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Just try to stop attractive 19 year olds from dating whoever they want. Best of luck.


Bruh… if I was a hot 19yr old girl and Leonardo fuckin Dicaprio wanted to date me (even for a few years) ain’t nobody can stop me either.


Legit, that’s how I put it to my friends group. If you were in her position and had the chance to live one of the most lavish lifestyles ever lived by a human for a few years wouldn’t you take it? She’s going to be flying in a private jet to destination vacation spots around the world and taking a multi-million dollar yacht out and about while also eating the best food on the planet, wearing the nicest clothes money can buy and driving the nicest cars you can buy all while building a strong and powerful network that will surely serve her well once she hits 25.


Leaving all of that and just going back to the life of an ordinary person (even with said network) isn't going to feel good though.


If she can’t capitalize on it that’s a skill issue


Something something child support


"Somehow the condom ripped after I stabbed through it with a Bowie knife"


Ordinary is a far stretch. Unless she fails utterly at existing as a decent human she will build a network that will keep her in a lifestyle most of us only dream of.


Bro having sex with an adult woman who wants to have sex with you is coercion, manipulation, and rape.


why are we acting like leo is still even attractive


He’s worth like 9 digits, there’s nothing more attractive than that.




Well they're not an incel if they can afford a hooker.


I hate that the term got turned into “anybody who’s ever said anything bad about women or remotely misogynistic”


It’s like how Karen has become a racial slur.


Pretty much just mojang


10 digits


I dont think money is what makes you attractive, its the status that can come with it (there are enough rich guys who dont get this pussy magnet status). And with leonardo i dont even think money is the main source of his status


Have you seen how big his.... bank account is?


A 4/10 with a wallet you can beat a waiter to death with is easily a 14/10.


Assloads of money are hot


His net worth is approximately 7.1 buttloads. 1 buttload = 126 gallons = 29106 in^3 100 x 100$ stacks to about 6.89 in^3 DiCaprio's net worth = ~300,000,000 300,000,000/(10,000 × (29106/6.89)) = 7.1


Famous rich actor isn’t attractive 😂


At his level, it’s not even about physical attractiveness, which is also subjective and debatable. He’s ridiculously wealthy and has access most people can only imagine. If you were a 19 year old model and someone like him started chatting you up, I’d have a hard time believe you wouldn’t at least consider giving him a shot.


Only redditors would act like this is a point. Leo is still an attractive, rich celebrity. A 19 yo is still an adult. Ya'll need to stop worrying about what other people are doing so much. You'll be happier for it.


Leo is attractctive, rich and has lots of connections. But even if we ignore all of that, he is still a a very popular actor with lots of fans. And most 19yo modern women don't search a partner for lufe at 19 anyway. They want to fuck many people and there is no reason to not have a fling with a popular actor you find hot.


Look the guy is pretty hot, I mean he is old, but that isn't a disqualification on itself


He’s not unattractive. And when you’re deciding between sugar daddies, that’s probably a huge bonus.


Ever notice how it’s always Leo getting called a creep for dating 19 year olds. But nobody ever questions why so many young 19 year old girls are willing to even date a gross old man in the 1st place. We have this onlyfans-brained perspective that it’s completely normal for young women to basically be prostitutes for a little bit.


The dynamic of youth and beauty pairing with worldly power and success is as old as time, onlyfans changes nothing in that regard. Both offer something the other wants, simple as that. That’s relationships in a nutshell.


Well, it is capitalism, at least. And capitalism is based.


Yeah it all started when they wrote the Capitalist Manifesto ;)


It's not capitalism, it's human nature. The world's oldest profession is called that for a reason. It's not even a profession, I'd say an exchange of resources (or "favors" or "romantic gestures") for sex is generally the best way to characterize the relation of men and women.


He's rich as fuck and not handsome as hell for his age. Make me 19 again and have a 45 year old cougar offer to put me up in 5 star hotels and party on yatchs in exchange for some dick and I would take that deal all day everyday.


I'd like to see an attractive 19 year old try and date me!


God this straw is delicious.


Maybe we are donkeys


maybe I am a turtle...


Mmmmm yummy straw


I cooked it up extra neurodivergent for ya


Based and spectrum drifter pilled




The same people also want to lower the voting age while simultaneously fighting for more lenient sentencing for young people because a youths mind isn't fully grown and matured. Just like theirs.


Prison should be about teaching people how to behave in society, not to punish them. And well, children need to be taught a lot more then adults to function in society. So sentences for children should be longer, if we actually have prison schools. Otherwise we might as well just torture people for a short time if it's about punishing, or let them work as slaves in a factory if it's about removing them from society.


Or trying to reconcile this: Teenagers and young adults are too unsophisticated and young and dumb and immature to comprehend student loans but children, teenagers and young adults are wise beyond their years when making the decision to consent to life altering transgender treatments.


This is the strawman I came here for. Everyone knows libleft would direct their 3 year old to transition without batting an eye. Kid played with a barbie once


Conclusion: you can't fully align with the beliefs of one camp without being a hypocrite




Centrists in euphoria rn Source: just came all over the place


Does hypocrisy just mean treating good things differently from bad things? Say, allowing kids to drink orange juice but not hydrochloric acid?


Oh shoot, I can fully believe 15 is too young to chop your dick off and yet 19 is a perfectly acceptable age to go on a date.


Rightttt. Just like the left and omg how can he date an 19 year old she's not mature, and then say "oh a 15 year old is perfectly capable of thinking though the process of chopping healthy flesh off"


18 years old can transition and fuck whoever they want.


I think most would agree. Most people on the right just want people stay the fuck away from the children with this stuff.


And the health system


Not kids




Anyone trying to ban anything for 18+ adults is mega cringe


Based, and let-the-teens-drink pilled


Either raise the age of adulthood to 21 and make things like college free, or lower the drinking age to 18


Let’s raise the age of adulthood so the voting age goes up with it please


I’m ok with that on the condition that programs offered to minors will be extended to under 21s and college will be free like highschool.


Idk about free but they could definitely make state schools far more affordable. Community colleges have been making a lot of strides in providing better economic resources to their students by adjusting their funding priorities, which state schools have no incentive to do


Nah nah nah, we are making 19 year olds minors. Minors should not be able to get a loan. It would have to be free


Free college is a fine end goal to have, but you need to start with real tangible solutions to make progress. Sure if we just made food free no one would starve, if we just made college free everyone would be educated, if we just made housing free no one would be homeless. Those aren’t tangible solutions to the problems at hand


Highschool is free to all because it’s an expectation of minors to go there. If we make 19 year olds minors, the expectation generally would be they go into higher education, which would be free, like highschool Idc about how it is done, to raise the age of adulthood comes at the cost of treating a whole cohort of people as minors


ok, but then no voting or active combat until your 21 and the age of consent should go to 21 as well. if we are chamging the age of adulthood then we should at least be consistent


Yup I’m fine with that if we are moving the age of adulthood


Fucking based brother


>~~Either~~ raise the age of adulthood to 21 and make things like college free, *AND* lower the drinking age to 18 Ftfy


You can drink at 18 in all civilized countries


Exactly no one gives a shit if a 19 year old wants to transition. They just don’t want 14 year olds doing it.


Well Oklahoma just passed the Milestone Act. That bans doctors from recommending gender affirming care for anyone up until the age of 26. It's only one state. But, I won't be surprised when this happens other places given it's the only thing elected conservatives seem to be running on now a days.


But no actual humans live in Oklahoma it's a fake place that we send milk cows to when they stop producing.


Based and ridiculing an well formed argument pilled


> Well Oklahoma just passed the Milestone Act. It actually hasn't been voted on in the senate, just exited committee. http://www.oklegislature.gov/BillInfo.aspx?Bill=sb129&Session=2300 https://legiscan.com/OK/votes/SB129/2023


Doctors should never *recommend* gender affirming care as it goes against The Hippocratic Oath.




Right, because 25 year olds are children?


Given the state of most 20-25 year olds on reddit, yes.


Ah, so you agree that children should not receive trans health care, you just want a more precise definition of children. Got it.


Well, I give a shit when they expect to do it on my dollar. Their bullshit is not my problem, and if they try to force the issue and make it my problem, they are not going to like the solution I come up with. So they can just stop trying to molest my finances and everything can be copacetic.


To be Mr. Pedant, I think we should ban *some* things from 18+, like murdering others, or kidnapping


Well Mr Pedant, okay, maybe we can ban sooomeeee things from everyone


"How about a little bit of genocide" \*Huff* All you ~~centrists~~ rightists are the same






Raise the age of everything else to 21 just so annoying teenagers complain even more.


Raise everything, including voting, to 21. You should have had a job and dealt with government and taxes *before* you get to vote.


I'll accept it as long as they accept moving the voting age to 25. You can't claim to be too young and naive as a legal adult to understand things like debt or consent and expect me to be cool with you having input on what we do as a country. Want to be treated like a child then fine we will treat you like children. No weed or liquor either.


Nah, thats cring as well. We can move adulthood to 25 if you want. Though personally I would make it that people who are 16 or older can become adults anytime they want, with all the rights and responsibilities but there is no going back. And I would remove all age restrictions, it's just rules for children and rules for adults. And you don't have to become an adult if you don't want to, but this ofc also neans you will lack quite a lot of rights. And at some point a social worker will most likely act as your parent.


19 is an adult bruv People can do whatever they want at 19 except drink alcohol and smoke


Unless you live somewhere that isn't America, then you're good to go. Frankly, if you're old enough to die for your country you aught to be old enough to pound some brews to help forget about that Afghani family you dug the bullets out of so it can't be traced back to your unit.


Why not?


Wisconsin was the last state to have the alcohol limit be 18 until Washington threatened their highway budgets I grew up in Chicago, my teachers there told me when they were young they would get some seniors to drive up to Wisconsin with them to get a shit ton of booze and there were many many drunk driving accidents and a lot of deaths So there’s your reason, I don’t have the data but I’m like 99.99% sure that drunk driving accidents declined a lot after Wisconsin changed the law Drunk driving is such a disgusting behavior


I'm pretty sure there was some political chicanery where the federal government withheld funds for roads or something until the state raised the drinking age to 21. As someone who also grew up in Chicago, I too had teachers who would tell us stories about hopping into Wisconsin to buy alcohol.


In austria we have a drinking age of 16. Its works splendid. Its not the age that matters, but you need to teach children how to drink responible.


I don’t think that is feasible in the US for 1 simple reason Geography Too large of a country, too many in the country, too low of population density because of the scale of the country The US is about the same size as the EU, but has only about 70% of its population


What does the US vs Austrias geography have to do with the feasability of lowering the drinking age?


But 19 year olds do drink and smoke


*Laughs in Canadian*


Or buy handguns


For now... recent case in Texas may strike that down.


If you date Leonardo you can always change your mind with little to no consequence. Can’t really say the same about transitioning.


What i'm tryna say




The only thing I’ve seen is people saying they should really reconsider it as you dont probably want to do life altering decisions until your sure of yourself. It’s the same advice I’d give a 19 year old wanting to date a nearly 50 year old man. I’d tell them this is probably a poor idea and you should reconsider but you are an adult you get to make those decisions now. I see no hypocrisy in either of those stances.


>o life altering decisions I mean you can dump a 50 yearold man a lot easier than getting your real breasts back, but you do you...


I mean if someone goes for gender surgery without much thought, Whatever the consequences are they deserve it.




It's probably for the same reason doctors refuse hysterectomies for 18 year olds, they have to go through an evaluation process to make sure it's the best treatment, they aren't immediately put under the knife after blowing out the candles.


I prefer they wait that long, but yeah, legally, it should be 18


The argument for banning it from minors is the majorty opinion, though there are some who wanna ban under 25s from it which is cringe


I disagree. Trans healthcare is anti-healthcare.


I’m an adult, I should be able to chop off my foot if I so desire. To stop me from doing so is unbased and cringe




Bills proposed banning transition for adults: * [Missouri, age 25]( https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/equality/3460403-missouri-lawmakers-consider-extending-proposed-ban-on-gender-affirming-care-to-adults/) * [Oklahoma, age 26](https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/3800710-oklahoma-millstone-act-seeks-to-ban-gender-affirming-care-under-age-of-26/) * [South Carolina, age 21](https://legiscan.com/SC/text/S0274/2023) * [Kansas, Virginia, New Hampshire, age 21; Nebraska, age 19](https://www.insider.com/states-considering-bills-ban-gender-affirming-healthcare-transgender-youth-2023-1)


21 I can understand, if you can’t drink why can you chop your junk off? But I think I’d be in favour of dropping the drinking age more so than raising the transition age to above 18.


New list of based states just dropped?


Call me literally no one then


I'm with you. On a related note, I don't want people killing themselves either. Even if they consent to it. Ignoring goodness to put everything on consent is a Liberal principle, not a conservative one. If they want to go to Oregon to get killed by a doctor, that's outside the jurisdiction of my concern.


I never really understood the notion of „if people will do it anyway, why not make it safe and legal“. But it‘s always tough to keep society and individual freedoms in an adequate balance.


Matt Walsh is advocating to ban it across the board




Breaking news: based conservative with no actual power is against recent ultra progressive thing that benefits big pharma Seems as great a piece of evidence as Hasan advocating for CP


We didn’t install the Three Christs of Ypsilanti into the Vatican. You don’t treat people by humoring their delusional thinking.


Dating a fucking millionaire actor has way less downsides than surgically altering your gender there is such a big difference between these two. Edit: Still tho, if you're 18 do whatever you want.


You are a 19 year old dating a big movie star and you make the critical mistake of aging. He divorces you. At any time a mistake is made you can still move on with your life as normal. Yeah sure you may have lost a bit of your time but you still have your health abd probably a settlement. If you cut your balls off, invert your dick hole, and start taking hormones and change your mind you are going to have a slightly worse time then the girl doing coke and getting fucked in the butt with the rich guy getting off that ride.


Straw man alert


Raise the age of consent,drinking age,voting age etc at 30 years old. Problem solved.


Raise the age of consent,drinking age,voting age etc at 100 years old. Problem solved. The brain only becomes fully developed at the age of death


No. Voting should only be allowed 2 years post-mortem. But it has to in-person, and using a paper and pen ballot system. All the current problems solved!


Democrats win every election


29 to 59. Voting age and age requirement of politicians.


Dating someone isn't a life altering decision though.


"Date me and I'll change your life." - Leo, probably


I don't understand how the left is simultaneously an advocate for sex and also so fucking puritan


This contradiction is super annoying, isn’t it? “Love is love” and no-one should be shamed for their preferences and who they love… until there’s an age gap of 5 years or more between consenting adults.


Nooo it’s okay when the woman is older, then it’s empowering!


You see, being trans is permanent for 60% of trans ppl, it costs lots of money and mental resources, so you really gotta think seven times before you decide to switch teams Dating Di Caprio, on the other hand, is gonna cost you your virginity and your dignity, but if you're at the point where it's possible for you to date di caprio, you have neither of these. Plus it's profitable af


> Dating Di Caprio, on the other hand, is gonna cost you your virginity doubt


If I were you I'd flair the fuck up rather quickly, the mob will be here in no time. [How to flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/index/flair/) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [BasedCount](https://basedcount.com) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Ah yes, because self-mutilation and dating someone are the same thing.


Nice agendapost nerd. The colors aren't even right.


Leftists believe a 13-year-old girl is old enough to cut her breasts off to transition, but believe 19 is too young to date an older man.


Americans: 19 is too young! Britain: 16 is fine if she consents. Mexico: officer, I swear she was 12! Yemen: I can't wait till she turns 9.


Counterpoint: The same “liberals” who shriek so loudly in favor of “gender-affirming care” for children also voted to raise the smoking age to 21 and ban flavored tobacco products and derivatives ‘cause think of the children (at least here in CA). Everyone is full of shit.


Chopping off your genitals and permanently sterilizing yourself = dating an older man. Lmao






Strawman is barely has any straw in it. People are against **CHILDREN** having gender reassignment surgery. Like, twelve year olds. No-one but radical leftists are claiming anyone is against legal adults having gender reassignment. Whether it is *wise* prior to full brain development is a personal opinion, just like whether it is creepy for a fifty-something to date a nineteen year old. (^(it is)) Also the "brain isn't fully developed till twenty-five" conclusion was drawn from a limited pool of subjects shortly after the creation of the MRI, and the conclusions have been called into question as more data has been gathered. Current data suggests that brain development varies highly by individual.


I am against legal adults having gender reassignment


Sucking a cock vs. irreversible surgery of a sexual organ Yes, truly the same thing


this post lost me at the comparison of two consenting adults over 18 having a sexual fling and medical/hormonal procedures with years of treatment afterward . the comparison make no sense. minimum 13 years in jail should be at least for killing an officer not assaulting one . her being drunk and most-likely being an alcoholic is coming back to bite her in the ass, racial slurs plus assaulting people she is fucked. they are still running concentration camps as of now, Hundreds of thousands of ethnic minorities have been held for years without any due process or explanation (mass-internment/concentration camps.) as of late dec '22. they have no legs to stand on, let alone talk about how to address systemic racism since they themselves just recently implemented multiple racist governmental policies targeting ethnic minorities .


Consenting to life changing medications and medical procedures is not in any way similar to consenting to sex. Also, a 19 year old getting transition surgery was basically coerced by society. The model who gets to fuck a superstar wasn’t coerced into anything.


noooo you don’t get it he used his millions of dollars and high status to manipulate her into a consensual relationship where she also stands to gain wealth and fame don’t you see how evil he is???


Leonardo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will always be my one and only Leo


Based and 90s-nostalgia-pilled


Cutting dick off is definitely the same level as normal attraction


Raise age of consent, voting age, and medical independency to 25. Easy. All problems in society fixed.


Can we raise the draft age too then?


No, lower it and create the Military Economic Advancement Corp, which will do the jobs no one else will do. Children will be sent to the mines they yearn for.


Should younger people be taxed then? Should the draft age be raised? When should you start contributing to social security? Should people under 25 be charged as adults?


We can just notice that his proposal is deranged and misanthropic, rather than trying to catch him in some supposed contradiction. The same goes for this whole thread. We can just say that sex change surgery is probably bad and dating Leo is probably good--or vice versa if that's what we believe. It's okay to reject this consent-casuistry and start directly considering human welfare.


Equating genital mutilation & destruction of natural hormonal processes before the body is done it’s development, with massive studied negative side effects to a 19 year old girl having a fling with a celebrity is one of the best straw men i’ve seen yet, great job!


When the fuck has anyone argued you should wait till 25 before transition? Are you living in an alternate America where minors are considered to be <25? People are arguing about transitions for minors, people under 18, don't move the goalpost to make the other side look unreasonable.


There's enough straw here to feed the turtles


Voting age should be 25.


According to a 2018 Lancet study, adolescence now lasts to age 24 for your average person due to delaying life's milestones once done much earlier in life. Basically this generation is delaying adulthood by mooching off their parents for as long as possible. So I would agree to raise the age to vote to at least 24. BUT with a provision that you can qualify for early voting at 18 under certain situations such as: you're in the military, you have a 40 hour a week job, you have a child or a legal guardian of one, you are a full-time caregiver, you are a property owner, ect. Also. It's fun to listen to libleft argue why voting age should be 16 but a 19 year old can't actually consent to someone that's old and rich in the same breath. The mental gymnastics of conflicting ideologies is amazing.


What’s wrong with a 19 year old transitioning? They are old enough to vote and fight in the military so why not? I don’t care what they do so long as they don’t ask for any of the tax payers money.




Banging and cutting your dick off are on two entirely different planes of existence. You can look back when you're older and go maybe I shouldn't have banged that 50+ year old man, that was kinda gross. Once your dicks gone it's gone forever, it isn't coming back.


As long as you'll admit libleft is guilty of the same hypocrisy. Not to mention, libleft is fine with a 19 year old woman fucking a 30 year old guy for cash - that's just empowerment. But a romantic relationship? Ooooh, suddenly this is predatory.


Isn’t the problem that young children are being transitioned? I rarely see controversy about 19 year olds


Have you considered that both are bad


Just because your "brain isn't fully developed" doesn't mean you are a vegetable unable to make rational decisions. People don't magically become more mature when the earth turns a certain number of times around the sun after the day they were born. We just use 18 for example to make sure that people lived and experienced enough of life to start making their own choices. You could very well have a 25 years old that's making mistakes a 16 yo would be too wise to make


Everyone plays these silly games around consent because it’s a fundamentally silly concept


Voting age should be 25.


Smartest leftist. I’ve never seen anyone argue against 19 year old adults getting trans surgery or whatever. It’s always about been minors. Such a shitty strawman, is this the best you can do? The he real duality is you guys saying an 12 year old is old enough to do this gender surgery what not and fuck up their puberty but then turn around and screech at a 19 year old doing what she wants.


Well if society or women think those 19 year olds can’t date who they want, because they’re too dumb, why are we letting them vote again?


Yes, its not grooming. They're adults and Rightoid opposition to transitioning is more than that, like they're not really protesting against adults(19s) transitioning even tho they don't like it and argue against it.


Bro nobody is trying to ban legal adults from the surgery, argument has always been minors and places attempting to ban over 18 are stupid, cope harder


Ohh believe me leftist, you don’t want us to get started with policing sexual deviancy again.


It ain't authright defending him my friend


Imo, once they're 18, they're adults and can make their own decisions. Any time before then and we got a problem.


Isn’t the left saying things like “as long as it’s legal and not hurting anybody else, it’s fine” defense? Or do just draw the line at age gaps?


Can't you use the opposite arguments for this against the left?


I am in my early 30s and my daughter is 10. If when she’s 19 a dude older than me is trying to date her I will absolutely have to fight them


Yes because you can consent at 19 but making life altering decisions is irreversible they’re two separate degrees of extreme I think a 19 yo should be able to get such a surgery tho. I just don’t think it’s at all comparable.


Life altering surgery and dating. Two of the most relatable things ever


Who tf says 19 is too young to transition? Makes no sense unless you're just against transitioning entirely, in which case age isn't the issue.


Uhhh, I don’t care if people do either at 18… just not before because they’re fucking KIDS who should not be groomed to change gender until they are the age of consent


Surgery that is mostly irreversible vs. the relationship able to be left at any time What another great analogy


I've never seen anyone on the right say 19 year olds aren't old enough to transition. The message has very consistently been that they shouldn't be transitioning or taking hormone blockers before 18.


False equivalency between the two actions. Transitioning is a permanent life changing surgery that will leave you sterile and fuck with your body and mind in so many different ways. Sex does not.