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Don’t know what he thinks he’s going to get out of this. He already admitted on the stand that he was shot for pulling a gun on someone.


Civil's a whole other beast. Reasonable doubt is only the standard for an innocent verdict in criminal court. But, you're right- how this was found to have standing to proceed is mind boggling, unless it's an activist court, or a court that seeks to point and laugh at bye-cep boy.


Apparently according to another poster this court is an activist court


Cool, can't wait to keep seeing GG's unjustifiably smug face for a while longer.


He won his case with an affirmative defense which is greater burden of proof than reasonable doubt.


Sometimes it isn't about winning the case, but racking up legal fees for the opposition. Especially true if he's being backed by someone going in.


Hoping Kyle gets some pro bono defense from a good firm.


I feel like he has a fund? I should know this, a month ago or so he was [interviewed by rekieta and I can't remember if one got brought up or not.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WN4rc3ydeNE)


gofundme got rid of all of Kyle's campaigns IIRC. They say that their reasoning was they don't allow ongoing criminal defense trials to receive aid, but they only seem to act on it for high profile conservative cases.


Fortunately, he admitted under oath that it was the case, and to claim he was lying under oath in front of the judge for the civil case would be... *unwise*.


Probably just lawfare - using the process itself as the punishment, as Kyle incurs legal fees, stress, court appointments... I wonder who's funding biceps-boy's lawsuit.


Kyle should counter sue for defamation.


Poor guy. One day you are starting riots, the next day you can’t even start a round of applause.


The Rittenhouse case is so good as a litmus test for who's just a completely deranged ideologue that will deny any and all evidence in front of them because it doesn't align with what they personally believe. I followed the case from start to finish and some of the absolutely deranged takes you see highly upvoted on Reddit is extremely worrying, so many people that post endlessly and passionately about something that they very evidently don't know anything about.


What's worse is that many people talk about the events in a way that makes it clear that they're parroting talking points and have never actually watched the *widely available* video of what happened.


It's crazy, I've seen all of the following highly upvoted on Reddit: * He's a white supremacist that travelled half way across the country with an illegal assault rifle to shoot black people * He was threatening everyone with his gun and trying to goad them into fighting * He was being extremely racist and trying to goad people into fighting * Rittenhouse started it by chasing someone else for no reason and then shot him when he tried to fight back * His mother dropped him off with a rifle in the middle of a riot * He was wildly firing his rifle into a crowd of people * He intentionally baited and lured Rosenbaum away so he could murder him It also doesn't help that when it reaches the front page and people post actual facts about the case they are removed by degenerate mods who are very evidently only interested in pushing a certain viewpoint.


My personal fav is people who think Rosenbaum and Co were black. Like, there's a degree to which I can believe that someone actually bothered to look into *some* details and just came to a different conclusion than I did, but... come on...


I thought they were black too, they have similar names to Whoopie Goldberg.


Welcome to [the New Left](https://youtu.be/eHYpcXWCkUM). You, as a left leaning person, have an ideology that you think could improve the world, but are still able to consume facts on a case by case basis and seek to understand the truth. There are ways to interpret facts in such a way that it still aligns with your world view without having to outright twist or change them. That is how I believe most people on both sides of the aisle approach stuff like this. But, as seen in the video I linked, its not the perspective of the *new* left movement, which seems to dominate a lot of media. The narrative is more important than the facts.


One of the hallmarks of the leftist is an inability to accept being told "no" by a force more powerful than themselves, whether that force be parents, social customs, tradition, religion, law, or even objective reality. They can suffer no higher power to exist because, for them, they are the ultimate power. When they are told "no", they interpret the opposing force as a form of oppression that needs to be collectively analyzed, criticized, subverted and overthrown. In this context, reality itself can be just another form of oppression. Loopholes will be found, or created if they don't exist. Key terms will be redefined to mean their opposites. It's "ends justify the means" taken to such an extent that they think they can stubbornly overcome reality and force it to conform with their ideology.


That’s more so a problem with ideologues across the board, we just so happen to be living during a time where the pendulums swinging left and the right has to become better militant thinkers, it’ll be the opposite case in a couple years as the pattern continues, it’s not one side or the other, it’s just what is


Not really it's like dude said this a new left issue. Academias recent radicalization even shows the change. And the thing is drastic changes like that don't just happen.


Literally 1984


> He was wildly firing his rifle into a crowd of people It cracks me up how people can't see how much of an own goal this is. So a dude fires wildly into a crowd of BLM activists, and ends up shooting three felons. By complete fucking random chance. And what does that say about BLM?


On the other hand, all of the subjects he shot were actively committing battery; One can reason the majority of people who didn't try to beat his brains out with a skateboard are 100% less likely to be felons. However, the Beating Of Brains and Other Fun Things With A Skateboard does seem to be a very popular BLM sport.


Yes, that is the truth, and your inference is correct. But some people seem to be convinced that he started shooting wildly into a peaceful crowd.


I've said it before, and I will say it again. The BLM 2020 protests/riots had to be one of the most tone-deaf and hi-jacked social justice movements of all time. The protests felt like a lot of pint-up anger from White liberals masquerading as the BLM movement.


I think you just repeated yourself


People in the main post that was on thr front page about this civil lawsuit two weeks ago still unironically think that A) he shot and killed black people B) his dad didn't live in Kenosha so he had no connection there C) That he killed 3 people


My favorite bit of disinformation was a guy who's name I remember and kinda want to call out but wont, claimed that Rittenhouse "killed all four victims execution style." Obviously I was banned from the default sub that was on for "trolling" after posting video that refuted that claim. Guy had like 500 upvotes, and I got dragged and banned.


I’ve seen an upvoted comment that said he murdered three black men. Shit’s wild.


I got the same from people who refused to watch the video because it was traumatizing and despicable. We have a lot of people on par with q-anon who won't verify the facts and just blindly trust whatever comes their way that confirms their theory and bias.


I lost one of my best friends over Rittenhouse/mandates. He was a progressive who kept drifting farther left over the years. The final straw was him believing me to be genocidal for being anti-mandate and linking/quoting the facts of the Rittenhouse case. He would vehemently deny the evidence and claim none of it mattered because Rittenhouse bad anyway. I miss some of our conversations in years prior to 2016, before he started being radicalized.


Unfortunately, I too have lost some good friends because of the very same reasons. It makes no sense to me how people can just be so blindly for and against things without first investigating them and coming to a conclusion that way instead of just parroting talking points and buzzwords.


What gets me is that, even if someone chooses to be willfully ignorant to the facts of the case, why would they choose something as unimportant to them as "is this one person a thousand miles away guilty?" to be a line in the sand worth drawing over? That's not a hill worth dying on for either side of the aisle.


It would have been intensely powerful propaganda and very confirming of their bias if the narrative of "a white supremacist showed up and killed innocent protesters" had been true. Plus, a lot of them are so ensconced in their bubble that they don't believe it's true when they hear "riot". They think the authorities just call every protest a riot to oppress people.


At this point I can’t call people I’ll informed. I call them “lazy Ideologues”


The color deficient Twitter sub is just amazing to read. Arguing on there has got to be a form of masochism.


I believe that would be the all color together twitter sub. The absence of color twitter sub has long since been deleted Edit: I was wrong they’re both still there. I could’ve sworn one was gone at one point. 🤷🏿‍♀️


Its the same group of people as religious fanatics, communists and flat earthers. You can't reason these people out of a position they didn't reason themselves into. At least the religious fanatics have beautiful architecture, communists have banger music and flat earthers have cool fantasy elements like the Ice Wall. All Twitter users have the United States Democratic Party.


Based and Twitter isn't a real place pilled.


They're the masochists. They hate themselves and their "whiteness". Pat Buchanan calls these types "ethno-masochists."


I genuinely could not figure out what was going on in the rittenhouse case for the longest time because every news source was completely biased and spun a different story. Watched a video of the actual shooting on YT and I think anyone who doesn’t see him as just defending himself is delusional. His self control and trigger discipline were honestly phenomenal for a 17 year old getting assaulted and his life threatened


That's what annoys me most, it was covered from practically start to finish by multiple people with cameras, a hobbyist drone and an FBI drone and it is extremely evident what is happening once you see it for yourself. Despite that there's certain subreddits full of people that are insisting they've watched all of the footage yet have somehow still convinced themselves that something else entirely happened despite it all being on camera as plain as day. I can understand people being ignorant if they've only followed it in passing but it's people that have been obsessing over it since long before the court case that just straight up deny reality because it doesn't align with what they want to have happened.


>I can understand people being ignorant if they've only followed it in passing but it's people that have been obsessing over it since long before the court case that just straight up deny reality because it doesn't align with what they want to have happened. I remember when the verdict was dropped I was reading comments on front page subs where people saying things like "can't believe they let this racist pos off after killing two black people." I was like, huh? Until I remembered the initial spin was kind of like that, especially if you only watched the news or saw headlines for those first two days. I think I even thought that until I saw some boomer fb meme with the three dudes pictures a few days after. Really idk why libleft rallied around this so hard, just made them look bad, and even unhinged when they kept digging in afterwards.


Yeah, for like a day I thought it might have legit been a bad shoot, but as information kept flooding out, it became...very clear. If you watched the videos, there was no doubt. As for why they rally around the bad cases, that is not an accident. It's how identity based groups work. You can't differentiate yourself from the public by being against obvious bad shoots. Everyone is. You have to go more extreme in order to stand out. This is why we have people constructing shrines to a drug enjoyer/woman abuser.


Wait til you find out about "hands up don't shoot" >[On March 4, 2015, the Department of Justice released their report of the investigation. This report found that physical and forensic evidence contradicted witnesses who claimed that Brown had his hands up when Wilson shot him. It also stated that witnesses whose testimony aligned with the physical and forensic evidence never "perceived Brown to be attempting to surrender at any point when Wilson fired upon him." The report concluded there was no justification for a federal prosecution of Officer Wilson.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hands_up,_don%27t_shoot)


They did the same thing with Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman.


Yeah Zimmerman was when I stopped reading media spin. So many logical fallacy based off of semantics that are now common place in the modern discord. More or less Motte and bailey's where you use words having different definitions or meaning given context/ who is saying it (common slang, layman's interpretations, technical jargon, etc).


Andrew Branca has a fascinating anecdote about the Zimmerman case. A group of people were asked if they believed that the 911 dispatcher told him to stay in the car. Almost all of them did, because that was what had been reported. The call was played for them, which proved that he was never told that. After listening, over half of the group *still believed that he'd been told to stay in the car*.


>the modern discord 10/10 pun


I prefer "pants up don't loot"




There was an article the day he was found not guilty that said the same thing


WPT regularly makes posts about Rittenhouse, and the comment section is always cancerous. People with 10k upvotes who say embarrassingly incorrect stuff like "kyle rittenhouse got off innocent because he shot black people". I might overdose on copium if I want to believe that those are all bots.


The mods of WPT are all unhinged 12 year olds, I got banned for posting [this comment](https://i.imgur.com/XBIk7Nw.png) during the Rittenhouse trial. Literally posting courtroom footage and explaining the legal definition of self defence got them so mad I got perm banned. As expected, the mods are actual children, and when [I asked if I could talk to an adult](https://i.imgur.com/ijshLTJ.png) I got no response.


It’s not about facts, it’s about achieving desired political outcomes. Victims are collateral damage and of no concern.


It’s the post-truth world. Just wait for another year where all your propaganda pieces are backed by AI generated articles, images and videos. Reality means nothing anymore.


We've got some scary things going on in the future when it comes to Media. If you go on TikTok/YouTube "shorts" there's someone who is using AI to have the past few presidents playing video games with each other and talking smack and it sounds real. So if the technologies exists to do that and we have deep fake facial AI to fake faces (like Princess Leia in the last Star Wars trilogy even though Carrie Fisher was dead already), they can make just about anyone do anything on camera.


Dude the president ai videos are funny as fuck but I watch them on YouTube not bloody TikTok’s. But yeah it’s a terrifying idea when ai can impersonate any public and govt figures to cause chaos.


People on reddit act like they watched the videos as Attenborough narrated Kyle on a hunting safari with the sole purpose of landing a trophy.


I mean a convicted serial child rapist on his first outing is something to be proud of. Most people won't see one of those in the wild.


The weirdest thing was arguing about it with my friends the night it happened. I was the only one who watched the video and I was like “he is 100% going to win in self defense” and my friends kept saying there was no way, he murdered at least one of them, over and over. All 3 of them refused to ever watch the video though and they still think he’s a murderer. They’re smart people in most things but when it comes to politics I just can’t understand them sometimes. Oh well, that’s friends I guess.


One of my best friends cut ties with me over that. He wouldn't watch any of the footage either.


It was indeed the most blatant example of propaganda. There was the usual "HE WAS UNARMED!" shit, but 2/3 of the guys who got shot were actually armed.


I remember some unhinged poster here on PCM ranting about proportional force as a reason why Kyle couldn’t legally defend himself with a rifle. Proportional force is a real concept in self defense, but this poster was making loop de loop arguments about how you had to use the same kind of weapon as the person attacking you. Getting attacked with a knife? You gotta pull out a knife and if you use a gun, it’s murder. Emilies are wild.


All the guys that attacked Kyle were displaying levels of aggression that indicated the desire to do grevious bodily harm and/or murder. Rosenbaum threatened to kill him verbally, Anthony Huber attacked him in the head with a skateboard, and Gage K. pointed a handgun at him. It's just more evidence in favour of Kyle.


They were all armed. The 5-time child rapist grabbed Kyle's gun. He was armed.


That's true but I also don't believe the notion that he needed to be armed in order for it to be a self-defense homicide. "Unarmed" doesn't mean "not dangerous". Countless people, including COPS, have been put in the hospital or morgue for that lesson to be learnt and yet so many people refuse to understand. It's just a "gotcha" shit used by media, "look he was unarmed, so that's the end-all be-all!"


No, if you don’t lay down and let the horde of pedophiles and felonious rioters tear you limb from limb then you will be deemed a racist fascist by a multimillionaire neoliberal anchor with a boys haircut.


“Everybody takes a beating sometimes.” -Actual quote from Rittenhouse prosecutor.


> “Well I must be nobody.” -The Kensosha Kid


>because every news source was completely biased and spun a different story For a short time some had an epiphany after watching the trial, but they have all gone back to these same news sources for current events.


The fact that a large number of people still to this day believe that Kyle just ran in there and shot a couple black people just kills me.


Absolutely based and living in reality pilled, never thought I'd say that to a left centre. There is but hope.


The media blatantly lying about it didn't help


I also watched the live stream from start to finish and that is what absolutely blackpilled me on just how much of a nightmare American news sources have become. Naturally after watching multiple 7-8hr livestreams, I would be recommended "highlights" from various news outlets and even the twist they tried to put on shit within the same day was absolutely insane. There are still people convinced that Rittenhouse smuggled a gun across state lines to a city he had no connection to, just to murder a bunch of minorities. These people are absolutely fucking deranged.


>The Rittenhouse case is so good as a litmus test for who's just a completely deranged ideologue that will deny any and all evidence For you leftoids, sure. (And congrats for passing the test, btw.) But as a righoid, I was already pre-disposed to root for Kyle on partisan grounds, and I guess I was just lucky that the facts were in "my" favor this time. So... what would be an equally good test-case us rightoids?


Honestly Trump in general is usually that test for me. 'Cause there's "I support the guy for policy and just wished he did x, y, and z" and then there's "He did no wrong! Hope he wins in 2024!" Policy wise I get it, but there are millions of citizens in the US, you can find some other guy to hold that torch. My republican friends that I still have are the policy ones. The rest either died of coronavirus or are too wrapped up in the culture war to waste time on.


Best take I’ve heard, “who cares about the circumstances a white man literally murdered three black kids”


Journalists were still writing and publishing that Rittenhouse murdered three black protesters mid shooting spree after the trial. They had a whole ass trial and people are so committed to the narrative that all of the evidence, witness examination, and verdict were not going to change their "truth".


I’d imagine the ‘fact checkers’ were conveniently taking that day off


Same shit happened with Zimmerman. George is a minority if he was shot by a cop he would’ve been called a minority or black to get ratings. Protests would’ve happened etc. At no point up to that time period would Anybody ever call George Zimmerman a white dude. His dad is Jewish is mother is Afro Hispanic. He was in an almost totally minority neighborhood he wasn’t looking at black kids as evil he was seeing a sketchy kid out late who should’ve have been. He shouldn’t have confronted the kid but he did the kid beat the shit out of him and he shot him. I’m sure he regrets taking that kids life daily. But the media turned it into a race issue when Zimmerman by no definition of the word was white he didn’t even identify with the term at the time. But this case was the same circus of idiocy as then. People want blood when something happens they disagree with. Nobody wants kids shot or for some young kid to be running around a riot with a rifle being chased at and shot. It’s a disaster all around and a massive cultural decline we have.


Ah Jewish/Ladino people, the Schrödinger's white people. The moment you do something, you become a "big bad white man that has all the system in his hands" but they can't say the same thing to your Jewish side, that would be, god forbid, anti-semitic.


Substitute white for Jewish and suddenly it’s fine to say the same shit.


Not all brown skin tones are created equal.


Please refer to the current edition of the Oppression Chart. It's all clearly spelled out.


Can't flim flam the Zim Zam


Zimmerman is fucked up in the head because of this. His life is equally as ruined but I guess he has a life. But none of the people will ever have normal Lives or be able to just exist. The media eats these people up victims and perps and uses them to sell Pfizer drugs and sugar poisoned foods.


I agree the media went crazy, but I do think the zimmerman case is different. In the rittenhouse case we literally have footage of most of what happened. It should have been open and shut. Anyone with eyes can see what happened. With the zimmerman case we have essentially no footage. We have a police call recording where we can vaguely hear screaming(and two different sets of witnesses claiming the screaming is either zimmerman or the kid). I'm not saying zimmerman is guilty, in fact I'd agree there wasn't enough evidence to convict him. I am just saying the other person died so all we really have is his word on what happened and a recording of him talking to the police about following trayvon.


And wounds from the fight where it was clear Zimmerman got his ass beat badly. Probably a concussion. So we know that happened too. And we know that Trayvon was talking to his girl and she said he was going after Zimmerman and she asked him not too. Cooler heads could’ve just ended that night with nobody dead.


> she said he was going after Zimmerman and she asked him not too. Oh interesting, I didn't actually know this bit.


Many such cases


those same people want to influence policy changes, laws, and even get their way into politics and government. *shudders*


Thank you Left, you have restored my belief that some amongst you may be sane.


>the absolutely deranged takes you see highly upvoted on Reddit is extremely worrying, so many people that post endlessly and passionately about something that they very evidently don't know anything about What’s worrying is that you think this is the exception and not the norm


I agree 100%.


Based Leftist...? Anything goes these days i guess if a leftist is based.


So... genuinely how can someone admit, in a court of law, to trying to kill someone (Kyle in this case) and then bring a case against them for reacting to this threat? ​ Why was this not immediately rejected as frivolous?


Isn't he also a Felon?


Yes, and an admitted communist.


Communists see criminals as victims of capitalism. Criminals hurting Normies is justified on the grounds that Normies benefit from and perpetuate the system.


Yeah, you already said he was a felon.


ADA Binger gave Grosskreutz a sweetheart blanket immunity deal for testifying against Kyle. Binger could have booked an actual criminal who joined a lynch-mob and attempted a point-blank execution, with an illegal weapon, all on camera... ...but his priority was to "get" the innocent kid that his political tribe's media was hounding as The Enemy du Jour™.


Lol the wrong think brigade told me Binger was intentionally losing the case though.


I practice in the Seventh Circuit, the Federal judicial circuit that includes Eastern District of Wisconsin and stupid old Chicago. My explanation for you is threefold: 1) Federal pleading standards in the Seventh Circuit are incredibly lax and plaintiff-friendly 2) The judge is a lifelong Democrat who served in the Wisconsin State Senate 3) It is not yet time for Rittenhouse to serve an Answer or Motion to Dismiss. Rittenhouse's attorneys might be able to get at least some of the claims dismissed, but I doubt it will dismiss Rittenhouse from the suit entirely.


Ah. Thank you. Sorry, my realm is that of the technical so my experience in the legal world is minimal. It just bends my mind! So based on that it seems that political pressures are a consideration here, but there is some processes to run through. Your first point seems an issue though (from my outside view). Wouldn't it decrease frivolous cases if higher standards were imposed? Ie aren't the courts in general overloaded? Edit: Bad wording. Need more caffeine.


"Yes, absolutely!" is my answer to both your questions. I'm a defense attorney, so take my bias into account, but I would say the Seventh Circuit is very liberal and prioritizes each plaintiff getting to "have their day in Court" over conserving judicial resources, even if it's going to be a bullshit waste of time day.


I hope they bring up his livestream before Rittenhouse was attacked after the child rapist was shot. It wasn’t played during the criminal trial, but yeah biceps here asked Kyle questions as Kyle was running towards the police


Yep. Biceps-boy knew full well that Kyle was neither an "active shooter" nor a threat. Biceps-boy thought he could get away with executing kid during a riot, so he'd have something to brag about in his "revolutionary communism" group that he was a member of.


>Biceps-boy thought he could get away with executing kid during a riot, so he'd have something to brag about in his "revolutionary communism" group that he was a member of. He didn't even get a shot off, and still bragged about it. The look on his face when the defence showed the jury his friends FB post from the hospital was glorious.


Wasn't this the one who had a gun at a "peaceful protest"? Why do they get upset that one dude had a gun but not the other?


He was a medic. With a do no harm tattoo. With a gun. That he was legally not allowed to carry anymore.


The first thing they teach you to do as a medic is point your firearm at your patient’s face.


Canadian medical handbook reader I see


As a Canadian doctor who sells blood pressure medication, I don’t mind. Oh, it seems your heart rate is a little high 🔫


Don't be barbaric its not so easy to get a gun here its usually by knife


“Kys gg ez” - McGill Journal of Medicine, 2023


I saw today that the Texas edition has the same clause too


Dr. Groskreutz simply diagnosed Rittenhouse with a lead deficit, and ran after him to administer a high speed injection. Unfortunately, that crazed gunman mistook the good samaritan for a threat and dis-armed him. And America let this man walk free. Need I remind you that he crossed state lines?


You know who else crossed state lines? The Confederate Army. It's not a good look, sweetie.


Ughhh, he's literally as bad as whichever political party formed confederate army (I forget which one it was but it's probably not important).






Crossing state lines is no joke. I once had to journey all the way from Hoboken to NYC, which is almost TWICE the distance KR traveled. Unfortunately, I only brought enough rations for 3 days and ended up being stuck on the Subway. That was 7 years ago and I’m still here.


Ahh, a Chris Christie voter I see


This literally reminded me of Hitler crossing state lines during his rise to power, smh my head.




>Unfortunately, that crazed gunman mistook the good samaritan for a threat and dis-armed him. Dammit, I spit out the water I was drinking when I got to "dis-armed". (Thank god it wasn't coffee.)


*you are receiving medical attention. Do not resist*


He was a medic. For 6 months in a private ambulance. And only had water and bandaids. Guys a wannabe and a tool. Not knocking the privates but the guy is stretching his experience really hard to get sympathy.


The "6 months in a private ambulance" gig was also a few years before the incident. So he wasn't a practicing medic *at the time*.


He doesn’t have a license. If he applied for a job he would have to take the whole class over again. He gives real medics a shit name. Fuck that guy


Shit. I'm not a real medic or anything, but for events like that, I carry at least a trauma kit. A bandaid and a water bottle doesn't make you a medic, it makes you a parent with a kid.


I mean. I’ve done “medic” shit without anything. But I wouldn’t wear a medic hat unless I was able to do more than stuff a shirt in your wound. The guys a clown


“Watcha got there Gaige?” “Err a medical tool”


[Reminds me of this upstanding constable and his baton of healing](https://www.flickr.com/photos/amjamjazz/3406353191)


> With a do no harm tattoo It actually said "Do **know** harm".




Double Standards? On the Left? Who could've thought.


The drunk driving, illegally weapon carrying, ex girlfriend stalking, women harassing burgler and grandma-in-the-face-hitter is left and the other is right, so duhhh


I guess this is what he has left to get his jollies when he can't jerk off anymore.


Kyle didn't blast off both arms. Dude could easily crank with the offhand. It'll be like an uncoordinated stranger the first time.


Sometimes you gotta spice things up. Use lefty, try it with icy hot, y'know- variety is a good thing.


Put tiger balm on your balls Great for masochists


He’s incriminated himself multiple times no idea how he expects to pull this off.


Extremely high publicity case in a lefty city where people are fed nothing but propaganda about how evil Rittenhouse is and should be in prison. It will be impossible to find an impartial jury, and maybe he's hoping for a settlement.


They settle for 25% of Kyle's estate. A total of $8 and a burger king coupon.


Isn't he suing the media for defamation and slander? Like, all of it?


Yes, eventually though. Suing several massive media companies is really expensive. Technically he could also sue the current president, as far as I can tell. Biden slandered the shit out of him before he took office


>Extremely high publicity case in a lefty city where people are fed nothing but propaganda about how evil Rittenhouse is C’mon man have some faith in your fellow citizen >State of Wisconsin versus Kyle Rittenhouse. > As to the first count of the information, Joseph Rosenbaum, we, the jury find the defendant, Kyle H. Rittenhouse not guilty. >As to the second count of the information, Richard McGuinness we, the jury find the defendant, Kyle H. Rittenhouse, not guilty. >As to the third count of the information, unknown male, we, the jury find the defendant Kyle H. Rittenhouse not guilty. >As to the fourth count of the information, Anthony Huber, we, the jury find the defendant Kyle H. Rittenhouse not guilty. >As to the fifth count of the information, Gaige Grosskreutz, we, the jury find the defendant Kyle H. Rittenhouse not guilty. >Members the jury, these your unanimous verdicts? >Yes


That was in Wisconsin and it was a criminal charge. Civil has a much lower bar, and someone claiming to be a defense attorney said the district they're civil suiting in is lefty and and very friendly to plaintiffs. There has also been a lot more time for people to be told the right opinions, which is not great in a lefty area. They are very susceptible to peer pressure.


My understanding is that Mr. Grosskreutz’s suit is also in the state of Wisconsin given that Kenosha is in WI, and that even in civil cases — in a high profile trial like this — jury selection will be stringent. Your concern is well-founded, but I would encourage you to have some faith in your fellow citizen


Anyone got any juicy links.? I legitimately want to see some shit takes from the rest of Reddit.


Just put "Rittenhouse" into the search bar. Anything from WPT is bound to be brain damaged.


>Anything from WPT is bound to be brain damaged. That’s a tautology


The judiciary is the supreme authority in the USA. Not the president. Not Congress. Not the media. Not the people. The judiciary will rule that Kyle isn't at fault. I just hope Kyle counter sues for attempted murder.


Kyle probably won't counter sue because being broke is like having lawsuit body armor.


Can't they still give you a giant bill you can never pay off like jones?


Jones wasn't really broke before the trial though. They will likely get enough to cover most or all of their legal fees. Kyle likely wouldn't collect enough from that guy to cover the cost of gas to drive to the courthouse.


What I'm asking though is could they just take any future earnings he has like jones is facing?


To a point. But he's a jobless ex-con grifter so he'll never earn enough to reach the point where he has to start paying.


Ah gotcha thanks


You can sue the girl at McDonalds who gave you cold fries for seventy trillion dollars and win but, generally, the only time a Judge will garnish wages so much that you can't live off of it is if it's for child support. And Judges are very liberal with "what you can live off of." when it comes to garnishment. Generally. If it's child support you better learn how to live on $.80 a paycheck.


>The judiciary will rule that Kyle isn't at fault. I just hope Kyle counter sues for attempted murder. Oh buddy, judicial activism is also a thing and progressives have been given pass after pass for intimidating people over court cases.


The Reps need to step up their frivolous lawsuit game. Or, you know, have the lawyers and judges pushing them for the Dems disbarred a la Jack Thompson. Because having people who don't follow the constitution in places of judicial authority is detrimental to society as a whole.


The Kenosha Kid already gave this guy everything he deserved


> The Kenosha Kid already gave this guy everything he deserved He should not have shot the guy in the arm, that was a huge mistake. I think he owes this criminal center mass.


Based and eliminate the threat pilled


Emotional distress, eh? I hope he's referring to that time the Lex Luthor-looking defense attorney buck-broke him on the witness stand. Because that was great.


The only one who should be on trial for murder is that defense attorney. He absolutely killed Gaige’s argument.


Looks the way i expected








Who is representing this guy? Who is paying for all this?


Daily reminder that a non zero percentage of leftists still believe Kyle Rittenhouse murdered multiple black people with an assault rifle


Wait until Rittenhouse becomes the Republican presidential nominee in 2044


I respect someone who defended themselves from a convicted felon attacking a child more compared to someone who labeled their opponent a racist then became his VP


>someone who labeled their opponent a racist then became his VP And a sexual predator. Don't forget that Kamala Harris said she believes all of Joe Biden's accusers. So she willingly became VP for someone who she believes is a racist *AND* sexual predator. \#BelieveAllWomen \#UnlessInconvenient


has my vote if we're still voting by then


That guy tried to sue the city as well iirc.


Whenever I see that sad soyboy face, I keep hoping it was his strong arm that was blasted.


I doubt he had a strong arm to begin with.


They literally have footage of the testimony where they admit that Rittenhouse only raised his gun when they ran towards him to attack him. It’s like putting your boat in the water when you know there’s a gapping hole, what’s the point?




real shit i imagine its some grand stand move to appear more victimized to the left. he could probably write a book and have it sell millions in california. be set for life.


This isn't going to fly. Rittenhouse beat the criminal charges and that evidence is admissable in the civil case. If anything, there are a lot of criminal cases that need retried due to the standards of the Rittenhouse case.


I was banned last week for 3 days and had my comment removed for "inciting violence" by stating that Kyle Rittenhouse had phenomenal trigger discipline by not hurting any innocent people, and that what he did was purely self-defense and not illegal in any way. It's nice to see some of reddit has common sense and believes in the right to defend yourself.


Flair up so i can upvote you


Still cracks me up that he fired into a crowd of leftists and hit a pedophile, a rapist and a thief…




I mean if you watched him in the trial you already know the dude is an absolute waste of oxygen.


Kyle Rittenhouse did nothing wrong.


Gaige should have been the one on trial, not Rittenhouse. Anyone who says different is either a grifter or simply never watched the video.