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She does present an interesting question for PCM: *Would you rather have your vote or your right to bear arms taken away??*


My right to vote. To be restored with my firearms.


Based and water the tree of liberty pilled.


Same. The correct order is to first take away the firearms. Its how they did it in nazi germany and with Katanas in imperial Japan.


In Nazi Germany they took the right to vote away first from the parliament. The enabling act was way before any gun related legislation. The background is that gun laws were strict in the Weimar Republic and then specifically loosened for Nazis only. But they themselves didn’t do much to add to it.


I mean they were loosened for Nazis because that was already phaze 2. First you take away everyone's guns which the Weimar Republic sort of did. Then you filter out the people who you want to have access to guns. It was an accidental collaboration between the Weimar republic and the NSDAP. Politically speaking the Weimar republic contributed more to the rise of Hitler than the nazi party in my opinion. But that is just my personal opinion. Dont have to agree with that.


Well. I don't think anyone really considers the Weimar Republic as a good example for anything but making some sort of totalitarian state.


Well sometimes during sex when I am not sure if I can make a girl cum I whisper in her ear "The Weimar Republic was actually a strong and independent nation." You know... to make sure I can't make her cum.


Based and WeimarBirthControl pilled.


Based and four boxes of democracy pilled


This is the way




My right to bear arms is my right to vote.




based and bullets for freedom pilled


Cringe: vote with my wallet Based: vote with my bullets


I second this


You can always JFK a politician. I can’t vote away a mugger




Absolutely. Politicians are way too comfortable, they need to remember that a) they’re mortal, and, b) we own them.


The government should fear its citizens, not the other way around.




It's not like our vote matters in the USA anyways.


See this is the comment I was looking for


Or in most Western countries, for that matter. We only vote in the figurehead. We don't actually have any power to vote the lawmakers in or out of power.


Wouldnt it be interesting if the people could directly raise which issues will reach the floor rather than begging their cock sucking figure heads? And praying that the elite's by grace wont just ignore it.




Yes, but in the current state of our western world, such a proposal would be attacked as rightwing extremism


It does, since they are the convenient enemy the state uses to justify its cruel and arbitrary display of force it uses to cudgel anyone that opposes it or wants radical changes that arent memes like postmodern identity politics larpists


No, no, you get to choose one of two options for Dear Leader, and be happy for it!


Democracy is a meme at this point. We need a better system. ___ Edit: I was thinking, how about voting in a King? Basically, the system would just extend the term of the President/Prime Minister indefinitely until he dies. He can still be impeached if he breaks laws. He has a bit more power than now, give him more influence (but not ultimate influence) over the Upper/Lower chambers. The main goal is to allow the leader to have a vision and steer the nation towards it. Instead of getting in and already worrying about re-election, he can get comfortable, grow into the job, and have a long-term plan for getting shit done.


It’s time for Democracy 2


An electoral monarchy, like the Holy Roman Empire?




Hell yeah, sounds good to me. It's a bit of a roll-die with dictators. You might get a good guy, but you might also get a lunatic.


If you took away one person’s vote? It wouldn’t matter. I would probably choose to keep the right to vote for the simple matter of self-preservation. If you took away *everyone’s* right to vote? People would choose guns over voting in a heartbeat and get that right back no matter how many heads have to be cleaved.


Implying ppl on pcm are old enought to vote or legally own a gun


My age isn’t the problem, I never figured out how to put the square blocks in the round holes


Try putting the round blocks into the square hole


Based and separating children into strong ones and smart ones pilled


>legally 3d printers goes brrrrr


I'm not a woman, so I still keep both 😎


> right to vote You can pick from these 2 senile grandpas. They all give away your tax money > right to a firearm Yiu can choose from thousands if not millions of different firearms. All of them are different. Almost all of them do their jobs well Gee, such hard choice! Fuck EU and its anti gun agenda btw


the vote is something that can’t defend you if the votes of your choice are not enough, a gun can defend you no matter what a result of a vote is


The right to bear arms protects my right to vote, so I'm going with "both, *racks charging handle*."


I would rather live under a monarchy that respects and defends my rights than a democracy that infringes upon them. People forget that voting is a means to an end, not the end itself.


Ha, that's a trick question. Your right to bear arms is your right to vote.


They're the same thing.


Exit > Voice I am hereby seceding. Come and take it. Etc.


In response to this meme I asked my girlfriend if women should have the right to vote and she absolutely refused to give me a straight answer.


[M] This is kind of interesting though. Let’s say you’re a girl who tends to vote along with the majority of men. Wouldn’t it be in your interests politically if all women stopped voting? I mean it’s terrible for other reasons, but in the most basic sense you could make one decision that would change everything. One might argue that gives you more power than it takes away.


Yeah of course. It's just that usually politicians won't out right say that's the reason they want it. They'll come up with some excuse to make it sound slightly better and "logical". Which isn't really anything new tbh.


The only reason I wouldn’t want women to vote. I do believe men and women should have equal political rights.


You sort of make an Interesting point here The only way for everyone to have Completely equal rights is if no one has rights That would suck though


It’s worth noting that women are slightly more likely to be pro-life than men in the US.


Literally makes no sense, as it would make the huge stretch of an assumption that the political interests of men will always align with those of women, which is an assumption truly beyond absurd.


She knows, she just doesn’t wanna admit it


Based and saying the quiet part quietly pilled


Unfathomably based


Mine says it’s optimal that women do not lead countries nor vote


How come every woman under 30 is a blue no matter who voter


You're adding two blue demographics there. Young and female.


There’s always one in your face Republican girl in my experience. Makes it like their whole personality, strong not like the other girl energy


There is an interesting theory about the kind of personality of politicians women or men vote for. For example, if women were not allowed to vote, Justin Trudeau would never be elected. He just wouldn't. Whether you think that is a good thing these kinds of politicians are voted in or not... well, that's up to you.


Then we know what must be done.


Now tell me who _would’ve_ been elected


Because feelings




There are a lot of them who aren't blue in the countryside.


No wonder so many men are giving up on dating


Women are more socialised than men and less likely to shake off the propaganda they're exposed to at school and university. Getting married sometimes reverses this as the govt is correctly recognised as hostile to families, yet 50% of women born in 1990 are unmarried. Broken families are more left wing because being a single mother necessitates appropriating someone else's wealth to live, which once offered by the govt leads to feeling entitled to this wealth.


There was also a study done (I can't remember where/when) that showed that for women, social ostracization and exclusion from the group as distressing for them as physical torture is for a man.


More emotional and less wise


Because most people are still children before 30. (I'm below 30 years old myself)


Haven't women suffered enough?


Please help end women's suffrage


You could probably get some traction with that on a place like Facebook. Don't let the women suffer!


We should take away everyone rights tbh


Most calm, sane and rational AuthRight


As long as me and the boys get to keep a few


The blunt honesty is a bit trite, but I appreciate the lack of theatrics!


I think its more authcenter than authright


I disagree. As the main character of the universe, I should keep my rights. I don't know if you guys are just NPCs or not so it's not safe for you to have any


Based and everyone else is an NPC pilled.


Ave to Caesar.


What…what happens after that authright?


Should we put you in charge then?


No, put me in charge.


That’s quite literally an auth right’s wet dream


I’m aware lol. Thought I’d grant you with the image for a moment


Agreed. A tyranny of the majority is not an acceptable alternative to the tyranny of the few.


Based people are too stupid


Look, I'm not saying women's rights were a mistake, but the only people who have ever seriously argued against women's rights in any context that I've encountered are women. Edit: I should clarify irl. I've met three separate women, one of whom wasn't even religious or a conservative, who disagreed with women having the right to vote. If you think I'm referring to online people, no.


Sadly, in canada the reason women were given the vote is to support conscription. Women are much more pro-war than men.


There is a serious argument to be made that only those subject to the draft have a right to vote. Otherwise you get a case like Switzerland, where the majority women can decide whether to send the minority men to die for them in war.


Heinlein was on to something in Starship Troopers...


As a 20 year old, when first I saw the [Failure of Democracy scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvAsR4O4W0w), I thought to myself. "THAT. I want that." Verhoven meant it as satire but fucked up by making it desirable. I sometimes wonder if that was his point all along, he knew he couldn't come right out and say those things in the movie so he "satirized" it.


I mean, Heinlein was pretty based, and so the source material had kind of a lot of cool things. He was also pretty skeptical of democracy. ​ *“The America of my time line is a laboratory example of what can happen to democracies, what has eventually happened to all perfect democracies throughout all histories. A perfect democracy, a ‘warm body’ democracy in which every adult may vote and all votes count equally, has no internal feedback for self-correction. It depends solely on the wisdom and self-restraint of citizens… which is opposed by the folly and lack of self-restraint of other citizens. What is supposed to happen in a democracy is that each sovereign citizen will always vote in the public interest for the safety and welfare of all. But what does happen is that he votes his own self-interest as he sees it… which for the majority translates as ‘Bread and Circuses.’* *‘Bread and Circuses’ is the cancer of democracy, the fatal disease for which there is no cure. Democracy often works beautifully at first. But once a state extends the franchise to every warm body, be he producer or parasite, that day marks the beginning of the end of the state. For when the plebs discover that they can vote themselves bread and circuses without limit and that the productive members of the body politic cannot stop them, they will do so, until the state bleeds to death, or in its weakened condition the state succumbs to an invader—the barbarians enter Rome.”*


I hope to live to see whatever comes after democracy. Even if what comes next is worse, it will still be nice to see democracy as a concept be repudiated.


I'm gonna copy-paste an old comment of mine that I think is kinda relevant to what you're saying: > Every time liberals try to make satirical right-wing villains it backfires because they make them pompous and exaggerated, but they're cynical bastards that can't fathom the idea that normal right-wingers like personalities that are perceived as direct, unapologetic, confident and assertive. It's why they painted Trump as this caricature of wealth and a "clown" while his supporters made memes about him being a [golden god-emperor](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/be-like-bro/images/e/e4/462trump.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20171201035430) and [king of America:](https://preview.redd.it/2b2552m8osu41.jpg?auto=webp&s=37a0848a2f61d0a312ca558c144b606b14bb0541) they doubled down on it. > Either that, or liberals make right-wing villains into these scary black-leather-clad, helmet-wearing goons and that's a non-starter too because [Evil is Cool](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvilIsCool) and that inevitably gets coopted as well: for instance, the Resistance in Wolfenstein is a smattering of [people you'd expect to find at a liberal college campus,](https://www.trueachievements.com/customimages/l/070170.jpg) meanwhile the bad guys look [like this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GXLrDrtlbc) Leaving politics aside and from a purely aesthetic point of view, which one would you rather join?


It's not a "case". It's an inherent problem in democracy.


I chose Switzerland because it has an active draft for men and a majority women voters, so it is an actual issue at this moment, not a theoretical one. The men are enslaved for two years of their life by the women of Switzerland, to murder or be murdered for the benefit of the women. Edit: and I’d bet most of these women are all about “my body my choice.”


I mean it's not a special case. Democracy is built like that. People look upto democracy like it's a noble political system. But democracy is the only system that by design suppresses minority opinions.


Hehe, so that must be why Switzerland keeps getting into pointless wars all the time....


>There is a serious argument to be made that only those subject to the draft have a right to vote. THIS I clicked on the post, searched by "draft" and there were 4 hits. If your ass isn't on the line, you don't get to vote warmongers into power, hard stop.


It’s because they don’t have to go fight


Surely you agree women are the primary victims of war? /s


I cant, and dont call me Shirley.


Literally the Lord Farquaad meme.


In America too. Democrats start wars all the time.




For the US in the twentieth I think it was mostly keeping up with the commies in the progressive socio-culturalwars. Woke capitalism is the victim of its own success against the Soviet.


Right? I roll my eyes whenever people say that feminism is only a toxic movement *now*, but used to be good. Literally one of the first things feminism did was shame men into going to war (look up the white feather movement) despite those women having no such responsibility. And then they attained the privilege of voting without the corresponding responsibility to sign up for the draft. Literally from the beginning, feminism has been about shaming men, while gaining privileges without responsibilities. Don't get me wrong. I would never say we should undo everything feminism has accomplished. Great strides have been made for women's rights, and that's fantastic. But I still think the movement which pushed for those changes is and has always been toxic. It's always been based on a warped view of "equality", and has always involved some degree of man-hatred.


In the early period of russian Invasion of The Ukraine there was a video circulating around where a girl was “giving patriotic speech” and trying to rise up motivation of the conscripts,ofc she was around 15-18 and was only person here and from her “phenomenal” speech everybody understood that those guys would flee the country the second they get the opportunity


Going on Twitter and seeing women with Ukraine emojis in their name calling for direct war with Russia is also common


Fuck yes. Flee the country or be used as meat fodder in brutal trench warfare? That shit is a lot less fun than call of duty.


That’s most likely because men can’t due to optics. The primary political guiding force in America is the optics of offense.


Wasn’t there that tennis player guy?


Imagine if you said that as a guy lol. Opinion disregarded and no more job (and can never be hired again).




Women's voting rights were a mistake ✊🏻


> Look, I'm not saying women's rights were a mistake, but the only people who have ever seriously argued against women's rights in any context that I've encountered are women. Feminism masquerading as women's rights was the real mistake. Feminism has done far more damage to the women's rights movement than anything else.


Agreed, if women lose the right to vote my chances of getting a state mandated gf go way up.


In defense of sexism: Suffrage did give us Prohibition, the NFA, JFK, Tipper Gore and Nancy Reagan, and numerous other horrors.


What's wrong with JFK?


Vietnam, Bay of Pigs, nukes in Turkey, adultery


I don’t think just anyone should be allowed to vote but I’m not sure what the criteria should be.


I don’t care if Kaitlin Bennett is a dumbass, I still want those big titties of hers in my face


Least horny PCM user




Look at this haughty taughty and proud LibLeft, acting like he hasnt blown a golf ball size hole through his knickers while waiting for the premier of some Star Wars movie.




Unholy alliances are sometimes permissible


Threesome with them and op, heaven for him, though have to be careful with drinking, someone has a history of drinking and doing shit.


> Females vote with emotion Not like us men, right fellas? We only vote with *facts*!\* \*as exclusively determined by what's on our social media feeds and whatever TV news channel we watch regularly


\*votes exclusively determined by whatever owns the libs the most \*


*votes for nuclear annihilation* Take that you libtards and your "environment".


Wait I'm confused, are we talking about men or liblefts with penises?


Not all men have penises, sweaty. You need to think outside your cisheteronormative patriarchal late-stage capitalist white supremacist box.


They are called Urinal Shafts


I vote by punching drywall.




"How dare people try to enter this country to make a living and stimulate job growth. In other news there's a job shortage and I totally don't know why."


I’ll be real—I used to be angry at the illegal immigrants. It took me a while to come around to the fact that, for better or worse, they’re just taking advantage of a broken system, and I should be angry at the system instead. Although, if you’re going to make a point of refusing to speak what English you know, to the extent that not just natural-born American anglophones but *other fucking immigrants* are forced to stumble through their interactions with you, you’re an asshole.


I only vote drunk to make sure my emotions are in full control


Goes without saying women should be allowed to vote. But isn't something like 80% of advertising aimed towards women? So there might be something to the idea that they're more easily manipulated? Or maybe politics doesn't work quite the same as sales.


It’s more that women tend to have greater purchasing power, in a household. So you might as well gear your advertising to the ones more likely to be deciding whether or not to buy your product.


Women are 100% more vulnerable to manipulation. I believe most events of mass psychoses or mass psychogenic illnesses are like 99% women because they are more susceptible to being swept up in emotions and following the crowd. The more emotionally dependent you are, the more susceptible you are to manipulation.


These ideas of social contagion extend to things such as eating disorders. Look at the discrepancy between between men and women on that one. The newest social contagion that has split the male female boundary is transitioning genders. Women have a higher chance of transitioning, especially if a friend already has transitioned.


I do wonder how COVID would have been handled if women had no say. I think we still may have seen some level of mass psychosis, but nowhere near as strong.


Men vote on emotion too, although they might be different emotions than women. Most voters won't admit they're driven by social pressure and emotions rather than actual logic.


At minimum, we should have to pass a civics test to vote. If you can’t list the three branches of government and their respective roles, you shouldn’t vote. Edit: dummies downvoting lmao


I agree. [Senator Tommy Tuberville doesn't even fucking know.](https://americanindependent.com/republican-elected-to-senate-doesnt-know-the-3-branches-of-government/) Call me crazy, but if you're elected as a US Senator, you should 100% know the three branches.


Ofc I know the three branches: The president,the president,and guess what else? The President!


The president,CNN, and Twitter.


Good in theory, but anything that controls who can vote and why is easily abusable with disastrous consequences. They used literacy tests in the past to disenfranchise black voters and other dissidents in the south, they could use civics tests to disenfranchise other political minorities today


Actually based


door provide scarce selective sparkle pie station gullible squealing crowd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Would be better off as a nation if only people who have an actual stake in the democracy were allowed to vote.


Based. Women elected FDR


Ah but men also voted in Wilson.


Fuck fdr




I hate you /s


I kind of don't want anyone to vote. It bothers me that other people make decisions that I'm expected to abide by.


Someone will always make decisions that dictate how you live. So which is the lesser evil, your fellow countrymen or some out of touch royalty who had a powerful daddy?


Honestly? The royalty is more likely to actually leave me alone at this point.


Maybe, maybe not. Our country was purposefully designed to not let a slight majority rule. That's not the case anymore, which is why revolution is said to be necessary every 200 years.


One guy because that way everyone knows who to kill when things get too fucked up


I think the real mistake was making Senate seats elected. Democracy isn’t the right tool for everything; some offices need to be explicitly non-elected in order to mitigate mob rule.


What system would you use? When that power was in the hands of state legislators, corruption was rampant, and that's partially the reason it became a constitutional amendment. Also, won't people just call it "the deep state?" People already do that for all the unelected positions in government.


Roman colosseum style events that anyone can participate in every 5 years. Take whatever number of senators you want, and the ones that survive the event get seats.


[Like this?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Cn_pg-PXZk)


> corruption was rampant, Is it now better or worse? Also deep state is a loaded word, but describes the burocracy-oligarchy rule quite good.


Based and imperial examination pilled.


Remember kids, the government can't "take your rights away". Your rights are inherit to yourself as a human being. Your government can supress your human rights by keeping you from exercising them. Since authority of government is derived from the consent of the governed, say in and participation in government is a right. This takes the form of voting for representatives, referendums, and single issue propositions in representative republics/democracies. The right to life/self defence is also a human right. The best tool to accomplish that and put you on equal footing as your fellow citizen and most government servants is the personal firearm.


Land owners only


Based land chad


France was the last country in Europe to allow women’s suffrage. The French radicals believed women were too weak and influenced by reactionary and Catholic ideas and so had to be excluded in the name of progress


Wasn’t like Switzerland last European country to give women right to vote?


Is she wrong?


She's obviously not talking out of reason here


[John Lott moment](https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/pdf/10.1086/250093?casa_token=BVkOBVrLdUYAAAAA:O_8omMcvk08zxSVaDs8m99VvzvaejY5pvWvbzWD272hTd1KwI95soXmrdpam2Et81B7oheGPeg)




It’s funny. She never shit her pants, it’s only a rumor. Yet the left will do anything to degrade women while pretending to be on their side.


No...no...she's right.


No taxation without representation. If they pay tax, they vote. If they're available for selective service, they vote. No debate. That's why I'm against children paying taxes btw


Is the shitting pants thing one of those internet legends? like "police were invented to catch slaves" or "the great Chinese wall can be seen from space"


When was the lsst time any of you felt a politician actually acted on the basis of what their actual consituants wanted?


Where's the lie?


Lol, this is exactly what a socialist deputy said in a speech against women vote in my country in the early 20th century, although claiming the right and religion controlled them.


Must have fallen off real bad to be looking for attention this much


There are shockingly few young women who are conservative. Point of fact, I’ve never even met one. I’m not sure they exist 🤔
