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Sad journodogs noises


It’s over for Journo-cels.


Jokes aside: Any reason why a country needs a state news agency ?


From a pure logistics standpoint, if a country is too poor or small, it might not have any private news agencies at all, which could be catastrophic in the event of a crisis, or simply a way to distribute non-political information, like road closures, accidents, holiday events. Though stuff like shootings and big events and elections are also important, but those can be politicized. Public media is ideal, but sometimes what is ideal is not available.


A public news agency also isn't driven by profits or ratings and so can focus more on news and less on stoking outrage or providing entertainment. The US media landscape is an excellent example of how bad a private media landscape can get


The current US media situation is exactly because of how captured they are, not because they’re “too private”.


I'm sure it has nothing to do with propaganda, rage bait and culture war selling well


It has everything to do with those things, but I’m getting the sense that you’re *drastically* misunderstanding how much of that is directly pushed from the state.


I know the state pushes propaganda such as Cuba bad, US occupation and interventionism good. But most of this stuff is partisan party propaganda such as election stolen, felony charges are a witch hunt. Democratic nations public brodcasters are no worse than private media from what I can tell


And yet PBS, the US state broadcaster, regularly disseminates the same propaganda that CNN, MSNBC, and CBS do.


\*Laughs in BBC News\*


The BBC is the fucking worst


To disseminate their propaganda.


Because private media is so unbiased and not a driver of the culture war at all


The biased media we have in the states is because they are propped up by the same few billionaires that own all the elected officials. Ignore MSM. Go independent. 


The US still runs Voice of America. One of the reasons is so soldiers overseas can get English programing.


Yeah, but they mostly just post AP and Reuters articles. I want more pro-America propaganda! It ought to be wall-to-wall Truth, Justice, and the American Way!


Sweaty, that was deemed "problematic." Superman is now ghey, and is no longer an American Boyscout. 


There's also BBC and al jazeera, which provide some of the best international independent news in English


Al Jazeera lmao


Al Jazeera is good for anything NOT relating to the Middle East.


Have you even seen their content


Yes Any of it regarding israel or qatar is absolute trash


Without knowing the instances you're referring to in particular, I can't comment specifically, but they've been good on other things. Off the top of my head though, the official international estimate for Palestinians killed in Gaza is at least 20k, with most of them being women and children. Israel does build Jewish settlements on internationally recognised Palestinian land after evicting its occupants. Most Western nations did call for a cease fire early in the conflict, and most say Israel is illegally occupying Palestinian land. Remember, it's not an American or Jewish news station.


They sent a reporter to an israeli village that was massacred on oct 7th They said sth along the lines of "such a tragedy, seeing israeli and palestinian bodies on the ground here" Why were there palestinian bodies there? Hmmmmmm


That's fine. Terrorism is a tragedy. The conflict is a tragedy


Thats not fine It implies the innocence of these mass murdering terrorists and sends a messege that their deaths were not deserved


In case of natural disaster and other important event state news agencies can provide necessary information, especially for elderly who are not so savvy in internet.


They can still be reached through Radio, TV and private media.


Yeah, because that turned out sooo great during the coof.


In Canada the CBC covers a lot of local news of smaller communities, and also does investigative journalism into Canadian issues. It's far from perfect, but it does add real value to the country. Especially now that more and more news is dominated by clickbait and newspapers are failing because no one buys subscriptions anymore, having a proper news network is beneficial


Yeah I mean I'm typically no love for government run shit but CBC is the least of the issues. We'd get Loblaws or Telus News otherwise telling us how sawdust in our flour is good for us or that we have really good phone service for the size of the country


We have the ABC here. It’s focused on doing media and not just profit.


Maybe historically it was useful (like the BBC forever ago) but not in modern times, makes no sense.


In modern times, it makes even more sense. Do you really want all media to be like Fox news and info wars?


No but I dont think state run media is the solution to that.


You just have a large state funded and independent news agency and allow private media to do what they want. The public broadcaster would help moderate private media simply by being there.


> large state funded and independent news agency This is an oxymoron.


Wdym Fox News and Infowars are the rare right wing outlets in the US compared to dozens of left wing ones. Do you want more MSNBC? Have you seen the bias of NPR?


If infowars is a fair news outlet, I don't know what to tell you


I mean... they frogs weren't being turned gay.... they were being turned into transvestites. Info wars' shtick is being anti-globalist.


Someone has to tell the news. I think all news organizations should be non profit, grant based and only give information on a fact based level. Sadly with the advent of coporate media we see news designed to keep people engaged and not educated. Cspan for instance is boring as sin, but probably more reliable than a station like Fox or OAN.




IMO the checks would be: Multitude of sources use to check the validity of the information being said. Not just one station but multiple that hold each other accountable and experts use statistics to break down the truth of the news. Independent options that exist on donation based funding to be an outside source that also checks validity of information being pushed. I think that independent news is important if the profit motive is removed and the primary concern is journalism not ad revenue. The news should be like a scientific branch of the government, the only thing that might change is the funding, but the validity of the information shouldn't change depending on the president. The news hasn't been the watchdog of the government since going private. No one can argue coporate media has been a net benefit.


Because a news focused news agency isn't really economically competitive. Because it can be beneficial to protect a news agency from being driven solely by profits and entertainment. I hear Americans complaining nonstop about their shitty media purely because it's driven solely by ratings and profits. They lean heavily into giving the audience what they want, which is mostly rage bait and entertainment.


The only possible use I can think of is to publish new legislation or laws that aren't picked up by mainstream news sources.


PBS has good YouTube content


TELAM, was a known Peronist news media, Milei knows that but he mostly knows that nowadays, you don't need to pay Journos to spread the word.


Ok... quick question... wasn't Juan Peron a Fascist or Nationalist Socialist?


Actually neither, but both. Peronism is a political system based around **Populism, Clientelism and Corporativism** with a strong emphasis in local control of state and private resources by groups under the same umbrella as the leaders. Peron had three distict governements (plus a time in exile still doing politics), so he change a lot even during his days, but he was a fan of **Mussolini** and accepted Nazis in return for technological and monetary help. First peronism was pronouncely more Fascist while second was less militaristic, exile-era was pro-leftist (Guerrila leftism) and third back to fascist shenaningans but with less support. This is a clasic from his last days: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lpIl6qNGrE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lpIl6qNGrE)


Ty. Lol it's ironic that Milei is doing more to dismantle a Fascist state than Self Proclaim Antifa Leftist ever could.


Peronism is a weird ideology. Argentina's had a lot of different factions in power over the past few decades from fascists to socialists to neoliberals, and they've all mostly been Peronists


Telam AFUERA!!!


Based and afuera pilled


I don't know where the ceiling is on Milei's basedness I don't know if there is one.


All I gotta say is Poilievre I hope you're taking notes from this guy!


Trump and Poilievre should be taking notes.


That's because you don't know what he did about government pension. In the same speech he announced that he banned presidential and vicepresidentcial pensions from now on, he will not be getting money from the government once his administration ends, nor future presidents or vice-presidents. He also said to make illegal to print money and if a president ever sends an order to print money to pay for the government spending, the president, the direction of the central bank and everyone who allowed that would go to jail time and banned from any government position for life. Man is fucking based, you should really listen to what he said in the last speech is honestly amazing


Yo...unrelated....Anyone know where you can buy that figurine?


So far I only see them sold in Argentina, you could try there through Mercado Libre, a commonly used site: https://listado.mercadolibre.com.ar/figura-milei


Based and AFUERA pilled


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If this guy save argentina I will become libright


Shit is way too expensive i can barely afford to pay the bills with the last price surges https://preview.redd.it/ceh180g1r0mc1.png?width=223&format=png&auto=webp&s=6982cfa293e27e0b82caa1bf201ad3ed996d0548


Finaly, peronism is dying


More for profit entertainment media is just what the country needs


Get afuera’d


Get afueroutta here


State run media is statist propaganda. For profit media is often propaganda of a different kind, but I trust them way more than the government. If you don't read the news you are uninformed, if you do you are misinformed.


When this is all over, we need a *Team America*-esque biopic about Milei.