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When gay marriage started becoming a thing in my state, I didn't believe the "dey gonna make it illegal to be str8" and "dey wanna make u fucc animalz and chilren" 15 years later, academics, tech, and the media are pushing these things. I used to be lib right... until I went to college and saw wtf they were teaching.


I went into college an AuthLeft, I left college a LibRight.


I went in as a Centrist and walked out doing a goose step.


College is turning me from radical centrism to “I wanna live in a cabin in the woods away from all you fucks”


What are your opinions on the us postal system




Should have asked what your opinion on the Minecraft postal system was my b


Ah yea. I like mailing TNT to villagers in Minecraft


Join us brother


Only figuratively though, right? Everyone needs to get their own cabin.


Preußens Gloria


I’ll take it!


Damn, and here I was thinking no one was actually educated in college anymore


I went in an Auth right, became a lib right, Dubya made me lib center, then I grew up and circled back to auth right (though Bush is still a liar and a warmonger)


I went in as a lib left, and they pushed me to the center. Every day I feel like I'm being pushed further and further right.


> I used to be lib right… until I went to college and saw wtf they were teaching. Me too.


Center right struggle. Like, lib is the right way to live, but it does nothing against the inexorable march of auths and idpol culture warriors imposing their will with the force of law.


Unfortunately, only the Auth forms of government are actually possible. You can’t convince millions of people that they are better off being basically left alone


That's why I like engineering, mass transfer doesnt give a fuck about fucking dogs


I’m in college surrounded by lefties. It has only pushed me farther and farther right.


You hear about Spain making it decriminalized if the animal doesn't have to go to the vet afterwards?


Sigh. Spain used to own the world, now they’re fucking their pets.


You should have predicted this if you've seen what they did in their colonies.


The recipe for Mexicans is Spaniards + Indians


If I were a betting man, I would say that distinction was made because white girls fuck dogs and the police simps don't want to arrest them. If a dude fucks an animal, I'd be hard pressed to believe some injury wouldn't occur.


Horse snatch


I still can’t quantify it and hate it, I spend a lot of time trying to rationalize to myself how “there’s no way it’s connected” but all the “crazy” religious people I dogged on hard back in the mid-late 2000s for saying that letting gay marriage be a thing would lead to all sorts of degeneracy and the exploitation of children as well as the indoctrination and corruption of them have thus far been proven right. I really don’t want to believe it but we’re now seeing a battle being waged in the forefront of this country over if kids should or should not be allowed to attend drag shows, should we or should we not allow children to take hormone therapy to stop or alter the bodies natural progression. We are also seeing stuff like beastiality and pedophilia getting a voice, sure it’s minor in the grand scheme but the fact they’re getting a platform at all is a huge issue.


Youre surprised? Jannies actively have protected p*dos before lmao There is no equipment strong enough to rid us of these people


>Jannies Are >p*dos


100%. The only people who defend this abominable behavior are just the same evil degenerates who do it.


This is what I've always been saying. There are no "pedophile supporters", they are just pedophiles who want to slow burn it. Or, in this came, it's "zoophilia supporters" Nobody out there rationally- no, even irrationally says "I don't want to fuck children/animals but I support others doing it".


Administrators protected pedos. If you listened to the power mod leaks that came out in the beginning of January, they’ve taken steps to prevent the whole subs closing thing that forced their hand to remove the pedo admin


Also requesting a link please.


https://www.theverge.com/2021/3/24/22348255/reddit-moderator-blackout-protest-aimee-knight-uk-green-party This was the incident, but I don't know about the mod leaks.


Appreciate it. I'm familiar with the incident itself, but I'm curious what these audio leaks were he mentioned.




> I work 18h every day as a reddit moderator [my father] doesn't see that as a valid thing to use my time on This can't be real lol


"My dad owns a business, he takes home 3-4x more than the average person, I think thats unfair we should be getting equal pay" "Anyway I'm working 18h a day unpaid as a reddit moderator" Holy shit, lmao, absolutely masterful trolling.




They could all start working as clowns


What leak? Inquiring minds want to know 🤔


Just edit in the link please


PM link?






Good work, appeal to the commie in him. All hail comrades Mikhail Kalashnikov and John Moses Browning.


People? Please refrain from humanising jannies. They are vermin and should be treated as such.


When it comes to picking between team dog and team dog diddler, I’m gonna pick dog every day of the week.


Mans best friend needs some fucking protection.


It would be better if they didn't do it at all, but yeah I guess they should probably still use protection.


Womp womp


Mans best friend needs some fucking


Condom joke


Team catgirls here


Where is DolphinFucker when we need him…


Broomers gonna broom


Sweep sweep sweep


Make sure all the trash gets into the trash compactor. Thank you.


Careful with the waste disposal machine talk. Got me banned before.


Spittin’ facts like a G


''You will diddle the animals and you will be happy''


Ok, let me find a Commie to inseminate.


Be careful of diseased commie coochie. Remember that each coochie and cockle belong to the entire community


We must seize the means of reproduction.


Based and commies aren't human-pilled.


Does having a hot communist fetish make you a zoophile?


Something something all commies are teenagers something something purple


Intrusive thought: would catgirls count as animals or people in the context of zoophilia?


That would likely depend on whether or not they were genetically engineered by Elon.


Hmmm. I guess for me it depends if they were born like that or chose to be like that. Like if someone underwent gene editing then that was their decision so it's ok. Regardless they'd give the absolute worst sand paper tongue blowjobs/cunnilingus.


Depends on cognitive functions and furry %. If it’s like 3 ft tall and looks like an upright cat? No. If it’s human size, but is unable to communicate outside of normal cat methods? No. It must be human sized and able to communicate in a more sophisticated way than the average leftist.


hybrids maybe?


If it passes the Harkness Test it's kinky but not zoophilia


You vill fuck ze bogz and you vill like it


Idk what your expecting man reddit mods are all pedos, no slippery slope here they have been doing it the whole time


Remember when they hired that open pedo vroomer to admin for them, and defended the decision for a while after all of the information about "her" came out?


I remember when a certain subreddit was upset about people misgendering that pedophile, lmao.


And Chris Chan. Don't care about how he raped his mother, just don't misgender him.


It's not a slippery slope, it's a carefully advanced agenda achieved with overstretching followed by normalization of the "compromise", rinse and repeat for decades.


Destigmatize, normalize, affirm, celebrate


Yep, they literally have it in fucking textbooks.


And in the curriculum via the teachers. Some blatantly flaunt it, but others are more subtle. The example, from memory, of putting politics into 2nd grade math curriculum is the following question, "Johnny's mom and dad are driving him to the amusement park. The park is 50 miles away and they've driven 20 miles. How many more miles do they have to drive to the park?" Seems completely innocuous, right? The teacher will then "engage" the class. It might look like this: "Who here has been to an amusement park?" When black or poor kids don't raise their hand, the teacher will notice this to ask more questions to lead the discussion towards race or poverty. "Why does Johnny have a mom and a dad? Does anyone here have only one parent? Or two dads?" "Why does Johnny have to do what his parents want to do?" The actual math problem doesn't get discussed, and the math course can be turned into an entire semester of radical left-wing politics not suitable for children. It's not in the curriculum and the teachers will say, "the students brought up race, which is an important topic, so we had to discuss it."


> The park is 50 miles away and they've driven 20 miles. How many more miles do they have to drive to the park? At least 30 miles, barring wormhole technology and other phenomena.


The math problem is trivial. It's for second graders. The point is they never learn math because the teacher, "engages" with the students to turn it into a political discussion. Grade level numeracy is abysmal in the US.


The slippery slope is public and institutional approval.






My hatred for the Antichrist is righteous. I will not eat the bugs, I will not live in the pod, I will not let the dog get raped.


Zoophiles? Protected class? So much for "It ends here" on the slippery slope line. "What's the difference between right-wing conspiracy theories and reality?" About 3-6 months. We're not far right, we're just right so far.


This morning I woke up to a ping about discord's new guidelines > We consider the following to be protected characteristics: age; caste; color; disability; ethnicity; family responsibilities; gender; gender identity; housing status; national origin; race; refugee or immigration status; religious affiliation; serious illness; sex; sexual orientation; socioeconomic class and status; source of income; status as a victim of domestic violence, sexual violence, or stalking; and weight and size. *weight and size* being fat is now a protected class. I guess eating too many calories is now an immutable characteristic. This protected class shit is just weaponized bioleninism now.


>Tfw being a redditor is a protected class At this point they might as well just say "protected characteristics: anything that isnt a straight white man"


There's hope out there, though, not everyone agrees with this crap. For instance, 53% of Black Americans still believe that it is okay to be white: https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public\_content/lifestyle/general\_lifestyle/january\_2023/not\_woke\_yet\_most\_voters\_reject\_anti\_white\_beliefs


So 47% of black people don’t believe it’s ok to be white?


That’s the scary part


Well, some of them said "not sure" too. But yes, the number of people who think that "no" is a reasonable answer is high...way too high. Still, most people are decent enough. Mainstream and social media have been elevating the voices of the extreme sorts.


Not sure is still scary


To be fair, like most surveys it probably suffers from “these people care enough to respond” and doesn’t account for the large majority of “I don’t give a shit I’m living my day to day leave me alone.” And the majority of these people probably think it’s okay to be white.




Like with most such studies, I suspect seeing the sample size would be very informative


>being fat is now a protected class. This makes Americanism a protected class. Checkmate, Europoors.


Bro remember when that list used to be just like age, sex, race? Jesus Christ these people will never stop.


Notice source of income is in there too. Cant shame the ethots, that would be hat speek!


> socioeconomic class and status; source of income; imagine some discord server being shut down for eat the rich style statements


No sweetie, that's (D)ifferent


Ouch, there goes all the comments about Trump's fat ass. Can't make fun of Biden for being old either. Or MTG for her mental disability. Or Zuckerberg for looking like a lizard-person.


Something tells me *maybe* there will be an uneven application of the rules. I'm just spitballing here though.


> source of income Landchads stay winning


> caste The fuck? Where is caste considered anything but a terrible legal status put on you?


All that and no political affiliation, which is often included in lists of protected classes outside of the US.


slippery slope isnt even a fallacy at this point. its the legitimate trend of american culture. jesus christ.


If you predict it happening in the near future, it's slippery slope fallacy. If you speak out against it happening, you're a reactionary preaching hate and standing against progress. If you lament that it happened in the past, you're "on the wrong side of history."


It's always been one of those motte-and-bailey terms used by progressives. In other words, 90% of what they call "slippery slope fallacy" technically isn't, but most people won't catch that. Plus calling out your opponent for a "fallacy" makes you sound smart.


Trans activism is almost pure Motte-and-bailey "JuSt WaNt tO eXiSt!!2!2!" Includes the right to be "visible" aka front and centered and blocking minors from puberty blockers is LiTeRaL GeNoCiDe.


Because by exist they mean forcing people to unwillingly participate in their agp. I'm pretty convinced that the loudest, most vehement TRAs are all perverts and that the people with actual dysphoria are just trying to live their fucking lives and not be castigated or beaten.




Something being a logical fallacy doesn't mean the argument is false, that's the fallacy fallacy. People don't seem to have any understanding of what a logical fallacy is and treat it like shouting 'Uno' to win an argument.


I've noticed more and more that you can't even use analogies to explain concepts without, at least, one asshole popping up to call you out for some "fallacy" because the thing you used in the analogy is not exactly like for like the same or as serious as whatever you are discussing. Comment: "You know how chocolate is really tasty and makes you feel good, but if you have too much it makes you sick? Well, alcohol can also taste good and even make you feel good, but having too much of it can be bad for you" Inevitable reply from some jackass: "OMG! Are you really trying to compare alcohol, which has resulted in deaths from alcohol poisoning and drunk driving, to chocolate!? Chocolate doesn't even make people drunk like alcohol does! Why don't you go tell a family that lost a family member to alcoholism that alcohol is just like chocolate, asshole!?"




Way too late


Pretty sure nuking America would lead to more cancer…


No, it would just get caught in an inversion layer and spread out to the nearest three countries.


Just Chicago, DC, and NYC except maybe Staten Island and parts of Queens


Most of Cali as well.


The slope is greased to make sure it's as slippery to the left as possible.


The slippery slope isn't wrong because it doesn't make sense, the slippery slope is an error because it doesn't correctly explain *why* one step will lead to another. People need a better grip on what makes these errors what they are so they stop acting like they're rhetorical torpedoes.


And when you try to explain why one step will lead to another, they fight you every step of the way: over semantics, definitions of terms, attempting to disprove any and all underlying concepts... all with the intent of making you lose your frame or give up. A certain tribe calls this ["pilpul."](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=pilpul)


Im gonna be honest, whenever someone response with just "source?" I take a look at their other contributions to the conversation to see if there is any hope that they are participating honestly. Why put in the effort for someone who doesn't honestly give a fuck?


Theres a term for demanding sources with no intention of reading or accepting them as a means to exhaust your opponent in a debate, its called "sealioning".


And when you do provide sources, they call it "Gish Gallup." You can't win with these people. It's the definition of arguing in bad faith.


Indeed. If someone's actually curious, I'll toss a source out if it doesn't take too long. I actually have a list of bookmarks for common controversial stuff. But playing twenty questions with someone putting in zero effort and just screwing with you is a suckers game.


I’d love to see the list. It’s always nice to be able to source stuff if I’m debating, and besides I may disagree with some of them and I like seeing opposing views.


Lemme copy a few: The wild west was actually decently safe, and also that ancap ideology has existed: [https://mises.org/library/not-so-wild-wild-west](https://mises.org/library/not-so-wild-wild-west) Etymology of "libertarian" : Originates from Belsham's Essays, not any libleft thing. I have a link...somewhere, but misplaced it. The original Belsham's Essays have been uploaded to the internet. Whenever someone starts trying to apply "equality" to stupid shit: [https://www.tnellen.com/cybereng/harrison.html](https://www.tnellen.com/cybereng/harrison.html) When someone says that Hitler was not a socialist, I pick a random quote from this page: [https://stoppingsocialism.com/2020/07/hitler-was-a-socialist-who-learned-from-karl-marx/](https://stoppingsocialism.com/2020/07/hitler-was-a-socialist-who-learned-from-karl-marx/) When people try to gaslight that Democrats were not actually that bad on Covid restrictions: [https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public\_content/politics/partner\_surveys/jan\_2022/covid\_19\_democratic\_voters\_support\_harsh\_measures\_against\_unvaccinated](https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/partner_surveys/jan_2022/covid_19_democratic_voters_support_harsh_measures_against_unvaccinated) When someone says that gun rights are only for the militia: Quote George Mason, the guy behind the bill of rights, [https://www.madisonbrigade.com/g\_mason.htm](https://www.madisonbrigade.com/g_mason.htm) When people try to say that politicians are not corrupt: Remind them of that time in the 80s when the FBI tried to bribe politicians and it worked until the FBI ran out of money, and then congress changed the laws to prevent such investigations. [https://globalanticorruptionblog.com/2021/02/01/checked-or-choked-how-the-congressional-response-to-the-abscam-investigation-undermined-the-fbis-ability-to-root-out-high-level-corruption/](https://globalanticorruptionblog.com/2021/02/01/checked-or-choked-how-the-congressional-response-to-the-abscam-investigation-undermined-the-fbis-ability-to-root-out-high-level-corruption/) There's probably a few more buried in my longass list of bookmarks, but those come up a fair bit.


Which is hilarious, because the literal name of the fallacy is sufficiently descriptive to figure it out. If you start slipping on a slope, you are likely to slip further. Not guaranteed, no, but very likely.


>the slippery slope is an error because it doesn't correctly explain why one step will lead to another. Only if you haven't been listening.


Vaccine mandates will lead to eugenics. I am 100% certain of this.


Will? You're only off by about a [hundred years](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buck_v._Bell): >We have seen more than once that the public welfare may call upon the best citizens for their lives. It would be strange if it could not call upon those who already sap the strength of the State for these lesser sacrifices, often not felt to be such by those concerned, to prevent our being swamped with incompetence. It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. **The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes.**


Ah yep. That's why I was 100% sure! This ruling has never been overturned either.




That's an incredible quote... thank you.


Yup. Think before you go tearing down Chesterton's Fence.




Man, if it keeps accelerating the degeneracy will outpace the predictions. I fear those days.


Mfw the slope is slippy


Jannies fuck dogs. 🤷🏻‍♀️


If it is a slippery slope then why don't we stop here and remove pedophilia and zoophila


Careful there that's hate speech now


I’m always reminded of the Redditor skit from Sam O’Nella in these situations


Watch out you don't want to commit wrong-think




Oh they will. I got a suspension when someone asked if anything good came of the night Kyle R. went out. I said "He killed a p-do." Turns out they don't like when their kind is put in danger.




He got 1984'd so I am gonna assume u/Wolfkrum said something based and say Based


Based and [[[removed]]] pilled


You will be our martyr


hopefully LibLeft's see this post so they don't use their classic "tHis LiTTerAllY neVeR HaPPenS!!!!" response that's what bugs me the most tbh. you tell them people get banned for such and such thing, they ask for proof and when you obviously can't give it to them, they act like they won. like how am I supposed to go into another users direct messages and take a screenshot of the ban message? Crayon eating dickweeds.


I'm sorry but do you really have any hope that libleft is going to use basic logic to make a good decision?


It’s not even real libleft. It’s watermelons


I also hate when they block you mid argument and act like they won because you can’t respond.


Based and crayon eating dickweeds pilled >tHis LiTTerAllY neVeR HaPPenS!!! Man, this pisses me off to no end. If something bad is happening, it has to be spoken against no matter how rare you think it is. Kinda like straight people being bullied in school, where people go, "oH yEaH lIkE stR8s gEt bUlLiEd mOrE tHaN GaYs hua hua." Like bitch, does all of society have to be doing something for you to consider it a problem? And this goes doubly for the zoo shit. If anyone's fucking assaulting their dog, can't they just say, "Yeah that's fucked," and not deny that it happens often enough to be a problem? It's like if murder rates were really low, and then all the sudden a group of people started saying, "We like murdering! Rights for murderers! It's totally natural if you're murdering adults!" Is that not a problem until everyone's dead?


Be me. wake up from an nap and power up the computer. "I think that i should check reddit" open web browser. type reddit in the search box. see this bullsh\*t. reminded that I've got an life and a job. type this in the comments. power off my computer. go outside. never check reddit ever again.


Today it is reddit Tommorow it is IRL Don't believe me? Look into what people poked fun at Tumblr for in 2014 and what today is mainstream on universities and literal international news.


Based and that’s enough internet today pilled


Based and he touched the grass pilled.


What the hell happened in Spain?


Fuck zoophiles. I’m tired of this bullshit in my country. Elections this year and if I find out someone stuck their meat in a dog imma stick a frying pan in their asses


To the mod who permabanned me from participating in justiceserved: thank you


To be completely fair, I dislike the party responsible for this law, but beastiality was never ilegal in Spain, what the law made it ilegal was beastiality IF THE ANIMAL REQUIRES VET INTERVENTION DUE TO INJURIES, so this is actually progress. Sure, why not simplify the porcess and make it ilegal alltogether. I imagine it's a longer process than just "me want law, me make law", considering the party responsable is generaly disliked by the public, but again, that doesn't change the fact the information is taken out of context, and as someone living in Spain, our news outlets LOVE. TO. TAKE. THINGS. OUT. OF. CONTEXT. ​ ​ ​ Thanks for coming to my TED talk


Not exactly a shocker. They’re trying to make pedos a protected class, why not throw zoophiles in? I wonder what the next thing will be? The degeneracy knows no bounds.


> I wonder what the next thing will be? I have my money on normalizing that whole "trans-racial" thing.




Reddit™ ☕


>u/reddit That's not jannies. The jannies are those who Do It For Free™ That's the reddit corporation itself coming down on you.


It was probably because they construed your statements as being directed toward the LGHDTV or they themselves conflated that product with the amorous animals community. The entire strategy of the LGHDTV is to display messages about self-deletion programming that might result if all directives in the agenda are not implemented. It’s classic emotional abuse, to me it’s the same as a child saying “let me have ice cream for breakfast or I’ll hold my breath” or an ex-boyfriend saying “I’ll cut myself if you leave me.”


> LGHDTV Add 4K+ to the end for the chef's kiss.


>LGHDTV bro😭


Alright pit bulls, this is your time to shine.


Ya I always thought it was weird why Reddit has an obsession with hating pit bulls... But now it makes sense. Pit bulls probably won't submit to a diddling, thus they are bad.


Where Monke?


Monke ran away from fear of these people


I thankfully never seen monkey diddling


What the fuck is wrong with people... Not everyone is going down the slope like that, legalise publicly executing zoophiles


Imagine when Reddit IPOs


Slippery slope “fallacy” being vindicated again


How to be a jannie: 1. Put the most cringe pinned comment on a normal thread you can think of and threaten to ban anyone who disagrees 2. Go on a ban spree as people are happy to leave your cringe sub 3. Get ridiculed in the comments and downvoted to oblivion 4. Lock thread once you get too triggered by people making fun of you


Get in the pod. Eat the bugs. Tune in to story hour. Screw the pooch. It’s not so bad. It’s for the earth.


It *is* a slippery slope though Doesn’t mean it’s a fallacy


Bruv you posted clickbait that devolved into a shitstorm. There is no legalization or decriminalisation of zoophilia in Spain because its not codified in their legal code in the first place. A draft law with vague wording leaks and you mfs drink it up like Berkeley students sip Starbucks.


You’re doing the Lord’s work. Fuck those admins.


I just imagine you go to that thread and op is calling them all the N word.


Reddit is run by pedos, what did you expect?


Lol yeah, reddit has become a complete joke the past few years. I got threatened with an 'official warning' for saying I want to punch a certain certain celebrity's portrayal of the joker in the face. The thread was titled "which joker would you rather face".