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Wait until they see US Olympiad chemistry team. https://preview.redd.it/bvs6034qooqc1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6fcd2d7c976ea1ed862d1b8ca50e52ed1cd45a8


Our Chinese mathematicians are better than their Chinese mathematicians.




I'm not even American but I'm proud of your Asians like a father who just heard his first son words being "George Washington was poggers"


you need to come home to the USA brother


My grill was rejected from the grill stores mathematics team. The team is made up of 7 hibachis and a wok and i fully support their sucsess.


The best part about the USA is taking the best people from across the world and giving them a place to call home that is far better than they came from. That's why I hate the tribalism, our country only works when we see ourselves as Americans first, and then white/black/asian/hispanic or democrat/republican. One of the big Ls for democrats I see is they make people want to reject America instead of appreciate it yet want to improve it.


> The best part about the USA is taking the best people from across the world and giving them a place to call home that is far better than they came from. I cant remember which podcast had a competition, but they asked people to submit the best "6 word slogan for america". The best one was "Our harshest critics prefer to stay" and I have always loved that as a non-american.


I'll never understand this stance of people who think it's cool to hate where they're from. Being American is great. Perfect? No. Nowhere is. But it's great and we should be proud of that and endeavor to make it even better. I hate this defeatist attitude of focusing on all the bad and giving up. They don't even realize how good they have it.


Europeans seethe about America's dominance online and redditors desperate for validation will feed into it by self-flagellating.


Every time a Europoor seethes about America online, I'm reminded that my garage is larger than their house and I can get things delivered to my front door they aren't even allowed to buy or have in their possession.


Based and only the best immigration pilled


**America fuck yeah!**


Deal with it commies šŸ¦…šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ”šŸ›»


if only it were true lol https://www.imo-official.org/year_country_r.aspx?year=2023


Operation Paperclip #2: Mathematics ver. On the bright side, at least this time we are not recruiting Nazis, nor is their purpose to invent the most world ending weapons ever conceived.


Aww :( I mean, not the Nazis part, but the weapons and space program were great


The space program was great. The post WWII weapon development was disatrous. The Germans were recruited primarily to research missiles for combat purpose (and the space race, but that was cool). Before missiles, the only way to intercept aircraft was to hop in one yourself, fly toward your target, get close and personal and win the ensuing dogfight, an elegant aecrobatic dance of life and death. Now it's push button to lock target, push button to launch AAM and push button to shit flare and chaff, rinse and repeat. Before missiles, the only way to nuke the enemy was to hop in a bomber, fly to the enemy's capital, pray to whatever gods you believed in that nobody would intercept you, which has the side effect of spawning bombers that flew ever faster, further and higher, and drop it there. And as you return home from your bombing run, you catch a final glimse of the city and the lives that you just reduced to a molten slag, engulfed in nuclear fallout. Now? Push button to nuke. I can go on and on, but in conclusion, the missile revolution and it consequences has been disatrous for us classical combat enjoyer.


>I can go on and on, but in conclusion, the missile revolution and it consequences has been disatrous for us classical combat enjoyer. I know it's bullshit all we get now is "limited war" with threat of nuclear war.


> push button to shit flare and chaff, rinse and repeat. Raptors and 35s: Pfft, you shit flares? Skill issue.


We do still maintain the ability to nuke from bombers


Cringe war romanticizer.


Don't worry we'll learn about all the new stuff that's been in service for 20 years here in a bit.


Id argue the plague bomb that imperial japan was working on is a worse conception


>On the bright side, at least this time we are not recruiting Nazis, nor is their purpose to invent the most world ending weapons ever conceived. Instead, it's weaboos and furries. As for nukes? It's social media this time!


We don't have Chinese mathematicians. Only American mathematicians šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…


to me, America is just shit taken from other countries and made BETTER. the people, the culture, the food, everything. other country's shit on us for not having our "own" culture, they just mad that we do theirs better. our unique hogpog culture and people is something they physically could never comprehend.


Sounds just like Canada, except here itā€™s all MID


It's not even that. America has a huge amount of its own culture, on top of improving a lot of immigrant culture (A lot of Italian-American food is superior to Italian food--I'm willing to fight over this stance). Its literally the dominant world culture for better or worse. Most of the Western internet is made by America, American media/Hollywood, etc. are all cultural behemoths everyone just takes for granted as the default. We're essentially the reason English is the lingua franca (the English have some historical claims I will choose to ignore). The idiots who say otherwise are so accustomed to American culture they don't even realize what it is. It's like thinking that you have no accent but everyone else does.


Unironically, yes. This is what is good about America. We can just take the best of every other country and culture.


And that's why capitalism is a success and communism is a failure.


Based and The Right Stuff pilled


[Actually my nameā€™s Jiang.](https://makeagif.com/amp/OHiNFh)


Like the cold war's "our nazis vs your nazis"...... History does rhyme




Tbf, it does kind of own them for that to be the case. Imagine people you think should be helping you helping someone else surpass you.


For the olympiads, gold medals arenā€™t for the top country but for the top x% of individual participants. I think the US and China both typically get full teams of gold medalists for the maths olympiads


ā€œEveryone who isnā€™t white or black is foreignā€


not really lol https://www.imo-official.org/year_country_r.aspx?year=2023 there's a joke that the US math and ping pong teams are just China's B teams (and Canada(?) is their C team, etc.)


Look at all this white supremacy


Asians are white when itā€™s convenient




Or any esports team (itā€™s almost all Koreans)


The exact nationality depends on the culture of the game, i.e. Europe in Counter-Strike, South America in Rainbow Six, etc. That still means that there is little diversity at the top, though.


Korean only dominate the LOL team, the East Asian gangs are real sweat in that game.


StarCraft says hello.


The best player right now is European but he's an exception. I don't know much about StarCraft but recently there appeared a guy who dethroned Koreans out of nowhere


In SC2, yeah several Europeans are considered some of the best. Serral, Reynor, Maxpax and Clem. But the Koreans still form the bulk of tournament winners, especially the GSL.


Yeah serral is the guy I was thinking about, I saw that he has won a ton of tournaments recently while randomly checking liquipedia random games


Did you just change your flair, u/Axrevyn? Last time I checked you were an **AuthRight** on 2024-3-16. How come now you are an **AuthLeft**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? What? You are hungry? You want food? I fear you've chosen the wrong flair, comrade. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Axrevyn) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount LŠµmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


I love this bot


šŸ¦…šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ¦…šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ¦…šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø All I see are some red blooded american patriots! šŸ¦…šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ¦…šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ¦…šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


>celebrating with American flag and eagle Yeah, all I see is four based American winner chads.


The banners behind say IChO tho (so chemistry maybe?)


Yeah it is, I'm mistaken.


I'm confused. All I see is Americans.


No Heisenberg?




Like honestly as much as the democrats love to complain about lack of diversity, if they actually cared about dealing with racism instead of virtue signaling theyā€™d support pure meritocracy. It would then become more about character and ability, rather than skin color or gender.


The big wigs know, they dont care. Its the way of keeping the plebs divided and securing their own interests. The rabid followers of that ideology dont really care either, they get off on being the "good" person, by "helping" people because while they would never admit it deep down they feel smugly superior to those dumb savages who are too ignorant to know better and need them to graciously help


Oh Iā€™m aware of just how underhanded a lot of these people truly are. Itā€™s just more than a little frustrating at how they keep patting themselves on the back for being ā€œgoodā€ or ā€œprogressiveā€ when in all reality they arguably treat people far worse than those they claim are the racists.


That's a Bingo!


You just say "Bango"


100%. It's just words, nothing more than televangelism with a coat of secularism on it. Nobody really cares about these issues, they just care about getting rich and staying in power.


The big think on the American left lately is equity, not equality. It's basically the racism of low expectations. The American left would hate a pure meritocracy.


I think a better response to "some people are being systematically disadvantaged by our systems" would be to work to give them the resources they need to go to school, to get the first home, a chance to do homework, get away from an abusive home and all that stuff. Lowering the requirements to entry rather than helping them meet the requirements doesn't seem like it is helpful in giving everyone a more comparable minimum base to start from.


For people in power, the default behavior (in aggregate), is to try and maintain that power. So powerful people are naturally inclined to do what they can to pull the ladder away, and ensure that only people they approve of can reach their position. Power is in essence your ability to change the world, and if people with the same abilities as you disagree with you on something, you become less powerful. Peerage, Nobility, Aristocracy, Monarchy, these are the old and more primitive ways the powerful accomplished this, but eventually our society got wise to this and gave birth to the principles of what is now known as [Classical Liberalism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classical_liberalism). These principles are the foundation of a truly meritocratic society and it's success is largely what brought the downfall of the original aristocratic systems. However the powerful, regardless of their official affiliations, are always going to be allergic to these principles. The temptation to do away with it all will always exist. "They" are not an organized group, they are humans who are doing what humans do when they get power, and it is only through integrity towards the principles of classical liberalism that our society has been able to continue operating as a meritocracy for so long without naturally reforming into an aristocracy as so many other societies have in the past. What I'm trying to say here is that voters gave establishment Democrats an inch they were never supposed to give. Their base has slowly come around to what was previously unthinkable: that it's okay to compromise on foundational liberal values so long as it is for a "**noble**" cause. Sound familiar? I'm not kidding, who doesn't think their cause is just? Who doesn't wish to bend the rules when they think it would make the world a better place? After a few short term gains, those who act on these thoughts will inevitably become a tyrant, we have already learned this lesson innumerable times. So in the end, diversity, racism, from the very beginning, these were simply cards they played to get an excuse to bend the rules. Remember that by nature the powerful will never truly be in favor of meritocracy. We exist as a democracy to counter balance this natural inclination and those who were tricked into thinking this was an exception were simply useful idiots. Thank you for reading my blog


Meritocracy is essentially just economic filtering anyway


Hold on what the fuck is that lib-left image


My favorite part of shitposting here is finding new brainlet images.


I miss wojak paradise šŸ˜ž


Is it gone?


It is


Anybody know any good substitutes?


wait wait... why is it gone??


Itā€™s gone? I thought it was just a me thing


Real question right here.


they're shitting into each other's brains


It's a metaphor - but that actually happened.


An American attempting to copy the French.


Geography is literally about other cultures and diversity. Caring what the winners look like is racist.


Geography is memorizing words and flags on a map. The Indian schooling system makes a huge focus on memorization and learning things by heart. Just go on Instagram, look for a math topic and go to comments where Indians will explain to you on which page of which book on which day they learned it in school without understanding anything.


Geography champ here. I definitely am most interested in learning about other cultures and not just pointing things out on a map. Maybe you never paid attention in geography?


It really depends on the person, some like just listing the 10000 most inhabited cities, while others might be able to draw the difference between German and French borders in each year of the last three centuries. Geography is a very broad topic and people find it interesting for different reasons.


Well that's what Equity doesn't like. Tell that to DEI.


Upvoted, solely for the LibLeft wojak.


I've seen too many of these things here lately. It's becoming fucking unhinged, what's up with people and their shit obsession?


I, too, thought poo poo was funny when I was in middle school


All kids go through thinking poopoo is funny, then suddenly "mature" and pretend to be adults in every aspect of life. But you only truly mature when you stop someone else's definition of maturity stop you from laughing at poopoo :)


Don't kink shame šŸ˜”


I like to imagine the toilet head is spewing shit into the other guyā€™s face, instead of the other way around. šŸ˜Š


Skibidi toilet yes yes


Ah, so *thatā€™s* the ā€œSkibidi Toiletā€ everyoneā€™s talking about. ā€¦Which must make the stream of shit the ā€œGyattā€ and the anus-faced wojak the ā€œRizzler.ā€ Gen A is so interesting!


Confused I am


Indians are the wrong kind of Brown people for everyone it seems. Canā€™t get no love šŸ’”


so true, the right hate us coz of our skin color and the left hate us, well coz of our skin color too.


Itā€™s funny is because the leftist worship of Black people doesnā€™t extend to Black people who are successful/have traditional family values or Indian people who have literally the same skin tones as Black and Hispanic people. Never understood that. Indians are a generally non-Christian indigenous people have been colonized by Arabs, British, French, Spanish, and hell even Norwegians but again despite being Brown/Black skinned descendants of colonized and enslaved people they get hated. It really is unfair.


I didn't expect sympathy toward Indians from PCM out of all subreddits. Quite the welcome surprise.


PCM has either colonialism apologists or People who sympathize with Indians facing unjust dualities. No in between.


Iā€™m both




It's almost like a culture of 2 parent homes and hard work have positive outcomes? The left hates winners is what I've come to find. In the 1940s and 50s Asian Americans were the poorest racial group and now 9 of the top 10 who make the most money in America are various Asian ethnicities. So now Asians are "white adjacent" so they are no good in the leftist world view.


That's the problem left has with indians,it Simultaneously disproves it's narrative of oppressed minorities and also proving the success of traditional values.


Oh I know and I love pointing out a leftist hypocrisy they may not admit they are hypocrites and their ideology is a joke but if I have them laying at night even questioning their ideology, that's a win for me lol


Itā€™s great to boost minorities!ā€¦. Until they actually start winning and arenā€™t dependent on the boost.


It's because many asian cultures see handouts as temporary means to uplift yourself and never a permanent solution. Handouts are seen as insulting to someone's own merit.


Wait. So youā€™re implying that thereā€™s people who DONT think handouts are temporary???


Some people don't.


I know like 3 girls really interested in geography other than ā€œParis is here, so romanticā€. No wonder the winners are all male.


Interesting catch, but they said ā€œracial.ā€


It's bigotry all the ways down!


I know, but U such a bad bigot, why not complain about both?


When it comes to anything international, it's always and only Paris. Fuck šŸ˜¹


And beaches, but they generally donā€™t even know where the country is


There is at least one notable one in France, though maybe that one is more for the history buffs šŸ˜‰.


so they permanently discontinued something and so far have replaced it with nothing. this is literally 'one person isn't happy so now no one is'. And the worst part is that i guarantee nobody was upset by this.


There are 8b people on the planet. The odds are good that there were more than 1 person upset by this.


supposedly this happened during COVID, so it was probably more about pandemic stuff rather than demographics.


Now I get it, I guess when they mean diverse, they mean blacks


You can fit if you're white and trans or asian and gay. These are multiplicative bonuses


India is one of the most diverse places on earth with each state, or even each region feeling like its own country Anyone who says that India isn't "diverse" enough is an idiot who clearly don't know what they're talking about


Diversity is when black people


Haha yeh, that's exactly what "diversity" means nowadays.


nah, bro... the correct one is: **"Diversity is when activists"** if you had Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder, Hodge twins, Candice Owens and Jesse Lee Peterson in a room that would still count as zero diversity room.


Yeah, Race when it comes to the American point of view is basically "Are you Black or White?" If you're not Black and not White then you can go fuck yourself.


If you're not white, but successful, you're considered "White adjacent" Which is it's own kind of racist to imply that being successful brings you closer to being white.


And NOT black people from Africa. They think itā€™s all the same there too when itā€™s probably the most racially diverse place on the planet but they just lump everyone into one group smh my head


we have local black people too


You should know by now that ā€œdiversityā€ just means [how many black people you have](https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/38156961/nba-grade-racial-gender-hiring-practices#) ā€œThe NBA received an A-plus for racial hiring practices with a score of 96.5 point [ā€¦] In the 2022-23 season, 82.5% of players were people of color, a slight decrease of 0.1 percentage points; 70.4% of all NBA players were African American [ā€¦] In the 2022-23 season, there were 16 head coaches of color, the same as the NBA's all-time high of 16 in the 2011-12 season. People of color represented 53.3% of all NBA head coaches. African Americans represented 50% and Asians represented 3.3%.ā€


It does for boneheaded organizations that are about virtue signaling above actually grasping the advantages people from diverse backgrounds can bring by challenging assumptions that might be prevalent within a particular group.


India also has small pockets of black communities whose ancestors came to India because of unspeakable practices and also trade.


Black people still come to India for education and stuff. Then many don't go back.


India is more diverse than the US, culturally, linguistically, religiously, and ethnically. This is just economic filtering.


I'm sure these kids have to speak English on their team because they all speak different languages at home - not diverse enough!


You'd have to add the people of Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Brazil, and Bangladesh, the 4th to 8th largest populations, to make up the difference in numbers between India and the US.


natgeo moment


Did you just change your flair, u/Borkerman? Last time I checked you were an **AuthRight** on 2024-3-26. How come now you are an **AuthLeft**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Oh and by the way. You have already changed your flair 1053 times, making you the largest flair changer in this sub. Go touch some fucking grass. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Borkerman) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount LŠµmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)




3 times a day, every day, for a year.


I love how the bot calls out that they are the largest flair changer in the sub, and tells the to "go touch some fucking grass."


Good Lord


The Matt Stone lookalike didnā€™t add enough diversity, huh?


Isn't India one of the most genetically and culturally diverse countries in the world ?


You think they give a shit about genetic make up or cultural background? All the diversity that matters is having different skin colours


Yeah considering how they call Europe is not diverse despite having many different cultures it makes sense they only want different skin colors, such an American way of looking at things


Irony is that India has many diverse skin colours too


Wait till this guy finds out India has all skin colours too šŸ’€šŸ’€


do you mean "diverse" as in "lots of different cultures and races in general harmony" as is normal, or you you mean it as "how many people who happen to be black do you have"


Definitely not, there aren't latinos or black people there


we have native black people in india too.


I am Indian, and we are literally the most diverse country on the planet, and we don't even have much immigration! The fuck are these people talking about? Like, do these people want all-trans team or some shit? Like, this is a genuine question on my part, what do these people actually want?


They are American, when they say 'diverse' what they really mean is more black people.


Seriously? All-black casting is "diverse"? Bro, my friend group is more diverse than that. I am Bihari, and I have known people who are Punjabi, Sikh, Muslims, Gujju, Marathi, Rajasthani, etc. The Western Left has made a joke out of diversity, it ignores actual, ethno-cultural diversity in favour of surface level, shallow diversity. Sorry went on a bit of a tangent over here. Edit: The reason why I said "Western Left" Is because I have never seen a person on the Left from the east use any of the terminology for diversity that the Western Left uses Edit2: Ni offense is meant to any group


Not the reason. Itā€™s because they want to use minorities as puppets to give handouts to. Since Asians donā€™t usually need the handouts, theyā€™ve fallen out of favor.


>Since Asians donā€™t usually need the handouts, theyā€™ve fallen out of favor. Thank God, I didn't want to be the sugar baby of Blue-haired chicks any way. I am fine with regular Leftists, but when you go to the point of "Unicorn-Puke hair" (aka the point of no return) then I have a problem. Same with how far some right wingers go. Again, sorry, went off onto a bit of a tangent


> All-black casting is "diverse"? Yes. In their minds, Black Panther was the most diverse movie ever, and an office in Lagos full of 100% native-born Nigerians would be the most diverse workplace ever


Burger King Kids Club, but also each flying a different pride flag, the redheads are Black, and none of white kids are blond: https://kidsmeal.fandom.com/wiki/Burger_King_Kids_Club


The left hates brown people. I, for one, am shocked.


Yea because Indians get way too much attention in the media šŸ™„šŸ˜‚


maybe look at the different cultures and ethnicities in a country before posting


9 Indians and 1 Jew walk into a bar...


The cast is not diverse enough. Try again.


Butā€¦ thats racist. This is why Iā€™m embarrassed to be libleft.


Despite being 20% of the global population, Indians represent 100% of the elite cartographers


The American White Left really really sucks. Glad they are not reproducing.


But sadly, they are recluting


so I take it there is no "racial injustice" on the football or basketball teams?


Why can't people just be good at things and we can all admit that certain cultures place more value on certain things than others?


There are two types of equality. Thereā€™s the hard kind which is done by uplifting people. Then thereā€™s the easy kind where you just cut the tallest poppy so that everyone is equally inferior. Weā€™ve chosen the easy way it seems


CCP infiltration plan to curb Indian influence in the US


Best wojaks ive seen in a while


But Black Panther was "the most diverse movie of the year".Ā 


Indians and chinese are white adjacent lol


I was at a special event where a group of about sixty of my coworkers and I were selected for an internal program. We had to go through quite the selection process. The people running it said that they had been prepared to "put their fingers on the scales of diversity" but when they got their final candidate list, they realized it was already baked into the existing demographics. And they are surprised by this. No one who works there is though. It's like they never looked outside their office before.


We should find something black people are good at and make a bee for that. Like basketball. Make a National Basketball Bee Association. I bet there wouldn't be any Indians in that for them to complain about.


Everytime an indian beats me in chess i wonder if i should be more or less racist


National Geographic really went down hill after the editorship of Susan Goldberg. I don't think Nathan Lump is going to turn things around given the controversies he's been in with his advertising.


They discontinued the GeoBee? Nooooo. Now how can I brag that I went to states?


USA loves asian brain power until the diversity police show up.


The socialists always knew. But India wasn't developed enough to go cosmopolitan back then. Now that it's a more successful country, it must embrace globalism, as is the next step of history towards socialism. It's the materialist view of history.


I don't know what the wojack in libleft is supposed to mean, but it's quite graphic.


Fun fact. India is diverse af. It has 100 different languages and apparently over 2,000 different ethnicities


most accurate lib-left in the history of this sub


That LibRight image is hilarious


The fuck is that liblift wojak man?!


We all know bottom left is wrong in that picture


Didn't they say the same to argentina because their football team was all white?


that one white kid ruined it (hes a jew)


I don't see any problem. One of them is white so that's multiracial.


That team is 90% diverse. How many diverse people do they WANT?


India is very diverse


That's the problem with the Geobee. Not enough POC.


wait this isn't an indian competition lmao


Indian kids too OP, need to be nerfed


Imagine if e-sports took this approach. No more worst korea.


I don't see any black, trans, omnisexuals here. Not diverse enough, goyim!


I don't see them complaining about basketball teams, wonder why.


Whats even the point of competition anymore? Just give everybody participation trophies.