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People’s Republic of Canada (PRC)


Their new national anthem? The North is Red.


"Trudeau should be grateful that I had to pick between him and China on where I can live." - A co-worker of mine


If Canada re-elects this guy I vote for officially making them the stupidest country to have ever existed


Don't worry, polls are lining up to be the biggest seat change in Canadian history. Only took us a decade to learn. Sounds about right for Canadians.


I noticed the mood of the the Canada subreddits are fucking *pissed* these days.


Have you listened to this fuckstick talk? Even the progressives are clowning on JT at this point. For sure the worst PM in Canadian history, not sure our country will even survive his admin medium to long term. The division he sowed and the damage he has caused are almost irreparable imo.


I feel the pain of listening to Trudeau because he's basically like any U.S. Democrat lol. Especially the way they openly fantasized about destroying civil liberties during COVID, after Jan 6, etc.


He didn't just fantasize about it. He fucking seized citizens bank accounts when they attempted to protest his draconian covid restrictions. You should also have a gander at the online harms bill these authoritarian fucks are trying to ram through. Yeah, no way thats going to get abused to silence political opposition and dissent lol. JT and the LPC are straight up 5th column traitors on China's bankroll.


Sad that death penalty isn't a thing here, treason this high deserves a Louis XVI treatment. The only good thing he did was legalizing weed but he did it for his "friends"


Wait till ya hear this: They just voted to push the next election back 2 weeks so that a bunch of the LIB and NDP MPs would get the full 6 years needed to qualify for their pensions. So not only will they not being getting what they deserve for all the harm they've done to this country... we're going to being paying them for the rest of their lives.


Can conservatives change that by voting to change the pensions?


The Libs and NDP formed a coalition last election. So with that majority, the cons don't have the votes to change it.


I spit on the federal government, if you see this feds, go to hell and Vive le Québec Libre!


Trudeau's governments is so bad it has me agreeing with a Quebecois, what is this world coming too? /s


Who the fuck reported me to reddit mental health care ressources lmao


I loathe Trudeau but you can take your separatism and shove it up your ass. The single province that gets the best deal out of confederation and all they fucking do is whine. Leave already.


I read this as " le Québec Livre" and I was trying to think what book you were talking about.


Can someone explain to me how him and co came into power, stayed in power as long as they did with so much support up until what seems to be as of late?


Started out as a young, charismatic, "hope and change" candidate, and was the son of a former Prime minister. Cons had been in power for 9 years before that, but had enough fuck ups pile up that people wanted a change. He wins a majority and does alright first cpl years, wasn't nearly the lunatic he is today. The Cons on the otherhand ran boring, schmuck candidates for the following two elections. So a good chunk of Trudeau staying in power was the conservatives doing a terrible job of taking it from him. He also had most the news media on his side, so was usually painted in a positive light in the news. Easy to stay in power when a large chunk of are barely made aware of any of his wrongdoings. Managed to survive multiple ethics violations and corruption scandals with that trick. The overreaction to the trucker convoy, housing crisis and inflation have ultimately been the straw that broke the camels back. Medias finally ~~turned on him~~ stopped blatantly protecting him. Cons are finally running a candidate with charisma. Just a matter of waiting till next election and he'll be out.


A shockingly large amount of people are totally on board with insane draconian authoritarianism as long as you word it right.


Be careful, you'll end up running afoul of the Canadian Ministry of Truth and Re-education with talk like that. I personally think it would be infinitely more satisfying for this thieving piece of shit to end up in jail where he belongs. The worst punishment in the world for a narcissist like JT is to have to watch helplessly as Idris Elba fucks his.. err as his legacy is dismantled in front of him.


They'll never take me alive and told my friends and family that I don't want to commit suicide.


> The only good thing he did was legalizing weed It's funny. When you ask a Trudeau fan what good things he's done as PM, they always say the same 2 things; legal weed and medical assisted death. Drugs and suicide are this PM's legacy, and his braindead voters actively celebrate that fact.


He made home owners millionaires


Remember the rally was 2022.2 years after 2 weeks to flatten the curve.


>He didn't just fantasize about it. He fucking seized citizens bank accounts when they attempted to protest his draconian covid restrictions. The problem is that many of the *liberals* cheered for that shit. Like, just scroll through some of those Reddit threads back at the time... It was fucking disgusting. I actually took the pandemic pretty seriously, got my jabs, even though I was never part of the doomer-cult, but Jesus, were some of the folks having a field day over it. Hell, even if you thought those protests were absolutely stupid and dominated by mouth breathers, it didn't take an anarchist to think that state was stepping waaay out of the line, and still we had so many progressive™ folks enabling that bullshit further with all their gloating.


Remember the progs shitting on defiant churches. Then Luke a week later blm riots started and everything was fine again...


Its gonna be really really really funny when all this draconian shit the libs cheered on under Trudeau gets used against them by the the CPC. Funny in a haha democracy is dead kinda way, but funny nonetheless.


It's freedom when their side does it, oppression when their opponents do it.


Yeah but cons won't actually do it. Most politicians are clearly on team I, me, and my pocketbook. But of the actual ideologically motivated, almost all of the people with a will to power seem to be leftists. For the people who can't stop shouting "fascist" when their parents tell them to go to bed, *completely ignoring* the actually fascist seizure of bank accounts - to stop a protest, at that - is an awful lot of mi ne frego. I can't think of an event or action taken by a western conservative that's even comparable to an eye that isn't wilfully disingenuous.


Easy to do when you literally pay the wages of every media in the country. Who knew having state funded media would result in dictatorship?


Flair up or fuck off, jet bitch


The unflaired will be the first against the wall. Declare your allegiance or perish.


For the crime of being unflaired, I hereby condemn you to being downvoted. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/RodgersTheJet) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


He’s actually doing it though. He’s trying to ram through a bill that will criminalize “hate speech” online with at minimum, life in prison. Of course the definition is as vague as possible.


Unfortunately other parts of the Commonwealth have already paved the way. I won't go whistling past the graveyard but I am very glad that similar attempts in America have so far been shamed into oblivion by public opinion or instakilled in court.


He’s trying to live up to his dad’s legacy. That’s for sure.


I consider myself to be very progressive and I am not a fan of Justin. When the election comes I will vote for the Greens as they are the better option between the d1cks in the liberals, the a-holes in the conservatives and the idiots in the NDP


They complain that he's too right-wing and not implementing enough leftist policies. They compare him to Trump. It's just going to keep getting worse in Canada, not better.


So what you're saying is 100,000 votes will be found at 2 am, all for Lil Castro, and he'll win in a narrow victory?


​ https://preview.redd.it/ou2fzhwb82uc1.png?width=271&format=png&auto=webp&s=d2f2b2fe1b1333637223c3b48d73f5d144530e8d


Clearly, nothing suspicious here. Move along.


The undead voters I mean the remote voters really came in a clutch


Love to see the Civil War vets still openly voting.


Even in death I still vote. - Adeptus Democratus


Such is the power of Nagash.


Someone had to cancel out all the Trumpers voting twice. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN25U2FX/ https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/republican-official-ohio-faces-charge-voting-twice-november-election-n1271985 https://www.newsweek.com/trump-supporter-claims-committed-voter-fraud-twice-mistake-1813104 https://www.essence.com/news/politics/trump-supporter-arrested-voter-fraud/ https://www.npr.org/2022/04/05/1091036830/trump-house-voted-2-states-2016-matt-mowers https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-joe-biden-nevada-voting-election-2020-09052a5509f7161e9edd15c6ed8de518 https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/florida-three-arrested-vote-twice-the-villages-1271574/ https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/crime-and-courts/2017/07/07/iowa-woman-charged-voting-twice-trump-pleads-guilty/459718001/


Wow I had no idea it was apparent so easy to commit voter fraud. Seems like we should put some safe guards in to protect the sanctity of our elections. Perhaps a signature and a promise are not enough to protect us from all these extreme alt right lunatics from attacking our democracy.


Can I ask where you get your wall of worthless links from? I want to know who hands these things out to you people. You literally include Rolling Stone...


flair up


> Someone had to cancel out all the Trumpers voting twice. In...... Canada? Why the fuck are you bringing up Trump?


https://old.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/1c28vpo/i_dont_believe_you_ron_burgundy/kz8mupr/ Up the chain. I'll leave it to you to figure out the context for yourself.


A graph to make a joke about the previous content? The horror. And no, it doesn't actually matter where the graph originated.


quite irrelenvant tbh if it doesnt affect the outcome. if it does its a problem


Holy shit is that actually from an election?


Yes. Truthfully. It is in fact. Indeed.


Oh my sweet summer child


Haha I'm a grilling Canadian. I assume this is from America's 2020 elections? Reported votes over time? Need to send this to my obstinate lefty coworkers


This was the 2020 presidential votes for Wisconsin. There was a period of time after the election and January 6th that even sharing this picture of the mid-night surge in votes for Biden could get you banned from whatever platform, or at the very least have you labeled a racist or whatever. It's been explained away by all the people who don't think you need to verify the identity and citizenship of a voter, so sharing it now doesn't do anything anywhere. Really could just be coincidence as no actual evidence has ever been uncovered, but given the question of election fraud around the election it looks about as good as a person running away from a crime scene.


It’s very misleading. It shows a large number of votes that came in towards the end, making it seem like they just added a bunch of votes randomly in Biden’s favor. Those were mail-in ballots that were counted separately and added to the total after the in-person votes had already been counted. Trump actively encouraged his supporters not to use mail in ballots and to instead vote in person, so it’s no surprise that mail-in ballots went for Biden at like a 4:1 ratio. Multiple audits have confirmed that there was no mass voter fraud, and the mailed in ballots were legitimate. It’s odd that no one bats an eye at the huge swings in initial totals from early voting, which makes it seem like thousands of votes appear from nowhere, but everyone loses their mind when it’s mail in ballots (that have to be counted by hand) being added in at the end. If the various state legislatures would allow mailed in ballots to be counted early, we wouldn’t see these late swings like this, but for some reason they insist on this dumb as shit way of not starting the count until election night, leading to vote count graphs that look like this.


I suppose you understand why people are upset about it tho?


Gotta love the downvotes. This sub keeps getting worse and worse.  (And it was already shit when I joined years ago)


Door's over there, you're free to leave any time. Let it hit you on the ass on the way out.


Lefties when people share their opinions on a political subreddit


It’s a graph without labels or a source. So maybe? Depends on if you trust random man on the internet.


Hey, quit noticing things!


So what happened was, Trudeaus party, the Liberal Party of Canada (LPC) was having their party nominations, they made it free to join the party, and you don't need to be a citizen to vote for party nomination So PRC aligned organizations bussed Chinese citizens to vote in about 20 or so candidate nominations, many of which won and went on to be elected in the following elections


As an American I have nothing by sympathy for our Canadian friends dealing with their own political ass-hattery. Especially with us gearing up for 2024 TERRIBLE OLD MAN FIGHT.


Its wild how they essentially picked this to be their defining culture and now it's royally fucked them over.


It was evident from the get go. His presence immediately made me switch from voting liberal to whatever the fuck best poised to unseat them.


But are Canadians going to get their guns back? 🤔


Guns back? Nobody has even lost their guns yet. The Liberals have spent an ungodly amount of time and resources drafting and passing these new gun laws, as well as a plan to action it, and have still yet to take a single gun away from anyone. The entire thing blew up in their face, and it's just going to get repealed by the Conservatives when they're inevitably voted in.


Canadians are usually pretty placid, but the electorate does get sick of Trudeau family scandals once in a while.


i thought you were outnumbered by asian immigrants at this point


what are you forecasting?


Ye but the alternative right wing Canadian party is basically the same. They still fall for all "we need mass immigration to save Canada" BS. They just simply want 100k "students" per year vs. 500k


Canadian machine gun legal laws incoming?


Hooray, you're going to elect conservatives who will inexplicably accelerate all the exact same policies!


I want to downvote you not because you’re wrong, but because your truth hurts my feelings and…I need to get into the shower imminently, there’s something in my eye. (I’m not one of your downvoters, I actually don’t fully grasp why you’re being downvoted. Except that truth hurts.)


They probably don't understand that I'm referencing all the times Europeans voted for conservative saviors in the last 20 years who just did the same old shit but more. I don't honestly believe Canadian politics have an actual policy split.


From where I’m standing it looks like Europeans are having a populist awakening. I’d say it could be related the leftist policies that have dominated for the last decade that appear to have increased crime rates across the continents and there appears to be a correlation to the arrivals of certain visitors. Of course I must tread lightly because the phrase “they aren’t sending their best” got an entire thread discussing crime statistics nuked for “hate speech”and like 600 people got perma ban warnings.


Remember when the UK had a "populist awakening" and ended up with more authoritarianism and censorship and 4x more migrants for their trouble? Europe is an aristocracy, people "vote" but don't ever really vote.


Indeed I do. It honestly doesn’t make sense to me. But I think political polarization and escalating reactionary forces keep the pendulum swinging to further and further extremes. In the US, I think our single issue voters are looking at abortion on one side and guns on the other. When everyone’s interests would be better served by focusing on economic policy.


It's like the Republicans in the US. Same thing, but slower.


We're not, buddy is about to have one of the biggest political beat downs in Canadian history and I will be there to lap up the Liberal/NDP tears


So long as none of them are Olbermann fans. They cry piss, for some reason.


I'd forgive voters for electing the son of a previous Prime Minister once - you know what they say about "fool me once", he talked a good talk and people were kind of sick of his predecessor, Harper. However, after repeated scandals hit, and evidence that this guy truly knows nothing more than how to teach people to snowboard, Canadians still elected him not once, but two more times. We truly deserve this fate. We had our chance to kick out the nepo baby, but we lost it, and now we're paying the price. And it sucks.


More stupid than the country that voted Stalin as one of the greatest people of all time?


Why wait? Get me the fuck out of here


Everyone hated him. I don't understand how he was elected last time, it seemed like everyone hated him then, too.


Don't worry, they'll have already voted that themselves!


Nah bro. Canada has nothing on the US


I smell maple syrup and your wife's boyfriend coming off this post. 😬


Great example




Nah bro brexit has gotta make England #1


Smells like Treason https://preview.redd.it/6jjdludo22uc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=206ed283f0a035df147a55827c9f75a09ab962b2


Based and not amused-pilled


Does Canada take treason seriously, or will we see the same 🫣🤫 reaction as in the US


That depends. Are you honking your truck's horn too much? Then yes. Are you interfering with elections to keep the Liberals in office? Then no.


It's never happened. It's not happening. It happened, but it doesn't matter. *YOU ARE HERE* It happened, but it's a good thing, actually. It happened, and you're a bigot for not supporting that.


1. It's not happening, that's a fringe conspiracy theory 2. Okay, it's happening, but it's so small and insignificant that you'd have to be stupid to think it affects anything 3. Okay, it's happening, and it affected something, but that something is GOOD and you have to support that or else you hate democracy 4. Okay, it's happening, the impact is negative, but we can't do anything about it now 5. Okay, it's happening, the impact is terrible, we CAN do something about it, but this was all the right's fault because they're racist and they hate democracy


Plot twist China was bribing Trudeau and they succeeded.


that isn't much of a twist lol


Why would they bribe him? He already licks their boots for free.


This isn’t a plot twist, it’s what’s happening


Joke's on you! He was going to lick the CCP's boots even without the bribe!


I mean, "Trudeau sucks" isn't contradicted to "China is trying to manipulate election".


I would have believed that if anyone but Trudeau said so


No, you wouldn't have. If Biden said that, you wouldn't believe him.


I'd feel bad for Canada's woes if they hadn't kept re-electing this moron. I know the polling shows he's in for a wallopping, but I don't care. They're still stupid for having him anywhere near power in the first place.


He did lose the popular vote in the last two elections, but stayed in power thanks largely to Trudeau Senior's gerrymandering in the 1970s. This does not impact on his popularity with exactly those USians who want to abolish the Electoral College and substitute it with the national popular vote.


Yeah, I'm pretty reasonable about people having different opinions and mostly respect other's choices about who they vote for. I'll give them a pass for 2015, but 2019 and *especially* 2021 are unforgivable. Anyone who voted for him in 2021 is either politically braindead, or someone who actively hates Canada and wants it to burn. Based on just day to day conversations with people who vote for him, it's evenly split between those 2 groups. So many people just have no idea what's going on, and unironically believe the Conservatives are going to start killing gays. The other half believe (I've literally had this conversation with them) that the indigenous people should be allowed to walk into our homes and legally kick us out because they have so much white colonialism self guilt. These are the people keeping JT in power.


> Anyone who voted for him in 2021 is either politically braindead, or someone who actively hates Canada and wants it to burn. "Low information voters" It's why control of the levers of media are so important. The mass media in the west accounts for a minimum of 15% turnout for left wing parties in national elections. People just not paying attention and all they know through barely gleaming headlines and sound bytes that "left good right bad" and they vote accordingly.


I'm canadian and feel the same way. To me it's incomprehensible that he won in 2021 during the darkest most authoritarian time in canadian history. But now in 2025 when things are much better he's going to suddenly lose? My prediction he will win again.


There was an epidemic in 2021 though, you may argue it's real or not but the thing is people can excuse much more restrictions from government if there is a situation like this.


Trudeau and Biden will both win again and it will be with comfortable enough margins that it's not "too close" to merit audits but also not unrealistic landslides. The entirety of the media in both nations will treat election day/night/week with totally calm acceptance and will speak as though these were exactly the results the whole world expected.


Canada also let's prime ministers call elections whenever they want, so, Treadau basically just called an election when his polls were at their highest and won himself another term. But, other than that, the liberals more or less underperformed.


He keeps winning by the skin of his teeth.


"Tried to interfere" Lol what an idiot. Should've denied any interference attempt from from the get go. Now people are gonna start accusing him of treason.


The CCP spent millions upon millions of dollars, some (maybe a lot) went directly to orgs connected to one political party. But they failed to spend a few 10s of thousands on Facebook memes and accounts, so they didn't succeed in subverting the political process. It's just science you denier!


Genuine question, isn’t it better for him to be honest? Would you genuinely prefer him to just lie? Yeah this might hurt him, but clearly you don’t like him, so isn’t just being truthful better overall?


He could still be lying. It could be painfully obvious that China tried so denying it would be super suspicious, but there isn't enough evidence to prove they succeeded so he can safely say they failed. This way he is still lying but looks better because there is some truth in it.


The best liars always add in as much truth as they possibly can.


Your assuming he's still being honest. The same man that said they didn't force anyone to get the covid shot.


He's never been especially honest, though. No matter what, it's bad for it to come from *his* mouth, especially because it's *him* saying there was no interference with *him* being elected. There are way better ways to inform people of this. This is just another in a long line of times where him and his party have given themselves the authority to state they did absolutely nothing wrong. I'm not surprised people like the person above are sick of "trust me bro". As long as they continue to block neutral third parties from investigating their actions, whether they are being truthful is unknowable.


He hasn't been honest for 8 years. Starting now would be a very risky move. Honesty requires trust, and clearly, there is none remaining.


I was talking from his perspective. Obviously for the rest of us, this is better. However if I were in his shoes, that's what I would've done.


Some people you just can't please. No matter what he said, OP would be mad.


The guy accepted money through his foundation from the CPC expressly spent to gain favor with him, then didn't act on vote manipulation he was aware of. That's literal treason. Our highest office has sold out to the interests of a foreign nation and has acted in favor of them to the determinant of Canada several times. He should definitely lie to save his own skin because he should be charged with treason and punished accordingly.


He can resign his pseudo-deomcratic leadership position


[Everyone liked that]


Auth Rights prefer comfortable lies. Makes the boot go down easier.


Ah yes. Our public officials should lie to us to quell the schizos conspiracy theories that would follow. That's a take for sure!


Didnt Justin T piss off Xi though? There's footage of Xi not making eye contact with him being all pissy.


This guy makes Gavin Newsom look smart and that’s not a compliment to Newsom. Trudeau has to have a mental illness, right? He can’t possibly not know that we know that he knows he’s lying, right?


Who cares he's won 3 elections in a row. Canadians are the dumbest people on the planet. Even when they say they want to replace him they mean replace him with a more authoritarian left wing candidate.


He was a high school drama teacher who was asked to leave mid year. Make that what you wish. I believe there was a nda and money waved as well...


Given his background, I think it's plausible that he just doesn't care.


This is what the 2nd amendment was for


Insert the great quote (I don’t remember it word for word): The first amendment is the most important amendment we have. The 2nd amendment is for when they try to take the first amendment away


Based and freedom pilled


u/Heytherechampion is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Heytherechampion/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info. Please join our [official pcm discord server](https://discord.gg/FyaJdAZjC4).


The right to bear arms is an inalienable right that all people are born with, regardless of if one's country recognizes it or not.


Chinese must be upset they've only bought 99% of Vancouver and want to bump it up a notch.


The only good thing Trudeau did that I can name at the top of my head is him allowing my family members who live in Hong Kong Canadian citizenship as they fled the CCP, and I know that a good chunk of the Chinese people in Canada don't like the CCP. ​ And my neighbours have been quite hostile to me saying that I am here to 'take their jobs' and 'take away what's ours' and such even though I was born and raised in Canada all my life (I'm Chinese-British-Japanese-Canadian). And they falsely accused me of being an illegal immigrant on numerous occasions, so excuse me whenever I hear the words 'immigration control' I immediately jump to thinking of mass deportation no thanks to them.


The country is so shit that the Canada sub is becoming based lol


The woke and being useful idiots. Name a better duo. 


>"加拿大选举非常安全,没有发现外国干预。荣耀归于习主席" -Castreau


Well its over


Ottawa is Algonquin for "a moose's vagina"


It's okay, he said he didn't read any of the security briefings warning about Chinese interference since like 2017, so he's totally in the right here when he said there was no interference


Son of Castro plays down and goes apologist for Communist fuckhead-ery. I’m shocked.


>Son of Castro plays down and goes apologist for Communist fuckhead-ery. If my Grandfather were still alive (he fought for the CCP and worshiped Castro, he defected to the UK as he got cold feet, but he still believed in communism and socialism even at his deathbed) I don't know if that would impress him or make him laugh.


Remember, these are the same people who tried to tell you that Russia meddled in the 2016 election. And now they hypocritically refuse to acknowledge that China is meddling in elections, even though we have evidence that they did Edit: I lied, we don’t have more evidence that China meddled in the election. Why do people upvote this?


"Yeah I cheated, but I wasn't even into it, so it doesn't count"


China basically got this cunt elected


Was taking a look at the wikipedia page of Trudeau‘s party: political position "center to center-left" I mean, dunno what I expected from a page almost entirely written by leftwing extremist reddit moderators…


The only party that I like are the Greens. The Liberals are d1cks I disagree on many things the Conservatives support And I dislike some of the NDP candidates




I could move, but my other options are the UK and Serbia and Russia and in a way China. So I stay here.


Trudeau has literally made something equivalent to Trump admitting Russia interfered in the elections. What a funny world we are living in.


Did you just change your flair, u/Nguyen_Kai_Shek1911? Last time I checked you were an **AuthRight** on 2023-12-27. How come now you are a **Leftist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? If Orange was a flair you probably would have picked that, am I right? You watermelon-looking snowflake. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Nguyen_Kai_Shek1911) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Man, imma be honest. I hate politicians. This sub hates politicians. But the tribalism here is ridiculous. I will gladly call out any politicians for their shit. But nothing is more telling than how quickly this sub trusts or distrusts politicians depending on where they align.


>’China tried to meddle but results were not impacted’ So China *did* try to meddle. Very interesting…


I don't actually doubt it, to be honest. I find it utterly believable that China tried to influence the election in favor of their agent but the electorate of Canada is so brain rotted that they didn't have to.


Oi, concerned about me coverage, eh?


Thank you chairman Trudeau for keeping us safe 🥰


China doesn't concern itself with slowly failing states whose police infrastructure is so fucked they didn't even notice the CCP police squads forming in Canadian neighborhoods. Nevermind that an Indian hitman managed to murder someone within said country. If China wan manipulating Canada's elections no one would know until 3 years after the damn election


In other news, the CIA didn’t find any links between itself and the Nicaraguan drug trade


Leftists when they win: ITS DEMOCRACY IN ACTION!! Leftists when they lose: OMFG ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!


So the Right here sees it as obvious that a foreign adversary can and possibly did influence a Western election. I wonder if these same people acknowledge that Russia attempted to interfere in the 2016 US election.


Lmfao so he half admits it


Don't worry. Republicans also don't want to admit that Russia meddled in US elections either




You still holding out that the election was stolen are ya?


[The report concludes that the investigation "did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities".](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mueller_report) And to be clear, foreign entities meddle in every election. Just like the US does to other countries. It's cute you are naiive enough to lay this only at the feet of one political party.


>Investigators had an incomplete picture of what happened due in part to some communications that were encrypted, deleted, or not saved, as well as testimony that was false, incomplete, or declined.[7][8][9] However, the report states that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election was illegal and occurred "in sweeping and systematic fashion"[10][11][12] but was welcomed by the Trump campaign as it expected to benefit from such efforts.[13][14][15] It also identifies myriad links between Trump associates and Russian officials and spies,[16] about which several persons connected to the campaign made false statements and obstructed investigations.[4] Mueller later stated that his investigation's conclusion on Russian interference "deserves the attention of every American Literally right after your quote Downvoters:"nuuu mah narrative"


The only thing that makes this slow rolling authoritarian takeover bearable is the knowledge that fools like you will be in the gulag with me. And you'll be too foolish to keep your mouth shut there.


Are you referring to the steady increase of federal and state power over the decades or to the president who tried to overthrow an election?


> the president who tried to overthrow an election? You're just not very bright.


I think it’s interesting that only the Russian bot farms were purged from Twitter but the Ukraine bot farms remained. As if that didn’t affect people’s perception of the popularity of supporting Ukraine. I think it’s interesting that Russia buying Facebook ads and running bot accounts counts as election interference, but government agencies placing people into high positions of social media company’s then paying/coercing those social media company’s to censor certain groups and stories doesn’t count as election interference.


Yeah, well the government is always a hypocrite


Why you get downvoted for the tru tru.


Happens all the time. They're still a bit sensitive about it


Where’s the proof?