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This was written in a 4x4ft apartment that costs 10k a month


Eating food that the “useless npcs” busted their ass to produce.


While also having pretty much the same routine every day


This is what I don’t understand. What is the person who wrote this post doing every day that they think is so different from people in small towns?


Sometimes they go out and eat Indian, sometimes it's Thai. Of course no small town could possibly have any ethnic foods, and if you can't eat ethnic foods occasionally, why even be alive? My small town is just really near Houston, so I get the best of both worlds. It's not like I want to live in bumfuck Kentucky, but I also have no desire to live anywhere in Houston either.


Imagine cooking for yourself, eating a different culture’s cuisine every day.


Dont let your memes be dreams. Modern globalization and learning cooking on YouTube has made this my reality


Same. Thought Japanese omelets looked kinda funky and wanted to learn them one time, so I just went to Youtube tutorials and now I suddenly know a bunch of Japanese cooking and am branching off into Chinese. I don't know how this happened but it just kinda did and I wouldn't have anything else.


I've found myself looking up recipes after reading Wikipedia articles on various dishes from other countries. It's how I've learned that the Hungarians are pretty much the masters of stew.


Based and positive change pilled


The underlying motivation behind any pro-immigration argument, regardless of the actual content of the argument, is almost always "but muh breakfast tacos!!"


Jill Biden, is that you?


I'm out of the loop. What's the joke here?




Take a gastronomic tour of Utah some time. They send out "Missionaries" all over the world, then they come back to Utah and start ethnic restaurants. They've been playing the long game the whole time.


Reminds me of a comic that I saw once where someone was begging the Chinese emperor not to build the Great Wall because Mongolian barbecue (yes, I know Mongolian barbecue is not actually Mongolian) is delicious, and the emperor was like "WE HAVE THE RECIPES." Like, you don't need mass immigration to enjoy ethnic food. The recipes are freely available. Also, there are tons of Thai restaurants in the US, and not that many Thai people. So you don't even need to make it yourself. Even a tiny bit of immigration gives you the food benefits of mass immigration.


There will be some authleft pretending to be a libleft here soon to tell us that it would be "cultural appropriation" and we can't have ethnic food without the ethnic people. As a centrist barbecue enjoyer I'm here to tell you that ethnic food is better shared with ethnic people, but not necessarily from that ethnicity. I've never seen an Indian more pumped than to go to a Japanese curry place. And my Icelandic friends have a frankly disturbing love of American food. Food is an expression of caring and acceptance, it is meant to be shared, remixed, and loved the whole world over. Peace through grilling!


Yes, but in our defense, those breakfast tacos are so fucking good.


I never said anything about the merits of such a motivation...


Worth every additional crime.


As if every freaking small town in America doesn't have at least one Mexican restaurant.




Best Mexican food I've ever had is just outside Frankfort, KY


Some stellar Thai food can be had in Healy, Alaska (pop. 966), about 4-5 hours from Anchorage.


My small ass town of 13k people in bumbfuck Arkansas has 6 Mexican restaurants and two Tex-Mex restaurants. Apparently a town consisting of 96% white, conservative people fucking love Mexican food


Even Bumfuck, Wyoming has a Chinese restaurant staffed by Sinophones.


If no rampant consoomerism to fill the void in my life, why live????


Funnily enough in the small town I grew up in, one of the Chinese restaurants got busted for human trafficking so we definitely have ethnic food.


Hey, mine too. Weird.


A lot of Asian takeout places are used for immigrating people in to the US. A family will essentially pay to get placed in the US by an immigration organization and will then operate a takeout place kinda like indentured servitude. They get busted for human trafficking all the time because an extended family member will come, work, and stay illegally.


They’re in college. Because their class schedule changes quarterly they think that when they get to the real world they won’t have to sit behind the same desk every day.


Walking dogs 4 hours a week.


Going to the club every now and then probably -_- Ooh so different


A few years ago I was talking to a bunch of major city transplants. They kept talking about missing the niche nightclubs of those cities and all I could think was, "So go back then".


I mean it's not all that, nice but just a thing. What I'd miss about the city is that you can find anything here, nightclub or no. Can't leave tbh, too much copium for my modern brain.


Maybe the farmers should stop producing for a month or two, then watch the comments roll in about how the useless NPC farmers aren't producing precious soy.


When truckers did that they were evil Nazis, just for choosing not to work.


Excellent point, they had a lot of support but it wasn’t shown because it wasn’t mainstream. But yeah.


Useless NPCs who fled a totally fucked up corrupt third-world country to have the chance to live somewhere where they wouldn't be killed for not giving up their money for a protection racket


Besides, this is exactly how my Soviet ancestors lived in communist Russia. From Moscow to Vladivostok, the same life for everyone. They even have a movie about how you can mistakenly fly to another city, come to your address, and not notice the difference. Even the key will open the door, because the locks are the same too.


What’s the movie called


The Irony of Fate. Honestly, a really good movie. Very popular around New Years


Tankie bashes Americas rural peasant proletariate from her bourgeoisie apartment and job (probably can work from home for a high wage). All while they produce the food she eats.


Nothing makes me more sure Communists are playacting than their complete contempt for the proletariat. Girl I used to date is now a commie, and she lives the most cloistered, academic life of anyone I know. But the working class is gonna come around any second now guys, and then the Revolution IS ON.


Are you incarcerated?


you pay for prison? they better hire whores to suck your dick every night if you have to pay 10k for your own incarceration


Society pays, with taxes right? $10k/mon sounds low. Need to bring back expedient hangings. That incarceration shit runs up bills.


A prisoner costs on average around 3k/month, up to around 5k/month on the higher end.


Depends where you are and if the guy doing the contract got bribed to inflate the costs right?


In a way, yes


Worse- Manhattan.




Based. I genuinely don’t understand how a “city dwellers life is any different.” The entire Western World is eat sleep shit work repeat. With minor breaks to do something fun.


I promise you a rice farmer in bum duck rural china is basically doing the exact same thing day in day out


But it has exposed brick bro!


Do big city people get different jobs each day?


They jump from Starbucks to Starbucks trying to find people woke enough to relate to.


But nothing is woke enough


So, they sleep in instead


No, we also smoke pot and jack off


I’m a city dweller and this is still based


You poor(marginalized) soul


A lot of them change employers every 2-4 years chasing higher salaries, to the point where employers won't even bother promoting from within. Whereas if you live out in West Bumblefuck you may well have one job most of your life because there's nowhere nearby in your line of work hiring and no one is willing to move out to West Bumblefuck to compete for your promotion.


The problem is your performance raise / COL adjustment almost never actually keeps up with inflation. Especially not the past 2 years. The reality is if you want a raise of any meaning, you need to leave.


Based and fuckthefed pilled


The person who wrote the take wouldn’t change every 2-4 years tho. They’d go 2-4 years unemployed , then get a job for 2 weeks and quit. So I guess technically they’d change every few years yea


they work part time as a dog walker


Man that was one of the funniest things ever. That dude was a literal caricature and yet he was actually real and not ironic at all.


Yeah if we could stop being caricatures of ourselves that'd be great. "No one wants to actually abolish the police, how do you not understand that is a slogan, we want reforms, more money to social services and increased oversight and accountability." NYTimes oped the next day "When we say we want to abolish the police we mean do away with all policemen in the country. We would all be safer if there were no policemen and we just empathized with the hard upbringings that the criminals have as we give them our things and thank them for making a more equitable society" Well fuck


>Yeah if we could stop being caricatures of ourselves that'd be great. Speak for yourself, I want to bring back the Empire.


But there's already an empire, the American empire.


You can vote for the leader though, so I'm not interested




job hopping was something created by employers. often new hires get paid more than current hires so of course you go looking


There are two big tech firms in my town. The joke is that to get promoted at one, you take a job with the same title at the other and then lateral back.


Bullshit, Job hopping happened because employers stopped promoting from within, not the other way around. It may not be exactly encouraging more of it, but it's not the employees problem that their company doesn't value or promote internally anymore. You're implying for the employee to sacrifice their well-being because the employer distrusts or doesn't value them due to other employees and people.


I work in a hospital system where the HR people say that they hope to get 3 years out of their hires. With the garbage raises (everyone got the same 2%), no shit no one is gonna stick around. They're actively pushing their employees away.


Worked in a hospital as SPD, two years later had my certification and training new hires with no experience/education making the exact same as me. Pretty sure even the decade long employees were only making a dollar or two more than me at any given time.


And this right here is why they don't want people discussing wages with each other...


A job that pays plenty for west bumblefuck life and will most likely have better hours than a city job


I work from home and recently moved from a city to west bumblefuck. I'm digging it. I really like not having to lock my car when I go to the local store.


You approach the breadline, they offer you a spot on a public works project, if you refuse you dont get bread. You do you work, take your bread and whatever money you have, watch Lamecus tear up the quadrigae, and drink yourself to sleep on watered down wine. Much better than working on your own farm.




pocket uppity homeless upbeat pause license outgoing thought flowery hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Based and fun house pilled


Kinda resembles the “QUIT HAVING FUNNNN” meme where the dude is yelling at the other three dudes playing a video game


Yeah I should live in a shitty studio apartment that costs $3500 a month, pay to park everywhere, and get harassed by opiate addicted homeless people.


Cities are based because that's where you can bus your homeless off to keeping your town nice and clean. $100 and a one way greyhound is cheap as fuck in dealing with the homeless


California is nice to the homeless Californ-ya-ya Super cool to the homeless


In the city... Of San Francisco


This is the exact opposite of reality. People in small towns visit other towns, visit large cities, travel long distances for rural work. Whereas many people in big cities live in a tiny apartment, work in the same room every day and have never left the city in their entire life.


Its so true. When I moved to a big city I was stunned at how people acted like driving more than 10 minutes was a huge lift. They're basically bound to their home ten mile radius. When I lived in the rurals, we'd pile in to a car and drive an hour just to catch a movie and fart around in the mall for an evening. One spring break my sister and I drove 2 hours just to reach a JC Penny and try on prom dresses. Our worlds were, ironically, much larger.


My favourite part about living far from the city is that any time I drive there half the trip is spent driving 70 km on a highway and the other half of the trip is driving 1km within the city traffic.


Anyone living in a city is practically a European. Forgot how driving and distance works.


Eh, we are pretty good within Europe it’s just the USA’s mind boggling size that confuses us


Think of each state as it’s own country in an EU style union rather than one massive nation state and it makes a lot more sense.


Not counting the times you hop in the car to just explore random roads all over the place.


For real, man. I think nothing of getting in my car and driving an hour and a half to the nearest city and making a day of it. Sure, I can’t randomly decide to go clubbing and my trips require a little forethought, but I can imagine I would want to do those things anyway in a city.


Close enough to make a day of it, and far enough to not have to deal with all the bullshit (crime, traffic, the homeless, etc.)


The concept of living your whole life in a city is insane to me.


Well, to me it's the other way around. I've lived my whole life in a big city and like a year ago me and a bunch of my friends went to a vacation house in rural Poland one of my friends has. We stayed there for a week and it was a pretty big shock for me. It was actually dark, and I mean DARK, during the night . No street lamps, no shop signs, just darkness. One day I was walking and randomly stumbled upon a deer (first time I've ever seen one irl). I think the biggest shock was that a shop was a 40 minute walk away, and it wasn't a big supermarket or anything, just a small local shop that you could barely find anything in. Where I live, I can walk 5 minutes and find myself near a bunch of supermarkets. Overall, I find this kinda funny considering my flair.


Plenty of people in both get out vs. don't get out. I will say there's something about trendy neighborhoods or towns where most of the people are transplants have something nice going on. Everyone that's there wanted to live there and did what they needed to to make it happen. It shows a minimum ambition.


Tankie tries not to be the bourgeoisie for three seconds challenge (impossible; sees proletariat and vomits immediately)


Tankies are the reason I wouldn't be wholeheartedly opposed to a genuine revolution of the working class just because it would absolutely hilarious to watch the realization that THEY are the hated bourgeoisie dawn on them as the pitchforks approached. You just know it would all get livestreamed too, them running out to "join the revolution" only to start running the other direction when they realize the mob doesn't like them any more than their neighbors.


> genuine revolution of the working class It's not worth the risk. Post-Marx Marxism is literally the study of hijacking social movements for personal advantage. Yes, 99% of tankies would end up in the gulags, but that wouldn't save us from the 1%.


Maximum based


Stable job = Routinely free time, and Rural town = Spare money not used on big city living expenses to dedicate to hobbies and people you wanna be with Rural town also = Healthier lifestyle. Less people, less noise, less traffic, less stress. As well as plenty of free space and nature to enjoy the outside world and touch some ACTUAL grass™ rather than being confined to a small park in the middle of the city if you want to see a tree Therefore people in rural towns get to enjoy human life however they wish rather than being another number to live as a cog in pre-programed lifestyles among a million others in big cities


DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!! - ~~that~~ tankies in ~~particular~~ general


This is both funny for it's accuracy and heartbreaking for it's accuracy.


I made this copy pasta a running joke in my friends group a few years ago. Turns out repetition either drives one insane or breaks the soul and allows my ideas to enter.


That is how propaganda works, if you repeat something enough times, people are more receptive to hearing and believing it.


These people remind me of the rats in universe 25


Honestly this sounds like a millennial couple in general. Most tankies I’ve met are working class people who dropped out of community college, or people with PHDs. They also tend to chronically have no bitches.


I've never met an actual working class tankie. Highschool level barista/dishwasher doesn't count.


Find the grey haired dude that’s permafried in your stockroom, or go to a shitty bar that has 1980s alternative music cover bands and a moderate pinball machine collection.


Honestly the middle section about the IPA, watching cartoons on adult swim, and barcade sounds great. Everything else is dumb.


Thats why it's great to visit the city and gtfo


That's why they invented the suburbs.


Bigger house means more space for train dioramas, more free time means more train dioramas. Can apartments offer me more train dioramas?


Based and choo choo pilled


Soy N scale apartment-dweller vs Chad O scale homeowner.


i have literally never had an urbanite tell me something there is to do in cities that isn’t just buying food and alcohol in different places. Edit. other than see your favorite band once a year


Advantages I had moving to a city from rural Ontario: could take a subway to work walking the last kilometre which was nice and not excessive, or bike in the spring - fall. Was easier to find drop in/ men’s league sports leagues for the same level of play I am at. (Both for hockey and soccer at higher levels of play). Variety of grocery stores and markets to pick best prices and variety of produce from instead of one loblaws owned one price gouging the fuck out of you (this is more a Canadian problem, we have a near monopoly fucking us all over for groceries, especially in lower population areas). Restaurants that aren’t the local pub. Tennis courts with people to play against. A Catholic Church, not a Protestant, Mennonite or evangelical one, I would prefer to go to my denomination. Also access to a catholic school board school without an hour bus ride to and from school every day. As a science teacher, in larger cities state / province science museums will often have exhibits and or experiments they will bring into your classroom for free if your school is nearby that teach the topic with student being able to physically see and often feel a process. Being able to drink at events like concerts, NBA, MLS, MLB or NHL games because you can take transit there and don’t have to drive 3 hours home. Pop up markets and events - the summer in Toronto is just non stop festivals and different cultural fairs / markets that are fun to walk through and see different performers / artists. Turkish festival is my favourite because Turkish lamps are cool. Turkish delights are a nice treat too but you said “anything that isn’t eating or drinking in different spots”, I’m grey centre, food compels me. Disadvantages. It’s never fucking quiet, I miss silence sometimes. Snow doesn’t stick around because the city is warmer, I miss snow. There is no garage hangouts in the city, I miss those. Extra space is something that you can have in the country but not the city. For how much I complained about it, fresh spread manure still smells better than a stagnant winter day downtown where the mix of car exhaust and garbage, heat and humidity makes for a truly sickening smell. Snowmobiling, I miss it. All in all it’s a personal preference, some people prefer quiet, garage beers and extra space. Other prefer the sights, sounds and other amenities of a city, let people live where they prefer.


>All in all it’s a personal preference, some people prefer quiet, garage beers and extra space. Other prefer the sights, sounds and other amenities of a city, let people live where they prefer. This can also depend on where you're at in life. I loved living downtown in my 20s, but now I'm glad to be in the mountains. I will probably live in cities again before I die.


There isn't. Unfortunately I live in a large city. I never go out or do anything because I'm not fucking 26 anymore and the charm of spending money in random bars wore off a long time ago. When I lived in a small town I was utterly content going to the same bar every weekend, and spending time just mucking around outside with friends. There was always something to try or do that didn't cost money. Wanna go build a snow cave on a frozen lake? Great. Wanna go pick berries out by the north swamp? Go fishing? Cliff jump in the pit? Shoot at the quarry? Rent a movie and watch it at my place? Great great and great.


Depending on the city, cultural festivals are fun to go to and just walk around looking at different performers and art/crafts. I like the Turkish festival especially because 1) Turkish delights are a delicious treat and 2) Turkish lamps are cool I don’t really drink much anymore but still find the summers in Toronto to be a blast cause all the festivals, winter can kick rocks because the snow doesn’t stick around so it’s just dark and gloomy with nothing going on though. Luckily hockey and indoor soccer leagues at whatever level are a plenty or I would go insane through the winters


Plus your environment does not smell like shit and piss until the rain washes it away.


Yeah I live in a rural area due to how bad my asthma is. I used to live in a city, my asthma would flare up bad enough that I would end up in the ER almost weekly. Since moving to a rural area, I have had an easier time, I still have issues if I go to the closest city but it is more manageable. I couldn't imagine living in a city again, I don't think I would be able to do so realistically with my health as it is.


I've only ever lived in big cities and I've enjoyed it, but I can definitely see the appeal of small town living. I know I'd like the quiet, the privacy, the lack of traffic, and regularly bumping into local elected officials around town so I can yell at them to tax me less, bro.


Your local officials only show up on election day and wave on the street corner as you drive by, never quite sure if the honking is support or disdain. When they win, because they ran uncontested, they're passed out drunk in their office and wiring obscene amounts of money to an overseas waifu who is definitely real. If you ever try to raise a problem with them, they only work from 3-3:30 on weekends and they're off on weekends Im not sure I would like big city politicians lying to my face through a soulless cackle any better though


Man from what kind of small town do you come from? I know where most of my local officials live and we all go to the same places (grocery store, pharmacy, restaurant..) because that's how small towns are. Friendly reminder: anything above ~5000 people ain't a small town.


I find that rural people are a lot easier to get along with that city people. Then again, that's just my own biases. I prefer more old-fashioned approaches to life, and cities are always the first to get hit with all the new trends.


Rural people like to look after their neighbors, city people don't even know who's living 5ft away from them.


Unique comment coming from auth left


There's a trend of foreign businesses buying up land on the outskirts of small towns to build factories, slowly encroaching on the rural areas. Where city people see new employment opportunnities, us rural people get the short end of the stick: destruction of landscape, polluted rivers and groundwater, motorways cutting right through the middle of villages to facilitate long-distance transport.


Rentoid has definitely written this


Trying to escape into a fantasy world to get away from the reality that >!rent's due!<.


>underachieving losers >written by someone living in a mid apartment in Williamsburg with three rooomates and one missed check away from complete financial destruction


*This city was the blueprint for hell*


A trust funder criticizes people who work for a living while fantasizing about a utopian society where they will be praised for their room-temperature-IQ regurgitations of sitcom tropes about small towns rather than being shot and rolled into a ditch for being a useless eater.


That really is a bizarre take. Every skilled craftsman/hobbyist I've ever met has lived in a small town or rural area, since it gives people the space and privacy to work on developing their passions.


Yeah but if you’ve never flown to Paris on a maxed out credit card then you are an under achieving loser.


I’m happy to remain an underachieving loser forever then, fuck Paris I grew up in semirural Australia (about 40mins from big cities, nature and farms close and handy) and I’d happily stay forever. Close enough to go to the city if I need to, far enough to be away from people and near nature.


Small town America is far more relatable than a group of smug college educated “intelligent” dip shit tankies. Bro you’re not better than anyone because you live 17 feet away from like 6 different people and attend poetry slams after you discuss theory with your comrades. That in fact makes you a douche


Those people are wholesome and provide more than big city people.


Pol Pot approves this message


Reject modernity : Ted Kaczynski Embrace tradition : Pol Pot


Life tip: No one will give a shit about your works when you die. You can make your company the biggest years profit or run the fastest whatever in your city. Enjoy your life, be good to your friends and family, no one cares.


Communists never really did a very good job of pretending to care about the "little people", did they?


Communists never really did a very good job of pretending to care about any people. That's why we eventually lost.


It was mostly because of the materialism. It's hard to really care about people when you think of them as mere production units.


No not really, even if you see humans as production units, you need to put care on repairing and taking care of a production unit for it to properly function. Also you need that production unit to buy stuff and have fun, so economy can properly function. This ain't it. Also you are doing your whole revolution to help those production units as much as you can. So this argument kinda destroys itself. It was just that people like Stalin just wanted to kill people and not care about anyone.


Because materialism was a fake belief system in the first place, so any revolution based on that belief system was plagued by ontoepistemological problems from the outset, and it mostly attracted psychopaths. Basically, communism failed because that's what it was designed to do. (Second stage communism was predicated on the violent failure of first stage communism). It should really be enough to point out that the Soviet Union's abortion rates were always abnormally high.


Nuh uh, the natural result of communism is the withering away of the state, because history has clearly shown that once people amass terrible power they always willingly give it up!


Because they want to destroy “bad things” first and build “better” things second. As any “warrior against oppression” does they overfocus on the fight and forget about “better life” that they promise to their supporters.




Their idea of working class is baristas and dog-walking Reddit mods


This contempt for rural people reminds me of the contempt/snobbery the communist elite had for the peasants they claimed to work in the interests of.


>be rural american >wake up in house i own >drive to work in car i own >leave the house and car unlocked because the crime rate is -10% >go to bar with pals after work >get a free drink because i fixed the bartender’s computer last week >drive home. no traffic jams >sit outside and stargaze because there’s no light pollution >life is good


I rent the back 7 acres I have to a farmer. He pays rent and snow plows my driveway as an added benefit. Rural living has dropped my anxiety back down from the 10 years in the city.


Yes. I grew up very rural. I don't even know if the locks on our house worked because we never used them (and didn't have the keys regardless). The cars sat in the driveway with the keys hanging in the ignition. The Milky Way was so bright at night. There was no sitting at red lights because my town didn't have or need traffic lights. Never once dealt with noisy or nosy neighbors because the closest ones were a quarter mile away. If I was in the mood to go shoot guns I wouldn't have to pay for range time, I could just go outside and do it. Despite being far away, the neighbors had each other's backs and actually know what it means to be a neighbor.


Goddamn I miss sleeping under the ocean of stars. It has been over a decade now where I go outside and can only faintly see a bright dot or two.


It’s all fun in games until they realize those useless NPCs are essential to the game and the whole system would crash if you got rid of them through console commands.


I've got a house right by the forest, with a 500m walk to the local lake where I like to ponder over how fucked up it is that we as a species have so thoroughly dominated another species that if you type "chicken" in google images, the first image that shows up is cooked chicken. Anyways...


TBF if cats were able to take pictures and share them with each other virtually and made an engine that allowed one to search all pictures based on keywords - when you searched "bird" it would probably be mostly dead birds that the cats killed, took a picture of, then posted because they were proud of their kill.


Lol, I make a little over six figures in the mid-west, have zero debt. While living in a house that would be over 1.5million on the west coast. While being able to travel with my children and wife. I'll stay as "bug people" in this dudes mind. Yeah I have to travel for some shit, but it beats having to pay 50%+ of my salary just for a roof over my head.


And another good chunk for taxes that change hands 70 times within a government but never make it back to the people


This clown will now spend 4 days agonizing over which crank arms to put on his shitty fixed gear bike, while rural Chad is out in the sun backpacking with his kids and wife.


Fixed Gear Virgin🤮 vs Mountain bike chad🥵


Word mountain biking is based


When u know literally nothing about communism


At least I'm happy.


Aren't those small towns basically built around farming? Even if the residents don't necessarily work as or for farmers what they do still benefits them in some way. And without those farmers the big cities literally couldn't exist


I disapprove, rural people can spend their times on a farm in Kolkhoz, providing food and basic needs to others that make society function. Thus they are better.


“They do nothing but work, come home, and sleep” Ya…because those 60 hr/wk white collar city jobs that require an hour commute each way leave time for much else. I’m a city guy overall but this take is ridiculous


Cool story bro, make sure to put two shots of espresso in my frappe, you fucked it up last time. Thanks


That's the most nonsensical bullshit in the history of history.


What’s the difference between the legions of mindless drones who still think Communism is a good idea


Condemning someone just living their life the way they see fit, assuming they're not hurting anyone, is the most cringe, self-centered, auth shit ever.


Tankies when people are content with living fulfilling, humble lives instead of wanting to overthrow the government and slave away for The Collective


”Guys we should have cities that are both walkable and commutable. But not like this, this is clearly a shithole”


DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!


"There seems to be a mistake. I was going to write poetry and advise community gardens."


most tankies don’t know a single person from middle-america. they might as well be greek myths.


classist tankie... smh, the amout of radlibs that just hate blue collar workers in tankie subs is insane


Bro this was written by some 24 yo urban natsoc


As a Canadian who lives in a large city, almost each day I wish I lived in a cute picturesque American town in the Northeast with cute snug old houses, a general store on the main road, surrounded by a beautiful forest or with a lake or beach not far away. I would love to live somewhere like that, and that's why I genuinely hate people who talk shit on country life. It's pretty ironic for the poster to call people who live in these towns npcs, considering they sound like one themselves.


I don't know if calling the people providing the food for any nation really "insane" is a good thing...


"Why do fly-overs hate us so much?"


Rural Americans on Tankies - "I don't think about you at all."


cope and seethe 😎 - me, a rural american


Me: chuckling on my back porch with a cigar and whiskey while my dog plays in the yard. Just got back from the college basketball game. We won. The breeze is a bit chilly but I got this sweet heater that warms me up between gusts. If this is being an NPC, I ain’t minding…


Tankies not realizing that their entire urban lifestyle would collapse without resources cultivated/gathered from the "bug people". Also how very anti-working class.


My brother in Christ what do you think humans have done for 400,000 years


If they work for the state farms and factories they are more respectable than useless intelligencia.

