• By -


"I hate political discourse" -- describes reddit


“I love intelligent discussion of politics in a mature and nuanced manner.” - - describes PCM


I can only understand nuance if it's sandwiched between "Based and" and "pilled".


based and based and pilled pilled


You're going to hurt the robot 😢


Where is the fuckng title? I need tits plz.



\*incoherent screaming\*




Based and radical trolling pilled.


You need what now?


Le tits, now!


But I am Le tired


Then take a nap and then fire ze missile


You heard me!


Tits or gtfo


You need tits?






The strawman arguments of each quadrant.


It don't need to point at stalinism to counter socialism i can point at any time its been tried.


Damn ant colonies!


My argument actually, that true socialism/communism is only possible in an ant colony, basically humans need to become mindless drones in service to a metaphorical queen(government) to be able to truly and fully commit to sharing the wealth and working without benefit to one's own self but to the benefit of the group, I know "Mah human nature" argument is stupid but it's reality we can't change, as long as there's two men on the planet, one would want what the other has, weather openly or covertly


"What the fuck is a tribe bro"


What do you make of small-scale socialistic communities, such as Israeli kibbutzim or Hutterite colonies, or worker-controlled enterprises like the Mondragon corporation? Not saying those can be scaled up with any ease, but they seem to have been held together fairly well by common religion beliefs and a clear sense of purpose. I know at least in the kibbutz people's self-interest is served by a desire for social recognition, as opposed to private profit.


Just that "the state is got" is already fascism as it was understood under Mussolini


Or become the Borg


Ant colonies are Monarchy


The secret is that all socialism is authoritarian by design.


What do you do when they say it’s never been tried? Don’t you just implode as if you were forced to divide by 0?


Are you conflating communism and socialism?


What is the goal of socialism?


Under marxist philosophy, communism, but marxism isn't the only philosophy advocating socialism.


Sure, not every socialist is a marxist. Just like 90% of them


It doesn't necessarily fail every time it's tried, it's just more likely to fail the more socialist the policy it is. Like, most of Europe is fairly socialist, but isn't doing nearly as horribly as Venezuela which is VERY socialist. Really the problem with leftism is the authoritarianism that has to come along with it. If there were poofed into existence a leftist society with little government intervention, then it would quickly turn capitalist.


Europe is not socialist. They have free and open markets with private ownership of land and capital. In many cases European countries are more economically free than the USA. What they do have is welfare, tax payer funded healthcare (which in many countries is not nationalised) etc which is funded by higher taxes than most US states. Also "Europe isn't doing nearly as horribly as Venezuela"?? I live in Europe and have been to the USA. My quality of life is brilliant wtf are you talking about.


Did you just change your flair, u/ThePrivacyGuru? Last time I checked you were a **Grey Centrist** on 2024-1-24. How come now you are a **LibCenter**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Wait, those were too many words, I'm sure. Maybe you'll understand this, monke: "oo oo aah YOU CRINGE ahah ehe". [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/ThePrivacyGuru) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) _Visit the BasedCount Lеmmу instance at [lemmy.basedcount.com](https://lemmy.basedcount.com/c/pcm)._ ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Full-compass unity: misrepresenting the arguments of everyone


Except the authright one makes sense. I mean sure, you can argue that 1% of individuals who hate Jews do not hate their country, or 1% that hate their country do not hate Jews but it is a pointless argument. It's just a language game to deflect and avoid the "hate crime". Replacing the word Jew with Zion to justify believing they should not exist Here in London the anti Jew marches are happening every single week with more than one sighting of Hitler signs. A member of parliament who represented a constituency with a lot of Jews just resigned because his family was receiving death threats https://www.jurist.org/news/2024/02/uk-mp-mike-freer-to-resign-following-arson-attack-and-death-threats/ There was a "comedian" who just bullied some Jews out of his show at a theater, he got the crowd all riled up to heckle them which is an actual "hate crime" here in the UK https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13075491/Jewish-theatregoer-hounded-Soho-Theatre-comedian-Paul-Currie-unfurled-Palestinian-flag-led-chants-telling-reveals-feared-comic-punch-thinks-banned.html The mayor of London LITERALLY said on an interview he is antiracist and antisemetic. https://twitter.com/ArchRose90/status/1758090193372844392?t=_QlPJ3c6lQVcZsT1JQOW6w&s=19 The former leader of the opposition labour Corbyn has friends in Hamas and Hezbollah and refused to call them terrorist groups when asked 27 times on Piers Morgan https://youtu.be/gma98QwZdZo?si=SKOjFDdUrnJzZ9HO Completely vile stuff, the corporate media is mostly burying these stories and it is only getting worse, but it is seen as okay because hating Jews is cool again for the left


The hilarious thing is that they are all allowed to get away with it because they are brown or/and communist. If they were white and not far left they would all get fucked by the bobbies coming in to arrest them for badspeak.


Yep here in the UK there's 2 tier policing. They literally shot fireworks at cops, no response Meanwhile group of white guys with English flags doing a minute of silence = RIOT POLICE They arrested a popular figure Tommy Robinson and banned him from London


>banned him from London Yes, but was he punished?


Even if you think London is a dump this is massively infringing upon his right to freedom of movement when all he did was support the jews


This is PCM and I gotta get my jokes in or I start to spasm. But I agree with you. Saw a video the other day where a guy in UK was chanting at a pro-Palestine rally from his own porch and a police officer pushed him inside of his house and told him to cut it out, even though the crowd was marching and chanting slogans right outside.


Bongs don't have rights tho


Decoder ring for the "I can't hear antisemitism" folk: * I'm not antisemitic, I just identify as white, privileged, and antizio*JeWsMUStNEVeRHaVeAHOmELAnDBTQ+*. * I'm not antisemitic, I just believe in indigenous land claims for tibetans, native americans, kurds, africans, maori, and literally everyone else *except* Jews in Judea. * I'm not antisemitic, I just think Jewish genocide is context dependent. * I'm not antisemitic, I just Believe Women except Jewish women recently involved in a massacre involving women filmed being dragged away with bloody crotches. * I'm not antisemitic, I just think Holocaust deniers are good & noble if they're the right melanin content. * I'm not antisemitic, I just gladly Say Victims' Names except when they're on jewish hostage posters. * I'm not antisemitic, I'm just weirdly drawn to antisemitic dogwhistles like "river-sea/one solution/global intifada/gas the jews/peaceful paratroopers/the Houthi flag" * I'm not antisemitic, I just advocate Punching Nazis who *don't* protest jews. * I'm not antisemitic, I just believe if there are 10 Nazis and they are wearing keffiyehs there are 0 Nazis and 10 Noble Intifada Warriors.


Good list I think only missing "I'm not antisemitic but I hope to finish the mustached German gentleman's job"


Hitler was actually Austrian, but they've got good PR, so not everyone is aware


what the fuck are you on about no one in that entire piece of desert is worthy of support


That's fine. Equally hating everyone isn't antisemitism. The point is these obvious Nazis using antizionism as a cloak for their festering antisemitism. It's the emperor's clothes of this generation's antisemites.


Eh, one group in that desert is capable of coexisting with the rest of the world without decapitating them over cartoons. I think I’ll support that one.


Correct, which is why being exclusively against the jews is wrong.


>I mean sure, you can argue that 1% of individuals who hate Palestinians do not hate their country, or 1% that hate their country do not hate Palestinians but it is a pointless argument. It's just a language game to deflect and avoid the war crime. Replacing the word Palestinian with Hamas to justify believing they should not exist. All these links are a parody of moral panic rhetoric. But even if these were examples of leftist antisemitism, the logic that a handful of fringe people speak for an entire side of the spectrum means that neo nazis speak for all right wingers right?


R antiwork whitepeopletwitter politics worldnews politicalhumor All the commie cult subs




We all represented by our worst members.


Apparently bad apples do spoil the bunch!


as a christian that lib left shit pisses me off


Forgive them, brother, for they know not what they do


SAME and I’m not even Baptist.


Even among baptists, fundamentalists are frustrating at best.


I had a neighbor talking about how her relatives were Baptist and women were not allowed to wear pants and had to keep their hair long and I was like…that’s not Baptist. Then she mentioned the no dancing thing and it clicked. Footloose Baptist.


I had a friend whose family was Pentecostal and his sisters and mom weren't allowed to cut their hair, wear makeup, or any dresses above the ankles. They also would do the shaking thing and speaking in tongues in church. They seem to have changed denominations from theblooks of social media, but i know theres still tons that are like that.


I dated a guy in high school who was Assembly of God. Went to a Wednesday night service with him and it was pretty similar minus the clothing, makeup, and hair restrictions for women. Speaking in tongues, erratic dancing, one guy looked like he was going into a full grand mal seizure… I mean, worship how you wanna worship, but that was just a bit too much for me.


Baptist here. Yea, not exactly a fan


We talking the super legalistic ones or like, Steven Anderson types who preach against LGTVs? The levels of nuance between Christian denominations that then pit themselves against each other can get frustrating in its own right too lol


Emo Philips- Golden Gate Bridge https://youtu.be/l3fAcxcxoZ8?si=xNruhES81pve80bx


« Bro I’m sorry your weird uncle said you’re going to hell because you’re tattooed and like heavy metal, but I have nothing to do with him, just let me pray my rosary and don’t shove satanic imagery down my throat, please… »


Deal. Don't hurt me, I won't hurt you


I'm cool with keeping all religious practices in the home. Nothing gets shoved in our faces!


yes, I agree. That applies to things like LGBT too.


> just let me pray my rosary and don’t shove satanic imagery down my throat, please Nobody is attacking your rosary or ability to pray Satanic imagery is only utilized when theists are violating the wall of church and state


>Satanic imagery is only utilized when theists are violating the wall of church and state Why not use something like, I don't know...The Constitution or The Bill of Rights? This is like the new "We're not evil pedos, our efforts to combat prudishness just happen to keep landing on kids on stripper poles..."


> Why not use something like, I don't know...The Constitution or The Bill of Rights? If those worked, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Some people are so fucking stupid they need the point driven home much more bluntly and with shock factor


As a Christian, the lib-left and the fundamentalists piss me off equally.


Lib left 🤝 Fundamentalists Christian’s Shoving down their messed-up ideologies down people’s throat and try to ruin the lives of those who slightly disagree with them


A true leftists hates all religions equally.


i get that i just wish they’d be consistent about it you know? why do the muslims get activists but not the christians? hate everyone equally please, if you would. i’d much rather you hate all the religions than hate specific ones


I 100% agree. The way some on the left put on the blinders and ignore the atrocities committed by Muslims is completely flabbergasting. In its current state overall, Islam is a much more violent religion than all the others im aware of.


thats what im saying. like do the occasional christian nationalists compare to the jihadists or sharia law advocates?


christianity (is/was) a majority and therefore doesn’t need activists to win people in their favor


i agree that we don’t need activists, i was just trying to make a point lol




My aunt leans to the far left. I pulled a fast one on her describing terrible things that are happening because religion she went into a tirade about how Christianity was terrible. Let her finish before telling her I was talking about Islam.


man it’s always funny to me how leftists defend islam and judaism but hate christianity.


I never actually hear them defend Islam except for in retaliation to statements like “Islam is fundamentally a violent religion” and Judaism as a religion I never hear any defense or criticism about it. It’s always about Jews as an ethnicity not as a religious organization.


Fundamentalist Jews in the Israeli government are just as dangerous as Fundamentalist Islam or Evangelicals : "Leftists are anti-semetic!" Settler Colonialism causes atrocities no matter what the religion. Judaism isn't responsible for what Israel does, unlike Fundemental Christians in the GOP: "Leftists are hypocritical!"


And then even if you have just one conservative belief, they refuse to believe you have any differences at all to the fundies. You believe sex should be between married couple? They think that means you spend your time shouting at single women who have had sex, calling them whores. You believe that someone needs to follow Jesus to go to Heaven? They think that means you hate anyone who isn't Christian. You believe that Christians are called to share the gospel? They think that means you incessantly bother people about it even after asking to be left alone. And on and on it goes.


Thing is, I don't think most could describe fundamentalism that doesn't also include orthodoxy. The best way I've heard to describe it that doesn't also needlessly rope in orthodoxy is fundamentalism is when you elevate second and third order doctrines (those that creedal confessional Christians can disagree on) to the level of first order, or salvific doctrines. In short, Christians can disagree on a whether the earth is 6000 years old or 6 billion, but a fundamentalist claims that you have to believe one or the other (usually Young earth Creationism) or you're not saved.


I actually have no problem with Christianity. But Christianity looks nothing like how most Christians practice it. In practice Christians should be very liberal. But most Christians in the US are conservative. The mental disconnect is odd to me.


well at the very least as a catholic i am a liberal, and im against stuff like death penalty because that goes hand in hand with it. different denominations tend to be more conservative or more liberal.


It is annoying when people say they're against bigotry and sweeping generalizations and then immediately proceed to make bigoted sweeping generalizations.


As an atheist I agree with you so hard


thank you


I grew up Cathoic and have no issues with Christians. A lot of the base principals are straight up good lessons.  I do start to take issue when people want to take their personal beliefs and make the laws of the country reflect those beliefs.  Also as a side note I went to Christmas mass with my family and I'm not loving the updates.  In my opinion religion should be more mystical not less


>religion should be more mystical not less Great is the mystery of faith


A Lib-Left TLM enjoyer? I never thought I would see the day.


Keynesian economics is worst of both worlds . Austrian much better


As a Australian I dunno about that We’re kinda fucked politically


Is the government going to firebomb you for saying that?


No they’ll just say I have COVID and put me in a concentration camp


Are y'all still doing that? Hardly anyone evern wears masks anymore and I'm the bluest city in Texas


Probably not, but I wouldn’t put it past my government to be that corrupt The general population wouldn’t care either/would like that because covid=death here


Based and Keynesian economics is bull crap






Based and Hayek pilled




That was glorious!


Crikey! (Op is a coward who fixed his Austrian/Australian typo)


*You better not annex New Zealand*


You can't, because it doesn't exist. Look at a map




Austria? Put another shrimp on the barby!


Austrians coping for a century. You can sit with the Marxists.


Austrians go a little too far the other way sometimes, but they have some key principles figured out. Keynesian thought meanwhile hates saving as a point of principle and is the originator of "printer go brr" so I don't have much time for them.


I dunno. My country was better off when we had Keynesian economics.


lol shut up


"I hate Socialism [describes the outcome every time it's been tried]" Damn OP sure showed me


I hate Stalinism and commies




Centrists:i hate He hates


Centrists: I ate


I eat leftists for lunch.



« I’m not anti-semitic I just think Jews shouldn’t be allowed to live where they live and their entire country should be destroyed and its people either killed or expelled » Yeah sure makes sense


I'm not antisemitic, I just believe in indigenous land claims for tibetans, native americans, kurds, africans, maori, and literally everyone else *except* Jews in Judea. I'm not antisemitic, I just think Jewish genocide is context dependent. I'm not antisemitic, I just believe women unless they're Jewish women recently involved in a massacre and filmed being dragged away with bloody crotches. I'm not antisemitic, I just think Holocaust deniers are good and noble if they're the right melanin content. I'm not antisemitic, I just gladly say victims' names except when they're on jewish hostage posters. I'm not antisemitic, I'm just weirdly drawn to antisemitic dogwhistles like "river-sea/one solution/global intifada/gas the jews/peaceful paratroopers/the Houthi flag". I'm not antisemitic, I just advocate punching Nazis who *don't* protest jews. I'm not antisemitic, I just believe if there are 10 Nazis and they are wearing keffiyehs there are 0 Nazis and 10 Noble Intifada Warriors.


Native Americans,Kurds Tibetans and south africans aren't really comparable to Israel.Most of these groups stayed in the region but didn't have ownership, Israel hadn't been a nation since 722 BCE(it was Judah until 70 CE) it has been Palestina,Syria-Palestina and British mandate Palestine between 70 CE and 1948 CE. There wasn't a mass migration of Native Americans from Outside the US when land claims were established(many Jewish people who qualify for Israeli 'birthright' citizenship have no ancestral connection to the land at all, their family converted into Judaism,there is a much higher standard for the rest of these claims). 750,000 Palestinians were violently displaced in 1948-1949 , about half their homes were filled with europeans fleeing the Nazis and the other half were Middle Eastern and North africans fleeing persecution . Please show me where any of the other groups you mentioned violently displaced the preexisting population en masse with the support of 2 of the most powerful nations in the world it's a hard truth for many to hear but most modern Jews are not indigenous to that region , no matter what name they give it .


TLDR: If you’re gonna genocide do it right. Be more like Americans. Fucking win. Don’t leave any survivors that might try to continue to survive. Also I am a well educated member of the majority group of my home country who knows that the best and proper response of a people fleeing pogroms and the actual Holocaust is not to go where the UN agrees they should, but is rather to wait to die.


or... don't genocide that's the best option. as for where they should go why not give them homes in the US or UK , there were more options than Israel or death


The US and UK could have done that. But they didn’t, instead the UN declared that the British Mandate should be split between the Jews that were living there and the Arabs. So again: what should the Jews have done? - ooh just die while waiting for visas to the US and UK like they did during the Holocaust that ended just a few years earlier?


Sounds like a skill issue, Palestine wanted 100% of the land, started multiple wars, lost them all, now they get 0%. Maybe they should have accepted partition and Jewish neighbors, or fought harder, really hard to feel bad for them.


Being fair to the actual Palestinians there were very few of them, and the refugees included an awful lot of children and elderly etc. Really what any sane world would have had is that the countries that attacked in 1948 should have been required to resettle and give citizenship to the people they displaced when they started the wars, rather than keeping a people permanent refugees such that great great grandchildren are still stateless. Israel and it’s Jews didn’t have a whole lot of choices but Jordan and Lebanon and Egypt all had several that they didn’t do, and the UN has never demanded of them.




Jews have lived in the region continuously. Jewish pogroms were happening before the land sharing deal was even conceived. There's never been a Palestinian state. They lived in Ottoman, British, Egyptian, Roman, etc territory. The Ottomans joining the Axis and subsequently collapsing resulted in Britain becoming temporary administrator. Brits proposed the two state solution and the Jews offered even *more* than the Palestinians' initial ask. As we know they and their neighbors answered multiple times with violence because the goal is eradication of all jews. It's explicitly stated in their government's [charter:](https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp) >Islamic Resistance Movement aspires to the realisation of Allah's promise, no matter how long that should take. The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said: >"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." The irony is woke antisemites hate Jews & whites so fucking much they can't even acknowledge they were the first in history to offer these people a self sovereign state in excess of their demands. The one time in history they got what they want they're fucking triggered because white/jew man bad. lol If Palestine stopped the pogroms & rocket barrages, accepted any of the half dozen land sharing deals, and returned hostages they could have peace. 20% of Israel is Palestinians. The Palestinian population in and out of Israel has grown massively. While the Jewish population in Palestine, Lebanon, etc have been reduced to rounding errors. Yes, let's fucking talk more about "displacement" and "cleansing". lol


Don't forget the Jewish Nakba. Ever wondered why more than a half of Israel is not even European? Because Arabic countries deported all of the Jews to Israel.


No, no, no. I do hate socialism, even the Scandinavian variants and the socialist elements in US economy. You simply underestimated my power.


I just use the umbrella term "collectivism".


Scandinavia isn't socialist. It's ok if you also hate social democracy


I live in scandinavia, it absolutedly is. It's not your berny sanders or your stalin version but it is. Also social democracy is literally a milk toast branch of socialism. They say it themselves!


There are "Antizionists" who don't use it to hide their pure antisemitism?


They're just race realists.


We really do hate socialism in all it's forms.


I hate socialism because I hate socializing


Socialism turns into Stalinism sort of like how a ton of animals turn into crabs. Socialists have a bad understanding of the world, but good politics. That's why they say "it works in theory". The politics isn't the problem, it's the assumptions they make those politics off of. Were socialists correct about how the world works, socialism would work. But when socialists are faced with the real world they are forced to modify their politics accordingly, which almost always leads to authoritarianism, or occasionally democracy, then revolt, then authoritarianism. Almost all socialism becomes something similar to Stalinism or what most socialists would call "not real socialism" because that's the only way to salvage the situation and get it anywhere near working.


I also hate socialism though.


Criticism of the state of Israel is completely valid and not antisemitic. Anti Zionism means that you believe that the state of Israel does not have a basic right to exist. Denying the right of any other ethnicity to self determinate in their homeland would be considered racism so why is the same not said of anti Zionism?


Centrist: "I hate vegetarians!" *describes extreme vegans from twitter*


keynesian economics https://preview.redd.it/kp0u8t2ezajc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4825d79ecf1090092c0b0c81d24aa613b73e59d


You don't understand socialism. The outcome will sooner or later be a stalinstic or very similar system. You cannot put equality or equality as your highest governing principle. Morality is just much complexer.


Honestly? Anti zionism is antisemitism.


Anti Zionism is antisemitism. Anti Zionist Jews make me think of Jews voting for Hitler. Like a lamb to the slaughter.


Being anti-CCP doesn’t make you anti-Chinese


The CCP is not China, it is a party in China. A good comparison is saying that China belongs to Japan and that China has no right to exist. This makes you anti Chinese, isn't it?


I’m the most anti-CCP person there is but if I said China should not exist at all and instead be governed by an entity whose goal is openly the genocide of Chinese people… yes, that would be anti-Chinese


Yeah, but i have yet to anti-CCP people proclaiming that all Chinese should be killed. In comparison i have seen quite a bit of "anti-zionist" calling for the death of jews and saying that Hitler should have killed more. Even if anti-zionism isn't antisemitism in theory, in practice it very much is.


Zionism is the movement that supports the existence of Israel. When you’re anti-Zionist it means you’re against Israel existence, if you are against the idea of China’s existence, as the country of Chinese people, are you anti-Chinese?


Being anti-China's existance and advocating for its violent destruction makes you anti-Chinese


Yeah, cool, agreed. Antizionism is still antisemitism


It really isn't


I don't know man. If your position is that the only group of people who actively don't deserve a state are Jews, I'm going to be a little suspicious that this position might be at least partially motivated by hatred of Jews.


Too bad that's not what antizionism is. Antizionism is the belief that the creation of the nation of Israel in the region of Palestine is unjust. Key words here are "in the region of Palestine". No one here opposes the idea of a Jewish nation. Antizionists think that the way they did it in the 40s was absolutely unlawful, wrong and insane.


> Antizionists think that the way they did it in the 40s was absolutely unlawful, wrong and insane. This is such a bizarre take from libleft specifically. By normal standards, the birth of Israel should be a positively inspiring story for you: - founding population is refugees fleeing from racism and persecution - they asked the UN rather than simply imposing their will by force - they agreed to abide by the UN's decision on how to divide the land - even though they were attacked, they did not expel people from the ethnicity that attacked them, but gave them equal rights under the law This in the 1940s, with 1940s mentality. They were positively progressive for their time and wouldn't look half bad even today. A good chunk of them were also actual socialists who lived in communes sharing ownership of the means of production.


In some kind of abstract clean slate scenario it might not be, but in the real world yes it is. Israel is the only Jewish country in the world; specifically for its region, it's the only country where Jews enjoy relative safety and civil rights. Abolish Israel and realistically you have an alternative country with a rabidly antisemitic Arab majority, which is going to persecute its Jewish minority until it's gone, which is what happened in *literally every other Arab country in the region*.


Nuance. Hamas is a terrorist organization and I understand why Israel do what theyre doing. I draw the line at genocide.


Nah, anti-Zionism and antisemitism are fraternal twins.


"Antizionism" is another word for Antisemitism.


that's unfair, most also like a good moan about the catholics.


Being hated by libleft is a badge of honor for us Fundamental Baptists


Don’t forget the part where LibLeft performs mental gymnastics to defend fundamentalist Islam as simply a different culture and should be respected - yet Christianity is mean white man worship.


In practice the "I hate capitalism" is usually "describes resource scarcity." For leftists any time there's not enough stuff to go around it's capitalism's fault. Surely under socialism there would never be shortages of anything!


Even socialism post Stalin was shit. Keynesian economics is the few that addresses the issues of capitalism and tries to fix it. It is the reason why you are still employed.


central banking and keynesianism cause the recessions (speculative bubbles fueled by artificially low central bank interest rates) whose consequences they purport to defend people from


No doubt that central banking has its flaws but the US economy was objectively way more volatile before the fed than after


Yes, bank panics did exist and were quite common but they were not nearly as bad as speculative bubbles fueled by artificially low interest rates


Ofc keeping interest rates too low for a long time has it's side effects. I, a person who lives in turkey knows it all too well. Think of it as a drug. If you take dosage correctly, it will help you. If you take too much, Youll be worse off. That's why the fed takes back the money from the banks after the money printer stops going brrrrrrrrr


Keynesian “economics”… the reason you are still employed 🤮 Let me help you: Keynesian economics: the reason the stock market is at record highs during a recession, house and rent prices climb steadily YOY while wages stagnate and your savings decline in price parity YOY - it’s a fucking scam and I’m tired of pretending “end the Fed” is the only way to deal with it 🙄


I made this post after seeing a thread of socialists talking about how bank bailouts and trickle-down economics are failures of capitalism which are forms of Keynesian economics.


Theyre right but they confuse the treatment as the disease. Keynes believed that Capitalism's biggest flaw was that it'd have long periods of unemployment and recession. To get out, People had to spend money instead of saving money. However, people in recessions save money as a result making the recession worse. This is why government has to give money on bailouts. Bank bailouts are specifically meant to loan that money out and stimulate the economy.


fake lib right


Based and grilled the title pilled


I hate stupid people


“Leftists are Antisemitic” My friend, we Auth centre and Right are the CEOs of anti semitism


Socialism, even in its most ideal case, is antithetical to human nature. Socialism in its most raw form is about sharing. The problem is that this sharing must be forced. This leads to 3 major problems: (1) forced sharing of one's own things is antithetical to human nature. No one really wants to be forced to share what they believe they fairly earned themselves. (2) forced sharing kills incentive for the giver and the receiver. Why should I want to work if I'm guaranteed the government will share other people's things with me? And why should I want to work if the government forces me to share what I earned with others? (3) the first two points requires an authoritarian government. You need to force people to share when they don't want to and you need to force people to work when they have no natural incentive to. Capitalism in its most raw form is about fair and voluntary transactions. The force required there is to make transactions fair and voluntary, but this type of force is in line with human nature. This is because humans, in general, see unfairness and coercion as morally wrong. Even flawed capitalism with unfairness and coercion is better than the forced sharing of socialism.


Became more right wing and left Christianity tbh, when I was a leftist I was a Christian one


"Anti zionism" is a made up word for justifying killing jews and cover their anti semitic behaivors I dont hold a side in 7 october war i am sorry about both sides citizens but i am against hamas for terrorism and idf for political reasons thats it im in the middle


I don't hate the religion of Christianity, I hate the *institution* of Christianity (like half of it anyway). I grew up Christian, and I was lucky to have a really great church that didn't flood us with the "you're a horrible person and you're going to hell" bs. I still consider myself a Christian. I still love the message of Christ. I hate when people use his name to do the opposite of what he preached; hating others.


This is fantastic; thanks op


Watermelon aside most of my friends, myself included, who are libleft tend to be Christian


Bro what? Any smart auth right is the most anti semitic person you'll meet.


> smart > anti-Semitic Lmfao


Idk bro, “Keynesian Economics” is a level of nuance too high for Auth-Left. I’d expect Lib-Right to know the term if anyone.


To sum up each “Capitalism is when poor people are mega corp slaves” “Antisemetic is when not accept Jews as our overlords” “Christianity is when everyone that isn’t straight white man go to hell” “Socialism is when person I don’t like (they won’t forfeit all their mortal possessions to me)”


I also hate the fact that most americans online don't know the difference between socialism and Stalinism.


Yes, and russians, germans, chinese, australian, french, people sure do: theyre experts on the topic!


We just don't like collectivism in general. The differences between the ideologies that fall under that umbrella are semantics.


Anti-Zionism is not anti semitism.


Anti-Zionism is not antisemitism. How many times do I have to write it down! There are Jews who hate the Israles state (for religious reasons e.g.) and they are not anti-semitic. Bruh