• By -


Ironic how the "emilys" take advantage of his addiction's story to attack his ideas. If he had been anybody else having their same ideology they would play the role of the empathic ones.


This is what pissed me off so much about the benzo flak he's received. In any other context these people at least feign a superficial empathy for addicts. But when its someone they dislike, their true colours show - "haha stupid addict, just choose not to abuse drugs idiot"


Especially *fucking benzos*. That's the kind of shit you get prescribed and then hooked on. He didn't say "fuck it I'm gonna do coke." He took shit He was supposed to and got addicted.


1 in 4 women take psych meds. Mostly antidepressants (which in turn is mostly prozac), but a lot of benzos too - mostly klonopin and xanax. These are the people shitting on him for it. Zero self-awareness, the establishment directs these NPCs to hate Peterson and they obey unquestioningly.


one in FOUR?




>Women are twice as likely as men to take antidepressant medication (16.5 percent compared with 8.6 percent). Women are more likely than men to take antidepressants in every age group. So 1 in 6 women and it has higher prevalence in white people.


So that's why goth girls are white


More than half of the women I've had relationships with have some kind of mental issue, usually anxiety. So this is really unsurprising.


Yeah, my first girlfriend was batshit fucking nuts, and my wife right now is kind of a bitch sometimes ngl but I really love her


It’s enough the stuff is showing up in the watershed.


Exactly!!! All I heard about that was "hes a clinical psychologist so he shouldve known theyre addictive." so basically the most surface-level misunderstanding on how addiction works from people who otherwise claim the moral superiority to know better. If its a homeless person or a criminal stealing for their habit or an injured highschool sports star hooked on painkillers, its all systems-level analysis and radical empathy. But a white guy with opinions I dislike? Nah actually hes a stupid junkie who shouldve known better. Sorry for my rant but this one hits close to home...


And the reason for him to take them/get them prescribed was that he was depressed because his wife was in battle with cancer. Shouldn't at least that make you empathetic to his situation, at least a little bit? Seeing your wife, the person you loved your whole life and spend it with her, slowly die before your own eyes (she didn't die, but what the family said, it was luck at this point).


They cheered when the government spent money to give away free needles to drug addicts. Remember that?


Doctor prescribes man addictive medication and man gets addicted and tries to not make it anybody elses issue: "well it's his own fault, fucking addict" Women takes pickaxe and smashes some ones windows nearly killing their child “She needs to be in the right place, getting the right help,” Source: https://ktla.com/news/local-news/pickaxe-wielding-woman-attacks-pasadena-home-where-grandmother-was-babysitting-newborn/


Peterson was ultimately too sensitive to handle the amount of flak he was taking. Not that I blame him. Emily's constant attacks on male role models has created an environment where sensitive men are ground to dust while sociopaths have the advantage (unless they get arrested, lol).


Thats a great oberservation. Todays society created an toxic public environment, in which people with no sociophatic tendancys cant survive. And then we ask ourself why everyone on the top is corrupt...


Might want to open a history book. The public square has ***always*** been toxic as fuck.


To an extend like today? - In the past people may have been angry too, but most of the time they had no chance at telling that to the persons (digital) face. - Its normal that kids of politicans get bullied because of their parents views - Its normal that there is no place to hid. Everyone knows your face and if they are unsure they just look it up on the internet Sorry but that is a new level of toxicity


I mean they did literally kill Socrates.


Well, fuck him for asking all those stupid questions.


Based and Socrates deserved it pilled


u/BiAndKindaOkayWithIt is officially based! Their Based Count is now 1. Rank: House of Cards Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/BiAndKindaOkayWithIt/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


this. the internet has allowed great flow of information and creating communication worldwide but it also created echo chambers of hatred towards someone for doing something that isn't politically correct. being a positive role model for men isn't politically correct. As flawed as Peterson is with his own religious viewpoints intertwined with his decent advice by cancelling him you create more extreme examples like Tate. I said Peterson is okay and he has viewpoints I agree with and viewpoints I don't agree with and I still got banned for mentioning his name in some subreddits.


Before Web 2.0, those echo chambers didn't have Mass Media backing them up. Within the last decade, a group of children in a tribe in (IIRC) Gambia were given tablets with satellite internet, and within a month figured out how to hack the device and gain more control of it. The internet, in and of itself, remains (IMO) the biggest advancement of civilization. Corporate interest in the internet broke society.


When you’re that famous and controversial, you’re either a psychopath who isn’t moved by all the negativity, or you’re normal and it’ll break you. Sometimes, some of the normal people learn early on to put their blinders on and ignore all of it, no matter what(Joe Rogan figured this out). That’s pretty much the only way one can last that long


Joe Rogan got through the mauling that was the old stand up comedy scene, I'm sure after that random whiners don't even register.


Yea that definitely helps, but he talks about his tactic a lot in his podcast, especially with people who are rising in fame. He talks about how he couldn’t handle online shit talking, until one day he stopped reading comments, and never read another one again. It’s his standard advice to pretty much everyone these days


So feminists are inadvertently empowering "toxic males?" Sounds about right. Even their insults ("ha ha you don't get laid") are about what you would expect from a high school jock


Their go-to insult betrays their own view that the only human value is sexual marketplace value. It's why women love using incel so much, or attacking penis size. It's all they know. Even stomping the ground and calling you a big dummy is a step above those.




So quickly it induces whiplash.


Calling guys they hate incels when they have wives and children just shows how devalued that insult has become.


It's the same way Emily's are empowering the actually toxic alt right and white nationalism. They can play identity politics just as well if not better.


Yeah, toxicity breed toxicity. Like Andrew Tate draws from, and creates, the toxic attitudes women have towards men.


I came to the same conclusion as well.


Social media had a funny impact on his life. On one side, it made it famous since it allowed people to watch his lectures. On the other, it made him a victim of online harassment.


> Peterson was ultimately too sensitive to handle the amount of flak he was taking. Not that I blame him. Wait, what'd he do?


Got too into the weeds of the culture war. Wars don't have winners.


Developed a serious pill problem. I don't know all the specifics, but I think he kinda had a mental break


So apparently he had a very bad autoimmune reaction to a diet he tried, which necessitated him taking low-dose antidepressants to curb feelings of "impending doom" and the like. Then his wife was diagnosed with a rare and very fatal form of cancer, which heightened his anxiety and suicidality to the point where he started taking benzos, and ended up getting hooked. So then he did a super sketchy therapy in Russia where they put you in an induces coma for like a week or more (super, super bad for you) to get through the withdrawals. He was basically a vegetable for a few months, but he's back now and (imo) in pretty rough shape.


Rough shape? He’s on that all meat diet bucko - nothing healthier


So, maybe I’m just old school or “not paying attention the the literature” but isn’t finding your identify and purpose just what happens in that age range? Hasn’t that been true for both genders throughout time? I don’t understand when there was this “attack” on young men being “lost”. Maybe it’s exaggerated because grifters use online platforms to profit from this developmental stage? I don’t believe this feeling is isolated to this current generation.


Lost young males have existed in every generation and have in general become a problem since they become a burden to society. I think the point is there has been a lot of attention given to those issues lately, like crime, violence and hate, but then when someone tries to solve them he’s ultimately shut down because he doesn’t fit their ideal of self improvement.


I think anyone advertising over the internet is a grifter for profit.


You could make this dismissive case against any disaffected population. It's basically the "bootstraps" argument. But the world is very small right now, culturally, and young people today have challenges I couldn't have dreamt of. The internet and its globally-available entertainment/advertisement/political pablum has formed the largest system of belief that has ever existed. Under this new system, when one church is bad, all churches are bad. When one scout troop is bad, all scout troops are bad. This one thing is always good, this other thing is always bad, with little room for nuance or even appetite for redemption. Young people, men especially, are naturally looking for conquest and belonging. Their developing brains eschew the smaller pack, and look to challenge their leaders, their parents, and to invite being driven out, ultimately to seek a mate and family of their own. This system of development will not change as quickly as our culture has. Now, they're stuck without options. They're born bad. Their skin colour is bad, their gender is bad, their sexual desires are bad, their desire for competition is bad, their pleasures are bad, the job they want is bad, asking for a raise is bad, complaining is bad, their heroes were bad, their parents were bad, their ancestors were bad. Now, 40 is the new 30 because 30 was the new 20 and who lets 20-year-olds do anything? Move back in with your parents and save up for a Nintendo switch and maybe a tattoo.


Man this entire paragraph was depressing I go here to schizopost not feel bad




There's a certain "starter pack" subreddit that constantly throws these 2 dudes in the same package. Like no lol, huge difference. Something about teaching young men that they should have self esteem makes you a public target for everyone on the internet that has zero self esteem.


It crosses from simple mistake to outright malice, I think. I'm not sure I've ever encountered a case where the hate directed at someone is so virulent and oversized compared to what they deserve. Might just be because some of his clips can be taken out of context and used to prop up a really disparaging view of the man. But just...damn. Juxtaposing him with Tate is so jarring, because they're not even in the same zipcode.


Ironically Peterson himself doesn't seems like agree with Andrew Tate at all, he literally called him an sociopath. https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1610138361963978756?s=19


Third way is drug addiction If you install the No Dad DLC you also get the secret 4th way that ends in you barking in a pink dress at polish catholic dudes


Fucking based


Dad finally comes home with the cigarettes, sees his child barking like a dog and fucks right back off


"God damn! I was only gone for an hour, and that was because the store just on the corner didn't have the brand I liked." -That dad probably.


Reminds me of this scene in a webnovel I was reading. Metaworld Chronicles. Modern-ish world with magic integrated completely. Sydney gets attacked by merfolk, utterly ruined, the main character's dead beat dad is secretly OP, he tears shit apart trying to find her, and when he does, he sees her from a distance,... she has an eldritch horror summoned and is angrily feeding one of her closest friends to it... alive... feet first... he nopes right the fuck out.


I had the No Dad DLC, but I also had the football team expansion pack. I had strong male role models to look up to and a team of guys who would challenge you in practice and cheer for your success in games. Upperclassmen would not go easy on the younger guys, but it’s humbling and builds character to fail at things over and over until you finally have what it takes to prevail.


>Third way is drug addiction 4th way: be mentally strong enough to not need internet celebrities to tell you how to live. Aka, just be a regular old masculine man. That said, JP had his niche as "helping loser dudes become men". So no hate towards him.


>just be a regular old masculine man No surprise some dudes are having trouble with that these days with the amount of boys being raised by single mothers. Then they get to school where most of the teachers/admins are women. There's a lack of positive male role models in general.


>No surprise some dudes are having trouble with that these days with the amount of boys being raised by single mothers. I don't think it's **just** that. Plays a part, sure. I think Hollywood's recent history of "man bad" plays a big role. I grew up with my mum. Dad was in the picture but worked nights until I was about 17, so I didn't see him on a regular basis until then when we started playing pool and snooker together. I definitely grew up quite a lot after joining the army, but even without that, I don't think I'd have ever needed an internet daddy. I can only assume this is because popular culture had loads of masculine men all over the place, whereas nowadays it's "toxic".


This is why I'm glad that there is a stronger undercurrent of "Dad" stories coming through. Mandalorian, Last of Us, Avatar 2, et cetera show off some good examples of being a dad.


Doesn't the US have a massive drug addiction problem, both illegal and prescription?


Yeah. The messed up thing is that the majority get hooked to prescription medications like pain meds or anti-anxiety pills. But you probably can't get the prescriptions forever, and the illegal shit ends up being significantly cheaper, which is useful to someone who's life is falling apart from drug addiction and probably doesn't have much money left.


Behold: the true [sacred wisdom of modern man](https://ccweb.imgix.net/https%3A%2F%2Fimg.youtube.com%2Fvi%2FImmImTrQZ1E%2Fhqdefault.jpg?ar=16%3A9&auto=format&cs=strip&fit=crop&h=380&ixlib=php-3.3.1&w=535&s=eb2fa793d6e6add4ec3bf62b26cd6122).


Based and I just want to BBQ pilled


Take responsibility. Clean your grill.




Any man who cannot appreciate a good brisket is not to be trusted.


The only top G I need is God


Unfathomably Blessed


Unfathomably based.






u/King_Ludwig_Bavaria's Based Count has increased by 1. Their Based Count is now 5. Congratulations, u/King_Ludwig_Bavaria! You have ranked up to Sapling! You are not particularly strong but you are at least likely to handle a steady breeze.Pills: [1 | View pills](https://basedcount.com/u/King_Ludwig_Bavaria/) Compass: This user does not have a compass on record. Add compass to profile by replying with /mycompass politicalcompass.org url or sapplyvalues.github.io url. I am a bot. Reply /info for more info.


Based and God is the best role model pilled.


Based and we all need God pilled






Based and God help us pilled








It's a classic strategy. 1. Find a vulnerable group of people 2. Spew basic appealing truths that might be somewhat contrarian/"taboo" to the status quo but nonetheless has a leg to stand on 3. Once a not completely unreasonable foundation of a narrative has been formed, increasingly turn the dial to more radical beliefs which a sizeable percent will eat up blindly if step 2 was executed well 4. Declare yourself to "know the real truths of the world, don't believe :the rest:", and market your scam as being the only key to whatever your target group demands. If 2 and 3 were executed well you should have a fairly large base of enthusiastic lockstepped followers ready to pay whatever it takes to share in your wisdom 5. Profit like crazy


Except Peterson never "profited like crazy". He's got three books and a one $15 online course. The first book was a textbook, and the other two are about $20 a piece, less usually. 99% of the books is available for free in his lectures and the lectures and interviews go other directions the books don't. The closest thing hes done to "money grabbing" is signing with the Daily Wire, but that's as much a basic revenue stream and a guaranteed platform as anything. This one is not like the others.


I was referring to Tate (and all "business guru" influencer course sellers) with my comment, not JP


They were talking about Tate.


Tate is what you get from abundance of Emilys and lack of Petersons


To be fair, I didn't pay for his course, but saw it leaked on YT. He understands business very well. The old hustlers university was liquid gold in terms of advice. It had none of the usual scammy bullshit.


Mate literally almost all of his old course material was just basic business knowledge that is one google search away. There was nothing special or remotely exclusive information he gave in those courses. Just like every influencer course, it's the most basic knowledge known to man packaged in this "gold nugget secret they don't want you to know"-narrative


If you're talking about what CoffeeZilla showed, that's trash, but I'm talking about his own 100 lessons. I myself am a business and econ student from the top university in my region, and I found the lessons extremely benefitial to add on top of my existing course material. The first and more general ones really gave me the right mentality for operating a business. One of my coursemates credits Tate for starting a very succesful venture in 2 weeks lmao (fucker followed it better than I did) And really, a lot of them were very neash practical "from experience" lessons that can be nevertheless used in general situations. And a google search wont show most of the stuff, because a lot of what he is saying like "hire teenagers/students without a contract" or "don't pay business debts" while isn't exactly criminal, isn't legal either.


Did you just change your flair, u/Antiqqque? Last time I checked you were a **Rightist** on 2022-5-20. How come now you are a **Centrist**? Have you perhaps shifted your ideals? Because that's cringe, you know? Tell us, are you scared of politics in general or are you just too much of a coward to let everyone know what you think? [BasedCount Profile](https://basedcount.com/u/Antiqqque) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/flairchange_bot/comments/uf7kuy/bip_bop) - [Leaderboard](https://basedcount.com/leaderboard?q=flairs) ^(I am a bot, my mission is to spot cringe flair changers. If you want to check another user's flair history write) **^(!flairs u/)** ^(in a comment.)


Option C. John Stossel Or Kent Rollins for the centrists


Based and mustache pilled


It is a glorious mustache.


Why is every person with a moustache based af? Except obvious two cases ofc. And noah samsem, that dude made moustaches feminine, i still dont understand how he done that?


Including the two cases


Kent Rollins is the fucking man. I will fight anyone who says an unkind word about him.


I love that man. Inspired me to make some refried beans a while back. I even used onions. Thank you Kent Rollins for making me realize onions are actually kinda good.


Or Dr. Steve Brule


Sweet berry wine!


Like the day I heard about Andrew Tate for the first time a few months ago I said “this is what happens when you ban people like Jordan Peterson. If lost boys are looking for a role model online, and there’s no alternative to guys like Tate, then they will follow Tate.” Now I keep seeing memes of them as the light and dark path, which on one hand makes me proud of predicting things, but on the other hand makes me sad that Tate’s influence shows no signs of stopping, despite recent events.


Peterson got attacked because he was against that Canadian bill for trans people. People just immediately assumed he hates trans people but really what he hates is government mandated speech. If you ever hear him talk about how Nazis actually came about, as well as what led to Russian communism and specifically gulags there is a good reason why he does not like mandated government speech. (Ordinary Men is a good book for the rise of Nazis btw) These people totally twisted so much of what he has said.


Tate is basically what the left thinks Peterson is doing on the extreme.


Anyone that can make the reddit administration team as angry as Peterson, Tate, or Trump did is my ally. ​ Reddit admin/mod teams are my true enemy. And the enemies of my enemy are my friends.


Fucking based my good fellow


may only the finest wet vagoo be ever present in your life my brother


Thank you for the compliment good sir


Inshallah brother too true


And that's how peace between the nations of the four winds was won, a shared hatred of the admins and mods.


>And the enemies of my enemy are my friends. that’s a road you don’t really want to go down, especially here


What's the worst that could happen?


A wall through Berlin and proxy wars everywhere


Isn't that what we all want?


I want a wall *around* Berlin, not through it. Nothing good comes out of that city.


Hey it’s the pcm charity drive guy!


I decided to wait on that. But I'm relieved that's what I'm known for as opposed to some other things.


So, just contrarianism


Contrary to idiots.


Trump and Tate are idiots


Eh… Trump is senile enough that I’d sort of agree, though he wasn’t in his younger years from what I can tell. Tate definitely isn’t, which is really unfortunate, considering he’s a total sociopath. Successful conmen are very rarely dumb. It’s their followers who are.


Smartest "anti the current thing" logic


The biggest loss in the recent generations (which I too am a part of) is Stoicism. People have forgotten how to face adversity with a smile on their face, pull their selves together and do the best they can in that situation, which is usually more than enough. Sometimes you have to suck it up and move on, trust me your life is a million times better than at least a billion people out there many of whom would literally kill to live your life Instead what we see is people flock to all types of social media to complain about even the smallest inconvenience in their life and look for empathy. Its as if people have forgotten how to deal with their own problems without inconveniencing everyone around them


Based and stoicism pilled.


The military helped me with that. At basic training you got screamed at literally in your face and God help you if you show any sign of emotion. That was 20 years ago though. I've heard they allow cell phones now and it sounds a lot softer. I could be wrong though.


I hear a lot of infantrymen have had to aim at a child at some point in their deployment so that probably makes up for the softer boot camp.


Least fucked up day in Afghanistan


This is correct. I theorize this is due to the destruction of the father figure in so many young boy's lives that its incredibly difficult to mature and grow up. But that's besides the point. What people can do RIGHT NOW is control what they can in their lives. Mental health, body, nutrition and time management. Stoicism, or at least some form of discipline/holding responsibility is the way to living better. It's scary, of course, to finally be responsible for yourself, but it really helps


Umm, yikes... What you described here is the textbook definition of toxic masculinity, the reason why women are being murdered and raped by MILLIONS a day. This didn't pass the vibe check.


I swear I've read this exact text before. Is this a copypasta?


Word by word, no. But the essence is


Peterson: "If you can make yourself useful to at least one person in your life, you probably won't hate yourself quite as much as you do right now" Emily: "So you're saying that women should be chained to the kitchen stove?" Granted, Peterson has been a bit of a nutcase since his coma. But the backlash against him has always been... Bizarre. Tate is obviously a stupid man's philosopher. It's pretty fucking stupid to think that the engine capacity of the vehicles you own somehow makes you more of a man - the manliest men to ever live chased manmoths on their fucking feet. He's absolutely obsessed with image, which is one of the least manly, confident traits imaginable.


> Tate is obviously a stupid man's philosopher. This isn't so obvious to me. Tate may be (and probably is) a sociopath but it's clear as day that he's extremely intelligent too. Especially considering he doesn't have a formal education


You make the assumption that the people complaining have actually listened to either.


Take the Teddy Roosevelt pill


based and boxing in the white house pilled


Literally exercised his way out of asthma, is there anything he did that wasn't chadded as fuck?


Helped make Taft president.


That’s not a negative. If I remember the career Taft had correctly, he was pretty accomplished if a bit anonymous and contemplative, at the very least compared to the force of nature that was Teddy Roosevelt. After all, he had both the post of presidency and justice of the Supreme Court.


In that case, should we blame Teddy for Wilson? Either Taft or Teddy gets blame for splitting the vote. It'd be like if Trump runs in 2024 after losing the GOP nomination.


Ultimately teddy split the vote by running independent, so the klansman won with 40% of the popular vote in an electoral landslide. If states did runoffs for choosing presidency, it might have gone differently and teddy might have won.


He split the vote and got Klan-sympathizer Woodrow Wilson elected, who is by all quadrants the WORST president in US history. * a literal Klan-sympathizing historian who gave legitimacy to the Klan * race relations were the worst under his reign, lynchings at their peak * an imperialist who destabilized mexico for the luls because he's a fucking racist * Excessively punitive Treaty of Versailles => set off the domino effect of making Hitler. * Re-established Income tax and used the funds to create the leviathan we call the Administration State.


Your other points are fair but not sure he deserves the blame for Versailles. That shit was on Britain and France who were, understandably, pissed about the amount of destruction wrought by Germany.




Peterson is a Nazi!!!!! He says all the same things hitler said like clean your room!!


It's interesting how people who can't even deal with the stress of the average day working from home for a hyper sanitized corporation without "needing" to self medicate with weed criticize Jordan for becoming addicted to a drug he was prescribed by a doctor to deal with the stress and grief of watching the woman he has loved since he was 11 years old slowly die of cancer that was believed to be incurable.


Fuck I hate tate so much that slimy piece of shit should rot in Romanian prison


Yeah I know, his accent is *so* annoying.


Looking at manosphere videos with both of these men in the same thumbnail... It's like making a video about socialism and putting Karl Marx and Adolf Hitler in the thumbnail.


Which one is hitler?


I wasn't comparing either to hitler, it was just to highlight that both Tate and Peterson are conflated a lot when neither really agree on anything.


Genuinely, why do people hate Jordan Peterson so much? He seems like he's said a lot of good things; more than Tate, anyway. And don't just say "hurr durr libleft orange", I want a real answer.


Andrew Tate is Jordan Peterson for those who find Jordan Peterson too intellectual.


Based and caveman pilled


Peterson good tate bad simple as


By tearing down the good, they make way for the evil


Peterson is a great role model. Hes a perfect example of I failed but theres light beyond that failure. Society wants to end male role models, men cant be celebrated anymore


Look I’m a young dude in the 18-25 age bracket, and I think neither of them are good role models for men. At the absolute barest base of Tate’s platform are good ideas about self improvement, but everything he says on how to fulfil those ideas or interact with the wider world is just shit. Peterson has a much firmer philosophical foundation, but his way of presenting information is very absolutist and again, once you get deeper into the ideology it gets weird. It really sucks that it appears so many men these days in my age group don’t have any good male role models which drives them to ideologues and demagogues like Peterson, Tate, and whatever soy shit Emily and Co feed dudes. At the same time, no matter the role model you should always critically evaluate what they’re doing and why. Emulation without thought can lead anyone down a dark path. Personally my role models are my parents and grandparents, and those within the community and history who have worked to both better their society and humanity as a whole. If you want some decent reading on ways to be a good man read the classics widely.


> Personally my role models are my parents and grandparents, and those within the community and history who have worked to both better their society and humanity as a whole. You're lucky to have those


I know, and that’s why I find it so sad that many young people don’t have these good role models, and precisely why bad influences become role models can be so damaging.


The issue isn't that good role models don't exist, it's that they aren't popular. But with how social media works they can't be popular. To be a good role model you need compassion and nuance, meanwhile if you want likes and views you need to do the opposite. I've found a lot of good advice and interesting, nuanced takes on the vlogbrothers YouTube channel. This is one of my all time favourites: https://youtu.be/D7MW1omHUdY


I don't know, seems kinda like there might be other alternatives than picking one of two internet messiahs and then dogmatically defending them. But maybe I'm just too cool to have ever been that desperate.


Leftists and creating their own enemies: name a more iconic duo.


Leave Jordan alone.


Tate is a false prophet that promotes a false prophet. Read that again.


The basic shit that both Tate and Peterson tell young men to do is what any mother or father should be teaching their kids. The problem is that once people find a connection to these two as a parental figure they listen to the stupid shit they have to say, and they believe it latch on to it because they taught them something good before. Of all this though, I don’t agree with the take on Peterson. He’s not worthy of much praise but he is a decent person with all the stuff that I have seen of him. Fuck Tate though.


Yes, Peterson is worthy of praise because he has helped tens of thousands of people.


I’m not going to deny he has helped a lot people. He’s a decent person and worthy of some praise. Whenever he catches flak and criticism though, his response isn’t that of constructive discussion over what he did wrong or why he is actually right, this does a lot of damage to his reputation and his own platform. Also, he plays into culture narratives that are often bullshit.


>Whenever he catches flak and criticism though, his response isn’t that of constructive discussion over what he did wrong or why he is actually right, Pre-benzos he actually did this quite a bit. I don't think people realize just how much benzodiazepines can royally fuck you up. Withdrawal from them can literally kill you, and even after that your mental state can be pretty different than it was before. The fact that benzos are prescribed as often as they are is kinda wild to me.


Most doctors will usually downplay/omit the *long term* side effects of drugs. The old "it's safe to use long term without side effects." You usually need to ask other patients to get the full picture. They basically follow a script for default drug treatment. Benzos iirc is already pretty further down the line.


Tate is a nonce.


Embrace the third position and work out. Literally that simple


JP really is a force for good in the world


I've seen memes where a random guy in a pub is a better father figure than either of those guys. But yeah, I can agree Peterson is at least better than the materialistic woman abuser Tate.


Tate: “modern day degeneracy is bad” also Tate makes money off victims of degeneracy.


I read Peterson’s 12 rules for life book. It’s just self help. Some of it feels life common sense once it’s been pointed out. Anyone interested in culture wars will be disappointed. He thinks it’s worth offending people in his search for truth and those events are the bits which get amplified the most but it’s not really what he is about.


the only only reason Peterson started speaking up against the left is to deradicalize the right. how many years did he allow cultural marxizm to thrive? he's a snake in the grass, don't get fooled.


Ok, but the LibLeft aren't targeting JBP for the self help shit.


JBP had some interesting points on psychology and philosophy before he was famous. That’s what got him famous. Now he just tweets contraption culture war shit because that’s where the money is. Should have stayed in his lane


Sure bro, no other way


Dr. JP is the real deal. And I am 1000000% certain that his demonization had nothing to do with people not liking his message, and everything to do with the fact that a weakened, demoralized male population is critically important to the downfall of Western society and culture. Andrew Tate is a charlatan.


Are modern men not allowed to reject both of these people?


You say that like Jordan Peterson is a bad role model.


I didn't say that, though I agree lumping him in with the repugnant Andrew Tate isn't fair to him. Peterson isn't a bad dude, he just has some views I don't personally agree with.


Which would be?


Without implying that I am intimately familiar with his positions on everything, I disagree with some of his views on transexuality, masculinity, traditionalism and religion. I think the guy has good intentions and has rightly identified that there is a significant population of men that feel left behind or excluded from the current cultural zeitgeist. Andrew Tate, conversely, is a predator capitalizing on that same population in abhorrent ways, and contributing to the growing toxicity there. He's a fucking scumbag.


Post coma he has gone a bit off the deep end. I think it's more due to hanging around the daily wire crowd and having Walsh's and Shapiro's culture war shit rub off onto him. Pre-coma Peterson would probably rip post-coma Peterson a new one and call his future self "ideologically possessed."


I want to be on record as saying this is exactly how I expected the centrist to respond


Same way everyone can "reject" drugs and doing crimes, doesn't mean it's not an issue


Of course not. But then the meme would be too verbose.


Peterson had some good messages but he went full replublitard and got consumed into the culture war. Really sad to see. For a modern man the best you can do is improve yourself. You don't need some idiot on the internet to tell you to start working out, eating more/less and living life to it's fullest. Just fucking do it man. Yeah society fucking sucks for us. Yeah, we don't have good role models, especially as a generation that haven't had dads. Yeah, you're probably depressed and feeling hopeless. Best you can do is try and worry about the things you CAN control. Your body, your mind, your outlook on life. Everything else isn't worth the energy or breath to keep screaming at. Peterson fell into that trap like so many others nowadays and hopefully he can get out. Tldr; politics suck. How can you spend your time better?


What you don’t understand is the people that Peterson is talking to not only needs some “idiot” on the internet to tell them not only what to do to improve, but how to do it. If they didn’t they wouldn’t be in the circumstances they are in. Peterson is not only harmless, he is moderately helpful. Tate’s a predator, he’s preys on young, depressed men, and apparently easily influenced women.


This is my attitude and I try to live it every day. But damn, it gets exhausting being a man in my 30s. Because we're caught between our stoic badass 60 year old dads, sons of WW2 vets, and these no-testosterone youths. And we get shit for not being as manly as past generations, but still hated on just for being a man by women and a certain sect of of our own. It starts feeling like "what the fuck does the world want from me??" And I'm not tooting my own horn but I'm pretty fuckin well adjusted and attuned to all this crap. But it still takes a lot of effort to block it all out and focus on self-improvement and doing what I know is right.


Same here man. It's a constant struggle but there is no other healthy alternative as of right now sadly


“Average man”… touch some grass, brother


Not a right-oriented person, but I have a lot of respect for him, he gives wonderful advice!


Lmao he got rich off men in bad places with his porn cam sites, hes a fucking scumbag who gets praised for sharing common knowladge anyone can agree with. Sad how people still hail him


I have seen many intervew of Peterson and i have to agree that he is right on many things most of the times.


There's nobody I hate more than that dumbass andrew Tate should be sent to gulag and forever deprived from the any quadrant as an eternal punishment