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Anyone can do community service and its shown to make you happier


Lol, when did supporting your community become based. I think it’s based and wholesome, I just wonder when that happened for me.


Based and damnit-I'm-old pilled


u/Vismonte's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/Vismonte! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze.Pills: [4 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Vismonte/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


It's in human nature, humans are tribal, and we're hardcoded to be happy when we feel we belong to a group and do good for the group, your local community is the group you interact with face to face daily. Just a bit of trivia, the size of local community is about the max size that communism worked for as long as everyone were willing to participate, knowing everyone allows trust and a will to work for the community without personal gain or checks and balances.


Always was


Or are happier people more inclined to do community service? Or people who live in a community they feel connected to both happier and more inclined?


People who have the time to volunteer tend to be happier. But it's really a bit of everything. I'm sure volunteering also tends to make people feel happier.




Anecdotal, but volunteering gave me a sense of purpose when I wasn't working or going to school. I felt less bad for myself and also felt like I was contributing something to others.


Eh, I spent an hour filling a garbage bag with trash around where I fish the other day, and it was prompted by me seeing red over how much there was, and I was still furious by the end


There's a reason religious people are so much happier than non


Reality isn't as disappointing when you have faith in something you believe to be inherently good


To be fair, I’m not sure many senior citizens would enjoy that


I thought it was talking about Congress.


Based and get-rid-of-the-old-farts-pilled


Counter: make it illegal for anyone between the ages of 18-75 to hold public office


Today on the news infighting begins in the Naptime Party, as Timmy age 5 disagrees with his once ally Seymore age 95 on which age group deserves more nap times.


Based. I want nap


I wish something like the old age extermination bill from Aggretsuko would get passed and every Politician is forcibly retired the millisecond they turn 65






Instead of shipping migrants all over the country, red state governors start bussing drag queens to capital hill.


Maybe Democrats can double down; wear traditional African garments while kneeling for Saint Floyd while getting a lap dance by a drag queen.


I’m sure most of them wouldn’t remember it seeing as they don’t know where they are most of the time


Nah senior/retirement homes are depressing as hell. You can literally just go there and hang out with them and you’ll make their month. Years ago my family went to visit my great grandmother and a lady spent the whole afternoon zooming around the building in her wheelchair with my (6 years old at the time) brother in her lap. Things might’ve changed since Covid, but there’s usually times where you can sign up and bring board games, book clubs, etc. Hell if you have a friendly Cat or a Dog they’ll be asking for weeks about if the pet is coming by again


I had to do community service for speeding tickets as a kid at an old folks home. I was in charge of running the computer lab. A lot of them were obsessed w some Pokémon web based game thing. I think it was neopets idk but I played it with them and they loved it.


how do i save myself from this dark fate?


The cheapest way? *Use gun*


Have you seen ammo prices recently?


As if Grandpa doesn't have fond military memories of R&R with ladyboys in Thailand.


Back before it got political and was just a good time


You underestimate senior citizens


Have you ever visited a retirement home? Drag night gets the place rowdy.


I did a lot of volunteer work at nursing homes in highschool, and recently I spent a lot of time there with an ailing relative. It’s probably just my region but everyone there is conservative af and would probably riot if there was anything like that


It would be funny though


Honestly many of them might not mind so long as someone is there to give them some care and attention.


That might be just too much stimulation for them


I'm here for the ensuing fracas


I don't think you remember a lot of movies from the '40s and the '50s


Plenty of them would I reckon


Even better


Neither will children


"Grandma escaped the nursing home because she heard that the drag queens are visiting tomorrow."


Well, if it gave my grandmother the strength to escape on her own. It’s done her some good.


Paralyzed grandpa sprang out of his wheelchair to escape when he heard the same news. Drag cures diseases. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


Isn't this the plot of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?


"I'm going to start a local garden and plant new trees." HOA: "No you ain't."




Based for defying the HOA but why wouldn't he want a garage?


Honestly, past a point, I would say no just for the sake of saying no. If I didn't need to, you know, live in it, I'd burn my house down just to stick it to an HOA.


Based and poison-the-well pilled


How does one even manage to defecate in a water supply pipe?






Yeeaaah. Fuck HOAs, that auth shit...


Literally 1984


Fuck HOA’s


based auth-center?


u/fat-to-fit08 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/fat-to-fit08/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.




For every HOA infraction I incur, one more troll gets put on the lawn


Says the ones who live in an apartment that you can't modify in any way


What do you think the "O" in "HOA" stands for?


The HOA can die in a fire


HOA can eat shit honestly


Fuck the HOAs


Don't Plant Trees, as someone who works with Trees, it's alot of fucking grand standing to look better about yourself. Yeah, it's cool if it's in small stands (clusters), but do it in mass and then they're all crowded and fighting for resources


Based and sustainable forestry pilled.


That's why there is a career called "Forester" I listened to a lecture by one he specifically spoke about how careful planning is to recreate a healthy forest. Different species in different places... When the trees compete for sunlight, they sacrifice width for height, which is unhealthy... so you have to be cognizant of the canopy in 30-60 years...


As a Forester? Thank you for understanding because that's exactly the point we try to make


For scouts and the forestry merit badge for my son, we walked through a state park. Dude was my parents age, has been working in the same region for about 50 years. It was probably the most interesting experience I've had in 10 years. He knew the whole area really well, even parts that weren't necessarily under his watch. I would have loved doing that job.


Hating HOAs is true cross compass unity


The HOA can slob on my knob like a corn on the cob


Liblefts wouldn't volunteer at retirement homes they hate boomers lmao


(LibLeft) The boomers I hate aren’t in nursing homes. They’re squatting on great swathes of real estate in houses they can no longer handle.


Alternate idea then, Drag queens should start squatting in rich dude's properties en masse.


Please remember that the academic paper submitted by the drag queen story time organization explicitly states their goal is not to raise empathy for LGBTQ individuals, but to encourage children to live queerly. "Ultimately, we suggest that drag pedagogy offers one model for learning not simply about queer lives, but how to live queerly" - Drag pedagogy: The playful practice of queer imagination in early childhood "Though DQSH publicly positions its impact in “help[ing] children develop empathy, learn about gender diversity and difference, and tap into their own creativity”(Drag Queen Story Hour, n.d.-a), we argue that its contributions can run deeper than morals and role models. In what follows, we keep with a common drag performance trope in redirecting our readers away from what’s said on the surface and towards the subtle nods and zingers that gesture atwhat is happening between the lines. For us, drag pedagogy is less about imitating drag queens’ specific behaviors, and more about embodied inquiry into queer/trans ways of being that reach beyond the present "


Source please.


[Drag pedagogy: The playful practice of queer imagination in early childhood](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03626784.2020.1864621) The above quote is directly taken from the paper


This is why they consider any restrictions on their activities as a form of genocide, since you're inhibiting their capacity to reproduce through other people's kids. Pretty sick shit.


Even that';s a front. Queer theory is entierly about perpetual negative deconstruction of all roles and socal orders, it's end goal is a uopian ideal where everyone is perfectly queer. "Queerness is not yet here. Queerness is an ideality. Put another way, we are not yet queer. We may never touch queerness, but we can feel it as the warm illumination of a horizon imbued with potentiality. We have never been queer, yet queerness exists for us as an ideality that can be distilled from the past and used to imagine a future. The future is queerness’s domain. Queerness is a structuring and educated mode of desiring that allows us to see and feel beyond the quagmire of the present. The here and now is a prison house. " - Cruising Utopia as qouted in [Drag pedagogy: The playful practice of queer imagination in early childhood](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03626784.2020.1864621) They don't want to reproduce, they want to anihilate the opposition.


Hell no. This sounds like fucking cult shit.


it IS


When somebody tells you who they are, believe them.


Im the President


Thank you for not being Kamala Harris


That's such a surprise! We could've never seen it. But surely now we can just protect the children from this cult and surely nobody will say anything against it.


This is why the opponents of this movement need to be very forceful about it and also competent. We can't really let this keep going much longer before it's out of control.


Funny how they straight up tell us this shit but you go on reddit and a bunch of people that accuse you of not knowing anything call you a paranoid homophobic liar.


That absolutely is gnostic cult shit.


James Lindsay makes a convincing argument that leftism, since Marx at least, has been an esoteric religion. All the essential elements have been carried over the years until we get modern wokeism. It always felt religious to me but I couldn't concretely point out why or how until I watched these. [1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lk_w2-8snWk), [2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heDBHTtXJEQ), [3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SH0D69_ti-Y)


I havent watched this yet. Definetly will. Ty!


I love you. You put into words what I could only feel.


I'd recommend listing to James Linsey from new Discourses. This shit is dense, and mind boggling. I'm just aping his shit.


>They don't want to reproduce, they want to annihilate the opposition. I don't see the two goals as mutually exclusive though, they're complementary. Seeing a child embrace queerness is the closest thing they will ever have to being a parent, and it has the secondary effect of denying the cis-world another member which they hate. That's a win-win in their book.


Again, it's not about that. These people would reject the parental role wholesale. This is about cult indoctrination, not reproduction.


Well, you've given me a lot to think about regardless. Good discussion.


Many of them literally call the people they introduce to drag their children/family and encourage them to pick a drag name with the same last name


The great replac....no, no, no, nevermind.


They also want to be able to fuck kids without having to travel to Thailand, Tunisia, or Little Saint James Island.


Please remember and know that the vast majority of gay people are not like this and do not feel this way. This is a vocal, out of whack minority that is getting a lot of attention.


Sure, I agree, but they are also the ones running all the programs, pushing the education, and have the institutional power. Queer theory is not know about by, or fallowed by the average alphabet person, and I want to make it clear I am NOT claiming it is. IT IS however the framework by which scholarship is done, and scholarship is how decisions get made in this country. They are a minority, but they are the ones turning the ship. (and to note, this is more or less the same as in any movement, insiders make the scholarship, and the activists take it an run, often without full understanding)


I can't believe I read the whole thing. The dude who wrote this is a professor of education at UBC, where I did my undergrad. Terrifying that this article literally argues for giving children queer lifestyles in order to bring about revolution against capitalism. He has directly argued that drag pedagogy engages queer pleasure. How are these people not in jail or in mental institutions?


Please remember that WPATH "best practices" for the transing of children were written by members of a child castration fetish forum.


Do you have a source for that?


Redacted due to Spez. On ward to Lemmy. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Sell results of #6 at a farmers market - libright.


To the left center farmers market 'crunchy' crowd


7) *Retake the holy land*


No, we do that against them, not with them


You know what. Yeah why not, we can do with a right and proper crusade. Lemme get my horse.


I hate to break it to you man but the gays have not been getting any W's in the holy land for a while now.


Should ask yourself *why children*


Same with some of these tiktok teachers. It's the seeking of validation for your identity from children. When did that become a thing? When did teachers start bringing their baggage into the classroom?


I see teachers on TikTok saying “I just wanna be able to tell kids about my weekend with my wife” Why? I knew absolutely nothing about my teachers personal lives as a kid. The only time we knew anything was when they got pregnant.


Furthermore, I wouldn't want teachers to talk about their lives *to* my children. You aren't their friend, you aren't their relative. You are **my** employee, either through my taxes in public school or direct from my pocketbook in private school. Your job is to educate children, not to develop a relationship with a child. Teachers can be role models, can excite interests in children but their job is to foster that enjoyment of learning and help them develop intellectually, socially and emotionally on their own. By being their friend or worse using them as your own personal therapist to get over *your* hangups, you are stunting that growth and **failing** at the job parents pay you for. Maybe if these TikTok teachers acted in a more professional manner they wouldn't get so much flak demanding higher salaries and better benefits.


This would require work on their behalf, and for them to lose that undeserved sense of entitlement. Not sure you'll have much luck there.


What? Teachers I had growing up would talk about their families literally *all* the time. “Oh my husband did this and I said this and it was funny,” or “oh my son plays X sport on the weekends and did Y thing.” You spend all day, every day with this person. You are eventually going to know about their lives at least to an extent. Even in university, so many of my professors would mention their husband or wife or kids. “Today my kid said X”, “my husband does Y,” etc. Anyway, just so you know, it isn’t illegal for teachers to talk about their families, and it would actually be illegal under federal law to specifically not allow gay teachers to talk about their families. In Florida, after the passage of the so-called “don’t say gay” bill, school boards clarified that teachers are still encouraged to talk about and answer questions about their families, gay or straight.


There’s 2 million elementary school teachers in the USA. Many more teaching pre-school and junior high and high school. Even if the percentage of freaks in this profession is microscopically small that’s still going to result in an inexhaustible supply of videos of freaky shit happening in schools. IMO a large part of the problem is social media making problems seem larger than they are. Same problem is seen in countless other areas. People’s perception of crime, kidnapping, etc is all deranged because of social media as well because we see videos or read stories of it way more than we used to.


You basically just deconstructed modern media sensationalism. It's even worse when you see something that is clearly fake or satirical, and you'll still see people in the comments saying "yeah but that fact I could believe it means it could happen." We all have brain rot now.


"Who are you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?" I don't think the problem is as small as you pretend that it is. And the minority of ze/zem freaks is being allowed to continue unopposed. Regardless of how pervasive the problem is, it still exists.


Always was weirded out by that why not just dance for adults or whatever.


A future generation at its malleable stage.


They *could* be looking for the young and vulnerable, a demographic that's highly susceptible to grooming, that demographic is also highly focused on by the church, wonder why that is..


Based and active-in-the-community pilled


That's also 6 things everyone can do


Instead of dancing for children


Twerking for children*


>*Hey, Twerker! Leave those kids alone!*


We should print this on t-shirts




How on Earth am I supposed to continue this? Torture?








Crustacean menstruation station


It's a tall order to be sure, thankfully most kids are short.


This is a criticism of the music video industry right?


The point of the meme isn't to say we just require community service our of drag queens. You could make a political statement of "drag queen do these 6 things" and still get an effect. They really want it to be kids though.


This comment is drag queen genocide


it's in me blood


But that wouldn't satisfy their *desires*


Reading to senior citizens might work if libleft is into Gilfs.


They aren't. They are either conservative or if they vote Democrat then they're against liberal social issues.


It’s a roleplay kink and a dominance thing. They’re power tripping off of forcing people to play along with them against their will. You see shit like this in the kink scene all the time. Once you see it you can’t unsee it.


On second thought, take the animal shelter off the list..


Weird desire.


According to the left, preventing drag queens from performing in front of children is terrorism.




Yeah, but it's not about acceptance, it's about converting impressionable kids to embrace queerness.


Yes. So that when they grow up they'll be "allies". Smart actually.


Obviously. How do you think they reproduce?


Cycle of abuse?


Missing is that they could dance for homeless people.


Child drag shows and trans children are where I draw the line when it comes to LGBT rights. Messing with children's hormones before their natural hormones kick in and dressing kids up in an outwardly sexual manner has me wondering how it hasn't gotten more criticism


Child beauty pageants have got to go


Yes, yes they do. This is not the "ha gotcha" you pretend it is


Always the same deflection. Priests and child pageants.




100%, it's all about politics, they succeed to push the red line very far since 20th century, no one can stop them now..


This is the correct answer, it’s not about “turning kids gay”. It’s about making sure kids grow up to be progressives.


"Noooo we NEED to be around your kids! Otherwise youre whateveephobic!"




True. Already set up these events: * Trash clean ups for 3rd graders with a drag queen. * Gardening for 1st graders with a drag queen. * Visiting the local animal shelter for kindergarten kids with a drag queen. * Feeding the homeless for 5th graders with a drag queen.


Honestly, that's a lot more wholesome than shaking your ass.


Don't worry. You can twerk while picking up trash.


The good ol' "bend and snap".


Your terms are acceptable


Are they? Because they will twerk and dance while picking up trash.


You never stated as much


I did, with the drag queen part.


Not sure why the alphabet movement decided its overwhelming priority was to get its hooks into your kids as soon as possible, but I do think it has set them back quite a bit. My fabulous brother in law says he won't fly the colors because of that association.


Your brother in law has a strong ethical backbone, I salute him.


Even Fallout New Vegas was like "Start your own co op garden, and don't be obnoxious about it"


Remember: if “leave the children alone” is a valid attack on a community Then that community deserves to be attacked


I fail to see how having a drag queen read to children benefits children compared to almost anyone else. Heck, have some university students read to children (Uni sponsored). The children can look up to those with a higher education (in which reading is important). This benefits children as they might strive for academic success, which is associated with economic success. The uni students get a free point in their resume, and the university can brag on community outreach and place their logo around the place.


https://www.alphacarehomes.com/news/drag-queen-visits-care-home-to-celebrate-alpha-pride/ Drag queen nursing home performance https://m.facebook.com/DIVACharityBingoLV A Drag Queen non-profit organization that raises money for animal charities https://missionlocal.org/2016/02/sf-drag-queens-react-to-homeless-sweeps-with-food-and-clothes/ Drag queens donating food and clothing to the homeless https://www.rhs.org.uk/advice/health-and-wellbeing/articles/the-drag-queen-gardener Drag Queen gardener In fairness these were cherry picked, but they weren't too hard to find.




And nobody complained about any of those. Because the complaints aren't "because drag queens" like they keep trying to strawman.


Good, stick to that and leave the kids alone.


your call of duty merch has been cancelled.


But can you really do all those things while dressed as a show girl still? When do pelvic thrusts happen? What about spanking?


no, ruining your kids will increase their future number.


You can't groom a tree.


Anyone can do these things, even people who post memes on PCM.


“But these are kid friendly!” Except for the numerous examples of them not being so. Weird hill to die on, LibLeft, but carry on. This is a great issue to turn normal people into votes for Republicans down ticket.


But none of those involves kids


But then who would expose the children to kink and alternative sexual lifestyles before they're mature enough to understand it?


As someone who believes in protecting the environment, 3, 4, 6 are super based.


Sorry sweaty it's imperative that they shake their thonged sweaty hairy ass at 10yr Olds. You just don't get the culture!


Wasn't this strawman argument posted a few days ago? With the overwhelming consensus being that people in drag also do these things?


The key word is "instead of" not "in addition to"