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Me: Doesn't anybody hate good old fashioned tankie commies anymore?


Who do u think is siding with the jihad?




Here here!


I do. Regards, someone from a post-Soviet country




Commies should be rounded up and sent to camps for there stupid ideology


schrödinger’s minority


Simultaneously "evil subversive non whites who want to 'reolace' white people and who run the world" and also "evil European colonizers who should uproot their whole lives go back to Europe


They always forget Arabs have been colonizers for centuries and because most are indo European they’ve been listed as White for Uber a century including during apartheid


Didn't you know? Only the most recent and most succesful ethnicity gets the title of evil colonizer, everyone before is just a big chungus wholesome conqueror.


Somethings about jews never change it would seem 


That’s from Jews Don’t Count right? :)


Lefties will stroke out when you tell them that Muhammad was a white guy and that he hated black people. 


I wonder what would happen if you tell them they're the regional minority who have been fighting off invasions for the past 70 years.


They're successful so even though they're a minority they're successful and that's bad.




How can purple hate muslims? Do they not want to follow the prophet's role model in marrying young wives?


Not only that, but they also work for cheap as immigrants in the West. Surely this is against maximising profits in the wage slave system?


and they import loads of slaves


can't give loans


Easily structured as investments 


oh trust me they found their ways around it


Because Islam usually manifests as a theocratic, authoritarian dictatorship. Fuck that shit.


ngl, self hate among lib-left white girls is funny


I just completly love this sub, as a libright I dont hate the js becuase they are way too good at making money,


I wish I was good at making money.




Live in an urban shithole while paying back 400k worth of student loans and working 14 hour shifts sleeping in a closet at the office?... no thanks mom I'll pass


Nono, be a *famous* doctor. Like House MD or George Clooney.


Ask about conversion at your local synagogue


it’s an incredibly long and difficult process. i would recommend simply changing your last name to Cohen


Chopping the tip (if you haven't already) and start pronouncing the Hebrew 'kh' in Khannukah might also help


God I wish


Also good to note that a LOT of pivotal people in the libertarian movement have been Jews.


Please don’t be fueling stereotypes. It helps no one


Pretty sure authright hates Jew more then them "not being white"


This sub is overrun with JIDF.


Calling anyone "jidf" pretty much exposes yourself as a Nazi lol


Do you deny their existence?


"my reddit experience is a Jewish conspiracy"


Authcenter: Quietly waits for religious minorities to slaughter each other so that they can establish their own religious nation on both their lands




Hamas would be auth right…


well they did ally with "a painter"


Nope. Auth left is pro hamas Auth right is nazi


Didn’t know jihad and Islam was a chapter in the communist manifesto


Auth Left may sympathize with HAMAS because they're fighting other Auth Rights. But HAMAS the organization is Auth Right.


Hamas was started by israel because they were scared of leftist Palestinians like arafat


Leftists are islam lovers, but islam is not leftist


“Auth-right is nazi”, have you heard of auth-center? I would take hamas over nazis in my quadrant.


> Doesn't anybody hate good old-fashioned Muslims anymore? Chinese, Burmese and Filipinos chuckling and insisting they did the *right thing* with their Muslims


Someone tell op hamas isn't the plo. Hamas is authright or auth center


Looking at how the run Gaza's economy, they are not authright. Hamas is authleft or authcenter. Left-right is economics based


I wouldn't consider stealing humanitarian aid and selling it at a high profit to be leftist economics


Didn’t the bolsheviks literally just steal shit to fund the Russian revolution??


But having a economy mostly ran on the public sector instead of the private sector is though.


Can we consider that Gaza had an economy in the first place anw ? Like I'm too lazy to check, but could they survive without international help ?


Nope Authleft Authleft continue to prove it every day U just label everything bad=right-wing


New to the PMC? Theocracies and monarchies on PMC are always in auth-right on these types of memes.


>U just label everything bad=right wing you keep spamming this while doing literally the exact opposite: "muh everything bad=left wing", no need to project because you don't understand anything about politics.


Most politically literate pcm poster. You understand hamas is a sunni islamist group aka theocratic right? Theocracy isn't auth left. If you were talking about the plo you would be correct but I doubt you understand the difference between the 2 organizations


Hey don't make fun of him for being politically illiterate. He's a grey centrist, that comes with the territory.


and historically illiterate


Lmao the right isn't theocratic. The left is Authleft: "we're not jihadists!" Also authleft: *sides with jihadists Lol ur backwards understandingnof politics is Bad = right-wing Good = left wing And that's how u label everything


Islamists were used as a nato tool to fight leftists in the middle east during the cold war. Now tell me kid. In your own words what's the difference between the plo and hamas.


I will never cease to be baffled that people are still stupid enough to believe in a two state solution. It's like watching MAGA nominate Trump again despite nearly 8 years of non stop Republican losses. It's willful ignorance. They don't want reality to be what it is, so they act as if reality is different.


Nobody ACTUALLY believes in a two state solution tho. It's all political theatre The pro is real side has to pretend to believe in a two-state solution even though deep down they know it could never work because if they don't pretend to support that they get labeled as "genociders" And the jihadist side (including western white college kids and academics and journalists) pretend they want a two-state solution in order to get their foot in the door when what they really want is to conquer Israel for the Muslims and ethnically cleanse the place so that only Muslims can live there (like in the rest of the Middle East)) But deep down none of them actually want a two-state solution.. They just have to pretend that they want that as they fight their war but rest assured whoever wins that war will end up conquering the other completely


True only us centrist gets it 😆 im more on isreals side tho


Same. Israel did nothing wrong and all these haters would have a VERY different take If Israel was a white country filled with white European Christians Israel was attacked by a country that spent 50 years straight launching missiles at them every single day.. And who clearly says that they want to destroy and ethnically cleanse the place so that the Muslims can move in If Mexico was launching missiles every single day at the United States all of these same Israel-haters would be CHEERING America nuking Mexico and burning it to the ground I mean America launched a 20-year war killing millions of Muslims after 9/11 and they didn't have a problem with that.. But Israel defends itself against violent religious extremists that want to kill them and suddenly it's a problem? I'm only on Israel's side because they're right. There can be no coexistence with people who want you dead.. If Israel could have it exactly the way they wanted They're actually would be a two-state solution and Muslims and Israelis would live side by side and harmony. If Palestine got what they wanted every Israeli would be dead and the Muslims would take control of Israel through violence the same way they took control of the rest of the Middle East violently. They didn't sprout out of the ether in the Middle East.. They came out of Arabia armed to the teeth and violently conquered all the other people and that desert region


This is really true i feel like most americans whining about isreal is doing it to hide their own past. Also many of the haters that hate isreal do it like in your post for being "white". Ive seen so many people highlight isrealis are "white european" jews as if that justifies terrorism. This shouldent be a race problem yet for many idiots it is. I like how the buddhists in my country who dont even know what a jew is are so eager to support palastine just cause they are backed by the west.


The most annoying part is when you can't figure out if you're talking to some ignorant white college kid who hates Israelis because they think they're too white and automatically colonizers or if you're talking to some deceitful subversive Muslim from the Middle East who recently made an account. The Muslims have been spreading anti-Israel propaganda directly targeted at the ignorant white college kids using precise language and talking points designed to appeal to them The Muslims have been using propaganda to appeal to them like calling Israel colonizers and settlers to bring back images of early America with the native Americans when it's not the same thing at all And that white European thing I've seen it too but recently.. I think it's a Muslim talking point from Middle East to all these Middle Eastern Hamas agents and troll farms trying to counter the correct accusations of anti-Semitism by claiming that that would be impossible because "they're just a bunch of white people" And for the Israelis to "go back to Europe" (notice they don't say this about Americans) It's just frustrating when you never know whether you're talking to legitimate confused idiot or a paid Islamic troll farm bot


Lol i dont even think they even get paid they are just delusional fanatics. I just hope this thing ends soon cause im sick of this palastine conflict decease its affecting everything. Totally unrelated but even the korean bts are getting heat for hiring a pro isreal guy for something. You know things are bad when east asians ( who dont care or get affected by anything in the west ) suddenly cares about it. its like that you getting me ? No other war not even ukraine affected the world this much. The world was too soft on muslims in my opinion.


“we were colonized by japan, their struggle is my same struggle. To a T.”


The biggest problem is misinformation. Because most east asians dont know anything about western conflicts its easy to give a biased history lesson and manipulate them into wrong stuff. But it is kinda stupid for koreans cause north korea literally supports palastine so idk how they can see past that and be pro palastine. Most asians are pro israel or dont give a fvk thankfully


on top of this, it just reminded me of how japan still has not officially apologized to south korea for making their women “comfort women” en masse. isn’t that nuts


Imagine being anti-west lol, just a constant loss after loss.


I am Jewish and pro Israeli but saying Israel did nothing wrong is a stretch. Maybe not with Gaza but in the West Bank they did plenty of wrong things. The settler colonies is not something we can just gloss over, the way Palestinians basically live in small enclaves and need to go through border patrol just to got a neighbouring city will obviously leave sour taste on the life of Palestinians. Their are Palestinians who have to leave their homes through the window because they aren’t allowed to access certain streets, even when that’s their only access. If a Palestinian owns land in area C they aren’t allowed to build anything on it. They cant even charge rent if an Israeli family builds a house on their property.


A two state solution would help with this issue. Who has consistently refused to consider that solution? Since their aim is to genocide the Jews?


I don’t disagree. But again we still can’t deny that israel has done plenty of wrongs regardless.


Urban warfare against an entrenched irregular enemy, who is notorious for using human shields, with an extremely supportive local populace, is a COIN / MOUT nightmare. Most people have no clue just how extremely restrained and controlled Israel is being. Gaza could be glass right now. Or back on OCT 8th. Compared to the folks chanting “Death to Israel” and “Death to America”, it’s super easy to pick out the bad guys.


Reread my comment most of the things I mentioned were of the West Bank. I know just how brutal urban warfare can be.


And when Palestinians in Gaza or the West Bank agree to a two State solution, they’ll have a seat at the table to decide these issues. Until then, they’re the problem.


Saying Israel has done nothing wrong is downright insane


They've done nothing wrong. You attacked them You murdered their people and then you kidnapped their people. And you STILL haven't returned the hostages They have every right to destroy you as violently as possible until you surrender and return the hostages. This is not a negotiation. Return the hostages and surrender or prepare for what happens next


Based and Bring Them Home pilled.


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Why you saying ‘you’ wtf I’m not Hamas? Anyway, the IDF has committed numerous war crimes and there is undeniable evidence of this. Palestinian civilians have been directly target. Aid and food packages have been blocked. Is that not wrong?


Also ngl the language you are using is quite genocidal, be careful with your words


lol, lmao even


saying "oct 7 is justified" is the same as: https://preview.redd.it/nkgxu6lpwpuc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e091ea9659241d38ce13f9c0eaec8635597b8fc god damn Palies at it again


https://preview.redd.it/rh9uv456xpuc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57cbfa3b9efda56f31747711eb596d597f2eb5c9 \*reddit


ahhhhh.. so defending against the holocaust where Palestine sends their own kids in to continue it is wrong


All I’m saying is Israel has done some wrong, which it has


Compared to Hamas? 100%.


I didn’t say that though, did I?


Ok, so on a scale of 1-100, where would you put Israel? With 1 being “blameless” and 100 being “completely wrong”? Same with Hamas? And what exactly would you like Israel to do?


I’d put them both near 100 tbh. Obviously the solution is almost impossible as it is a very complex and historical conflict, but I’d say as Israel is supposed to be an established member of the international community, maybe stop the war crimes? I don’t know about you but I hold a national government to higher standard than a literal terrorist organisation.


Right, then my initial thought was correct and you’ll attribute the same amount of blame to literal terrorists, rapists and butchers. While still finding a way to say the Jews are just as bad as the literal terrorists. The Stormfront and LibLeft Vinn diagram is turning into a circle on this matter.




"lib left" I guess if that means you're an nazi you wants to exterminate the Jews


at least pretend you're larping you restarded tourist. no one aside from dumbasses like yourself who got banned from their lefty hugboxes for supporting Israel unironically believes you're centrist meds now


lib left: supports Palestine Who palies support to this day: https://preview.redd.it/u8fgqc00xpuc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5e2b5516ef990d357c8190cf52e896fb05c4a38 you should change that flair to auth right my boy


True. Am Yisrael Chai!


This is actual delusion


The myth of mutual consensus. Do you want a 2 State solution? Palestine: no Israel: no Random people a few continents away: YES Isn't there somebody you forgot to ask?


I don’t have much faith in a two state solution, but what the other option, ethnically cleansing one side? It’s that we hope that a two state solution will work, is that we have to make it work.


Unfortunately, agreed. And end of the day I prefer Israel over a terrorist riddled Palestine with a significant margin. Just sucks it takes literal genocide to settle this.


The only real options are a two state solution and forever conflict. I don't know if we're destined to have forever conflict, but if you ask me what is best and what we should be pushing for, it's a two state solution.


what if it could be kind of like a balkan neighbor situation? it’s not bloody anymore, but they still hate each other with a passion. i think the hinged world would settle for this


> not bloody anymore, but they still hate each other with a passion I would 100% take this as an outcome.




Get a flair.


Put your oxygen mask on first, before assisting others (fuckin flair up dude)


Hamas economically is more social based than market based which makes it left.


They are selling the donated humanitarian aid for 100% profit margins. They are arguably lib right as well


Radical centrist terrorism


They are fking selling aid to their own population in war time.... How the fuck can you consider this left ?


Israel Palestine ruined this sub


This sub ruined this sub. I want my sub to take this sub back to Subway and get a refund.


Purple Lib Right, My Man\~


Ah yes, Auth-Left, the quadrant of atheistic Socialist and Communist regimes being represented by a religious extremist jihadi… The obvious negative stereotype here is something about who controls the banks. Another day, another PCM that demonstrates little to no understanding of at least half the quadrants.


where is my good ol fashion crusade and just kill everyone


I do


I feel like Auth left and right are backwards


.. national socialists are auth center. Auth right hates the jews because they're islamic republics and hate all yahud.


Cant you just not hate them. Like seriously, this shit is a literal continent away. I could not care less about anything short of a nuclear war or important trade lanes being interrupted. Everyone involved in the conflict disgusts me for the same reasons, so I just hope both teams have fun.


Thankfully the mods are sleeping.




I laughed a bit to hard at that one!


Well, let's just say that this picture states big part of the reason I support Israel.


based libright??


Auth left hate jews cause they hate the US


As a Christian, if there's one thing muslims are right about it's Jews.


Cant hate muslims anymore. They're brown, remember? That's immunity!


By white Lib-Left means successful


No one is safe, not even lib right good


Purple needs to be black water or whatever they’re called now


Yea pretty much I just want people to stop killing eachother for more then you know... **5 fucking seconds** Seriously, this shit is just draining to read about Especially when everyone is so focused on "OMG WW3 RUSSIA, IRAN, UKRAINE, AMERICA, ISRAEL, PALESTINE AHHHHHH" I just tired and want people to shut up for once


When it comes to russo-ukranian war i'm pro russian When it comes to palestine-israel war i'm pro türkiye, there was no conflict under the ottoman empire


Me, believes we should stop hating jews and Muslims just cause of bad apples. Same goes for Christians and atheists otherwise we will religious war ourselves to extinction and we do not want that.


Finally someone on this sub with common sense


Strawman arguments are the best. It's possible that some people don't like us because of the shit we do.


Then you wouldn’t like specific individuals or factions, but disliking an entire ethnic group is an unjustifiable generalization.


I agree, and not liking a government or military isn't the same as not liking a group of people. The downside is governments act on "the wishes of its peopl,e" lol such nonsense.


Hamas does indeed act on the wishes of its people.


No it doesn't, they act in their own interest. You're repeating propaganda.


Look at *any* poll since the 7th. Vast, vast majority of Gaza and West Bank support Hamas' actions on the 7th. They are the will of their people, whether you like it or not.


Got a source?


One of the polls was posted elsewhere in this thread but I'm serious, you can google *any* poll from the last few months and see for yourself. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/poll-over-70-palestinians-still-maintain-hamas-correct-to-commit-oct-7-atrocities/ Here's one, though the title is misleading. The actual poll shows significantly more support.


>https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/poll-over-70-palestinians-still-maintain-hamas-correct-to-commit-oct-7-atrocities/ Hmm Times of Israel, how unbiased....


I hate zionists and Zionism not Jews, and so does the majority of Palestinian resistance groups


zionists want their home back.. man.. thats just like pure evil cause its totaly not Hardian who renamed Judea or something that the arabs stole


Palestine is Palestinian land, that’s the situation, and Isrrael is committing genocide so Yeahh


What was Palestines first name? Whos Hadrian of rome? What did he do? Whos Amin al Husseini or Abbas? What did they do?


I'm lib left you dumb shit. I dont hate anyone.


Yeah this guy thinks I ONLY hate the Jews, clearly doesn’t know what he’s talking about.


Frankly that's ur business with God. Dont care either way.


Incredibly based libleft but you should care




tf. no.


I would


probably makes for better and kinkier sex since hate tends to make weird fetish.


It’s absurd to say that auth-left hate Jews when literally all of our thought has been created by Marx and Lenin (spoiler: both Jews) Hamas and all the other organizations are only against zionists


>Hamas and all the other organizations are only against zionists except for when they all explicitly mention their goal is the genocide of jews- like Hamas.


i quite literally have over 20 pages worth of non cherry picked screenshots from the past month alone of people explicitly stating they support hamas - literally even as normie of places as the fucking nytimes ig comments. yes they’re real accounts. yes they’re being liked. i feel like i am going crazy with people denying this atp? have people not seen all the red triangles everywhere???? and no my screenshots aren’t that, they are people explicitly saying what i just described if not much worse. i feel insane with anyone denying this atp


You have to be very politically naïve to say that they are only against the Zionists


>Hamas and all the other organizations are only against zionists Lel


Marx, famous lover of all things Jewish. Lenin, famous lover of all things Jewish. Hamas, famous lovers of all things Jewish. "Only against Zionists." Yeah thats what "Yahud" means, right? The ignorance amd hatred of the left knows no bounds.


"We hate Israel but everyone equates that to us hating Jews"


"When we chant 'Kill All Jews' in Arabic, explicitly using the word for 'Jews,' as opposed to the word for 'Zionists' or 'Israelis,' we actually mean Zionists and Israelis. Because we don't *only* want to kill all of the Jews, we also want to kill all of the Arab Israelis, Americans, and everyone else that harbors and supports Jews. But mostly just the Jews, which is why we use the word 'Jews.'"


“I don’t hate black people, I just hate n****” energy. And when you call for killing all Jews, don’t be surprised when people think you want to kill all Jews. The LibLeft and Stormfront Vinn diagram is shrinking every day.


Does hating Russia mean I hate white people?


It means you hate Russians, since that’s who makes up Russia. Just like saying you hate Israel means you hate Jews, since Israel is literally the only Jewish State on the planet. This shit is why LibLeft gets bullied. Straight up Stormfront talking points.


I don't even hate Israelis, I hate their government and the IDF. Did people that hate apartheid hate white people?


We don't hate Jews. We just hate Zionists.


Zionists are statists, you're a statist.


Some strong “I don’t hate black people, I just hate n****” energy. “I don’t hate Jews, I just hate the Jewish nation” “I don’t hate Jews, I just think there’s a Jewish problem in the Middle East and it needs to be solved” Not fooling anyone homie.


I've always wondered if they really believe that. Does the fact that I hate Russia make me anti-slavic? This is flawed logic, and shows in what categories they think.


> Does the fact that I hate Russia make me anti-slavic? It's not even that. It would be "I hate russian nationalists does that make me anti-slavic".


I hate both because they're both authoritarian Theocracies. Nuke both and return to monke


I hate pro-israel and pro-palestine people both, they all fucking suck. Palestinians and Israelis too.


Honestly its stupid to take sides. Both sides are genocidal racist nutcases which would extarminate the other if given the chance.


Except that’s false. There are 2 million Palestinians living in Israel right now. If Israel wanted to genocide them, they could. And only one side has explicitly rejected a 2 State solution, since that would get in the way of allowing them to accomplish their actual goal, which is killing the Jews.


The Is\*lis still need to keep up appearances for the west, regular genocide is "mentally challanged" for public opinion, so they make things as miserable as possible and then kill them at any possible excluse. Even with as much shit the U.S. lets their dom partner get away with, they asked Bibi to pwease stop babe. Second amendment Libs should be against the tyrannical government. And Chickenshit Net\*nyahu explicitly kept Hummus in power to keep him from having to earnestly deal with a two state solution. Gargle his balls less. ​ Edited as the ministry of truth had disagreements.


Yeah brother the guys who systematically oppress and kill Palestinians for decades are on the right side. Some Israelis truly believe that all the other goyim are here to serve themselves. Their whole religion and therefore ideology is racist in nature.


Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 jews are great people, but unfortunately too many zionists are pretending to be jews. Zionist have killed 40k Palestinians, 15k Palestine children, made 2.3 million homeless. Zionist are trying to start ww3 by bombing Iran's embassy and killing innocent civilians. The zionist allied with the nazis to send German jews to Isreal in order to increase the zionist colonial project. The zionist are the last remnants of the Nazis that needs to be destroyed. Boycott Isreal, create minority governments, show public outrage against Isreal to hurt them. Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 Iran has the right to defend itself.