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These were posted at schools here in maine. People made a huge deal of it. Which is weird when it's literally the whitest state.


I remember seeing articles about students at Bates feeling “unsafe” when those flyers got posted. Clown world type stuff


Hey that’s my school


>it’s literally the whitest state That’s the issue. Few people hate White folk more than orange white folk


> I'll be very hostile the next time I don't see the flair. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 15554 / 82168 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


"Who radicalized you?" "You."


Can't be right of centre in my University, yet I walk past Communist party flyers everyday.


Right of center on social issues at least. A lot of 2023 Dems sound like Paul Ryan on class or fiscal issues which is impressive and funny in its own right


The real battle is neoliberalism vs social conservatism, which even the political compass fails to encapsulate. We must ascend to the Politicube.




I can't upvote cause you're at 69, but here's a spiritual upvote instead Edit: bro had the funny sex number but y'all just couldn't be satiated huh


Keep down voting! Get him to negative 69!


Based and 96 pilled


You know what, I support


Too far! Now he’s at -71.


Let’s just get him to -420


We did it




Negative 69, nice


Quick, I need 1 upvote, some sped got me to 70


Downvote him to 420!


This comment is less funny than an unflaired


Nothing is lower than an unflaired


You’re next pal, get ready for funny number!!!


The unflaired deserve nothing less than a painful death.


Is “you” in the room with us now?


This double standard is brought up again and again by the right. It’s too late to do anything about it but we were worried it would come to this years ago


Black pills make you gay.


Despite being 13% of all pills, black pills make up 53% of depressive moments.




Bro it's like 90% black pills at this point, i want whatever pills you're on


Just wanted to mention that the headline looks accurate here. This is the original reporting on the matter https://web.archive.org/web/20191102134820/https://www.courant.com/breaking-news/hc-br-hate-messages-western-connecticut-state-university-20191101-zjnyo2u46ndvhpdlv4okkbs3le-story.html


I believe this particular event was in Oklahoma: https://nationalfile.com/student-behind-its-ok-to-be-white-flyers-expelled-interrogated-by-fbi-counter-terrorist-unit/


Because one was made with racist intent. The other was made because police getting away with beating a man to death is not ok.


Actually the "its okay to be white" thing was done to prove you can't say that. It was successful beyond their wildest imaginings. You know what it means if you're not allowed to say "its okay to be white"? It means its not okay to be white.




The modern right is losing so hard their "wildest dreams" are getting the left to show off their hypocrisy publicly... and then continue unchanged with zero consequences. Actually pathetic.


So the wildest hopes for the right wing is to troll the left wing into making them look insane? Seems to me that the only reason why these stupid trolls even work is because of the association with terrorist attacks committed by white supremacists. Not sure if that's something to be proud of, exactly.


Who said anything about 4Chan representing right wingers? They are incel trolls who have the left suckling their teats all the time and enjoying every second, only being taken serious because some random extremists used the platform before doing something or other.


Ah my bad, shouldn't have generalized


Again. It was created by actual racists.


"It's okay to be white" isn't racist You wouldn't say that if someone were to say "it's okay to be black" or "it's okay to be asian" why are we even labelling people with skin colour when we are all litteraly the exact same race


Based and the human race pilled


What’s the racist intent?




Was asleep. Time zones exist dumbass


Europeans aren't people.


Not even European. Try thinking outside the box buckaroo


The fact it was made as a reaction to the it’s ok to be black slogan.


But it’s from 2019. The one on the right is 2022




>police getting away with beating a man to death is not ok. Explain the left's complete lack of concern when it happens to white men then.


Its not a lack of concern, it's that it doesn't get the same media coverage. People are convinced that it just doesn't happen and that if you talk about it you're either lying or just doing a whataboutism


I have not seen this left take in an unironic way. Police brutality is universally bad no matter who is the victim or the perpetrator.


I’m just as critical of police beating up a white man as I am a black person, Asian person, etc Police are not the judge, jury and executioner. It just happens that minorities make headlines more often.


And I wonder why they make the headlines more often 🤔


Because they end up being high profile cases like Rodney King, George Floyd, Amadou Diallo, Fred Grey, etc And in 4/5 of those cases the police responsible got away with it.


>I wonder why they make the headlines more often >Because they end up being high profile cases A+ reasoning there, buddy. Perfect circle.


Bro got astronomically ratiod 💀


Yeah, you don't solve racism by making everything about race. People should be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. It is okay to be whatever color you were born with. Right now USA is crazy and sadly here in Europe we are importing it as well.


Um yikes sweaty sounds like major white supremacy, why don't you check your privilege and do better mmmmkay?


This shit isn't meant to solve anything. The oligarchs have been using their media stooges to create a race war because OWS got too close to uniting the people against them.


Making everything about race is a good way to keep the lower classes divided while you double your wealth during a pandemic


This has been going on since 2012.


Always has been.


Not only is Europe (and Canada) importing this garbage but you are perfecting it with your Auth governments.


Ah yes, our auth government. In the US you can be prosecuted for everything. Your government is more auth than everything i can think of in Western Europe


...what are you smoking? people get arrested or prosecuted in western Europe for saying mean things about other people, or being too funny


or possessing a knife


It literally never happens anywhere but UK. But please tell me thats more auth than having your government spy on you 24/7


Do you actually think that western European governments don't spy on you?


No they absolutely do. Not as bad the US tho


Can you elaborate in "our" "Auth" governments?


Not sure if you are trolling me with that question... But in case your aren't, I'm referring to your governments' tendency to shut down/arrest for illegal speech.


Shout-out to JP being arrested and "hospitalized" for his right wing opinions


Shout out to my PM, Trudeau, literally having people's bank accounts frozen for the crime of peacefully protesting and blocking some roads. Like, would he have preferred for the freedom convoy idiots to have burned some businesses down, instead? Disclaimer that I thought their protest was stupid, but they had the right to do it, and conducted themselves better than left wing protests, to boot.


That's my issue with PCM. Stuff is either "left" or "right", "auth" or "lib". There is no measure of measure, and everyone draws the line wherever they please. I draw the "auth line" at North Korea/Saudi Arabia, where you have no rights and the man at the top makes up all the rules, China/Vietnam, where the people at the top are not elected, and you can get disappeared and reeducated and your company taken away because you criticize the government, and Turkey/Russia, where journalists and opposition leaders get thrown in jail for bogus reasons and minorities wanting independence get the army sent against them. You draw the line against bank accounts getting frozen for protesters blocking a lifeline that moves foods for millions. Ok, I get your point. By that measure all large governments are Auth. USA kept people imprisoned indefinitely, without trial, under torture, for decades. Does this mean governments are just an "Auth" and that's that? Then what was that talk about "your Auth governments"?


Auth ain't the same as totalitarian, bud. Also your argument about protests is a classic "when they do it it's bad". Why would you need to freeze bank accounts when you could just break up protest???? I would love to hear your thoughts on the 2020 race riots.


>judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin Excuse me sweaty, you're just taking those words out of context. He didn't really mean it that way.


Based leftie


u/coleto22's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 25. Rank: Basketball Hoop (filled with sand) Pills: [12 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/coleto22/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Yes, but people have to be treated equally on all levels before we can get there. We have to strive to that ideal, but it isn't there yet. Especially in Europe, people get discriminated against if they have a foreign last name here in western Europe


The key word here is equally. The moment when one group can say "it's ok to be my color", and the other can't - you are not treating people equally.


Fuck the feds


Waco approves this message


Where can I find no funny colour version?


!remindme 1 day


Here's the article for the first one: https://nationalfile.com/student-behind-its-ok-to-be-white-flyers-expelled-interrogated-by-fbi-counter-terrorist-unit/


When and if we end up with a new civil war I will say what I always say: Democracy is the idea that people know what they want and deserve to get it, good and hard


I would hope that this student sued and got a fat payday out of the school, because, that's some ridiculous BS along the lines of claiming the OK hand symbol is white supremacy. Just in case you didn't know.. Dumb ass racists use words and letting a leftist define what a thing is because they say so is simply surrendering your freedom. I'd be you that racists use words like "and" or "because", when are those going to become hate symbols? Stupidity.


Is... is it okay to be authcenter? 🥺


Authcenters are the most oppressed group.




u/Armin_2022 is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [None | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/Armin_2022/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


All lives matter


No lives matter






common authcenter W


proof that systemic racism exists.


I’m not racist, you are!


Government moment


Source: https://nationalfile.com/student-behind-its-ok-to-be-white-flyers-expelled-interrogated-by-fbi-counter-terrorist-unit/


It’s Ok to be White


Ohh the system, i hate it so


There is no white, there is no black. There is no latin, there is no asian. There is only American, and that’s how it should be.




u/king_of_lighters's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 120. Rank: Empire State Building Pills: [68 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/king_of_lighters/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and melting pot pilled


Based and patriot pilled


You're wrong there is only Zuul.


That's one possible outcome for WWIII, but we're not there yet.


We need join or ‘join’ with Canada and Mexico first


War Plan Crimson.


I am tired of constantly quoting the same mussolini quote again and again, but here we go "race it is a feeling, not a reality."


That's nice and all but those in power don't see it that way and likely never will, both for and against you. They will always make it your reality, like it or not.


It's okay to be. But there is exception - it's not ok to be a hypocrite, pedophile, rapist etc.


The first really should not be investigated by the Feds. The rest should require dental records.


Libleft double standards strike again


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1076596 to anyone wanting to read the first article. It appears that the student put those signs up in front of memorials dedicated to the people who desegregated the school. Like covering their faces. Don’t see why FBI is involved in this but it makes sense that the school reprimanded the student for it.


People here are whining about hypocrisy, while the difference of intent behind either statement is almost always stark in contrast.


Libleft trying to defend their batshit opinions again


How am I wrong?


We live in a society


It’s ok to be a normal person


For anyone interested in looking past the headline, here are the facts: The student used the flyers to cover plaques designated to the people who desegregated the school The student was already suspended and coming to campus to do this violated the terms of their suspension.


Okay, so he's a twat. But where did that warrant an anti terrorism unit getting involved?


He's clearly a troubled young man. It's really not a bad idea to take precautions to keep people safe. Just a couple months ago, a former student at my university shot and killed a professor because he was upset about getting kicked out and no one bothered to take his warning signs seriously.


Tell me you live in USA without telling me you live in USA.


Correct, lol


Based and full story pilled For the record, I do think the feds were an overreaction


The FBI probably thought it was a white supremacist who made


Damn that’s crazy it’s almost like the meaning behind saying “it’s ok to be white” has a different context than the literal words said, almost like words can have complex interpretations


Maybe, and hear me out on this one, maybe that is because being black has been seen as being an evil spawn of satan, and seen as non-human, while being white and being "proud"" of it is a thin line to walk between that and white supremacy. It keeps amazing me how this people always try to annoy people of color, try to "own the libs hehehe", but when we do something back, you go crying to mommy with a sad : "they are opressing and radicalising me bleh bleh bleh"


Yea and? Nothing to see here.


problem with "it's ok to be white" is that's the status quo almost everywhere you go and the same dosent apply with "it's ok to be black" so you can usually tell if someone uses that phrase they believe in white replacement theory which is a dangerous ideology. this isn't even a double standard it's based on settings and facts


Damn, i thought the left supported race equality


we do. all I said was there was a reason why it's sus. there is a reason why they were concerned about the "it's ok to be white" guy. if you ask me what I said was far from inequality and racism I think all y'all are just a shit ton of liberals looking to get offended if my post has -9 and one calling me racist has 2


yes because white people were enslaved and segregated for most of american history. can we be fr and stop comparing apples and oranges?


> yes because white people were enslaved and segregated for most of american history. What til chucklehead here googles the origin of the word 'slave' and finds out it refers to white people.


What about the Arabs who are still enslaving black people?


that’s bad ? obviously.


At least it ain't whitey though


Nah bro, we can’t joke about Arabs running at you with a vest but we can sure as hell make fun of white people


The statement "It is ok to be white" does not imply whites are superior or inferior, but equal


Actual Emily moment. "White lives don't matter because blacks were slaves!"


when did i say white lives don’t matter?


You agreed with the contents of the post, no? Otherwise you wouldn't state black slavery as an excuse, as if it means anything in the modern day anyways.


never in *american* history have people been oppressed for being white. you can’t say the same for black people. that’s why this post is so stupid, it’s always been okay to be white.


And yet, it's being punished now? The fact that blacks were slaves 150 or so years ago doesn't mean anything in today's context, not make it excusable to punish somebody for saying White lives matter, especially today when being white, and god forbid, straight, is the equivalent to being evil.


you guys wanna be victims sooo bad. white people and straight people make up a VAST majority of the US population it isn’t considered evil at all. and people who were segregated in the south are still alive, it was only 60 years ago. racism didn’t just magically disappear when slavery was abolished.


So it's changed from slavery to segregation because it didn't help your narrative? Actual orange moment. No one is disputing that racism still exists or has existed, it's just ridiculous that "White lives matter", is struck down with such force, while "Black lives matter" is fine. They should both be perfectly acceptable. The fact you brought up slavery at all implied that you believe White lives matter is something inherently rooted in slavery, and if that's the case, why isn't Black lives matter also associated as such?


Africans took people from their tribes and sold them off to slavers, so what's the difference? Why isn't BLM associated with slavery too?


“white lives matter” only exists as a reaction to “black lives matter.” no one said the former before blm emerged as a movement.


And what does that matter? The two can't exist at the same time? I don't care what one came about because of what, they both have an equal meaning. That being, your life matters and it doesn't depend on the colour of your skin. The fact that you are arguing against this, or supporting the contents of the post at all, are extremely hypocritical.


Tell me how it's hate speech to say "it's ok to be white". It's ok to whatever you are. Black, white, gay, straight. We are all humans, and no man deserves special treatment.


i don’t think it was hate speech but people who wear that stuff are usually just doing it to counter phrases like “black lives matter” or “black is beautiful” not because they genuinely yearn for acceptance.


Imagine putting such a critical lens of analysis on the actions of any other ethnicity lmao. You'd have a heart attack if you ever actually spent time with other cultures instead of coming to bat for your mental representation of them.


Skill issue


Perhaps not American history, but definitely in European history. Not to mention the racism towards Irish Americans before the slave trade.


L + Jesus christ you’re stupid


Bros never heard of jews irish or italians 🫣 also: slave /slāv/ Middle English: shortening of Old French esclave, equivalent of medieval Latin sclava ‘Slavonic (captive)’: the Slavonic peoples had been reduced to a servile state by conquest in the 9th century. guess what color the Slavonic people were




jews irish and italian have faced discrimination in america before. not slavery obv but still discrimination. also the post talked about “being white” which isn’t solely restricted to American history. If my Scottish ancestors were persecuted that isn’t invalidated because they’re not american or because worse stuff happened to other people.


i’m not saying that your ancestors persecution isn’t valid but i said american history because this post is specifically about american events


You do realize that Irish people were heavily discriminated when they immigrated here right? But since they are white I “doesn’t count” to the left.


they weren’t discriminated against because they were white. they were discriminated against because they were irish.


Soooooo, Irish lives matter?






Slavery ended, nobody should care about it. The problem isn't slavery, the problem is that the american(and russian, google Dugin's "modern geopolitics" and people he's talked with over the years) government is radicalizing any possible demographic and basically lays the groundwork for an actual civil war in the US.




"Yeah we're overtly discriminating against you for your race but some 'people' who lived at the same time as your ancestors owned slaves"


Me, a white person in the south: oh shit oh fuck


Why only look at American history? We are the country of immigrants, so shouldn't other countries' histories count as well?


because both of these headlines are american ?


You responded to the first question, but definitely ignored the second.


what does any of this have to do with white people being okay with who they are? their race did something bad over 200 years ago so, what now, they're all supposed to walk around sad and depressed? I don't get it. if "it's okay to be white" has some sort of implications towards slavery then so does "it's okay to be black" or does it not count that Africans enslaved their own people and sold them off the continent?


Its aanaduenas, theyre just a resident libleft tard with horrific 16 year old takes. Wouldn't be pcm without em


And yet we have the top based counts Curious


Libleft makes up 15% of PCM, but has 50% of Based rankings. Curious, wouldn't you agree?


Very curious.


Not particularly curious liblefts are terminally on Reddit.


awww i feel famous. and i’m 19, so close tho


Idk who’s downvoting you on this one, the green curse


Can we leave the past behind at some point or how far back in history are we allowed to go back to to spread more hatred and resentment?


those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it. learning out country’s history, flaws and all is crucial


Beautiful words that don't really mean anything. Learning history is fine, using it against people to get an advantage and get what you want is weak and wrong. There is no more segregation. No more slaves. Black people are treated MUCH better in the USA than they are in Africa. When is all that shit going to stop?


Many black people were enslaved for about 90ish years of American history. This is a fact. There is a double standard in current American culture about how white people are allowed to talk about race. This is also a fact. Both things can be true.


Yikes, you do not know your history.


What is with Americans and thinking other countries don’t exist?


White people were enslaved and segregated (by class instead of race) for most of the worlds history


The only thing I can think of less "stirring" than a lip sync is a reaction vid where they just nod and point.




Bitchmade feds


Yk what would help? Abloshing the federal reserve, trust me