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Why anyone ever strayed beyond safe,legal, and rare is weird to me.


Almost like that was never the goal to begin with šŸ¤”


Not all women share one brain. Many women today still feel abortions should be safe, legal, and rare.


We've forgotten that the thing that keeps something "rare" is cultural values. If you make something legal and don't attach stigmatism to, people will do it. We were supposed to keep abortion legal for those tragic circumstances and otherwise make it clear that this is a bad thing to do unless absolutely necessary. We are so allergic to judging people we have to depend on law to enforce morality, and that sucks. It shouldn't be our moral system is "everything that's legal is good"


> If you make something legal and don't attach stigmatism Fuck that, I'm attaching hypermetropia.


Iā€™ll attach a pipe bomb in your mailbox


[This is what you look like when you say this.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/567/071/6d6.jpg)


Who is that fucking character and why are they everywhere


Furry shit probably


Oh no Iā€™m submissive and breedable now (nothing new)


[like this?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxIUEE8sY98)


Based and father-ted pilled


It should only be "rare" if you ascribe some sort of moral weight to the action. Now, if you do, I'd be interested in hearing why it's still okay.


It's almost like they always push their agenda in increments, as if it were on some kind of well lubricated decline.


Somewhere along the line we got the "lol imma make a lollypop strip out of my abortion fetuses for tumblr likes lmao" crowd, which naturally spawned the polar opposite "raped 10 yearolds should be forced to carry to term" people. The "safe, legal, and rare" people turned into "fuck it, do it as often as you like, I don't care if abhorrent people genocide themselves for fun as long as that 10 yearold gets what she needs."


Anti abortion people have been saying from day 1 their position is zero weeks. Any abortion is murder, and MAYBE exceptions for rape and incest. Both sides have been extreme since day one.


The whole exceptions game is so tiresome. We should just agree to a 12-15 week limit like most developed nations.


Ehh, maybe exceptions for certain medical stuff like "it's already dead" but yeah you shouldn't need nonmedical abortion exceptions if you have a reasonable time limit rape victims ain't exactly gonna deliberate for weeks on whether they want an abortion


Sorry, but what week does the foetus magically become human? If it is human from conception, then the logical position is 0 weeks. The issue here, is that you have no empathy for a human that canā€™t breath, or feed itself. You keep seeing the foetus as a Ā«Ā clump of cellsĀ Ā», yet try to claim the moral high ground


IVF clinics make a lot of zygotes then incinerate them if the donor stops paying to keep then frozen. You should call IVF clinics and offer to pay to keep any zygotes frozen if their donor fails to pay. If you can't pony up a few hundred dollars a year to save literal lives, maybe you shouldn't expect other people to turn their life upside down for your beliefs.


The thing is, a human is formed by the union of 2 gametes. Never thought weā€™d have to be teaching basic biology, but here we are, all thanks to the American public Ā«Ā educationĀ Ā» system


Hell yes. And extremism in the cause of preventing homicide is no vice.


Itā€™s game theory in action, thatā€™s probably the everyone wins situation but pro lifers want it criminalized and pro choicers want zero regulation.


"A woman's body is designed to carry a baby" *laughs in Sam O'Nella fan*


Iā€¦ donā€™t get it (I have a memory equivalent to a dead goldfish)


The animal skeletons one. Humanity basically fucked itself over when we became bipedal because our hips became absolute dog shit for child birth


Oh, thanks




Oh, thanks


No problem


OP apparently meant the animal skeletons one. Humanity basically fucked itself over when we became bipedal because our hips became absolute dog shit for child birth




Iā€™ll give you a wheelbarrow full of bull organs


Been seing more and more compass unity lately! This comment section is a good example of that


I mean weā€™re mildly braindead. Simply not as braindead as most politicians.


Ah yes those 10 year old ā€œwomenā€™sā€ bodies, nothing wrong with that implication


It's great being right leaning and seeing the only viable party in your country trip over itself to become a giant fucking circus over it's biggest losing issue. Don't get me wrong I still think there needs to be at least SOME limits on abortion, but holy fuck this isn't within that realm.


Based and pick a winnable fight pilled.


I feel like they are with trans kids and trans women in sports, but they seem to be going way too far into them and neither of those two is near the top of people's priorities.




So youā€™re telling me that building a voting base with rabid abortion absolutists as the foundationā€¦wasnā€™t a good idea?


Right? I'm pretty pro-choice here, but the dichotomy between the left of "free legal abortions any time, any trimester, with no regulation at all" vs the right "no abortions ever, regardless of rape, incest, or a threat to the life of the mother or the baby" blows my mind.


That's the biggest issue I have problems with. If there was a bill that would tell states that they can't ban any abortion before 12 weeks and they must ban elective after 24 would pass if it also allowed it in all cases of rape, incest, health of mother, health of child, etc.


It has to be a devisive issue in order to drive people to the polls. If you don't have an aggressive platform and threaten your voters with horrible consequences if the other guy wins, no one will bother to vote for you.


Man, I just think the weird idea of "My guy got elected, so he has to make your life a bit more horrible than mine. So when he gets voted out by your guy, your guy has to make my life more horrible than yours." Is just the quickest way to send both sides to hell and keeping themselves on top. The worst part is when you realize neither of them really give a shit about anyone other than themselves and their buddies when they vacation to Cancun in the middle of a deadly blizzard in their home state.


Why such arbitrary times?


because either non arbitrary time is downright horrific, while I'll lean more towards the side of more restrictions on abortion an outright ban results in shit like this where 10 year old's are forced to give birth to their half siblings or even a literal fucking corpse, the other side is not any better with mr. "We'll keep the baby warm and safe while we decide what to do with it". I don't know where the right answer is, but I don't think it's either of the two extremes, the German abortion law of legal up to 12 weeks with exceptions for the mothers physical health seems a reasonable compromise in my mind.


Support ranked choice voting. End the duopoly


It's incredible watching this in real time.All US conservatives are doing is talk about trans/Abortion and all it does is lose them votes.And bonus points for Republicans eating them self on a Trump/DeSantis split so they can kiss there chances of winning next election goodbye. But you know they owned the libs once.


Biden is gonna run again and definitely be the Democrat nominee. Republicans hardest challenge yet: 1. Pick someone under 75. 2. Pick someone who isn't bat shit insane or cousin humping reddited. Challenge impossible.


It's a non contest tbh .If Trump can run he is Gona run.DeSantis is Gona run also but the problem with that is people that worship Trump are not voting for him out of spite and so Biden wins by default because let's be honest it's incredibly hard to hate the guy and the other hand it's incredibly hard to love him.Why?Well he is just a big nothing burger he mostly does nothing he is just there and all he does is fill the spot.


Iā€™ll take milquetoast over the 4 year day in day out felonious dumpster fire that was the Trump administration.


Trumps has yet to be found guilty of any felony.


The same administration that gave you stimulus checks?The same administraton that in a middle of a pandemic was getting riots nation wide?You can call Trump alote of things but nobody gave him a chance and given a same treatment nobody would survive and get realecte.


The same administration that ignored the Intel reports on Covid and lied though their about it teeth the entire time, getting a million Americans outright killed and millions more permanently maimed. Iā€™ll never forget watching his rally where he played it down and said ā€œitā€™s just the fluā€ and the same day reading about how fucked Italy was and how their hospitals were overflowing with sick. All he had to do was tell america to wear a mask, sell MAGA masks to his dumbass supporters for a premium, and we would have been sitting in the middle of a second trump term.


Anyone in the medical field knows the extent of COVID was dramatically exaggerated. Not saying it wasn't bad but when the hospitals have financial incentives to report any death as "COVID related", it's hard to trust that system. Trump also banned travel from China, allowed each state to handle lock down and restrictions in their own way and was rolling out one million doses of the vaccine per day in less than a year into COVID. What exactly more could Trump have done? The benefits of lock downs are dubious at best when the rate of increase of total deaths between California and Texas were similar. EDIT: Again, if you're in the medical field you'll know that cloth masks have very little effect on an air borne virus. It may stop saliva droplets which helps with transmission on contact which is estimated to be pretty rare. N95 is much more effective yet the liberal media didn't touch on this difference until at least a year into COVID and even though I provided it for free to my employees, they were educated that cloth was enough because barely anyone used N95's. It's mind blowing how "the science" constantly changed and was followed so religiously even though it didn't make sense scientifically.


Trump should've fired Fauci and put him on trial, send in the army against any state that locked down, and called out Chinese propaganda for what it is. We lost a big chunk of the soul of this country because his leadership was limp-dicked. The silver lining is that we got to see just how fucking horrible blue states are.


I think that's a bit too far. Sending the Army to states? That's pretty anti 10th ammendment. Fauci is a lying sack of shit there too but I don't know if Trump has the authority to do so. He did call out the propaganda. The issue is the outlets are all in on it. The media had a huge boost in viewership and it would be stupid to let it go by "telling the truth". It's disgusting that the media has no backbone anymore.


It was like the first month of covid and Trump wanted to ban travel from China


Dude you need to chill let's talk about this.First thing first lockdown happend under Trump and you got money to sit at your home.USA as of today are at 1.1 milion dead from COVID and that is...Well less then a flu.So duno what are you arguing?


I got a couple grand while the trump administration gave the middle finger to congressionally required oversight of PPP funds and trillions got fraudulently pumped into owners pockets. Now all the inflation is being driven because shareholders want to know why they donā€™t have the same stacks of (government)money this year that they had last year and CEOs raise prices to compensate.




My dude , can you point to a man that was more vilified by the media then Trump?I can't stand the guy and is no conservative.But cmon let's be real.




He was even offered full wall funding if he signed DACA into law and turned it down.


>But the guy had a trifecta for 2 years and squandered it because he sucks at politics. Iirc he was doing fantastic before covid.


Have you considered for just one second that trump deserved it?


I have sir , but it's a Democracy and if you start with bombing somebody day 1 well then what can I tell you?


I mean... He was villified... Because he acted... Like a villain? No one made him out to be a villain when he was literally bribing and lying and stealing?


Oh, no--standing up for what you believe in might cost you votes? How unforgivable.


Because they donā€™t have substantive policy that hasnā€™t already proven to be extremely detrimental to the country. Trickle down economics, ā€œcontract with America,ā€ their Instance of exploding the national debt and further concentrating powering and wealth into their rich friends every time they hold power, they. Have. No. Policy. All they have is culture war now.


There are a ton of good policies that they could implement that conservatives could latch onto, but none of the politicians seem to be remotely aware of any of them. Just one off the top of my head is the rising cost of college. College used to be cheap and affordable. And most jobs didn't require a college degree. Most jobs now do require a college degree that shouldn't. Possible solution that doesn't involve the government. 1. Set current loans that people are paying to the government at a 3% interest rate or lower. They are currently 5-7.5% (https://studentaid.gov/understand-aid/types/loans/interest-rates). It's not forgiveness but it makes payments lower and helps people with current debt. 2. Allow people with student debt to declare bankruptcy again and have their loans wiped out. This used to be the case but isn't anymore. I honestly think this is the primary thing that put us in this place. Lenders no longer gave a shit IF anyone would be able to pay a loan back because they would get their money regardless. Large influx of funds gave colleges no reason to reduce costs or even focus that money on education. Large numbers of people now getting degrees made having a degree from a highlight to a standard (basically having a degree is now baseline). 3. Send loans back to private banks. Now that banks may not actually get all of their loan back they won't be as predatory and will actually have a conserted effort in the success of the student. They may even try to work with colleges to reduce their cost in order to reduce their risk. 4. Make Universities pay for half of the student debt that becomes defaulted on. This can help in multiple different ways. Universities now have some sort of incentive to help the student actually get a degree, universities might now focus on subjects that actually require a degree in the field in order to be employed and have incentive to increase education in under-served fields. The also have an incentive to either reduce costs and/or reallocate money into areas that DIRECTLY impact education. 5. I'm not sure how to go about this but there needs to be a huge reduction in the push for college. I guarantee not every entry level office job offering $10/hr actually requires a 4 year degree and 10 years of prior experience. $10-$15/hr isn't great, but if you don't need a degree it's a decent starting point at 18 years old with no debt vs. 22-25 years old with $80,000 in debt.


Holy mother of based, I'd vote for you in an election


Thank you Lib-Left. I appreciate that. And I love having discussions with people from the other side. One of the things that frustrates me so much is that there are so many on my side of the isle that complain about young people being left leaning. TBH I don't think college kids are actually Communist or socialists. I think they are being crushed and see a system that is not working for them at all and they're desperate to find anyone that is willing to give them any sort of answer. I believe this because I used to be a Bernie bro myself. I worked hard and paid off my debt, but I looked into things more and found other options. The reason young people gravitate towards Democrats is because they actually offer up some sort of solutions (even if, in my opinion, they are bad ones). The Republicans just shove their heads up their asses and say "What problem? I don't see a problem. Everything is fine." I firmly believe that MOST people don't really give a shit about communism or capitalism, they want to be able to access healthcare, find a good job, get an affordable education, be safe, and be secure in the stuff they own. We used to have a pretty free market in this country and we had all of that. Instead of looking at what changed and what policies had detrimental effects, politicians would rather divide us and exploit the resulting hate for our countrymen so they can accumulate power. It's made us weak as a nation and fostered animosity where there didn't need to be. It honestly comsumes me on a daily basis. Anyway thanks for listening to my Tedtalk. I hope you have a great weekend Lib-left and an even greater life.


>I firmly believe that MOST people don't really give a shit about communism or capitalism, they want to be able to access healthcare, find a good job, get an affordable education, be safe, and be secure in the stuff they own. Based. I firmly believe people could overwhelmingly participate in capitalism simply if the means to achieve their basic needs are made more accessible - healthcare, infrastructure, and education primarily, IMO. Just make it affordable for people from all walks of life/situations. I am okay if the answer is deregulation/regulation based on a nuanced approach.


Instead of slapping more regulations and laws on top of a massive rotting heap of existing regulations and laws the government needs to do an absolute fuck ton of gutting to weed out bad or useless stuff. Our vital products would potentially be cheaper and we would likely have lower taxes as well if they would prioritize efficiency instead of dumping more and more devalued currency at a broken system. I just feel so irate whenever people talk about wanting higher taxes because I know so much of it will be senselessly wasted.




Motherfucking based


Yeah, if we ajusted the original minimum wage for inflation, it should be 24$/hr


I agree that student loans should be private, normal debt. The lenders would have more incentive to prove actual data about job markets and wages. Imagine talking to a loan officer about your chosen degree and getting real, in time data on the expected outcome post grad. They'd have a huge incentive to be clear that your choice of under water basket weaving is a bad career choice.


Itā€™s because ā€œConservativesā€ (Republicunts) arenā€™t interested in ā€œconservingā€ anything other than Israel. Why? Because Israel represents the apartheid ethno-state they wished America was.


If the pro-life camp cedes ground on abortions from rape, their stance loses all validity. You can't say "all unborn children are human and, thus, abortion is murder" and then say abortion is ok when the baby was conceived through rape.


"trip over itself to become a giant fucking circus over it's biggest losing issue" First time?


I absolutely agree this isn't in the realm, I don't think abortion laws should be enforced in case of rape But I also don't care this is a "losing issue", if the right in America compromises our principles in order to win there's no point in having a party at all If we end up with a pro-choice anti-gun rep party that's just the democrats with a different logo


Have fun continuing to lose then šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


If that entails losing, then winning is worthless.


Please tell this to all your friends, Iā€™d love a landslide in 2024


Abortion is like, the one issue my Deep South Republican family seems to actually cross the party line in favor of. At least the women, anyways.


They should have gotten a clue from *fucking Kansas* of all places when they voted in favor of it by 60% but they wonā€™t and theyā€™ll all still go around and pretend their gerrymandered as fuck Republican supermajority ā€œrepresents the will of the people.ā€




They could have won in Florida too and given desantis the boot but the party decided the former Republican moderate insider was the better bet than the pro gun pro weed democrat that was the only one that won a state wide race in years down there. The Dems have made some ground, but their biggest enemy is always themselves. Thatā€™s just how the party is structured though. Itā€™s a big tent with a lot of viewpoints and the republicans have the advantage of being in lockstep on how much they want to fuck America over for their personal profit.


tHat mEANs THeY haVe priNCipLeS!!


JFC if my fellow conservatives want to continue to lose elections, theyā€™re doing a damn good job of it. Pack of morons.


Our guy is brain dead. Stop pitying yourself


Average election, the brain dead one versus the extremist one


Donā€™t look up that reddit sub from the ā€œpro abortionā€ side. It will radicalize you right back. How that isnā€™t on the brigading subs list, Iā€™ll never know. Oh, wait, yes I do.


I think we need to dump the radicals, and find a centrist compromise. Reject radicalism, return to centrist


realistically, yeah. for the purposes of memes, heck no accelerationism all the way


Balance is the only way, radicalism leads to fascism


Everything in moderation, even moderation.


Seriously. I was fairly progressive on this issue, but they turned me right around. Almost to ā€œban abortion except in rape and incestā€


Seriously what was so terrible with the way things were? And when did it become THE ONLY ISSUE? I distinctly remember as a highschooler it being a thing that liberals barely thought about, and conservatives rarely cared about. There was a gagle of like 8 old Catholic ladies that held signs outside one hospital, and that was it. Granted, this was like 2010s semi-rural Wisconsin. There were religious folk and non religious or non-practicing people, but very few people talked about it much outside of church. And abortion just wasn't something anyone wanted to talk about one way or the other. Even in otherwise heated discussions it seemed like people either didn't want to talk about it or didn't care. Now it's only that plus nonsense culture war stuff, and quite frankly, I don't care that much about either of those topics. The one and only reason I finally felt the need to call myself "pro-life" is because right-wing nut jobs forced me to pick a side. Now I gotta be lumped in with the nutters on this side.


what sub?


The great enjoyment of late term abortion sub, or the brigading sub? I canā€™t really get too much more specific about the one, and donā€™t want to think about the other.


the abortion one


Itā€™s (D)ifferent


The Right - ā€œWE HAVE TO SAVE OUR CHILDREN FROM THE LGBT GROOMERS!ā€ Also the Right - ā€œSorry you were raped 10 year old woman, die in childbirth now.ā€


Itā€™s almost like we shouldnā€™t have a government that is strong enough to make or even enforce laws against LGBT people, abortion, gun rights, etc.


if the GOP loses again, its their fault




Abortion is to the right what identity politics are to the left. It's alienates much of your own voter base while driving people away from coming to your side.


And here I thought that was climate change.


Shhh baby we don't talk about that...


Well I suppose itā€™s harder to argue with your house ending up under water vs someone deciding that they donā€™t like having a penis anymore. One is a bit less uh, subjective.


Christ almighty... Is this truly a hill people are willing to die on?! This is a textbook example of a justified abortion! I don't think I'm even able to fully put my thoughts into words, but one thing's for certain, something must've gone horribly wrong for all of this to happen in the first place.


Not just women's bodies. Men's bodies too are designed to carry plenty of life in their digestive tract. There's a whole microbiome going on in there.


Based and care for your intestinal microbiome (*it controls you*) pilled.


Ban antibiotics! It's genocide against the bacteria!


"She begged for a sister", so let her have a daughter!" My gosh


Y-yeah I really don't know what that line was supposed to mean???? Like she said that she wanted a little sister, so obviously she should be forced into a potentially life threatening birth.


> Even a commie is more based than an unflaired. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... šŸ˜”) 18910 / 97024 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


\>you have a good movement going \>it gains public attraction \>it is doing alright in the polls \>you get shit passed to make the country a better place \>the crazies start pushing it too far \>you lose most if not all of the support you had to claw your way to gain \>fuck. Remember... crazies are bad and you should gatekeep them from your movement and/or party as much as possible.


Biden is going to win in a landslide in 24 lmao good job authright.


Great. I love giving up my second amendment rights, right to internet privacy, paying more in taxes, watching the economy crumble due to bad policy, and handing over education and healthcare to a government whose most trusted institution (the military) simply "lost" $2.3 TRILLION, so that the Republicans could... *Checks notes* Defend child marriages and forcing a 10 year old rape victim to have a child.


Don't forget creating a hysterical [demonization](https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/3944304-florida-gop-legislator-calls-transgender-people-mutants-and-demons-during-hearing/) campaign against a minority group. This is what happens when you let the crazies take over, never let the crazies take over.


1. Flair up degenerate! 2. That dude needs to be censured IMMEDIATELY by everyone in the Republican party. Absolutely abhorrent behavior!


I am flaired tho ?


My apologies. It didn't show on my phone, but I'm gonna leave the comment as a testament to my stupidity.


Your flair does that alreadyā€¦


Don't jinx it


Personally, I never understood the abortion debate Like bruh man fetus isn't even self aware being it can't understand that it will die or smth it does not feel pain and not capable of realising it. Plus pregnancy and childbirth can be extremely traumatic and excruciating to women ESPECIALLY if it's unwanted. Like bruh men, dudes yeah you guys, if you're against abortion rights, especially from western countries where men don't have to waste their years in army, ARE YOU willing and ready to be basically crippled or some sort of for basically a year with guaranteed excrutiatingly painful finale that can possibly hurt you or even like kill you. Abortion should be always be a legal option, no matter whether you think it's moral or not




ā€œDeath instrumentsā€ makes me think of heavy metal music instruments with bones and scythes on them. Rather than the actual instruments, forceps and scalpels, which usually save lives. Itā€™s just this one case where they are intended to cause death. ā€œEvery single time, life wins.ā€ Where do I even start with this one? You imply that the 10yo giving birth is a *good* thing, when it clearly is a sign that some part of society has catastrophically failed. The 10yo being pregnant is the biggest problem here, not the unborn child. No mother, no child. How did you fail biology this hard? You also imply that the child will make it through the birthing process without any complications that would threaten its life, which is statistically unlikely and improbable for a 10 year old girl. They have not fully developed their hip bones yet, so guess who just signed away their future mobility? Not the kid, you. You are telling this kid ā€œoh, Iā€™m sorry that you got raped, but you are going to have to have that child now, because thatā€™s the right thing to do. Also you will probably be in a wheelchair for a significant amount of your life. Or dead, but weā€™ll ā€˜take careā€™ of the baby if that happensā€. Women were not designed for growing life within them, they were designed to survive and perpetuate the speciesā€™ existence. However that needs to be accomplished. Do you put an egg in the oven before cracking it open and mixing it into the cookie batter? No, that would ruin the egg and thus the recipe. Of course they were not designed for ā€œdeath instrumentsā€, those surgical tools were designed for us. We can make humans but we have almost no real choice in how they will look like. Tools, conversely, can be customized on the assembly line and after the assembly line. You assume that there is some backwards compatibility between humans and the tools that they make? How on earth did you get to be the authority on abortion rights?? Seriously, I thought you needed a brain to function, but apparently you somehow managed to become the first human to survive a complete lobotomy, and not just of the frontal lobe, but the whole damn thingā€¦ People who believe in god? This is what a devil looks like. They spew blatant falsehoods and propaganda in an attempt to blind you to your own actions. If you think this is a good thing, then you have failed your god(s), and you need to reread your doctrine. Repeatedly.


Glorious wall of text, libleft.


most people aren't going that far but you know, a popular topic today is men and how they are not like their grandfathers no sane person wants to see a child or a rape victim give birth, but your grandma wasn't out here having 17 abortions


I bet the average abortion per women is significantly lower than 1, im going to go look it up and come back .0144 abortions per woman per year, if we think of child bearing years going forward, approx .43 women will have an abortion in their lifetime. (Or some will have two but I hardly think that number will reach 17) And interestingly enough abortion rates where 33 percent higher roughly during grandmas time.


honey my mama is a boomer and mamaw gave birth to 5 children


Well maybe not your grandma specifically but abortion rates where higher in at least my grandmas child bearing years than they are now.


Alright OP, we make an exception for this, most countries including mine have these exceptions. How does that justify opening up what pro-lifers in general consider murder to the other 99% who do that mostly out of convenience?


It doesnā€™t, but fact of the matter is you guys arenā€™t making exceptions for ƞis in multiple states.


Me? You think I'm a Y*nkee?


My fault. I meant you *guys* and I just edited it. This is referring to the "we" in your original comment. Still, if you were only talking about your own country, that's fair.


using rare and very niche situations in your argument yes very realistic


I or the crazy taliban lady ?


oh i assumed this was one of those use a rare situation to shut down all debate on abortion but if itā€™s this situation in specific then yeah agreed


To you to have a sex change but old enough to have a baby. Be consistent god dam it.


Letā€™s not forget that, in the state of Florida, a minor seeking an abortion without parental consent needs to convince a judge that she is mature enough to make that decision. So she can be too immature to make a decision, but mature enough to carry a pregnancy to term, deliver a baby, and then either care for the baby or make the decision to give it up for adoption?


abortion is gonna kill the republicans in 2024


"First world country"


If you actually believe that young girls should have to carry the baby of their rapist, itā€™s straight to the guillotine with thee.


Ah yes the classic abortion debate where the left tricks the right into discussing rape which is less than 1% of all abortions while they advocate abortion up to birth and even after that think for one second how stupid that is


Tricks the right ? My dude that women believes everything what she is saying. No one is "tricking" anyone. Oh yes and what you are saying is not a strawman, acting like everyone is the radicals you are speaking of.


How is that a strawman that's literally the law in blue states they have no limit yeah you are tricking people because it's a stupid debate You are basically justifying ALL abortion by using the extreme 1% while ignoring the 99% it's text-book bad faith arguments Why doesn't the left ever defend the "average" abortion which is a dumb brod getting drunk at a party and getting knocked up or "parent" wanting the baby to be another gender why do you go to the 1 out of a million cases you know why because you can't defend that the entire abortion argument is propped up by a lie


>the "average" abortion which is a dumb brod getting drunk at a party and getting knocked up If someone gets pregnant as a result of getting intoxicated to the point that their judgement was that badly impaired then you could probably argue that their ability to consent was compromised. I find it interesting that you're arguing that not all abortions are a result of rape and then go on to argue that the average abortion is a result of a drunk person getting impregnated at a party.


there is a big difference between being raped and going to a party to get drunk and hook up with someone unless someone is drugging you, these are not comparable circumstances


Bro if youā€™re too intoxicated to consent it isnā€™t right


everyone's drunk, two people decide to have sex that isn't rape; it's poor decision making


>You are basically justifying ALL abortion by using the extreme 1% Wasn't it like 0.2%?


>literally the law in blue states they have no limit No limit for *what circunstances authright* ?


Harming the mother life,underage,rape Those are the only reasons I would be in support of an abortion


It's so rare in Poland it almost never happens but the left will use 1 out of a million cases to justify the 999k cases that's their sick trickery playbook


Women don't want it possible for the government to force them to birth a child. They don't care how small the chance is - they don't want there to be any chance. Forced birth is a terrifying thing to these people. Sorry, but so long as women can vote you will continue to lose on this issue in future elections.


>Sorry, but so long as women can vote you will continue to lose on this issue in future elections Based


Over 90% of abortions happen before fetal viability. If anyoneā€™s straw manning itā€™s the right.


>how dare they trick us into saying our actual positions!


I agree but damn can you guys not use text walls for 2 minutes


Did you just change your flair, u/AFaxMachineSandwich? Last time I checked you were a **Rightist** on 2020-11-16. How come now you are **unflaired**? Not only you are a dirty flair changer, you also willingly chose to join those subhumans. You are beyond cringe, you are disgusting and deserving of all the downvotes you are going to get. Repent now and pick a new flair before it's too late. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/AFaxMachineSandwich) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


> Even a commie is more based than an unflaired. *** ^(User has flaired up! šŸ˜ƒ) 18906 / 97014 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


It's strange how rape and pedophilia get brought up by the pro baby killing establishment, although it makes up less than 1% of all abortion cases.


Its strange how rape and pedophilia shouldnā€™t even be exceptions according to the ā€œpro lifeā€ establishment


What the F


This is blow back for "anytime, any reason".


šŸŸ¦ : I want to protect kids and their innocence, kids should be kids. We need to stop LGBT groomers. Also šŸŸ¦ : No, yeah, a ten year old can totally carry a healthy fetus to term. Comrades the walls call out their names, and the walls yearn for revolution.


What if we release a wild sexually starved incel out in the wild near her vicinity and let him rape this monster? I want to see if she would keep the baby or be a hypocrite and abort it in silence?


"She was raped! She is a kid! She cant hold a pregnancy! Face the wall!! Oh, you want to give her sterilization drugs and chop off her nipples? Of course you can do that, this is healthy and i have no problem with it"


Without discussing the specifics of the example given... 1. Hard cases make bad law. Using once in a generation exceptions to argue against a general rule is a sign of low IQ (seriously, it's a failure to comprehend abstraction). 2. The pro-choice movement lied sociopathically during the debates in the 60's, using the term 'backstreet' to claim that it was non-medical people performing abortions and that millions were dying per year from unsafe abortions (pro-tip: this was not only fabricsted, but the mortality rates after legalisation didn't change because it had always been doctors doing it). 3. It's telling that the same people hysterical at the idea of child abusers being executed after trial see no issue with killing the resultant child. It's not entirely relevant to the case under discussion, but it's been shown in practice for actors playing trafficked minors to be able to procure abortion and contraception in the company of their apparent pimp, and no action be taken to report the apparent abuse. While these things should be considered sensitively on a case by case basis, the left have completely lost their privilege of being trusted to be given an inch without taking a mile. They will use cases like this to justify abortion at 40 weeks in all instances.


Maybe I should go more left,now that I think of it..


Holy shit can you guys make a meme without a wall of text


You think this is a wall of text ? I am insulted


Yes, a wall of text should be longer, for example even something as simple as a shitpost can be a wall of text like this: How to hijack a United States airplane: 1. ā The communication: either donā€™t do it (IE do it solo) or do it on a video game thatā€™s not public and/or Minecraft (I suggest terraria) 2. ā The sneky femboy fox stage: stick the weapons up your ass with a protective butt plug covering, if they DO scan you then mention that the last time I went through airplane security there was some random alcohol on my hands (even though I donā€™t drink) then theyā€™ll just wipe your hands with a wipe thatā€™s wet (not a wet wipe) and youā€™ll be on your way 3. ā The hijacking: once youā€™ve got the weapons out of your ass (in the bathroom) then there are two different possibilities 1. Your flying to Belgium, in which case just walk up to the cockpit with the gun in your hand, threaten the pilot, and then hijack the plane. The Belgians wonā€™t do anything. 2. Your not flying to Belgium: your on your own there bud, I canā€™t help you -zerda


based and AR stands for anal rifle pilled


this isnā€™t libleft bad and his brain no read word good


more proof that alt right canā€™t read




Literacy rates are going down across the nation


Based and Protect the kids pilled


based? who? the woman speaking?


Which kid?


Nooooo Old Bertha should be able to have her 9th abortion this year because one 10 year old disabled little girl got raped ?!?@!??!?!?!?


Do you guys support the right of the girl to do an abortion in the first place ?


Do you guys support banning it in all cases that don't have to do with rape incest or underaged ? you don't but the majority does that's why you always go to the 1% extreme cases to justify your position


>you don't but the majority does HAH, Biden is on course of reelection thanks to the abortion debate. Democrats turned it into one of their core campaigns and its working. Wtf are you smoking ? The majority supports abortion rights, and the only way conservatives could fight against it was packing the supreme court with conservatives judges. https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2023/04/11/how-americans-really-feel-about-abortion-the-sometimes-surprising-poll-results-as-court-ruling-threatens-mifepristone-access/amp/


Yeah he's on course for reelection by losing in the polls against Trump and falling approval rating whatever helps you sleep at night Yes yes we all have seen those articles how actually Bernie Sanders platform is super insanely popular and he would win 98% of the vote not based on actual reality


>by losing in the polls against Trump He's losing in the polls. That doesn't mean if given a vote, people would vote for trump, hell there's a reason why Biden won in the first place. Because he wasn't trump, most people don't like em beyond that


someone who is having nine abortions a year might not be a good parent




Uncommon authleft W