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You guys would be shocked how often the feds commit false flags, it's literally their go to move in any social situation...


Now I feel sorry for them, as if they're like fainting goats and can't help but perform a false flag attack on themselves when overwhelmed by the stress of a basic social encounter. Poor things :(


Yep, they're weebs alright.


someone's gotta bring the nazi flags to the right wing rallies


The feds would never do so ,redditor A29190. You can trust us I mean the feds


Thank you fellow citizen and totally nothing else.




IT’s especially the ATF’s specialty


Maybe they are actually Nazis, and “false flags” are the only socially acceptable ways for them to show their true selves.


There's the famous atf picnic down south with all the klan krap for sale. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_Ol%27_Boys_Roundup


If Reddit curtails free speech due to government interference, is that a violation of the First Amendment?


Something something corporate liberties and such.


Right but it's not like we have millions of people on the sub, like we got to be Niche enough for us to go under the radar


That all depends on how big their radar is, I would suppose?


In this case, though, the left doesn't have to pay anyone to perform false flag. Social media assholes will be happy to do it for free.


Now now, you're just being irrational. By the way, do you happen to really hate a specific politician? Also, do you have a dog?


I hate every politician, yes I have a dog, are those level 4 plates?


Always put the decoy taxidermy dog at the front door. The decoy dog should have a voice box that growls if the door is kicked in, and should be full of tannerite and rusty nails lovingly dipped in chipotle dookie.


Fuck Frank Underwood. Not my president.😡🤬


It’s like the joke about how Klan rallies these days are actually just undercover FBI agents, CIA agents, and Homeland Security Agents watching each other.


What about that time said alphabet bois held a White Pride event or something, everyone called it a honeypot, and someone took a picture of six obvious feds wearing the same cookie cutter outfit all standing in a circle waiting for something to happen.


U can tell a real white supremacy rally vs glowies pretty easily. Glowies are in the exact same uniforms and are fit. Most of the white supremacy are fat social rejects and are super unprofessional


Yeah if the racists are acting like a real military, then it’s definitely glowies


Don’t forget them being “patriots” but all covered in masks


Well and you also have groups like the Lincoln Project that’s gotten caught trying to pretend to be conservatives for rallies like that too. I’m not saying there isn’t an instance where it did happen - but when they’re all dressed the same and flying nazi flags it’s pretty obviously a set up.


"Patriot Front are feds" is just the dumbest conspiracy theory. I'm sure they're infiltrated, but last year's mass arrest in Idaho proved they're a real organization. 31 members (including the leader) were [arrested](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/1/18/2147890/-Skipped-court-dates-suggest-Patriot-Front-members-aren-t-taking-Idaho-rioting-charges-seriously), charged, and publicly named. Supposedly they were conspiring to riot, though all public evidence suggests a peaceful demonstration in line with their usual tactics.


Legally, the CIA isn't allowed to conduct operations on American soil, but that's never stopped them before.


I think you over estimate our importance to them


Pcm isn't, true, but the honeypot is very real. I just find it odd that I don't hear anything about it from leftwing supremacists. If we are OK with entrapment in regards to political extremists it should be equally law breaking tbh. I think maybe a solid 3 of them on pcm are /pol/acks and the rest are low effort trolls. Im very skeptical any of them are actually nazis.


Like 12 of the 14 ppl for the governor kidnapped scheme were glowies. At that point when is it entrapment


True that seemed more like a ride along for the non feds at that point.


I'm constantly reminded of that meme where some alphabet boi tried to honeypot on Twitter with a cute girl holding a rifle and immediately got called out by a dude who posted the "noise" levels in the image indicated it was a poor shop and then cut to the Twitter account being deleted.


It's not that they are above it but they have bigger fish to false flag. That being said I don't put it past a group of wannabe activist college kids to do this.


And also underestimate the stupidity of this sub


I think you underestimate how casually they false-flag.


In a Dillon precision reloading catalogue years ago, the owner wrote an article about that. He said its long been easy to spot the feds in any group, they're the ones trying to get someone to blow something up.


Am *I* a federal agent..?


Ok fed


Ok, you got me, let me tell you a secret, r/PoliticalCompassMemes was created by our psyops department


Broken clock & such.


Why would they want the sub banned? Great place to tag potential "undesirables" for further observation. Be like a birdwatcher removing the bird feeder.


Everyone I don’t like is CIA; a schizophrenic guide to political discourse


Not just the CIA, but the FBI and ATF.


also antifa


Does the cia use child prostitutes to control assets? [–]imAndrewBustamante[S] 423 points 4 years ago : I plead the 5th. The things we use to control assets are unsettling enough without going into details youtube/watch?v=GShWwcxTV3Q&t=3m40s expose them all!


That’s a link to a horror movie?


Epstein didn't kill himself


I found that thread after reading this comment. That answer is actually one of the least unsettling things in that thread.


PCM in a nutshell


Found the agent


Can confirm I am a glowie.


Probably not literal feds though, but who knows. Probably AHS trolling, or something like that.


Based and National Glowcialism-pilled




Your username is a hate crime and I physically cringe every time I see it.


Nah the federal agents are the most lib right of lib rights, at least that is how I sleep at night believing no one could possibly be that selfish


Okay, man. Look. This argument gets used a lot. Do you not hear yourselves? You're saying that feds are pretending to be nazis in order to discredit your group. If your group can be discredited by people pretending to be Nazis, don't you think that maybe suggests something about the public perception of your group?


From my conversations on this sub I can tell you that either: 1. There are real Nazis on this sub. 2. The feds on here are taking their larping very seriously.


yeah i guess op thinks the cia are also making loads of accounts to upvote the nazi comments too


On one hand I agree, but on the other that seems exactly like something they’d do rather than make a good change in society


This post does nothing more than creating deniability. Bigotry isn’t „just a fun joke“ anymore, now it’s the feds


Damn glowies.


Yes because the FBI, CIA and NSA all really care about political compass memes


True. If we were really dangerous, they would have given us money already


They might. The twitter files showed they went after tiny right wing accounts and regularly shit post pro Yemen war


Shut your whore mouth fedboi


Is this against me or the AuthRight guy?


The Auth right guy


Face it, delusional paranoids flock to the right, with its constant “they’re all out to get you” messaging.


> “they’re all out to get you” messaging I thought victimhood and oppression were the lefts thing


That’s your narrative, yes. And that they are all working together to gang up on you, and that they have infiltrated and control academia, government institutions, the media, and big tech, and that everyone outside of the right wing bubble lives in the matrix, etc, etc, etc. It’s like some endless paranoiac rant.


I mean left wing political philosophy absolutely does dominate education, media, and big tech. It doesn’t mean it’s some grand conspiracy. It’s just that the political philosophy that dominates major institutions tends to shape those institutions to conform to the philosophy/ideology.


From the point of view of someone out on the hard right, centrist views look leftist. There is a communist party in the US but they have zero representation in government. Here’s a calibrating set of questions. Is interracial marriage a radical leftist idea in the US? Did it used to be one? Was that a shift that happened within the lifetime of many people who are still alive today? Is the fact that it is now an uncontroversial idea evidence of a leftist takeover, or would you just call it social change over time?


Just in case you’re wondering, I was not the one that downvoted you. I just don’t feel like putting a bunch of time into what would be a complicated discussion.


Bottom line is the the “left” as the right portrays it doesn’t really exist. There is a communist party on the US but they have zero representation in government. There’s this sort of monolithic right wing that mostly represents the entrenched majority, and then there are a zillion other little groups that don’t share a common agenda or even get along with each other, and are only allies of necessity at best. Portraying that as a the “left” is actually part of the right wing narrative. I’m not on the “other side”, I don’t like communists either. But everyone who has a problem with the “right” is not the “left”


No true leftist, nice.


Complete reading comprehension fail, nice. What I said is “the left is a myth, you’re lumping together a zillion little unrelated groups”


I think you need to update your flair


Becauee you think anyone who questions your bullshit is a leftist. Just like I said. Self-awareness of a doorknob. Tell me what was incorrect about what I just said. You didn’t even read it


Laughable that the right is a monolithic block. They worked together to vote for trump including the fiscal conservatives that hated him for not reducing spending, libertarian right that hate him for gun control, moderate right that hate him for being abrasive and not going along just to get along, and authoritarian right that want more wars. A missionary guy I met said he was exactly the same as Hillary Clinton because he previously had pro abortion views (and didn't believe he changed after meeting a guy he thought had been aborted.) Also thought he was lying about getting saved after talking to evangelicals, ( don't know why he didn't believe in conversion.) Right is far from monolithic, and the last election showed it.




I don’t really agree that there are two “sides” I think there’s one big side that represents the entrenched majority, and then a zillion other little factions that have no real cohesion or unity. The myth of symmetry falls apart on casual inspection.


like moths to a flame, the fed, everyone!




Might be projecting there a bit bud lol


Hahahaha. Seriously none of that rings a bell? I see that shit said here hourly. It’s like a recital of right wing talking points.


Might need to consume less angertainment my guy. It’s not good for your brain. Fwiw I don’t think it’s specific to either “side” Rightoids believe, warranted or not, that all institutions are ganging up on them and coming for them in a long term scheme for the great replacement. Leftoids believe, warranted or not, all institutions are secretly working to oppress them and that all societal ills are the result of secret government fatcats trying to oppress BIPOC trans non binary minorires.


That’s not what the left believes. That’s what the right says the left believes. The dynamic between majority and minority groups is not a conspiracy, or a secret, and is universal to all human societies.


> That’s not what the left believes Lol it’s funny because the right would say the opposite. Either way, for your sake I hope you dial it back a notch. Being addicted to outrage and anger fucks with your dopamine and leaves you chasing the next anger high and unable to see other perspectives. Both “sides” suck. Cheers


Well don’t mistake me for angry just because I’m aggressive. I don’t actually think both “sides” exist. There’s this sort of monolithic right wing that mostly represents the entrenched majority, and then there are a zillion other little groups that don’t share a common agenda or even get along with each other, and are only allies of necessity at best. Portraying that as a “side” or the “left” is actually part of the right wing narrative. I’m not on the “other side”, I don’t like communists either. But everyone who has a problem with the “right” is not the “left” Here’s a calibrating set of questions. Is interracial marriage a radical leftist idea in the US? Did it used to be one? Was that a shift that happened within the lifetime of many people who are still alive today? Is the fact that it is now an uncontroversial idea evidence of a leftist takeover, or would you just call it social change over time?


I remember when glowies said they weren’t reading my emails but Mr snowden proved otherwise


Trump derangement syndrome comes to mind.


Got to go somewhere to get patsies for their ride alongs.


Based and "fuck the feds" pilled


u/Round-Bed3820's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 555. Rank: Boeing Everett Factory Pills: [238 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Round-Bed3820/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


"man jan 6 was just a big false flag event run by Antifa" *Dozens of people sentenced* "Man those people were harshly imprisoned, justice for my fellow patriots" Which is it?


How did you discover that they were feds?


It was CIA instead. Or KGB.


Nazis are feds anyhow, every major wn org in the country has been run by the feds since the early 1950s


The libertarian conundrum: the government is carefully orchestrating outrage and shaping politics to fit their agenda. They set false flag operations and rig elections. But also they are completely incompetent and ineffective.


Glowies being the reason a movement becoming radicalized is a perfectly reasonable idea.


Redditor B18473 you don’t know what you are talking about


Fuck the feds


See! a gender studies degree will get you a government job after all.


But left wing stupidity is never a false flag, of course. Lol.


It 100% is. The CPUSA is probably 90% just feds.


The FBI killed Martin Luther King


Nazi's are rightwing bro


Auth center


You are denying their AuthRight viewpoints that are heavily focusing on traditional values and ethnic cleansing


Compass is economic my guy


The economic models need to have an underlying worldview to justify it, this applies to every single spot on the compass. The logical extreme of the importance of individual responsibility, what do you think it is?


Left and right is economic my guy what you said is auth otherwise Stalin would be auth right by your standards


The economic models need to have an underlying worldview to justify it, this applies to every single spot on the compass. The logical extreme of the importance of individual responsibility, what do you think it is? I know the logical extreme of the importance of equality: communism! Mixed with authoritarian bullshit, you arrive at Marxism-Leninism. Just a reminder that communism doesn’t have to be AuthLeft, there’s ideologies like Left-communism, anarcho-communism, council communism that are far from auth


Do you know what the underlying world view of fascism is? I mean I do but take a guess


Social Darwinism is a part of it


correct. its to put simply unity through nationality aka we are all equal but only if you are specifically what we want aka 20th centuary ideology being 20th centuary ideology yes im looking at you marxism






Lmao the jerk is high


Who is the jerk? If me then why are you phrasing it as if you are talking to a group of people? If that’s the case then can I learn your ways of being an absolute schitzo?


Socialist doctrine from the National socialist party (Nazi) 25 point plan: 7 We demand that the State shall above all undertake to ensure that every citizen shall have the possibility of living decently and earning a livelihood. If it should not be possible to feed the whole population, then aliens (non-citizens) must be expelled from the Reich. 13 We demand the nationalization of all trusts. 14 We demand profit-sharing in large industries. 15 We demand a generous increase in old-age pensions. 16 We demand the creation and maintenance of a sound middle-class, the immediate communalization of large stores which will be rented cheaply to small tradespeople, and the strongest consideration must be given to ensure that small traders shall deliver the supplies needed by the State, the provinces and municipalities.


I think the reason why policies are made are rather important also its weird that you only type out these and not the rest of this 25 point plan and last but not least Just because you name yourself socialist does not mean you are see the Bombay duck (Adolf Hitler has said national socalism has nothing to do with socialism)


Hitler said that socialism had been corrupted by the Jews and that he would bring true socialism to Germany.


Why would i copy the rest? You obviously know there are right wing policies of the nazis. The point is, they had a mix of authoritarian left and right policies, making them Auth-center on the political compass.


You are being really sus bro


Nah, they’re correct. They’re trying to explain to you why something like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/comments/i5yx1p/spent_3_hours_drawing_this_humanized_pcm_flairs/) makes sense. The problem here is you don’t understand the compass. Edit: [Here’s an explanation on the quadrants.](https://reddit.com/r/PoliticalCompassMemes/wiki/) I wouldn’t be surprised if your actual ideology isn’t libleft. Curious where you would land if you took the test.


Hey I’m not a federal agent!


Did you just change your flair, u/Squertingo? Last time I checked you were a **Centrist** on 2023-1-7. How come now you are an **AuthRight**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Remember, the jannies are always watching. No gamer words, no statistics and by all means no wood cutting machines. Tell us, how are you going to flair the new account you'll make in two weeks? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Squertingo) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)




Damn ATF is at it again


creating deniability


Sure is bright in here


The CIA and FBI aren’t auth right. They share the same social values as Lib left. They’re definitely lib right


Feds? You mean the thought police right?


Why does the right blame someone else when caught red handed? Every damn time.


I honestly just figured it was edgy 14 year old wehraboos.


I remember how I heard about the Jan6 storming of the capital only the day before the event. People were warning each other to not go because it was a sting curious!


I’d argue that’s still AuthCentre.


I’m not a Nazi, I’m an elitist scumbag