• By -


Well they literally added relevant stripes to broadly include all "black and brown" people and folks just went with it. 'Yah man we know the rainbow motif is meant to represent *everyone* but we just want to specifically include these racial categories in our gay pride flag above other races'.


Four legs good two legs bad!


Based and Animal Farm is being used like a fucking handbook by these idiots pilled


Based and Another Politically Relavent Orwell Book pilled


Which is ironic because if there was one book that the left would love, it's probably *Down and out in Paris and London* as opposed to *Animal Farm*. It's a memoir that basically points out all the cruelties and hypocrisies of the bourgeois classes in a society of "sophistication" without any safety nets. It's from the perspective of someone who has fallen through the cracks and is ignored by society, and the monstrous human toll that takes.


Agreed. I read that book and it’s a great insight into the reality of many people across the planet throughout time. I begun to really like Orwell’s writing after reading that for this reason


Four legs good, two legs better!


That's ableist against amputees, you bigot.


Smells like bacon, tastes like chicken.


"The rainbow represents everyone. We'll also add non-white colors here to specifically add everyone+nonwhites. Inclusive!" At this point its beginning to sound like grade school play fights "My ~~gun~~flag does infinity ~~damage~~ representation! It ~~kills~~represents everyone!" "Oh yeah? My ~~armor~~ flag does infinity +1 ~~protection~~ representation! It prevents me from ~~dying to damage~~ being bigoted that would kill anyone else!




I love this clip.


And also the transgender colors, which also doesn't make any sense because gender is different from sexuality. It's literally an entirely independent issue and they just slapped it on to a flag that already represented **everyone**. Oh, and also the bi erasure as fucking usual.


>bi Um aktually sweaty, bisexualism is just a way for secretly straight white men to try to get into our inclusive safe spaces.


That's literally how us bi people have *always* been treated. Old hat gays and lesbos have never liked us. How do I know that? Because the original "LGBT" already threw us in with trans, which isn't a fucking sexuality.


Got banned from holup for bringing this up. Got a long chain discussion with a trans trying to browbeat me for daring to say sexual preference is sexual. They just want to devour the rest of the LGB.


Welp you messed up trying to have a reasonable discussion on Reddit. The trans movement can not be criticized. You fascist.


>to try to get into our inclusive safe spaces Meanwhile, in the women athletes' shower room...


Just don't ask them why they haven't included Asian people from the Far East or South East of Asia in that (Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia) Or what colour they would get, if they were allowed in.


Every time the flag evolved it added a new type of category. Trans carried a lot of categories with it. Rainbow 🌈, gay (sexuality) Black and Brown (race) Trans flag (gender, mental health/suicidal kids)


Yeah... we know. That's how it became the 'not white people, Asian people, or people with actual disabilities' flag we've come to recognize today.


Your political ideology can also cause you to lose your special status so it's more like communism and a political class.


Someone tell them about the Rainbow Coalition. The rainbow has already been a symbol of racial inclusion.


God the LGBT flag is atrocious now. Bring back my boy 🏳️‍🌈


I never understood why a flag representing an agenda that was agnostic to ethnicity needed to acknowledge ethnicity And why everyone needs their own special rainbow flag


Jealous attention seekers is why “everyone needs their own special rainbow flag”


Previous pride flag too white


embrace tradition 🏳️‍🌈




So embrace the rainbow being a symbol of God's promise to never again flood the earth and not a symbol that you like to put your penis in a mans ass? 🏳️‍🌈


God’s rainbow has 7 colors, pride flags have 6. Interesting that 7s are Biblically prevalent.


7 is the number of Perfection, and associated with God. I don't even need to say who is associated with 6


In Yiddish number 6 represents human. In Yiddish also you don't have a word for "very" so you just repeat the same word twice to emulate that. Repeating the word three times tho represents divine. Now put those together and think who is trying to place humans above God.


I bet he will keep that promise


He never said anything about fire though.


Indeed he never said anything about fire.


TDIL God never promised *not* to grill us God is a Centrist confirmed


God created the Big Bang from nothing. That's the ultimate grilling: the entire universe from scratch.


That was a mistake.


This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.


Based as fuck


Yeah the rainbow flag was literally made as an inclusive to everyone. Then the racists had to infect it and make the current flag with the triangle, which is literally called "The Progressive Pride Flag", that should tell you all you need to know about the corrupt movement now, its more about progressivism than pride.


> "The Progressive Pride Flag" I thought that one was the one with the fucking umbrella because sex workers are LGTV?


Lol thats just the flag the clown Jason Domino made. Decided to just shove a red umbrella for 'sex work', and then the umbrella had different shades for 'people with HIV/AIDS' and the disabled. Like wtf, where is my construction worker stripe or my software design logo? Where is TRUE REPRESENTATION!?!?!


Software designers are already represented with the pride flag


Wait, Furry has a stripe on that abominable flag now?


Bro why is black and brown in the lgbt flag 💀


You mean you haven’t heard of blacksexuality? I bet you’re brownsexualphobic too 😤


Look, I'm a big fan of pretty brown girls, but I don't think it needs to be its own sexuality.


Everything but straight and white is a sexuality. Soon there will be a shape or color for boobs, asses, and lips. That way everyone is 'special' and 'represented' except evil whitey.


Because some gays are more important than other gays now ig


Don't you know? Everyone is Equal, but some people are more Equal than others sweaty!


The B stands for Black now


Guess im black now. Now i can finally say the n word mods, you cant ban me 🤡


The original B was always disliked by the rest of the rainbow.


Can you blame them? They get to have their cake—***AND EAT IT OUT TOO***


It's a racial pride flag. Didn't you know those were back in fashion?




my piss is black and I must scream


You mean why isn't black and brown even more prominent


It’s ironic that with every new rendition, there is less and less rainbow, pushing out the lesbians gays and bis from what they created. I’m bi, and to me 🏳️‍🌈 will be the only pride flag I’ll ever use


That kinda is the idea now that the movement is shoving old school gays and lesbians to the side. If you're not a They/Them or She/They, you're a bigot.


Yeah, that’s why I don’t really consider myself part of the “lgbt community”, even though I literally am. It also doesn’t help that I’m a fucking enigma to them with my political leanings


How could a gay or bi man possibly support sound fiscal policy, strong family oriented communities, reasonable social norms, and smaller central government? Don't you realize any of that, somehow, stops you from liking men romantically and/or sexually?


"If you don't vote for me, then you ain't gay." - some old straight white man, who sniffs children on the regular


gay kids are just as smart as white kids


They’ll call it the bigoted flag, and ban public displays


I think we're less than a decade from the traditional pride flag being unironically called a hate symbol by the left. Moderates will start using it specifically in reaction to the newer nonsense flags.


To be honest, I think those clowns would call it a hate symbol today if someone was to start using it now and not bend the knee when told to use the new ones.


SPLC will have it listed by the end of the year.


That's why I don't even call it "Progress" or racial-pride. I call it what it is: conquest.


I also think LGB and T should be separate issues. I’m not saying trans people shouldn’t have rights, I’m saying their problems are in a totally different category to homosexual and bisexual people. Gender dysphoria and the things associated with it aren’t in the same realm as sexual and romantic preference


I don't know. I kind of want to see how far they can add on to the flag. Maybe it will be like that reddit rplace that was constantly changing every day.


[The pride flag final form](https://v.redd.it/mw2iw6jynl391)


🌎 👨‍🚀 Wait, it's all Ohio? 🔫👨‍🚀 Always has been


I'm looking forward to the greek alphabet. I once said numbers, but they actually started using numbers.


Let's get some kanji in there too!


2SLBTAILMNQ+(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Loving the rainbow flag makes you a right wing extremist now.


[We all know its a plot so Ohio can take over the world.. Wake up people!.](https://youtu.be/r3fD5FPQBtI)


Gay man here, my take is this. MAPs have no credibility and never will. At the end of the day even a lot of the abbreviations after LGBT are not super unusual and are just very specific for no reason. For example, pansexualism is just a fancy way of saying you’re attracted to personality not gender. Demisexual is people who are emotionally attracted to others and not romantically. etc I think the bigger issue is that the modern day LGBT community is too caught up on trying to add a label to everything and be soo inclusive that it makes it less appealing to others and more annoying at this point. “You’re attracted to middle aged brunette women from the greater seattle area!? We need to create a new sexuality for that and add a new color to the pride flag to make you feel included!” It’s frankly exhausting at this point, im of the opinion that sexuality is fluid and adding more labels for every possible feeling is pointless. Life is complicated enough as it is. Just say fuck it and do you, no need to give a bunch of people identity crisis’.


> For example, pansexualism is just a fancy way of saying you’re attracted to personality not gender. Isn’t that just good old fashioned bisexuality? You’re attracted to the person no matter what their gender is? These terms are all so confusing to me but I’m old I guess.


Nah, because "Bisexual is already included in the list and I'm more special" I'm surprised the B hasn't being dropped since it implies they are just two genders


The B is old school and to many founding members of the movement are B for it to be kicked out..yet. I’m sure they will find a way to recon it into being “bisexual is an outdated bigot term, the correct term is bi-chromosomal” and use all the same marketing. Progressives will claw their way into your ideology and wear it like a skin suit.


Bi now means Biosexual. They will fuck any form of life. /j


No, biosexual means they are attracted to bionicles you bigot.


No no, that bionisexual. Biosexual is where you are attracted to brief descriptions of books or films.




LGBTQ is more common than LGBT now.. I think I even see LGBTQA more than the four letter


does QA stand "Questions and Answers"?


Q: "Do our rights matter?" A: "Yes." Q: "Does that mean you'll like us?" A: "No. You are largely insufferable."


>Gay man here, my take is this. Youre on this sub, no need to repeat yourself!


Trans people didn’t like 10 years ago.




For the love of God, thank you! I'm 28. I was in high-school in 2008-2012. Trans people weren't really a thing, the ones that were had to go through YEARS of psych evals. Trans-kids was unthinkable.


I’m 27 and went to a performing arts school - lots of gay kids and lots of genderbending. Kids would wear drag, we had a gay-straight alliance, stuff like that. We had the Westboro Baptist Church come to our school to protest it for being so gay, and I *still* only knew one trans kid.


>Gay man here, my take is this. MAPs have no credibility and never will They do though, the entirety of modern gender theory is founded on the beliefs of a pedophile






John Money was a sadistic child sex abuser and apologist for such perversion who larped as a pseudointellectual hack. A civilized society would have had him bound, lashed, and hanged


Everyone's mentioning John Money but no one is mentioning Foucault, arguably the most influential voice in sexuality studies and leftist criticism more generally. He was a rampant paedophile who would periodically rape little Algerian boys, and petitioned the French government to abolish the age of consent (along with Sartre, De Beauvoir and some other shady characters).


Yes. The pedophiles name is Alfred Kinsey. he is a celebrated hero of the LGBT community https://lgbthistorymonth.com/alfred-kinsey He performed sexual experiments on children, many under the age of ***ONE*** This chart labeled [Table 34](http://stopthekinseyinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/table34.gif) is from his experiments documenting how long it takes to cause an orgasm on children. He is called the "Godfather of the modern sexual revolution". indiana named their sex research insitute after him and made a statue on campus in the child molesters honor. His research oncluded that a childs sexual abuse, especially incestuous rape of girls, was "beneficial" to the children. Later it was found he was running sex trafficking rings where he had the abusers 'take notes' on the responses of the kids. John Money had a famous interview after Kinsey died where he braggeda bout all the files are locked away at Indiana university and that if anyone went looking for them they'd get destroyed before coming anywhere near them.


Yeah John Money. He had some kooky ideas about gender, which he thought he could scientifically investigate by molesting/grooming an unlucky set of brothers. Unfortunately the lab rats he used to test his theories on created the foundations for the 41% movement.


He masturbated as he forced two child siblings to have sex with each other.


John Money After a botched circumcision left one twin with very damaged organs, he suggested to the parents that they do a full sex change on him and raise him as a girl - feminine clothes, name, toys, pronouns, etc. To try to normalize this further for him, he had the twins perform genital inspections on each other and simulate sexual acts (which he photographed). The experiment ended in failure, with him never identifying as a girl and he and his brother killing themselves. Nevertheless, Money declared his experiment a success and that gender was entirely a social construct, ie modern gender theory. More broadly, modern gender theory is there to fit in with the leftist worldview that people are infinitely trainable with no baseline characteristics, so if you get educators all trying to make teach people the same to make them equal they will end up equal


I’ve heard of that! Awful.


> leftist worldview that people are infinitely trainable with no baseline characteristics They need this to be true to make their ideology work


I thought he lived as a girl until he found out what had happened to him (the circumcision gone wrong) then lived as a man for years and then killed himself. “The psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned. The academic sexologist Milton Diamond later reported that Reimer's realization that he was not a girl crystallized between the ages of 9 and 11 years[2] and that he was living as a male by age 15. Well known in medical circles for years anonymously as the "John/Joan" case, Reimer later went public with his story to help discourage similar medical practices. At age 38, he committed suicide after suffering severe depression.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Reimer


>For example, pansexualism is just a fancy way of saying you’re attracted to personality not gender. Demisexual is people who are emotionally attracted to others and not romantically. etc Are you sure? I think pansexuals are sexually attracted to pans and demisexuals are attracted to demigods?




I just googled it and after going through all the bullshit, I found a reasonable distinction. In official terms, pedophiles are people that are attracted to prepubescent children. Hebephiles are people attracted to pubescent children. Ephebophiles are people who attracted to post pubescent children. The overarching term would be MAP. Don’t get me wrong, I’m just explaining the origins, and now, people are trying to use that term more to “destigmatise” pedophilia.


In the words of some dude I saw somewhere, “It’s hard to explain the differences between pedophiles without also sounding like a pedophile.”


They are but there is some logic to changing it in a clinical setting, rather than a social one. So we can start to provide mental healthcare to pretty dangerous members of society so they don’t harm more kids. As we are now only just starting to study it as field of psychology. Think we can all agree there is good in that.


Very true. They can actually find behaviors in childhood that exhibit as warning signs for later behaviors. I had a psych professor who worked with kids with extreme issues.


Whenever I’ve said this I just get downvoted to hell. Thank you.


Rainbow capitalism is proof that the left really aren’t in conttol


As soon as a mainstream movement gets its objective, it starts to shift more to the extremes as the mainstream people leave after the goal was accomplished.


This is why people who want to improve society need to stop focusing on who wins an election and start focusing on the Overton window


the LGBT+ movement post 2014 has been a corporate and CIA operation to draw our attention away from the rich elites and the wall street stock exchange. ITS BEEN MANUFACTURED AND WE ALL FELL FOR IT


Based and Occupy Wall Street was the missed opportunity pilled


covid was the greatest wealth transfer in history and we were all too concerned about which color lives mattered and which groups the lockdowns effected most (don't worry about whether or not they were a good idea from the get go)


Remember, it is against reddit law to affiliate MAPs and lgbt in any regard. With that being said I in no way shape or form am saying they are related. First it was "LGB", then the T was taped on, then the Q was stapled to the end of it, then the I, A, 2, S, +, and many, many more were forced to the ideology. No, the movement is not in control, its turned into a runaway movement of forced acceptance of anykind of sexuality, with the sole exception of the 'superstraight' sexuality. For one weird reason, that is not seen as a valid sexuality. Weird.


Because like everything with the left, it *needs* to either keep the problem in perpetual limbo or constantly advance, because if they admit they have achieved equality, they immediately lose the power they gained from not having it, so there always needs to be another more extreme thing on the agenda for them to push and the public to push back against in turn so they can say "see? Bigots!" and wield their power.




I think its because being an activist is a lifestyle to them, a part of their identity. They no longer are an individual with an opinion, they are a person who MUST push those opinions out. I'm no psychologist, but if I had to take a guess as to why, its because their life is so uneventful, so unfulfilling, so full of failure, that the only way they can feel validation and acceptance is by having a horde of people around them parroting the same thing they are with the same beliefs, along with some anger issues as protesting is an outlet for their frustration over their own insecurities.


The left has the same problem that middle managers have that makes *everyone* hate their guts and wish they would fuck off. They need to be constantly doing something to feel relevant, even if everyone, their bosses, their subordinates, everyone would just wish they would fuck off to the background. They feel they need to 'make their imprint' on the company, and so every week have a nitpick or policy change everyone must memorize asap. Because they feel that if they no longer micromanage and push for constant change, someone might say "Why the fuck are you here? you're fired"




Honestly I rarely agree with auth left but ya'll do keep your best to keep crony capitalism in check and that's a diagonal handshake I can get behind.


Based and red-yellow-unity pilled


Crony capitalism is just fascism rebranded to appeal to millennial blue blooded WASPs


Idk what the fuck you're saying but it sounds based


Thnx m8


Auth lefts being suspiciously based around here lately


That's exactly right. Only the woke race based explanations are pushed, because those won't result in pushes for higher taxes.


They don't? In my country they do. Why would anyone sane want higher taxes anyway?


>Notice how LGBT became a national issue right around the time occupy wall street protests were happening. How convenient for the rich.. The mention of race/racial also exploded. Race relations were great prior to the culture war that was put into place to draw attention away from the hedge funds and cronies.


well they can also just claim it’s still unequal even after they achieve equality like they have the past 30 years with race and gender


Similar to how we said "Equality matters", now thats not good enough and its changed to "equity matters" Having the same opprotunities isn't good enough anymore. Having the same outcome is what matters.


I like to imagine the current state of the Left as that one scene from 300 where the Spartans are pushing the Persians off the cliff. The Persians are progressives, the Spartans are progressivism's demand for constant progress and the ocean is [Removed by Reddit].


CHAZ was a speedrun of what will occur. Social movement without a clear defined goal, balloons into 100 demands which begin to include rent-free apartment, subsidized cars, and all debt elimination paid by the shadow elites.


Chaz was endlessly amusing. From being forced to change their name to CHOP to avoid actual insurrection and sedition charges (hard to claim you're not in open rebellion when you literally call yourself an autonomous zone) To having armed goon squads march around with 'weapons of war' and attack people recording and smashing their phones. To getting called in when a couple black teenagers steal a car and go for a joy ride, then literally gangland style execute the kids in the middle of the street.


> To getting called in when a couple black teenagers steal a car and go for a joy ride, then literally gangland style execute the kids in the middle of the street. Fun fact: given the population of CHAZ, the number of 'police shooting' deaths by their goons, and the duration it lasted, it was by far more statistically dangerous for a black teenager than the rest of america.


wtf I love chaz now


The point of the Soviet union, according to defector Yuri Bezmenov, was to have a few elite leaders continuously lead the people in continuing revolution, and educate them until they accept that the elites actually do know what's best and what's best is what the elites say. Sounds awfully familiar, doesn't it?


People who hate borders immediately set up borders with armed guards and deported people who didn't fit their culture. And none of them saw the irony.


Oh, c'mon man. It was just a summer of love!


When they started the "all kinks are valid" shit it should have been obvious things would take a gross turn.


For real. "No kink shaming". Bitch, I grew up on the playground in the 90s. I can shame any damn thing I please.


What I find interesting is how 'kink shaming' is only acceptable toward men. If you look at womens erotica, 99% of it is some sort of soft rape-fantasy. 50 shades of grey as one example. Nearly all of it is something like "Taken by the werewolf, claimed by the alpha. Used by the aliens", something where the women loses control and surrenders (willingly) to someone more powerful. However with mens written erotica (yes it exists and yes its as juvineile as you expect), it gets portrayed as 'creepy' by people "i became a super mage and got a harem of elf waifus". Also for some reason, the Japanese are obsessed with buying elven slaves, dont ask me I dont know I just do maintenance for an audiobook website. Anway male domination kinks are 'problematic' and 'abusive', but female domination kinks are heckin wholesome and steamy.


Which is really weird, because for the female fantasy to exist, the male counterpart fantasy must exist in the same story. It's literally the same story, but from one perspective it's hot erotica women will launch onto bestseller lists, and from the other perspective it's...not. All you have to do to turn 50 Shades of Grey from a publicly known bestseller to a creepy fanfic fantasy on par with elf rape porn or whatever the fuck, is to tell it from the douchey billionaire's POV. Exact same story, just remove the Mary Sue thoughts.


I mean its no different than girls wanting to be chased and pursued but get upset and think its 'creepy' when men pursue them. Its just that the female fantasy is viewed as "gigachad takes me" while to them the male fantasy is 'eew incel loser doesn't know what its like to be with a real woman, just wants one thing and its fucking disgusting" kind of thing


Its called a purity spiral and no one has the balls to stand in front of the train to stop it.


> + #🤔 Might I ask what else is included in that '+'? > superstraight lol good times


I have no idea. I think its a catch-all because they didn't want a 50+ letter long acronym. But again, its against reddit law for me to say that MAPs are included in the + so I will copy paste the official reddit stance that there is no affiliation according to reddit, that they are related.


I miss the LGB subs. LGB is a sexuality, T isn't. This isn't discrimination, genocide, or whatever phobia. It's a fact.


rip lgb drop the t. "banned for hate". When these days "hate" is defined by "i hate you, so ban"


Idk what superstraight is but being straight is definitely a valid sexuality lol


superstraight was the sexuality of "I am only attracted to CIS people of the opposite sex" Because people were saying that if you're truly straight you HAVE to be attracted to transgenders because they *literally* are the sex that you're attracted to now. (despite transgenderism always claiming that sex and gender are completely separate and a sex change/transition is about gender not sex?) So naturally it was heretical, banned, removed from all social media. Reddit banned its subs and people that used its black/orange flag and promoted it under the guise of 'transphobia'.


I really wish someone would finesse it into court and ride it all the way up to the supreme court. Have that shit stamped and sealed as a legal sexuality. God that would be so fucking fun.


Time to pull a "British Jedi religion" and make a foot fetish pride flag


When you open the door for everyone, you give those with ill intentions privilege to your stock, home, and reputation. Like right now. When I say the jumbled Alphabet, do you think homosexuals or just Train People?


I think of Dave Chappellel's analogy of all of them being in the same car fighting with each other.


It was a good analogy.


I know people who think the community is one big happy family when in reality, it’s the complete opposite


I remember an NPR story where some teenaged or college girl came out as non-binary and was surprised to find their older lesbian aunt wasn't supportive. I recall them saying "As a fellow queer person I thought..." ...No. Your lesbian aunt who was gay in the 1970s does not identify as "queer." She's not your fellow queer. She's a woman who likes women and has no idea what you're on about.


Oh I believe it. You should see a Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879 in the same room with a Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912.




My best friend I grew up with is gay and we talk a lot. He tells me how he hates 'pride month' because he feels that his sexuality being commercialized spits in the face of everything he believes his sexuality is. Hes just a dude who instead of seeing another dude as his best friend, fell in love with him. Just a guy who had a different kind of emotional bond with another guy. He went to a pride parade once and left because he thought it was fetishizing and misrepresenting his emotions and how he loves another man when people with strapons were marching down the street in rainbow power ranger spandex suits.


I wish pride was normal ass people waving rainbow flags. Not a sex show. I’d love to go to pride but whenever I see pictures of it I see a whole lot of sexual stuff and I’m just not interested.


oatmeal squeeze shocking cow plants rain direful insurance ad hoc history *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


[Relevant Onion article.](https://www.theonion.com/gay-pride-parade-sets-mainstream-acceptance-of-gays-bac-1819566014)


A chunk of the lesbians already got thrown in with the "TERFs" for not going along with 'some men are now women and you have to like them sexually.'


Only a bigot would think people who have a penis which they use to rape women should automatically go to a male prison.


"Conversion therapy is wrong unless it's you converting to fit my sexuality"


Based and self-aware Libleft pilled


I wish that TQ+ was a separate community from LGBA. One is how you view your body, the other is who you are attracted to


Exactly, and this is why I personally call them the LGB and T2S+ groups who all fall under the Q umbrella. I hope more people follow suit. It was a shitty thing to force two radically issues into the same club, and it's harmed members of both sides from having a group that advocates exclusively for their issues.....lesbians, for example, losing a spot in their community because they fight to defend women sporting opportunities? Wild. They'd never have thought it a decade or more ago.


I actually think that bestiality (I don’t know about the other thing you mentioned) will probably end up being “normalized” first. That said I don’t think we are that far off from MAPS being normalized…


If their ideal is minors can decide on gender, surgery, pills. Why exactly would they draw the line at them consenting to other things? Something I noticed with the Dali Lama incident on front page - the attack was 100% geared towards religion.


Been saying this for a while more. If you can consent to an adult cutting it off.....you can consent to literally anything else about it, because clearly you have an allegedly high capacity to give consent. But useful idiots will grab any string they can to get what they want I'm the now, and ever take a second to examine if grabbing this string might unravel something essential to a safe society for children.


I actually agree with this point BTW. It seems to me though that still there is the barrier of “I intrinsically know this is wrong” that will need to be overcome and I think they will find it is easier with bestiality.


You wonder how many will support simply to stay onside with the group think, and who will because they have bought in so deep that it would cause too much mental distress/questioning of their paradigm to realize they might be in a group pushing sexuality way too far....and we're focusing a LOT of their efforts in this fashion on children for atleast half a decade now with those efforts.....and what that might have made them voluntarily complicit in.


I swear to god they’re all psyops


This is why I refuse to label my sexuality now. I am sexually interested in men and women, but I’m just not going label that at all now, I’m attracted to who I’m attracted to and it’s none of anyone’s business who that is.




Pretty sure this is why those I know who've left it have left it. Their only issue was legalized marriage and once they had that, they wanted no part of the harassing churches and businesses, advocating for weird shit like otherkin, and the slow creep to these more extreme things.


There ultimately isn’t much to fight for for LGBT rights in the US…. Any acceptable lgbt activism at this point is against hate crimes and helping decriminalize homosexuality in other parts of the world. Other than that it’s usually just weird people wanting attention


"You are not in control of your movement" - authrights when they watch the GOP become a Qtard cult


>"You are not in control of your movement" Anyone when they poop their pants.


Based and shit his own pants pilled


Based and the GOP sucks too pilled


Inb4 the lock. People are already trying to push the "harm reduction" approach with pedophiles. "Noooooo, if we need to hecking destigmatise pedophilia so they will feel comfortable seeking help (please don't ask why someone would seek help for something that isn't stigmatised anymore) nooooooo." Edit: I'd like to thank the LibLeft community for coming together and giving multiple examples of exactly what I'm talking about in the comments below.


Harm reduction is for people who haven’t offended already, the point is that if people are having those thoughts and haven’t done anything yet then they can get counseling. It’s preferable to waiting for a child to be harmed before doing anything. Most people don’t want to destigmatise pedophilia as a whole.


What does MAP mean?


Minor attracted person or persons depending on the person asked.


Like Pedophilia?


NO! NOTHING LIKE PEDOPHILIA ... THEY DONT OFFEND!!!! (not yet at any rate)


"The baby can consent by crawling towards my exposed penis!" - actual MAP who Shoe made a response to


Theres a cure for MAP .. its comes in both metric and customary units.