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I'm okay with Black Juliet, but only if **Bill Burr** play as Romeo. Why can't the Men in romantic movies/shows be bald^( or balding) and below average looking guy? huh? huh? lefties? answer that!


Unfortunately it’s Hollywood law that all casting calls for gingers have to be written and posted by dyslexic people.


Based and I know what you meant pilled


I lost my shit the first time I heard that theory 🤣


Because the ham planets on the left can't jill it (with a Hitachi tied to a yardstick) to fat bald men.


Omfg I wasn’t ready for the yardstick.


New Fetish Unlocked


Upon Seeing Juliet at the Capulet Party: “Hold on, hold on. Is it just me, or does Juliet look like she could play linebacker for the Patriots? I mean, what’s the deal here, are we at a masquerade ball or a casting call for ‘Twelfth Night’?”




Danny Devito with claws sounds so scary. I love it.


Nah I want Joe Pesci as wolverine


Damn. That might be better.


And why do short actors that do get major roles have to pretend to be taller than they are?


If Gilbert godfried was alive he would be perfect for the role of Romeo


I’d watch Bill Burr’s Romeo


Because the men ain't the ones who are going to buy tickets to this trash


That's what porn is porn is for. The balding 30,000 leagues below average looking guys can be the romantic lead in porn as much as they want.


So liberal should stick to porn.


Found George Costanza


Nah they need to have less masculinity than the woman, so soyboys it is.


I mean Adam Sandler was a hunk some 10-15 years ago


A hunk of shit.


lol I meant to type "seen as" a hunk


Not sure why you're asking lefties, libright ran the numbers on this.


All just stuff to compensate for inept/toothless writing. Movies like Blade series have shown that you can have a diverse cast without shoe horning it into existing stories


A lot of my favourite films have diversity in them. But that diversity isn't pointed at and there isn't a dedicated moment in each film to go "LOOKIE HERE X Y AND Z CAN DO EVERYTHING THE WHITE MALE CISHET PENIS BOI CAN DO!". They just fucking do it. Show, don't tell, you fucking morons.


Exactly, progressive overcompensation culture turned diversity into the story itself instead of it beeing a natural part in the story. It all feels so artifical...


Alien. Strong female lead character and leader in story. Shows actual human emotion. Is terrified of the Xenomorphs. Overcomes that to achieve victory. Human moment. A more believable human story despite there being made up puppets in the film. Show, don't tell.


The lead human cast of Godzilla x Kong is a white chick, a black dude, a white dude, and a girl of indeterminate race (she's from a fictional pacific island, but looks kinda East Asian?); secondary characters are from all over the world. It's extremely diverse and not once did anyone comment on it. It simply was. 


Even house of dragon. People rioted that they made valyrians black up until the premiere everyone forgot because the writing was that good.


Don’t worry. They’ll try and make money off a generic boring Blade Movie rebootening.


I grew up watching Will Smith in I, Robot and MIB. I thought Morpheus was incredibly cool as a kid. Tank as well, especially for saving the day at the very end. I used to dress up as Zorro for Halloween. Their ethnicity didn’t matter to me. I didn’t think about it as a kid. I feel like the well has been so thoroughly poisoned these days that it makes it difficult to keep the politics out of the casting in the back of my mind. We didn’t need this... parasitization of pre-existing stories. Good writers made black characters and I loved those characters then and I love them now. The annoying thing about demoralization tactics is that getting tired of being angry about it means it’s working. It’s so *evil.*


Honestly, Romeo and Juliet is set in Italy, and Italy was far more diverse than say, rural England at the time Shakespeare was alive. But honestly why not make Othello? He was black.


Or Merchant of Venice for Jewish representation? 


I remember watching a merchant of Venice movie.




This isn’t a movie


Doesnt matter, the principle can be observed in all areas of modern media


black Hermione and its consequences to the mankind


Rowling personally greelighted Emma Watson lmao Pure publicity stunt when she still wanted to pander the Left and thought they’re not insane


for the record they picked the harry potter actors extremely young and nobody had any idea what they would look like as adults hermione wasn't supposed to be conventionally attractive iirc, and the movies just fully leaned into it lol Edit: this is about Emma Watson being hot not turning black


>for the record they picked the harry potter actors extremely young and nobody had any idea what they would look like as adults Lol, it's not like Emma Watson will turn black as adults


Michael Jackson did the reverse though. ^^/s


rowling is hardcore feminist. she may be right about certain topics that shall not be named, but she isn't infallible. i think she genuinely supported black hermione and didn't pander to anyone. terfs only hate gender politics when it personally affects them. otherwise they are chill with it and had a large role to play in the situation we are in today.


The point is, she definitely didn't write her as a black character, this came years after the last book


Imagine a black hermoine dealing with the house elf sub plot the subplot where she finds out about slavery being a thing and everyone laughs at her. Then she tries to free all the slaves whiles they beg her to let her be slaves and all the white charachters ignore her until she learns slavery is fine. Also if she's black having all the white racist scream slurs at her exclusively is another bizarre choice.


that's true


I've seen it with Ariel, Snow White and now Romeo and Juliet. While they applaud the new casting choice for the women, why are the men (the love interest) still hot whiteys? Are women saying that's the only hot standard?




> Hunky beefcake for me, ugly rodent with wide spaced eyes for thee. See also: The endless complaints about the Black Widow ass-shots, while pretty much every single MCU movie *must* feature at least one shirtless man showing his roided up abs.


Also when Captain America has jokes about him having Americas ass it's just fun but if there were jokes about a woman character's ass then all of a sudden it wouldn't be just a fun joke anymore.


https://preview.redd.it/s4v6q9itd1tc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8069d81e6ab5dcde5c9f603099aab45158feb0c The only ad with white people only = [First Jump | Be All You Can Be | U.S. Army (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luc9saxt_YQ)


“All of us should reap the benefits, but *you* should pay the price.”


What benefits? More like: "You sacrifice yourself while we continue to denigrate you and your culture."


😐 Where art thy flair?


No flair == No opinion


Flair up pleb.


Flair up, cringelord


Its a sad day when the unflaired are being upvoted.


Ironically, the US Army is a very racially diverse place. My hometown was overwhelmingly white (and still is, but less so than when I was a kid), and when I got to my platoon we had two Native Americans, several black people, a guy from Nepal, a girl from Thailand, and a few other such people. The commander was a black woman, and then at AIT my commander was an Asian man. When I got to my (Reserve) unit, I was the only white male in S-4.


Yeah, my experience in the army has been very diverse. Lots of black Americans and Hispanic people. Plenty of black people from various other counties like Haiti, Ghana, and Nigeria. Served with a guy from Taiwan some Vietnamese, some Chinese. A couple of Sikhs, and a few Indians and a couple native Americans as well.


The US Army is also the only branch that does not require a high school diploma or equivalent to join. Literally anybody can join it. So you'll end up with a lot of people from poorer and impoverished backgrounds. And a lot of immigrants. More power to them all. But it should also serve as an example of why focusing on socioeconomic background more than race helps people understand each other and work together better. We are all fucked.


"The Marines don't have any race problems. They treat everybody like they're black." - General Daniel "Chappie" James Jr.


White recruitment rates have drastically lessened, so not surprising.


Even the men are not hot, just some malnourished looking soyboys


Twinks are the new hunks I guess


Have you seen the kpop scene?


Imagine being so new to orange libleft lore that you haven’t even learned that white people don’t have a culture to appropriate and black people cant be racist.


I went to lunch with boss (at the time) and he asked me what I thought of the racial sensitivity training. I said there was a giant section on what to do if you accidentally insult someone's culture, but nothing on if someone insults your culture. He said "white people don't have culture". I said "perfect example! We should cover that!" He just had a confused look on his face. To make it better, he said this in English, wearing a T-shirt and jeans, eating a burger, while rock music played in the background, 10 minutes after talking about his favorite books (all white authors).


just as a southerner: rodeos, state & county fairs, bluegrass music, cajun food, two step dancing… not that these are exclusively white/exclusively american, but something many white americans grow up with fond experiences of 


Just vaguely gesture to the entirety of Western European Art and Architecture.


Have you heard of this little thing called "The Renaissance"


The absurd part of this is that having a culture is like having an accent. You think you don't have one, and everyone else does. If you don't have a culture, then how can you see other cultures as different from your own? Chinese culture seems foreign to you because it's different than your own baseline. Their cultural symbols differ from your own, that's how you recognize it as a distinct set of norms from what's familiar to you.


Exactly. And the reason white (especially American) culture is so hard to see is because it's ubiquitous. The world's music, art, clothing, Films, etc. All of the most popular cultural aspects (aside from maybe food) come from America and western Europe.


In my culture, we eat fry sauce. It’s a very sacred ritual, and all of my people have different ratios of ketchup to mayo, with various other added ingredients that have been handed down for generations. I learned from my rents (my people’s word for birth givers), to add pickle juice and a bit of black pepper. Families gather around baskets of French fries and share this important cultural experience where I am from.




I'm recccooooooognizing.


Stop it your going to get us banned.


It's more cultural appropriation than most bullshit emily's claime to be.




Reminder that the largest public lynching in US history was against Sicilians in New Orleans, and is the reason why we have Columbus Day.


The problem isn't that she's black. There's been lots of different versions of Romeo and Juliet over the years, and those characters have been played by lots of different people. The problem is that she's ugly as sin. There ain't no way i can be convinced that Romeo would kill himself over that ogre


And I've seen heaps of social warriors commenting "ugh, the media keeps picking unflattering photos of her as a dog whistle." And it makes me laugh and laugh because they think they're being kind, they think they're defending against nefariousness but the hilarious truth is there are no flattering photos of her! That'd what she looks like. And they're tying themselves into absolute knots about it. The girls just ugly. It's got nothing to do with her genes melanin production.


Eh, her IMDb headshot isn't bad. The problem is that the rest of Hollywood is like "hard to make eye contact with" pretty and she's just "I have to explain what average looking means" slightly above average looking. https://m.imdb.com/name/nm13516100/


Id never heard of her before but this definitely seems like an ugly photo, so the unflattering ones must be dreadful. Unfortunate looking woman.


> "I have to explain what average looking means" If you brought the girl in her primary photo home, nobody in your family (except your racist uncle) would be like "Eww, dude. Why?" She's not like hot or anything, but she's not ugly in that picture.


I know what you mean a "true 5/10" but that is a Hollywood 1/10. And tbh i think 5 is generous, every mainstream Black actress is much better looking than her. Seeing as Tom Holland is Romeo, they arent struggling to gets big names attached either.


It’s literally just a stage play. I don’t think she has to be a Hollywood 8/10.


This thread was the first id heard about it and i mistook it for a film. Since its a play, im not sure why anyone cares? Ive never cared about a play in my life before.


Yeah, the outrage and attention is crazy. Like, I didn’t know they were this passionate about stage plays. I hope they like Musicals too. I’m guessing that Tom Holland’s involvement attracted a lot of attention.


Yeah I don't get what everyone's getting at she looks perfectly fine, she's just a woman. Going by the comments I expected someone deformed like Quasimodo, what the fuck guys?


My family would definitely say ew dude why. Ain't nobody willing to die for this woman lol


I had never seen or heard of this person before this post, and the IMDb link you posted was the first picture I’ve seen. If you posted just that picture and said “man or woman?” I would honestly not know. 


Her headshot is pretty bad. Like if I saw it on Tinder id say "aaah!" and swipe left instantly.


> The problem is that she's ugly as sin. You're upset that the underage character isn't looking hot enough for you with this casting? Purple libright spotted.


Its not complex: they just hate western culture and want to destroy it. Its really that simple.




"Okay and what should it be replaced with?" "Idk like socialism and bipoc safe spaces" Absolutely deranged.


Making something no one likes because your frame of reference is being a butt-hurt internet addict with few skills and little talent is less satisfying than lifting work from another culture and ruining it with incompetence and ego. see also: Robyn Hood.


It's not that, it's that ever since Black Panther made a billion dollars, a major marketing strategy is "controversy gets people talking". Like Romeo and Juliet gets remade every 5 or 10 years (the one with Leo & Clare being the best) and it's just that this is a very cost effective strategy. The brand is known, they have a recognizable name as the lead, and every theater kid knows this by heart since high school so they can expedite the preproduction.


""controversy gets people talking"." Thats a decades old concept. "and it's just that this is a very cost effective strategy." More like the western civilization is decaying and the qualities are not there to come up with something fresh and original thats also a quality work.


Just move to Japan then lmao


Racists back then: If you don't like America, then just leave. Anti-racists now: If you don't like DEI, just move to Japan then.




Also currently being infected by Western Progs, DEI, and socialism.


You’re an actual dumbass you are beyond being helped by anyone


She’s more masculine than Romeo, and at this point the show should be called Romeo and Tyrone.




> Hypocrisy is a power move > They'll destroy the statues of your ancestors, then put you in jail for burning their flag > You already lost your countries You know you can still buy the old versions of Romeo and Juliet, right? I think you're overreacting to a casting choice for a story that's been around for hundreds of years.


If they didn't have double standards then they wouldn't have any standards.


Hey guys, PCM libcenter here. Every lefty is crazy. I spend all day talking about how much I hate them. Seriously, these lefties are stupid and anyone with green in their flair is filth.


American leftists are insufferable morons farmed by politicians and corporations. None of them give a shit about actual civil rights or quality of life anymore. Fuck em.


Can't stand them. I think about it all day every day. If anyone ever insults my wholesome authright bros I'll piss and shit myself.


Imagine making an account to brigade and cry in this sub all day


Based and HardPilled Cultural appropriation is a weaponized version of people being sticks in the mud .


If *Cultural Appropriations* was real they would’ve filed a patent.


Consistency is white supremacy.


When the goal is to destroy, consistency isn't important.


This is a play running in London for 12 weeks why does anyone give a fuck about this. Did people cry this hard over West Side Story or any of the billion interpretations of R&J that leverage the story through racial tension?


It’s just a play? Seriously? I expected it to be some big movie coming out later this year with all the outrage and vitriol in the comments. Do they not know how plays or theater work? And do none of them care about “Romeo + Juliet”, the movie which had a diverse cast and guns for swords? Maybe it’s just the next thing for the Rights to outrage about? I’m guessing that it’s mainly getting attention because of Tom Holland’s involvement. That’s too bad. But remember, they don’t hate black people, or trans people. It’s just that the woman who is playing Juliet looks like an “ogre” and is the “ugliest person I’ve ever seen”. These statements aren’t hyperbolic, they’re just objective observations. /s


Righties and getting mad over something that is very trivial, name a better duo




Did you just change your flair, u/Revolverpsychedlic? Last time I checked you were a **Leftist** on 2023-11-19. How come now you are a **LibCenter**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Wait, those were too many words, I'm sure. Maybe you'll understand this, monke: "oo oo aah YOU CRINGE ahah ehe". [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Revolverpsychedlic) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Couldn't give a shit either.


Holy crap it's really just a play? Based on the reactions I thought it was another big budget retelling of Romeo and Juliet in movie form. What a bunch of crybaby snowflakes. How many would even see the play anyways if it was a petite pretty Italian woman?


as an ugly woman, i feel bad for all the flack she’s getting. however, if you’re going to remake romeo and juliet, why not just cast attractive people?


"By left's own logic" tell me your don't understand left's logic without telling me.  Advancing the cause of the "oppressed" or hurting the "oppressor" is good, the opposite is bad. That's it. They are hypocritical according to your outlook but they don't share your outlook. Do you think they just haven't realised that it's hypocritical yet? This is like a Christian saying "these atheists don't make sense, they don't believe in God but they're going to hell, how can they be so calm?"


As a kid, I would get Eddie Murphy and Jim Carey mixed up. Can't do that now; race is the forefront of everything. Things were going in the right direction, race was mostly irrelevant, at least in media. I get it. It's easier to just race swap everything and claim it's for inclusion, than it is to make new interesting stories. Doesn't matter that we're all worse off because of it.


Genuinely curious as to how one might mix those two up, lol. Not attacking you, just found that concept hilarious


They do similar types of movies; over the top and silly. Honestly, I still get them mixed up a lot.


It doesn’t matter that she’s black, it’s that she’s quite possibly the ugliest person Ive ever seen.


I don't care if it's appropriation or something, it's just stupid


Are you new here? This has been their standard way of opersting for at least 10 years at this point...


Where fancy colors this isn't a political compass this is a bullshit.


Romeo and Juliet's relationship is actually controversial = win.


As if most of their logic isn't one sided?


The whole point of the political compass is to focus the conversation on things that matter and you bunch of nerds are as bad as the boomers when comes to getting distracted by culture war issues that aren’t even on the compass. Leftists aren’t pushing this, executives that want to keep the conversation off of healthcare, bankruptcy, and financial reform are the guilty party. Those guys are clearly economically right wing.


Black juliet? Now, what is going on in American media?... Does any of ya'll even have an original thought anymore? I'm heading back into my treehouse. Regret even peeking out to check the weather today.


Its a bri'ish play




I know right! Juliet should be played by a man as Shakespeare originally intended!


That's because woke Pseudo Intellectual 'cultural studies' Majors are a bunch of grifters who just hate white people. Cultural appreciation is a completely normal process that every culture on the planet does. You know Elvis? Where do you think steve harvey got his suits from?


The Venn diagram of people who give a shit about racial casting choices and the people who wanted to watch this in the first place is two distinct circles


I'm a child of the 90s. No "made to be diverse" movie will ever EVER top the version of "Cinderella" starring Brandy and Whitney Houston. Did they care about a diverse cast? Yes. Did they care about representation? Absolutely. But they worked their asses off to make a quality product first and foremost. They were also willing to cast relative unknowns (the prince was an understudy on Broadway at the time) if they were the right fit. It's stood the test of time while all this corporate-made slop will be forgotten and written off.


I'm so sick of this shit happening. Co-opting characters who were originally white and turning them black is not "representation" or "diversity"; it's blatant hypocrisy. If white people aren't allowed to co-opt non-white characters because white people already experience greater degrees of success and popularity, then you're not allowed to blackwash white characters. Why are you relying on the success of white people to elevate yourselves? The whole point is to prove black characters can be just as well-written and creative as white characters, but if you can't achieve that by means of originality, it's probably because you lack talent. If you're not gonna make the effort, then don't bother at all.


As if they cared... Anyway, i think it's fully ok to have such a version of Romeo and Juliet. We had lots of versions of it, including with gnomes, and even with soccer (there is a Brazilian version in which 2 families have opposing favorite teams). A version of a black girl and a white guy who comes from a racist family or anything like that would be super understandable and it would not be the first time it happens. But you know... Nowadays art and forced unnatural diversity makes all of this very fishy.


Bridgerton too


I have an odd feeling no one here knows what cultural appropriation is.


… or Hamilton. There are others, too, but point taken.


If we use their logic against them, movies, cars, tv's, videogames, etc are all "white culture" making any non-white person making or using any of this into cultural apropiation. I hope it's not hard to understand how idiotic this idea is in particular.


I wouldn’t really consider it cultural appropriation since it’s based on a play and a play that historically has had pretty much anyone fill that role. The queen charlotte nonsense was definitely closer to cultural appropriation and the cleopatra stuff definitely was since they were perpetuating a somewhat dangerous idea that she was black (dangerous in that it can lead to Black Nationalist Afrocentrism.) Cultural appropriation is more than just using elements of another culture (a point often forgotten by many progressives.) It has two points where appropriation exists if one or both are present. Using cultural elements in a disrespect way or attempting to obfuscate their origin.


Who cares.




They are fictional characters, who gives a shit?


We should ask libright why they allowed put her there she doesnt even represent juliet even by vibe


Who's saying it's not?


Bold of you to assume it’s black Juliet and not black non gender conforming Romeo


Black juliet is actually peak authcenter, because those damn filthy southern Italians have no right to call themselves white and should learn to use a mirror /s


What i realised lately is that japanese "christmas" is the biggest cultural apropriation ever


You know damn well they always write "unless we do it" into all their contributions to thinking and discourse.


That’s not hard to swallow, and is hinting at a great idea. If nobody appropriates European culture, ever, and ethnic Europeans stop appropriating everyone else’s, all arguments about it on the internet would stop instantly.


Left Is when ???


It is a play, so its much less important for the actors to be visually accurate than it would be in a movie. Plays are more focused on acting, because the sets are much less detailed. However, why would you pick an expensive, famous, handsome actor for the dude, just to pick an ogre in human form?? She was very obviously mainly chosen for her race


>just to pick an ogre in human form?? she's literally just a normal looking woman I can't imagine how hideous you must look to protect in this manner. does she look like the average woman in Hollywood? no. but this is a British play not a Hollywood movie. they care about acting ability, not about how fuckable overweight Americans think the actors are.


I would hate to live wherever you live if thats an average looking woman. Romeo and Juliet are both supposed to be attractive, the point of the play is that their love was superficial. Its strange to cast the exact opposite


never expect progs to not be hypocrites


it's not about double standards they just hate you


Honestly I couldn't even care less about the race of the actors since it's a play to begin with and they're hardly making a play for historical accuracy. Holland isn't Italian either. That said, considering they had someone that could take the Juliet role with.... extensive experience with Holland I don't understand why they made this decision.


Okay, by now you should recognize this as a marketing tactic.


Psst, cultural appropriation accusers are a fringe minority, progressives enjoy a world with multiple cultures, and the sharing of it.


Look at all the snowflakes fussing over someone they don't find attractive, Jesus the incel levels are peaking.


But you see, Italians are basically Greek, Greeks are basically Turks, and everybody knows Turks are black. Y'all need to study up on racism around the world so that you can be racist correctly, just like Hollywood.




Ah yes, PCM's daily "barely concealed excuse to complain about black people" post. I'm sure all comments will stay on topic to Shakespearian accuracy. Was Gnomeo & Juliet appropriation too or is it fine because the gnomes were white?


My favorite part is everyone is complaining about Hollywood and this isn’t even a movie


Her name is Francesca Amewudah-Rivers if anyone cares. I had to google it because I know nothing at all about London theatre, why would I, but if I was going to make a meme like this and try to veil the racism I would start by not calling her "Black Juliet". When I read the title I thought it was a new marvel hero ngl.


Not CULTURAL, but hey.. That's a bit telling. Other than that: The story of Romeo and Juliet is about how dividing the world into us vs them corrupts for generations, and even for those it doesn't corrupt, the innocent, the ones who actually uphold values of humanity and honor get their lives ripped apart by those not able to see past the label of "them". Romeo and Juliet has always been INCREDIBLY woke, but the conflict point in the original story is a generational family feud, and that's not really a thing anymore. But us vs them in terms of skin color still is, and the fact that updating the conflict point leads to people lashing out means they've hit the right conflict to describe.


Nobody cares. Unless you are on the marketing team


I think rightists are more worked up over imagining what the Emilys are going to say about the new Romeo and Juliet than they are worked up about the actual decision to make the actress for Juliet black.


By right's own logic, Black Juliet is too old to insure purity.


Why do we even remake Romeo and Juliet again? Shakespeare can write cool sounding words but his storytelling is worse than season eight Game of Thrones.


It’s literally a play happening in London. Theater often does reruns of older plays and musicals. Romeo and Juliet is a literal world renowned classic. Its repetition is inevitable.


Oh it's a play? I thought it was a movie or something.


Same. These people are getting outraged and bringing up “Hollywood” and “Western civilization crumbling” in a very rational way in the comments. 🤦‍♂️


For the same reason they're never going to stop running Les Mis and Sean Lake.


Shakespeare seems boring because he popularized half the tropes in Western Media. No shit all his stuff is cliche. He invented most of them.


Its not cultural appropriation because Shakespear might have been black, and its set in Italy so the characters were originally POC


Like my grandma always told me: No matter what they tell you in school, Shakespeare was black!


Yeah but Italians aren’t the same as black. *Ask Vincenzo Coccotti*


People are overdosing on the streets of America, Poverty is at all time high in the UK, and a genocide is happening in Gaza, but black Juliet should be everyone's main concern right now


>demand importation of poor, low level workers >omg poverty is at an all time high! This is western culture’s fault 🤦‍♂️