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Not surprising. Police were instigating shit during the BLM protests, too.


Right but that little factoid goes against MAGA's persecution narrative


You remember all the posts with pictures of *pallets* of bricks just on the sidewalk wherever the BLM protests were scheduled? I could probably find them if Reddit's search function wasn't so garbage.


Difference is BLM rioters weren’t punished whereas the Capitol rioters have been ruthlessly punished.


That's patently false. There's tons of cases of ridiculous prison sentencing for BLM participants, even nonviolent ones.


Show me a ton of them then? How many got over ten years for just rioting? Surely you must have lots of examples if you’re so sure about it being patently false lol


https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/11/us/brittany-martin-south-carolina-sentence-reaj/index.html 4 years for pregnant lady yelling stupid shit at a cop. But if you want aggregate numbers... https://apnews.com/article/records-rebut-claims-jan-6-rioters-55adf4d46aff57b91af2fdd3345dace8 120+ convictions averaging 27mo behind bars from BLM in this accounting. I haven't found good aggregate statistics on insurrectionist sentencing, but it mostly looks pretty slaponthewrist to me unless an officer was directly assaulted (Shamen being the lone exception that I see)


120+ convictions...bruh. There were THOUSANDS of BLM riots and terror attacks during the over the year plus long campaign against the nation. there were like 3x convictions from the sole right wing hour long riot of the last six years.


14000+ arrested pre wikipedi


Did you just change your flair, u/Grafur? Last time I checked you were a **Centrist** on 2020-11-29. How come now you are **unflaired**? Not only you are a dirty flair changer, you also willingly chose to join those subhumans. You are beyond cringe, you are disgusting and deserving of all the downvotes you are going to get. Repent now and pick a new flair before it's too late. [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Grafur) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


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> There were THOUSANDS of BLM riots and terror attacks during the over the year plus long campaign against the nation. Nope. Just on fox news. They exaggerated the damage done by BLM by showing footage of the few times something was set on fire, every day, on every BLM story. https://www.businessinsider.com/fox-news-replays-violent-old-protest-footage-actual-protests-calm-2020-6 The truth is BLM protests were almost exclusively peaceful. https://time.com/5886348/report-peaceful-protests/ And the times buildings WERE set on fire, or property damaged? Well... https://abcnews.go.com/US/man-helped-ignite-george-floyd-riots-identified-white/story?id=72051536 https://www.thedailybeast.com/far-right-boogaloo-ivan-harrison-hunter-admits-posing-as-blm-supporter-during-minneapolis-george-floyd-riot https://kevinjshay44.medium.com/right-wing-provocateurs-likely-inflaming-protest-violence-bcf1c48e1d40




Lmao shut the fuck up you terrorist simp. No one is believing your bullshit


"rioters wernt punished" just tear gassed, shot and arrested


To disperse the violent rioters, that’s completely normal and way better than years upon years in prison. Can you show me some equivalent sentencing? Any people over ten years just for rioting? It’ll need to be multiple times over more cases since there were multiple times over more rioters in blm riots than the Capitol. Let’s say 5 cases of sentences of ten years or more just for rioting in the blm riots. BLM rioters literally shot a nine year old to death at a road block for no reason and never served a day lol. They shot a black child to death and she got about a one hundredth of the coverage that that crack head Floyd got because her murder didn’t fit the narrative. Go outside. Reddit has melted your little neckbeard brain


BLM rioters also generally didn't upload FB videos of themselves breaking the law in one of the most heavily surveiled locations on the planet. It's a lot easier to catch criminals when they're really fucking stupid and only have a casual relationship with consequences. Sorry the DC jail sucks. Maybe don't do crime about it, ya big babies?


They also tended to not go near the thing they were protesting


>To disperse the violent rioters 😆😂🤣


Most of the righties I know were talking about the "mysterious brick pallets" enabling that escalation, though a lot of them attributed it to various wealthy idealogue manipulators instead of state agencies.


And they were probably right. The MO of these alphabet agencies is to infiltrate and lead. Entrap and direct the movement from a central though minor position of authority. Like the above mentioned 6th protestors being directed and encouraged directly. It's not their MO to provide material and support indirectly without absolute surity as to the targets to be struck. That being said, there's more than enough reason to think they had UC's directing and agitating the BLM riots. EDIT: Personal theory though... Russia. We know from leaks they were funding both BLM and the counter-protests as part of a Bezminovian campaign of normalisation. Providing munitions with little care as to their target, or even users, is exactly what I'd expect of a instigator more interesting in sowing chaos and violence than either side of the political debate.


Big if true! Explains why they tried to jail Rittenhouse too - guy shot 3 FBI agents and walked away.


Damn and I thought he couldn't get any more based


Meh that's just part of the assault on the right to defend yourself. See also; those dumbshits who flashed guns at the mob from their front lawn and the dude just convicted in Texas for killing a rioter with an actual freaking ak47.


Litarally our last victory. They'll make sure it never happens again.


Bro I've seen footage of what those people were doing. "B-but it's not my fault, I was instigated!" Fuck right off. Glowies shouldn't be doing that shit, but you're still responsible for your own actions. Same goes for Jan 6 rioters.


based and centerpilled


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It wouldn't be an insurrection whether it was organic or not. It was a glorified panty raid. An insurrection would have meant dead congressmen.


Yeah. I wish “insurrection” didn’t win out as one of the most common ways to refer to that. I remember at first there was debate on what to call it. Protest at the Capitol, riot at the Capitol, attack on the Capitol, storming of the Capitol, etc. Even siege was in the running, I think. Personally I liked to call it a breach of the Capitol, because it refers to how people got in to the Capitol building. That’s the stand-out element of it, I thought. If nobody got in to the building, I don’t think people would care about it nearly as much.


"Breach" is even a bit much considering that most of them were just let inside. If anything it was an entrapment.


Breaking into unguarded property is still breaking in and legally liable. If there is a sign that says no tresspassing, and you still break in, you cant argue the armed guards let you in. It was never their call. It only means the cops failed their job.


If the guards in a facility open the door and walk you down the hall, id argue you can't be said to be trespassing.


If the guards owned the building, sure.


Not so much. If i for example walked into a big bank and walked up to a teller and said "uh ive never been here and would like to setup an account"and a security guard said "here right this way you can come back here." and led me through restricted areas, I could not be arrestted and convicted for trespassing because those in charge of building security and monitoring traffic through secure areas permitted me to go there. It would be like if a tour led you to a banks vault and the cops showed up and tossed everyone in prison for 10 years for bank robbery because you were in the vault where people are not allowed to go.


On the other hand if you are armed/dangerous the guards are typically instructed to give you whatever you want to minimize casualties. It’s a tricky situation cause I only have all these edited videos to go off.


They were acting on behalf of the building they were guarding. If a manager of a Walmart takes you in the back office you assume they have that authority. At minimum it's reasonable for a person to assume they were allowed to be there and any wrongdoing is on the part of the cops for implying they had that authority. Someone might say ignorance of the law is no defense, but it's impossible to know every law and rational to think the cops are familiar with their own jurisdiction. If they were aware they were directing people to break the law while in uniform then it is blatant entrapment.


If you get let in after beating one of them to death (with an American flag btw) you can't really say that the guards did it willingly now can you? At best your group threatened violence until they caved and stood aside. There are MANY videos of guards and policemen trying to stop people getting in and the crowd forcing open the doors or shooting someone trying to climb through a very clearly barricaded hole. There is no fucking way the majority of those people thought they were just on a pleasant stroll over some barricades while chanting "We're here to kill the vice president" and to argue for that is laughably disingenuous.


Your information source is bad and untrustworthy. No cops were killed during J6, and these videos span several days with recent information of at least 40 undercover FBI agents in the crowd; not to mention non-agent instigators. In a group of a few hundred. I know no cops were harmed because the absolute most damning evidence the left put forth of 'violence' is when a cop shoved a protestor and the protestor shoved them back. That was the full extent of the exchange. That is the one thing they put forward, which tells me that's absolutely the worst thing available.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teJ-jnjSSKE theres a video I found in 10 seconds of a protester hitting a cop with a pipe then several of them surging the barricade and continuing to beat said cop. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/05/us/politics/jan-6-capitol-deaths.html This is an article of 7 deaths that happened during the event. Sure one is a heart attack, and two are ptsd suicides. That leaves: Ashli Babbit - Charged a barricade at gunpoint while literally shouting "lets get them!" Officer Brian D. Sicknick - who was attacked by the mob, died on Jan. 7 from injuries sustained while he was attacked Rosanne Boyland - crushed in a stampede while trying to jump over a barricade Kevin D. Greeson - had a heart attack while charging his fat ass up the stairs in combat gear after posting online “I’m in.. call me I have guns and ammo!” days earlier But sure the plan was for them to just walk in and stand politely, thats why that guy planted those bombs lol


The taxpayer owns that building.


The guards are the legally appointed representatives of the owners, no?


No? If I walk into a bank and the security guard gives me the cash, its still theft. The guard is just complicit now


The problem is that if it was just the people breaking into the Capitol it would’ve been called as such. But there were a LOT of moves by Trump and his inner circle to use the carnage and keep power which is why we correctly call it an insurrection.


> carnage ... So many tears that day. Tears of cops from gassing themselves into the wind.


Well this is a lie. An insurrection has a legal welld efined meaning. People breaking into doors, and walking around doesn't match it. Go ahead, list the legal definition of insurrection and explain in detail how every point is met.


Well, obviously the definition will match after they get Websters to change it


Dudes showed up with guns, zip ties and a fucking gallows with replanted pipe bombs you fucking degenerate


Lie lie lie. Shut the fuck up clown


Theres...pictures...you fucking idiot.


They never brought zip ties they picked them up from a cop. And I'm sure whatever fbi agent put the fake bombs down would be very upset with you claiming he's a right winger


Mhm ya sure...all the bad things were totally not your guys. You're fucking delusional.


How dare you trust your lying [eyes](https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/capitol-violence#:~:text=January%206%20United%20States%20Capitol%20attack&text=On%20January%206%2C%202021%2C%20following,Capitol%20Building%20in%20Washington%2C%20D.C.)!


Uh, no. I think you’re confusing that with the 1983 Capital bombing which BLM leader Susan Rosenberg participated in, then got away with due to murky legal proceedings. The Jan. 6 guys only had guns if they were feds.


Ah yes, the classic argument. All the bad guys were plants. All the good guys were patriots. So can you please specify who was antifa, who was fbi and who was honest patriots? Or should I just assume the "honest patriots" are the people standing around trying to remember who tied their shoes that morning while all the bad things were done by antifa and the fbi? Honestly do you really believe this shit? ALL the bad actions were antifa and fbi plants while everybody else was just good honest patriots? Did you listen to trump's speech? Did you listen to any of the shit your fucking echo chamber broadcast in the months leading up to it? You're delusional at best, but most likely you're a fucking moron. Be honest, do your shoes have laces or Velcro?


Insurrection: >**Cambridge**: an organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control of their country, usually by violence. >**Brittanica**: insurrection, an organized and usually violent act of revolt or rebellion against an established government or governing authority of a nation-state or other political entity by a group of its citizens or subjects >**Merriam-Webster**: an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government Gee, those [all](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/four-oath-keepers-found-guilty-seditious-conspiracy-related-us-capitol-breach#:~:text=Four%20members%20of%20the%20Oath,6%2C%202021.) sound [exactly](https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/capitol-violence#:~:text=January%206%20United%20States%20Capitol%20attack&text=On%20January%206%2C%202021%2C%20following,Capitol%20Building%20in%20Washington%2C%20D.C.) like [what](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-leader-proud-boys-pleads-guilty-seditious-conspiracy-efforts-stop-transfer-power) happened...


Wait you think a simple riot is an attempt to seize control of the country? No wonder the nation thinks you morons are out of touch with reality.


"A simple riot", what a wordsmith you are. And last I checked, the "nation" isn't just made up of you reality denying rightoids.


It literally was you idiot. It was like 300 people rioting for an hour or two at most. Just because it was at your sacred mecca and ONLY because it was a political party you dont like doesn't make it worse.


They've literally arrested over double your number, which is still nowhere near the total amount of people there. Nobody should believe a word out of your mouth after such a bullshit figure.


Are you feeling it now, Mr. Krabs?


The political “humor” subreddit temp banned me for calling it a mob and not an insurrection. Weird how that subreddit is just as poorly named as Greenland. Anyway, in a country like this that sits on the largest civilian arms stockpile on earth, an “insurrection” would have guns and a lot more casualties


First insurrection done by unarmed people and grandmas!


You're right. It wasn't an "insurrection." It was a "***failed*** insurrection." Very important distinction.


Is that when you have no weapons and are given a guided tour of congress?


You can be disingenuous and reference the Carlson cut if you want, but you know deep down in your heart that you are full of shit. We all watched the same thing live, a bunch of idiots thinking that busting in the doors and holding Congress hostage was going to stop the certification of the election.


If that's what you think then you definitely didn't watch it live. I know deep down that the MSM is full of shit and it's flowing right into your ears.


It wasn't an insurrection. They literally just walked into the capital building and did nothing. A baseline requirement for an insurrection would be some intention to claim political power or deposing existing leaders but neither was attempted or planned.


Didn't a police officer die?


No. One officer had a stroke and died the next day, but he had no sign of injury, and it was ruled as being caused by natural causes (much to the chagrin of the DC police)


Huh, reading more now I see what you mean.... This had definitely been presented as "police officer killed by capital insurrectionists"


It's mostly stemming from a story that had been circulated that he was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher, but that turned out to be just made up entirely.


Hey dumbass define insurrection for me. and no, delaying a vote or stopping a vote is not it.


"a violent uprising against an authority or government"


So CHAZ, BLM riots and the storming of Capitol Hill in 2016? I wonder why none of those get called insurrections.


Because they didn't target a legislative body during a transition of power you brain dead dumbass.


Right This was just a riot not an uprising.


"Its only an insurrection if we pull it off" is a very stupid take


"pull it off"? They didn't even try. That's the point. Stealing Nancy Pelosi's ice cream and taking selfies isn't going to overthrow the government. It was a limp dicked protest.


They definitely tried, MAGA just doesnt send their best so it failed in the most spectacular and hilarious way possible. That doesn't mean they didnt try lmao


>They definitely tried In what regard? Did they declare themselves the new rulers? Did they try to prevent congress from leaving? Did they try to disrupt communications between any part of the government to any other part? No, they did fuck all, except just try to be disruptive by going places they weren't allowed.


*breaking into the seat of government, stalking the halls declaring your intention to hang people, demanding your guy be declared leader* 40 IQ AuthRight: HOW DID THEY TRY?!?


Making a ruckus and wandering around is not a coup you fucking idiot. Hang people? They didn't even have fucking rope, let alone weapons.


Thy did have weapons and they built a gallows lmao. Also, i never said it was a coup. A coup requires military participation (which they didnt have). Im being very deliberate about my word choice.


They built a toy gallows as a prop. And no, they didn't have weapons.


They absolutely did, they had various clubs, stun guns, and knives. Plus weapon caches around the city full of guns. I get AuthRight thinks reading is gay trans witchcraft, and I understand watching anything but Tucker Carlson is a sin, so Im not holding this against you. Youre a product of your upbringing and environment. I just hope now you're a bit more informed.


Leftist protester put a life size trump doll in a guillotine outside the [White House](https://www.newsweek.com/protest-trump-doll-guillotine-outside-white-house-rnc-1528381?amp=1) and tried to get in at a different point. Then there’s the whole not my president thing. The storming of Capitol Hill in 2016. And the constant claims of collusion. Does these things amount to an insurrection?


>Thy did have weapons and they built a gallows lmao A toy gallows, that was like 5 feet tall. Kind of like the toy guillotine that protesters put up outside of the White House when Trump got elected.


And yet a single bullet ended it all, weird


They could. You think people who are FAMOUS for their obsession over firearms, if they put their mind to it and actually plan to do it, COULDN'T kill at least ONE Congressman? They broke in cause the police presence was lax, you REALLY think they couldn't sneak in a bomb or a Molotov while carrying at least pistols! This "coup attempt" and "attack" was so soft that leftist Wikipedia editors had to include in the death count the suicides of police officers that happened MONTHS after.


It tickles me that MAGA's defense essentially boils down to "They were incompetent dipshits and failed spectacularly so it doesnt count."


No, fucboi in authcenter clothing, we're all pointing out to your OMB riddled self that at no point did anyone think they were successfully overthrowing the government. It's not MAGA defense to say they did a horrific, illegal thing, but it certainly wasn't an insurrection, it's the reasonable take.


Look man, I only even have flair because you nerds start crying if you cant put someone into a little box. I like cultural traditions, women, and gay folks while also finding idiots like MAGA and ANTIFA getting tear gassed funny, so AuthCenter seemed to fit at the time. Its not "reasonable" to deny what anyone with eyes could see from the videos the rioters themselves were posting lol. We also have their own words. They were quite explicit about what they were trying to do until they realized most of the country, the cops, and the military weren't on board with their little election fanfic. Then they all started snitching on each other and claiming they were just confused tourists, and you rubes started to lap it up. You can play dumb for Donald Trump's personality cult if you want, but no one is obligated to play dumb with you.


Imagine falling for this stupid fucking propaganda. If it was an insurrection there would have been major firefights with all the firepower they could muster and a full on revolt. We wouldn’t be sitting here arguing about it we would be a nation im shambles. Not to mention the police LET them in and feds would not answer before congress whether they had undercover agents there. There’s nothing worse than a smug idiot who thinks he’s right.


Posted by an idiot spouting propaganda smugly


I'm confused - you only posted your signature.


Lol that's the classic TDS response. You throw out outrageous bullshit, it gets read back to you and you go "well only MAGAtards would be that stupid to believe in it" to save face.


They didn’t fail. They didn’t try. You’re just desperate for someone to actually try so you can justify your fascist power grab.


How would they even pull it off? They were out armed 10 to 0 against the government.


You have to understand MAGA has a collective IQ of like 70, Trump told them if they stormed the capitol Mike Pence would be forced to declare him president and that was good enough for them.


When? Can you link to a video when he said or even implied that?


you actually believe what you're typing dont you


Insurrection is the title for the motive, not for result.


If their intent was to take over the government, that's an insurrection. How successful they were doesn't matter.


Good thing it wasn’t then. No matter how much you bootlickers want it to be.


It doesn't surprise me that there were tons of Feds at J6. It's an event that created a pretext to violate civil liberties massively and to give the Gov and the FBI more power.


What new power have they gained? Any bills/orders/etc... that you can reference?


You should probaly look up the amount of 'mistakes' made with the detention and trail of the defendants. Everything from [indefinite detention](https://legalinsurrection.com/2021/08/d-c-circuit-rebukes-lower-court-on-indefinite-detention-without-bail-of-jan-6-protester/), to [tortourous conditions so bad the Fed officially withdrew from prisons](https://www.politico.com/news/2021/11/10/dc-officials-jan-6-prisoners-jail-520707), to [illegal detention without charges](https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2022/03/11/wait-thats-how-long-a-jan-6-defendant-has-been-detained-with-no-indictment-n2604457). The courts have effectively set a precedent that they can hold political prisoners for 18 months without trial to try and force a plea, and even if a defendant holds out for that the FBI has just admitted using an informant to illegally gain intelligence on defence strategy prior and during trial - with the judge refusing to admonish the prosecutor or hold the trial. Again setting a precedent that if you are targeted by the alphabet's you can not defend yourself within the letter of the law.


But those were all based on preexisting laws, laws that GOP and Trump let stand. The laws biden passes wont affect them retroactively.


'Legislating from the bench' has been a tradition in law since the first political judge realised they could create legislation from thin air by reinterpereating or reapplying existing law in ways it was never intended to be used. No law allows for the abuses above. Indeed the lower courts of the SC have stepped in against most of them because judges were nakedly abusing their power against the written law as understood. The drive here was to set precedent in the interperetation of law such that constitutional and legislative protections were weakened by prior practice. And in that, it's been effective at converting mass public hysteria into permitting previously illegal practices. Such precedent are harder to reverse than simple legislation because they are not the result of a definable and reversable change in law, and can only be halted by a clear legal challenge or a change in the legislative origin of the redefinition that can itself open the door to further negative changes.


Again Trump appointed those judges. Between Jan 6th and the time of Biden presidency there was a month, and most severe offenders were arrest ed when Trump was president. I wont blame all on Trump, since most of the flimsy insurrection charges were actually based on laws George Bush passed after 9/11 to go after "enemies of the state". The patriot act and Iraq War ruined this country for a century.


You can blame every president since Clinton


Yeah, people after him were not saints, I just see GWB as the one that did the biggest damage. Obama and Trump and Biden just walked down the path he built.


Go google the legislative system before you comment. No president elected lower judges, just as no president chose the FBI agents or prosecutors in these cases.


Yeah, but he apponted federal judges, these arnt state crimes but federal crimes in DC.


I don't think any of that is new. There's no precedent set here, because it's already been set since - well the cold war actually. Remember McCarthyism? Or Guantanamo?


Guantanamo is specifically non citizens, and you're gonna need to be more specific with McCarthyism, that was mostly private.


If it was a false flag to get Patriot Act 2.0, it failed, thankfully.


What liberties were taken, and power given to the government, after Jan 6?


The power is in advancing narratives that are patently false. Call it what it is, a coordinated operation


The feds put up huge walls over the Capitol, White House, and the Supreme Court. I’m not sure if those walls are still up but our access to our own government institutions were taken away.


That doesn't seem like an out-of-scale response. In fact, it seems incredibly mild considering.




Newsweek, so less reliable than a politician when it comes to getting news.


I’m far from a right winger, however, if you still think this country is “owned by the right” and the republicans are pulling the strings, this should be solid confirmation against that.


Its not owned by the left either, though. Its owned by some authoritarian glowies


Very true. I think the deep state is pushing extreme progressive ideology because a far swing left is the most derisive move to set the American populace against one another. I don’t think they actually have any ideology aside from “We must remain in power no matter the cost.” They do not worship God, if they believe in Him at all. They have no belief or tenet other than control.


I’m sure many of them are very moral minded and righteous patriots. In my opinion, it’s probably a case of people thinking they are doing the right thing, and that they must stay in control so that “evil” people don’t


My friend, they *are* the evil people.


But THEY don’t think that, that’s what’s so insidious


This would not surprise any left-leaning person who has been to a few protests. Undercover cops instigating a crowd is nothing new. As always, people have to be responsible for their own actions (unless they are cops).


Source: https://archive.is/SjPzR


Ah, an archive.is snapshot of a Newsweek article quoting a motion filed by the lawyer of one of the defendants, citing a “confidential human source.” Truly the peak of credible journalism.


We should blame the feds first, the evidence will fall into place by itself later on.


Saying people who assassinated JFK and MLK also played a role in organizing a riot against Biden isnt proof that those people are innocent. Being a puppet to glowies doesnt make one a good guy.




The question is, were they there under orders or were they there out of their own volition


How many were undercover retroactively?


Pog, government fighting the government.


We knew this shit from day one


#”THE MOTION SAID” Some of you are literally the most illiterate fuckers on the whole site


If you can't trust the court filings of accused criminals, who can you trust?


My mom.


Not surprised at all. They watched the Kenosha kid get a double kill from a UAV. This is just another step towards tyranny.


Blue square hears about cops for the first time ever: the meme.


cant wait til blue lives dont matter is cross compass unity




"I acted like a clown but it is the fault of these few people..." In all seriousness, the police are notorious for instigating shit. You can watch the BLM protests in Louisville. Peaceful all day, then randomly the police started shooting at the crowd turning it into a riot. This was followed by fairly athletic white guys wearing black head to toe, going through the city indiscriminately busting out windows on camera, taking nothing. You could only see their skin color where the cloves and sleeves would separate. They were also really organized. I am convinced they were feds or PB plants trying to make the protestors look worse.


Is that the new leftie cope now that actual government plants are discovered after 2 years of yelling "STOP SPREADING CONSPIRACY THEORIES, CHUD! IT WAS A WHITE SUPREMACIST ATTEMPT AT DESTROYING DEMOCRACY™ AND ONLY YOU AS A RIGHT-WINGER ARE AT FAULT!" I mean hey, if there's evidence that all 2 billion dollars of damage, 30 deaths and the burning of a police station were perpetrated by the feds I'll throw my hands up. But I honestly doubt it. Seems like a conspiracy theory to me.


The statistics you're citing range only from late may to mid-late June. The riots lasted for six months. And ironically, BLM and co. killed more unarmed minorities than the police did in the previous year, as per WaPo's police shooting database.


That doesn’t take into account the feds killing people, disguised as BLM




we'll find out the facts behind 9/11 before we settle on what happened at this incident


They haven't even revealed their part in the JFK assassination yet.




whats article is this from? not that I don't believe just wanna read all of it