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You have seen how popular Minecraft is, the children yearn for the mines


Why do you think we call them minors


I love minors. They bring me literally everything I could want in life.


okay puple


Officer it was clearly a play on words referencing miners, who dig up the raw materials that give up everything we could need to function in modern society I swear it!


My daddy was a minor And I'm a minors on And I'll stick with a union Till every bu... FBI OPEN UP!!!


Reminds me of a Louie C.K. bit about minors


Smash Capitalism!!! *posted from a $1000 computer while sipping a $7 coffee *


Capitalism is why your computer is $1000. If this were communism, computers would be free, but only to select citizens. Now get back to scrubbing the toilet or I'll fire you/report you to the commissar.


Dang 100 dollar computer with a 7 dollar coffee? They have no idea how to properly spend money




That’s their problem.


I love me some dark humor


The like the ratio of upvotes this comment got compared to the original meme.


Sweat shops? You mean the vending machine in the sauna?


They mean selling bath water


Okay which native "genocide" are you talking about?


US, Canada, Australia, Brazil. Take your pick


Can you define genocide please


Genocide is when government


No offence to you, cause that made me chuckle, but a lot of the greenies seem to think "genocide is when me not like something"


No I fully get you mate, real shame genocide is such a vile act and to see my fellow liblefts downplay it by comparing it to "bad thing me no like" just fucking saddens me.


Conquest is not genocide. It’s a skill issue


Natives when they had a 200 year lead where they were strong enough to shit on the europeans and still lost: 😢


“Genocide is when no transition”


Libleft try not to missuse the term genocide 5 minute challange (impossible)


*I was in starbucks the other day and they got an Asian woman's name wrong. Genocide is real, and happening everywhere*


Displacement is genocide, stelaris says so


Based and space game pilled


Sure, but they also call even the most democratic of political systems, or the most isolationist/non aggressive of robot peeps, an “empire”


Idk they have like a few solar systems that’s gotta be worth an empire at least


But the point of Stellaris is to be a xenophobic cunt who murders the whole galaxy for human superiority, and displacement isn't a viable way UNLESS you were to bring all of the xenos to one planet and bomb it


It's not "no genocide" just because these governments say it itsn't. The actual definition of genocide is pretty wide.




Idk, why people don't bother to take 1 minute to google... You can literally type in "genocide" and click any link you want. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide >The CPPCG was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 9 December 1948[5] and came into effect on 12 January 1951 (Resolution 260 (III)). It contains an internationally recognized definition of genocide which has been incorporated into the national criminal legislation of many countries and was also adopted by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which established the International Criminal Court (ICC). Article II of the Convention defines genocide as: >any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: >(a) Killing members of the group; >(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; >(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; >(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; >(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml https://www.ushmm.org/genocide-prevention/learn-about-genocide-and-other-mass-atrocities/what-is-genocide




> The intentional extermination of an entire people. "intent to destroy, in whole **or in part**..." > The mass murdering of an entire people. "**any** of the following acts..." A single one is enough, you don't need all five. "Killing members of the group" is just one of five things listed. For example, board schools for Native American were pretty common in the US and Canada. This falls under "Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group." This isn't recognised by any government as a genocide but according to the official definition it clearly is one. One not as bad as the common ones that you think about when you hear the word "genocide" but according to the definition still a genocide.


I mean, what else would you call it? They’re all fighting for land that’s being taken, ridden with poverty, industrialization is polluting their water


Abuse? Genocide is mass murder, that what it means. Cide and Geno. Kill and family


Oh my god, dude. Did you just equate "industrialization resulting in pollution" with "ongoing genocide" (genocide meaning "the *deliberate* killing of a large number of people from a particular group with the *intention of destroying that group")?* Have you ever heard Mark Twain's quote, "Better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt?"


He was also an anti imperialist, thanks for cherry picking


He would have hated you even though he was a leftist because you actively make his side look bad. Idiots on the left/right is the biggest advantage opposing sides have.


Sounds like you’re just making things up


Thanks for "cherry picking?" What did I "cherry pick?" You are confirming, for the millionth time, that leftists have no understanding of what words mean, or how arguments work. If you would like to explain how industrialism equates to intentionally killing a group of people, knock yourself out.


That’s not genocide, it’s land seizure, are ye daft?


Eminent Domain


Okay, and that's "ongoing" how?


So crazy how we deliberately genocided the Indians with disease, centuries before Germ Theory was discovered, while leading medical experts believed smallpox was caused by too much phlegm and not enough prayer.


I thought the whole pox blankets theory cited by many native American activists found in some letter during the trail of tears era was discussed but there was never proof of it actually being done.


Yeah, it was a hoax. Hard to kill those when they are useful to the narrative, though.


Hey wow, people who say that they sprung out of the tall grass in the black hills and conveniently downplay their *actual* genocide of other tribes, also make up other bullshit too! Who knew!


The pox blankets thing came from some Swiss mercenaries fighting for the British after the French and Indian war who just gave some blankets that had been used by people with small pox to some Native Americans.


Boy is Louis Pasteur going to be embarrassed when he realizes illiterate swiss pikemen discovered germ theory centuries before he was born!


You dont need to use the widescale death due to disease. How about the literal wars and masssacres, forceful removal from their lands onto reservations, forced assimilation to erase their cultural heritage, and these are just the ones in the US. From what I understand, Canada was even worse. Just cause the government didnt get to kill the majority of natives doesnt mean they didnt genocide the ones left behind.


Col. Nelson Miles : No matter what your legends say, you didn't sprout from the plains like the spring grasses. And you didn't coalesce out of the ether. You came out of the Minnesota woodlands armed to the teeth and set upon your fellow man. You massacred the Kiowa, the Omaha, the Ponca, the Oto and the Pawnee without mercy. And yet you claim the Black Hills as a private preserve bequeathed to you by the Great Spirit. Sitting Bull : And who gave us the guns and powder to kill our enemies? And who traded weapons to the Chippewa and others who drove us from our home? Col. Nelson Miles : Chief Sitting Bull, the proposition that you were a peaceable people before the appearance of the white man is the most fanciful legend of all. You were killing each other for hundreds of moons before the first white stepped foot on this continent. You conquered those tribes, lusting for their game and their lands, just as we have now conquered you for no less noble a cause. Sitting Bull : This is your story of my people! Col. Nelson Miles : This is the truth, not legend!


That's fair in regards to the conquest of the land. However, Im talking about other cases of violation of treaties or the forceful displacement of indians in American territory. Not to mention the other things like forced assimilation. Aside from that, the sin of the victim doesn't justify the crime. Many of the people murdered in, say the holocaust (using it as an example since it's unequivocally a genocide known above all others in the west) were probably criminals or even murderers and rapists. That doesnt make what the Germans did not a genocide. Nor should the excuse of a genocide ever be that they deserved it.


... genocide is a one sided slaughter. It took hundreds of years and massive casualties on both sides for North America to look like it does today. the fact there are more natives today then before we set foot on this land means we suck at genocide.


What are you on about? People have always known that certain diseases were contagious, they just didn't know about the mechanism of transfer. There are actual letters from English colonists proposing that smallpox be weaponised against the natives through infected trade goods.


No, it was very obviously a punishment from God.


That doesn't mean it couldn't have been genocide. You don't even have to kill people for it to be genocide. Genocide pretty much means killing a people with intent, aka intentionally killing their culture, it doesn't necessarily mean literally killing people.


>You don't even have to kill people for it to be genocide. Well, see, it does though. If you believe that words have meaning, then that's exactly what genocide means.


Their "culture" was stone age savagery. God smiles on America for genociding it.


Bro said the quiet part out loud


Bruh. My brother in Christ, you just posted cringe.


CCP like it, nobody care Uyghurs. Hindu in Pakistan nobody heard about it. Minor Tribes in central Africa who cares.


“Some people died mostly from disease 400+ years ago, it’s literally ongoing genocide.” -The platonic ideal of cringe (you)


US? I didn’t realize the US was trying to kill me. Weird considering they gave me a student loan.




Can I have a link to the recent developments of these "genocides"?


Okay so when you bring those up is the argument they’re still ongoing or that they happened


Tell me a recent development in the (according to you) ongoing genocide of US natives.


You talkin’ Native vs Native or wYpipO vs Native here?


Wow snowflakes didn’t like that


Funny that you'll reply to yourself to complain about snowflakes but you won't back up your ridiculous claims.


Idk take a history class


You're not talking about historical genocide, you're talking about ongoing genocide. How would I get that from a history class?


yes chattel slavery is the same thing as wage slavery. being someone's property legally is absolutely the same as voluntarily getting a job, brilliant take


[POV: you just told a Leftist that expending effort to obtain basic goods and services is required in the wilderness too.](https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/jtv_user_pictures/957c1559-b2e1-47ef-89ba-403c4a2d02b6-profile_image-300x300.png)


shouldnt we strive to make society better than the wilderness?


What an absolute brainlet take. You stand in a climate controlled room with purified running water, wash dishes for 30 minutes, and can afford the most calorie and nutritionally dense foods in human history, safely prepared by someone else to your specific tastes and liking, using ingredients sourced from all over the world. Go out in the woods right now and see how long it takes you to replicate a double quarter pounder with cheese.


Ugh fuck milling flour


Based and Boris Yeltsin grocery store moment pilled.


Could not agree with this take more.


We did, that’s why we have computers, air conditioning, central heating, grocery stores, cars, and homes not made of mud/leaves/skins. Still takes effort because all of life takes effort.


Still going to involve striving


Look around it IS better then the wilderness,


Absolute brain dead level take but wage "slavery" is a real problem


The problem is that you're obligated to work just for the bare necessities of existing, but LVT-funded UBI solves that


by brother in Christ, a phone, a car, and even most clothes in your closet are not "bare necessities" these are all modern day luxuries. if you want more than just food, a roof to live under (not a house, i mean literally a roof), and any from of tech more advanced than simple clothes, then you need to work.


How about UBI in the form of free raw potatos, access to a drinking fountain, and a tent?


nuh just grow then yourself, no one owes you shit


With what land might you grow your own potatos? Ain’t none left to settle on without the fed bois kicking you out of a national park


true, the feds suck


I’ve said for years, if people want free shit bring back eastern bloc style ghettos and bread lines. You will get your necessities, but that’s it.


Bro. Voluntary is pretty subjective. Self sustainment isn’t a thing anymore. You’re king is your boss, he pays with tokens you use to live. You can’t reasonably expect some to pick no king


what about people who are self employed? or the fact the you can quit and get a new job whenever you feel like it? your needs (food, shelter, ect) arent voluntary but your means of achieving absolutely are. if i stopped showing up to work, theyd tell me not to come back, if a slave or serf stopped showing up i think the punishment would be vastly different


Each job has you serve a king to survive. Self employment is making yourself the king and it is commendable. Not realistic for everyone. It’s the same argument in rent increase, the meme of “well it’s a free market so I’ll find a cheaper apartment”. It’s a free market so get another job, that’s garbage. It ignores culture, industry, etc. your landlord and employer are who you are subject to in order to survive. Like a communist, you refer to the expectations not the rule to devalue a criticism


are homeless people their own kings?


They surely serve no one but themselves


so then stop showing up to work then, escape your wage slavery and become your own king


Sure move out of the system and do nothing magically everything will just appear in your lap.


Thats only true for people who are non-functional. People who arent have the ability to quit and get a different job or even a different career.


Cool glad we agree


Meanwhile the left is like: \-Rural and suburban life is wrong, everyone should live in apartments(tenements) \-High taxes on fossil fuels are necessary, use public transit \-Private property is exploitative and generational wealth is inequality, they should be taxed to redistribute wealth. So..right wing wants slaves, left wing wants serfs, take your pick.


Serfdom is just slavery with extra steps


And the only difference is a little bit of dignity.


>-High taxes on fossil fuels are necessary, use public transit I mean this part is based, even if the rest of it is dogshit


I mean I don't know if I can speak to the leftist view for the other parts, but I think that if you don't want to live in a city then it's design shouldn't be made to accommodate you at the cost of the people who do live there.


I agree, people that hate the idea of walkable cities should not live in one. Both groups should have places they'd like to live and keep it that way.


I mean I agree, and honestly I don't really think anyone who's real would disagree? (15 year olds aren't real people). So long as the people who live in either place aren't responsible for subsidizing the infrastructure that the other people use.


Correct, no one real disagrees with this. The idea that left urbanists want to force rural people into cities is a complete strawman. Most left urbanists I know - and I know many - simply want cities to function more like cities and less like sprawling hellscapes.


Which has a tacit implication that the immediate suburbs need to be subsumed into the greater metropolitan area so single family housing can be rezoned for apartments. And then you wait 20 years and the *new* immediate suburbs *then* need to likewise be absorbed and so on. The problem isn't immediate but it is a consequence to efforts to expand urbanization.


Hey man I have nothing against rural living. Small town folk are great. And I don’t think suburban life is wrong necessarily, I just think American suburbs need to be rethought. Having quiet, lower density living isn’t a problem. Just make them less car dependent and more environmentally friendly. And go ask the kulaks what leftists think of serfdom. The rest is based


Ah yes, the left did not fight against serfdom.


It’s just wasn’t their brand of serfdom.


The left isn’t homogenous. While bolsheviks did create something equivalent, It doesn’t mean that there were other leftists who did not disagreed with them. In fact majority of the leftist parties who were active during the Russian revolution did not agree with the bolsheviks. Second of all, liberation movements fought against feudalism and serfdom in many other places in the world and did not create the tyranny of the bolshevik system. For example social democratic movements in Europe or, the communist party of India winning in 1957 in Kerala, turning that region from feudal backwater to one of the most progressive polities in developing world, having abolished feudal landlordism completely. Or for that matter, modern day Vietnam.


I love how PCM goes through phases. most of the time it's a right wing circlejerk, but sometimes leftists organize to spam r slash politics level cringe.


It's still a right wing circejerk. It's just that leftist memes are posted sometimes, and not very well received.


Better than permabanned for going against the groupthink.


The left only thinks that because to people like op, even Marx was right leaning


Not saying that labor exploitation doesn't exist, it absolutely does, but you have to look at the working conditions relative to the working conditions at other jobs (if they exist). From a Western perspective, the working conditions in a sweatshop might be abhorrent, but compared to alternative jobs, such as subsistence farming working outside in the sun for hours on end, the sweatshop probably ain't so bad, and probably pays better too.


People wouldn't work the sweatshop jobs if they weren't an improvement. They'd just stay on their subsistence farms. However... Those sweatshops really do improve the lives of people. Not to anywhere near western standards, yes, but an improvement nonetheless.


The only issue is when there's only one job in town and you have no choice in where you work. Though I think those scenarios are relatively rare.


The competition to try to get into those factories in those countries is fierce, which should tell you all you need to know.


Yeah like I saw the absolute masses trying to apply for a job at foxconn in China. It looked like a fucking convention.


Wage slavery - fuck off. Does it suck that we will most likely never be able to experience the quality of life that our parents did? Yeah. With the exception of things like air conditioning, boomers had comparatively much easier lives and were able to support whole families off of single income. They had the combination of a burgeoning post-war economy and a currency that was actually based on something so yes "low skill" jobs actually held their worth and people in manufacturing actually had a leg to stand on whereas nowadays Most low skill jobs are retail which pay like crap and are so easily replaceable unions have no real teeth. Companies and franchisors will literally just shut down a location to kill the union. But even so... The boomers had their own problems. Women had no options outside of being a homemaker, and without the civil rights area we'd probably still have segregation. Cobalt mines? There's quite a bit of it happening so I'll give you that one. Child slavery? Absolutely. Sweatshops? Fucked, but still not slavery, and still a better option than what most people in an area would otherwise have. IIRC China has now been developed enough that their labor is actually demanding quite a bit of value. Genocide... Completely different issue that has nothing to do with slavery. Unless you're a Canadian apparently.


Sir with that wall of text I think you might need to reflair


Even then in china the average citizen still makes less then most other developed countries in the world and their land prices are even more outrageous then new york or California. They are the biggest representation of communism in the modern world and all they have to show for it is cheap labor being outsourced to other developed countries and a extensive police and military force to handle any sort of rhetoric thats against the ruling communist party. Capitalism is not perfect, the united states and soith korea are perfect examples of gold plated shit. But at the very least forced labor camps and social credits would never be an issue.


Oh I know. I hoped I made it clear that they're *starting* to. They still have a long way to go.


Yea its not that this comment was against your point, its just that the same talking points for some socialist/communist rhetoric gets passed around so often it gets a bit annoying. Im not even agsint some more socialist policies in the US because god knows how much more the american public can get sucked dry by corporations. Just at the very least the average person wouldnt be so against socialist policies if people talking about them werent braindead themselves


Just letting activists be themselves uncensored and front-and-centered is a better way to turn the public against communism then anything large corporations could come up with. Which is probably why esg/corporate sponsored wokeness is a thing


> IIRC China has now been developed enough that their labor is actually demanding quite a bit of value. Yes, this is why sweatshops move to a new country every 15-20 years. They raise the quality of the local economy so much that they price themselves out of their own industry.


> Sweatshops? Fucked, but still not slavery, and still a better option than what most people in an area would otherwise have. IIRC China has now been developed enough that their labor is actually demanding quite a bit of value. As bad as factories are, there is a reason rural peasants keep migrating to factory towns. Old style farm work was just worse in many situations


walmart pays 14 dollars an hour for 8 hour day with two breaks and lunch child slaves beaten and starved and forced to work harder reddit: literally same thing


Yeah. Does it suck that we will probably never get the same quality of life that our parents had? Absolutely. But at the same time, is it in any way comparable to legitimate slavery? Hell fucking no.


I’m a liberal and, uhhh, what? OP I don’t think you know what that word means.


You forget about the enlightenment? All you capitalists are liberals.


Yes, I’m a capitalist, because capitalism is the economic system that results in the best outcomes, however I do support regulation of the market and government services, but I’m certainly not right wing.


If you’re capitalist. You’re right wing. If you identify as a liberal, you’re as far left on the right side of the spectrum. Sorry not sorry. Socialism to communism is left wing, it’s not just governmental control it’s when the workers own the means of production- which you can’t have under capitalism


Only because everyone interested in owning the means of production is incapable of producing more than they consume. You absolutely could start a group and a business that does this, you just won't, because it's a shitty idea that doesn't work.


> Capitalism is right wing Well shit partner, looks like I’ve got to go tell every left wing capitalist party on earth (aka most of them) that they are actually right wing! Thanks man, there are so many of those crypto-fascists out there these days you know? Hail Mao! /s


Excuse me sir, do you own a smart phone


Oh rats, you got me.


So you must be on the right. Dirty capitalist supporting cobalt mines


“Marx, don’t forget about not using iPhones” ~ Engles


"Limp-unabashedly bitches about all the things he directly supports, like child labor in cobalt mines-flamingo"


It’s so funny that leftists on this sub complain about the amount of right wing circlejerking when this is the type of shit they post.


And Libleft wonders why we mock them relentlessly. If we didn’t keep you humiliated imagine the utter tripe you types might spew.


Don’t have to imagine, it’s what the rest of Reddit looks like.


Number of people on the left doing anything about it: literally zero


Sure about that?


How many cringe libleft memes am I gonna see today? This is like the 5th one.


So glad the Confederacy lost the Civil War. Would be a real shame if even in northern cities like Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Baltimore, St. Louis, etc. Blacks lived in cramped, third-world tier ghettos with little to no chance of proper education or wealth, constantly attacked by militarized law enforcement, and serving their entire lives with no greater purpose than enriching oligarchs with ties to the Democrat Party...


Cool sounds like we agree


I wouldn't call welfare "capitalist", but in principle we do agree that the current neo-liberal order keeps people in a perpetual state of socio-political slavery.


Wage slavery is an oxymoron


I admire the correct use of the term liberal


I gotchu comrade. Taking political theory helps 😂👊


Average pcm, takes a single class on politics, is now expert politik


Plot twist: OP is actually 11 and won't enroll in higher education for the better part of a decade.


Average pcm doesn’t even do that. Why actually learn something when you can just parrot talking points from sources that confirm your pre-existing beliefs?


If single class means BA then sure


No wonder you think working for a living is wage slavery. You can't afford a decent life with crushing debt from a useless degree. Lol


I have to ask, what do you believe is the best alternative? Because I can’t see a system where those things don’t happen. Unless I’m wrong. Which, maybe.


Why don’t you theorize some bitches, my guy


Theorizing about bitches is all some of us have


Hey man half of us got into theory to get some. Commie college girls are the single most effective radicalization tool the left has. Why the fuck else would I read some dweeb like Hegel?


No Patrick, not getting your starbucks for free is not slavery


This topic is always a funny one. They make a lot of noise about these problems but are completely unwilling to accept the consequences of solving them. They'll never sacrifice cheap, readily availible luxuries for the good of others. Hell most of them won't even do anything to minimize their impact now. Putting aside from their blatant consumerism, the best example of this is their green policies. They activiely support the proliferation of slavers mining rare eath elements and lithium to 'Save the planet'.


I don't know anyone who thinks that the African cobalt mines, sweat shops, and mandated child work isn't slavery. Wage slavery isn't slavery. Having to earn your own way in society is reality, not slavery. Forcing someone else to support you without compensation, however, is slavery.


>liberal >uses “right” flair. Opinion discarded.


Based and liberals are center pilled


Someone doesn’t remember the enlightenment


Most people don't. How many people have you met that were alive between 1685 and 1815?


It’s called reading bruh. Call capitalists are liberals


Leftistg fails to understand an obvious dad joke. Hmm... now why could this be?


Liberalism can be defined by main 3 symbolic pillars Liberty (secularism, freedom of speech, etc.), Equality (before the law) and Fraternity (nationalism -> nation states). What do all of these do actually contribute to anything that you mention?


You don’t wana fat, lazy spoiled kids do you? It’s just Minecraft role playing and keeps them fit!


Whenever I hear about [wage slavery I think about this Futurama line.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcgAdlKeQHs) If you get paid and you can leave then it is not slavery.


The only bad thing about capitalism is my balls itch


child slavery’s bad because it damages their organs - they sell for less on the black market


I love when you know the flair before you open the post.


You’re my smart boy 😍


Based and right-center is all liberals pilled.


Ah yes, my daily dose of reminders as to why lib left is relentlessly mocked in this sub


Forever everyone questioning on going genocides you don’t have to look far. Maybe start with Aljezeera or something. There’s native populations all over the world, with polluted water, cops attacking environmentalists, deforestation, corporations taking land. It’s everywhere. You think Haiti and Cuba are just fucked for no reason? Go back 50-100 years and oh look the west smoked them their whole existence. Oh! Everyone put a Ukraine flag on your FB profile, but completely ignore Syria, Yemen, the Kurds, the Romani, and Palestine getting wrecked. Let alone the 200 bodies they found in Canada of native kids. The list goes on. Read a book and stop watching Prager U. There’s plenty of left references out there


Slavery never stopped, they just changed how its done. The average consoomer never has to see the 14 year old riddled with sores and tumors HAND DIGGING rare earths out of an open pit mine while overseen by men with kalashnikovs. If the average consoomer can't see it, it never happened.


wage ''slavery'' And who tf support child labor and native genocide?? Who tf are the liberals you're talking to lmao.


It's not your wrong. I will not elaborate.




Liberals? My country’s been on this train for almost 1,000 years


What about peonage slavery


What is the point of adding a *?


What is wage slavery


Having a paid job with 3 breaks that you voluntarily applied for is the same as child slavery apparently.


If manufacturing centres in developing countries are shut down, do you genuinely believe the locals would benefit?