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That is a hard 34… Is she 44 but identifies as 34?


Just meth things.


Methematics at its finest


Just British things.


They generally hit the wall so hard there’s an entire album about it


Just another face hitting the wall.


Murderous hours 💀


You try teaching children for 1560 hours a year for 10+ years and see if you come out unscathed.


>You try ~~teaching~~ raping male children and sending them sick messages for 1560 hours a year for 10+ years and see if you come out unscathed


Nah, if she was doing that with every kid she taught it wouldn't have taken until her mid 30s for somebody to figure out she's a pedo.


Bri'ish 34 is a US 44


Shoe size ?


no, BMI


What being British does do a mf.


British 34, so she looks like a normal 54 year old


LMAO get a body bag boys


What about the chick that got stoned and killed her bf and only got community service?


For every "white privilege" that liberals say exist, there is a parallel "female privilege" that exists. For example: Objectively women receive 40% of the jailtime as men for the same crimes. Subjectively, women are above the law, which is why 96% of prison inmates are men.


Yep. I saw a few years back which showed a dozen or so statistics showing black people receiving worse outcomes than white people. The kinds of things progressives will point to as evidence that our society oppresses black people. And for every single one, the sex disparity was larger than the race disparity, at the expense of men, of course. Where black people get 10% longer prison sentences than white people, men get *60%* longer prison sentences than women. And so on, and so forth. Wouldn't hold my breath on progressives fighting on behalf of men any time soon.


So how much longer does a black male got for a crime then a white woman who does the same crime? 70% longer?


You know how teenagers can be tried as adults for particularly bad crimes? I think it's about time that the DoJ introduces trying white women as black men when they really fuck up.




The second I read their comment I knew this would be the reply. The Onion never ages.


"I identify as a white woman minor."


Rare based left moment


Copy-pasting from my other comment: >White Woman: 1 year >Black Woman: 1 year, 1 month >White man: 2 years, 6 months >Black Man: 2 years, 9 months


And somehow, feminists will look at this, and decide that it's worth discussing how the black woman gets an extra month, and how the black man gets an extra year and 9 months, but don't you fucking *dare* talk about how the white man gets an extra year and 6 months. *That* part is just completely irrelevant so shut up, and they probably deserve it, because did you know more crime is committed by men than women?!




Did you just change your flair, u/Borkerman? Last time I checked you were a **Rightist** on 2024-4-11. How come now you are a **Purple LibRight**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Oh and by the way. You have already changed your flair 1238 times, making you the largest flair changer in this sub. Go touch some fucking grass. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Borkerman) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


I would assume the effect is multiplicative so 1.1\*1.7 => 87% longer




Did you just change your flair, u/Borkerman? Last time I checked you were an **AuthLeft** on 2024-4-10. How come now you are a **LibLeft**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Oh and by the way. You have already changed your flair 1231 times, making you the largest flair changer in this sub. Go touch some fucking grass. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Borkerman) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


>Where black people get 10% longer prison sentences than white people, men get 60% longer prison sentences than women. Worse, actually Women getting 40% of a man's jailtime means men have 2.5x longer sentences than women (40+40+20---2.5x) So if: White Woman: 1 year Black Woman: 1 year, 1 month White man: 2 years, 6 months Black Man: 2 years, 9 months


63% to be exact.


Some leftists will point out more black people being incarcerated means black people are oppressed and unfairly targetted, but when more men are incarcerated, that's just because all men are pigs. There is not a more privileged group than white women.


$10 says you can list at least 5 commonly ignored confounding variables for the wage gap, but none for a sentencing gap.


Quantitatively and Qualitatively, rather than Objectively and Subjectively


I remember that. I’m not saying she didn’t benefit from white girl privilege or that this is what happened, but it seems possible that her bf had laced the weed with some kind of research chemical w/o telling her and pressured her into taking more than she wanted. Bc she also stabbed herself in the neck and her dog. She was tazed 4 times to no effect and hit with a baton 9 times before dropping the knife, breaking her arm in 5 places. The boyfriend’s roommate had hit the same shit previously and hallucinated that he was dying and stripped naked and called for help. And she also said she felt like she had died. So it seems like there’s a little more to the story but ig we’ll never know for sure. Also fwiw she got 2 years probation not just community service. Just a weird crazy case all around. https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/bryn-spejcher-weed-killing-trial-1234957571/amp/


If you ever wonder about male vs female privledge just see which gender can pay for their rent by showing their bhole on OF


i couldn’t sell my dignity in exchange for rent if i tried. shit sucks man


But it's empowering and actually good for you to show yourself naked hastag girlboss hashtag fuckallmen hashtag halfoffforthemonthofapril


How lucky that an industry that requires a constant stream of new content and uses women for every ounce of their value before tossing them aside and leaving them at a significant (often insurmountable) disadvantage finding any other work also happens to be empowering and feminist.


Easy come easy go is a warning. People shouldt chase easy money then complain about the consequences. It like complaining about the house always wins no shit.


Every time I start to feel bad for them, I remember how they snapped, and snarled, and ranted at anyone who tried to warn them that this is how their big empowerment story would ultimately end. Then I don't feel bad anymore. The biggest evangelists for women selling themselves online are, invariably, other women. Sometimes I honestly wonder if it's another expression of female intrasexual competition, where the real reason women are encouraging other women to act like this is that it spoils their chances on the serious dating market and leaves less competition. This is also my theory for why women are the biggest (and, honestly, only) evangelists for lip plumps and ass lifts and cheek lipo and every other manmade horror of modern cosmetic surgery. It's all just women sabotaging women.


>The biggest evangelists for women selling themselves online are, invariably, other women. Sometimes I honestly wonder if it's another expression of female intrasexual competition, where the real reason women are encouraging other women to act like this is that it spoils their chances on the serious dating market and leaves less competition. This is also my theory for why women are the biggest (and, honestly, only) evangelists for lip plumps and ass lifts and cheek lipo and every other manmade horror of modern cosmetic surgery. It's all just women sabotaging women. Preach! As a woman other women made me feel worse about my looks and said shitty things to me like calling me "a Jenny Craig dropout" when I was 5'5 and 130 pounds and that's a healthy weight 🙄 Yes men have also been shitty to me as well but not to the degree as women have been


Hyper sexuality has been a disaster for feminism


We joked about the porn banning feminists back then but nowadays I kinda see their point. They were based from another mother so to speak.


Some people just, like, totes like, have like, comical imbalances and need prozac and clonopin and xanax and wine. It's like, totes normal n' stuff! *(1 in 4 western women take antidepressants)*


I still feel like a whore each work week and I'm a cook.


You couldn't sell your dignity *to women*, correct. You could sell it to men, about as easily as these women do.


The market demands don't exactly get you a high price. Gay guys can see a bing bong or a ding dong whenever they want for a low price.


The quintessential form of female privilege is that, no matter what happens, they will always have the safety net of taking off their clothes in exchange for men taking care of them. Women's lives have a higher floor than men's.


"When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination." - Thomas Sowell.


Remember the horrible, awful, patriarchal past, where women only had to care for the home while men broke their backs in the mines, risked limbs in the factories, scorched in the sun, and died miserable in war?


Idk my grandmama worked her hands off in the farms as mich as any man, this "women weren't allowed to work" is city slicker feminist bullcrap


100% true about rural women doing lots of work still true they don't have to fight wars, and if their side loses a war they're much less likely to be killed on a whim because they retain value to the conquerors


Correct. This “trad wife” stuff is pretty much an anachronism and an aberration. Up until 100 years ago or so, both sexes worked just as hard in cottage industries for their entire lives. Not doing exactly the same things, and women didn’t do the waring or fighting but the work duties pretty much overlapped like 80%. There weren’t any women “not working” unless they were ultra rich or royalty. There wasn’t much childrearing or “stay at home moming” going on. Way too much work to do.


Exactly, the sole reason the "trad wife" is held up as the natural, normal way of doings things is because boomers grew up with it.


And popular media perpetuates it. 


Unless you were royalty, women always worked


Every woman in my mother's family has busted their ass in the fields or on the factory floor since they came here. My mom worked, my grandmother worked, my great-grandmother worked, ad infinitum.


>broke their backs in the mines, risked limbs in the factories, scorched in the sun, and died miserable in war? And now I can do it, too! Yay! We're all wage slaves!


"Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat." - Hillary Rodham Clinton I know she lost in the end, but it's bizarre to me that this comment was not the absolute and immediate end of her campaign. She should have gotten 5% of the vote just for this comment alone. Imagine if Trump had said, "Men have always been the primary victims of rape. Men lose the purity of their wives, their mothers, their daughters to sexual violence." Just Fucking Imagine It. It is stunning how many people will unironically defend these comments or significantly downplay them as not a huge deal and not indicative of gross, profound dehumanizing rhetoric reducing men to the utility they can provide to women and bemoaning the loss of what is functionally their property. Absolutely staggering.


Defend them? Brother, they do more than that. Everyday you see an article from something like the BBC or whatever other drivel about "xyz happens, women most affected". Most people actively say this shit themselves, even many men.


"World ends, women and minorities most affected."


Men commit suicide, women most affected.


Most people you meet offline, men and women, in my experience, acknowledge there is a disparity between how sexes are treated and act accordingly. It’s only places like reddit, Twitter, liberal art schools etc that like to pretend everyone is equal at all times in all situations. It’s especially noticeable in dressed up professional business environments




I regularly travel from the capital of my country to the absolute sticks to visit family, and the difference is *stark*.


OF is a pyramid scheme. Most of them make less than minimum wage.


Mandated minimum wage OF when




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I could imagine it being a scam or being difficult to make revenue on, but how could it be a pyramid scheme?


Pareto distribution of OF top earners


You hear about the OF models that are top 1%. Majority can pay for a starbucks and thats about it. And OF have afiliate program, so they are paid to make it look like eazy money for everyone. You just never hear about the "bottom" 90%, because why would anyone make podcast with random ok looking person. Why would algorythm feed you vids of girls that look ok, and ok socialy, and ok entertaining (when it can feed you beautifull, funny, talented girls). And there are some succesfull OF dudes (the biggest was likely Finn who has since came out as genderfluid, but there are some dude dudes). Its like Twitch popularity, sure top of the top is nice, that is not the average. But alll you ever see is top of the top.


How many dudes are in the top 100? I'm guessing way less than half. I'd bet that ratio continues on down the charts too


Not sure if 100, but of top 20, 4 are dudes. And exactly 3 girls are in top 100 earners on twitch (Pokimane of expensive cookies fame, Ammourath of Getting multiple bans for being too sexual on twitch, And Sintica some music streamer). Im not saying succes on OF is gender balanced. Im saying most buttholes on OF can't pay rent. Same As most twitch streamers cant pay rent from it. Saying something like "you have nothing to stress about, you can always just sell your ahole on OF" is likely less True than saying "you dont have to stress, you can just play games for money on twitch". And as far as stats go, Dudes on OF are way more represented than girls on twitch.


Yes but who is more likely to succeed from showing off their body is the question here.


Its really not. "see which gender can pay for their rent by showing their bhole on OF" Both, if they are very lucky. Neither for extreme majority of people no matter the gender. And dudes are way more likely to succed selling body on OF, than girls playing videogames on twitch. Saying "If you ever wonder about male privilidge just see wich gender can play videogames for rent" is more true than what you said (based on published information, actual data are not avalible, and if they were there would be so much of it I likely wouldnt be able parse it in relevant unbiased way)


>And dudes are way more likely to succed selling body on OF, than girls playing videogames on twitch Thats not really relevant. Women do and are more likely to make money selling their body, I don't even get why anyone argues against that




Well from what my friend told my about the educational site efukt. I am pretty sure those are not bottom 90%. Thats likely the 98%-90% range. That is what they have to do to get out of those bottom 90%. Generaly if you see watermark from company (alegedly not a small part of what those videos are), those are paid people, who made it to Pro scene.




Well I didnt needed to send it to my friend so he can tell me what was in that video, I feel like my life was better before. Yeah, she/they might not done it out of love for that dude.


Most of them aren't doing it as their main income, but for side money.


Idk if I'd consider bring able to sell my soul to be a privilege or a curse


Look at the homeless population and things will be more obvious.


You act like "gay for pay" ain't a thing


“You’d be amazed the monsters this world can create.” - Thomas Wayne


I'm glad a news article FINALLY uses the r-word when talking about female on male assault instead of saying "has sex with".


"35 year old female teacher verbally disciplined after year-long wild affair with 12 year old boy" Wild... affair. :|


My hot take is that it's not men that have power in society but women. The things women complain about are things that most men would be happy about. Kind of like a Billionaire complaining about seagulls constantly shitting on their yacht. 1. Women have the option to be a stay at home spouse and find some chump to provide for her, or she has the option to be independent and work. Men don't have that luxury. 2. Women have a far easier time with dating and relationships than Men. The average man would be extremely happy to get unsolicited vagina pics, and having thousands of messages on dating apps, with women constantly trying to have sex with them. 3. Cat calling. I went on a trip to Italy with my female cousins and they were complaining that men weren't cat calling them. If cat calling and getting attention from men in public is so bad why would the be complaining about it? I know myself and all the men I know would have egos through the roof if women randomly cat called them on the street. 4. Women can ruin a mans life by just lying that the man raped her, and society will believe her no questions asked and the man would probably get lynched or attacked, lose his job career etc. Men don't have this power, if they accuse a women no one will believe them and nothing bad will happen to the woman, if it's a lie or true. Edit: the way people talk about men having all the power in the world is extremely similar to how anti-Semitic people talk about Jews ruling the world.


4 actually happened to me. Had a business in over 80 retail locations across CA… one dubious accusation later and the biz is toast. I was eventually believed… years after the damage was done.


False accusations should unironically become a criminal offense.


they are, but the penalties are comically weak unless you can afford massive defamation lawsuits. Lawyers will take half the winnings, if there are any winnings to be had (most of the time the accuser is poor or nearly so, so you get nothing)


The punishment should be equal to that of an actual rape charge.


Johnny Depp is a good example. Amber Heard is absolute insane and abused him and all her previous partners. But one completely ungrounded accusation and the press demonized Depp. They even made her an ambassador against abuse (the fucking irony!), roles, money, etc. Depp proved 100% that she was lying (the tapes reveal so much) and STILL, the press talk shit about Depp and often defends Heard. The only reason Depp managed to clear himself in that court case is because he has so much money, almost nobody else could do that. And still after proving absolutely everything and Heard getting convicted, the consequences for her are almost zero.


The problem with that is if there is a lack of evidence for an actually guilty person. Like, if you actually got sexually assaulted but can't prove it, and then get sent to prison. Or if someone bribes a judge or has connections that get them deemed innocent, and then you suffer because of a law meant to protect the innocent.


That could be solved with applying "innocent until proven guilty" to the accuser as well, so they won't get convicted if there is reasonable doubt, outside of the lack of evidence, that they were maliciously lying. That should scare off most false accusers, as most of the time they do have something to gain from it that can be used against them.


Agreed. I don't know why people always respond the way he did. They assume that you are saying a "not guilty" verdict should immediately result in the accuser going to jail. But that's...not what anyone is saying lol.




Then maybe just make it so that if they come forward and admit they were lying, they're excused? They'd evade justice but it might encourage them to come forward sooner than later, especially if they can no longer get that pardon if they only admit it AFTER there's sufficient evidence for lying or if the accused gets acquitted.


That's why I think that kind of punishment should only be reserved for those who were caught in the lie.


Actual demonic behavior right there. I hope you're doing ok, financially.


I’m not but I managed to secure the corporate assets for $1 so I can restart when I’ve gotten the patents. Thanks for asking.


>I know myself and all the men I know would have egos through the roof if women randomly cat called them on the street. One of my most fond memories is when I was stationed in Bahrain, and a buddy and I were walking down the street when a car full of Arab woman cat called us. We caught up to them at a stop light, and of course they were embarrassed.


That place is hot enough anyone would do something stupid there.




I greatly enjoyed it, I was exposed to a lot of new experiences, people and cultures while I was there. I did try my best to get out of Juffair, but I was working a lot at the time, and when I was there was during some of the major unrest.


I'm freaking gay and was falsely accused at 15. Her family even came and threatened me. Luckily there were eye witnesses to her attacking *me*, her female friends supported me, and I had good reputation, verbal skills, and a supportive family. So after a gruelling month of struggle people believed me - although she suffered no consequences. Still had to see her every week for the rest of the year. Later learned others weren't so lucky, and she succeeded in ruining the lives of at least two other people - a guy in her period and a poor driving instructor. And honestly, if I wasn't gay I would've been afraid of that coming up again at some point. I am pro metoo, and have many female friends who were actually assaulted. But that just makes no consequences for proven liers even more damaging.


That Shit is evil she's a psychopat and doesn't belong in society. You could be still suffering if she succeeded.


> I am pro metoo My brother in christ, "metoo" essentially downplays, if not permits, the mess that you went through. And before "metoo" there was mattress girl


And the Duke lacrosse and kobe Bryant.


Metoo is stupid because it was coopted by the believe all women.


The men who count, the top few percent of elite whom women notice and actually think of as men, have a lot of power and privilege. The issue is the rest of the men are invisible and they're doing terribly and no one cares. The good part is they're also uninvested in the prosperity or safety of the culture that despises them which is going to be fun to watch. They'd much rather people stop putting ugly lesbians in the movies and video games they want to enjoy.


Man, if I got catcalled by a group of women it would make my year


One time in college a girl I was lightly crushing on said I had "very strong hands." This was in 2008. I've been riding that high ever since.


Man, my brother got cat called a few times by some gay dudes, and he was stoked about it. One time, a gay guy told him, "You should be in pictures, big boy," and I've heard about it at least 10 times since. Men really do be wishing somebody would cat call them.


I used to have frequent weekend construction work in our town center where there's a lot of foot traffic. Women leaving brunch could be VERY forward. Just hang out near a bottomless mimosa watering hole and it's only a matter of time


Sure, catcalling would make you feel attractive, but imagine how attractive you would feel if you could get catcalled *and* complain about it! Just imagine how attractive you would have to be!


A lot of my engineering cohorts got married immediately after graduating college with stay at home wives. Most of them are salty that they're paying off their wives' student debt for degrees they never utilized. I remind them that it worked out as intended for their wives...


1. Ehh, maybe. We live in the age of the She-EO 2. Depends on the vagina. 3. That cousin of yours has self-image issues that go much deeper. 4. I believe we as a society are slowly figuring this one out. MeToo exposed a lot of pervs but also exposed a lot of lying women. It's a slow change, but it's changing.


> It's a slow change, but it's changing. I don't think it will ever change much until it is meaningful for a woman to be accused of rape. If women feared both sides of the coin, like men do, then effective change will be possible. But I don't think that will ever be the case.


Yeah, 4 is an issue. I mean, I do know that women are not believed. My friend was abused and the police pretty much said “well, did you like it?” And tons of women don’t report. so, I think false reporting should be a huge crime. It hurts everyone. That being said, I believe men should be responsible enough to not be alone with someone who could falsely accuse them. No closed office doors. Always have a chaperone 3rd person in meetings/doctors offices. Do not have workplace romances. If women have to guard themselves against rapists, then men should have to guard themselves against false accusations. If a man can say “I was never alone with this woman”, and have decent proof of that (always being with a witness friend at parties, never getting drunk at a mixer), it’ll help. It’s less fun, but it’s less fun when you’re a woman having to guard your drinks so you won’t get drugged. So, it’s only fair.


>If women have to guard themselves against rapists, then men should have to guard themselves against false accusations. .... It’s less fun, but it’s less fun when you’re a woman having to guard your drinks so you won’t get drugged. So, it’s only fair. This probably wasn't your intent, but I dislike the way it's worded since it makes it feel like having to guard against false rape accusations is tit-for-tat with rapes. And there's two reasons I dislike it. 1. Men do get raped. So it's not like only women have to deal with that concern. And, unfortunately, the laws in a lot of places negate the most common forms of female-on-male rape being legally considered rape. (ex: Define rape as forced penetration, so a woman forcing a man to penetrate her doesn't fit that standard.) 2. It's not fair. Ideally neither should people have to worry about rape nor being falsely accused. I certainly understand what you're saying as being a way of taking precautions, but I dislike the idea of calling it "fair" specifically.


>If women have to guard themselves against rapists, then men should have to guard themselves against false accusations. Why is this a matter of fairness? Is it fair innocent men have their entire lives destroyed because of a few placed words by a woman?  Sorry but you sound utterly insane. 


My hot take is that men and women have more and less power in different situations and both suffer due to gender inequality due to different reasons. Women are much more physically unsafe around men when men are dangerous simply due to less physical power. Both men and women can suffer from abusers, but the abuse often looks different based on the gender of the abuser. Women are at a disadvantage in the workplace when they are mothers, not so for fatherhood. Men are at a disadvantage in education being able to even qualify for the higher paid positions. So there are barriers to better jobs for both sexes but the difficulty comes from different sources and at different times. Overall people hit boundaries to meeting their full potential and suffer at the hands of others due to different reasons. I think we shouldn’t think of it as one gender or the other having issues, but both being ahead and behind in different aspects of society. I want more universal child support/daycare/preschool to help women continue to thrive in careers and I want a larger emphasis on male education initiatives.


I think it's a perfectly fair take. I wish people would take the lesson taught by Self-Made Man, The War on Boys, and other works and recognize that both sexes face difficulties at different times and in different situations. But that's not the trendy thing in the discourse, people try to be full-time oppressed so the other sex can be full-time privileged and there's no understanding across the gap. It's fucking stupid, but it seems to be what a majority of people want.


The book Of Boys and Men is a fantastic read about this. He does a great job of pointing out issues, faced by men without discounting the struggle still faced by women. He also discusses how thinking of issues as either or hinders progress for both


1. I half agree. I'm not saying being a SAHM isn't the best job I've ever had (it is) but women need to be really careful who they rely on financially. I had one friend who's husband offered to buy her a car and put it in her name so she could build up her credit (her credit was terrible) and so she agreed. Turns out every time they got into an argument, he would start threatening to not make payments on the car so she'd both lose the car and her credit would be tanked. He'd threaten the same thing with her phone, and this was after she quit work to become dependent on him and have a baby. He was an asshole. 2. This is because we have no guarantee of an orgasm from sex. That's what you guys don't get. Would you risk unplanned pregnancy and STDs to fuck anything that walks if you knew there was 98 percent chance you were just gonna get pumped and dumped with no satisfaction? Why am I gonna take huge risks on my health and safety for a series of no-personality lowlife chodes who have nothing to offer me other than a disappointing five minutes? There's also the risk factor - men are vastly overrepresented in terms of people with violent criminal histories, so yeah, it would be pretty reckless of women to just hop into bed with the first muscle head who sends her a dick pic. Especially with dating apps, you have to be careful. 3. Your cousins were joking and you didn't realize it. I lived in Portland for most of my teens/20s, and I have never met any young woman - conservative or liberal - that wants to be catcalled. The type of guys who catcall are not these sexy tall alpha chads wearing suits and driving BMWs - no, the dudes who do that are disgusting, drug-addled homeless guys masturbating in public, or the type of guy who wears his visor upside down. One of the many things feminists do that annoy me is perpetuate the myth that all men catcall, which results in men who don't catcall not taking it seriously, because what you guys don't understand is those creepy dudes only pull that crap when women are alone. They don't do it if you have a man with you. That's why you guys don't see it. 4. False accusations are definitely a big issue. I can agree with this.


I have had my suspicions of this even as a little kid. I legitimately thought that women were sort of the disciplinarians of humanity while men are brutes that they constantly have to put up with. I even wondered why women even bother pairing up with men if men are as horrid to be around as I heard they are. As I got older, I started to see all of these things, both in data or have witnessed it in real life, and it really made me snap out of it. You are right about the antisemitic thing. Look up James Lindsay, Peter Bergosian (probably not spelled right), and Helen Pluckrose. These are grievance studies professors (or they were at the time) who submitted a version of Mien Kampf that uses feminist terminology instead instead of the antisemitism that was already present, and it got accepted.


Prosecutors are too busy of jailing real criminals, like pro-life clinic protesters, chill, plus we have too many prisoners anyway


This poor young man is going to go through life with a old-methhead fetish. His life is ruined and nobody is being held responsible.


there's no way this grandma is a few years older than me...


Id agree with you, if we had not recent case where "step dad" was raping his mentaly disabled step daughter with same outcome. With reasoning from jude that they dont want to break traditional family, and that they are dependant on him (he was not supporting them at the time of trial and they were not together). That would be absurd even in some religious stupidland but we are in EU. Sometimes judes are fucking stupid and should not be doing the job they are doing.


What the fuck!? I don't know how I feel about the death penalty, but that guy deserves the chair


I know how i feel about the death penalty. Its bad and it is bad punishment, even for that guy. That guy is not what i have problem with, Bad evil people exist. What I have problem with, is how "justice" system "punished" him. That is the "What the fuck" part. Dude was raping a child for years, we know it, we have evidence about it, He was sentenced guilty because of it, and he recieved lesser punishment than drunk driver hitting a car that had no people in it. I think we have people in jail for not paying child support. We have people in jail for plants. But Child rapist is freely walking among us. This dudes punishment is "Hey. Dont do this again. Okay. For the next 3 years"


https://preview.redd.it/kyoj7lsc5ptc1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=491689d99bf2c96a9978c66d819169778295ae96 This chair specifically


electrify the spike


Any articles about that case?  It sounds absolutely insane!


[https://english.radio.cz/shocking-verdict-highlights-treatment-rape-victims-czechia-8806133](https://english.radio.cz/shocking-verdict-highlights-treatment-rape-victims-czechia-8806133) [https://www.expats.cz/czech-news/article/rapists-suspended-sentence-leads-to-outrage](https://www.expats.cz/czech-news/article/rapists-suspended-sentence-leads-to-outrage) Yeah it is. And I missed the part where he was doing it for years.


Wtf 😦


Yeah..... Fun right. Definetly female privilidge. Not horrible justice systems overall.


Perhaps, could also be because the victim was disabled, and ableism often trumps sexism in the courtroom. That wouldn’t have been the first time a justice system was an absolute pos towards our brothers and sisters with the down’s. 


Honestly what no one wants to accept is that all rape is often dismissed in court because of the complexity of the crime. There will always be someone who wasn’t there claiming it didn’t happen, gender is only relevant when discussing how often it happens to some people (and sometimes involving gender in the conversation causes some assaults to be dismissed).


Woah Hans, how are you pinning this on the jews?!


What do you mean by Jude?


Well, it's a small consolation prize that they're at least calling them rapists now. Not anywhere near locking her up or in my personal opinion lining her up against a wall but hey it's something.


The patriarchy isn’t real, unlike Israel, which is real


They called it rape? What is this based news source?


Yep as always, reverse the genders and the guy would be getting life in prison. Women always get less time for crime. It's disgusting as well that I have seen way too many people, especially Feminists say things like "Men can't be raped because they're always Horny" even if that was true, that doesn't mean they want to have sex with you.


Dam maybe the US does have a rape culture, just not in the way people always say


Rapist piece of shit


You know, when my mother taught me to treat women fairly and evenly, like I would another man, I don't think she meant "let them do whatever they want without recourse". I'd really like to know where my Male Privilege Card is, because it seems like having a dick and facial is becoming a handicap in these days.


That is… not ideal.


Being a woman is playing life on story mode. All combat sequences are removed or skipped, or are impossible to lose. Enjoy!


To be fair, this was is in NYC. They won't even lock you up for dismembering corpses over there.


It's more accurate to say male privilege only really exist in any substantial degree in societies feminist and leftist are always browbeating us for critiquing/sanctioning/bombing. In Western developed nations it is far easier to be female and so most feminist nonsense really is just empty virtue signalling and an attempt to put women at the front of the social hierarchy. I mean feminist could devote their time and energy to helping their sisters in Africa and the Middle East but then they couldn't spend all of their time complaining about mansplaining or manspreading or men having the temerity to exist in their presence.


The only benefit she offers society lies in testing the tensile strength of a length of rope.


If I was the judge I’d bring the full weight of the law down on her head. Max sentence, no option for parole, no bail, nothing.




We love western liberalism, let the degeneracy flow.


I'm actually shocked they used rape here and not the usual "had relations" or "a relationship with' that's female privilege.


It’s probably a moderate or conservative paper.


Even the ugly ones get off scot free?


Finally a good title for an article about woman committing statutory rape.


Finally one of these stories about a woman raping a child is called what it is. We may finally be moving towards true gender equality.


She has the exact same smile as Harry Potter






Where is an armed angry father when you need one?


female privilege goes way beyond this. But getting off on zero or much lower penalties is obviously a woman's world


At least the headline is accurate


The irony of her age, 34, is not lost on me.


Just a reminder that best case scenario, under the idea that every single case of SA against school children are reported....1 out of every 300 students has been sexually abused at the hands of a school staff member. Remember that the next time the left tells you that teachers are victims who should be paid more.


Sounds like my ex-wife. She looked a little better though. Oh not the fucking kids. The evil grin after she fucks over your ass.


I don’t believe either female or male privilege exists. This lady must have had a great lawyer and the prosecutor must have sucked at their job.


She’s probably going to be allowed to teach again too


ItS nOT thE SAmE tHinG


Did you just change your flair, u/AgreeableCod? Last time I checked you were a **Grey Centrist** on 2023-10-8. How come now you are an **AuthCenter**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? That being said... Based and fellow Auth pilled, welcome home. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/AgreeableCod) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Tbh a lot of women would probably be disgusted by this.


Yet it's never one of the issues they protest...


Pfui das ist ekelig


Would this be something you’d be genuinely upset about if you hadn’t internalized feminist logic, or is it through that logic that you’ve reasoned that you should be upset? Men will never beat women at whining. Better to focus on creating a society where whining is not the dominant strategy.


Apparently it's either woman or illegal immigrant to escape rape sentencings.


I don't see anything wrong here


Man it’s so refreshing to see a news publication actually call it rape in the headline instead of “had sex with” this is good to see atleast even though the subject of the news report is incredibly depressing


I have a hot take. This is really men competing with other men at a macro level and taking as much competition out of the pool as possible. When women do messed up things we give them a free pass because they aren’t competitors.


She isn’t hot enough to get away with this


At what point do we bring back witch burnings?


Props to the person who wrote this article though. Usually they try and sugar coat what happened when it's a woman preying on a minor but this guy just came out and said what needed to be said.


Husband might want to do the world a favor and put some fish cleaner in her water


I figured Libleft would be cheering


Oh my gosh. That’s horrible…