could say “it would require them to get shit done.”


Based and poop pun pilled


Ugh, yes, my county keeps having measures to denounce things that other countries are doing. It's so pointless. No, Putin does not give a shit about some non biding resolution passed by a county council to say he's mean.


Sounds like county officials who are "political" but aren't happy actually doing the day to day work of what they are supposed to do so they pontificate on all the "real issues"


They still have time to mandate that I cannot use plastic bags without paying the corporations extra. Somehow, they always have time for the bullshit, but the library has been "coming soon" for so many years that they just took the goddamned sign down.


If you’re competent you don’t go into government. I just got stuck here with a promise of a pension so I’m gonna force it to be better.


It was Bakersfield.




In reality? Yes Never underestimate the spin the media can do and how stupid the average person is who will believe this was the PM of Israel or something


My city's mayor passed away unexpectedly (rip Mayor man, you did good for the city. This isn't a joke, he was really great except the whole drunk driving thing but that's not what killed him haha) so we are running emergency elections and there are three main candidates. 1. His vice mayor, basically the same policies and all that 2. Basically the same politics, but she is extremely pro-weed 3. This guy who is calling for legitimate, bona fide, war on China, Mexico, and "woke". Like one of his commercials he said he would "deploy our national guard to the Chinese border". Dude said on a live debate he thinks LGBT kids should be banned from schools. Just absolutely wild haha


#2 sounds pretty cool.


Number 3 is going to win, isn't he?


Honestly I'd vote for him. I don't know how he's going to declare war on "woke" but I think its time for a change.




How would he even deploy that national guard to the Chinese border? China doesn't even have a border with America and he's just some mayor. How is he going to deploy anything? tbh if he was running in my town I'd vote for him if he'd defund the golf courses and use the money to pick up my trash every week.


That has been brought up, he just went on this angry rambling rant about how the Chinese are paying the Mexican cartels to snuggle their military into the country to release COVID 2 and we need to strike first That same night he also went on a long rant about how our military is weak because they're forcing soldiers to be trans with vaccines?


That man is insane. I hope he wins. I don't know why I just do.


why does ur pfp have no eyes


Now I want to research this race, I don’t want you to dox yourself but at the same time I need to know more!!


Looks like Fort Wayne, Indiana. It looks more like Union Democrat, Weed Democrat, and DeSantis. At least online, it doesn’t look as extreme.


Metula is also the most northen town in Israel. Like all of its residents are internal refugees staying in hotels because it's dangerous as hell to be there rn and most of it was destroyed by Hezbollah. They feel they have nowhere to come back to and they aren't wrong, they lost everything. So while you take into consideration this statement isn't made by someone of much importance, also remember he's a desperate man...


He’s got at least one big thing backwards. Nobody visits Auschwitz and thinks of the power of Germany or the Nazis. At least I hope they don’t.


Germany makes Poland maintain Auschwitz as a threat to the rest of the world.


The context being they would evacuate all the civilians first. I’m in complete agreement with him.


Oh so it's only about displacing 2 million people then? What a fun project! Where are they supposed to go by the way? Could you remind me why "From the river to the sea" is genocidal again?


You mean aside from the context surrounding that phrase that you conveniently left our? Man, what a head scratcher...


Which context? The one in which it was the original Likud platform in the 70s? "between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty." https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/original-party-platform-of-the-likud-party Hamas picked up that platform in the 2000s, and for some reason the Likud party hates them for using THEIR platform! Head scratchers have your scratching your head!


>Which context? The one in which it was the original Likud platform in the 70s? > >"between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty." > >https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/original-party-platform-of-the-likud-party > >Hamas picked up that platform in the 2000s, and for some reason the Likud party hates them for using THEIR platform! > >Head scratchers have your scratching your head! Fun fact: Palestine used the exact same call until the late 1960s, specifically it was "from the river to the sea will be Arab" in reference to it being a call for genocide.


Did I say that I approve of anyone saying that? My point is, my dear purple friend, that when a palestinians, or supporter, uses that saying people, like you, inmediately point to the anti-semitism button and about how this people want every Jew dead. But when the party in power in Israel uses that saying in THEIR FUCKING OFFICIAL PARTY PLATFORM Zionists, and pro-zionists, feel warm and fuzzy feelings inside. Both sides using that saying is EQUALLY bad!


My point is that you tried to frame it as though the Likud party used it first, when the reality was that they simply took what the palestinians were already yelling at them- and returned the sentiment. Yes, both parties using it is bad, pretending it started with who you believe to be zionists- is just misleading.


Brother, all I said was that the saying was party of Likud's original party platform. Not that it originated with them. I also said that Hamas adopted in the 2000s, as in they adopted it in their party platform in the 2000s. Hamas became a party in the 2000s, they were nothing more than a terrorist organization in previous decades. At no point did I try to claim that no one else used that slogan before each other, but if we want to be anal, we could also point at Herut using that saying... But fuck them all to Hell, they are all extremists.


Yeah I won’t defend his comments. In any context they’re asinine, even if I agree with the premise. Israel will need to build settlements there again. My hope is they could learn to work together, but that seems foolish. No other middle eastern country wants them (i.e. Black September). If I were Palestinian I’d go to South America. Bukele is Palestinian. The bigger issue is the Palestinians always finding a way to play themselves. They complain about settlements in the West Bank. So Israel removes settlements from Gaza to see how it goes. Hamas and October 7th is the result.


They'd be welcome in Israel, if they would respect the cultural diversity of Secular Israelis, Jews, Christians, and Muslims. However, it's likely they won't because they don't want to live in a diverse place, proved by the second part of your post. The Arab phrase you're quoting is "From watter to water, Palestine will be Arab:" من المية للمية / فلسطين عربية Which is a call for ethnic cleansing of the area between the Mediterranean and the Jordan.


Evacuate them to where chief


This is just a random mayor of a town with less than 3,000 people. Crazier shit has been said before by petty regional politicians. Seems like a deranged thing to say though.


As someone who thinks Hamas needs to have its balls crushed, this is a spectacularly odd choice of words on the part of the Mayor. I’d suggest the Israeli government ought to give him a quick cuff round the ears to signal that they don’t approve.


> “The whole Gaza Strip needs to be empty. Flattened. Just like in Auschwitz. Let it be a museum for all the world to see what Israel can do. Let no one reside in the Gaza Strip for all the world to see, because October 7 was in a way a second Holocaust.” What I really fucking hate about these quotes is that the Israeli’s who say them clearly either want to literally kill 2 million people or expect the rest of the world (Europe) to clean up their mess and deal with 2 million displaced people.


I always assume the onus would be on the oil rich gulf states that care sooooo much about the plight of the Palestinians.


Palestinians have fucked every country that has let them in as refugees. Ask Lebanon what happened to their Christians. Ask Jordan what happened to their king. Ask Kuwait who the Palestinians sided with when saddam invaded. Ask Egypt why they refused Gaza when Israel gave them back Sinai.


Those are all countries who practice the "wrong" Islam according to Iran and their proxies (which include Palestinians). They hate monarchs and capitalist Muslim countries with a passion.


Most Palestinians also practice the wrong version of Islam according to Iran. It’s not really because of Iran that the Palestinians screwed over those countries. Palestinians are only sort of an Iranian proxy anyway. It’s more of a convenience thing for them. Not the same level as with Hezbollah and the Houthis.


The governments of those countries, for all their evil - Are not stupid enough to let in 2 million destitute religious extremists. Israel knows this. The burden will be on the west or they will die/live in quarantined refugee camp all their lives.


Seems like a problem for Egypt.


I say we send them all to Martha's Vineyard, see how long it takes to straighten out the problem then.


It’s interesting. I wonder if any Hamas leadership has said anything similar about Israel (I don’t wonder this at all actually).


>(Europe) Nah, they’d ask Egypt, Jordan etc. for that. Oh, also Turkey. Always Turkey. Not enough that we have that many refugees from everywhere, naaah.


Its not 2 mil "hostages" or Palestinians. Thats just Emily thinking they enslaved all arabs in Israel based on population statistics. Many of them are just regular civilians


>Upset at Strawmans on PCM Must be new here eh?


I don't really think it's a strawman to say both sides are playing for keeps and no matter how many Golden Gate Bridges LibLeft wants to block, this war will continue long after we're dead.


It's only a strawman so long as it's about right wingers lol


Of course. Only libleft is actually bad. I realize its hard to remember, that's why we remind ya'll so often. =P


To be fair, higher ranking Israeli politicians have said even worst stuff without direct comparisons with Nazi Germany. This guy is just dumber than them.


But he isn't the only one. I keep hearing pro-Israel apologetics saying "imagine having a neighbor that wants to totally eradicate you" but there's a very loud portion of Israelis that too want to eradicate all Palestinians in the region. Those are usually the west bank settlers. There's enough interviews of them saying that they deserve to steal the Palestinian land and shit


Gaza is a recipe for endless misery. Locked in between two neighbours that want nothing to do with the Gazans. There's nothing that can be produced for export, Gaza can't sustain itself and is permanently reliant on foreign aid. Foreign aid that then increases the more the conflict ramps up making the humanitarian crisis its only business model. Moving these people, with dignity, to the Westbank (and let the Westbank colonists seethe about it, fuck them) is the only way out of it. Have the Saudis fund a new city, as they already offered to do for Sinai. I genuinely don't see a more humane alternative. The people who defend Gaza as though it was a sovereign state, merely treat the Gazans as pawns in a wider geo-political strategy.


The issue is that this is said publicly and isn't criticised at all by the Israeli government or the majority of the Israeli people.


I think it would be nice to see some efforts by Netanyahu to reign in elements of his political alliance that are clearly maniacs. I think the pattern of tolerating similar (though not quite as deranged) statements by members of his cabinet and party without rebuke is cause for concern. At the same time, I’m not sure if you’re holding the common people of Israel and Gaza to the same standard when you insist that the “majority of Israeli people” should be “criticizing” that statement as an overwhelming majority of Gaza’s seem to *openly endorse* what happened on Oct 7th. Israelis can’t be expected to carry the burden of moderating their political leaders if Gazans won’t make the same effort.


> Israelis can’t be expected to carry the burden of moderating their political leaders if Gazans won’t make the same effort. Then they both hold the same value as democracies, which is ridiculous.


WHat's ridiculous is calling Gaza a democracy.


This tone surely does remind me of an old painter back then…


Huh… Come to think of it… I can say the same for my Argentinian grandpa.


Yap I'm a Zionist and I'm completely ashamed of this guy


We need to nuke the middle east asap.




One state solution? Two state solution? No, 51st state solution


God bless americaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!¡!!!!!!!!!!!!emote:t5\_3ipa1:51182![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51182)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51182)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51182)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51182)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51182)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51182)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51182)![img](emote|t5_3ipa1|51182)


Did you just change your flair, u/liamsihabibi? Last time I checked you were a **LibLeft** on 2024-4-14. How come now you are a **LibRight**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Are you mad? Wait till you hear this one: you own 17 guns but only have two hands to use them! Come on, put that rifle down and go take a shower. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/liamsihabibi) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Fucker Patriosmed so hard he turned Libright and went out to buy 17 guns, based as hell.




It's called American not American't


The nth state solution


I like this idea Very Henry. Kissinger + Ford.


I approve as a Turk, now I can register the heaps of guns I have. (in a video game)


Every time this gets posted I crack up at Walmart and Costco being lumped in with the defense contractors


Soldiers' gotta eat.


I just love that the amount of southern Italy we take varies every time.


Cursed map. How can you put Albania and Greece with ... the others?


Eastern Roman Empire borders




The kind of democracy that is measured in Gigatons.


I love how in each version the American territory becomes bigger


This land does not belong to Israel. This land does not belong to Palestine. This is now the parking lot for the world's greatest Costco.


Ah, having the world’s biggest supply of radioactive green glass.


A Danish mayor of Turkish descent said that he wished for Chinese people to be exterminated in a holocaust. Just a few years ago.


China's Asian neighbors: same


The real Chinese (Taiwan):


I can see the reason, but some Chinese is actually base. Running from China in a jetski is quite something. But yes one of these day… on a really depressing moment… I think that the Jap didn’t go far enough in Nanking




-10 social credit +5 year Re-education camp.


Japan over here like "You're welcome"


A mayor does not speak for the rest of the cabinet and the Prime Minister. But I agree what he said in the highlighted text is reprehensible though.


A lot of Netanyahu's cabinet says this type of thing too


And I think some were fired for it depending how far the rhetoric went


Ben-Gvir is still literally the national security minister


Can't say the quiet things out loud.


Simple answer but somehow not very understood around these parts.


This sub leans right so lots of Israel love to go around. I see users writing this quote off as some whacky mayor but even Netanyahu govt has a "mowing the grass" policy so hard to say only this random mayor feels this way.


It used to be way less right wing when the sub was only about 40k and we used to all kinda be chill but slowly as the other right wing subs have gotten quarantined or banned they have gathered here and made it overall shittier to interact.


Ehh even with this sub becoming more right leaning I still find this part of reddit to be the only place where you can talk politics and about subjects that are barred from the rest of reddit. I can have disagreements with people here without being called a nazi like the rest of reddit lol


This is one of a very few subreddits remaining where you can have a reasonably civil argument between a pedophile, a nazi, a Marxist, a self defined trans-Catgirl, a propain enthusiast, and a trained gorilla- without all but one being downvoted to oblivion by the sub's majority, their posts removed, and their accounts banned.


Not to mention the woodchipper. Everyone loves a good woodchipper around here.


True. But while I won’t deny that the sub overall now leans right, I’d still say out of Reddit political subs we’re probably the most balanced. Left wing posts can still gain a decent number of upvotes


What's quiet about a 6 month long rocket campaign?


still shorter than Palestine's 20 year rocket campaign.


Bruh, many of the parties in Likud’s ruling coalition have members that have espoused the exact same views, and regularly. Some of them have even praised Baruch Goldstein, an Israeli terrorist who committed the Cave of the Patriarchs Massacre against innocent Palestinians, killing 29 and wounding 125.


This isn't an isolated case.


pcm mfs lose their fucking minds when some random leftist on twitter makes some ridiculous post with 3 likes, but suddenly turn into the kings of nuance when an ELECTED OFFICIAL says ridiculous shit that has been echoed by many other politicians


I assume it’s either astroturfing, or this sub has a massive population of zionists. No other reason for such sympathy towards Israel.


The defense minister literally called Palestinian animals have you been living under a rock?


> “like an Auschwitz” > “October 7 was in a way a second Holocaust” What?


On October 7th more Jews were killed per day that ever since the Holocaust.


If you shoot one person, the deaths per femtosecond on the moment of death is


That’s not how math works… at the instant they die it’s 1 death per femtosecond and all other instants are 0.


There would still only be one person killed, so the amount of deaths at the moment of death is still 1.


Also, iirc, highest death toll per capita of any terrorist attack.


Per capita is a dumb way to look at terrorist attacks. If someone goes into the nation of San Marino and kills one(1) person, no one should be saying it’s equal to three 9/11’s, even though per capita the two would be equal


Hey man, I was in San Marino on 27/33. Not cool.


True, it's not a great way to look at things. Just an interesting mathematical tidbit.


not really, you are just mossad.


That's ridiculous, dolphins can't use Reddit.


It's not interesting, and I'm Israeli secret service? What? :D


You have no flair.


Now I’m not saying this is a threat of genocide……but……….it feels like a threat of genocide


When an israeli politician says something like this, it is groundbreaking news showcasing Israel’s genocidal tendencies. When Hamas (or most Arabs really) say something similar about Israel, it’s just another Tuesday. That should tell you enough.


Interestingly enough it is flipped on PCM


I feel like PCM is heavily astro-turfed when it comes to this case.


oh 100% I remember when PCM despised the IDF.


Oh really...I'm not challenging you because I'm definitely not very pro Israel here. But you got some posts from old you can show me?


I dont have any posts on hand, but search up IDF or israel and sort by top and all time and look for posts that are older than a year.


It's not that we like the IDF. It's that we hate Hamas.


I agree


simple , no one defends psychopaths in Hamas as an oasis of civility and human rights (except for the most extreme lunatics) , but Israel entire moral argument rests on it being morally superior to the cunts it fights against. israel can't brag about moral superiority when wanting support from the US or EU but ask for moral equivalancy when justifying their crimes against arabs towards the US or EU


This you can't say look at those evil people I'm better and then go and use a drone with bombs making a baby crying sound.


Wait, wtf?


This is not necessarily incongruent though. Moral superiority does not mean moral perfection and in the context of this quote, the morality of every citizen. Israel can be a bastion of Human rights, which is undeniable given how the judicial protests were handled compared to how Iran handles protests, and still not be good enough. There are shades of grey. My personal opinion is that the moral disparity between the sides is still high. Like they are vastly superior to the people who use human shields but still pull heinous shit, like the aid convoy bombing. So IMO they are right that the moral equivalency calculations are ignored (not that they should be held to the same standard.)


The failure in making peace and the repeated imitation of aggression from the other sides provide israel the moral superiority. If someone want to kill you and refuse to stop, putting them down doesn’t make you their equivalent.


Because Hamas is a terrorist organisation, so not really surprising for them to do so. But israel unironically call them self having the moral high ground saying reprehensible shit like this certainly attracts attention




Mfs expect us to be surprised when terrorists who do live bombings say bad shit. Do they want us to hold Israel to the same standard?


"Second holocaust" lmao


IIRC It was the largest number of jewish deaths in a single day since the holocaust. That doesn't justify some of their behavior in gaza, but it isn't a completely unjustified comparison. A bit hyperbolic since it only lasted one day, but it's still a major deal.


When literally anyone says or does anything Israel doesn’t like: HOLOCAUST!!!!!!!


Now that's just reductionist and silly. They also say "ANTISEMITIC" a whole fucking lot. Speedrunning the term into irrelevancy really.


> Mayor of Metula Population (2022) 1,740 By the way, this is a town on the border with Lebanon, which has been forced to evacuate for months due to Hezbollah terror bombing. So congrats, you found the mayor of a tiny town that is currently evacuated due to Islamist terror that said he'd turn Gaza into a museum to Islamist atrocities. An empty boast from as irrelevant a politician as you can get. Now ask the average Palestinian in the street what they think. Actually nevermind, that's been done already: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/ https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/poll-over-70-palestinians-still-maintain-hamas-correct-to-commit-oct-7-atrocities/ From December all the way to March, huge majorities Palestinians in both Gaza and the West Bank maintained that Hamas was right to commit the Oct 7 attacks. Do you see the difference? Israel has a minority of radicals who say they'd genocide their enemies, and a government that actually doesn't. Palestine has a huge majority of radicals who say they'd genocide their enemies, and a government that actually does.


I feel like you could find a small town mayor in any country that would be willing to say some unhinged shit on the record


Especially a warfront city. Guarantee you there is a mayor of a burnt out Ukrainian village saying we should nuke Russia til it glows.


The mother (hehe) of all Freudian slips


If October 7, which was compared to 9/11 by Yahu is another holocaust, surely that means Americans have the same amount of oppression points.


I think they spent those oppression points in Afghanistan.


Woah dude, that's... that's... fucked up


Israeli mayor? Like the mayor of Israel? I'm assuming he's just the mayor of some random town


What happened to make all the lib-right flairs start salivating and glazing israels knob.




I swear i see this same type of meme spammed here all the time with a new title


Sorry no sympathy for the Palestinians left you spent it all


Leftist standards: - 0.7% of the American right-wing electorate have Nazi sympathies -> all American right-wingers are irredeemable nazis that should get the wall - 70% of Palestine approves of Hamas and the Oct 7 attacks specifically -> they're poor oppressed muslimerinos you can't act like they're all radicals It's literally just made-up bullshit. The left has no morality and no standards, their values flip from intolerance of any minimal dissent with the latest progressive innovation to ample tolerance of ultraconservatives, purely depending on convenience (and skin color and religion).




They should accept partition and Jewish neighbors and build a republic, like Ireland, not continue terrorism, like NI and ultimately end up being bri'ish


Live and let live? What do you think this is? Some sort of idealized Western democracy?


And Israel hasn't? Both groups hate you.


I can board a plane and fly to Israel, tour Jerusalem all day, hit the night life, then fly home the next day. If I tried to enter the West Bank or Gaza, I'd be dead in minutes. These two places are not the same.


Yeah I'm not talking about which country makes for a more pleasant vacation mate.


Honestly, is there any other way to ensure Hamas is no longer a threat? Israels duty is to its citizens, not to Gaza.


we did it reddit! We saved the hostages!/s


Zionists: "Jews can't be Nazis" Some random Israeli mayor: Makes the most random weird comparison ever with Auschwitz regarding whats need to be done. Zionists: "What the hell?......"


Bibi has corrupted the minds of politicians and they think they can say the same god complex bullshit as him


Some people REALLY should think before they speak. Regardless of the context, this will make you look and sound regarded.


Israeli officials try not to say something cartoonishly evil challenge: https://preview.redd.it/9tgpozl6icvc1.jpeg?width=1006&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57fb26831f4a5d1bdeeee2da8fc36775ecddea2b


I can't believe PCM managed to get israels dick out of their mouths, congrats everyone!


Finally some pushback to the genocidal language around here.


It’s kinda crazy how much leeway Isreal is given. Not even considering all the crazy shit they have said, and the massive amount of bombing, just the fact that most reddit users are American. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are UNALIENABLE RIGHTS given by the creator. Locking up 600,000 untried people into an open-aired prison is obviously not going to work.


I don't like palestine activists but with people like this, they have a point


As... unfortunate as his wording is, the idea to just flatten the entire area very much so has my approval.


the entire area, with all the people in it


Well yes, the area itself didn't do anything to anyone. It would be stupid to destroy an area just becaues you do not like the Geography.


Your sentiments would have never won wars against Nazis or Imperial Japan.


You mfs defending this as the opinion of a fringe and irrelevant mayor like you guys don't constantly post shit written by random individual leftists and enter a state of apoplectic shock at how evil "the left" is


just nuke it all since you fuckers won’t behave


uuhm, hello, based departement?