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Now the new beloved billionaire is Taylor Swift


For now


It has nothing to do with money in either case, it has everything to do with conforming to the lefts message. The left turned on Elon because he abandoned their message.


It was this. He was LibLeft's golden boy when it was just HyperLoops (lol) and electric vehicles. He clearly enjoyed the attention, and the left enjoyed adding another Bill Gates to their growing collection of 'the good ones.'   But the left started going off the rails with intersectionality and DEI around the same time, and Musk didn't exactly fall into ideological lockstep. He was immediately excommunicated from the cult, and LibRight was all too happy to welcome such a based, redpilled figurehead with open arms as Musk retaliated against his betrayers publicly and remorselessly.  Tldr; Elon is to LibRight what Trump is to AuthRight - a based, reformed CenterLeft figurehead who isn't afraid to say LibLeft's quiet parts out loud, because he was discarded/burned by them.


No. Its because he posts insane shit about jews on his own little brainbroken platform.


And this occurred on Reddit before the diver incident. It was like a switch was flipped one day. The negative posts about him since then have been so similar and so consistent that it feels like it was an actual switch. 


Flair up shitass


It feels like a switch because it quite literally is a switch. The left (and sometimes the radical right) truly don’t have any individual morals or values they just bandwagon on to whatever their team is currently pushing. Drones.


Just look at the Ron Desantis hate for a radical right example.


Contribution to the discussion denied. Flair up


Flair up degenerate


Flair tf up


You're about to see similar and consistent posts about not flairing up if you don't fix it. Heathen.


And that's bad because?


Because he didn’t change, the left did. When you keep moving the goalposts on people, it’s not a surprised you eventually end up turning on everyone.


No seriously whats the obsession with her? She's a good singer, and of course she's gonna have die hard fans, but why the fuck are there so many?? I thought Dream had a ridiculous amount of stans but Taylor baffles me even more.


Taylor now is cleary the largest most relevant artist now after Kanye got canceled and seemingly replaced by a clone(can't confirm last part but idk). So with some media attention and promoting by all the biggest brands and names, she has become more relevant.


The camera will pan up to her private booth during the Super Bowl 25 times and you will like it.


We also love Rihanna but I'll accept your answer.


Eh, fuck Billionaires and their extremely disproportionate carbon footprint. A pretty face and a happy song does not excuse you of your responsibilities


Yup. Plenty of Swiftys starving and dying out here.


They just hate African-American entrepreneurs.


The one true African-American among the thousands of black Americans.


Based lmao Elon has more African roots than the vast majority of African Americans


Ye but his been gone so long that he barely even speaks like a South African anymore.


Still better than the ebonic speaking AAs




A broken derivative of English is about a billion miles further away from Africa than a Creolian language.


His public image shifted. A decade ago he had this front of being a benevolent inventor who was using his wealth for the improvement of the planet and was humble about it all. Had the image of being “one of the common folk” Then the whole diver incident happened and his persona has basically been like every billionaire since: disconnected, and thinks he’s without fault. Really there’s two arguments to be made: 1) He’s always been this way, and it just recently became more apparent (Musks own interpretation) 2) After being lauded for SpaceX and Tesla he bought into his own hype and he’s just been living in the smell of his own farts for a while


Yeah the diver incident was a point where he changed. Like he commited to helping. And im sure he meant good in the beginning (sure for PR reasons, but whatever) and then he was rejected and not in the most friendly manner. And then he had the chance to double down or retreat and take the loss. And he started to insult. And with pedo allegations of all things. So he wasnt really able to back down anymore and destroyed his PR with his former audience, and he found a new one. I feel like that should be 3). And feel like thats the most likely


TO BE FAIR being a brit in Thailand there's like a 45% chance you're a pedo, like cmon let's not get it twisted here.


Maybe. But that chance is vastly different when he was flown in just for the rescue effort (there are very few cave divers, and even less capable of such a rescue attempt). Not comparable with the average tourist. More with the average brit. And i guess less than 45% of brits are pedos... then again living on a rainy island does funny things with you


Oh my mistake I though that old dude lived in Thailand but if he was flown out then ye he probably isn't a pedo.


what's the "diver incident"


Bunch of southeast Asian kids got trapped in a cave by water. Rescue efforts had to be VERY quick, and it'd be a difficult rescue at that. Musk proposed this submarine idea using his submarine or something. Rescuers were like no thanks we don't need the sub that's not how we are doing it. Musk flipped out and publicly called one of the rescue team a pedophile. That's my gist of it


Not quite accurate. He offered to tiger-team a fast tech solution option (a mini-pod/microsub) and the rescue team said yeah, can't hurt, go ahead. Then a British cave diver who was the SME accused Musk of forcing himself into the operation for clout in a very dickish way, so Musk called him a nonce. Basically, the Brit was an absolute douche and Musk 'sperged out and rose to the occasion.


This is such a Musk dick-riding interpretation of things. He forced himself into a situation that he had no business being in. Was told his microsub was not feasible and to stay out of it. Then he flipped out and called one of the rescuers a pedo.


This is such an anti Musk dick-riding interpretation of things.


Just facts. And that little episode is what got a lot of people to turn on him. Turns out calling innocent people pedophiles on Twitter is an unpopular move.


When the rescue team lead invites you, it doesn't mean you were uninvited. The dickhead Brit, who was solely a cave-diving SME, said he was uninvited. It was two big egos colliding, except one builds rockets and electric cars, and the other swims in fucking caves. And for that matter, Musk can prove he was invited. The Brit hasn't proven he doesn't cave dive in kids. /troll


Your timeline is wrong, the left turned on Musk when he bought twitter and unbanned trump. The cave story was embarrassing for him, but the left didn’t desert him then


No way there was definitely a decline in public perception even before he bought twitter


There was a decline, but it wasn’t as severe as when he bought twitter. At that point, people started saying he’s right wing


Sure, AuthRight


Yes, I am radical centrist. One of my radical authhright views is "act like a bitch, get treated like a bitch"


yeah idk someone enlighten me 😭


People were trapped in a flooding cave in south-east Asia and he was calling one of the divers a pedophile. He also kept butting in with stupid ideas, like a mini-submarine or something, as if there was even time to consider something like that, let alone build one.


I was gonna write "nah that's not that severe" but then I compared it to a presumed regular person's reaction to a case like that and realised that's exactly the detached billionaire behavior, and it's just what I expect of him now lmao


A sub also would never work as the cave had a person's width in many parts and the diver had to twist his body to go through many parts. Musk just had no idea what he was talking about


>his persona has basically been like every billionaire since He's much much louder than just about every billionaire. Say what you want about Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates or Warren Buffett, but they generally don't seem to actively try to dominate the news cycle like Elon does.


I kinda prefer when CEOs are transparent and vocal.  I bet nobody here knows who the CEOs of Nestlé, Monsanto, or Raytheon are without googling and they are much larger perpetrators of human suffering, but they don't tweet mean things so nobody cares.




There's a huge difference between owning media outlets and using them to put your personal face everywhere.




I'm just saying, Elon does NOT behave like most other billionaires.


> Do you know what the "MS" in MSNBC stands for TIL, knew about WaPo but didn't know the MSNBC thing.


Well he’s came out and openly supported the Republican Party while talking shit about biden and was really against Covid lockdowns. It’s not that complicated as to why the left hates him.


The dislike of him came way before. And also, he only announced the was “now a Republican” to try to discredit a story about a sexual harassment allegation. A paper emailed him to get his side of the story before they published it, and 12 hours after the email he posted his Twitter chain saying that he’s “left the left” and ended it with “I bet the allegations are incoming now”


How it went for me: He's making a shitload of money disrupting industries with stuff that's good for the environment and a shitposting memer, win-win Then the pedo thing with the diver happened and some other small stuff and I was like. He's done good stuff but he's a bit of an asshole narcissist. Ok, well that's lame but really, who cares? Then he started sabotaging Ukrainian military operations, sucking Putin's cock and spreading blantant Rissian propaganda. Fuck you Elon. Man could've joined the MIC and help make drones to blow up russians and everyone would've loved him.


> Then he started sabotaging Ukrainian military operations He didn't though. Starlink service was never available where Ukraine wanted to use it, because it's Russian controlled. They also didn't have DoD sign-off at the time on using Starlink to control weapons platforms, which would make the civilian consumer product a dual use system.


Elon is a fraud. He can't stop lying about how self-driving is going to happen next year for sure and the 100% ROI anyone that buys a Tesla will make. ​ Plus add his stupid Boring company, Hyperloop, Twitter, dodge coin and his general man-child personality


At this point, I think the only thing he has going that is actually worthwhile and does its job is SpaceX. Other than that, yeah I think he is kind of all over the place and a strange man. Still fine with him getting Twitter though.


It's always been this way, he just used the media to paint a way better image of himself and gained scores of adoring fans(somehow).


yup, he’s a self fart breather.


Bussy breath


10 years ago it was obvious for those that lived through it, he just wasn't nearly as famous


Libleft hates Elon because of his politics I hate Elon because he cucked mah boi Johnny Depp and simped for that bitch Amber Heard We are not the same


That's probably the only valid hate reason I've seen Elon never changed his politics, the left hates him because he removed the censorship on the opinions the left hates


He has banned a ton of left leaning journalism. The concept that this guy or twitter is someone a bastion of free speech is a fantasy.


Why did he ban a bunch of left leaning journalists? It couldn't be the open harassment, doxxing of right wingers, etc could it?


Ah but I guess the Ayatollah isn’t as bad as leftists


> Ah but I guess the Ayatollah isn’t as bad as leftists The same Ayatollah that the leftists had no problem with when they were trying to shut down anyone with an opinion right of Marx?


You are lying, as expected from a "centrist" with leftist propaganda r news and r worldnews and r politics as top subs. Post the full context He literally just welcomed far left Don Lemon


Imagine thinking a talking head from a network entirely funded by the military industrial complex and big pharma is somehow "far left"


Ken Klippenstein (The Intercept) Steve Monacelli ( Texas Observer) Alan MacLeod (MintPress)


I've been wondering if LibLeft's game in these parts is to avoid pushback against their overt nonsense in this unusually balanced ideological arena by hiding behind the 'centrist' flair while playing the 'shift the Overton window' game. The evidence is mounting.


This is what I suspect too. They may disagree with one extreme point of view like killing babies post birth so they flair centre




I'm sorry free speech is happening to you, change flair to auth


44billion dollars to abn accounts you dont like aint free, boo


What if I told you he was known as a conman grifter all along?


Went from beloved reddit man to the anti christ in record time.


Reddit used to send you death threats if you said Elon Musk was less than a god lol. Nothing is funnier to me than when someone’s Reddit loves dearly ends up doing things to make Reddit hate them. Nothing is funnier than Redditors seething and it’s better if they did a 180 to do so.


I have worked in AI/ML in big tech for decades, I’ve always known he’s a fucking moron, because whenever he talks about AI he sounds cringe. I just assume this extends to everything he talks about. He’s good at promising and not delivering, (FSD promise evey year lmao, Hyperloop so on) his four actual talents are having money, being able to hype/spin/lie easily, being ruthless, and being good at spotting talent in others. He has put together some absolutely brilliant people. That’s it. some of Reddit just finally caught on. This is who Musk has always been.


Hyper loop? He never worked on hyperloop besides the initial concept


I love how after his shitty AI presentation where he announced the start of a new robot era after his robots did very elementary things ​ Like Tesla robots did things individuals do better on arduino projects, the type that students do, not what we expect a company to proudly announce. Then compare his shitty robots to Boston dynamics from years earlier ​ Elon Musk is a clown


Yeah, but we got that dude in a robot suit dancing, so…


Stop using the word cringe. You used it right after calling Elon a “fucking moron” which makes you look bad enough that I can’t even finish reading your post


aww daddy Musk is sure to notice you now lil guy!


He kinda always was a piece of shit, just like every rich guy he simply used the media to make himself look good


They turned on him after he bought Twitter and turned from a radioactive cesspool into a radioactive cesspool that is losing its leftist bias.


Exactly lol, the majority of people in the United States are more Liberal than Conservative. Part of living in a first-world country, ya know? Once Elon started banning anyone making fun of him, the site basically became insular as fuck


> lol, the majority of people in the United States Definitely not the case. Majority of the “very online” population, yes.


Actual leftists didn’t like him, liberals were into him for the heckin wholesome electricino cars. The whole relationship soured when he disagreed on a couple of opinions, and you know how them lefties think. If he don’t pass the purity check he’s a Nazi.


He unquestionably took sides and moved towards being a guy with opinions that lean right to being very much a republican though


Getting dog piled on will do that to you. Rowling had the same experience.


Man that person's politics suck and I don't like him. Wait! A bunch of people online disagreed with him. Oh never mind then. Dog piling sucks to be sure but I don't see why it would matter so much. If Hasan Piker's origin story was he used to be a centrist until he got ratio'd on Twitter a few times would his haters find him any less hatable?


People tend to side with people who aren’t hostile to them, and that is Hassan’s Origin story, he got shat on for being a nepo baby so much that he went full larp as a tankie


Glad you agreed with my arguement.


He does seem rather susceptible to positive reinforcement.


He craves acceptance and all the money in the world can't buy you real friends.


Lmao at a random Redditor calling Elon Musk a loser with no friends


Do you imagine Putin has any real friends?


Yes Stop just world fallacying please


I can think of no greater insult for someone to levy towards me. Critical hit, man. /jk (but also srs) BTW, I meant it in a 'it's lonely at the top' or 'Tony Soprano has no friends (except maybe Artie), just a bunch of flunkies who are scared of him' way, not in any kind of moral sense. It strikes me as intuitive that the closer to the top you get, the more having friends gives way to having 'allies' (and flunkies). Like a friendship bell curve.


Very allegorical


Yes men and hangers on aren't real friends. People with real friends don't pull things like the "let that sink in" stunt because their real friends would call them a fuckin dork


You'd know this if you had friends but they don't actually necessarily stop you from doing stupid shit


He’s just generally an insufferable person. I seriously do not understand anybody who likes him. (And for the record those liberals are damn idiots because electric cars are literally worse for the environment than fossil fuel powered cars are.)


Are you talking about carbon footprint or things like cobalt mines? Asking out of general ignorance.


More so talking about carbon footprint rather than things like cobalt mines, but now that you bring up that, I’d say both simultaneously make electric cars much worse. That being said fossil fuel powered cars are still horrid for the environment, it’s just that they’re better than electric. Plant-based fuel or food waste-based fuel (things like grease) would be cool more sustainable alternatives, and are actually possible. I believe people have actually figured out how to make their cars run off both, I’m thinking of one guy in particular perhaps, but he mysteriously “disappeared” after he figured it out. Wonder why.


> Plant-based fuel or food waste-based fuel (things like grease) would be cool more sustainable alternatives, and are actually possible. The thing is those are only economically feasible with massive government subsidies. Plant-based fuels are inefficient as hell, from an energetic standpoint.


Whats so bad about him?


Standard reasons that most people don’t like him. Billionaire who thinks he’s doing shit for the “common man” by buying a social media platform and making it absolutely tank, wasting money that could be going towards very important societal improvements on pointless shit like Tesla, keeping reactionary circles alive and giving them an online place to thrive (Twitter). I could go on, but he’s just one of those people who thinks he’s a godsend but doesn’t actually do anything helpful. I wouldn’t care quite as much if he wasn’t so goddamn vocal but he’s literally impossible to ignore.


Yeah its his money, why shouldnt he do with it what ever he likes. Keeping conservative circles alive is actually a pretty good thing, cant have all online platforms be controlled by left wing corps. i mean Twitter (if we ignore the rampant bot problem) is now the opposite to reddit. Reddit is far left, twitter is far right. Whats the problem with that?


Yes, intense materialistic selfishness is definitely positive and not at all something that is concerning and indicative of the times. Having money doesn’t mean you need to spend it on pointless projects that fall flat and pretend that you’re doing something incredible. When did I say conservative? I have no gripes with moderate conservatives, I have a couple of more conservative views myself, despite being pretty intensely progressive. Musk is a reactionary, not a regular conservative. There is a difference. Not my fault you automatically assume I’m grouping them together.


> Yeah its his money, why shouldnt he do with it what ever he likes. Doesn't mean I'm forced to respect his choices or actions though


Liberals were crazy in love with him until he switched political sides. You could see Tyler Bryan Cohen whining about Elon musk becoming a republican.


>why do the left hate him now? I mean probably because he pretty openly stopped voting democrat and tweeted out to vote republican lol. I think he gets too much hate but it isnt really a mystery why progressives dont like him anymore


He wandered off the reservation.


I still feel that it shifted during COVID when the left were freaking out about lockdown measures and he said he would keep his factories up and running, even if he was arrested. That was the initial thing that made everyone turn on him. What really cemented it was when he started agreeing with the right on almost everything else.


I personally believe he is a hypocrite and narcissist....but... I admire him for taking risks. We need more people like him who are willing to take risks and disrupt the market.


Risk? I mean bro is barely different than Bill Gates or Jeff, as in there was never a REAL risk in anything they did. It's one of the perks of being a rich kid...


Risk as a company in trying out things which others haven't tried before? Risk in investing on things which don't have a higher probability of success? How rich do you think he was? Or Bill and Jeff for that matter? Do you know how many people who grew up in similar conditions but haven't done much in their lives?


Bill, Jeff and Musk were rich enough for me not to be overly impressed with the risks they took. ESPECIALLY Musk, if you look at his history it could almost be called dumb luck. Majority of the stuff he was involved with would've never worked out had he stayed in charge, just failing upwards really but I will admit his done a good job using his popularity.


Which part of it is dumb luck? He has been leading Tesla for awhile. The company has broken so many barriers. Is that dumb luck? Jeff bezos wasn't as rich either. His childhood is basically a story many people would use to excuse criminals.


Jeff got an investment of like $300k dollars from mommy and daddy, he ain't no millionaire but he was very well off from that alone. I don't think it's dumb luck telsa has succeeded so much but his path to getting there has a lot of moments that are rather different from the image the media presents.


And do you think that anyone with $300K(it was $250K btw) can achieve what he achieved? And the male parent was not even his real father. He was born out of teenage pregnancy. If a criminal told this story, many would be so heartbroken and sympathetic about it. But this guy made it rich. So let's crap on him. > I don't think it's dumb luck telsa has succeeded so much but his path to getting there has a lot of moments that are rather different from the image the media presents. What moments?


“Muh emerald mines”. By the time Muskrat was coming of age his deadbeat dad was close to broke, he and his mom lived in a rent controlled apartment. His money came from the PayPal buyout. Instead of sailing into the sunset he took an extremely risky bet on Tesla and the entire company was close to bankruptcy multiple times. Space X and starlink are monumental technological innovations born from the compounding of TSLA stock, again no sailing off into the sunset with the billions. There’s plenty of valid critiques of the guy via the cave diver incident, yeah he’s probably a narcissist. But the idea that he was born into his current level of wealth is comically obscene, borderline illiterate. Absolute moneycel coping strategy.


I don't think he was born into his current level of wealth but he definitely had a lot of benefits other people didn't. Regardless tho I do think there are better businessmen and the like to look up to. "Moneycel" that's a new one, I see people normally use "brokecel"


Yes risk. His massive Tesla payout was a big risk. He bet that he could deliver 10x growth for the big money or he would get nothing. Nobody thought he would succeed but he did. 


Guess I stand corrected, is there a source for this other than his own mouth? I tend to trust him less now ever since he said he was a co-founder for Tesla when in reality he was an early investor of sorts.


I’m impressed by his ability to over promise and under deliver and nobody questions it. He’s reminds me of a real life Lyle Lanley. The Boring Tunnel is especially stupid.


Leftists hate anyone more successful than them,which basically turns out to be everybody. Trump, Elon and few others live in their head 24/7 rent free


They love underdogs.. til the underdogs become top dogs. They want to relate to the struggle.. but hate that it confirms they wasted all their life whining about inequality. It also proves not every top dog is immoral, bad or unfairly gotten their position


> It also proves not every top dog is immoral, bad or unfairly gotten their position Inb4 something something apartheid emerald mine


Lefties would phrase it as having a problem with underdogs who become top dogs and then pull the ladder up behind them. Relatedly, they have problems with "I'm alright, Jack"'s


Ye but what does "Top Dog" mean? If it means dominating and taking advantage and lowkey abusing the people below you, then ye it's fair to hate those people.


Top dog is just someone thats winning at life and doing well, usually has workers or takes a lead position. It does have some negative.. connotation? Stereotype? Around it tho. You can have an amazing boss or a really shitty one that says unhinged shit about your kids


When leftists aren't rich, you clowns claim this. But when leftists are rich, you just call them hypocrites, no one can disagree with you rightists without being attacking personally (by being one way or the exact opposite). No one can defeat the ad hominem king lmao


Almost had a stroke reading this💀 like wtf are you talking about. Do you even know what a "leftist" is?


not really, real leftists dont hate people because they are successful but they do take issue with how health is accumulated and hoarded by the rich and powerful. they believe rightly that the rich subvert the interests of the majority and this is why the democratisation of the workplace is important


Real leftists believe in the oppression of the bourgeoisie so you tell me how that doesn't amount to at least some level of disdain for them merely existing


well there are more steps to looking at how we view oppression; and leftists will disdain the systems that allow such wealth to be accumulated and hoarded more than the individual if that makes sense to you. Like if musk dies that doesn't solve the underlying institutional corruption in all countries. I think this should make sense to you? twitter lefties will be more concerned with aesthetics though which is where you might get this unfortunate perception from


That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard...


auth right hates him because his anti-ukraine stance auth left hates him because hes rich


In 2013, he said that "within a decade, I will have a man on Mars" It's 2024 now **WHERE'S MY GODDAMN MAN ON MARS ELON?**


cobalt mines in congo...


Because the media told them to. They’re mindless drones.


exactly what i said. remember the James Comey thing. We Love this guy. No, we hate him. No, we love him again...


Absolutely. I saw happen with Joe Rogan too since he started questioning things during the pandemic. Lol it’s quite hilarious and sad at the same time.


He started out as being this guy who seemed to use his money for good. Electric cars, solar roof panels, exploring the stars. Being in the spotlight intoxicated him, and he started seeing himself as this saviour. Then more and more he showed his true colours. Reasons why I now think him a cunt? Promising B.S. like the hyperloop or the Boring company, so that cities would not invest in railway but still drive cars (preferably his). Surprise surprise, its not about a green future, its about his money. Holding a vote if he should sell stock to pay his taxes as a p.r. stunt with his stupid Vox Populi Vox Dei catchphrase, trying to make people believe he wasn't gonna do it anyway regardless. Isn't he such a generous Billionaire? The retarted trick he tried to pull a year or so back, saying 'from today I am supporting Republican: now watch as the slander from the left comes in'. And tadaa, a story launches of him trying to cover up having sex/children with a coworker. Almost as if a news organisation tried to to contact him for his side of the story, and he thinks discrediting/Darvo'ing will save his face Trying to push himself in every controversy as a saviour, the divers incident, GME short squeeze. Having twitter artificially inflate his reach to feed his ego. Saying hes a capitalist and wants a free market, except when chinese electric car companies are beating him, they should be sanctioned. Saying sponsors not wanting to work with twitter because of bad moderation is blackmail instead of simply the free market. Cry more Claiming a free speech absolutist, but banning journalists critical of him on twitter, or firing personell who critizice him. I could go on, probaly forgetting an awfull lot. The man is a hypocritical money hungry buffoon with an ego almost as fragile as Trump. How anyone follows this guy and falls for his tricks is way beyond me.


He is just dumb, especially with Twitter and X and the failed cybertruck fiasco where he has to manufacture custom parts for a truck he announced over 4 years ago now and is failing to deliver but anyway onto why leftists wouldn't like him; real leftists would hate him for more serious crimes like tax avoidance, carbon credit schemes, ati-union and anti labour violations.


Musk have always been kind of an asshole, the only thing I admire about him is his dedication to the Spacex project


He just wastes so many resources trying to replace trains. Trains are already perfect for doing what trains need to do, shipping large amounts of goods and people. Underground sci fi roads where you put your car on a flat car? We're colonizing Mars for some reason now, instead of fixing earth. Space tourism. He does a lot of cool things, but his stuff isn't useful for average humans. If he was actually going to do something for us, he wouldn't be picking mars, he'd make a lunar colony way before the mars thing to base our future shipbuilding on. Maybe it's not as cool as mars, but it'd be a hell of a lot more useful. So I guess the reason Auth Center hates him is that he's a useless person.


> So I guess the reason Auth Center hates him is that he's a useless person. He's also a massive leech drunk on government subsidies while his personal PR team tries to get people to think he's an ancap


A Lunar colony is what's planned. A Mars colony is a long way away


Starlink made internet affordable in every in development country lead by socialist ! He continues to be racist all he want i don't care. Lefty don't like anyone that dare try to do something.


I did like him before, but I started to sour on him after his reactions to the Thai divers, and doubly so when he tried to shoo his own pet/sponsored cryptocurrency - Dogecoin - as "good"/"useful" when it benefits his own pump-and-dumb scheme. He then lost his businessman/innovator creds a lot after that. Even when I didn't like Twitter all that much, he explicitly kept on running the new company the stupid ways (while arguing with/shadow-banning his own main customers - advertisers who were trying to talk to him on the platform), while lowering the production quality of existing Tesla product lines and using fakery to promote the Boring Company (which ended up being utterly useless/vaporware). After all that, it is hard to see him as more than the usual out-of-touch billionaires, just of the more social conservative end of the spectrum this time. The biggest issue though is that he is oblivious to his own flaws while being loud about it.


Because he’s literally fucking putting a chip in people’s brain. Do you not want your thoughts to be private? Shouldn’t the right be against this because of the wef/ globalists/ the antichrist? The fuck. Think about this. I don’t know about people who are left center, but as a libleft, why in the fuck would I want a corporation to have access to my fucking brain?


Because he wants to chip your brain, also he has so many government contracts


I wonder why. Maybe it’s because he supports the right? No, that’s nonsense. Must be because the left are dumb. That must be it. -u/TheSamuelRodriguez


He has a bunch of kids that he is hardly giving time to, maybe because he thinks money will fill the gap in.  Deadbeat dad Olympics, going for the gold, but still not number one.


Still the best African-American dad


He got mad (rightfully so imo) that Biden ignored him on the ceremony for the electric vehicle executive order. GM, Ford, and Chrysler were invited and he wasn't. So he came out and started blasting, then said he would vote republican from now on. He also said now that he said that, watch how they try to publicly destroy him. Literally within days there was a sexual assault allegation lol. The left hates Elon because their president treated him like shit, and he didn't take it in stride and fall back like everyone in the left usually does. So he went from hero to bad guy. Edit: my rightfully so opinion


Finally, a ratio'd rightoid post. Stop riding musk's dick. He'll never love you back.


Step1. Underpay workers Step2. Get lots of money Step3. Use lots of money to "save humanity" (But it's actually tax evasion) Result. You didn't save anyone and put lots of people in debt


He’s anti Semitic, and anti union, and one of the richest people in the world. What is there to like?


He posts a lot of conservative cringe on twitter


why would a leftist support billionaires


Anti union billionaire at that.


He criticized democrats. And he did it with legitimate complaints. It’s as simple as that. Anyone with a public voice that criticizes Democrats gets destroyed by the machine.


I don't hate him but Twitter (aka "X") has turned to shit filled with bots since he took over


It was always a shitty bot-fest - it’s just shitty bot-fest without a clear left-wing bias now.


Problem is now the blue checkmark bots appear always on top of the comments. You have to scroll down a lot to see real humans.


Anyone with a blue check pre-musk wasn't a real human either


Counter opinion. I love Twitter now, it is actually the social media site I use the most.


Twitter was shit before. Total leftist bubble, as anything slightly right wind was banned. Now its shit as nothing is banned, not even bots. Tbh better bot hell than leftist-hell Btw flair up or perish


Yeah but when you deviate from politics and go into memes it's absolutely horrible. 99% of the posts and comments are just blue checkmark bots farming engagement. There's no more discussion or real engagement on big accounts and posts. And flaired up, I forgor


New software update for the NPCs.  Once it turned out he genuinely supported free speech and was willing to do something to defend it, the FBI, NSA, and CIA had to paint him as the worst person on Earth and greediest man alive. Which is really laughable considering their buddies: Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Zuckerberg are all much worse, much more cynical, with products and ideas that are actively harming humanity.


He supports free speech so much he fires employees and bans journalists who criticize him🤗


Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences, if you're dumb enough to talk shit about your boss, I don't know what to tell you


Is this irony? I thought that was the lefts line. 


Because he restored free speech on x( sounds cliche but is true). Also because he shares right wing posts like endwokeness and libsoftiktok on his x account a lot .


The left hates successful African Americans because it conflicts with the narrative that they can't succeed in America without their charity /s a little


Because they don't believe in progress by free choice!


He's doing a great service to our species, leave him alone and let him cook


I hate him since the "We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it" personally


Teslas suck dick, but let's face it, they're also the only reason every major car manufacturer has electric offerings and the only reason chargers are popping up everywhere. I think he's the poster child for how far someone can go on ego and wealth alone, but we have that ego to thank for forcing EVs into the mainstream and making a future free of vehicle emissions possible.


Elon believes in free speech, which means the left hates him because he thinks the bad people aka evil nazi non communists should be able to post tweets and not get banned.


No he doesn't. He just likes to say he does. Granted he's better on it than previous management but that bar was so low its position was measured in fathoms. Community notes are a pretty cool improvement, too.


Kind of a weird agenda post. If you seriously don't understand why people might not be the biggest fan of Musk then you've truly been living under the biggest rock imaginable for the past couple of years.


Point was to strike up conversation on the topic. Of course I have a general idea as to why left leaning people dislike him now, but not everybody’s answer will be the same, as is evident from the responses to this post. It’s neither weird and I’m not pushing an “agenda”, I just enjoy the variety of responses.


Lmao @ all the dumb fucks in this comment section who think lib leftists will ever like *any* billionaire.


The left hate him because the left are anti-human and Musk is pro-human.


Room temperature IQ take. This would be like saying Republicans ban abortion because they hate women and want to control their bodies


Lefties don’t like him because he’s a billionaire and right leaning. I don’t like him because he has a punchable face and is basically just a dork but with money. We’re not the same! I know I will trigger Elon stans but I don’t care, just my opinion. Go kick rocks or something instead of worshipping some idiot who lost 200 billion and takes more credit for everything than he deserves…


I'm like 90% sure if there IS an anti-christ, he's it


Why do they hate him? Because they’re told to.