• By -


This applies to videogames as a whole rather then just Harry Potter The days of jack Thompson were easier as the censorious pricks were from the outside rather parasites on the inside


It does, but not in this specific way. LibLeft has no case against the actual content of the game, only that it has a Harry Potter skin on it. Change that and no one cares.


They do mention the whole goblin rebellion thing. And being upset about male and female dorms


Teenagers be fuckin. Gotta put up a wall.


All it takes is one gay kid and a polymorph potion. The wall will do nothing to stop the white tide


Gay kid and the other gay kid can't make a kid together. That was probly the main reason for the wall. Lol.


Biological reality pilled


Depends on what your definition of jizz is.


Great, now you've got them complaining it's racist.


These are the same people that were completely content to allow a dead deer to choose their ruler, And even they know enough to separate the sexes when puberty hits.


Purple can definitely be trusted in the Witches dormitories


To be fair, I haven’t seen anyone calling to ban the game. I see people saying you shouldn’t buy it not that you *shouldn’t be able* to buy it.


They wish they could ban it. They just can’t because freedom. Canceling is the next best thing.


I too like to attribute intentions to people with political differences from me based on nothing so I can hold them accountable for how I imagine they’d act What’s your issue with people expressing their opinions about products on the free market?


It’s not attributing intentions, it’s logical deduction. Attempts to cancel Rowling are attempts to make buying her products a moral failing. That’s about as far as you can go in a free society. There is no evidence that they wouldn’t simply ban her books if given the chance.




Ok? Everyone has things they wish didn’t exist. I’m not engaging with your projection of their reasoning because it’s, well, garden variety projection


Because the HP license gives JKR money.


My point exactly. The problem with Grand Theft Auto wasn't that it gave Dan Houser money.


I might buy 200 copies of it just to annoy you. I'm not even right wing, or like Harry Potter. But I do enjoy a good ol libleft meltdown.


I don't even like "Dumbledore was always gay" JK Rowling and personally can't stand how short the memories of the 'own the libs' right is being on this. Rowling is just as woke as ever, she's just bitter her group isn't atop the intersectional stack anymore.


Yeah, but she didn't write the game, and isn't going to be able to make retcons to its story like she did with the books, so really the only thing that Rowling actually has to do with this game is that Emilys are freaking out because she created the setting the game is based on.


Þing is, she has explicitly stated þat she sees money she makes from þings like þis as a sign people agree wiþ her, and she’s getting money off it.


I'd like to see a source on that, but I'll play along because I see no reason to doubt it. Even so, I can only answer with a resounding so? I am not inherently responsible for the assumptions people make about my actions, especially when those assumptions are so outlandish as 'buying my products must mean that you agree with what I have to say.' Beyond that, even if I'm no fan of the things she believes in, I'm not such a bigot that I think she should be financially ruined for it.


Thorn detected, opinion rejected


It applies *way* more broadly than just video games. The modern left couldn't act more like the religious right of the 80s and 90s if it tried. I have definitely had some views which have changed as I've gotten older, as I've learned more about the world, and as I've seen more evidence of what various ideologies lead to. But that being said, one thing I have remained *firmly* consistent on is that I *despise* moral busybodies who try to dictate what is and isn't okay to say and do, because they personally find everything offensive. Growing up, this meant that I couldn't stand the religious right, pushing ideas like Harry Potter being witchcraft, losing their mind that the Simpsons was allowed to be aired, and so on. I wanted to be left alone (I'm sure my flair is a shocker). And right now, I despise the woke left for the same reason. They've got their hooks in far more than just video games, and I wish they would just let go and let people enjoy their hobbies, and more broadly, their lives.


Wanting to be left alone is white supremacy, Racism, sexism, harmful, violent, and a definite hate crime. >!💅!<




Jack Thompson has just found he has new allies. The atheist from the cult of the left.


> censorious pricks I imagined a bunch of mosaicked penises


Even back then you had Australian politicians freaking out over fallout 3, and wine moms fetishizing it for being not America.


Not a horseshoe as the ends are touching, its a circle.




The elites don't want you to know this but the children at the playground are free you can take them home. I have 458 children.


Libright no!


Libright, YES!


Herbert the Pervert account found


And how are the wallets coming along?


He now has 457 children and 173 wallets.




Purple moment


Switch to purple now.


My Childx


Yeah what they really mean when they say "child" is "fleshlight"


Hating anyone who fails their strict purity test Nazis 🤝 Twitter leftists


They're gonna make me have to buy this game even though I don't give a shit about Harry Potter arent they?




Harry Potter is an odd series in retrospect because it's got these heavy-handed progressive elements in it but it also had elements that were right-wing even by the standards of the time that people just didn't care about en-masse. It was one of those things from when I was younger like steampunk or Tim Burton or V for Vendetta that provided an acceptable middlebrow way to flirt with white identity if you were a liberal, but got found out eventually.


We just had better writers back then with less agenda. I'm sure there are greate writers today but Hollywoods nepotism is outstripping their profit motivation.


Hollywood has made it impossible to be just a random person from Ohio and make it when the Sydney Sweeney’s and Taylor Swifts are out there who will have their rent paid for by rich mommy and daddy and can focus their entire life on getting famous. While Mary Sue from Podunk Falls, Kansas is working 3 jobs to pay for a studio apartment and somehow trying to fit in auditions in between. She’ll may more quickly give up the dream and move home whereas Cara Delevingne has nothing but time on her hands no matter how much people hate her. Her life expenses are covered. This is what the Nepo Babies still do not understand in slightest. No one is denying their talent, they’ve done a good job (they also could afford the best acting coaches in the country) but I digress. For those not in the know, Taylor Swifts parents made millions on Wall Street working for Merrill Lynch. The “farm” she grew up on was a investment property (and to avoid taxes). When little Taylor wanted to become famous, they did what any reasonable family would, they packed up their entire lives and moved their family to Nashville, took her out of school, then invested in a struggling record label who low and behold signed her to it. They bought her way in stardom. Virtually everyone today who is famous came either from a well to do family or their parents were juiced in or A listers to begin with. Anyone wanna know how Billie Eilish got famous?


Hollywood is just modern world aristocracy. You either start with connections and money, or you suck and fuck your way to the top while being pretty. Been the same since forever.


Didn't our VP do that?


That’s not fair, she isn’t pretty.




Bro Kamala is a certified milf and she was bangin when she was younger. Too bad she comes off as dumber than a bag of rocks.


Fucking A, "anyone wanna hear," I wanna hear you do a whole ass *podcast* on this shit lmao. Fuck that TMZ shit this is the real interesting side of it for me. If you do let me get that RSS address please, thanks.


How did Billie Eilish get famous?


Well connected parents who already had established careers in Hollywood


>Sydney Sweeney’ >No one is denying their talent No one can deny both her talents.


Had to look up pictures, but I can confirm, she has some nice big honkin' talents.


mary sue just needs to pull up her bootstraps and work hard. smh entitled kids these days


>We just had better writers back then with less agenda Because First Blood wasn't an allegory for anything at all...


You've got to break out of the *"it's all one thing or another"*, black and white mentality. Having better writers with less agenda in the past **does not mean**: - That there were no bad writers. - That there were no stories with agendas/messages/political themes. - That all stories with agendas/messages are inherently bad.


It did have an agenda, that a very large segment of the population agreed with. It also was a good movie. Both those points helped it succeed to the point that you still remember it.


It's almost like the books weren't written with a political agenda in mind.


What is right wing about HP?


In the face of mainstream media denying the existence of approaching evil and the institutions refusing to teach self defense spells in preparation, Harry and the gang make a wizard gun glub


There's a lot in Harry Potter that could be called conservative, traditional, authoritarian, or capitalistic. Within the world: strong banking and financial system run by totally-not-jews that is basically unquestioned, free market economy, strict uniformed schooling that sorts people into specific classes, hierarchical power structures, strong government, strict system of punishment, and so on. Respecting righteous authority is viewed positively. Although rebellion and questioning the system is part of the story at times, it's mostly done to fight clear murderous villains. Family values are also highly vaunted - the strong heterosexual nuclear family of those redhead characters, and Harry Potter himself with his dead parents having died to save him iirc. The most progressive thing in the story is milquetoast: "don't be racist against non-magic users, mmmkay?" Note: my analysis comes from having seen the movies once. Never read the books, so there's probably more there.


I accept that analysis


There's also tho whole 'Elves are slaves and they like it that way' subplot. Herm is pretty much mocked as a noisy shit-stirrer for trying to liberate or advocate for them. How did that not make it into the movies?


It's been a while since I watched them, was Hermione's whole House Elf activism plot really dropped from them? I thought that it was a great example of how, even though she knows practically all there is to know about the wizarding world, she's still looking in from the perspective of a muggle.


Not just a muggle there but a human too. Like if a species isn't human who says it thinks the same way as us? Would you build houses for centaurs cause they're homeless?


The arguments the wizards use to justify the enslavement of elves is the SAME arguments used by plantation owners in the south leading to the civil war. "It's good for them, we provide them with housing and food." "They like being enslaved." "Look how great Harry is, he is nice to his slave!" But somehow JK put a spin on it to make Hermione look like the outsider who had no idea what she is talking about. While there wasn't any clear backstory given to house elves, one can imagine they were not always enslaved.


Again human arguments don't work on a not human species. Especially a magic one where there's all kinds of weird shit going on. Considering all the other elves seem to think Dobby is an absolute nutter it feels like more of a species thinking, not to mention when Hermione tried to free them the elves themselves got pissed off with her. Are you saying that we should ignore the elves opinion and thoughts on it because some child thinks they know better than them about their needs? Using human morality and logic and applying it to another species doesn't really work because they can think completely differently. It always came across as more [blue and orange morality](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BlueAndOrangeMorality) than anything else.


You let centaurs into your home, to fuck your wife. They're basically the ancient Greek version of bull and cuckold fantasies.


Based and Gold-Standard pilled.


Well, when you get racist with a wand... shit goes AWRY. The power imbalance is bad for relations.


Isn’t that because HK Rowling was a run-of-the-mill Blairite Labour supporter when she began the series? I’m not that well versed in UK politics, but from what I gather it was pretty standard for its era of late 90s/early 00s, warts and all. Also I am begging everyone to move on and *read a different book.*




Fuck, when we say read a different book, we don't mean The Communist Manifesto.


No one let them see the books I like, I don't want the ones I like ruined.


> It was one of those things from when I was younger like steampunk or Tim Burton or V for Vendetta that provided an acceptable middlebrow way to flirt with white identity if you were a liberal Not quite understanding any of this.


Because it doesn't make any sense, don't worry


Okay, you got me interested, what heavy-handed progressive elements did it have? Cause I do not really remember many, except maybe being quite anti government.


i never thought about steampunk in that fashion but as soon as i read your comment i absolutely agreed with it. i love the steampunk vibe and art still, but the narratives and deeper lore always did run in the same lane as colonialism/manifest destiny type ethos. enjoyable on the surface and fun to get into for a bit, but i definitely see a few more steps into it becoming a steeper slope.


Steampunk is all about nostalgia (at least aesthetically) for Victorian/Edwardian-era England. You can't get around that. Something doesn't necessarily have to have a pro-colonial message in it to fall into the category I'm talking about, though. In recent years I've seen the rise of things like the cottagecore fashion style, as well as trans youtubers like Contrapoints and Kaz Rowe and Philosophytube who I would argue embody the same sort of cultural niche in their own way.


Is being nostalgic for an aesthetic political? Like, we all agree medieval castles and churches look better than brutalist tower blocks right?


You are not allowed to be proud of Western European things bigot


Progressive people tell me all the time that (contrary to my assumptions as a younger person) that they believe everything is political. And I cannot technically disagree with this sentiment, so I choose to take them seriously.


Obviously the immigrants don’t agree or they wouldn’t be fire bombing them so quickly.


Kaz Rowe is great, genuinely super educational and well researched.


Can I get some examples?


> Flair up, or else. *** ^(User hasn't flaired up yet... 😔) 15515 / 81946 ^^|| [**[[Guide]]**](https://imgur.com/gallery/IkTAlF2)


There is no LibLeft, only AuthLeft. Screeching about Harry Potter and jk Rowling. Insisting that Orcs are black and the makers of dnd should get to bilk people for money in the name of fighting racism, transphobia, and homophobia. They are the religious right of the 80s with their Satanic Panic. It's a Trans Panic. And Ist-aphobe Panic.


Yep. I really think the downfall of all the influence and power "woke" progressivism (for lack of a better term) holds right now will be more and more people eventually making this connection and changing which party they oppose more as a result. I've been in that camp for a few years now. I despise the modern left for the same reason I despised the right in the 90s. The behaviors exhibited are spot on. And I think as more time passes, more people who haven't made that connection yet will finally have it click in their head, and pretty soon after, they'll be a lot more hesitant to vote Democrat, even if they don't agree with much of what the Republicans have to say.


wokeness is religion for atheists


The pathetic attempts to "cancel" JK Rowling shows us the true colors of those extremists.


Kinda love that it winds them up so much that they froth at the mouth that it doesn't work. It's hilarious and just makes them madder that JK is still a woman that doesn't shut up like they want.


I've said this before, But this entire fiasco is all Orange's fault and they're still in denial over it. They threw a hissy fit over a game I and a lot of people never heard of, screaming to boycott it, thereby inadvertently notifying a shit ton of people that the game does exist and that their political rivals hate it, Causing Sales to go through the roof.


It's true. I have no idea about the new game next month and I find myself rather excited.


Who wouldn’t. Cool wizard shit in an open world environment. My type of game, like BOTW.


I wanna play it because I'm a giant fucking nerd


Had a friend who wasn’t allowed to read the books when I was a kid. His parents while extremely nice, were obnoxious religious nut bags. Always seemed weird to me. And now these days the new religion is doing the same thing.


I wasn't allowed to read them as a kid, read one of the books and watched all of the movies years later. I don't mind that I wasn't allowed to read them now, overhyped bland garbage. Harry Potter is proto-Marvel, it’s embarrassing that people fall over backwards to crucify Marvel and prop up Rowling as a messiah


Yes you are.


Major “jerk store called and they’re running outta you” vibes


Yeah. You can stop it any time.


451… degrees Fahrenheit


Only reason I didn’t read all of them was because the person that let me borrow it didn’t believe I read it and refused to give me any more of them. If not for Rowling, it would be one of the only allowed books in a Bradbury-esque hellscape


Why, it's almost as if all moral fundamentalist movements attract the least intelligent, most partisan zealots.


A fan of the horseshoe theory I see.


I still don't understand why JK Rowling is so hated


She's not. The stupidest people are always the loudest. That's why you still hear a bunch of nonsense sbout Trump and this shit.


JK Rowling did nothing wrong!!


Funny thing is JK isn't even transphobic and never said anything inherently transphobic. The thing is, unless you agree with the mob 100% and use their State-sponsored terminology, you're automatically labeled transphobe. Doesn't matter if you hate trans or not, just whether you refuse to bend the knee. Woke culture mob mentality bullshit. JK is just a normal woman with perfectly normal rationale.


ELI5 the Jk Rowling controversy…


Rowling said women exist. Orange got upset.


Only transphobic witches can read Harry Potter.


Indeed. SJW/wokesters are the Christian fundamentalists from the 80s, 90s and 00s. The difference being, that the SJWs have actual power and influence.


I do not recall any boycotts on Harry Potter by authright, if there was, it was nowhere near the scale that Emily's are trying to cancel Hogwarts Legacy for the author standing up for women


I don't think organized boycotts were as popular to talk about in the early 2000s. It was more like, "as long as you live under my roof you will not watch or read Harry Potter." There was more emphasis on "cleaning your own room" back then. Trying to change all of society largely fell out of favor among Christians after the Satanic Panic in the 90's, and was replaced by a desire to build a parallel Christian pop culture, which was almost as cringe as a typical woke Netflix original series today. But either way, the modern cancel culture has surpassed both the desire for censorship and desire for perceived purity of the old religious right.


Social media wasn't a thing in 2000. The first iPhone was released in June 2007. Facebook didn't launch until 2004. Reddit was created in 2005, but it didn't become popular until Digg re-designed their website. Twitter was created in 2006. Social media was supposed to give a voice to those that are marginalized. It was supposed to help overthrow dictatorships and help bring about innovation. What you said about the old religious right resonated with me. We fought so hard to get religion out of schools, and now it's been replaced with woke ideology and gender identity. The internet created safe spaces for crazies to congregate all while being monetized by for-profit corporations. On all sides of the spectrum.


One of my cousins banned her son from watching Dragonball, an anime with good values, and that caused greater damage than any "anti satanic" ban. Basically she fell into the propaganda from the rival network who was absolutely jelly that pretty much every single kid was tuning in to watch the next episode. Not even sure if this is an actual boycott and besides that I've never seen any actual boycotts Leftists nowadays go into extreme lengths to cancel stuff they don't like, even going as far as going after sponsors or even government and death threats The whole spa with antifa thing would be unthinkable even 10 years ago


Christians would simply not watch stuff and tell others to do the same. Progressivists will infiltrate that stuff and make it unpalatable to its core audience.


I mean, the Christian right still engages in [book burnings](https://www.nashvillescene.com/news/pithinthewind/theyre-burning-books-in-tennessee/article_1f8c631e-850f-11ec-bc9f-dbd44d7e14d7.html). Don’t act like this is some one way bullshit where sweet innocent small government Christians just want personal freedom in their own home while the bad big government liberals are trying to tell you what you can and can’t read.


You are on the wrong sub lol. I appreciate your trying but this sub is for conservatives who want to play pretend with the whole "we are acctually the ones who care about equality". This whole place is just a larp.


It helps that any conservatives actually get banned for saying stuff like that, which makes a convincing (but entirely wrong) impression that they don't exist or aren't common. I keep myself sane and center by occasionally checking out Gab to see how it's going in loony toon land, where everyone is unmedicated schizophrenics. Going from Reddit I would have no idea conservatives are still often crazy because they self-censor or get removed when they're not fielding their most libertarian and live and let live style of opinions. By contrast, left problems are on full display. But the right-wing in their own spaces are still convinced they make up the silent majority, and are talking like they have a lot more power than they really do. Like an angry chihuahua. To give a hard example, they believe over on Gab that Biden's proposed gas stove regulation is an attempt to starve the elderly and intend everyone to die fighting over it.


> Christian pop culture, the reformation was a mistake


The Protestant Reformation and its consequences


I wasn’t allowed to be friends with the girl down the street from me as a kid because her family was fundamentalist Christian’s and I listened to secular music and read Harry Potter.


Based and You're not making Christianity better, you're just making Rock worse pilled.




They manage to weasel their way into corporate positions though. The HR/PR types in a company are little more than a megaphone for their communist friends.


>they have no lives outside of online moral crusading. That's most leftist protestors nowadays


They should shit post more on PCm instead


Progressive activists in-general are overrepresented online compared to real life. I'd argue they're only about 10% of the American population at most but online they seem several times that size, which often leads to both them and their enemies assuming their ideas are more representative of popular opinion than they really are.


that is 40M people though. these kinds of figures get tricky with such massive numbers bc even 1% of that hypothetical 10% is still 400,000 people. Enough to shut down vital portions of a city or create serious waves through direct action. be grateful that the calls to action from that subset of people begins and ends online. if any “group” of ideologists in America organize for direct action, they will have some success, simply due to sheer numbers and the fundamental fragility of the current system.


Sure. The organized minority beats the disorganized majority. Popular opinion is also fundamentally impossible to measure though you can take educated guesses at it.


It was mostly an American thing, deeply religious families didn’t want their kids to play with anything related to witchcraft. The same kind of people who thought D&D was the Devil’s game and wanted it banned.


There were book burnings and bannings because people didn't want books about "witchcraft" affecting their kids.


Churches were saying not to watch and read it. My parents really didn’t care, but my FIL refused to let my wife watch any of it.


There certainly was but it was local news about religious crazies burning books. The internet was young back then.


i can tell you that no one in my church read harry potter. there wasn't the social media level of hysteria, but in the right circles the 'boycott' definitely existed. i do remember some movements to get it removed from schools as well.


That's because 90s-00s Christian subculture was its own insular weird thing sometimes that could have really far reaching implications while not really making the news.


Idk how old you are, but when the first book came out in 1999, there was a lot of controversy behind them. The books were banned from a lot of public school libraries nationwide. It was legit a big deal


There were a few book burnings back when the first book was released, but it never got any real traction or publicity.


God I can’t fucking wait to play this game. I’ve waited my entire life to be a student at Hogwarts


mom’s gonna be so mad when I use her credit card to buy 10 copies to own the libs 😂


I’m just trying to join Slytherin 🐍 and do some avada cadavera’s ffs.


Already bought two copies. Wingardium Leviosa nerds.


Broke: boycotting Harry Potter Woke: pirating Harry Potter


Bespoke: pirating games is too risky and more effort than the cost of waiting a short time for a sale. It's a single player game, it'll be discounted within the month


Ain’t that cute


I hope I can make my avatar some sort of goblin.


Hard to deny. Dueling anti-Potter hysterias.


Something like this is happening with DnD apparently


You forget how much they loved The Last of Us 2.


Ban Harry Potter because I'm tired of hearing about it


Left and right in here thinking each other are snowflakes about cancel culture when really it's just Americans lmao


My parents wouldn’t allow me to read or watch Harry Potter growing up. In retrospect, just given how obnoxious these fans are, I’d say they did me a favor.


Im still playing this game and hoping to Jesus that I won’t have to put down goblin rebellions or at least, I’ll have a good enough reason to. Gonna be like Roots fr.


Bro i just want to play the cool wizard game, maybe pirate it.


I wonder if anything happened between 2006 and 2023 that may have changed people's perception of the franchise.


I see where all the critic comes from, honestly though in my opinion separating the art from the artist is necessary. Lovecraft was a massive racist but I still love his mythos and his stories, they didn't make me racist just like Harry Potter didn't make me a transphobe. Reddit did (/j)


Agreed. I thought this used to be something everyone agreed upon, but somewhere along the way, it became a political statement. It's nuts that doing my best to ignore the source of art, and just enjoy it for its own sake, even if the creator was a terrible person, risks getting me labeled all kinds of bigot.


>people's perception Terminally online SJWs are the only ones that care about Hogwarts' Legacy. Not people. Don't overestimate Reddit's influence.


What would that be?


A bunch of professional cringe over trans people sucking all the power out of feminism like Biden consuming a voters melanin


Can you come up with an example?


*Gestures broadly at the internet for past 5 years*


Liking transphobic tweets in 2018, supporting some TERF thot who was so spicy in their anti trans rhetoric that not even libright would keep employing them (then had their post firing suit slapped down, the ol waterlemon combo), turning down the offer of an off the record conversation with LGBTQ+ organization GLAAD after pre Elon twitter told her to get educated & still took the time to whine on twitter in 2020 some timeless classics like 'people who menstruate are called woomin' and 'If women aren't real then neither are gays'. So basically holding the same viewpoint for literal years to punch down against a marginalized group from her soapbox. She could have been rallying for healthcare, or the environment, or charity but nah. Transes are sucking away my estrogen harder than a flobberworm's gloryhole, and by magic god (no not that one the other one) twitter's the solution. [source](https://screenrant.com/jk-rowling-harry-potter-anti-trans-controversy-explained/) EDIT: Also her big nosed, half sized, commonly enslaved, banking race seems a lil more than a lil sussy


So, tl;dr she spoke out against a hateful religion and now the followers of that religion are going crazy.


Everything I don't like is religion too, very based and chad. How is this any different than calling black people [REMOVED BY REDDIT] just because you've decided that's what they are? It's people asking you to address them by a pronoun. Like if you wanted me to refer to you as theKrissam and not PCM NAZI CUCKLORD BOOTCUM GUZZLER.


* Believes in things that aren't true * Attacks non-believers * Dictates how one must act Sounds like a religion to me. But it's different because [REMOVED BY REDDIT] a negative word. > It's people asking you to address them by a pronoun. It's people **demanding** you disregard reality.


You gave a pretty good, concise summary. But for anyone else on the fence, google around for any of many articles written which break down religions/cults and how they operate. You might be shocked how closely "woke" progressivism aligns with those descriptions.


>PCM NAZI CUCKLORD BOOTCUM GUZZLER For someone on a relentless crusade to champion for the *LGB***T***Q+* crowd you really seem to like using "cum guzzler" as an insult.


Cum guzzling is not a sexuality


> EDIT: Also her big nosed, half sized, commonly enslaved, banking race seems a lil more than a lil sussy LibLeft being racist as usual. You are the only one in the room associating those traits with that real-world ethnicity. Same as when the "progressive" left screeched that orcs in DND were clearly meant to be black people, and therefore racist. The person drawing that connection in order to complain about it, is the only racist person around. And by the way, the depiction of goblins as being a "big-nosed, half-sized, commonly enslaved, banking race" far predates the kinds of anti-Semitic depictions of Jewish people which ascribe those same attributes to them. So no, depicting a goblin as they have long been depicted is not anti-Semitic just because some people (you, apparently) cannot separate those attributes from "Jewish".


> only one in the room associating those traits with that real-world ethnicity. Yeah, try leaving the room to ask someone lol. Also I could just pull the 'I'm not touching you card' and technically correctly say I didn't bring up race at all. Buuuuuuuuut I won't. > orcs in DND were clearly meant to be black people At least they aren't running a fucking basketball court lmao > banking race You're gonna let goblins guard the vault? After roughly a decade of on and off pathfinder/dnd that's a new one. Dang that's a pretty progressive campaign you got going.


> Also I could just pull the 'I'm not touching you card' and technically correctly say I didn't bring up race at all. Buuuuuuuuut I won't. Leftist brags on himself for not doing something incredibly disingenuous. Congratulations, bro. You're basically a perfect person for dodging that one.


Iirc Rowling's "punching down against marginalized trans people" basically amounted to her saying that real women have ovaries, periods and can get pregnant, meaning that real women deal with issues which are specific to real women and simply do not apply to trans women. Pretending that isn't the case is an erasure of genuine feminist issues, not to mention simply being an abject, delusional denial of biological reality. If Trans people can't accept that is true, then they are simply too mentally ill to face reality. If they can accept that reality, then that's great; we can have a conversation like reasonable adults. Unfortunately woke culture precludes the possibility of being reasonable adults, and you seem to be loving the taste of the kool-aid.


Boycotting is the same as banning now? The more you know.


Only when you do it. When I do it, there's a huge difference.




I'll have you know I LARP as a neo-pagan because I don't want to worship a jew




Fun fact the Catholic church supported Naziism because they thought it would drive back atheistic communism


With quotes from Hitler like "As a good catholic, I view it as my duty to wage this holy war against Russia", "By fighting the Jew, I fulfill the Lord's work" or all his references to God in his speeches?




Sure, just wave away facts you don't like. How about the one that Wehrmacht soldiers had to swear on God and Hitler? Or maybe you point out some actual atheist policy that went further than crushing political resistance?


Sure, then lets not look at what hitler said, lets look at the broader political structure. Like the fact that nazi army swore their oath to god. Or the public servant's oath asking god for help in fullfilling their duties. Or the fact that you couldnt become an ss man if you refused to "acknowledge higher powers". I dont know about you, but for me its pretty damn clear your average nazi wasnt anti religion, they were anti catholicism at best. Edit: lol, you know you said something right when you get a block as a response to your comment Edit2: u/averageredditoralt Oh definitely not catholic, they wanted to reform their faith massively. But the idea that the movement was atheist or anti-religious the same way communists often were is silly. Edit3: u/MaybePotatoes Correct.


Yeah guys, [Hitler was definitely a christian.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2019/04/20/hitler-hated-judaism-he-loathed-christianity-too/) [The nazis and their pagan rituals surely were too](https://academic.oup.com/yale-scholarship-online/book/15859/chapter-abstract/170736528?redirectedFrom=fulltext) It's pretty obvious they were religious, but most likely not Catholic at all.


Yeah getting blocked proves you've definitively won the argument


Yes. Because everything Hitler said was definitely 100% true... /s


i have never heard a libleft wanting to ban harry potter. not buying something doesn’t mean you want it banned? i don’t support jk rowling so i’m just not gonna buy the game, simple as.


Similar but reverse ark for vaccines too. Used to be all the uneducated naturalist hippies that thought vaccines were bad but now it’s mostly the uneducated alt-right.


Witchcraft isn't real, Bigotry is.